Description of beets for children. Characteristics of beets. Recipes for various diseases

Margarita Kuchamberdieva
Project "Miracle Beet"

Project type: cognitive-creative

Duration: medium duration (1 month)

Project participants: children of the senior group of the combined orientation "Smile", educators, parents of pupils

Relevance: Among the many different factors that constantly affect the development of the child's body and its health, the most important role belongs to nutrition. The nature of nutrition in early childhood leaves its mark and affects the further development of the child and his state of health, not only in childhood and adolescence, but also in adulthood.

Rational full nutrition of preschool children is provided, as in an adult, with a wide range of products of animal and vegetable origin. The wider and more varied the set of products used in cooking, the more complete the child's nutrition.

Problem: beetroot salad is provided in the kindergarten menu, but the pupils of the group eat it very badly, and some do not touch it at all. How to get kids interested in beetroot dishes?

Objective of the project: to form an idea in children about the benefits of beets for a proper healthy diet.


1. Expand children's understanding of beets, its beneficial properties; about the history and traditions of use for nutrition and health improvement.

2. Cultivate children's creativity.

3. Organize cooperation between the kindergarten and the families of pupils on the formation of healthy eating habits.

Project structure

Project stages:

1.goal setting

Adult activities: formulation of the problem, goals and objectives

Children's activities: Assigning problems on a personal level, accepting, clarifying and concretizing goals and objectives

2.Project development

Adult activities: drawing up an action plan for individual stages of the project;

selection of literature on the topic;

determination of the necessary equipment

Children's activities: participation in planning activities


Adult activities: conversation with pupils “What do we know about beets”;

reading: "The Tale of Beets and Roses", "Three Beets";

survey of parents;

research activities;

joint activities with children;

production of baby books;

parent meeting with children

Children's activities: participation in the conversation;

participation in the discussion of the fairy tale;

together with parents, the selection of proverbs, sayings about beets;

participation in research activities;

artistic activities of children:

Modeling beets

Drawing beets in different techniques;

compiling baby books together with parents;

Dramatization of Y. Tuwim's poem "Vegetables"

Presenting your drawings

Presenting your baby books

Presentation of beetroot dishes


Adult activities: multimedia presentation design

Children's activities: participation in the presentation of the project

Beet talk

1. Where did the beets come from

2. What is the beet

3. What is fodder beet used for?

4. What is sugar beet used for?

5. What is beetroot used for?

6. What dishes can be prepared from table beets

7. What else is useful beets

8. Other ways to use beets

Like many plants, we got beets thanks to merchants who brought wild beet seeds from the East and India in the 9th-10th centuries. The beginning of its path was Kievan Rus, then it spread to the Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow regions. By the 16th century, it was planted all over Russia. Initially, only the leaves of the vegetable were eaten, and the roots were used to make medicines. In Russia, beets were baked in an oven and served with tea. According to legend, this vegetable was highly valued by the heroes, as they believed that it gives strength and helps fight various ailments. Beauties used for cosmetic purposes - they blushed their cheeks.

There are three types of beets: ordinary (table, sugar and fodder.

It is interesting:

Beetroot grows on every continent except Antarctica.

The ancient Greeks sacrificed beets to the god Apollo.

In Russia, beets were baked in an oven and served with tea.

The ancient Persians believed that beets are a symbol of gossip, quarrels and contention.

The word "beetroot" comes from the Greek "seuklon", which means "royal".

Beets are used in cosmetology for facial skin and hair care. Nutritious masks are made from this vegetable; it is believed that it helps to get rid of freckles and dandruff.

In Eastern Europe, it was believed that eating beets would help protect against the plague.

There is a belief: if a man and a woman eat one beet together, they will fall in love with each other.

In beets, not only the root crop is edible, but also the leaves rich in vitamins A, C and iron.

Beets have been eaten since ancient times. In the I-II millennium BC. e. in the Mediterranean it was grown as a medicinal plant. Initially, only its leaves were eaten, and the roots were used for medicinal purposes.

At the beginning of our era, the first cultivated varieties of this root crop appeared. The first mention of beets in Russia dates back to the X-XI centuries. It became widespread in the 14th century, and in the 17th century it was divided into fodder and food varieties.

Fodder beets were bred in Germany, it is interesting that it differs from ordinary beets only in a high fiber content.

The peoples of the Balkans and Eastern Europe used beets to protect themselves from the plague. Beetroot juice was used in their prescriptions for medicine by many ancient healers: Avicenna, Hippocrates, Paracelsus.

The ancient Greeks valued this vegetable so much that they made gifts as a token of gratitude in the form of a silver beet. Dishes from it decorated the tables of rich and noble people. The ancient Persians were somewhat prejudiced about beets: although they ate it, they believed that beets were a symbol of gossip, quarrels and contention. Probably, in this case, the color of the vegetable, reminiscent of dark thick blood, played a decisive role. If one of the neighbors was angry with the other, then at night he secretly threw a large root crop into his house, thus reporting his dislike.

Beets were also an attribute of the wedding process: the desired boyfriend in the bride's house was treated to jelly, and the unwanted one was treated to boiled beets.

In Russia, beets were baked in an oven and served with tea. According to legend, this vegetable was highly valued by the heroes, as they believed that it gives strength and helps fight various ailments. Beauties used beets for cosmetic purposes - they blushed her cheeks.

Sugar beet appeared after a series of selections only in 1747, and the sugar content in it reached 20 percent. Since the 18th century, sugar in Russia began to be made from sugar beets, completely abandoning imported sugar cane.

