The strongest of the genies. All about gins. When the genie manages to enter the human body

Allah said in the Holy Quran: “We created man from dry, resonant clay obtained from modified mud. And even earlier We created jinn from a scorching flame ”(Al-Hijr, verses 26-27).

Messenger of Allah Muhammad (ﷺ): I was sent to the jinn and the people, white and black"(Abu Nuaim, Delailu-Nubuvva., No. 25,1 / 66)


What is the meaning of the word "genie"?

The word "djinn" (in the plural "dzhinniyun") formed from the word "ijtinab" means "to hide, secretive". The jinn, hidden from the eyes of man, were so named because of their invisibility. (Ibni Manzur, Lisanul-Arab, 13\95)

For example, the word "mazhnun", formed from the same root, means "one whose mind is hidden." It is customary to call the fetus in the womb "Jenin", which focuses our attention on its secrecy and invisibility to the ordinary human gaze. As well as the word "jannat", that is, paradise, formed from this root, and indicates to us the concealment of the soil by a large number of paradise trees.

Thus, we can say that this word means concealment and invisibility.


What does the Holy Quran say about jinn?

In the Holy Quran, in addition to mentioning Shaitan, there are about forty mentions of jinn.

Moreover, in the Qur'an there is a sura "Jinn", sent down to the Prophet (ﷺ) in Mecca, and tells us about a certain group of jinn. The Almighty, turning to the Prophet (ﷺ), tells us about the jinn who heard the recitation of the Qur'an:

“Say, O Muhammad, to your community: “Allah sent down to me a Revelation that the host of jinn, overhearing my recitation (of the Koran), said to their people: “Verily, we have heard a wonderful Koran, the like of which we have not heard before. He guides to the straight path and calls to the truth. And we believed in him, and we will not worship anyone but our Lord, who created and instructed us. (Sura Al-Jinn, verses 1-2.)

The Holy Qur'an points out the common obligation in the worship of Allah and jinn and people, despite the fact that these are two different types of creations. Allah Almighty says:

“I did not create jinn and humans for any benefit to Me, but only for them to worship Me. But worship brings them benefits ”(Sura Az-Zairat, ayat 56)

And once again Allah admonishes:

“We will say: “O host of jinn and people! Did not messengers from your number come to you, who recited My verses to you and warned you about meeting this day of yours? They will say, "We testify against ourselves." The worldly life deceived them, and they will bear witness against themselves that they were unbelievers ”(Sura Al-Anam, verse 130)

The fact that all the deeds of the jinn in this world, as well as people, will be reflected in the akhirah is said in the following verse: “If We wished, we would guide every person on the straight path, but My Word will be fulfilled:“ Gehenna by jinn and people - all together! (Sura Sajda, verse 13)

In another surah, Almighty Allah says about what awaits the righteous people and jinn in paradise: “There will be virgins, lowering their eyes, with whom neither man nor jinn had before.” (Sura Ar-Rahman, ayat 56)

Giving an example of the similarity of people and jinn, Allah tells us: “Say:“ If people and jinn were united in order to compose something like this Qur’an, they would not succeed even if they began to help each other. Al-Isra, verse 88)

Refuting the allegations that the jinn know secrets, Allah gives us an example: “When, by Our command, death came to Sulaiman, the jinn did not guess about it, and only the earth worm indicated his death, lifting the staff on which he leaned, and he fell . And when he fell, only then did the jinn understand that if they had known the secret, they would not have remained in a humiliating and difficult punishment for them - labor ”(Sura Saba, ayat 14)

And there are a number of verses like these that tell us about jinn. Of course, there is no reason to deny the existence of such creatures as jinn, because the Holy Quran, which tells us about them, being a divine message, has not been subject to any changes throughout its existence. Accordingly, to deny the existence of jinn, and even more so to question the veracity of the verses sent down by Allah Almighty, is nothing more than a sign of a person’s own ignorance and unbelief.

Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan Kamil Khazrat Samigullin

Gadzhi Israfil Aliyev, Armavir, Russia


Malaika - ( in units - malak) - angels, one of the three categories of intelligent beings created by Allah (the other two are people and genies). These are messengers (messengers) and servants of Allah, executors of his will, decisions and orders. They are created, according to the Qur'an, from fire (Sura Al Aaraf, ayat 12/11), according to hadith - from light. The concepts of masculine and feminine are inapplicable to them, although in certain situations they may manifest their gender (Harut and Marut). Malaiki live in heaven, protect paradise, surround the throne and throne of Allah, sing his praise (Sura Az Zumar, verse 75; Sura Gafer, verse 7-9). They descend on the righteous (Sura Fussilat, verse 30), protect people, convey the words of Allah to the prophets (Sura Al Hijr, verse 7-8; Sura An Nakhl, verse 2), monitor the affairs of people and write down (Sura Az Zuhruf, verse 80 ) the deeds committed by them and predetermined by them. Malaiki are participants in all stages of the posthumous judgment (Sura An Nahl, verse 28/30; Sura Al Furqan, verse 22/24; Sura As Saffat, verses 1-3; Sura Al Haqqa, verse 17; Sura An Nabaa, verse 38; Sura Al Fajr, ayat 22/23) and punishments (Sura Muhammad, ayat 27/29), keepers and guardians of heaven and hell.

The Qur'an distinguishes several categories of malaik. The highest among them are muqarrabun (close ones) (Sura An Nisa, verse 172/170), who are at the throne of Allah. Among the highest Malaiks is Jabrail, whom tradition declares to be the main mediator between Allah and Muhammad, as well as Isa and Maryam (Sura Al Bakara, ayat 97-98/92; Sura At-Tahrim, verse 4; Sura Al Maida, ayat 110/109; Sura Maryam, verse 17). Next to him is Mikail (Sura Al Bakara, ayat 98/92). Israfil is also close to Allah, not mentioned in the Qur'an, but, according to tradition, considered the first companion of Muhammad before Jabrail was sent to him. Rough and strong Malaiki guard hell (jahannam) and are called zabaniya (guardians), there are nineteen of them (Sura At Tahrim, ayat 6; Sura Al Muddasir, verses 30 - 31; Sura Alya Alyak, ayat 18). The head of the guardians of hell is called malik (Sura Az Zuhruf, verse 77). The angel of death (Sura As Sajda, verse 11) received the name Azrael in the legend. In the post-Quran tradition, the names of two angels interrogating the dead, Nakir and Munkar, appeared. Gradually, a detailed hierarchy of Malaikas was developed, placing them in different heavens.

Malaiki were created before man and tried to dissuade Allah from creating Adam. After its creation, Allah forced them to prostrate before a man, which everyone did except Iblis (Sura Al Bakar, ayat 29/27 - 34/32), who was cast down from heaven for this and doomed to the torments of hell after the Judgment. Two other angels on earth who could not resist worldly temptations, Harut and Marut, were doomed to torment in this life, before the Judgment.

One of the points of view based on the texts of the Qur'an, in particular speaking about the worship of Malay people, is to consider angels lower than people. According to another, based on philosophical reasoning that the Malay are incorporeal, able to work miracles, know the past and the future, angels are higher than people.

A characteristic feature of post-Quranic theology and according to legend was the idea that each person is accompanied by two angels (Sura Kaf, ayat 17/16), helping him, keeping records of his actions and intentions and fighting for his soul with the devil.

The relatively small number of proper names of angels in the Qur'an is sometimes explained by a conscious desire not to give a reason to make them objects of worship (Sura Ali Imran, verse 80/74; Sura Saba, verse 40/39; Sura Az Zuhruf, verse 19/18; Sura Al Najim verse 26). Angelology played a significant role in the teachings of al-Suhrawardi, Ibn Arabi and other Sufis.

Gurias (white).

Gurias, according to the Koran, those in which the whites of the eyes contrast sharply with the blackness of the pupil, i.e. the black-eyed are the virgins of paradise who will be the spouses of the righteous in paradise. They are spoken of as black-eyed, big-eyed(Ad-Duhan, verse 54; Attur, verse 20). They live in tents (Ar Rahman, verse 72), neither man nor genie has touched them (Ar Rahman, verse 74), they are like pearls hidden (in a shell) (Al Waqia, verse 22). There is also the expression azwaj mutahhara - pure, purified, spouses (Al Bakara, ayat 25; Ali Imran, ayat 15; An Nisa, ayat 57), they are virgins, loving husband, contemporaries (Al Vakna, ayat 36-37).

It is also reported that the wives of the righteous will go to paradise with them (Az Zuhruf, verse 70) - Enter heaven, you and your wives will be blessed. They are also mentioned in Surah Ya-Sin, ayat 56; Gafer, verse 8.

Some Quran commentators emphasize the difference between houris and earthly women. The Sufis spiritualized the image of the houris even more, making them symbols of mystical love and mystical pleasures.


Jabrail- the name of the angel closest to Allah, the main mediator between him and the prophets, in particular Muhammad. In the Quran, he is mentioned as the patron of Muhammad, protecting him together with Allah from the unbelievers, specially sent to Muhammad with a revelation - the Quran (Sura Al Bakara, ayat 97/91 - 98/92; Sura Al Wagia, ayat 4). Commentators refer to Jabrail such designations of the spirit that conveyed revelations to Muhammad, such as ar-pyx (spirit - Sura Al Isra, ayat 85/87; Sura Al Qadr, verse 4), ruh al-kudus (holy spirit - Sura An Nakhl, ayat 102/104), ar-pyx al-amin (faithful spirit - Sura Ash Guara, ayat 193), ruh min amr Allah ( spirit from the command of Allah- Sura An Nakhl, verse 2; Sura As Saffat, ayat 85/87; Sura Gafer, verse 15; Sura Ash Shura, verse 52). Similar expressions are used in the stories about Maryam (ruh - Sura Maryam, ayat 17; Sura At Takhrim, verse 12) and Isa (ruh al-kudus - Sura Al Bakara, ayat 87/81, 253/254; Sura Al Maida, ayat 110 /109); it is believed that the Qur'an connects Jabrail with them as well.

In the post-Quran tradition, first of all, the role of Gabriel in the life of Muhammad is described in detail. He began to transmit the Qur'an to Muhammad and handed it over piece by piece. He protected and instructed the Prophet, accompanied him during night travel to Jerusalem, helped him in military campaigns and in theological disputes. Gabriel also became an important figure in stories about other prophets. Allah sent Jabrail for the earth to create Adam, Jabrail took care of Adam after his expulsion from paradise, he helped Nuh escape and saved the son of Ibrahim Ismail, he taught Yusuf many languages, he taught Daud to make chain mail, he helped Suleiman, predicted Zakaria the birth of Yahya, etc. d.

Jabrail is considered the main of the four angels close to Allah (the others are Mikail, Azrael and Israfil). He is sometimes described as a being of enormous stature, whose feet are on the ground and whose head is in the clouds. It plays a significant role in Muslim magic. His name, along with the names of other angels close to Allah, is written along the edges of the magic squares.


Mikail - the name of one of the main angels especially close to Allah (malaika). In the Qur'an it is mentioned once next to Jabrail, in the threat of punishment to those who are hostile to Allah, his angels and messengers (Sura Al Bakara, ayat 98/92). It is rarely mentioned in the legend, most often next to Jabrail, in particular in stories about obtaining land for the creation of Adam, about washing the heart of Muhammad before the miraj, as an assistant to Muslims in battles with the Meccans. His name, along with the names of other angels (Jabrail, Azrael, Israfil), is widely used in Muslim magic.

Michael corresponds to Michael of Jewish and Christian angelology. Among the defenders of Islam, Mikail was included in the Medina suras.


Israfil(Sarafil) is one of the four angels closest to Allah. He reads divine decisions about the fate of people and the world from the treasured tablet and passes them on to other angels for execution. His main attribute is the trumpet, with which he never partes and which he will blow on the Day of the Resurrection of the Dead, standing on the sacred rock in Jerusalem; according to her voice, people will die, and then everyone will start to rise from their graves (al-maad) .

According to some legends, Israfil was the angel who conveyed the first revelations to Muhammad and protected him for several years, then passing this mission on to Jabrail.

Israfil is described as a creature of cosmic dimensions, his legs reached the lower layers of the earth, and his head reached the throne of Allah. It has four wings and its body is covered with hair, mouths and tongues. Three times a day and three times during the night he looks into the jahannam and weeps in grief and compassion.


Azrael- the angel of death, one of the angels closest to Allah. In the Qur'an, in one place he is mentioned as a nameless angel of death (Sura As Sajda, verse 11), and in another (according to some comments) - several times (Sura An Naziat, ayat 1-2). Tradition describes Azrael as a being of cosmic dimensions, seated on a bed of light. He has four faces, four thousand wings, and his whole body consists of eyes and tongues, the number of which is equal to the number of people living on earth.

It is believed that originally he was just one of the main angels. Before the creation of Adam, Allah sent angels to bring him clay from different parts of the earth. The earth resisted, Jabrail, Mikail and Israfil could not tear a single piece out of it. This was succeeded by Azrael, who, for his severity, was appointed the main angel of death. Several other angels of death obey him.

When the death of a person comes, a leaf with his name falls from a tree growing at the throne of Allah. Within forty days the soul of that person must be separated from the body. People may initially resist the deprivation of their soul. Often Azrael you have to ask Allah for help. Legends tell that Musa resisted Azrael for a long time and successfully. The souls of believers are taken out of their bodies smoothly and painlessly, the souls of unbelievers are rudely and painfully pulled out of their chests.


Auzu bi-Llahi min ash-Shaytani r-rajim. I resort to Allah for help against Shaitan, who is being stoned.


Iblis- the devil, Satan - the name of an angel who was cast down from heaven and became the enemy of Allah, leads believers astray. Other nicknames are Shaitan (the head of all evil spirits - shaitans), Aduvv Allah (enemy of Allah) or simply Aduvv (enemy). Muslim prayers often begin with a spell against Iblis-shaitan- Auzu bi Allahi minash-shaitan r-rajim(I resort to Allah for help against the shaitan who is being stoned). Rajim - stoned (sinner or apostate) - a constant epithet for the name of Iblis-shaitan, dating back to the Koran (Sura Al Hijr, verse 34). Spells against Iblis Shaitan are the last suras of the Koran (Sura Ar Raad, 114).

