Indigirka river source and mouth. The Indigirka River: geographical information. Fauna and river navigation

The Indigirka River, along with the reservoirs of the neighboring Khabarovsk Territory, shows us the "classical" north of the Far East. Frozen land with larch taiga, forest tundra and arctic wasteland. The difference is that this water flow is the most stormy in all of Yakutia (more than a third of the way it spends in high mountains). But in the lower reaches of the Indigirka it produces just the opposite impression - it is one of the most developed transport arteries of Yakutia. It remains to be added: on these shores stands the coldest settlement of the Russian Federation - Oymyakonsky Tomtor. And to the north, on the contrary, a little warmer.

general description

The Indigirka River is 1,726 km long. Its pool is 360,000 sq. km. The maximum width is in the estuary. 63 kilometers. Depths up to 11 m. The reservoir flows through 5 uluses of the Republic of Sakha (throughout Yakutia). Direction north. The average water flow is 1,570 cubic meters per second. Food - rain, melt and ice water. Freeze lasts from early October to late May. In some areas, ice remains even in July (at the latitude of permafrost). The flood begins in the last days of May. Continues in June. Seasonal changes in water level reach 11 m. There are about 100 tributaries (excluding streams). The largest are: Nera, Moma, Selennyakh, Badyarikha, Uyandina, Allaikha, Berellekh, Kuidusun, Kuente and Elgi.

The Indigirka River was formed simultaneously with the Yano-Oymyakon Highland and the Chersky Range. Almost all Paleolithic people disappeared during the last glaciation. Only a part of them passed on their genes to the ancestors of the Eveno-Evenks (in the upper reaches and in the central area) and the Yukaghirs (in the lower reaches). The hydronym is derived from "india gir", which translates from Evenki "people of the indie clan". Much to the south of the riverbed, at the turn of ancient and medieval history, a branch of the Xiongnu people penetrated into the Far East. Mixing with the natives, she formed the Yakuts. In the 17-18 centuries they conquer the reservoir. In the same period, a Russian description of the Indigirka River was made. The expedition of the Cossacks of Ivan Erastov was the first to visit. They were followed by "sovereign people" under the leadership of Stadukhin (they included the famous Semyon Dezhnev). Our ancestors realized that it only made sense to settle to the north of the Momskaya branch.

The mountain section of the water stream from hatred was nicknamed the Dog (or Devil's) River. The reasons will be clear to the reader below. The Chersky Ridge and the Yano-Oymyakon Highlands remained unconquered for about 250 years (before the start of the "gold rush"). An exception is the camp, which has now evolved into the urban settlement. Oymyakon. Far on the other side of the ridge. The so-called Okhotsk Route passed through it (it led to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk). Since the 17th century, the Indigirka River has been part of the Russian state. And at the beginning of the last century, industrial gold reserves were found on this reservoir. Tiny factories appear. Most are now gone. A smaller part are villages or even castles (only a few of them have marinas). The largest municipalities (Ust-Nera, Oymyakon) appear exclusively in Soviet times. Their history is connected with reindeer-breeding collective farms. Buildings on some branches appeared during the years of coal mining. The transport use of the Indigirka River began as early as the described 17th century. It continues today. However, all attempts to start a journey south of the Moma mouth always ended in tragedy. The most famous is connected with the death of the head of one of the scientific expeditions. In 1931. And in the lower half (from the connection with the Moma River to the mouth), the Indigirka River is currently passable for bulk carriers. There are no hydroelectric power stations and reserves on the banks of the hydrological object. Now they are open for any trade and any recreation. For example, fish is caught here on an industrial scale - in all sections of the channel.

Source and mouth of the Indigirka River

The source of the Indigirka River is located on the territory of the Oymyakonsky ulus of the Republic of Sakha. At around 792 meters above sea level. Inside the channel there are bare stone spits. Around it, on low ravines, there are larch forests. The source of the Indigirka River is a bundle of narrow channels in a channel 350 m wide, formed by the confluence of two streams, also divided into channels. They are called Tuora-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh. They run away from the northern macroslope of the Halkan Range. Its crest is the natural border of the specified autonomy with the Khabarovsk Territory. The new stream is already leaning to the northwest.

The mouth of the Indigirka River is its entrance to the East Siberian Sea. This is an estuary of several dozen channels. Their common channel is 63 kilometers wide (including Ularovskaya Bay). This refers to the Arctic wasteland frozen for many meters, ending in the ice of the East Siberian Sea. Geographically, we are talking about the Allaikhovsky ulus of the Yakut autonomy. A thin layer of snow and ice is visible here in summer.

Basin of the Indigirka River

At first, the Indigirka River moves in the mountains - 640 kilometers. After its “birth”, it immediately breaks into “threads” and moves strictly to the northwest. On the lowest part of the Yano-Oymyakon highlands. The width of the common channel does not exceed 500-600 meters. However, some branches also freely extend inside the coastal edges. Because they almost do not rise above the water's edge. Here (as well as up to the forest-tundra) larch forests reign. Only the rocky islands are mostly bare, each with a few trees. Further, from Tyubeliakh, the course of the Indigirka River breaks through the Chersky Range, merging into a single stream, narrowing in some area to 200 meters. Stone ravines gradually become higher. At the end of the Great Gorge (Indigirskaya Pipe) they go down again. The depth sometimes reaches 11 meters. The flow speed is up to 20 km/h. The middle course of the Indigirka River begins at the exit from the Truba with a simultaneous entrance to a small section of the Momo-Selennyakh depression. The banks are slightly elevated. Here the taiga turns into the forest-tundra. And the river again scatters into many winding channels. Its diameter is steadily returning its parameter - 1,500 meters. After this lowland (circling the Momsky Range), the shores are equal to the water level.

Due to the many banks, the channel acquires a width of up to 3,000 meters in some places. This is the transition to the lower section of the Indigirka river basin. The site is called the Abyi lowland. It is characterized by a meeting (at the last stage) with a low Semiaxle ridge (large hills covered with tundra and stone bald mountains). Behind them begins the Yano-Indigirskaya lowland. Direct deep stretches 350-500 meters long appear. In the same spacious location, the Indigirka river basin is divided into 3 banks (Russian Mouth, Sredny and Kolyma). They give birth to their own river networks. The tundra smoothly turns into the arctic - poor in species composition and powdered with snow. On the rivieras, it is easy to notice thick ice. The end point of river traffic is described in the section above.

Sights of the river Indigirka

Exit to Kuidusun: the stele "Pole of Cold" and the bust of Lenin in the village of Tomtor

Here the Indigirka river comes into contact with the estuary of the Kuduysun stream. Moving along it (crossing idyllic landscapes) it is not difficult to get to the village of Tomtor in 3 hours on foot. In addition to replenishing supplies (civilization will not be lower for a long time), we recommend that you arrange a tour of this relatively small municipality. And it also often hosts the main Yakut holiday - Ysyaakh.

But it is known more for two tourist attractions - a tall shiny stele with a beautiful inscription "- 71.2" and a bust of Vladimir Ilyich with a fur Yakut hood. Nearby there is still Mount Ebe-Khaya - a sacred place for local Yakuts (and once Evenks) place. At the foot stands a shaman tree (a lone larch with multi-colored patches of fabric). Tomtor was made the center of the Second Borogon Nasleg. Rural settlement of Oymyakonsky ulus (district). His biography began simultaneously with the discovery of the eponymous deposit of rare earth metals in the years of the USSR. And later, in 1952-1953, the writer Varlam Shalamov arrived here in exile. In honor of people like him, a memorial was erected to the repressed (the Memory Bell). Let us explain that only 2 kilometers from Tomtor is the Oymyakon airport. But planes from Yakutsk do not fly here. Exclusively boards from nearby areas. And the building itself is missing. Just an airstrip and a car park. That is why they say that the coldest place is in Oymyakon (they simply fly to Tomtor through the Oymyakon airfield, and therefore the nearby land is incorrectly considered a suburb of the village of Oymyakon).