In the 20th century, all types of beets spread to all continents except Antarctica.

Parent survey

Purpose: to clarify the ideas of parents about the beneficial properties of beets, about its use in family menus.

Parents were asked to answer the following questions:

1. What is a beetroot?

2. Where did she come from?

3. What useful properties of beets do you know?

4. How often do you eat beets in your family?

5. What dishes do you cook?

6. Point out an interesting way to use beets.

An analysis of the questionnaires showed that parents are not aware of the origin of beets, the time and ways of its appearance in Russia.

Of the useful qualities, many are well aware of its healing properties, such as helping to treat the common cold, tuberculosis, blood diseases, it is used as an anti-inflammatory and laxative.

Many parents admitted that they rarely eat beets at home. Preference is given to such dishes as: borsch, beetroot salad with garlic, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat.

In addition to being used as food, parents indicated the possibility of using beets as makeup, Easter egg paint, food coloring, a face mask, and craft material.

Sayings, proverbs

The beetroot is red, although it grows in the black earth.

Beetroot is a red maiden, but with a green braid, she is the queen on the table, it will come in handy for health.

The lady-beetroot got wet in the rain, good - it did not fade.

Where there are beets and borscht, look for us there.

Do not look for borscht without beets.

Beets are not cloudberries, although they are in a basket, but they grow in the ground.

Shut up, beets, they cook cabbage soup from cabbage.

Lunch without borscht is not lunch, and there is no borscht without beets.

Beetroot is useful for us, we keep it in reserve.

The beet lady did not fade with herself, she lies on the ridge, looks everywhere.


1. If you want vinaigrette -

Follow her into the garden

She has a beautiful color

Both outside and inside!

2. Green above, red below,

It has grown into the ground.

3. Grass above the ground,

Burgundy head underground.

4. Although I am called sugar,

But I didn't get wet from the rain

Large, round, sweet in taste,

Did you find out who I am?

5. Green at the top

red below,

It has grown into the ground.

6. Grass above the ground, scarlet head under the ground.

7. Red boots

They lie in the ground.

Research activities

Subject:“What is the difference between boiled beets and raw?”

Target: find out how the properties of beets change during the cooking process.

Materials and equipment: plates, grater, cutting board, forks, napkins, cup, sieve.

Progress of experimentation

Children examine boiled and raw beets, check for density.

Make a conclusion about the hardness of boiled and raw beets.

Cut into slices of boiled and raw beets. Invite the children to compare them by color, by juiciness. Ask the children to think about which beets will make more juice?

Conduct an experience. Grate the same pieces of boiled and raw beets. Pass through a sieve. Compare how much juice came from grated raw beets, how much from boiled beets.

Conclusion. Raw beets are harder than boiled ones. Boiled beets are darker than raw, less juicy. Less juice is obtained from boiled beets.

Subject « Growing beets from seeds»

Target: To introduce the characteristics of the soil for growing seeds.

Materials and equipment: 2 jars, black soil, sawdust.

Progress of experimentation

Examination of beet seeds. Conversation with children: “What needs to be done to grow beets from seeds? What soil is needed for this? Offer to think about whether beets will sprout in black soil? In sawdust? Suggest planting beet seeds in black soil, in sawdust. Fill one cup with black earth, the other with sawdust. Water generously. Bring to light. Water both glasses. Record observations of seed germination.

Conclusion: in the chernozem, beet sprouts faster, more seeds germinate.


The hostess once came from the market,

The hostess brought home from the market:



Parsley and beets.

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table -

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth:



Parsley or beets?

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife

And with this knife she began to chop:



Parsley and beets.

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:



Parsley and beets.

And the vegetable soup was not bad!

Parent meeting

Subject: " Health and nutrition»

1. In order to grow and develop intensively, children need to constantly replenish their energy reserves. Lack of any nutrients can cause growth retardation, physical and mental development, as well as a violation of the formation of the bone skeleton and teeth. This is especially true for preschool children.

Today, much is said about introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, and in particular a balanced diet. However, the abundance of junk food in beautiful packages tempts children, relegating to the background those foods that are really healthy.

Now I want to briefly talk about the health benefits of vegetables (slide show).

2. Our children prepared a dramatization of the poem by Yu. Tuwim "Vegetables" (children's dramatization of a poem).

3. But why beets? In kindergarten, they often give beetroot salad. His children eat very poorly, some don't even touch. Therefore, we decided to get to know the beets closer. We found out where she came to us from, what happens. In what form is it eaten (raw, stewed, baked, boiled). What good is it. Read fairy tales about beets, proverbs and sayings. And we decided to experiment (slides illustrating the stages of research).

4. With your help, the children drew a beet (children present their drawings).

5. You helped the children compose baby books (they introduce their books to those present).

6. You cooked delicious beetroot dishes at home (performance).

7. The Kadochnikov family, with the participation of the group's parents, will show a dramatization of "Tales about beets."

8. Summing up. Families are given models of beetroot and asked to write a continuation of the sentence “I will eat beetroot because….”