According to the Koran, Iblis was the only angel who disobeyed Allah, refusing to prostrate before the first man he created - Adam - I am better than him- Youcreated me from fire, and created him from clay(Sura Al Aaraf, verse 12/11). For this, he was cast down from heaven and doomed to the torments of hell. However, Iblis asked Allah for a respite of punishment until the Day of Judgment and swore to harm Allah on earth and seduce people - I will sit against them on Your straight path. Then I will come to them both in front and behind, and on the right and on the left, and You will not find most of them grateful(Sura Al Aaraf, ayat 16/15 - 17/16), I will decorate with them what what is on earth, and I will bring them all down(Sura Al Hijr, verse 39). After the Judgment, Iblis and all who obeyed him will be thrown into hell (Sura Ash Nuara, verse 94; Sura Al Bakara, verse 34/32; Sura Al Aaraf, verse 11/10 - 18/17; Sura Al Hijr, verse 30 - 43; Sura Al Isra, verse 61/63 - 64/66; Sura Al Kahf, verse 50/48; Sura Ta-Ha, verse 116/115; Sura Sad, verse 71 - 84/85.

According to the post-Quran tradition, Iblis lives on earth, leading evil spirits - shaitans and genies, whom he himself is able to generate. He lives among the ruins, in cemeteries, in baths, in markets, drinks wine, loves singing, dancing, poetry. One of his favorite activities is to make people forget about pious deeds, about prayer. Often he prevents people from praying, steals property from the zakat. You can drive it away by reading aloud the verses of the Qur'an (for example, Sura Al Bakara, ayat 268/271).

Iblis corrupted the first man Adam, trying to prove his superiority over him. Having made his way to paradise, he persuaded him and his wife to disobey Allah and taste the fruits of the forbidden tree (Sura Al Bakar, ayat 36/34; Sura Al Aaraf, ayat 20/19 - 25/24; Sura Ta-Ha, ayat 120/118 - 121/119). He was the reason for the disbelief of the Queen of Sheba, Adites, Thamud. Each prophet became the object of the intrigues of Iblis. In particular, the ritual of throwing pebbles during the Hajj is considered a reminder of how Ibrahim drove away the devil who was pursuing him here. Iblis repeatedly tried to prevent Muhammad from praying, and once allegedly inspired phrases containing the recognition of the triad of Meccan goddesses as ascending to Allah and the Koran. Iblis inspired the enemies of Muhammad, both the Meccans and the Medinan hypocrites (munafiqun).

The post-Qur'anic tradition pays great attention to the various versions of the story of Iblis before his fall. It is said that he was called Azazil or al-Harith and was sent from heaven to suppress the rebellion of the genies on earth. Proud of his victory and the fact that he ruled over the whole earth (hence another of his names - Hakam), he disobeyed the order of Allah.

In connection with the story of Iblis, several problems have been discussed in theological literature related to the concepts of predestination and the omnipotence of God, which are important for Islam. In order to remove the contradiction arising from the disobedience of Iblis and his rivalry with Allah for the souls of people, he was declared an instrument of Allah, specially chosen to test people. His weakness before Allah was especially emphasized (Sura Al Hashr, verse 16). The specific reasons for his refusal to bow down to Adam were also discussed. The usual explanation is pride and self-confidence, which killed many other characters in Muslim sacred history. Another, partially suggested by the Koran (Sura Al Kahf, ayat 50/48), that he was not an angel, but a genie who made his way to heaven and behaved as a genie is supposed to. There is another explanation accepted by some Sufis, notably by Hallaj. According to him, Iblis considered the worship of anyone other than Allah to be a violation of true monotheism, thus he showed loyalty to faith in Allah, but did not pass the test of obedience. According to many Sufis (Ibn Arabi), he will eventually be forgiven by Allah.


Jin ( units h. Gini; synonym jani) - genies, creatures, one of the three categories created by Allah of intelligent beings (the other two are angels and people). According to the Qur'an, genies are created from smokeless fire, have air or fiery bodies, are able to take on any form, and perform complex work. They lived on earth even before the creation of Adam, usually hostile to people (Sura Al Anaam, ayat 112, 128 - 130; Sura Al Hijr, ayat 27; Sura As Saffat, ayat 158; Sura Fussilat, ayat 29; Sura Al Ahkaf, ayat 18 / 17; Sura Al Zariat, verse 56; Sura Ar Rahman, verse 15/14). According to legend, they are male and female, live in deserts, mountains and forests; There are several types - hum, ifrit, silat. Tradition sometimes refers to genies and shaitans.

According to the Koran, Muhammad was sent by Allah to both people and jinn. Some of the jinn, having heard the reading of the Koran by the prophet, believed and began to spread Islam (Sura Al Jin, ayat 1-17; Sura Al Ahkaf, ayat 29/28 - 32/31). Others continued to do evil deeds, following Iblis and making up his army together with the shaitans. Like all unbelievers, they are doomed to torment in Jahannam (Sura Al Aaraf, verse 38/36, 179/178; Sura Hud, verse 119/120). Gentiles worshiped jinn (Sura Saba, ayat 41/40). By order of Allah, a large number of jinn served Suleiman, they built a temple and palaces for him, delivered in the blink of an eye the throne of the Queen of Sheba (Sura Saba, ayat 12/11 - 14/13; Sura An Naml, ayat 17, 38 - 42). Jinas can cause illness, cause suffering, can harm a person, but they can also help him.

Muslim theologians, recognizing the reality of the existence of jinn, preferred not to talk about them in detail. Muslim literature of an artistic and instructive nature is full of stories about genies, about their love stories, about the treasures they keep, about their attempts to tempt ascetics. Jinn, with their ability to work miracles, were beloved characters in the folk literature and folklore of the Muslim Middle Ages, in particular, the tales of the 1001 Nights cycle.

One of the main aspects of Muslim magic is the attempt to subdue the genies and use their ability to work miracles. To this day, manual books on conquering genies are widely popular.

Jinn - almost completely entered into Islam from the pre-Islamic folk beliefs of Arabia. For the inhabitants of Inner Arabia VI-VII centuries. the whole world around them - deserts, mountains, stones and trees - was inhabited by genies; they were considered mostly hostile to humans, but they could be appeased by worshiping them and making sacrifices, they could seek help (Sura Al Anaam, verse 100, 128; Sura As Saffat, verse 158; Sura Al Jin, verse 6). The genies, like the shaitans, helped soothsayers (kahins) and poets (shairs) to receive inspiration from the other world. The tribesmen of Muhammad believed and his speech inspired by genies. The Qur'an included jinn in the Muslim picture of the world, giving an Islamic explanation for what the Arabians of the beginning of VII in, was an unconditional reality. In the future, the Muslim image of genies absorbed many elements of the folklore and religious heritage of the peoples who converted to Islam.


Shayatin- (from the word shaitan) - shaitans, a category of evil spirits hostile to Allah and people, doomed together with their master - Iblis shaitan to hellish torment after the Day of Judgment. Shayatins are the main tool of Iblis for seducing people, they distract them from pious deeds and incite them to sinful deeds. Created from fire or smoke, can be generated by Iblis. They may have names and take various external forms. They live in groups in different countries, the Shayatins of India and Syria are especially famous for their power. The epithet rajim is attached to shayatins, as well as to shaitan (Sura Al Hijr, ayat 17). According to the legends, shayatins encouraged many characters of sacred history, such as Yusuf, to commit sins and mistakes. Part of the Shayatins obeyed Suleiman, but then returned to impious deeds. Shayatin prevent people from praying, make them forget about God, teach them magic and magic, push people to sin and deeds that are only outwardly good.

It is generally accepted that each person has his own shaitan and his own angel. Both of them are fighting for the human heart. Shayatin use his carnal desires, desires for pleasure, anger, malice, envy, etc. in order to lead him astray from the path of Allah, sometimes a person does not even notice it. Those who follow the persuasion of Shayatin eventually go to hell, because Shayatin are powerless before Allah. To drive away the Shayatins, it is enough to call on the help of Allah by saying the formula - auz bi-llahi min ash-shaitan al-rajim or verses of the Koran (for example, Sura Al Bakara, ayat 268/271).

Theologians have discussed the connection between the Shayatins and the Jinn. According to the most common point of view, shayatins are the most obstinate and unbelieving part of the jinn. According to another version, this is a special category of creatures, initially doomed to disbelief and punishment in hell, while some of the genies can believe in Allah and thereby be saved. In the Qur'an and in theological writings, shaitan (Iblis) and shayatin are often interchanged, because. Shayatin are the executors of the will and orders of Iblis.


Ifrit- (plural afarit; mighty, victorious) - the name of the most vicious, cunning and strong genies. In the plural, it is sometimes considered a common name for genies and shaitans. In the Qur'an, Ifrit from the genies is taken to bring Sulaiman the throne of the Queen of Sheba (Sura An Naml, verse 39). Often found as a character in folklore and folk literature, for example in the cycle of tales 1001 nights. In late medieval Egypt, ifrits were considered the spirits of people who died a violent death.


Harut and Marut- the names of two angels imprisoned for sins in prison in Babylon. They are mentioned in the Qur'an as experts in magic (sihr), teaching it to people, but warning them against the consequences of its use. -... but the devils were unfaithful, teaching people witchcraft and what was sent down to both angels in Babylon - X Harut and Marut. But they both taught no one until they said, We are the temptation, don't be unfaithful! People who sought magical knowledge from them learned how to separate husband and wife and much more, but did not heed their warnings, although they knew that the acquisition of knowledge of witchcraft entails punishment in the Hereafter (Sura Al Bakara, ayat 102/96).

According to post-Qur'anic traditions, Allah reproached the angels who condemned the sinfulness of people with the fact that they, among earthly temptations, would not be able to maintain purity. Three angels went to earth to prove their resilience. One immediately felt that earthly passions would overcome him, and returned to heaven. The other two, Harut and Marut, stayed behind, became infatuated with a beautiful woman and, under her influence, committed all possible misdeeds, from worshiping idols to killing. They were asked to choose the time of punishment - in a future life or in the present. They chose the latter and since then have been imprisoned in Babylon, where they are chained, thirsty, waiting for release after the end of the world. Those who want to learn magic make their way here to them.

The Koran used the legend of angels descending to earth, variants of which also exist in Jewish (midrashim) and Christian (Cave of Treasures) monuments. The midrashim variant has been used by some commentators in interpreting the Qur'an.


Yajuj and Majuj- creatures hostile to people living in the extreme east of the earth. Gog and Magog of the Bible. The story of Dhul-Qarnayn tells that when he reached a place between two barriers, the people who lived there asked to build a wall between the barriers in order to protect them from Yajuj and Majuj, who spread wickedness on the earth. With the help of Allah, Dhul-Qarnayn built a wall between two mountains, the cracks in which he filled with molten iron. Since then, Yajuj and Majuj have not been able to climb this wall or make a hole in it. At the same time, Zul-Qarnayn predicted that on the eve of the end of the world this wall would turn to dust (Sura Al Kahf, verse 93/92 - 98/97), for Yajuj and Majuj the path to people would open, and they would rush from every hill (Sura Al Anbiya verse 96).

According to the post-Quran tradition, Yajuj and Majuj are beings of enormous size. Some of them have huge ears that can cover the body. Every night they dig a tunnel under the wall erected by Dhul-Qarnayn, but in the morning Allah destroys everything they have done. On the eve of the end of the world, Yajuj and Majuj will conquer the whole earth, kill many people, drink the water of all the big rivers and lakes, and then start shooting at the heavens. Then Allah will destroy them by sending worms from the sky that will clog the noses, mouths and ears of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj.

1. Which count became an intermediary in Alexander Pushkin's relations with the sovereign? Answer: Benckendorff.
5. "Mephistopheles by Ilya Oblomov". Answer: Stolz.
9. Shine induced on clothes. Answer: Lurex
10. Image styling of punks. Answer: Iroquois.
11. "The Guinness Book of Records" called HIM "the highest paid actor of the decade." Answer: Radcliffe.
14. "The talent of the prophets." Answer: Clairvoyance.
16. "Honey shop". Answer: Uley.
18. The most popular musical style in aerobics. Answer: Disco.
19. "Combat dance" of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. Answer: Hopak.
20. Main idea. Answer: Idea.
23. Football club named after the hero from Homer's Iliad. Answer: Ajax.
28. What does progress symbolize? Answer: development.
29. Who is the hero of Robert Pattinson from the movie "Cosmopolis" going to? Answer: hairdresser.
30. Holy bones. Answer: Strength.
31. Which of the Napoleonic marshals, having become the Swedish king, led an army against the French? Answer: Bernadotte
32. What was Tallinn once? Answer: Revel.
33. Awarded title. Answer: Title.
34. "Fried ..." from a tabloid newspaper. Answer: Fact.
40. The legend of world tennis, whose championship trophies were stolen in 2010. Answer: Sampras.
42. Which of the Russian critics rests next to Ivan Turgenev? Answer: Belinsky
43. Basis of hope. Answer: Faith.
44. Chemical element, biocorrector of the highest rank. Answer: Selenium.
45. “And so that no one would guess that this ... about you.” Answer: Song.
46. ​​"Drape" on a hill of pillows. Answer: Cape.
47. Chess horse. Answer: Horse.
48. "God of the newlyweds." Answer: Hymen.
49. French philosopher, whose brain from a strong wind came to a complete breakdown. Answer: Diderot.
50. Singer ... Arbenina. Answer: Diana.
51. "Visuli" at the crybaby. Answer: Nuni.
52. Beet tops, going to the preparation of botvinya. Answer: Balanda.