Oymyakon village

After some time, Oymyakon appears on the Indigirka River. From the Evenki toponym means "the place where the fish spends the winter." Arriving here, the Yakuts simply adopted this toponym. A tiny agglomeration is located on the left coast. In the hollow between the hills, into which cold air flows in winter. In a broad sense, all of it is referred to as "Oymyakon". The settlement is famous as the center of the festival of the northern peoples "Belt of Cold". Its history begins at the end of the 17th century. A Russian trading post was formed here, associated with receiving yasak from the Evenks, as well as fishing. After the Revolution, several collective farms united around these rural areas. Tomtor and Oymyakon constantly argued over the status of the "coldest" place. At the moment, they are still recognized as Tomtor. Woolly cows were bred in Oymyakon, ready to calmly survive the merciless winter and give good milk yields. In 1935, the mentioned patch on the map was headed by the 1st Borogonsky Nasleg. The sights of the tiny town are a whole complex of ice ... architecture. And a local history exposition, where they will tell you why Obruchev's expedition got stuck here. At the same time, handicrafts will be shown. We emphasize: this museum is also a hotel.

District center of Ust-Nera and Oymyakonskiye Kisilyakhi

A little lower on the Indigirka River, the protection of historical values ​​is more important than anywhere else. Ust-Nera (Ust-Nersk) and the surrounding Oymyakon surroundings abound in both natural and historical values. Let's start with the fact that this is the most populated place (5,000 inhabitants). And, despite the inappropriate name, it is precisely this administrative “capital” of the Oymyakonsky district (Oymyakon itself is only the second most important settlement). The reasons for the development lie in the strategic location. It is here that the R-504 "Kolyma" passes and only here planes from Yakutsk land. The population mainly consists of shift workers. And migrants in the first or third generations - the descendants of miners, gold miners, exiles and just romantics. Geologists and miners (personnel of mining plants) come to watch. The percentage of the aboriginal population is small. And it also has a complex national composition. The airport is located 15 km from the town. No public transport goes here. Taxis must be ordered before departure. It will wait patiently behind the airfield fence. But if you forgot to do this, but met a ride - rejoice.

Hitchhikers have never been abandoned here before. There is all the necessary infrastructure (including a drama theater with a unique wall painting and a whole bunch of shops), plus a museum of masterpieces of wooden architecture, as well as an exposition dedicated to the local "branch" of the Gulag. Photos, documents, personal belongings, an interesting story of the guide. Entrance to both institutions is cheap. Recently, a WWII memorial complex consisting of stone boards and sculptures has appeared. Not far from him is another unusual Lenin. He is in a warm coat and leans painfully on a pile that encloses one of the playgrounds. But that's not all! Behind the described "playing ground" is the main museum - local history. It contains a rich paleontological collection, a set of minerals, archaeological rarities and artifacts associated with the same Gulag. Prison clothes, tools and much more. Visitors are waiting for several guest establishments of different categories.

The Oymyakon basin is surrounded by low elevations (hills). Some (those on the windward side) have been eroded to such an extent that they look like individual rocks or bizarre groups of rocks. The locals called them "kihchileeh". Their basis is the surviving slopes of the hill. Therefore, climbing to the foot of the Kisilyakhs is possible for mountain trekkers. Well, only climbers will get to the remnants themselves. They take ropes and crampons (an ice ax, of course, also does not hurt). Kisilyakhs, similar to figures, have long been proclaimed sacred. You can’t climb them (that is, beat them with an ice pick, scratch them with cats and drive hooks into the surface). Kisilyakhi - the threshold of the "portal" of the Indigirskaya Pipe (the border of the Oymyakon highlands and the Chersky ridge). The first ones can really be found right above the Ust-Nera. The latter are already at Chumbu-Kytyl (former Tyubeliakh). There they adjoin the ridge indicated above. The first variety has small specimens (3-5 meters), similar to honey mushrooms.

Indigirskaya Pipe (Big Gorge, Busik Rapids)

In this place, parking on the Indigirka River is impossible. And in general it is better to bypass the named corner side (in the mountains). It is literally deadly for all living things that will be inside. The described water flow begins to pass behind the village of Tyubeliakh (Chumpu-Kytyl) in the highest mountain (“ridge”) part of the Chersky Range. And finishes - at the exit to the Momskaya lowland (crossing with the Moma valley). In a broad sense, the Pipe extends for about 100 kilometers. Throughout this extremely winding stretch: rapids above all possible categories (unsuitable even for extreme recreation), a pile of huge boulders and a current speed exceeding 20 kilometers per hour! The depth is sometimes 11 meters! The height of the rocky sides ranges from 21 to 200 meters! Rocks organically pass into sheds of layered rocks (formed in the era of existence at this point in the sea). The Great Gorge is divided into 3 episodes - in the first it narrows from 1.5 km to 200 m, in the second it expands to 500 m, in the third it enters the Chemalginsky (the most dangerous) massif, narrowing again (but only slightly). Stone majestic cliffs constantly alternate with screes. And only at the very end, on the edge of the ledges, you can see rare larches. One of the names of the tract (Busik Thresholds) is dedicated to the commander of the Soviet hydrographic expedition who died here in 1931. All researchers passing through here (starting from the 18th century) call the river "the most terrible in the entire Far East." And only because of the described section of the channel (after all, in all other parts it looks like dozens of others).

Site of the historical city of Zashiversk

The protection of the Indigirka River (or rather, its historical heritage) should be established here. One of the strongly protruding peninsulas of Indigirka (a natural shelter) is located in a place to the north of which the bare tundra begins. This is a couple of kilometers from the administrative border of the Abysky and Momsky uluses. Here, at the crossroads to the Kolyma, Anadyr and the Arctic Ocean, Zashiversk was once located. Now it can be determined only by the commemorative chapel. Archaeologists have already completed excavations, having found a whole series of evidence of almost 250 years of existence of the town. And if you land on land, you can see replicas of wooden idols, as well as a home-made meme from the same eco-friendly material. With an inscription. It all started with a prison, which was built by the "service people" of the detachment of Postnik Ivanov. They came from the upper reaches of the Yana (Verkhoyansk had already been built at that time). We decided to call the mini-city Zashiversk, since all the shivers of Indigirka pass already up to this point.

Until 1700, the old agglomeration was rebuilt several times. She managed to visit the place where yasak was collected from the Yukaghirs (here, on the border of the settlement of Evenks and Yukaghirs, storehouses were built). "Fur" trading post. Parish of the Transfiguration Church. It was built of larch, without a single nail. And later it will be dismantled and transported to Novosibirsk. In the 18th century, the place began to quickly grow into tenements. In the middle of this century, the town was re-planned. From 1798 it already had more advanced rectangular fortifications. By Far Eastern standards, many people lived here - merchants, bourgeois, peasants, as well as local hunters, reindeer herders, and fishermen. In the century before last, the settlement grew even more. But in 1883 it was completely exterminated by smallpox. The epidemic arose so rapidly that no one was saved.

Belaya Gora village

Later, rafting on the Indigirka River will lead the water traveler to the municipality, which has already grown up among the tundra landscape. Belaya Gora is the last hill. And at the same time the point from which the transition zone begins. This is where the freeze-up lingers. The conversation is about the border of the subarctic and arctic climate. Even in June, the trees (planted on the village streets) do not show leaves. But there is a whole minimum of infrastructure. Including even the fire station. Belaya Gora is the center of the Abyisky ulus. It appeared only in 1974. Before that, there was a village called Druzhina. Today it has such transport terminals as a pier and an airport. As well as industrial facilities - an oil depot and a greenhouse. At the reservoir, both banks are interesting. On the village stands a stele in honor of the sailors of the river fleet - the only attraction.