Grass above the ground
Under the ground - a scarlet head.
Guessed? This is a beetroot. It has large dark green leaves with red veins on top, and a root crop grows in the ground below. This vegetable is ancient, familiar to people for more than 4000 years. Some scientists consider Byzantium to be the birthplace of beets, others to Babylon.
In the garden of the Babylonian king Marduk-appal-Iddin two thousand years ago, leafy beets were grown - chard. Its broad leaves were used to make salads. Only centuries later, craftsmen from eastern countries proved that the "roots" of beets are edible, and they are more satisfying and tastier than "tops".
The ancient Romans considered beets to be a symbol of quarrels, but at the same time they included them among their favorite foods. The Roman emperor Tiberius ordered that the ancient Germans conquered by Rome pay tribute with beets. Beets began to be grown in the gardens of Russia around the 10th-11th century, and a little later it spread to Europe.
Beets are sown on beds in May. In summer, beets need to be looked after, weeded, and the beds loosened. “The beetroot girl has come - the girls are a slave,” they said among the people. In the old days, beets were cared for mainly by girls and women.
In autumn, the beets are pulled out of the ground, the leaves are cut off, the root crops are removed to a cold place where they can be stored until the next harvest. In terms of keeping quality, beets are in no way inferior to such resistant root crops as swede and radish.
Aunt Thekla,
Red beetroot!
You salads, vinaigrettes
Decorate with scarlet.
(T. Shorygina)
Beets are a healthy vegetable. It is rich in mineral salts, B vitamins, and easily digestible carbohydrates. The red color of the beets is due to a special coloring agent - betaine. Betaine was first discovered in beets. It promotes the absorption of proteins, regulates fat metabolism.
A special kind of beet is sugar beet. Sugar was discovered in beets in the 18th century. Professor of Moscow University Bingheim wrote a scientific work on obtaining sugar from beets. The first Russian sugar beet factory was built in 1800 in the village of Alyabyevo, Tula region.


Grandfather planted a turnip. A large, very large turnip has grown ... The tale of this vegetable is known to everyone. Do you know what a turnip looks like?
The turnip is green on top, thick in the middle,
By the end of the morning, hides the tail under him.
Whoever comes up to her, everyone will take it by the tuft.
This is how the turnip is described in a folk song. The root crop of a turnip is yellowish in color with dense dark green tops.
Turnip is an ancient vegetable. Early maturing, the harvest can be harvested 6–12 weeks after sowing, resistant to cold, unpretentious, in Russia she enjoyed well-deserved love. In the middle lane, sometimes they received two crops of turnips per season. The day when the peasants gathered turnips was called "reporez". Various dishes were prepared from turnips. They ate it raw, boiled, baked and even steamed - steamed turnips in a Russian oven. Hence the saying: "More than a steamed turnip." So they say about some very simple matter, because it is not difficult to cook a steamed turnip.
Turnip dishes are tasty and healthy. This vegetable contains vitamins, mineral salts, fiber, sugars, essential oils.
Turnip in lean years saved entire settlements from starvation. In cold winters, when rye crops froze, turnips replaced bread for peasants. People have learned to grow rather large root crops, weighing more than one and a half kilograms. It is about such a turnip that a folk song is composed:
There was an important turnip, each old woman marveled.
You can't go around in one day.
The whole village ate for a whole week,
They put one crust, so the cart was broken off.
Now turnip is quite rare, this vegetable is undeservedly forgotten. Why did it happen? It's all about potatoes. It was he who ousted the turnip from the gardens.
True, in recent years, interest in turnips has been reviving. The Japanese brought out a vitamin turnip, in which everything is red: both the pulp, and the petioles of the leaves, and the peel. At vitamin factories in the United States, carotene is extracted from the pulp of yellow turnips, and vitamin C is extracted from the leaves. In France, varieties of white turnips are popular.
Round, but not a ball,
Yellow, but not oil,
Sweet, not sugar
With a tail, but not a mouse.


Remember the fairy tale about Cinderella? What did the good fairy make the carriage out of? That's right - pumpkin. Do you know what this vegetable is, what it looks like?
The golden head is large and heavy.
The golden head lay down to rest.
The head is large, only the neck is thin.
The leaves of the pumpkin are large, pubescent, the stem is branching, creeping along the ground, with antennae the pumpkin clings to any support. Pumpkin flowers are large, bright yellow. The fruit - pumpkin - comes in various shapes and colors: round, elongated, flat, berries from bright yellow to dark green and brown.
From above, the pumpkin fruit is protected by a peel, consisting of approximately the same material as the walnut. Such a strong peel allows the fruit to persist for quite a long time. Scientists conducted experiments, and under experimental conditions, large pumpkins were stored without a refrigerator for about three years.
Dried pumpkin peel becomes very hard. This property has been used by people for a very long time. They made plates, bottles, buckets, caskets from the peel. Craftsmen carved various patterns from pumpkin peel and decorated their homes with such products.
It is assumed that people made the first musical instrument from a pumpkin. Sitting by the fire, the ancient people tried to appease the spirits, arranged ritual dances, which were accompanied by hitting a stone against a stone or a stick against a tree. Then they tried to pour small stones into a dried pumpkin. This "musical instrument" was shaken, the pebbles in it banged loudly, setting a certain rhythm.
In India, gourds were used to catch monkeys. A small hole was made in an empty pumpkin and various delicacies for the monkeys were poured into it. Trusting animals descended from the trees, put their paws into the hole and picked up a handful of tasty seeds. But ... the paw with the seeds did not pass into the hole, and the monkeys did not want to part with them. So they ran on three legs, and it was easier to catch them.
But not only for the hard peel people appreciate the pumpkin. The pulp of this berry contains many useful substances: proteins, sugars, vitamin C, carotene. Pumpkin is eaten boiled, fried, baked, porridge is prepared from it, pancakes are baked, salads are made.
Lez Martin through the tyn,
I climbed myself
And he left his head on the tynu.

Red beetroot,

You salads, vinaigrettes

Decorate with scarlet.