1. The Moscow factory that sewed Leonid Brezhnev's favorite blue shirts. Answer: Bolshevik
2. Victim of a vegetarian. Answer: Flora.
3. "Don't get in, he'll kill you!" Answer: Caution.
4. Drinking song at an antique feast. Answer: Skolion
6. Swamp "napalm". Answer: Peat.
7. What's the best thing about service? Answer: Lux.
8. German who created the first high-level programming language. Answer: Zuse.
10. "The strongest of the jinn", mentioned in the Qur'an. Answer: Ifrit
12. What game was Winston Churchill fond of? Answer: Bezic.
13. Vodka "Scottish Spill". Answer: Whiskey.
15. Unbelted. Answer: Hooligan.
17. Marine builder. Answer: shipbuilder.
18. Pilgrimage to the kingdom of Neptune. Answer: Diving.
21. "Horned herd". Answer: Herd.
22. Champagne desire. Answer: Dream.
24. With what people's commissar of internal affairs was Maxim Gorky in bosom friendship? Answer: Berry.
25. What killed Trish Dunn from Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol? Answer: Alcohol.
26. "Magic Evolution". Answer: transformation.
27. Which centipede is described by American writer William Burroughs as "absolute evil" in his novels? Answer: Scolopendra.
31. "Advanced shaman downloaded to ... new melodies." Answer: Tambourine.
34. Website icon. Answer: Favicon.
35. Who became a cuckold in Leo Tolstoy because of Vronsky? Answer: Karen.
36. The lowest voice. Answer: bass.
37. With what mountain does the Bible associate the acquisition of the Ten Commandments? Answer: Sinai.
38. From which pills did Louis Aragon and Elsa Triolet create the shocking necklace? Answer: Aspirin.
39. Which of the English classics wrote villains in his books from himself? Answer: Dickens.
41. Weapons from Pushkin's "Song of the Prophetic Oleg". Answer: Axe.
42. The process of interviewing. Answer: Conversation.
46. ​​The rarest grade for a botanist student. Answer: Failed.

Problem related togenies and devils, is one of the diseases that today covered a lot of people.

The disease they cause genie and devil happens for two reasons:

1) When genies they themselves cause problems to people, violate their peace, health, harm them;

2) When genies they penetrate into the bodies of people not of their own free will, but by a conspiracy, a spell of a sorcerer, are in the human body by force and often cannot leave the body until they are freed from witchcraft. Therefore, speaking of genies, we are obliged to touch on two topics: to talk about the world genies to have reliable information about him, and talk about the essence of witchcraft.

And we must immediately remind you: a Muslim must be treated for genies only by permitted Sharia methods, it is unacceptable to turn to magicians, sorcerers, fortune-tellers, psychics or followers of any pagan cults.

genie world

In Russia genies they are called differently: demons, demons, brownies, etc. No matter what anyone says, we know that this world exists, and, trying to tell about this invisible world, we also get into some kind of difficulty. After all, this world is invisible, and we cannot fully explore its inhabitants. But we Muslims must know that faith in genies- this is from the hidden faith. That is, just as we believe in angels, although we do not see them, in the same way we are obliged to believe in genies. Because the one who denies existence genies, contradicts the Qur'an and the Sunnah, since in the Qur'an the jinn are mentioned in 10 suras, in about 40 verses, there is also a separate sura called "Jinns".

A hadith narrated from Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) states that the Prophet ﷺ said: “The barrier between the son of Adam and the jinn is the words of a Muslim when he takes off his clothes if he says:“ Bismillahi llazi la ilaha illa huwa rrahmanu rrahim ”” (Tirmizi). Another hadith says: “The one who, leaving the house, says: “Bismillah, wa tawakkaltu ala Allah wa la hawla wala kuvvata illa billahil aliyil azim”, will get on the right path, the Almighty will protect him from the jinn, and the shaitan will move away from him "(Abu Dawud, Tirmizi, an-Nasai).

The Quran and Sunnah say that genies created before humans. We also know that they eat, drink, marry, breed; they see us, but we don't see them. We can see them only when they materialize in some physical body. And when they want us to see them, they take the form of some animals or people. They are rational beings, and, like people, they are also obliged to worship the Almighty, and on the Day of Judgment they will answer for their actions. Jinn are similar to people in that among them there are Muslims and non-Muslims, there are genies different faiths, there are atheists. Some think that there are no believers among them, but the Qur'an says that there are genies believers and non-believers. They enter the bodies of people and animals.

We also know that they differ from people and from angels in their qualities, since the Almighty created angels from nur, genies- from fire, and people - from clay.

Almighty gave genies such power that they can turn into any creature, be it an animal, an insect, etc. Also, the Almighty gave genies speed, and they move faster than the wind; they are not restrained by any barriers, such as houses, fortresses, closed doors, windows, etc., but at the same time they cannot enter the house where the door is locked with the remembrance of Allah Almighty, the dishes with the remembrance of Allah are covered, etc. n. No matter how powerful they may be, they cannot enter such a house and harm the people there. The Prophet ﷺ said: “Indeed devil, genie cannot open a door locked with the name of Allah, and you close your bags of remembrance of Allah, saying: "Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim" , cover your dishes, also remembering Allah, and when you go to bed, turn off the light.

What is sorcery?

Witchcraft is arbitrary from the interaction of the sorcerer with genies when spells or pagan rites are used, resulting in damage, harm to a person’s health, his property, his relationship with other people. Sorcerers cause enormous damage to society: as a result of their activities, people get sick, often die from diseases; neighbors, friends, relatives become enemies, families break up; people who love each other are doomed to suffering, separated. Children with living parents become orphans. Healthy people cannot have offspring, pregnant women cannot keep the fetus. The danger of witchcraft lies also in the fact that it affects the heart. The heart is the place where our faith, iman, is located. And witchcraft directly affects the heart, causing various feelings in it, such as love, hatred, anger, irritation, hostility.

Mental illness in witchcraft

When a person gets sick due to witchcraft, his psyche, nervous system are disturbed, physiological changes often occur in the human body, up to pathologies.

But we must understand that witchcraft is only one part of the problem. After we banished genie, destroyed witchcraft, the consequences of this witchcraft still remain in a person, and medical assistance is often required here.

Location of genies

Jinn there are in abandoned places, in ruins, in deserts, and especially at night in stagnant waters. Therefore, when you approach stagnant waters at night, you must definitely say: "Auzu billahi meena shshaitani rajim" , - with the aim that the genies leave this place. They are in those places where there is sewage (najas), in baths, in toilets and where garbage is thrown, in the cemeteries of unbelievers, in markets, as well as in those places and houses where they do not commemorate the Almighty and do not read the Koran. And in those houses in which they do not remember Allah, which are considered destroyed, devastated, they can also gather genies.

When does a jinn manage to enter a human body?

Jinnah it is easy to enter the body of a person when a person visits sorcerers, fortune-tellers and uses their services. And it should be noted that when a person goes to a sorcerer, he gradually loses his will and after that he is not able to take a single independent step. If the first time he went to the sorcerer for a serious reason, then in the future he is forced to turn to him for every trifle. Communication with sorcerers, in addition to taking away faith and dooming to death in the future, already in this world makes a person dependent on these people.

Genie can enter a person in order to take revenge on him, if a person, for example, involuntarily damaged a dwelling genies or, throwing a stone, wounded one of genies, and they, angry, enter a person and create health and mental problems for him. Easy to enter genie when a person is in great sadness, anger or laughs a lot (laughs). We know that excessive laughter mortifies the heart and is frowned upon in Islam. Our beloved Messenger of Allah ﷺ mostly smiled.

What diseases does the genie cause?

Genie may cause confusion. It can also be caused by medical reasons. But, as we know, in the case when it is from genies doctors can't make a diagnosis. As if everything is normal, but the person complains, and it is noticeable that he is out of his mind. Genie creates a state of sadness in a person, a person withdraws into himself, constantly seeks solitude, loves darkness or twilight, lingers in the toilet for a long time, stops looking after himself.

Genie creates excessive nervous tension, exhaustion, excitement, constant worries, loss of strength. People feel that someone is taking away their energy. Some kind of suggestion, wandering thoughts that are not characteristic of this person, lack of clarity, freshness, peace in the head, memory impairment. Sometimes a person thinks that this happens in everyone's head, but in fact it is a disease. Genie causes strong fears and horror, and can cause fear of loneliness, darkness. A person begins to hear voices or conversations inside himself, hallucinations begin. The patient can see his loved ones in a disgusting way, for example, a husband sees his wife or husband's wife in some animal form or as if horns grow on a person. In this case, if a person sees a person in a similar form, then the problem is not in that person, but in the one who sees him - here he is the patient in which he sits genie.

Genie makes a person become overly irritable, touchy, begins to argue with everyone, something elusive appears in him, repelling people. There may be some pain in the body, wandering pains. That is, today your kidneys hurt, tomorrow your legs, and you can’t understand what hurts you, and doctors also can’t make a correct diagnosis. Or a person's stomach begins to move - a person sits, does not make any efforts, movements, but feels how his stomach moves. There may be pain in the stomach or in the back. Among women genie contribute to infertility, there are uterine bleeding, violation of cycles, all kinds of inflammation of the female organs, back pain. Men also experience infertility, impotence, and premature ejaculation.

Reading the Koran, you can burn genie, that's why genie afraid to enter a person who prays, reads the Koran, who has a connection with the Almighty. Therefore, basically genies are included in those who are far from Allah, far from fulfilling the requirements of Shariah.

Witchcraft mechanism

The mechanism of witchcraft is as follows. There is a sorcerer and there is a person against whom witchcraft is done, a spell is cast, certain rituals are performed, and there is genie who will "serve" this sorcery. i.e. genie forced into the human body. And bewitched gin will harm him according to what he is entrusted with. There are also genie, which "serves" witchcraft from the informational side. That is, when a person is sick or something happened, this genie brings the sorcerer information about how the patient's day went, how he feels.

Witchcraft is one of the destructive sins. Who does not want to destroy his soul, he should not resort to the services of a sorcerer. In a hadith narrated from Bukhari and Muslim it says: Avoid the Seven Deadly Sins ". The Prophet ﷺ was asked: “What, O Messenger of Allah ﷺ?” He replied: " Shirk, witchcraft, murder, usury, eating the property of an orphan, fleeing during an offensive, slandering innocent Muslims ". After shirk, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ called witchcraft: avoid it, he says. Another hadith says: The one who came to the soothsayer and believed what he said, he renounced what was sent down by the Almighty Muhammad ﷺ, and the one who came to the soothsayer, not believing in him, prayer will not be accepted for 40 days ».

Sorcerers, when a certain person comes to them and begins to tell, often say: “Don't say anything, I know everything. Your father and mother are sick,” or they tell about other problems of the visitor. And this person thinks: “How did he know all this? He has a gift from Allah!” But in fact, this sorcerer receives information from those genies who know the history of this person. These are to be guarded against.

Another danger is that if a person is treated by a Muslim specialist and for some reason the treatment fails, then this person begins to look for other ways, that is, he goes to sorcerers, psychics. He adds pagan rites to Muslim treatment, forgetting that in fact it is not a Muslim specialist or a sorcerer who heals, but Almighty Allah. Therefore, it is necessary to use the permitted methods of treatment and ask the Creator for healing - only in this we will find health, happiness and His contentment. We have our own methods of treatment, and they are in accordance with the Qur'an and the Sunnah. We must use them, because we know that only Allah heals, and if He pleases the treatment, then, insha Allah, it will help.

Qualities that one who heals from jinn should have

1. Ikhlas - sincerity. Helping people is necessary only for the sake of Allah, because this is part of our faith, part of worship, and worship needs the right intention. The hadith says: Whoever has learned the knowledge that must be acquired for the sake of Allah, in order to achieve a worldly goal, will not even smell Paradise on the Day of Judgment "(Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah). That is, if a certain person was specially trained to read the Koran in order to receive worldly profit, then he will not even feel the smell of Paradise.

2. The reciter of the Quran needs deep knowledge in religion, especially in matters of aqidah. Jinn there are different confessions and when they enter into a dialogue, they try to discuss, and at the same time they can easily mislead a person - in the sense that a Muslim himself can fall into shirk.

For example, genie can say: "Alright, I'll get out of this man for you". And the doctor should answer him: “Come out for the sake of Allah, not for me”.

3. Piety, observance of Shariah. The reader of the Qur'an must himself fulfill his duties to the Almighty.

4. The ability to keep secrets, since people sometimes trust us with secret things that they cannot tell even to their closest ones, and the doctor should not distribute them.

5. It is necessary to have a concept of psychology or psychotherapy in order to recognize: before us is a person who suffers from witchcraft, or just a mentally ill person.

Signs pointing to a genie

One of the signs of obsession genie is an aversion to worship: a person physically feels aversion to worship. He does not want to pray, perform ablution, cannot listen to the Koran, something repels him from these actions. Suppose a person wants to go to the mosque, reaches the mosque - and some force stops him, he cannot go inside and comes back. More signs genies or witchcraft may be inappropriate behavior: it happens that a person sits and suddenly shouts something from a place or swears. And when he comes to his senses, you ask him why he did this - he does not understand anything, does not remember anything.

There may be paralysis of the body or some organ. Signs of possession may include rapid anger followed by laughter, frequent headaches without a medical cause that do not respond to pain relievers. A person talks to himself, he has a strange behavior, he is drawn to alcohol, to smoking, to fights, he can hit someone and says: "It's not me." Such people have unpleasant, swollen faces, some kind of voices or music in their heads, the unwillingness of young people to get married or get married. That is, it happens that a girl doesn’t seem to mind getting married, but when it comes to matchmaking, she has horrors, fear, and if yesterday she saw the groom as a nice person, then she already begins to hate him for matchmaking, or vice versa .. .

It happens that a person sees terrible, terrible dreams. But this, like the rest that we have listed above, is not yet evidence that the cause of these phenomena is the genie. Reading the Qur'an can confirm our diagnosis, only after reading it can we say that he is sitting genie in man or not.

The person who showed genie, should be patient and treat, and should also be content with the decision of the Almighty. Because the 6th pillar of iman (faith) - that everything good and bad happens by the will of Allah, this is our test, and the Almighty gives tests to everyone.

Allah Almighty says in the Quran (meaning): Don't you know that Allah knows what is in heaven and on earth? Verily it is in the Scripture, verily it is easy for Allah "(Sura Hajj, verse 70).

Advice to readers on how to save yourself from genies and witchcraft

It is necessary to sincerely ask the Almighty to keep us from genies, devils and everything bad. Prayer must come from the heart. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “During the end of the world there will be such a great turmoil that people will die in it, and only the one who asks as fervently as the drowning one calls will be saved” . In a hadeeth narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him), it is said that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Precautions do not save from predestination, but prayer helps from what has happened and from what will happen. Truly, misfortune descends and meets with dua, they meet in heaven and oppose until the Day of Judgment. .