Chokurdakh settlement and natural park "Kytalyk"

On this fragment, the course of the Indigirka River is completely in the Arctic zone. Most of the year it is not driven by snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles. Starting from this conditional strip, the ice breaks up rather late and stays for a relatively short time. On the left hand grew p.g.t. Chokuurdaakh. Founded in November 1936 as a maritime transport hub, as well as a place of compact residence of the so-called Russo-Ustyintsy. Sub-ethnic group of the Russian people, distinguished by direct origin from the first settlers of the first third of the 17th century. They have preserved a lot of vocabulary about the customs of that time, which are inherited. According to anthropology, they are mestizos (have Mongoloid features). They are close to the Yakuts and Yukaghirs in terms of housekeeping. The founders of this clan are the Cossacks Ivan Rebrov and Ivan Perfiriev, who came here in 1633. The first opened the mouth of the Indigirka 3 years later. Such people also live in the Russian Ustye and in Chokurdakh. After 56 kilometers of the waterway, the river splits into 3 banks. Here is the winter season. There is a mini airfield.

As said, downstream is a river estuary. Part of it received the status of a natural park. This space is called "Kytalyk". It is only being organized, not yet having clear boundaries. Its main goal will be ecotourism. Here you can go in for birdwatching - watch the pink gull, the roaring swan, the white-billed loon and rare herons. Nearby are more prosaic geese, ducks and sandpipers. From mammals you will come across ermine, arctic fox, weasel and wolverine. Reindeer, white hare, polar wolf and introduced musk ox. And it's not just about nature. For example, in the tundra near the Russian Ustye, the northernmost Orthodox church in the world has been preserved. Even international organizations are interested in the formation of a national park.

Tourism and recreation on the river Indigirka

The Indigirka River is located within the boundaries of the cold zone of the continental climate, but its “finish” is in the subarctic and even partially in the arctic climatic zones. In the Arctic wasteland, even in summer, only winter activities are available - reindeer and dog sledding, as well as ice fishing. The forest-tundra and tundra lying to the south are ready to offer a variety of rare plants in the warm season. And, on the contrary, in the upper taiga in July, hiking in the forest with all the accompanying leisure activities is possible - picking berries and mushrooms, hunting and classic fishing. You can safely stand up with tents.

Mountain trekking, and at the same time a speleological trip with tents along the Indigirka River are quite appropriate. The first half of the waterway washed its way into the Yano-Oymyakon highlands and the Chersky ridge (the easternmost place in Russia, where there are still “three-thousand-meter” mountains). That is, there is where to climb. There are places to do base jumping or hang gliding. At your service are Mount Pobeda (3,003), the Suntar-Khayata massif (applies only to the sources), the Khalkan, Momsky and Chemalginsky ridges, the Porozhny and Semi-Axis ridges, the Kyuellyakh-Mustakh mountain junction (with a popular waterfall), as well as the caves of the Oymyakon Plateau. As for the latter, they are also found on the smaller Nersky plateau. The most interesting ones are deployed simultaneously in all massifs: locals sometimes notice chuchuns in them. These yeti are also called the word "mulen". Like, they attack wanderers who have climbed into the mountains.

Once upon a time, these archaic hominids attacked even settlements on the river. But over time, they realized: the advantage in strength is not on their side. Tourists are not brought here. Extremes are here.

Air recreation on the Indigirka River consists in transportation to settlements on its banks. In any case, you will need the services of small aircraft. Ust-Nera now provides a paraglider. Pilgrimage and event holidays on the Indigirka River are associated with the settlements of Ust-Nera and Oymyakon. The first one is the only one on the river coast, through which a large highway (R-504 Yakutsk-Magadan) passes. The second is intersected by the intra-regional highway Oymyakon-Tomtor. Upstream is the Old Kolyma tract. All other villages communicate with major cities by air. In Ust-Nera there is the Assumption Church - a place of attraction for Orthodox from all over the Indigirie. In Oymyakon, a multinational holiday "The Belt of Cold" is held every year, which demonstrates pagan rituals, folk costumes and authentic fun from 4 peoples inhabiting the eastern third of Yakutia. Yakuts, Evenks, Evens and Yukagirs. The event has the status of "ethno-tourist". It is usually held in the last days of March, as it is associated with the spring rite of rebirth of life. After the winter "death". Do not forget that the Oymyakon basin is the coldest of the inhabited settlements (at the height of winter, the thermometer drops to minus 71.2). Chyskhaan - Yakut Santa Claus. He always acts as the host of the festival. However, in the ceremonial part, the event is presented more geographically. And here (directly from Veliky Ustyug) comes a representative of the Slavic winter with an assistant, the Snow Maiden. And also Pakkaine from Karelia, Yamal-Iri from the Yamal Peninsula, Saagan Ubgan from Buryatia, Kysh Babai from Tatarstan (with his daughter Kar Kyzy), as well as the Lapland Joulupukki. Mandatory points are the choice of Miss Frost Belt and a sample of the delights of the cuisine of different northern nationalities. Round dance. Competitions and sports competitions. Dancing with shamans. If you like it, come to a purely Yakut holiday. Ysyah. He looks like.

Rafting on the Indigirka River is an exciting activity. But only to Tyubeliakh or, on the contrary, already beyond the Thresholds of Busik. The reason for this was stated in the chapter above. Get on the water at Oymyakon. The current is quite fast, and the river "body" is sometimes so shallow that you can simply walk along it. Several kilometers. Choosing one of the channels Further rafting along the Indigirka River is accessible through quite surmountable rifts and rapids (by the way, category ones). Move so to the very Tyubelakh. Pros can raft much higher - from the very bridge of the road Tomtor - Myaunja. There are loans. But you will have to drag the raft. Wave the oars on the clamps too! Now about the second rafting route. From the location located at the intersection with the Momskaya Valley, it is really possible to walk to the very estuary. And, choosing one of the 2 main channels, go to the East Siberian Sea (like many of our fearless ancestors). Here the river is more like a lowland. The only "but" is a very confusing sailing direction, consisting of sleeves.

Fishing and hunting on the Indigirka river

Fishermen know a lot of fish from the Indigirka River. Fishing will bring you to:

  • pike;
  • chirom;
  • grayling;
  • taimen;
  • Lenkom;
  • muksun;
  • burbot;
  • vendace;
  • peled;
  • several varieties of crucian carp;
  • carp;
  • perch.

On the Indigirka River, fishing is successful anywhere. There are no reservations prohibited for the fisherman. As well as fish - on some dangerous fragments of the upper reaches (it simply cannot climb to many points of the channel). Fishing on the Indigirka River will introduce you to the "Red Book" fish. She should be released. We are talking about Siberian sturgeon, chum salmon, lamprey, arctic char (seruk) and sculpin. However, they were not seen here at all. The difference between Indigirka fishing is that many representatives of the ichthyofauna cannot be caught on spinning or float gear. They are too large and powerful - they easily tear the line. Locals use it for catching burrows. The indigenous population feeds only dogs with perches and carps (Kukuchans) ...

This is the kind of excitement that the Indigirka River provides guests with. Fishing, by the way, can be combined with hunting. Goose, duck (longtail duck and pintail), capercaillie, black grouse, scoter (prohibited in some places), ptarmigan, tundra partridge and arctic partridge are available for shooting. Hazel grouse in dense taiga, near the source. Of the mammals - arctic fox, bighorn sheep (in the mountains), deer (in the mountains). Further sable, white hare, squirrel, ermine, Siberian weasel and arctic fox. And behind them are a lynx, a wolverine, an elk, a fox and a wolf (only the very upper reaches). Roe deer and red deer can only cross the upper reaches (very limited). The local fauna of the Red Book is the reindeer (available as prey only to the nomadic peoples of the north). Also musk deer, manul, leather, European otter and arctic fox. Then flying squirrel, polar bear, lemming, flying birds of prey and owls. The same list includes the inhabitants of swamps and lakes - all kinds of herons, swans, cranes and storks. The ban on hunting exists in the area of ​​the Arctic coast - the listed populations of the Red Book live on it.

Protection of the Indigirka River

The protection of the Indigirka River is not so urgent yet. An assessment of the ecological state of the mentioned hydrological object refers it to the class of "low pollution". Although back in 2008 the water was characterized as "very polluted". At the moment, the annual discharge of wastewater is recorded by far not the most critical parameter. The presented problem is more related to the destructiveness of the flood. Heavy rains are the cause of water disasters (melt waters show stable dynamics). Several times, Ust-Nera, Oymyakon and the section of the Kolyma highway closest to them were subjected to a serious attack by the elements. Earthen dams were erected.