There is nothing tastier

And make borscht!

Try to remember what a beetroot looks like.

Right! Beetroot has large, dark green leaves veined with red, and its root crop is buried underground. It is quite large, rounded, covered with dense brownish-red skin on top. If you cut the beetroot, then inside it will turn out to be a beautiful red color, and its juice in color resembles the juice of ripe cherries or pomegranates. The red color of the beets is given by a special coloring agent - betaine.

Scientists are still arguing which country is the birthplace of beets. Some believe that this vegetable was brought to us from Byzantium, where it was called "sfekeli". This name then turned into "beet". Other scientists believe that the birthplace of the beet is Babylon. There she was called "silkva". In any case, as a tasty and healthy vegetable, beets have been known to people for more than four thousand years.

Wild beets are still growing on the coasts of the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas, as well as in India and China. Ancient peoples appreciated the medicinal properties of beets, perhaps more than its nutritional qualities.

In the XIV-XVI centuries, beets began to be grown in Europe, and in Russia it appeared even earlier.

Beet roots accumulate nutrients in summer. They are rich in sugar, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

What kind of dishes do housewives cook from beets?

Well, of course, borscht, vinaigrettes and salads. Very tasty boiled beets with finely chopped garlic and seasoned with sour cream. From the young leaves and roots of this vegetable, you can cook summer beetroot.

Beets are sown in vegetable gardens in May. Seeds are placed in rows. Before sowing, the ridges are fertilized with organic or mineral fertilizers.

Beets love warmth and moisture. At a temperature of +20 - +25 ° C, its seeds germinate quickly and sprout.

In the summer, gardeners take care of the beets: they loosen the soil, water and thin out the plants, and pull out the weeds.

“The beetroot girl came - the slave girls” - they used to say so in the old days, because women and girls were most often engaged in harvesting.

The leaves of the harvested beets are cut off; both pigs and cows like to eat them. The beets are removed to the cellar and pantry, where it, sprinkled with dry sand, can be stored until the new harvest.

Listen to the poem.

basket of vegetables

I am a basket of vegetables

I'll bring it from the garden.

Drank onion and celery

Light dew in the morning.

Warm rain washed them away

The sun warmed gently.

Pouring juice, beets

Became dense, scarlet.

And fed them day by day

Wet, loose black soil.

playful wind,

Flying near the ridges

Stroked every stalk

And gave them a scent.

We are a basket of vegetables

Brought from the garden.

For salads and borscht

They will suit us!

Have you ever thought, dear children, about where sugar comes from?

In the southern countries, it is extracted from sugar cane, and in the northern countries - from a special variety of beets, which is called "sugar beet".

Sugar was discovered in beets in the middle of the 18th century. Professor of Moscow University Johann Jacob wrote a book about its preparation from this vegetable.

Bindheim. The first Russian beet sugar factory was built in 1800 in the village of Alyabyevo near Tula.

Now you know, dear guys, what a wonderful vegetable is the most common, familiar beetroot.

Answer the questions

What does a beetroot look like?

Where does wild beet grow?

What nutrients are found in beets?

What dishes are prepared from beets?

What type of beet is sugar made from?

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Beets, both wild and cultivated, have been familiar to people since ancient times. Already in the second millennium BC, they learned to cultivate it. At first, beets were used only for medicinal purposes.

In Russia, beets began to be cultivated in the tenth century.

No wonder beets are called sugar beets. The total sugar content in it is approximately the same as in watermelons and melons - about 9%, which is three times more than in carrots, and 8 times more than in potatoes. Sucrose is also present in the beet culture. It is a rare combination of different types of sugars, a small amount of acids, an unusual taste of natural pigments that give beetroot and dishes with it a unique taste.

What can a beetroot boast? It is able to retain the nutrients accumulated in it for a long time. Much longer than other vegetables, until the appearance of a new crop.

What is useful beets? It gives energy to the cells of the human body, binds and removes harmful toxins formed in the process of life.

If you cook beets for a couple and not for too long, then it retains its useful qualities even during heat treatment.

There are two cultivated types of beet: common beet and leaf beet. There are also several wild species.

Beets contain manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, oxalic, malic acids, sugar, protein, pigments, pectin, vitamins C, PP, P, group B and others.

It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant effects. Beneficial effect on metabolism. Natural remedy for cancer prevention.

Borscht, vinaigrette, beetroot, beetroot juice, cutlets, meatballs, caviar, appetizer, salad.

Beets are one of the most ancient plants in the world. Its homeland of origin is still unknown. According to some sources, the vegetable appeared in India, other sources call ancient Byzantium. In Russia, beets are especially loved. Without it, it is impossible to imagine our favorite dishes: borscht, vinaigrette and herring under a fur coat.

1. The Greeks considered beets sacred, so they regularly presented them as a gift to Apollo. A rare feast did without this vegetable, whose presence on the table symbolized the wealth and well-being of the house.

2. Beets were brought to Russia in the 9th-10th century. Initially, only the leaves were eaten, and the root crop itself was thrown away. When they tasted it, they attributed it to desserts. Beets were baked in the oven and eaten with tea. This delicacy was especially preferred by men, it was believed that it gives strength.

3. A third of the world's supply of sugar comes from sugar beet, which appeared as a result of selection in the first half of the 18th century.

4. Beets grow on every continent except Antarctica.

6. This root crop contains a large amount of nutrients. Vitamins B, PP, C, amino acids, potassium, calcium, iodine, zinc, iron, fiber, etc. Unlike other vegetables, beets retain most of their nutritional qualities even when cooked.