Read the dua: Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun », « La hawla wala quvwata illa billah », « Hasbunallahu wa nimal vakil », « Ayatul Kursi ", suras: " al-Ikhlas », « Falak », « an-Nas ". Read the Qur'an more, and if you yourself cannot read, then listen to the reading. Because in the place where the Qur'an is read, the mercy of the Almighty descends, and the place where there is Rakhmat of Allah is not a place for devils, jinn. It is also advisable to read different duas: duas that are read when entering and exiting the toilet, before eating and after eating; remember the Almighty by doing dhikr and asking for forgiveness from Him. Read istiaza ( "Auzubillahi meena shshaitani rajim" ) in those places where garbage is thrown, in ruined houses, when you come to stagnant waters.

One should try to fast, keep sunnat fasts, sunnat prayers, strengthen one's iman, study religion. You need to try to constantly be in ablution, eat and drink with the name of Allah, keep your eyes from the forbidden, not speak bad, protect your tongue from gossip, stay in mosques more, because mosques are the houses of Allah on earth, and angels, good people gather there adhan sounds. And we know from the authentic hadiths of the Prophet ﷺ that when the muezzin calls out the adhan, devil runs away to such a distance where the azan is not heard. It is necessary to be together with good God-fearing people, Ulama. The Quran says (meaning): Fear Allah and be with righteous people "(Sura "Tawba", ayat 119). That is, if we make friends with such people who have only Allah in their hearts and tongues, then because of their grace devil, genies they will also move away from us. Beware of gatherings where there is alcohol, gambling, etc., because they go there genies. In no case do not pour hot water on the ground, especially in baths and toilets, without saying: " Auzubillahi meena shshaitani rajim. Bismillahi Rrahmani Rrahim ”, - because, as we have already said, it is in these places that there are jinn, shaitans. Try to be consistent in jamaat prayers. When you hear the barking of dogs and the cry of donkeys, read "Auzu" because they scream when they see Satan.

It is necessary to beware of curses against Muslims, not to humiliate them, not to accuse them of disbelief, to protect your tongue from gossip and false testimony. It is necessary to get rid of those photographs where the awrah is visible; you should cover your mouth when you yawn; do not eat with the left hand.

If a person takes 7 Azhva dates every day on an empty stomach, they help against witchcraft and poison. Some scholars say that if there are no Azhva dates, then Medina dates also help.

May Almighty Allah save us all from evil genies and sorcery, send peace and tranquility into our homes and strengthen iman in our hearts! Amen, I am Mujib!


And Satan said to Allah:

“... For the fact that You led me astray, I swear that I will prevent Adam and his family from following Your direct path of truth, I will lead them astray and mislead them in every possible way. I swear that I will come to them with temptation from the front, and from behind, and from the right and from the left, and from any side from which I can approach them, taking advantage of any of their imprudence or weakness, to tempt them and lead them astray from the path of piety. and faith in You, because most of them will not give You thanks.”

And Allah answered Satan:

“... Get out of My Paradise cast down and disgraced for your arrogance, stubbornness and disobedience to Allah and you will be destroyed. Those who follow you from the generation of Adam, I will bring into Hell, and I will fill Gehenna with all of you.

(Quran, Sura 7. verses 16-18)


Praise be to Allah! He created man from dry clay and created jinn from fire without smoke and made them invisible to human eyes. Some he made righteous, others he deceived. And Allah did not give the jinn any power over a person (except for the instigation and seduction of Satan). Peace to the Prophet Muhammad. He was sent as a mercy to all worlds, he was sent to all people and all mankind. A group of jinn, overhearing his recitation of the Qur'an, said to their people:

"Indeed, we have heard a wondrous Qur'an, the like of which we have not heard before. It guides to the straight path and calls to the truth. And we believed in it, and we will not worship anyone except our Lord, Who created and instructed us." (72:1-2).

I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and there is no partner with Him. I learned from His flawless Book that Satan is the open enemy of man.

I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger. The Almighty revealed to him His clear words: “And say: Lord! I seek refuge in You from the temptations of the devils, and I fear lest I do something that You will not be pleased with! I resort to you, Lord, in order to find refuge in you from them in any deed, so that it is correct and addressed only to Your Noble Face! (23:97-98). May Allah bless him and his family.

The very word "genie" is full of secrets, miracles and wonders, and that is why it attracts people's interest. A detailed study of the term "jinn" in Arabic reveals a surprising number of meanings of the word that directly or indirectly refer to it. There are names for genies, both general concepts and individual ones. Jinn have certain distinguishing features just like their environment. It is generally accepted that the existence of jinn has been an integral part of the religion ever since the noble Qur'an pointed out the existence of creatures called jinn. Some of them are walking on the true path, others are straying from it. Whoever rejects the jinn rejects the Qur'an. They reject what is outside the material world (this theory is confirmed by the theory of hadith). Only an ignorant or unbelieving person would deny it. We Muslims must adhere to everything that is said from the Lord of the Worlds.

Shayak al-Sharawi said: “Be sure to believe in the judgments of religion about invisible things. This means that we fully accept them. Faith has its highest point and its point is faith in Allah. If you believe in Allah by conviction and reach the peak of religion with your mind, this means accepting everything that Allah says. So, this book, which Allah gave the opportunity to write, is a clear call to pure tawhid and worship of the one and only Allah. This book forbids allegories, superstitions and lies that were spread in the past and are spread in the present. Here the world of jinn is presented as it is, according to the Koran, Sunnah, legends and statements of scientists. Content reveals issues that affect us as humans and is relevant to us as humans.

Chapter One: The Existence and Nature of the Jinn World

Confirmation of the existence of the world of jinn

Many people in modern times and in the past have disagreed about the existence of jinn. Some have completely denied their existence, while others have argued that jinn have a diabolical attraction and a tendency to corrupt human souls. And as for the angels, scientists believe that they have a good influence. Scholars who recognized the existence of jinn called them "lower spirits". They argued that "lower spirits" respond quickly but react slowly, while "divine spirits" respond slowly but quickly. Some idolaters speak of the existence of "spirits of the planet". This shows that many people believe in the existence of jinn and in their transition from one state to another.

There is empirical evidence such as verses from the Qur'an, prophetic sayings, and direct evidence from living witnesses. As for the verses from the Qur'an that indicate the existence of jinn, there are many of them. So, Allah said: “I did not create jinn and people so that they bring Me any benefit, but only so that they worship Me. But worship benefits them” (51:56). After all, it is no coincidence that in the Qur'an a whole sura 72 out of 28 verses is dedicated to the jinn.

There are also several sayings of the Prophet, peace be upon him. For example, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “There are three types of jinn. The first type flies in the air. The second lives among snakes and dogs. The third is in one place, but is able to move. There are also many other statements that prove the existence of jinn, which we will talk about in this book.

Who are genies?

Jinn are part of the creations of Allah, other than humans and angels, but they have much in common with humans. For example, they also have the concepts of reason, discrimination, power, freedom of choice between truth and falsehood, right and wrong, good and bad. They differ from humans in certain characteristics. And most importantly, their origin, since the basic matter of jinn differs from the basic substance of a person.

What are genies made of?

Allah informs us in many verses that He created jinn from fire. It is said: "He created man from thick, dry and resonant clay, like pottery, and created genies from the pure flame of fire" (55:14.15). Pure fire means the tongue of flame (narrated by Ibn Abbas, Mujahid and others). One of the versions says that it means one of the best and purest fires.

Al-Nawak says that fire is flame mixed with blackness. Muhammad (peace be upon him) also reports that the jinn were created from fire and the angels from light. But someone can say: Allah told us that the jinn were created from fire, the flame of which does not harm them. But how can a flame burn a flame? The answer to this is the words of Allah, Who said that jinn and Satan are connected in the same way as a person is connected with earth and clay.

What is meant by this? As for man, he is made of clay, but this does not mean that he is the clay itself. The proof of this is in the story, in which Ahmad bin Hanbal reported from Abu Said al-Khudri: “The Messenger of Allah got up in the morning to pray, and I began to pray with him. He chanted, but suddenly lost his way. After he finished the prayer, he said, "If only you could see how I grabbed Iblis and choked him until I began to feel the coldness of his saliva on my hands."

But how can the saliva of one who is made of burning fire be cold? If the jinn had a fiery nature, they would not have saliva. Another statement that the jinn no longer have their fiery nature is in the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him: "The enemy of Allah - Iblis - brought a fiery coal to put it on my face" (an-Nas conveys this).

Imam Ahmad narrates that a man asked Abdurahman ibn Khan bant about what the Messenger of Allah did when Satan wanted to harm him. Abdurakhman said that the devils, including Satan, descended from the valleys of the gorges with a fiery coal, with which they wanted to burn the Prophet, peace be upon him. Abdurahman said that the Prophet, peace be upon him, was frightened by this, and Jabrail replied: "I did not doubt his fear." Abdurahman continued: "He began to stutter." Gabriel asked: “Muhammad! Speak!" He replied: “What should I say?!”. Gabriel said: “Tell me! I seek salvation from You from the evil that is everywhere: in heaven, on earth, in the middle of the night, everywhere. The fire of Satan has been put out. Allah extinguished it. The proof is that if the jinn had retained their fiery nature and were scalding fire, then the efreet (or Satan) would not have needed to carry fiery embers. Since the hands of Satan or Ifrit and their limbs do not burn a person like real fire, this indicates that their fiery nature does not have burning power. And, as the Prophet said, peace be upon him, "until I felt the cold of his saliva." Therefore, there is no doubt that they (Jinns) eat and drink the same things that we eat and drink, and this gives their bodies the means of subsistence and development.

When were genies created?

Jinn were created long before the appearance of man. Allah said: “Creating the worlds, We created two categories of living beings. We created man from thick sounding clay. And we created the world of jinn earlier, when we created Iblis from a blazing fire that breaks through the pores of the human body ”(15:26-27).

Types of genies

There are three types of jinn, as it is written in the saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him, in which he says: “There are three types of jinn. One of them flies through the sky. Another species lives in snakes and dogs. And the third species, based in one place, but able to move.

Abu Darda said that the Messenger of Allah said: “Allah created three kinds of jinn. The first is snakes and scorpions crawling on the ground. The second is like a breath of wind. And the third type is retribution and punishment.

Do jinn have bodies?

Those who are aware of the existence of jinn disagree with this statement. They are divided into two groups. The first group says that jinn do not possess bodies and do not inhabit them, they exist independently. Another group claims that jinn have bodies of a certain shape and density that are barely visible. And that's why we can't see them. If Allah gave us the ability to see sharper, we would be able to see their beautiful forms.

Allah said: "...Probably Satan sees you, but you cannot see him" (7:27).

Do genies have other names?

Yes, indeed, jinn have various names given to them by theologians and Arab scholars. We will talk about some of them.

"Jinns" is used by the Arabs in relation to a specific group of jinn.

"Satan" is used for malevolent jinn.

"Ifrit" is used for jinn, who have more power and authority than Satan.

The question arises: "Why are they called jinn?" They are called jinn because of their ability to be invisible.

Do jinn have the ability to take on forms?

Jinn have a great ability to take and change forms. They can take the form of snakes, scorpions, horses, camels, sheep and birds. They also have the power to take on human form. It is said that Satan assumed the form of an old man from Najid when the Quraish gathered in Dar al-Nadwa to discuss the fate of the Messenger, peace be upon him, what to do with him: beat him, imprison him, or send him out? Abu Jahl advised to kill the Messenger, peace be upon him. Satan supported him. Narrated from Abu Sa'id al-Khudri that the Messenger (peace be upon him) said: "A group of jinn in Medina converted to Islam."

Abilities and powers of genies

Jinn have powers and abilities that humans do not. One of them is the extraordinary power of movement. Proof of this is the promise of the genie Ifrit to Suleiman to bring the throne of Queen Balkis from Yemen to Jerusalem in the time that Suleiman rises from his seat. Djinn Ifrit said: "I will bring it for you before you get up from your seat, as I have the power."

They can also go high into the sky and eavesdrop on what is being said in the sky.

Do genies die?

There is no doubt that the jinn die, because the words of Allah speak of this: “All creatures living in this world die, but your great, beautiful Lord is always alive. How can you reject the Grace of your Lord?”

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said in his prayer: “I seek refuge in Your Might. There is no other God but Thee, O Thou Immortal! Jinn and humans are mortal" (from Bukhari).

As for how long they live, we can only learn from the information that Allah gives us about Iblis, that he will persecute a person and watch until the Day of Resurrection.

“Iblis said to Allah: “Give me a reprieve and do not destroy me until the Day when Adam and his family will be resurrected.” Allah answered him: “You will be among those to whom respite is given” (7:14-15).

This verse proves that, besides Iblis, others received a reprieve. However, the Qur'an does not say that all jinn received a reprieve. So it's possible that some genies got a reprieve, but not necessarily all. There are reports that genies are dying. One of them is from Khalid ibn al-Walid, who killed the demon Al-'Uzza, a tree worshiped by the Arabs in times of ignorance. There is also a story of one of the companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, who killed a genie, who took the form of a viper. There is also a clear statement by Ibn Abbas that Iblis is the only one who received a reprieve.

Chapter Two: Duties of the Jinn

The followers of Muslim agree with the statement that the jinn are responsible for their deeds. To prove this, they give an example in which the Qur'an condemns and curses the jinn and recalls the punishment that Allah has prepared for them. Allah calls to be with Him! And those who are against Allah, who violate His prohibitions and laws, who commit bad deeds, will be punished.

Ibn Muflah says in his book Al-Furu: “Jinns are responsible for their deeds. Those of them who do not believe will burn in Hell, and those who believe will go to the Garden of Eden, and Allah will be merciful to them. The opposite point of view is held by Abu Hanifa, al-Layat ibn Sad, as well as their supporters. According to the first statement, the jinn lived in the Gardens of Eden like others. Mujahid's supporters have an opposite opinion, who say that they did not eat or drink in the Gardens of Eden. But there is another opinion. So, Umar ibn Abdul-Aziza says that they lived on the outskirts of the Garden of Eden. Ibn Hamid wrote in his book Luwami-al-Anwar: "Jinns, like people, have obligations and perform acts of worship" (vol. 2, p. 222).

The obligations of jinn are different from the obligations of humans. Their obligations are consistent with their nature and their conditions. Ibn Taymiyyah says in Maimu al-Fatawa, “Jinns are commanded to keep the roots and branches pure according to their lineage. They differ from all mankind in constitution and in way of life, and what is ordered and allowed to them differs from what is ordered and allowed to people. However, there are also similarities related to commands and prohibitions, such as halal and haram. I am not aware of a single disagreement among the ulema on this issue.