The description of the Indigirka River presented to you shows all its natural highlights and recreational opportunities. And even some problems. Come.

Perhaps, most of the inhabitants of Russia, at least somehow familiar with the geography of their native country, have heard about Indigirka. And for this majority it seems to be a very distant, wild and uninhabited river. In fact, if you get to know Indigirka in reality, it turns out that these ideas are not far from the truth. Although, as on all other rivers, people have settled on the banks of the Indigirka since ancient times. Once Yukagirs, Evens and other peoples, later Yakuts and Russians. But even now there are not so many settlements here, and even those are not very large.

The largest of them is the village of Ust-Nera, with a population of about six thousand people, although in the best Soviet times, during the heyday of geological activity, the number of inhabitants here reached twelve thousand. But even now there are prospects for Ust-Nera, because the village is located at the intersection of two transport arteries - the Kolyma highway, the only highway that crosses the river and connects Yakutsk with Magadan, and Indigirka itself, which in this capacity works not only in summer, but also in winter. It is from Ust-Nera that navigation is possible for small boats down the river, but only to the place called the “Indigirskaya Pipe”. There the river enters a narrow and severe gorge among the mountains of the Chersky ridge, where formidable and impassable rapids rage. Navigation also exists in the lower part of the river from the mouth to the village of Khonuu. But when Indigirka freezes, that's when it becomes a road, a winter road along which all cargo transportation is carried out from the villages located down the river. And even from Chokurdakh itself, which is already in the lowest reaches, you can go to the Kolyma highway, and from here anywhere, even to Moscow itself. But the winter road along the Indigirka is a separate topic, worthy of its own story, the road is harsh and dangerous, but there is no other here.

The Indigirka is one of the largest rivers in the north-east of Russia, having an independent flow into the sea. Its length, together with the sources, reaches almost two thousand kilometers. Although, in fact, this river is called Indigirka only after the confluence of the two rivers Tuora-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh. The sources of the Indigirka originate in the Suntar-Khayat ridge and the Oymyakon highland, then the river cuts through the ridges of a huge mountain system called the Chersky ridge, the most elevated in the north-east of the country. It is here that the most severe and difficult places on the river, but here are the most beautiful. Coming out of the mountains of the Chersky ridge, the Indigirka carries its waters along the Momo-Selennyakh intermountain basin. Then it crosses the not very high spurs of the Momsky Range, and only after that it finally enters the plain, where it flows in the low-lying shores of the remaining a little more than a thousand kilometers up to the East Siberian Sea. From the very source to the mouth, the Indigirka flows through the territory of Yakutia.

As for the name of the river, it became known under this name from 1636, when the Tobolsk Cossack Ivan Rebrov got here by sea from the mouth of the Yana. This was the first discovery of Indigirka by Russians. From local languages, the name can be translated as "Dog's River", this is probably due to the fact that local residents had only dogs as pets. However, there is another version that the Even kind of indie lived here. Indigyr - people of the indie family.

You can tell a lot of interesting things about Indigirka, in completely different aspects. And there is no way to avoid, of course, the landscape or aesthetic appeal of this river. There are so many amazingly beautiful places that will not leave anyone indifferent. This is just heaven for a professional landscape photographer. But paradise is harsh and hard to reach. And, due to the fact that not many people come here, few people have seen these places. And even more so, visually, few people presented it to the public. So it's time to do it. Only seven wonderful places, which does not mean at all that there is nothing more interesting here.

Place first. Lake Labynkyr.

As already mentioned, Indigirka is formed from the confluence of two rivers - Taryn-Yuryakh and Tuora-Yuryakh. One of the largest tributaries of the Tuora-Yuryakh is the Labynkyr River, respectively, this is one of the sources of the Indigirka. Talking about Indigirka, it is impossible to omit Labynkyr, because higher along this river lies a rather large lake of the same name, which is a real attraction not only of the Oymyakon region to which it belongs, but of the whole of Yakutia as a whole. And the thing is that this lake is associated with a legend about a certain animal that supposedly lives in the lake and is unknown to science, according to descriptions similar to a plesiosaur. Something like the Yakut Loch Ness. Here, however, Nessie is called the Labynkyr devil. The locals are jealous of the legend and don't really like it when visitors doubt it. However, the origins of the legend, probably, should be sought not in reality, but in the human mind, prone to seeking a way out of this very reality, which for some reason does not suit most people. But, in fact, Lake Labynkyr, even without any monsters, is worthy to see it. It's just not easy to get here. The nearest settlement, the village of Tomtor, is located a hundred kilometers away and the road here is all-terrain through swamps and stones. Rare travelers get here on an all-terrain vehicle or on horseback, or even just on foot.

Not only Lake Labynkyr itself is beautiful, but also the surroundings. This icing lies on the Labynkyr River ten kilometers above the lake.

The northernmost part of the lake, here the river of the same name flows out of the lake. There is also a large house that can accommodate many travelers.

Southern part of the lake. The weather on the lake does not often indulge.

View from the southern end of the lake to the north. From here you can see the lake in its entire length. Labynkyr stretches from north to south for about 15 kilometers, and reaches a width of four kilometers.

The northern part of the lake is much lower than the southern part.

Southern part of the lake.

Place second. Oymyakon is the pole of cold.

Indeed, the place with the coldest winters in the northern hemisphere is located right here, in Oymyakon. Temperatures were documented here close to minus seventy degrees below zero. And minus fifty is considered a completely normal temperature and usually lasts for one to two months. However, in Yakutia there is another area traditionally in dispute with Oymyakonsky for the “snow palm” of the frost championship - Verkhoyansky. The reason for such a harsh climate is its sharply continental character, as well as winter temperature inversions. Under conditions of prolonged anticyclones in the absence of wind, in wide intermountain basins, conditions are created for these same temperature inversions, when heavier cold air sinks to the bottom of these intermountain basins, in which, as a rule, settlements are located. So in winter it is even warmer here in the mountains, which is what local reindeer herders use, whose herds graze freely even in winter. The administrative center of the Oymyakonsky district is Ust-Nera, but when they talk about Oymyakon precisely as the pole of cold, they mean the village of Tomtor, which is located not even on the banks of the Indigirka, but on the banks of the Kuidusun, its left tributary. And on Indigirka itself, forty kilometers from Tomtor, there is a smaller village, which is called Oymyakon.

Minus 71.2. It is this temperature that the Oymyakonians flaunt. In fact, it should be noted that such a temperature has never been recorded here. The possibility of such a temperature was once calculated by Sergey Obruchev, a researcher of this region. Temperatures have been documented only slightly below seventy degrees.

The village of Tomtor.

The village of Tomtor and a stele that reminds you that you are at the Pole of Cold.

In the village of Oymyakon there is a monument to the Pole of Cold. Sergei Obruchev, the author of the temperature of -71.2, is also mentioned here.

Oymyakon village.

Place third. Oymyakon Kisilyakhs.

In the vicinity of Ust-Nera, you can see amazing landscape formations. Granite remnant complexes are scattered throughout the ridges of the surrounding mountains. They are so bizarre in their forms that sometimes the idea arises of their man-made origin, although these are just frosty weathering processes that have worked. However, a boring scientific explanation, as well as in the case of Labynkyr, does not suit many, but the idea of ​​man-made very much resonates. Here, the Oymyakon people also have a long-standing conflict with the Verkhoyansk people. There are similar remnant complexes in different places of Yakutia, including in the Verkhoyansk region near the village of Batagay, they are even better known and already quite promoted as a tourist brand. And recently, the Oymyakonians have begun to actively encroach on the “stone palm” of superiority in this matter. It was with regard to the Verkhoyansk remnants that the name Kisilyakh arose, or rather, if in the Yakut transcription, then Kigilyakh, with the soft letter G. Kigi in Yakut means a person. That is, Kigilyakh is humanoid. So, the people of Verkhoyansk are very jealous when the Oymyakons also call their remnants Kigilyakhi. In any case, this remnant landscape is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Particularly stunning complexes are scattered just below the mouth of the right tributary of the Indigirka, the Nera River, they are perfectly visible directly from Ust-Nera, but to get there, you need to go down the river a bit and then climb the mountain.