7. Beets are categorically contraindicated for allergy sufferers, people with low blood pressure, and those suffering from urolithiasis, but on the contrary, it is recommended for pregnant women because of the high content of folic acid, which reduces the risk of abnormalities in the baby.

8. In ancient times, beetroot was considered a medicine, the unusual properties of which were written in treatises by Hippocrates, Avicenna and Paracelsus, and the inhabitants of medieval Europe were sure that it could save from the plague.

9. In order for the beets to retain their bright and rich color, you need to add a teaspoon of vinegar or sugar to boiling water.

10. Beetroot powder is used as a coloring pigment in the food industry. It is present in almost all ketchups, tomato sauces and pastes.

Beets are a well-known vegetable. At the same time, it is also the most important industrial crop from which beet sugar is extracted. However, in addition to sugar beet, there are also fodder and table varieties of it. We will talk about the last of them.

The ancestor of the table beet, as well as, however, sugar and fodder, is wild chard - a native of the Mediterranean. Wild beets are still found in Iran, on the coast of the Mediterranean, as well as the Black and Caspian Seas, in India and China.

For 2000 years BC. e. beets were known in ancient Persia, where they were considered a symbol of quarrels and gossip. However, this did not in the least prevent the Persians from using beets as food as a leafy vegetable and even as a medicinal plant. It was the Persians who first learned to breed beets as a root vegetable, followed by the Turks and the ancient Romans. By the way, both the Turks and the Romans also considered beets a symbol of quarrels. But this, too, did not prevent both of them from including beets among their favorite foods.

Beetroot was also very popular in Russia, where it came from Byzantium in the 10th century. Sliced ​​beets with ginger seasoning were served to whet the appetite before dinner, and beet greens were added to okroshka. Later, they began to season soups with it and cook borscht from it.

However, just as popular, if not more, beetroot remains in our cooking today. When early young beets appear, housewives are very willing to cook first courses from it and especially young leaves, and in particular beetroot, beloved by many. We almost never do without beetroot and vinaigrette salads.

Beetroot is without a doubt one of the healthiest vegetables. It is distinguished by a high content of sugar, delicate fiber, organic acids (malic, citric, etc.), mineral salts (potassium, magnesium). There are also vitamins in beets - ascorbic acid, carotene, (B1, B2, B6, PP). Moreover, their greatest number is contained in the tops of young beets. Microelements were also found: cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc, iron. As you know, all of them are part of the enzymes that regulate the processes of hematopoiesis in the body. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that people who systematically consume beets are much less likely than others to suffer from anemia. By the way, in folk medicine, to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, beets are used in combination with carrots and black radish. Juice is squeezed out of these vegetables (from grated cake) and poured in equal parts into a dark bottle, then the bottle is rolled into the dough and put to languish in the oven or oven. This mixture is then recommended to drink one tablespoon three times a day.

Today, it is not a secret for many that boiled beets are a good laxative. For constipation, it is recommended to eat 50-100 g of boiled beets on an empty stomach.

But far from everyone knows that beets, for example, can act as a means to restore memory in a person suffering from cerebral atherosclerosis. And first of all, this is due to the fact that this vegetable has quite a lot of iodine. And iodine just has the ability to correct the cholesterol-fat metabolism, disturbed in this disease. In addition, due to the large amount of magnesium, beets have a vasodilating effect and thereby improve cerebral circulation. The systematic use of beetroot and especially its fresh juice helps to lower blood pressure in many people with arterial hypertension. Well, as for children, from the systematic use of beets, their nervous system becomes calmer. And it's all connected with the same magnesium.

In folk medicine, beets find another, at first glance, not quite common use. It is used as a remedy for a protracted cold. To do this, the grated root crop is inserted in the form of small swabs into the nasal passages for several minutes. Of course, this type of treatment is not suitable for young children because they can push tampons into the nasal passages. And then you will need special assistance to remove the foreign body.

Another way to treat chronic rhinitis with beets is to wash the nasal passages with a decoction of the root crop, which has been infused for some time and slightly fermented.

Official medicine has not studied this folk remedy. Apparently, the therapeutic effect here is due to the presence of manganese in beets. It turns out something like a treatment with well-known potassium permanganate.

And yet for most of us, beets are primarily a food product. Of course, dark brown beets are preferable: they are tastier, and it is much more pleasant to cook from them. Young beets, due to their delicate taste, should be used more often in raw food - this way vitamins and mineral salts are preserved more. Moreover, if such beets are grated, it should be poured with lemon juice and mixed - then it will retain its beautiful red color.

However, as they say, tastes differ. In some countries, such as America, white-ringed beets are preferred for salads. In India, both beets are recognized. Many Hindus are strict vegetarians who do not eat eggs, meat and fish at all, but only recognize cereals, berries, vegetables and fruits. The dietary properties of beets are very popular with the French, the British, and the Greeks. In a word, there is now no such corner of the globe where people would not know and appreciate this vegetable crop.

FIVE HUNDRED YEARS AGO. Soup is not an Italian invention. However, this word is taken from the Italians. Soup in their language means something softened, something to drink. But earlier it was not always what is commonly called soup today. Back in the 16th century. in Italy they did not know soup. Five hundred years ago, a Roman cook spoke of preparing a dish he called soup: “In a pot I put a ham, two pounds of beef, one pound of veal, a young chicken, and a young pigeon. After the water boils, I add spices, herbs and vegetables. My lord could eat this dish for six weeks in a row."