Are there messengers and prophets among the jinn?

Ad-Dahhak was asked if there were prophets among the jinn before the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and could Allah bless him and send him peace, which is sent down from above? He replied: “Do you not know the words of Allah: “The society of jinn and people, did not messengers come to you from among yourselves?...” (6:130)

According to Ad-Dahak, this verse proves that Allah sent prophets from jinn. However, this verse does not clearly indicate whether the prophet was a jinn or a man, since the words "from yourselves" could refer to both jinn and people. They could mean both prophets from jinn and people, and prophets from jinn and people as a single group. But that the prophets appeared among the people was confirmed.

Among scientists there are disagreements about this, since there are two points of view. Most ancient and modern scholars are of the opinion that there were never prophets among the jinn, that all the prophets were people. A minority of scholars maintain that there were prophets among the jinn as well. Ad-Dahak is also a supporter of this point of view, as already mentioned, and Ibn al-Jazi says that the evidence for this is present in the Qur'an.

The worldwide mission of the Prophet to the jinn and mankind

Muslim scholars are unanimous in their opinion that Muhammad, peace be upon him, was sent by Allah - glory to Him! - both for genies and for people. Companions, followers, spiritual leaders of Muslims and all Muslim communities agree with this basic principle, as stated by Ibn Taymiyyah - may Allah have mercy on them all. The call in the Quran to jinn and humans reflects this: “Say: If all humans and jinn were to unite to create a likeness to the Quran, they would never create a like (it), even if they supported each other” (17:88 ).

A group of jinn immediately believed when they heard the Qur'an. “Say: it was revealed to me that some jinn, hearing the recitation, said: “Indeed, we have heard a wonderful Qur'an, the like of which we have not heard before. He guides to the straight path and calls to the truth. And we have believed in him, and we will not worship anyone but our Lord, who created and instructed us” (72:1-2).

Allah - glory to Him! - speaks of those jinn who heard the Koran and believed in it, in Sura Al-Ahkaf: “And when we turned to a group of jinn who wanted to hear the Koran, then they all gathered and they were told: “Hush!” Then, when it was all over, they returned to their people with warnings. They said: “Our people, we have learned the Book sent to us from above after Musa, which says what happened before, and shows us the truth and the right path. O our people, answer the call of Allah and believe in Him, and He will forgive you some of your sins and protect you from a terrible punishment. And those who do not answer the call of Allah will disappoint Allah, and he will have no other protectors besides Him, and he will be in error ”(46: 29-32).

These verses of the Qur'an prove that the mission of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is the same for both people and jinn. As for the legends that prove this, one of them can be found in the two volumes of Sahih al-Bukhari (the most reliable source of legends) in a legend from Jabir ibn Abdullah. In it, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said that he was granted five things that no prophet had before him, and one of them was that the previous prophets were sent to their own peoples, and he was sent to to all mankind.

Al-Jawari comments that humanity consists of humans and jinn, while al-Rajib says that humanity consists of all beings capable of thinking. Jinn are able to think. The word "humanity" (us) comes from the verb (nasa), which means to move back and forth. Therefore, Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the messenger of Allah to jinn and people, warning and bringing good news. (Herein lies his preference over other prophets.)

Religions and sects among jinn

Allah tells us, as the jinn said: “Some of us are righteous, some of us are dissenters: we are on opposite sides” (72:11).

Jinn have different schools (teachings). As-Suddi said: "Jinns also have sects, and in this they are like you."

Are jinn rewarded for their deeds?

Scientists have two points of view on this issue. Some say that jinn are rewarded for obedience and punished for rebellion. Malik ibn Abi Laila, ash-Shafi'i, Ahmad bin Hanbal and Ibn Abbas are of this opinion. Another group believes that their only reward will be salvation from Hellfire. They will be told, "Turn to dust like the animals." This is the point of view of Abu Hanif and Laith ibn Abi Salim. A more preferable view is that jinn are rewarded and punished. This is reflected in the Qur'an when Allah says: "Everyone will get what he deserves according to his deeds..." (6:132).

“... The Word of Allah came true over them about punishing them along with other, previous peoples from jinn and people who were the same as them, preferring error to the straight path of truth” (41:25).

“Some of us obeyed, some of us deviated from the truth. Those who obeyed were looking for the righteous path. Those who deviated from the truth became the firewood of Hell" (72:14-15).

Another proof can be found in the words of Allah: “For those who fear their Lord and that he will appear before Him for retribution, two Gardens of Paradise have been prepared - so which of the favors of your Lord do you reject?” (55:46-47) and so on until the end of the sura. This appeal is directed to both humans and jinn. Allah Almighty rewards them with gardens, describing it in such a way that people and jinn yearn for Paradise. This shows that they will be rewarded if they believe.

There is also a legend in which the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said to his companions, reading this sura: “Jinns answered and reacted better to this verse. Every time this verse was recited, they said: "We do not reject any of your blessings, O our lord." This is justified enough, since Allah has threatened Hellfire to those who reject it and revolt. But how can those who obey not get into the Gardens of Eden, if Allah - glory to Him! - wise and just? We must acknowledge the fact that, despite the disagreement among scholars as to whether the believing jinn will be punished in the next life, Allah says in his Great Book: "Hellfire will be their dwelling" (41:24) and he also says: “Those who deviate from the truth have become the firewood of Hell” (72:15).

Chapter Three: Jinn in Their Own Environment

Can they get married and have children?

Yes, jinn can marry and have children. This is stated in the Qur'an and the Sunnah (the deeds of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him). In the Quran, Allah says about Iblis, who was from among the jinn: “Why do you accept him and his offspring as friends without my knowledge, while they are your enemies?” (18:50) This verse shows that they marry in order to have offspring. Qadi Abdul-Jabar said: "By the word" offspring "means children."

The fact that they are non-material creatures does not prevent them from multiplying. Many organisms become visible only after a minute of observation, as they are ghostly. This does not prevent them from multiplying, since what they reproduce is also ghostly. Allah says: "Untouched before by people or jinn" (55:56). This verse proves that they have sexual relations. By them is meant fertilization or sexual intercourse in general. Regarding the Sunnah, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Jinns reproduce in the same way as the children of Adam. But there are more of them ”(Ibn Abi Hatim and Abush-Shaikl narrate about this from Qatad in Al-Udma).

Can jinn and humans intermarry?

There is a belief that men can marry female genies, and vice versa - a woman can marry or be engaged to a male genie. How true is this? Marriage between humans and jinn can take place, as Allah said: "...Share with them their wealth and children..." (17:64)

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “When a man has sexual intercourse with his wife, and at the same time does not say:“ With the name of Allah ”, Satan penetrates into his urethra and at the same time copulates with him” (Ash-Shibli mentions about this in Akam al-Maryan).

Ash-Shibli narrates how Qadi's father Jalalud-din al-Razi went on the road to bring his family from the East: “We had already passed Ilbira, but because of the rain we had to look for shelter, so we decided to spend the night in a cave. There were several of us. I was sleeping when suddenly something woke me up. I woke up and saw a woman surrounded by several men. She had one eye that she never blinked. I was alarmed. She said, "Don't be afraid, I have come to marry you one of my daughters, she is like the moon." I answered out of fear of her: "What will be the Will of Allah." I looked back and saw a few more people. They were like this woman with the unblinking eye. They were to be judge and witness. The judge presented the prenuptial agreement, and I accepted it. Then they got up and the woman brought a beautiful girl, but her eye was the same as her mother's. She left the girl with me and left. My fear and dislike intensified. I started throwing stones at the people lying next to me to wake them up. When one of them woke up, I began to pray. It was time to leave and we were on our way. The girl didn't leave me. This went on for three days. On the fourth day, that woman came again and said: “It seems that you do not like this girl, and you want to part with her?” I said, "Yes, in the name of Allah!" She said, "You are divorced." Then she left and never showed up again.

Despite the huge number of stories that certify that sexual relations between humans and jinn took place, some people argue that since the jinn were created from the element of fire, and man from the four elements (air, water, earth, fire), the element of fire prevents human sperm from entering the female genie's womb, as the sperm is damp and the fiery heat is too strong for it. In response to this, it can be said that although the jinn were created from fire, they have lost their fiery nature. They changed under the influence of what they ate, drank, reproduced, just as the children of Adam lost their earth element. Moreover, only the first genie was created from fire, just as Adam, the first man, was created from earth. Just as all the descendants of Adam were not created directly from the earth, so the jinn were not created from fire. In addition, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that he felt on his hand the cold saliva of a demon that appeared before him while he was praying, and whom he strangled, which we have already mentioned. This demon saliva that the Prophet mentions is proof that the fire element has been lost. If it were not lost, where would this cold come from?

Do jinn eat and drink?

There are three points of view regarding whether jinn eat and drink?

First, no genie eats or drinks.

Second: some types of jinn do not eat or drink, others eat and drink.

Third: all jinn eat and drink.

Among the followers of the latter point of view, there is disagreement about how they eat and drink. Some of them believe that they do this by inhaling and absorbing, not chewing and swallowing. This view is not supported by any evidence. Others believe that jinn eat by chewing and swallowing. This statement is confirmed by legends and widely known stories.

The fact that they chew and swallow is established from a tale from Umayy ibn Makshi narrated by Abu Dawud. It reports that Hudhayfah said: "When we happened to eat with the Messenger of Allah, we never took anything first until the Messenger of Allah began to eat and took something. Once, when we shared a meal with him, a girl appeared, hurrying as if she was being urged, who immediately went to the food and stretched out her hand to it, but the Messenger of Allah grabbed her by the hand. seized him by the hand, saying: “Satan considers that food that is lawful for himself, over which the name of Allah Almighty is not remembered, and he brought this girl here to (with her help) make food lawful for himself, but I grabbed her hand. And then he brought this Bedouin here to (with his help) make food lawful for himself, but I seized his hand and I swear by Him in whose hand my soul, verily, the hand of Satan was in my hand when I held these two!" After that, the Prophet uttered the name of Allah Almighty and proceeded to eat.

It is reported that Umaiya bin Mahshi said: “Once a man was eating in the presence of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) who was sitting next to him, and he did not remember Allah until only one piece of food was left. mouth, this man said: "With the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end of it (Bi-smi-Llahi fi avwali-hi wa akhiri-hi), and then the Prophet (peace be upon him) laughed and said:" Satan always ate with him, when he mentioned the name of Allah, Satan spewed out of himself everything that was in his womb" (Abu-Dawud; an-Nasai).

In Sahih from Al-Bukhari, in a legend from Abu Hurairah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered that some stones be brought to him in order to purify himself. He said, "Don't bring bones and dung." Later, when Abu-Hurairah asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) why he forbade bringing bones and dung, he replied: “They are partly the food of jinn. Once a delegation of Nasibi jinn - and they are the best of jinn - came to me asking for provisions. I prayed to Allah that as they passed by every bone or pile of dung, they would find food in them."

The Sunnah from Tirmidhi says: "Do not use bones and dung for purification. They are food for your brothers among the jinn."

The Prophet (peace be upon him) pointed out to us that Satan eats with his left hand, and in contrast to him, he ordered us to eat with his right hand. Imam Muslim narrates from Ibn Umar the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him): "When you eat, you must eat with your right hand. When you drink, you must drink with your right hand. Satan eats and drinks with his left hand."

These tales are evidence that demons eat and drink. Some people perceive this and other similar tales as metaphorical, they say that the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him) mean that eating and drinking with the left hand means to please Satan, just as it is believed that the use of rouge by people is done to please Satan, since rouge is "Satan's ornament," meaning that Satan makes rouge attractive to people by encouraging us to use it.

In the same way, Satan encourages people to eat and drink with their left hand, making it attractive to them. Some scholars argue that this question is completely unimportant, since there is no reason to take these words metaphorically, while these words are, in any case, reliable and specific.

Jinn's houses and habitats

Jinn live all over the earth, but most often in deserts, ruins, and places of uncleanness, such as dunghills, bathrooms, cemeteries. Demons who are related to jinn also live in these places.

There are legends in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) forbids us to pray in the bathroom, because there are impurities and demons. The same with cemeteries - they are a means of associating things with Allah and the abode of demons.

Demons are often present in places where they can cause the most harm and destruction. These are places like markets. This is why the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave some advice to his disciples, saying: “If possible, never be the first to enter the market and the last to leave. al-Bukhari).

Demons also dwell in the dwellings of Adam's children. The words "with the name of Allah" displace and disperse them. Muslim and Abu Dawud narrate the words of Jabrail that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said “When a person mentions the name of Allah, entering the house and eating, Satan says to his cohort: “You have nowhere to spend the night and you will not have supper.” If a person does not mention the name of Allah when entering the house, Satan says to his cohort: "You have a place to spend the night, and you will have supper."

One of the places where Satan likes to sit is the place "between the sun and the shadow." That is why the Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade people to sit there (mentioned in the legend in the Sunnah).

Do genies have animals

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said that jinn have animals. There is a legend in which Muslim relates the words of Ibn Masud, about how the jinn asked the Messenger of Allah for provisions, and he said: “Each bone over which the name of Allah is pronounced and which falls into your hands will be a more satisfying meal for you, than meat. Each piece of manure will become food for your animals.” In this tale, the Prophet certifies that the jinn have animals, and that the dung of human animals is food for them.

Chapter Four: Jinn and Knowledge

Jinn convey the words and deeds of Muhammad

The rumor that among the jinn there are those who transmit tales from the Messengers of Allah (may Allah bless them and grant them peace) has already become a well-known tradition. We will describe several events that tell about this.

Abay ibn Kaab said: “Several people went to Mecca and went astray. Being already on the verge of death, they put on their shrouds and lay down on the ground in anticipation of death. And then the jinn came down to them from the trees and said: “I am the last of those who listened to Muhammad, peace be upon him. I heard him say, “All believers are brothers. And they can rely on each other's sources and guidance. Here is the water and here is the way. And then he led them to the water and showed them the way (Nuaim tells it).