Oymyakon Kisilyakhs.

From here Ust-Nera is clearly visible. And this is one of the few places on Indigirka where you can use mobile communications.

The remnants line up in ranks along the ridges of the mountains.

There is a wonderful view of Indigirka from here.

Place fourth. Mouth of the Inyali River.

A little lower than the two already closed mining villages - Podporozhny and Khatynnakh, but a little higher than the still living small Yakut village of Tyubeliakh or it is also called Chumpu-Kytyl, a rather large tributary of the Inyali flows into the Indigirka on the left, and almost opposite, on the right, a smaller river flows under the name Echenka. Podporozhny and Khatynnakh still belong to the Oymyakonsky ulus, but Tyubeliakh already belongs to Momsky. In this place, the Indigirka lays a steep loop, and the Inyali and Echenka valleys adjoin the Indigirka valley almost perpendicularly. They clearly developed along a tectonic fault crossing the Indigirka valley. And on all this intersection a space is created, stunning in its beauty. Particularly striking is the wide-open valley of Inali, with mountains that seem to go somewhere into the distance. Prospecting artels are actively working along Inyali and Echenka, but gold is not the real property of these places. Primordial beauty is the real value.

The wide valley of Inyali. Taken from the opposite bank of the Indigirka. At the mouth of the Inyali, it scatters with numerous channels.

The Indigirka River is just above the mouth of the Inyali.

Indigirka and Inyali valley. As well as on Echenka on Inyali in July, there are still separate islands of icing. Frost is a characteristic phenomenon for permafrost zones, their presence also indirectly indicates tectonic disturbances in these places. In these zones weakened by tectonic movements, subpermafrost waters rise to the surface, which are precisely the main factor in the occurrence of icing.

At the mouth of the Inyali.

At the mouth of the Inyali.

Place fifth. Indigirskaya pipe.

The Yakut village of Tyubelakh, the last settlement in front of that part of the river where no one lives anymore. Just because here Indigirka enters the mountains of the Chersky ridge. This is the most severe and gloomy place on the river, which is called the "Indigirskaya pipe". In this section, about thirty kilometers long, high mountains seem to drive the river into a narrow gorge, where it tries with all its might to break through this stone barrier. And as is usually the case in such places on the rivers, there are a lot of formidable rapids here, which only a few of the locals dare to overcome in their motor boats, and even then only when the water level is favorable for this. Even for sports tourists on special rafting facilities, this part of the river presents certain difficulties and dangers, and it is not often possible to observe such here. Is that a few groups per season, which can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Despite the severity of this site, it also has its beauty. Especially good is the Moldzhogoydokh, a small left tributary of the Indigirka almost at the very beginning of the Pipe. In general, the first settlement after Tyubeliakh on Indigirka is the village of Khonuu, only one and a half hundred kilometers lower. So, in fact, this is the wildest and most uninhabited part of the river.

Entrance to the "Indigirskaya pipe". The mountains here are so closely packed that it seems as if the river has nowhere to flow further.

Valley of Moldjogoydoha.

Indigirka at the mouth of the Mol'dzhogoydokh. In the summer of 2013, a serious flood occurred on the Indigirka, the river was overflowing with muddy water. In the background, on the left bank, there is a rock, which is called the cliff of Busik and Kalinin. In 1931, the Indigirskaya expedition worked here, and on June 30, during a preliminary inspection of the thresholds on a motor boat, the head of the expedition, V.D. Busik and his assistant E.D. Kalinin.

Near the mouth of the Moljogoydokh, a group of granite remnants stretches along the ridge, as one of the important elements of local landscapes. On the tops of some remnants, you can find very convenient platforms from where you can enjoy beautiful views of the Indigirka.

Valley of Moldjogoydoha.

Place sixth. Mouth of the Chibagalakh River.

After the river again comes out into the open space from the narrow gorge of the Indigirskaya Pipe, it cannot calm down for some time. And although the last, but perhaps the most serious rapid of the Krivun remains opposite the right tributary of the Kuelleh-Mustakh, there are still shivers on the river for some time. And about ten kilometers below Krivun, on the left, the Chibagalakh River flows into the Indigirka. Here, finally, the river valley expands significantly, and from here stunning views of the mountains of the Porozhny Range, one of many in the global mountain range of the Chersky Range, open up. It is the Porozhny Range that is an obstacle on the way of the Indigirka, which it successfully overcomes. But from the mouth of the Chibagalakh, the mountains of the Porozhny Range are no longer perceived as an obstacle, but are perceived as a decoration of the background for the photographer. The valley of Chibagalakh itself is located very well in terms of a photographic angle. In summer, the sun here goes below the horizon and rises from behind it so that in both cases the beautiful mountains of the Porozhny Range in the background will be successfully illuminated by the rays of the low sun. The so-called regime light, and it almost always creates amazing states. In addition, near the mouth of the Chibagalakh, the limestone mountain Sogo-Khaya rises with bizarre remnants on its crests.

At the mouth of Chibagalakh in the early morning.

At the mouth of Chibagalakh in the evening.

View from the mouth up the Chibagalakh.

Harris is here.

Large and well-rounded boulders are scattered at the mouth.

If you climb a little higher along Chibagalakh, then here you can find many excellent angles.

On Mount Sogo-Khaya.

Place seventh. Zashiversk.

Perhaps this is the most historical place on Indigirka, associated with the history of the development of new territories by the Russian state in the northeast of the continent. In 1639, a detachment of service people under the command of Postnik Ivanov crossed from the upper reaches of the Yana River, where Verkhoyansk was already then, by land, that is, on horseback, to Indigirka. Here, where the river flows among the spurs of the Momsky Range, almost opposite the mouth of the left tributary of the Kolyadin, a winter hut was set up. This was just a hut at that time. But already at that time, it was one of the reference points in promoting the interests of the Russian Empire to the east.
In the middle of the century, the winter hut was surrounded by a fortified wall, and inside there were some new buildings, including barns for storing yasak, which was collected from the local population in the form of furs. Several towers were built at the corners of the fort. And then they lived in the adjacent territory, mainly Yukaghirs.
All in the same, the seventeenth century, Zashiversk was rebuilt twice, completed and reconstructed. Four times its walls were besieged. And around 1700, the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior was built by a team of local carpenters headed by Andrey Khovarov. This church, one of the masterpieces of Russian wooden architecture, was built without a single larch nail. And most importantly, miraculously preserved to this day. Unfortunately, but it's reasonable, she's not here right now. In 1971, it was transported to Novosibirsk, restored and installed on the territory of the open-air historical and architectural museum. In the middle of the 18th century, Zashiversk was again rebuilt and, according to the plan of 1798, its fortifications had the shape of a rectangle.
Initially, its Russian population was not numerous and consisted of several Cossacks, a clerk and 2-3 industrial people. At the end of the 17th century, the Russian population consisted of more than a dozen service people. In 1740, there were 10 households and several booths in Zashiversk. In 1783, the prison became the county town of the Yakut province of the Irkutsk governorship and Russians lived in its district: 62 peasants, 33 merchants and 99 philistines. In the city itself in 1796 lived 32 merchants, 83 tradesmen, there were 30 houses and 21 booths. Every year in December and January, a fair was held in the city, which brought together the Russian and aboriginal population of the entire Indigirka, as well as from Alazeya and Kolyma. In 1803, Zashiversk was transferred to the status of a provincial provincial town. The last page in the history of the city is associated with an epidemic of smallpox that hit the townspeople in 1883 and killed almost everyone.
Zashiversk was founded primarily as a military-administrative center for collecting yasak. The city stood at the crossroads of major roads. From Yakutsk through Zashiversk there were overland routes to the Kolyma and further to Anadyr, along the Indigirka they sailed to the Arctic Ocean. Expeditions of Stadukhin and Dezhnev stopped here. The significance of Zashiversk especially increased in the first half of the 18th century, when the work of the Great Northern Expedition began. Detachments of explorers of the Arctic Ocean Laptev and Sarychev passed through the city.
Zashiversk was no longer restored after that terrible epidemic. And now here almost nothing reminds of that life. Only instead of the church, a chapel was erected, as a monument to a small town where harsh and strong people lived, who mastered and grew vast territories to the Russian state.