Today, a great variety of soups are known in the world. One of them is borscht. Let's try to cook it together. So…

Take 3 medium-sized beets and 2 carrots. Peel, rinse and grate them on a coarse grater. Mix in a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to it (you can squeeze it straight from the lemon). Cover the bowl with a lid. Let the vegetables stand for 15 minutes.

Put a pot of water on the fire. You need to take as many glasses of water as you want to cook bowls of soup, and half as many more.

While the water is heating, finely chop a quarter of the cabbage. And as soon as the water boils, dip the cabbage into the pan. Bring the water back to a boil. Now pour the carrot-beetroot mixture into it. Add finely chopped onion, 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, 2 bay leaves, 3 black peppercorns.

Borsch should boil for the third time and cook for exactly 5 minutes. After that, remove the pan from the heat and let the soup brew. But don't open the lid - you'll ruin everything!

But after 15 minutes, feel free to pour fragrant borscht on plates! Do not forget to put a spoonful of sour cream in them and sprinkle the borscht with parsley or dill.

Beet green salad

Beet tops - 500 g, a small onion - 1 piece, radish - 2 bunches, vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons, juice from 1 lemon, sugar - 1 pinch; salt to taste.

Separate young tops from root crops, sort out, remove wilted, diseased leaves and rinse thoroughly in cold water.

Then cut and stew in a small amount of salted water, but so that the tops are not too soft. Add thinly sliced ​​radishes and onions to the cooled tops separated from the broth and season with vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt and sugar.

Beets - 100 g, cucumbers - 50 g, garlic - 1 clove, onion - 15 g, vegetable oil - 5 g; vinegar, salt, pepper to taste.

Rinse the unpeeled beets, boil, cool and peel. Pickled cucumbers are peeled and seeds are removed. Lightly fry the onion in vegetable oil. Peel the garlic. Pass all prepared vegetables through a meat grinder, season with salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

For marinade per 1 liter: salt - 20 g, sugar - 40 g, cloves - 0.5 g, cinnamon - 0.5 g, bay leaf - 0.3 g; vinegar to taste.

Beets - 150 g, marinade - 75 g, vegetable oil - 8 g or sour cream - 10 g, greens - 5 g. Rinse and bake the beets or boil them whole. Then cool, peel, cut into thin slices, put in non-oxidizing dishes, pour marinade, bring to a boil and cool. To obtain a marinade, boil the vinegar with salt, sugar, bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon and strain. Before serving, season the beets with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Beets - 2 pcs., Radish - 2 pcs., Sour juice - 1/2 cup; sugar or honey, cumin or dill seeds to taste.

Rinse beets and radishes, peel, grate, add cranberry, apple, lemon, currant or rhubarb juice, season with sugar or honey, add cumin or dill seeds.

Beets - 1 kg, sugar - 250 g, a piece of lemon peel, cloves - 2 - 5 pieces, a piece of cinnamon; lemon juice to taste.

Peel the beets and cut into small cubes or slices. Pour boiling water, add sugar, cloves, cinnamon, lemon peel and cook over low heat until tender. Add lemon juice at the end of cooking.

For 4 servings: beetroot juice - 3 - 4 cups, apple juice - 3/4 cup, parsley - 2 teaspoons, finely chopped dill - 2 teaspoons, walnuts - 4 pieces, sour cream - 4 teaspoons; salt to taste.

Pour apple juice into beetroot juice, add finely chopped parsley and dill, salt and mix.

Peel the walnuts, finely chop the kernels or pound in a mortar.

Pour the drink into glasses, put a teaspoon of sour cream on top and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

For 4 servings: beets - 200 g, carrots - 300 g, horseradish - 50 g, lemon - 1/2 pc., cold boiled water - 1/2 l, sour cream - 1/2 cup; salt and granulated sugar to taste.

Wash, peel and rinse vegetables. Squeeze juice from them in turn in a manual or electric juicer. In the absence of its vegetables, finely grate and squeeze the juice from the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Squeeze juice from half a lemon.

Mix all juices, dilute with boiled water and add salt and granulated sugar to taste.

Serve the drink chilled by putting a tablespoon of sour cream in glasses or glasses with a drink.

- a biennial plant of the haze family, a root vegetable crop. Her homeland is the Mediterranean. Oddly enough, a person first appreciated the taste of beet leaves and only then tasted beet roots.

The ancient Romans were very fond of this vegetable, who gladly ate beet leaves soaked in wine and seasoned with pepper. By decree of Emperor Tiberius, the enslaved Germanic tribes paid tribute to Rome in beets. It was also eaten by the ancient Greeks.

Description of beets

At the beginning of our era, boiled beet roots entered the diet of many European peoples. Apparently, beets came to the Slavs from Byzantium. Apparently, this vegetable was known and bred in Kievan Rus already in the 11th century, where the Greek name of the culture "sfekeli" received the Slavic sound "beet".

So it can rightfully be attributed to the original Slavic garden crops. Nowadays beets are grown all over the world.

Useful properties of beets

Since ancient times, it has been used for scurvy and for the prevention of beriberi. It is useful to use in food and tops of beets, in which there is a lot of ascorbic acid and carotene. I.P. Neumyvakin suggested using beets to carry out home diagnostics of the gastrointestinal tract. If after the adoption of 1 - 2 Art. l. If the beetroot juice is settled for 1-2 hours, the urine will turn borage, which means that the intestines have ceased to perform detoxification functions, and decay products, toxins enter through the liver, which also fails, into the kidneys, blood, poisoning the entire body.