A student of Abdur-Rahman ibn Bishr said: “During the reign of Uthman, several people decided to go to Mecca. Exhausted by thirst, they found salt water. But one of them gave advice to move on, because he was afraid that they would die after tasting this water. “There will still be water on our way,” he said, and they walked until evening, but they never found water. They decided among themselves, "We should go back to that salty water." They set off at dusk and came across an acacia tree. A man with very dark skin came up and greeted them. "Caravan! - he said, - I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "For anyone who believes in Allah and on the Day of Judgment, it should be beneficial that which is beneficial for all Muslims and hateful that which is hateful for all Muslims." Keep walking until you reach a hill. Then turn left and there you will find water." One of them said: “In the name of Allah, it must have been Satan himself,” and the other replied: “Satan would never speak the way he spoke to us,” implying that it was a believing genie. And they went on until they reached the place he described, and found water there. (Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad narrates this).

Preachers Among the Jinn

There are preachers among both humans and jinn. And, indeed, this is true: representatives of preachers from jinn have many kinds of wisdom and are excellent at the art of preaching. Your doubts will be dispelled in the course of the following narration:

Abu Khalifa al-Abdi said: “My little son died, and I mourned him very much. I could not sleep. By the will of Allah, that night I sat on the bed in my room, completely alone. I was thinking about my son, when suddenly someone addressed me from the corner of the room: “May the peace and mercy of Allah be with you, Khalifa!” I replied: “And may the peace and mercy of Allah be with you.” I was very worried and read aloud a few verses from the end of Surah Al Imran, until I came to the words of Allah: “Whatever is from Allah is good for the faithful” (3:198). He turned to me again: "Abu Khalifa!" I replied: "I'm listening to you." He said, “Why do you desire the life of your son more than other people? Who is more worthy in the eyes of Allah - you or Muhammad? His son Ibrahim died and he said: "My eyes are in tears and my heart is full of sorrow, but we do not say what can cause the wrath of the Lord." Or do you wish to prevent the death of your son, when all creatures must do so? Do you intend to be angry with Allah and oppose his will? In the name of Allah, if there were no death, there would not be enough room on earth for people! If there were no suffering, there would be no joys of life.” Then he asked, "Do you need anything else?" I said, "Tell me who you are, may Allah have mercy on you." He replied: “Your neighbor, one of the jinn.” (From Ibn Abid-Dunya)

Kinds of Wisdom Known to Jinn

Ishaq ibn Ubaydullah ibn Abi Firwa told how several jinn took human form and came to one person asking: "What would you like to get most of all?" He answered them: "Camels." Then they said to him: “You love misfortunes, anxiety and long-term calamities. You will be banished far, far away from what you love."

They left him and went to another man. They asked, "What item would you like to have the most?" The man replied: "Slaves." They said, "Will property benefit with curses." They left him, went to another person and asked him, "What would you like to have the most?" He replied: "Sheep." They told him: “Food is for the one who eats, and alms for the one who asks. The sheep will not be able to carry you on itself during the war, will not stay with you during the ruin, will not help you out of trouble.

They left him and went to another person and asked him, "What would you like to have the most?" He told them, "I would like to have fields." They told him: "They are a means of subsistence if they are cultivated; if they are not cultivated, they do not exist."

They left him and went to another person and asked him, "What would you like to have the most?" In response, they heard: “Tell me, how many of you are there so that I can offer you my hospitality?” He brought them bread and they said, "Wheat is good." Then he treated them to meat, and they said: “The living eats the living. In moderation, this is acceptable. Then the man brought them dates and milk. They said, “Palm tree fruit and cow milk. Excellent food, in the name of Allah."

They ate. Then they asked him, "Tell us, what is the sharpest thing in the world, what is the best thing in the world, what is the most fragrant thing in the world?" He replied: “The sharpest thing in the world is a tooth that chews food for an empty stomach. The best thing is morning clouds following evening clouds over fertile land. The most fragrant thing in the world is flowers after rain."

They asked him, "What would you most like to have now?" He replied, "The only thing I want is death." They said, "You have desired what no other person has ever desired before you." He said, “Why not? If I am a good person, she saves my good deeds for me, if I am a bad person, she will protect me from my evil. If I am rich, she will ensure my poverty; if she is poor, she will keep my poverty for me.”

Then they said to him: "Instruct us and give us provisions." He brought them a skin of milk and said, "Here's some food for you." They said: "Guide us." He replied: "Say that there is no other god but Allah, that will be enough for you in what lies ahead of you and in what you have already gone through." They left him and thought of him as the best among people and jinn (from Ibn Abid-Dunya).

Chapter Five: Jinn and Prophets

Satan on Noah's ship

The book “Tablis Iblis” says: “When Noah (peace be upon him) fully loaded his ship, he saw an old man who was unfamiliar to him. Noah asked, "How did you get on board?" He replied: "I have come to disturb the hearts of your companions, to take their hearts for myself and leave only their bodies to you." Noah (peace be upon him) said to him, "Get out, enemy of Allah!"

Iblis replied: “There are five things that can destroy a person. I will name only three of them." Allah, the Holy and Mighty, revealed to Noah (peace be upon him): “There is no need to mention three things. Let him tell you only about two. Iblis said: “A person can be destroyed by envy and greed. Envy was cursed and turned into a hateful Satan. Adam was admitted into the Gardens of Eden, but through greed, I got everything I needed from him, and he was expelled from the gardens.

Satan and Moses

The book “Tablis Iblis” says: “Iblis met Moses and said to him: “Moses, Allah chose you as his messenger and talked to you. I am one of the creations of Allah. I have sinned and I want to repent, so put in a word for me before Him, the Great and Almighty, so that He will accept me. Moses turned to the Almighty and received the answer: "Moses, your request will be granted." Later, Moses met Iblis and told him: "You must prostrate yourself on the tomb of Adam, and then He will accept you." He replied: “I did not prostrate before him when he was alive, how can I prostrate before him when he is dead ?!”

Then Iblis said: “Moses, you have the right to be an intermediary with your Lord. Remember me on three occasions when I am not destroyed.

Remember me when you're angry. I crawl into your heart, your eyes become my eyes, and I flow in your veins as blood flows.

Remember me when you come face to face with your enemy. I come to the children of Adam when they come face to face with the enemy and remind them of their children, wives, families until they turn back.

Beware of me, sitting next to a stranger to you woman. She can be my messenger to you or you can be my messenger to her.”

Satan and Jesus

Mahul Abu Usman said: “Once, when Jesus (peace be upon him) was praying on the top of a mountain, Iblis approached him and said: “Do you believe that everything is predetermined, predetermined?” Jesus answered, "I truly believe." Then Satan said to him: "So throw yourself off the cliff into the abyss, and only what Allah has decreed for you will happen to you." Jesus said, “The Almighty sends his servant to trial and judges him. It is not good for a slave to test his Master ”(Ibn Abid-Dunya tells this).

Can Satan disguise a prophet?

Satan cannot take the form of the Prophet, peace be upon him, because the Prophet said: “Whoever sees me in a dream, he really sees me. Satan does not take on my form."

Jinn telling about the mission of the Prophet Muhammad

Ahmad bin Hanbal reports the following from Mujahid: “When we were raiding Rhodes, an old man named Ibn Isa, who lived in the times of ignorance (before the appearance of the teachings of Muhammad), told us: “I was tending the cow of our family, when suddenly I heard a voice, coming from within her: “Oh, what a wind! Convincing are the words of a man who says: “There is no other god but Allah!” We went to Makkah and found out that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had left it.”

Abdullah ibn Ahmad says that the following story is unusual, but very consistent: the announcement that the Prophet (peace be upon him) will come to Medina came to a woman, a resident of Medina. She had a genie that followed her everywhere. He appeared in the form of a bird and sat on the walls of her house. The woman asked him, "Tell us your news." He replied: “A prophet was sent to Makkah, who forbade some of us to stay where we were and forbade us to perform prelude.

Chapter Six: Collection

Is it permissible to ask genies about past and future events?

It has never been in doubt that Allah endowed the jinn with the ability to travel great distances very quickly. This is proved by the words of Allah himself: “Ifrit, one of the jinn said: “I will bring it to you faster than you get up from your seat ...” (27:39).

If a jinn is asked about an event or someone far away, he may be endowed with knowledge of that event or person. It is also possible that he does not know anything about it, then he goes on a journey to find out about it, and when he returns, he tells everything that he has learned. But still, this is just a report, and it can only be useful as a point of view from which no conclusions can be drawn. It's just information.

But the fact that jinn can be asked about the future and believe them based on what they know and what has not yet happened is a delusion. The Sahih (Book of the deeds of Muhammad, based on the most reliable sources) from Muawiyah ibn al-Hakam says that when the Prophet, peace be upon him, was asked about fortune-tellers and soothsayers, he said: "Do not go to them." In Sahih from Muslim it is reported that the Messenger of Allah, the world told him: "The prayers of the one who turns to the soothsayers will not be accepted for the next forty days."

Imprisonment of rebellious jinn during Ramadan

Muslim reports this in Martha, a tale from Abu HuRair: "When Ramadan (the month of fasting) comes, the gates of the Gardens of Eden open, and the gates of Hell close, and all the demons fall into fetters."

Abdullah ibn Ahmad said: “I asked my father: “Is it true that when Ramadan comes, all the demons fall into chains?” He replied: "Yes." I said, "But a person who practices witchcraft during Ramadan is led astray by a demon." He replied: “That is why this legend appeared.”

Jinn worshipers

There is a known case when a group of people began to worship jinn. Later, some of those jinn converted to Islam, but these people continued to worship them. Then Allah intervened: “Those to whom they call are themselves seeking opportunities to approach the Lord, who will be closer; they hope in His mercy and fear His punishment...” (17:57).

Why do jinn and demons obey amulets and talismans?

Unbelieving jinn and demons choose the wrong path, erroneous and sinful. Iblis and his army want evil to triumph and are waiting for the right moment for a coup. Iblis says: "I swear by Your majesty, I will deceive them all, except those who sincerely believe" (38:82-83).

Iblis also said about a man: “Here is the one whom You honored more than me. But if You give me a reprieve until the Day of Resurrection, I will bring his descendants under my control, except for a few” (17:62).

If a man's disposition or character is corrupt, he desires that which harms him and enjoys it. Satan has a vicious soul. When a person tries to approach him through spells, oaths and spiritual magic books, showing disbelief in Allah, he bribes Satan with this, and he fulfills some of his desires.

A person with a dirty soul begins to attribute something unclean to the words of Allah or may completely distort the meaning of what is written: “Say:“ He is Allah - One ”(112: 1) or do other things that are pleasing to Satan. When someone says or writes something that is pleasing to Satan, the latter becomes his assistant in fulfilling some of their desires in doing something unusual (for example, making a water source clog; moving through the air and others).

Can Satan influence people in the mosque?

Yes. Prophet, the world told him; “Keep your rows straighter and tighter, stand shoulder to shoulder, because, according to the One in whose hands our souls are. Satan will pass through the gaps in the rows in the form of a little black sheep” (Abu Dawud narrates this).

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “When a person is in the mosque. Satan comes to him and tries to break him in the same way as a man finishes off a hunted animal. If he tames him, he makes him lame or puts a bridle on him” (Ahmad Ibn Haybal narrates this). Abu HuRairah commented: “You see it. If Satan has made him lame, he staggers and idles, not remembering Allah; if Satan puts a bridle on him, his mouth opens and does not mention the name of Allah.”

Can animals see Satan?

Yes. There are animals that can see Satan. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “When you hear the cock crow, ask Allah for a gift and mercy, because the cock saw an angel. When you hear the neighing of a donkey, seek refuge with Allah from Satan, for the donkey has seen Satan.” (Al-Bukhari narrates this from Abu HuRairah).

Chapter Seven: The manifestation of the struggle between man and Satan

Causes of enmity between man and Satan

The enmity between Satan and man began back in those days when Allah created Adam and breathed a soul into him. Then the Great Allah ordered the angels to bow before Adam. Iblis worshiped Allah, so this order also applied to him. But he disobeyed the order, and he was not among those who bowed. When Allah asked him why he refused, Iblis replied, “I am better than him. You created me from fire and him from clay." This is where the reasons for the enmity between Satan and man are hidden.

The best source to trace the history of this enmity is the Qur'an. Allah describes the history of the conflict in full: “I (Allah) created it and gave it shape. Then, I said to the angels: "Kneel before Adam", everyone bowed except Iblis. He was not among those who bowed. “He (Allah) said: “What prevented you from bowing down when I ordered you to do so?” He (Iblis) replied: “I am better than him. You created me from fire and him from clay." He (Allah) said: “Get out of here. This is no place for the naughty and vicious, so get out. Now you are one of the humiliated." He (Iblis) said: "Give me respite until the day when everyone will be resurrected." Allah said: “Well, you are one of those who were reprieved.” He (Iblis) said: “Because You drove me astray, I will lie in wait, hunting for those who follow Your right path . I will appear in front and behind them, to the right and left. Many of them will turn out to be ungrateful to You.” He (Allah) said: “Get out of here, you despicable exile. All those who follow you will go to Hell." “Adam, you and your wife inherit these Gardens, eat whatever you like, but do not go near this tree, otherwise you will become criminals.” But Satan whispered to them, "Your master has forbidden you to eat the fruit of this tree, lest you become angels or immortal." And he swore to them: “Trust me. I recommend it wholeheartedly." He misled them, and when they tasted the fruits of that tree, their shameful places were revealed to them, then they covered themselves with woven leaves from the Garden. And their Lord said to them: "Did I not forbid you to go near this tree and tell you that Satan is your worst enemy?" They said: “Our Lord! We made a mistake. If you do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be broken.” The Lord said, “Throw yourself out of here and be at enmity with one another! The earth will become your abode and provide everything you need for life for a certain period” (7:11-24).

The main conclusion to be drawn after reading these verses is to understand that the enmity with Satan will not stop and will not weaken, because he is convinced that he was cursed and expelled from the Gardens because of our father Adam, and he intends to take revenge on Adam and to all his descendants. This is why the Qur'an places so much emphasis on warning us against Satan. Allah says: "O children of Adam, do not let Satan tempt you." (7:27)

What is the main task of Satan?

The main task of Satan, to the fulfillment of which he makes every effort, is that all the children of Adam are punished in Hellfire. Allah says: “He gathers his retinue with the expectation that they will become inhabitants of Hell” (35:6).

What does Satan call people to?