Chapel in Zashiversk. The shore where Zashiversk stood is gentle, but the opposite shore is very steep. It is said that local tribes sometimes shot townspeople who came to the river for water with bows from these rocks.

Here you can still find the remains of old log cabins, but most likely, these were buildings of a later time, they no longer found Zashiversk.

These wooden sculptures were also created much later than the existence of Zashiversk.

A memorial stone in honor of the chapel installed here in 2000.

Overview map of Indigirka. The places are marked.

PS. I have had to deal with this wonderful river many times. This year I intend to study

river Indigirka

Hiking in the mountains, where there is rarely a person, where you can still meet a bigfoot - a chuchuna.

Route: Moscow - Yakutsk - Ust-Nera - Indigirka River - Khonuu - Yakutsk - Moscow

Route length: 375 km, of which the water part is 345 km, (radial light excursions 30 km)

Hiking duration : 18 days (15 hiking days)

Number of participants: 8

Brief annotation

The Indigirka is a river with a rather fast current. In the middle section, the river breaks through the mountain range. There is a difficult section with powerful shivers and rapids, while all the key places can be bypassed near the shore, enjoying the swing on the waves. With our high water, many obstacles were filled with water, which made it easier to pass. After the Krivun threshold, the river flattens out and flows further without obstacles. There are many robberies in the channel in front of the Khonuu village. The Indigirka is a beautifully landscaped river with very cordial and sociable locals.

Indigirka Lotsiya

Mikhail Mestnikov Travel Company Nord Stream Yakutsk [email protected]

The second route, which is the most interesting for sports rafting, starts from the village of Ust-Nera. In the first section between the villages of Ust-Nera and Chumpu-Kytyl, the river describes large arcs, bypassing hills with rocky shores. The speed of the river is 2.5 m/s, the average slope is 0.5 m/km. The width of the channel is 250 - 400 m. Clamps are rare. The movement of motor boats and small self-propelled barges is possible. The second section is rapids, 90 km long. The main obstacles are powerful shivers formed by large boulders carried by tributaries. Underwater spits are located below the tributaries. In the last section, the river, leaving the mountains, breaks into channels and flows through a wide valley.

There are many islands in the river. Despite the usual rafting conditions, you feel the power of the river, which makes you feel uncomfortable. “The colossal size of the river and the surrounding mountains, the frantic running of the water, the menacing rustling under the boat - all this suppresses. Never, on what rapids of the Angara or the Middle Tunguska did I have such a feeling that I was standing face to face with the inevitable, with fate, ”wrote S. V. Obruchev.
The valley of the Indigirka seems to be squeezed by mountains from all sides. In the west, the high peaks of the Volchap Range rise, in the south of Tas-Kystabyt, the Ust-Nerskaya ridge rises with amazing remnants. The river is calm up to the mouth of the Wolchan.

At the beginning of the second krivun, the Sofronovskiy tributary flows in from the right. It is named in memory of Sofrons Krivoshankins, who died in 1949 at the age of 109. His yurt at the nest was hospitably open to all geologists.

Before the mouth of the Tirekhtyakh (274), on the right bank, there is a road to the village of Zakharepko. Ahead is the massif of Mount Nyur-gun-Tas, against which the river Volchan flows into the bend of the Indigirka (265). It seems that Indigirka rushes into its wide valley. But at a high rocky cliff it suddenly turns. Behind Walchan, for 3 km, the river rages. Wave break is caused by rocky pressure and stones in the channel.

At the mouth of the Kuobakh-Basa River (253) there is the village of Predporozh-py. Here in the Indigirka valley there are cliffs with siltstone outcrops, crumpled into narrow folds. After 8 km, the Indigirka goes around the Baltakhta-Khaya massif, on the right turn at the confluence of the Bergenpyakh (239) the shiver splashes. Another 10 km to an interesting place on the river. "Horseshoe" - an almost closed loop in steep banks. The river rests on a huge steep hill, dotted with a web of cracks. The river, thrown back by the rock, rushes to another hill, but it once again turns back the mighty stream. On sharp turns, the current presses the boat to the shore. Below the village of Argamoy (218), located on a wide terrace of the right bank, there is a meteorological station "Predporozhny". The river calms down for a while, islands appear in the channel.

5 km before the mouth of the Inyali (202), in a sharp turn to the west, the river beats into a rocky hill. Stepa, a real impregnable fortress, is interesting for outcrops of rocks cut by the river. In front of the tributary on the left bank there is a convenient parking lot. A low, grassy terrace stretches to the foot of the mountains. Such steppe areas along the Indigirka cover the valley from the upper reaches of the river to Moma. Their flora has much in common with the flora of the American prairies of the Yukon basin. The steppes are widely used as spring and autumn pastures for cows and horses. In the spring, they are freed from snow earlier, they are visited by hares, moose, bears.

Behind the turn to the west, below Khatye-Yuryakh (187), there is the Selivanovskaya Shivera with shafts up to 1 m. Selivanov with a local guide G. E. Starkov.

Below the Shivera on the high left bank is the village of Chumpu-Kytyl (177). It is connected by air with Ust-Nera and Khonuu. After 10 km on the right bank of the Indigirka, the uninhabited village of Khaptagay-Khaya. The river inexorably brings you closer to the Gorge of the Thresholds. The Taskan (156) flows into the bend, in front of the mouth, on the left bank, cliffs stretch. Finally, the river rushes to the north. The famous gorge begins. High sheer shores expose deep layers of rocks. Inclined and vertical, rising and falling, they speak!' of a titanic struggle in the bowels of the earth. Plumb lines are often lined with "mirrors" - shiny plates. The outcrops show pegmatite veins c. large crystals of quartz, feldspar, muscovite. The surrounding mountains, covered with rubble and devoid of vegetation, are dotted with rocky remnants. Well, it seems that the yellow steppe ones climbed out onto the crest; the animals stretched out and look at the swimmers. The fabulous beauty of the coast also keeps the memory of the tragedy that took place here. In the midst of the field work of the Indigirka expedition on June 30, 1931, during a preliminary inspection of the rapids on a motor boat, the head of the expedition, V. D. Busik, and his assistant, E. D. Kalinin, died. Separate stones exposed in the riverbed at a low water level caused the accident and death.

For the first time the rapids of the Indigirka were crossed by the geologist A.P. Vaskovsky, reports S.V. Obruchev in one of his books. The big gorge is called the Indigirskaya pipe, Ulakhan-Khapchagai, Indigirskiye rapids, Busik rapids. The gorge is cut into the mountains for almost 2 km. The slope of the valley increases to 3 m/km, the speed of the river is up to 4.5 m/s. The stream rushes between the rocky banks. Its width is 150 - 200 m, but the part free for rafting is much smaller. The main obstacles are high shafts (up to 2 m), clamps, foam pits.

A kilometer below the Talypya stream, which flows into the turn on the left, on the river rift (148). It crosses the Indigirka at an angle and ends before the cliff of the right bank. Against the mouth of the left tributary of the Sigiktyah (144), a beautiful stone cape protrudes. Behind him, in a gentle turn of the river, a shiver rumbles.
The first threshold is located at the right Hannakh stream (143) on a straight section of the river, its length is 100 m. It represents a chaotic rush of water. Shafts reach 1 m. Passage on the left side of the channel. From here comes the most rugged part of the gorge. In the gorge of the Mol'dzhogoydokh stream (142), a dazzling icing peeps through a perforated rocky bridge. After 300m, a high rocky cliff begins on the left bank - the cliff of Busik and Kalinin, named in memory of the dead. Behind him, on the right bank, there are meter-long ramparts of the rapid, 70 meters long, which are easy to bypass. The shiver (140) encountered further is overcome in the middle of the channel.