Very useful beets with anemia. For treatment, a mixture of equal amounts of juices of beets, carrots and radishes is used. The mixture is taken before meals for 1 - 2 tablespoons for several months. For the treatment of anemia, you can use pickled beets.

According to iodine content beetroot is different from other vegetables, so it is useful for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Boiled beets have a beneficial effect in hypertension due to the high content of magnesium, which helps to lower blood pressure. In folk medicine, for high blood pressure and as a sedative, take beetroot juice mixed equally with honey (1/2 cup 2 times a day).

Fiber and organic acids of beets enhance intestinal motility, therefore, against constipation, you should eat 100 g of boiled beets on an empty stomach.

To mitigate inflammation, fresh gruel of root crops is applied to ulcers and tumors as it dries.

Academician B.V. Bolotov proposed to clean the stomach, intestines, blood vessels with the help of grated and squeezed beet pulp - pulp. The juice obtained after squeezing the beet mass is defended and drunk at night or after meals. The pulp (up to 3 tablespoons) is swallowed in the form of small peas, without wetting them with saliva. The grated mass of beets can be used even after 5 - 7 days of standing. The effect of this mass on the body is diverse. It draws out salt residues, heavy metals, carcinogens from the stomach and duodenal bulb, restores the epithelium of the entire intestinal tract.

In addition, the procedure for swallowing beet pulp helps to relieve appetite and lose weight. In the old days, beet pulp was applied for mumps and other tumors. Children were treated with a decoction of beet leaves for hernia, and steamed leaves were applied to tumors, fresh ones - to abscesses, a sore leg, head - in order to delay the heat. With amenorrhea, a week before menstruation, they drink 1/2 cup of beet juice, massage the urinary canal.

For a year, it is supposed to eat 6 kg of fresh red beets, boiled - 16 kg, and cancer patients need 1/2 kg of beets daily or one glass of juice from it after irradiation. With sensitive intestines, so as not to feel sick, beetroot juice is mixed with oatmeal.

In autumn, there are more useful substances in the tops and beet leaves than in the root crop. They can be used raw in salads, beetroots, green borscht. The leaves are soaked in wine vinegar, they become more palatable.

Dangerous properties of beets

Can't drink beetroot juice in large quantities - pain in the kidneys may appear (if there are stones in them, beetroot juice can budge them).

Let's tell you what a beet is, is it a vegetable or a fruit, what does a root crop look like.

Biological features

biological features. Food beets are heat-loving. Germination is possible at +5C, optimal - +20C, +15... +18C - before the formation of the root crop, and after - +20...+25C.

If the weather is cool throughout the entire growth (0 ... + 10C), then there is a high probability of a rapid formation of flowering.

The plant is photophilous. Beets respond well to moisture, with abundant irrigation gives a good weight gain.

Table beet prefers moderate irrigation. So it will not become fibrous or loose. Sandy or loamy soil rich in humus is suitable for planting.

Beets do not like acidic soil. Even with low acidity, the yield drops sharply. Experts in this case advise the soil to lime.

History of occurrence

The modern food beet comes from the wild beet that grew in the Far East and India. She was known as far back as 2000 BC. and used as a vegetable and medicinal plant. The cultivation itself took place only after almost 1000 years. It is interesting that at first the tops were eaten, and the root was used as a medicine.

It is also mentioned that the ancient Greeks sacrificed it to Apollo. Since then, quite a bit of time has passed and 500 years BC. In Asia, beet root was first eaten. Only at the beginning of AD. cultivated forms of the common root beet began to appear. In our area (Kievan Rus), it appeared only by the X-XI centuries.

Chemical composition

Table beets contain:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fiber;
  • vitamins (B 1, B 2, P, PP);
  • sugar (glucose, and fructose, and up to 25% sucrose);
  • acids (ascorbic, pantothenic, folic, oxalic, citric and malic);
  • mineral salts (magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, iodine, manganese, cobalt, sodium, phosphorus);
  • dyes (betaine (alkaloid-like substance), corotinoids, pectins, pigments);
  • amino acids (valine, lysine, arginine, histidine, etc.).

The tops contain ascorbic acid, carotene, dyes, betanin and betaine.

Benefit and harm to humans

Beneficial features:

  1. Beets are the first assistant for chronic constipation. It not only affects the intestines, but destroys putrefactive bacteria.
  2. It is an excellent regulator in the metabolism of fats, liver function and blood pressure (hypertension).
  3. The vegetable perfectly helps not only the health of the body (pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-sclerotic, antiscorbutic, wound healing, restorative), but also the psyche, as it perfectly copes with depression.
  4. The plant helps the body in blood formation.
  5. Folic acid in beets is very good for those who are just planning a baby. It helps to form a healthy nervous system of a still small fetus.
  6. The high content of iodine helps to make up for its lack in the human body.
  7. Betanin contained in beets prevents the development of a malignant tumor.
  8. The low calorie content of the vegetable will please any dieter.


  1. Beetroot does not allow the absorption of calcium, and the sugar it contains can raise blood sugar.
  2. Oxalic acid can worsen the situation with urolithiasis.
  3. The pronounced laxative effect will harm those suffering from diarrhea.

Contraindications for use

Exclude the use of a vegetable when:

  • Kidney stones.
  • diabetes mellitus.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hypotension.
  • Renal failure.
  • Allergies.

During pregnancy, beets are a must. It has everything for mom and baby. Unless, of course, there are no problems listed above.