The first thing that Satan wants from his slaves is disbelief in Allah, rejection of his supreme essence, hostile attitude towards Allah and His messengers. If he notices signs of this in one of Adam's children, he makes the least effort and rests from his labors on that person. Allah said: “Just as Satan said to a man: “Renounce the faith”, when he renounced, he said: “I renounce you, fearing the wrath of Allah, the Lord of all worlds” (59:16).

The Prophet said: “Allah the Almighty ordered me to teach you that in which you are still ignorant. Part of what he taught me is that what is lawful for my slaves is what they can disregard. I created all my slaves correctly, they were all directed correctly. Then demons appeared to them, misled them and led them astray. They ordered me to be associated with those who have no real power."

If Satan fails to dissuade a person in the supreme essence of Allah or convince him to renounce his faith, he does not despair and is content with less. He encourages them to follow innovations, which he loves more than deviations from the true path and rebellion, because they do more harm. Safian al-Tavri said: “Iblis prefers to direct people to the path of innovation rather than push them to revolt. Because people may repent of rebellion, but not of innovation.”

When Satan cannot influence people in the above ways, he calls the children of Adam to sinful acts and acts of disobedience. So he sows enmity and hatred among Muslims.

Allah says: "He calls you to evil and renunciation, and to slander Allah." (2:169) Allah also says: “Satan most of all desires to instill enmity and hatred towards each other, addiction to guilt and deceit, to make you forget about Allah and prayer. Can you resist it?" (5:91).

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “Satan despaired that he would ever be honored. But he hopes that you will obey him in deeds that you do not think about.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said: "Satan despaired that he would ever be revered by the believers in the Arabian Peninsula, but he is trying to instill in you enmity and hatred towards each other."

Even all that we have mentioned is not enough for Satan. He dissuades believers, pushes them to disobedience. The following story will clarify this:

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “Satan sits and ambush, waiting for the sons of Adam on their way. He waits for them on their way to Islam and says: "Are you going to become a Muslim, betray your past beliefs and the beliefs of your ancestors?" But the person does not listen to him and becomes a Muslim. Satan is waiting for him on the way to the sacred campaign in the name of Allah and says: “Do you really want to poison the sacred campaign, to leave your native land, from your native sky? The settler is like a horse on a steep slope.” But the man does not listen to him and goes on a sacred campaign. Then Satan waits for him during the sacred campaign and says: “This sacred campaign will cause you so many difficulties. You may die, your wife will marry someone else, and your property will be divided.” But the man does not listen to him and continues the sacred campaign.

The Messenger of Allah A said: “Whoever does this, Allah will accept him into the Garden of Eden. Whoever perishes, Allah will accept into the Garden of Eden. Whoever drowns, Allah will accept him into the Garden of Eden. If his animal throws him off and he breaks his neck, Allah will accept him into the Garden of Eden. Evidence for this exists in the Qur'an when Satan says to Allah: “Because You drove me away from the path, I will lie in wait, hunting for those who follow Your right path. I will appear in front and behind them, to the right and to the left. Many of them will turn out to be ungrateful to You” (S 7:16-P).

It is not enough for Satan to dissuade people and show his disobedience, he seeks to pervert their rites of obedience and worship. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “When Satan hears someone’s prayer, he turns his back and slows down the wind so as not to hear it. When the prayer is over, he returns and whispers, trying to lead the believer astray. If he hears the iqam (the address of the worshiper before the main prayer is completed), he leaves so as not to hear it. When the iqama is over, he returns and whispers again. There is such a version when the iqama is over. Satan gets the advantage - he can whisper between a person and his soul. He says: "Remember this and that," which has never been in the mind of man.

One of the companions of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, approached him and said: “Satan appears between me and my prayer. It brings me down." The Prophet, peace said to him: “This is a demon named Kinzib. When you feel his presence, ask Allah for protection from him and spit three times over your left shoulder. He said: "I did so, and Allah drove him away from me."

What acts of defiance do Iblis prefer?

Separation of husband, wife and family leads to the division of all people. Is this really so, it will become clear after the following words of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: “The throne of Iblis is in the sea. He sends his armies to create trouble between people. He incites his demons more and more. When one came to him and said: "I did so-and-so." “It is nothing,” Iblis replied. Another came to him and said, "I did this and that." “It is nothing,” Iblis replied. Then another came and said, "I didn't leave him alone until he left his wife." Iblis approached him and said, "You have done very well."

Genies knocking people down and how to avoid it

The fact that jinn can inhabit people is proved by spiritual leaders, society and sunnah. Allah says: “Those who give money at interest (at interest) will be deprived of peace of mind and tranquility in work, in actions, like the one whom Satan plunged into madness with his touch ...”. (2:275)

In Sahih, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Satan fills the children of Adam like blood." Jinn, like people, can cause a person mental suffering, deprive him of appetite, passion. Most often this is due to hatred and revenge - for example, if a person harmed them, or they are convinced that people intentionally harmed them by splashing or dousing them with boiling water, or killing one of them.

As we have already established, the jinn are the slaves of Allah and must obey His orders in accordance with the law of God. If someone knows how to speak with a jinn (there are such among Muslims), then it is on him to do this if a jinn has taken possession of a person.

When a jinn depresses a person, depriving him of appetite and passion, he commits cruel insulting acts forbidden by Allah. Even if these actions seem useful, how can they be useful if they are cruel and unfair. The person must remind the jinn that his actions are hostile and forbidden. Whoever approaches them does so in order to bring evidence of their guilt, so that they are prepared for the fact that Allah will judge them for it.

In another case, when a person unintentionally injured a jinn, the jinn need to be explained that the person did not realize this. He who did not harm intentionally does not deserve punishment. If this happened in a person's house, which is his property, the jinn should understand that in their house people can do whatever they want. And that if they are present in a strange house, one cannot be offended that they were accidentally offended. After all, the jinn have their own houses, far from the dwellings of people, such as ruins and open areas.

Ibn Taymiyyah writes in Majmu al-Fatawa (29:42): “It means that when jinn attack a person, they should know about the condemnation of these deeds by Allah and his messengers, that their guilt will be proven, and they will be forced to do only what is permitted, and they will forbid doing wrong deeds, as Allah says: “No one was ever punished by Us until We sent (to them) a messenger (with a warning about punishment and guidance on the right path)” (1´7: fifteen.)

Allah also says: “O you jinn and people, did not messengers from yourselves come to you, bringing My signs to you and warning you about the meeting of this Day?” (6:130).

Jinn and plague

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “My community will be destroyed by a plague, and this will be a prick from hostile jinn. Everyone has a penchant for torture." The words related to this are in Mustadrak from al-Hakam: "A plague is a prick from your enemies among the jinn, and it will be a torment for you." Az-Zamakhshari says that the plague was called "spears of jinn".

It is possible that the jinn are to blame for what happened to the Messenger of Allah Ayub, since Allah says: “Remember our slave Ayub, when he turned to the Almighty: “Satan caused me suffering and illness.” (38:41)

False menstruation from Satan

One of the diseases that Satan has afflicted women with is false menstruation. The Messenger of Allah said: “This is the blow of Satan” (an authentic hadeeth, from Tirmidhi).

Satan and dreams

Satan is constantly trying to harm the human body and being. He harms his body with diseases. And it harms existence in several ways. One of them that deserves attention is dreams. Satan causes people to have disturbing visions during their sleep in order to sadden them and inflict psychological trauma. The Prophet, peace be upon him, reported: “There are three types of visions that can appear to a person in a dream: visions from the Merciful, visions that bring sorrow from Satan, and their own visions, which are empty chatter.”

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “When one of you has a good dream, it is from Allah, so thank Allah for it and take this dream seriously. If you see bad dreams - this is from Satan, seek refuge from his evil with Allah and do not tell this dream to anyone. Then he won't hurt you."

Whispers of Satan

The meaning of the word "whispering" is this: a movement or a small voice that a person does not perceive, so one must be on the alert to notice it. But how does Iblis whisper and how does his whisper reach the heart? Ibn Akil, answering this question, said: “He (Iblis) whispers words to which the personality and character of a person is predisposed. It is said to enter the body of Adam's son and whisper. He evokes in the person the thoughts he needs. Allah says; "It whispers in a man's chest."

Some people think this claim is implausible for two reasons. They note that the human ear can hear the speech of Iblis. As far as penetration into the body is concerned, the bodies do not mix. Moreover, since Iblis is from fire, he must burn a person. It is said that his speech is related to what a person is predisposed to. As for the statement that if Iblis entered the body of a person, then the bodies would mix up, and the person would be burned - this is erroneous, since the genies are not created from the fire that burns. They were created from fire from their homeland. Regarding the statement that bodies do not mix, we can say: a ghostly, barely perceptible in its structure, the body can penetrate into a dense body, like a spirit or air that penetrates into any body. Genies have ghostly bodies.

Haste from Satan

Ibn as-Sunni of Al-Ijaz reported that the Messenger of Allah said: "Deliberation is from Allah, and haste is from Satan"

Satan Present at Unjust Judgment

There is no doubt that a dishonest judgment is not worthy of the presence of Allah. He is worthy of Satan's presence. It's just what suits him. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “Allah is present at the court as long as he is honest. As soon as the court becomes dishonest, Allah leaves it and Satan comes.”

Satan bandages the neck of a sleeper

The Messenger of Allah said: “Satan ties three knots around the neck of the sleeper. After he has tied all three knots, he leaves. If, after you woke up, you remembered the name of Allah, the Great and Almighty - one knot is untied. If you performed ablution before prayer, the second knot is untied. If you prayed, the last knot is untied. Then you become light and calm. If not, you wake up lazy and grouchy.” This happens to those who have not read the ayat “al-Kursi” from the end of the sura “Baqarah” or any other part of the Qur'an that protects against Satan. As for those who read these verses. Satan will not be able to get close to them according to the will of Allah.

Satan touches people

The Messenger of Allah said: “Satan can touch the son of Adam, just like an angel. The touch of Satan threatens with the penetration of evil into a person and the denial of faith. The touch of an angel helps to strengthen faith. Whoever experiences this (the touch of an angel) must know that it is from Allah and must thank Allah for it. If someone has experienced the touch of Satan, he should ask Allah for protection from him, then say: "Satan promises poverty and calls for terrible deeds."

Satan is present at the birth of a child

No child is born without the presence of Satan - the only exception is Maryam and her son. In a legend from Abu Hurayrah, found in Sahih from Muslim and from al-Bukhari, it is written: “The son of Adam cannot be born without Satan pricking him. He starts screaming because he was pricked - the only exception is Maryam and her son.

Satan is present at sexual intercourse

Satan is present at the sexual intercourse of a man with his wife, so a Muslim should remember the name of Allah and ask him for protection from Satan. This is confirmed in Sahih from Muslim and from al-Bukhari: “When one of you is about to go to his wife, he should say: “In the name of Allah. Allah, protect us from Satan, keep him away." If at that moment a child is given to them, Satan cannot harm him.”

Satan is present in all human activities

Satan is present in all human activities. Muslim and al-Tirmidhi mention a legend from Jabir that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “Satan is present in all your deeds. It is present even when you eat. When you drop a small piece of food, he picks it up. You must clean it and eat it, do not leave it to Satan. When you have eaten, you should lick your fingers. No one knows which piece of food contains the blessing.”

Chapter Eight: Man's Weapon Against Satan

Ask Allah for protection

One scholar asked a student, "What do you do when Satan tries to push you into sin?" The student replied, "I'm fighting him." "And if he tries to do it again?" The student replied, "I'm fighting him." “This goes on all the time,” the scientist said. “What would you do if you had sheep with you, and a shepherd dog with his barking prevented you from continuing on your way?” “I would fight her until she backed off,” the student replied. “It would take too long,” the teacher said. “You must ask the shepherd to take his dog away from you and your flock!”

The best defense against Satan can be the One who created Satan! The best way to protect yourself from Satan is to seek refuge with Allah. He alone has power over Satan, and if He protects His slave, Satan cannot get to him. Allah says: “Be patient and forgiving, call for good and move away from the ignorant, and if Satan tempts you, then seek refuge with Allah. Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing!” (7:199-200)

Mighty Allah instructs his messengers and all believers to seek protection from him from the cunning and presence of demons: “Say, My Lord, I ask You for protection from the cunning of demons, and I hope for Your protection when they come close to me” (23:97 -98).

If you want to know, asking for refuge means asking Allah for protection from all evil. “I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan” means: “I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan so that he does not harm me, my beliefs and worldly deeds. So that he does not prevent me from doing what was planned and did not push me to commit the forbidden. Only Allah is able to protect a person from Satan. That is why Allah allows Satan to tempt a person by offering him beautiful things, so that a person understands the harm from this and seeks refuge from Allah, since Satan cannot really be bribed, because he is - pure evil. Only the One who created it can protect you from it.

There is a legend in which Abdur-Rahman was asked if he had met the Prophet. And when he answered that he had, he was asked what the Prophet, peace be upon him, was doing on the night when Satan attacked him. He replied: “Demons came to the Prophet from the plains and from the mountains, among them was one who held a piece of burning wood in his hand. He wanted to burn the face of the Messenger of Allah. Jabrail (peace be upon him!) came up to him and said: “O Muhammad, speak!” He replied, "What can I say?" Gabriel repeated: “Say: I seek refuge with Allah from the evil that He has created, from the evil that comes down from heaven and that rises there, O Merciful!” Abdur-Rahman continued: "Then their fire died out and Allah dispersed them all."

Ask for protection while reciting the Qur'an

Allah says that people can ask Him for protection from Satan by reading the Quran. He says: “When you recite the Quran, seek refuge from the accursed Satan. He has no power over those who truly believe in their Lord and place their hopes in Him. (16:98-99) If you, while reading the Qur'an, ask Allah for protection from Satan, you gain advantages and wisdom:

1. The Quran heals the spiritual wounds of a person. He frees a person from whispering, sinful desires, to which Satan pushes him. He is like a cure for the influence of Satan. This medicine helps only if the heart does not resist it.

2. The Qur'an brings forth instruction, knowledge and goodness in the heart, just as water makes plants grow, while Satan is a fire that threatens these plants. Everything good that he feels in the heart of a person, he seeks to spoil and destroy. The reader of the Qur'an must seek refuge from Satan with Allah so that everything he reads is not perverted by Satan. The difference in these approaches is this: in the first case, the request for protection gives advantages to the reader, in the second - it allows you to protect what he has learned.