From the right stream Mustakh (134) begins a series of rapids. On the 5.5 km section of the river, four rapids are buzzing. The length of the first three is up to 400 m, the shafts in them reach 1.5 m. The passage is near the left bank. The river here is more than 100 m wide, there is a possibility of maneuvering. In the fourth threshold (130) the shafts are directed towards the right steep bank. There, reinforced by the breaking wave, they reach 2 m or more. The threshold stretches for 600 m. The passage is next to the ramparts, closer to the left bank. Unpredictable chaotic, very high waves endanger small craft. “Where, on what river for tens of kilometers in all 200 meters of its width do such toothy waves two or three meters high walk? The autumn storms of Lake Baikal come to mind,” writes M. Kocherginsky.

It should be said that all the obstacles in the gorge are with a clearly visible rod. You can almost always land on one of the shores. If one coast is rocky, then the opposite is a large-pebble spit, and more often a steep terrace overgrown with shrubs and forests. Almost all shivers can be bypassed, which allows local residents to overcome the gorge in motor boats. When compiling an inventory of the rapids area in the materials of the Indigirka expedition, it was noted that a characteristic feature of the river flow are drops with a large bottom slope and flow disturbance due to high water flow rates but large boulders. In total, 13 such drops, known as rapids, were found. All of them are located in the area where the tributaries meet. And therefore, “these rapids are not such in the true sense of the word, but have the character of shivers in places of former accumulations of boulders,” the report wrote.

The valley of Ytabyt-Yuryakh (126) is not immediately guessed. Closed by mountains, it appears unexpectedly. The left bank of the tributary - a high dry terrace covered with forest, with beautiful lawns - has long been chosen by fishermen. There is a tent, a table. A great place for a day trip, especially since there is great fishing at the mouth of the Ytabyt-Yuryakh. The tributary valley is very beautiful. A pure mountain stream rumbles in the light rounded boulders of a wide channel. Below Ytabyt-Yuryakh, near the right bank, there is a 150 m long rift. The passage is on the right side of the channel. 5 km below it is a kilometer-long rift near the right bank. Here the shore is a brown sheer cliff. The mountain seems to be cut with a blunt knife, which is why the entire cliff is cut with black cracks and grottoes. A small waterfall breaks down from a sheer cliff.
At the mouth of the Ogonnsr stream (115), which flows into a steep bend, there is a rift with shafts up to 1.5 m near the left bank. There is no clamp here. Below in the channel there are rare stones protruding into low water.

A threshold begins at the lower edge of the Apgus-Tas cliff. In the first stage, located at

Passed only part of the gorge - a breakthrough of the Porozhny ridge. Now the high mountains recede from the river, the channel becomes wider. The spurs of the Chibagalakh chain are also involved in creating obstacles on the Indigirka. And the river remains turbulent, in rare places it does not splash with a big wave. In front of the krivun on the left stretches a rocky cliff of a terrace overgrown with forest. It is divided into separate blocks by deep crevices. Pillars rise from the water, impregnable towers above. And between them, it was as if a village was spread out from numerous cells inscribed in these rocky ledges and cracks.
A threshold begins at the lower edge of the Apgus-Tas cliff. In the first stage, located near the left bank, there are main shafts before a sharp turn, where bedrocks obliquely go into the water. The second step goes below the turn, where the right tributary of the Kusllah-Mustah (110) flows into. The main stream is directed to the left bank. The steps are short - about 250 m, the shaft reaches 2 m. Both sections pass closer to the right bank, which, if necessary, is convenient to moor.

The masses of the Empty Range are left behind. Next come the table mountains - flat, covered with forests, terraced down to the river. In August, after the first autumn frosts, amazing canvases seem to be exhibited, in which, over the emerald water of the Indigirka, you see in the dense greenery of larch forests the thrill of yellow birches, the crimson of wild rose and the multicolored polar birch.
At the mouth of Chibagalakh (98) there is a long rift near the left bank. The confluence of the largest rafting section of the left tributary is one of the most beautiful. Good fishing here. The view from the nearby hill Sogo-Khaya (1096 m) is beautiful. The scree slopes of the gray-bluish mountains are beautiful, stretching like a ridge across the Indigirka, completely falling out of the range of the surrounding hills.

5 km below the mouth of Chibagalakh on the right high bank is a hut where fishermen often stop. There is a sandbar on the shore. Behind the cliffs with yellow and blue screes there is a quiet stretch, and before turning left, there is a threshold (96) on a straight section. Shaft up to 1.5 m, passing through the jet. Again, the river strikes with the beauty of its banks. The cliffs of the mountain, cut by three gaps, are dotted with remnants. Beneath them, the black, shadow-covered water seems mysterious.

The river cuts the narrow chain of the Chemalginsky Range calmly, without unnecessary excitement. And here are the mountains behind. Around low forested shores and an unusually huge sky. In the forest approaching the pebbly shore, there are well-trodden paths along the river. Large wooded islands divide the sho into equivalent channels, and the inflowing tributaries are invisible. The wind here makes it hard to sail. It appears more often before dinner and intensifies in the evening.

After the confluence of the river Uchcha (77), where tourists have repeatedly noted the best fishing in the whole rafting, a flat area of ​​rafting begins. The Indigirka entered the Momo-Selenyahek depression. Islands appear. On the right, Tikhon-Yuryakh (45) flows into. River ships rise to its mouth. Along the banks - hayfields.

On the right bank against a long island is the village of Sobo-lokh (28). It's about a kilometer from the river. The long chain of the Momsky ridge is constantly visible ahead. Somewhere on the river there is an erosion of the banks. Bushes and trees are stuck on underwater spits. Moma (0) flows in a wide channel. Its water, like that of other large tributaries, does not mix with the Indigirka for a long time. So two streams flow side by side. The boat pier is 2 km away, the same distance on foot to the village of Khonuu.

Another description of the Indigirskaya Pipe:

Near the mouth of the left tributary, the Taskan River (165 km), the waters of the Indigirka gather in one channel. The speed increases dramatically. The river runs in a huge arc along a steep terrace, and after another 5 km it turns north and squeezes into the gorge of the Porozhnotsepinsky granite massif. The famous Great Gorge (Ulakhan-Khapchagai) begins. This part of the Indigirka is also called the Momskie rapids, the Indigirskaya pipe, the rapids of Busik (in memory of the head of the Narkomvodtrans expedition V. D. Busik, who died here in 1931 during the exploration of the rapids).

The hundred-kilometer gorge, almost 2 km incised into the granite massifs of the Porozhny and Chemalginsky ridges, is extraordinarily spectacular. Sheer cliffs pass in succession - one higher than the other. The rocky obelisks on the crests of the watersheds of the lateral tributaries and the fabulous statues of weathered limestone outcrops are impressive. Loops of multi-colored blocky screes descend to the river. There are many beautiful taiga corners here. The banks of the river are paved with large boulders, but frequent pressures and steep slopes make the gorge passable along the coast only in low water.

During the first 50 km, Indigirka makes its way through the Porozhny Range. The slope increases to 3 m/km, the speed reaches 15-20 km/h. The river rushes from one side of the gorge to the other, washing away the rocky cliffs. On the bends, spits are formed from large rounded boulders. The width of the channel is 150-200 m. Comb-shaped rapids are found in places where bedrocks (granites) come out. They are located, as a rule, near the coast, occupying no more than a third of the width of the channel. The water flow, which has tremendous energy, has cleared its fairway almost along the entire length of the gorge. The depth here is 3-5 m, and in places of narrowing up to 10 m. flow.