Application in medicine

Diseases that beets can help cure:

  • Hypertension.
  • Constipation.
  • Obesity.
  • Scurvy.
  • Sclerosis.
  • Anemia.
  • Hangover.
  • Depression.
  • Thyroid iodine deficiency.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Ulcers.

You can find detailed information about beet treatment in.

Types of beets with a photo

There are 4 types of beets: 3 according to the ripening period (early, medium, late) and 1 according to the structure (here we mean leafy). Let's show how each looks in the photo.

Early maturing

This type of table beet includes:

Pablo F1

A round, crimson-colored, medium-sized root crop with a thin skin and sweet flesh.


A small ball-shaped fruit of red color without rings, pleasant to the taste.

Bordeaux 237

Round, medium-sized root crop with red, pleasant-tasting flesh.


Neat in shape and pleasant to the taste without rings of burgundy-cherry color.


Rounded root crop of dark red color with radial rings.


A dark red cylindrical vegetable.

Egyptian flat

Rounded, slightly flattened at the poles, the color is burgundy with a purple tint and light rings.

red ball

Rounded root crop of dark red color with juicy pulp.

For sugar beets:


A conical root crop of white color and medium weight with a high sugar content.


Mid-season varieties of table beets include:


Round red fruit.


Red color, oblong shape with thin skin.


Fruits are spherical in shape with a pleasant dark shade.

Incomparable A 463

Large flat-round root crop of dark cherry color.


Rounded small shape with dark cherry-colored flesh without rings.

For sugar:


The root crop is conical in shape, white in color and high in sugar.


Cone-shaped white root.


Cone-shaped white root.

late mature


Root crop of a cylindrical form of red-violet color.


Flat-round shape, maroon color with juicy pulp.


A small root crop of a cylindrical shape of red color.


A small cylindrical fruit of burgundy color.



Type of leaf beet. Only leaves that look like lettuce or spinach are eaten. In terms of taste and quality, chard surpasses them.

Fodder beets cannot be attributed to any species in terms of ripening, although some of them are close to mid-ripening.


Oval-cylindrical fruit of white or pinkish-white color.


It has a red oval-elongated root crop, white flesh.


White oval root crop.


Cylindrically-conical fruit of white color of average size.


Yellow-orange fruit of a cylindrical-conical shape.


The fruit is yellow and conical in shape.


Root crop of a semi-sugar type, white color, oval shape.


Semi-sugar type with a cylindrical fruit of yellow-orange color.


Cylindrical-conical fruit of pink color.

Kyiv Pink

Orange root crop of a cylindrical-oval shape.


An oval-cylindrical orange-green root vegetable with a high sugar content.

Growing step by step instructions

  1. Variety selection.

    Varieties are selected depending on the soil and needs.

  2. Site preparation for planting.

    A warm sunny place is good to loosen. Fertilize soil poor in minerals in the fall.

    • The best predecessors: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, greens, legumes, cereals, onions, garlic.
    • The worst are potatoes, cabbage, radish, carrots, celery, chard, fodder, sugar, table beets.
  3. seed processing.

    Soak them in room temperature water for several hours. Then discard the ones that pop up. After draining the water, wrap in gauze and immerse in a solution of Epin, Zircon or others for a period of 0.5 to 4 hours. After the solution, let the seeds lie down in a warm place for 12-24 hours so that they swell and hatch. Now you can get started.

  4. Planting beets in open ground.

    Seeds must be placed in warm soil to a depth of 2 cm at an interval of 4-10 cm from each other and covered with earth.

    The distance between rows for small fruits is 10-15 cm, for large ones - 20-30 cm. The seeding rate is approximately 8-12 kg of seeds per 1 ha.

  5. Beet care.

    Irrigation is required moderately. You can use mulching (sawdust, straw, humus), which will reduce the amount of watering, loosening and weeds.

    Thin out in 2 stages: 1 after the appearance of 2 true leaves on the plant; and 2 when the root reaches a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. At the same time, the distance between the roots for the first time is left up to 5 cm, in the second - at the required distance for the selected variety.

    On poor soil, the culture requires a little top dressing (infusion of mullein or chicken manure), it is also recommended to use complex fertilizer several times (potassium, boron, copper, molybdenum). With proper care, the yield of table beet in Russia is approximately 40-50 tons per 1 ha, fodder and sugar - 900-1100 centners per 1 ha.


    In ancient Rome, beets were considered a symbol of quarrels, contention and gossip. If a person wanted to communicate his dislike for another, then he threw a vegetable into his house. In many cultures, it was believed that if a man and a woman took a bite from the same beet fruit, they would fall in love with each other.

    Historical fact: in 1975, during the Apollo-Soyuz test project, Soviet cosmonauts treated their American colleagues to beetroot soup. The Delphic Oracle claimed that the beets had mystical powers. "Accept a favor in the beet fields" - this phrase meant visiting brothels in the beginning. 20th century

    Acidity can be measured using beetroot juice: added to an acid solution, the liquid will turn pink, and in an alkaline solution, it will turn yellow.

    Can it be used to feed animals?

    Table beets are highly discouraged for animals. In exceptional cases, it can be given in small quantities: to a piglet, cows, sheep in a raw or freshly brewed (only not boiled and not long brewed) form. Hamsters and rabbits boiled or raw the size of a marigold.

    The use of beets has a beneficial effect on human and animal health. People prone to chronic diseases can consume the vegetable in small quantities and carefully. Animals are recommended to give special (fodder or sugar) beets, especially since it is not only healthy for them, but also tasty. We wrote in more detail about beets in the diet of animals.

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