3. Angels descend from heaven to the reader of the Koran to listen to him. For example, a case is mentioned when Usayd ibn Khudair read the Koran, he saw something similar to a luminous dome. It is narrated in Sahih al-Bukhari from the words of Usayd bin Hudayr (may Allah be pleased with him) that one night, when he was reciting Surah Bakara, and his horse was standing next to him, it suddenly began to neigh and kick. Then he fell silent, and the horse calmed down. Then he began to read again, and the horse became agitated again, when he stopped, she calmed down. Then he began to read again, and she became agitated again, and then he stopped reading. At this time, his son Yahya was close to the horse, and Usaid was afraid that she would trample him, and when he took the child away from her and raised his eyes to the sky, he saw nothing. In the morning, Usaid told the Prophet (peace be upon him) about everything, and he said: “Read, O ibn Hudair! Usaid said: “O Messenger of Allah, I was afraid that she would trample Yahya, who was next to her, and therefore stopped reading and approached to him. And then I raised my head to the sky and saw there something like a cloud, in which there was something that looked like a luminous dome, after which it disappeared.” The Prophet, peace be upon him, asked: “Do you know what it was, Usaid? » "No," he replied. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “It was the angels who approached at the sound of your voice, and if you continued to read until the morning, then in the morning people would definitely see this sight and it would not hide from them!” The end of this story in al-Bukhari: "These angels are gathering at your voice." Satan is the adversary and enemy of the angels. Therefore, one who reads the Koran should ask Allah to drive away Satan in order to be with the angels. Angels and demons cannot be near.

4. Satan sends his troops against the one who reads the Koran so that they distract him from his main goal: to understand what Allah wants to convey to him. He tries his best to stand between his heart and the purpose of the Qur'an so that the reader does not get all the benefits from reading. Therefore, at the beginning of the reading, he should seek refuge with Allah from the damned Satan.

5. Satan is always very greedy towards a person who is convinced of the need to do good deeds.

Ask for protection when entering the restroom

When entering the toilet room, you should seek refuge with Allah from Satan, as it says in the Sahih from Muslim and al-Bukhari. Anas said that when the Prophet (peace be upon him) entered the toilet room, he said: “O Allah, I ask You for protection from female and male demons.” In the Sunnah from Abu Adud there is a legend in which the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “These secluded corners are inhabited by jinn, so when you enter the toilet, you need to ask Allah for protection from female and male demons.”

Ask for protection as you go to sleep

It is also recommended to seek refuge with Allah when going to sleep. This was said in Musnad from Ahmad ibn Hanbal as follows: “The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, taught us what to say when going to sleep:“ In the name of Allah. I seek refuge with Allah from His wrath, from His punishment, from the evil of His slaves, from the attacks of demons and from their presence.

Two Surahs for those who seek protection

The best way to find shelter is to read Surah Falak (Dawn) and Nas (People). According to Uqba ibn Amir, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “The most effective means to find refuge is to say: “I seek refuge from the Ruler of the Dawn” and “I seek refuge from the Lord of the people.”

That this is the best way is confirmed in other legends. One of them is reported by Muslim, who said that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “Don’t you see that surahs have been given to us from heaven, the likes of which no one has yet seen? These surahs are "I take refuge with the Lord of the Dawn" and "I take refuge with the Lord of Men". At-Tirmidhi reports the words of Abu Said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) sought protection from the jinn and the evil eyes of people until these two surahs about refuge appeared. When they became known, he used only them and abandoned other methods.

Remember the name of Allah more often

What do you think of a man whose enemies pushed him to evil intentions? They surrounded him, and each of them can do him any harm and harm he wants. There is no other way for him to get rid of them, except to remember the name of Allah. The remembrance of the name of Allah is the best salvation of a slave from Satan, according to Ibn al-Qaim: "If the remembrance of the name of Allah had this only quality, then it would be enough for His servants to constantly remember Him." I will state the legend to the noble reader to remind him of the benefits that a person gets by remembering the name of Allah. Abdur Rahman said:

“The Messenger of Allah came out to us when we were sitting in the Suffa (the verandah at the mosque of the Prophet where the poor Muslims slept) in Medina. He approached us and said, “Yesterday I saw something wonderful. I saw a man from my community who was visited by the Angel of Death to take his soul. His reverence for his parents came and drove the Angel of Death away from him. I saw a man being punished and his wudu (ritual washing of the limbs before prayer) came and saved him. I saw a man from my community surrounded by demons. The remembrance of the name of Allah came and drove them all away from him.

I saw a man from my community surrounded by the Angels of Punishment. His prayer came and snatched him from their hands. I saw a man from my congregation choking with thirst. Every time he approached the source, some kind of force kept him away from him and pushed him away. His fast during Ramadan came and gave him water, quenching his thirst.

I saw a man from my congregation, and I saw preachers sitting in a circle. Every time he tried to approach the circle, some force wouldn't let him. His janaba (ablution for complete purification) came, took his hand and led him around.

I saw a man from my community, in front of whom there was pitch darkness, behind whom there was pitch darkness, to the left and right of him there was pitch darkness. He stopped in confusion. His Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) and Umrah (pilgrimage to the Kaaba) came and carried him from darkness to light.

I saw a man from my community trying to protect himself from the heat and sparks of the fire. His mercy came and became a veil protecting him from the fire.

I saw a man from my community talking to believers who were ignoring him. His family ties came and said: “O Muslims! He always honored family ties. Talk to him!" The believers then spoke to him and shook hands. I saw a person from my community surrounded by Zabaniyas (angels guarding Hell). His adherence to truth and denial of falsehood came and snatched him from their hands and took him to the angels of mercy. I saw a man from my community bowing in a veil between him and Allah. His obedient nature came, took him by the hand and carried him to Allah the Great and Almighty.

I saw a man from my community who had a leaf in his left hand. His fear of Allah came and took the leaf and placed it in his right hand.

I saw a person from my community who lost his balance. His children, who had died before him, came and restored his balance. I saw a man from my community standing on the threshold of Hell. His hope in Allah came and saved him.

I saw a man from my community who fell into Hell. The tears he shed out of fear of Allah came and saved him. I saw a person from my community standing in front of the Sirat (a bridge in the form of a knife, along the blade of which one must pass to Paradise), trembling like a leaf during a storm. His good opinion of Allah came and calmed his fear.

I saw a man from my community stalking the Sirat, now moving forward, now stopping. His prayer came, gave him confidence and saved him. I saw a person from my community reach the gates of the Garden of Eden, but they were locked. His statement: "There is no other god but Allah" came and opened the gates for him, and let him inside the Gardens of Eden.

According to Ibn al-Qaim, Shaik al-Islam, Ibn Taimiyya, this legend is extremely important. I heard him say, "It is very firmly established." He was referring to the words of Prophet A: “I saw a man from my community surrounded by demons. The remembrance of Allah's name came and drove them all away from him."

Remembering the name of Allah is the surest salvation from Satan! Perhaps this will become even clearer after acquaintance with the following legend. In it, the Messenger of Allah Yahya, ordering Ban Israel to have five qualities, first of all mentioned that he should remember Allah the Great more often. He told him that like a fortress where a person pursued by enemies can hide, a slave can protect himself from Satan by mentioning the name of Allah. The benefits of remembering the name of Allah are incalculable. There just wouldn't be enough space in the book to list them. If the reader wishes to learn more about them, he should refer to the book written by Imam al-Ghazali Al-Adhar wad-Duawat, edited by Muhammad al-Kashit, and the book Al-Wabil as-Saib min al-Kalam at-Taib, written by Ibn -Kaim.

The first three verses from Surah "Gafir" (The Believer) together with the verse "ul-Kursi"

These verses from Surah Ghafir are: “Ha Mim. The book was sent from heaven by Allah the Great, Victorious, Knowing, Forgiving sinful deeds, Accepting repentance. Strong in punishment. Generous in the blessings and mercy bestowed by Him. There is no other god but Him, and the final return is the return to Him.” (40:1-3) This is read along with Ayat-ul-Kursi (2:225).

At-Tirmidhi narrates the words of Abu HuRairah about how the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “If someone reads the passage from the words “Ha Mim” to the words “return to Him” from the sura “Ghafir” along with the ayat “al- Kursi" in the morning, he is protected by them until the evening. If he reads them in the evening, he is protected by them until the morning.”

End of Surah Bakara

At-Tirmidhi reports the words of Abu Masud al-Ansari about how the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever reads the last two verses from Surah Bakara at night, he protects himself from all harm." At-Tirmidhi narrates the words of an-Numan Bashir that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Two thousand years before the creation of the world, Allah wrote a book, He included two verses in it in Surah Bakara. Satan will not approach the house where this Surah has been recited for the past three nights.”

Ritual wudu (washing of limbs) and prayer

Ritual Voodoo (washing of the limbs) and prayer are one of the strongest ways to protect a person from Satan, especially against the forces of anger and inclination to it, which are like a boiling cauldron in the heart of the son of Adam. At-Tirmidhi narrates the words of Abu Sa'id al-Khudri that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Anger is a smoldering coal in the heart of the son of Adam, have you not noticed this red light in the eyes and the swelling veins in the neck? If someone felt his touch, he should sit down on the ground. Ahmad bin Hanbal reports the words of Utiya bin Urwa about how the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Anger is from Satan, and Satan was created from fire. You can put out the fire with water, so in anger you need to perform Wudu.

Reading the verse "al-Kursi"

Reading the verse "al-Kursi" is the best defense of the son of Adam from Satan. There is a story in Sahih from Muhammad ibn Sirin in which Abu Hurayrah says: “The Messenger of Allah made me responsible for keeping the Zakat (tax) in the month of Ramadan. Suddenly, someone came up to me and began to pick up handfuls of food. I grabbed him and said: “I will punish you until the Messenger of Allah comes...” - the legend continues for a few more lines - then the intruder says: “When you go to sleep, read the ayat “al-Kursi”. Allah will send you a guard so that no demon comes near you until morning.” The Prophet said: “He told you the truth, although he himself is a liar. It was Satan."

Reading Surah Bakara

Reading Surah Bakara will take the demons away from the Muslim and his home. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Do not turn your houses into graves. Satan will not enter a house where Bakara is recited.

Ahmad bin Hanbal reports a similar tale from Abu Hurayr: “There is no god but Allah. To Him belongs His kingdom, and the glory in that kingdom, and dominion over it.” If a Muslim repeats this hundreds of times, it will bring him much fruit. This becomes clear from the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) “If someone repeats: “There is no other God but Allah. His kingdom belongs to him, and the glory in this kingdom, and dominion over it” a hundred times a day, this will be equivalent to freeing ten slaves and hundreds of good deeds assigned to him hundreds of bad deeds written off from him, and this will give him protection from Satan on all day until evening No one will do more than he does than he who does more than he has. This tale is included in Sahih from Al-Bhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah

Abstinence from excesses

One of the things that keep a believer from falling into the net of Satan is to abstain from excesses in looks, words, food, and association with people. Through these four doors, Satan can influence the son of Adam and get what he needs from him. As for looks, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Do not answer with a look for a look. You are allowed to look first, but not second." (Ahmad bin Hanbal "Musnad") With regard to superfluous words, the Prophet said: "The adherent of Islam should be distinguished by the fact that he does not touch on topics that do not concern him." Regarding the excessive consumption of food, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The worst vessel that a person tries to fill is his stomach.”

Lukman the Wise said to his son: “My son, when the belly is full, when the images fall asleep, wisdom falls silent, and the limbs cease to worship.” As for excessive communication, it is a chronic disease that attracts evil. How often do companies communicate that are not blessed! How often do they sow enmity! How often do they breed malice in their hearts, and as long as it remains there, it interferes with good deeds! Excessive communication destroys this world and the Next World. A slave should be content with as much communication as he needs.

The power of knowledge

One of the greatest refuges that can protect a believer from Satan is knowledge.

The Messenger of Allah said: "One initiate is stronger than Satan than a thousand worshippers."

The significance of the believer's knowledge for resisting Satan is well illustrated in the following story, narrated by Ibn Abbas: "The demons say to Iblis: "Master, we rejoice in the death of the initiate more than the death of the worshiper, because the initiate can defend himself and harm us, but the worshiper cannot" . Iblis replied: "Get ready for the journey." And they went to the worshiper to ask him a question. Iblis asked: "Can your Lord throw this world into confusion?" The worshiper replied: "I do not know."

Iblis said to the demons, "Don't you see that there is no faith in his words?" Then they went to the dedicated man

Who communicated with his like-minded people, and they said to him: "We want to ask you a question." He replied: "Ask." And then Iblis asked him: "Can your Lord plunge this world into confusion?" The initiate replied, "Yes." Iblis asked: "How?" The initiate replied, “When He desires something. He orders it: "Be done!" and it is done." (36:82) Iblis said to the demons: "Don't you see that that person who worships cannot influence anything but himself, while this person who is initiated alienates most of my world from me?"

Joining the Muslim community

It is known that Satan is with those who oppose the community. For this reason, a Muslim must adhere to the Muslim community, because this will be able to fence him off from falling into the networks of Satan. The Messenger of Allah said: “All who truly desire to enter the Garden of Eden must join the Muslim community. It is easier for Satan to lure a single person than a couple of people” (from Tirmizi and Ahmad Hanbal). The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) also said: “Allah protects the community. Satan is with those who oppose the community” (from Ibn Said).

Ayat - stanza of the Koran

Religion is a way of life

Fakih - a person brought up in religious traditions

Hadith - a legend about what the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did or said

Hijra - migration in the name of Allah

Iblis is the real name of the devil

Ifrit - a kind of powerful genies

Imam - spiritual, religious leader

Isnad - a chain of transmission of legends

Jahannam is one of the names of Hell

Qadi - Judge

Qibla - the direction in which you need to turn your face during prayer

Sahih - unmistakable, most authentic book of tales

Salaf - the first generation of Muslims

Shaitan - Satan or one of his demons

Sirat is a knife-shaped bridge that leads to Paradise.

Suffa - the veranda at the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, where poor Muslims slept

Sunnah - the book of the deeds of the Prophet and his companions, as an example for future generations

Sura - chapter of the Quran

'Umrah - a small pilgrimage, a visit to the Kaaba, which can be done at any time

Wudu' - cleansing, ritual washing of limbs before prayer

Zakat - obligatory tax in favor of needy Muslims

Hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the pillars of Islam

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