The most difficult part of the gorge comes from the mouth of the Sigikhtekh stream (the 175th km of rafting), opposite a beautiful stone cape rises. Behind him, in the turn of the river, a shiver rumbles. The first threshold after 1 km. Its length is 200 m, the ramparts are 1.5 m. On the 178th km of rafting, a high rocky cliff of Busik and Kalinin rises to the left. Immediately behind it is a threshold, which is better to pass along the left bank. Below the noise of the shiver, go through it in the center. From the right stream Mustakh (185th km) begins a series of 4 rapids with a total length of 5.5 km - a passage along the left bank. The most powerful is the last section, where the shafts reach a height of 2 m. At the mouth of the Ytabyt-Yuryakh River (195th km) there is a high terrace covered with forest, excellent fishing. Below is a shiver, after 5 km another one is near the steep right bank.

The Porozhnotsepinskiy massif is only the first link of the Great Gorge. Leaving him, Indigirka is in almost the same frenetic state. High mountains recede somewhat from the river, the channel becomes wider, the speed decreases.

On the left, a rocky cliff, overgrown with terrace forest, stretches for a long time. The dangerous section begins in front of the mouth of the right tributary, the Kuelleh-Mustakh River (km 220), at the lower edge of the steep bank. This is the Krivun threshold. Indigirka makes a 120° left turn. In the channel of the Shiver, bedrock outcrops near the left bank. Across the entire width of the river there is chaos of “standing ramparts”, breakers, plums, water fountains.

For the next 15 km, the Indigirka flows smoothly along the widened part of the gorge. The left steep bank demonstrates an amazing phenomenon - Indigirka "laces". Crumpled sedimentary strata create an indescribable range of colors and shapes. They stretched along the river for many hundreds of meters.

The mouth of the large left tributary of the Indigirka, the Chibagalakh River (km 225), is very interesting. With her powerful blow, she, as it were, pushes back the flow of the Indigirka, forming a 200-meter longitudinal shaft.

Below Chibagalakh, the Indigirka cuts through the Chemalginsky granite massif. The river narrows again, the speed increases. At the 235th km - the threshold. Here the gorge is narrowest and darkest. Particularly grandiose are the rocky cliffs of the left bank at the 240th km of rafting. Rocks in places hang over the water, forming "pockets". The nature of the obstacles is the same as in the Porozhnotsepinskiy section.

A distinctive feature of the Great Gorge is powerful boulder spits, as a rule, below the confluence of tributaries. The spit departs from the shore at an angle of 45° and can block half of the channel, hampering the already turbulent flow. Below the spit is a quiet backwater. There are more right-bank braids.

Having received the Uchcha River (250th km) from the right, Indigirka emerges from the gorge, and in the area of ​​​​the mouth of the Tikhon-Yuryakh (285th km) it spreads widely in the expanses of the Momo-Selennyakhskaya depression. Channels and islands appear, hayfields and farms along the banks. Before the mouth of the Moma, on the right bank, the village of Sobolokh, and below the mouth - the village of Khondu, the end of the route (320th km). The village is located 3 km from the nearest channel, at the foot of the Yu-mountain. The width of the Indigirka here is 1200 m, there are no obstacles below. Before Khonuu, ships rise into high water, so further rafting is of no sporting interest, although it is interesting in historical, geological and ethnographic terms.

Tour schedule:

Day 7(July 28) – day, free day, photography of the glacier, radial exit along the tributary

The Indigirka River is a river in Yakutia. Geographical position The length of the river is 1726 km, the basin area is 360 thousand km 2. The beginning of the Indigirka is taken as the confluence of two rivers - Tuora-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh, which originate on the northern slopes of the Halkan Range; flows into the East Siberian Sea. The Indigirka basin is located in the area of ​​permafrost, and therefore its rivers are characterized by the formation of giant icings. According to the structure of the valley and channel and the speed of the current, the Indigirka is divided into two sections: the upper mountain (640 km) and the lower plain (1086 km).

After the confluence of the Tuora-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh rivers, the Indigirka flows northwest along the lowest part of the Oymyakon highlands, turning north, cuts through a series of mountain ranges of the Chersky ridge. The width of the valley here is from 0.5-1 to 20 km, the channel is pebbly, there are many shivers, the speed of the current is 2-3.5 m/s. When crossing the Chemalginsky Range, the Indigirka flows in a deep gorge and forms rapids; flow velocity 4 m/s. This area is unsuitable even for rafting. Above the mouth of the Moma River, where the Indigirka enters the Momo-Selennyakh depression, the lower section begins. The valley of the Indigirka is expanding, the channel is replete with shoals and spits, in some places it breaks into branches. Having rounded the Momsky Range, the Indigirka flows further along the low plain. It is very winding on the Abyiskaya lowland, on the Yano-Indigirskaya lowland, the Indigirka is characterized by straight long stretches 350-500 m wide. 500 km2). The mouth of the Indigirka is separated from the sea by a shallow bar.

river hydrology Rain and melt (snow, glacial and icy) waters participate in the nutrition of the Indigirka. High water in the warm part of the year; spring flow 32%, summer 52%, autumn about 16%, winter less than 1% and the river freezes in places (Krest-Mayor, Chokurdah). The average flow at Ust-Nera is 428 m 3 /s, the maximum is 10,600 m 3 /s, at Vorontsov, respectively, 1,570 m 3 /s and 11,500 m 3 /s. The range of level fluctuations is 7.5 and 11.2 m, the highest levels are in June - early July. The annual runoff at the mouth is 58.3 km3; solid runoff 13.7 million tons. It freezes in October, opens in late May - early June. Economic use Navigable from the mouth of the Moma River (1134 km). Main piers: Khonuu, Druzhina, Chokurdakh, Tabor. Gold mining in the Indigirka basin. Indigirka is rich in fish, in the mouth - fishing for vendace, whitefish, whitefish, nelma, omul, whitefish.

Geographic Encyclopedia

The river in the east of Yakutia is 1726 km, the basin area is 360 thousand km2. It is formed by the confluence of the Khastakh and Taryn Yuryakh rivers. It flows along the Oymyakon highlands, then cuts through the ridge. Chersky, downstream on the lowlands. It flows into the East Siberian m., Forming ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

INDIGIRKA, a river in the east of Yakutia. 1726 km, sq. basin 360 thousand km2. It is formed by the confluence of the Khastakh and Taryn Yuryakh rivers. It flows along the Oimya horse highlands, then cuts through the Chersky ridge, the lower course in the lowlands. It flows into the East Siberian Sea ... Russian history

Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 river (2073) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

A river in Russia, in the east of Yakutia. 1726 km, basin area 360 thousand km2. Formed by the confluence of the river. Hastakh and Taryn Yuryakh. It flows along the Oymyakon highland, then cuts through the Chersky ridge, the lower course in the lowlands. It flows into the East Siberian ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Indigirka- the river flows into the East. Siberian Sea; Yakutia. At the heart of the hydronym Indigirka is Evensk. generic name indigir people of the genus indi (Gir Evensk. Plural suffix). Russian explorers of the 17th century. the name was adopted from Russian. suffix ka, which ... ... Toponymic Dictionary

Indigirka- a river that flows into the East Siberian Sea, Sakha (Yakutia). The hydronym Indigirka is from the Even generic name indigir - "people of the Indi clan" gir is an Even plural suffix). explorers of the 17th century. the name was adopted from Russian ... ... Geographical names of the Russian Far East

River in the Yakut ASSR. The length is 1726 km, the basin area is 360 thousand km2. It originates from two sources Khastakh and Taryn Yuryakh on the northern slopes of the Halkan Range; flows into the East Siberian Sea. Basin I. is located in the development area ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

The river of Yakutsk region, which irrigates the districts of Verkhoyansk and Kolyma, originates on the northern slope of the Stanovoy Range and is formed from the confluence of two rivers, the Omyokon and Kuydusun. I. flows into the Arctic Ocean by 4 mouths, of which the east. called Kolyma ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Indigirka- (Indigirka) Indigirka, a river, in Yakutia, S. V. Siberia, Russia. It flows in the north for 1779 km, from the Suntar Khayata ridge to the East Siberian Sea, forming a wide delta ... Countries of the world. Vocabulary

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