The husband took his wife to the forest. Taken to the forest and doomed to a long death. Both hands are sewn

26-year-old Dmitry himself came to the police and admitted that he chopped off his wife's hands. The tragedy occurred near Serpukhov near Moscow last Monday. Recently, the couple were at odds, and the 25-year-old girl filed for divorce. Dmitry, apparently, did not forgive her for this: he took his wife to a forest near the village of Skrylya and methodically tortured her for about an hour, demanding that she return back.

The jealous man crushed the hands of the mother of his two children, and then began to cut his fingers along the phalanges. After that, he himself delivered his bleeding wife to the hospital and surrendered to law enforcement officers. Here is how Komsomolskaya Pravda describes it.

Komsomolskaya Pravda in Moscow:

“On Monday morning, a foreign car stopped at the Serpukhov hospital. A young man jumped out. He opened the back door and dragged the girl out like a sack of potatoes. He tossed a bloody shoe box next to him. Jumped into the car and drove away. Everything happened very quickly. At first, few people understood what was happening. People standing at the entrance hurried to the girl, they wanted to help. The first man came up and immediately recoiled. The unfortunate woman did not have ... brushes.

Blood was flowing from both hands, - one of the random witnesses told KP. Even the bones were visible. They screamed and called the doctors. The box was opened, and there were fingers. It was all terrible. Many became ill, Corvalol was then whipped with whole vials. Even the hospital staff, who had seen a lot, could not recover. At first we thought that maybe some kind of accident had happened, and that man, maybe, was an eyewitness. But when the doctors put the wounded woman on a stretcher, she said that it was her husband. And he did this to her.

The head physician of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 71 Alexander Myasnikov reported about the wild case on his Instagram page. The patient, according to him, was taken to the Serpukhov hospital with a diagnosis of amputation of the right and left hand. For a consultation, the doctors called the Moscow clinic, and in response, the surgeons strongly recommended that, with the help of law enforcement officers, they find the amputated left hand.

Alexander Myasnikov, chief physician of the Moscow City Hospital No. 71:

I can’t put up the original photos in any way - there’s just a bloody mess, even for me to look - I have to strain and get myself together first. They did the incredible - they sewed it on, despite the fact that initially it was not possible!

Further, the head of the hospital quotes his colleague, who received the unfortunate woman: “We strongly recommended that we still find the amputated left hand. The police went and found the left hand. And by 5 p.m., the patient was brought to us by reanimobile, with the stumps of both hands already formed. And an amputee of the left hand with a lot of additional damage on it. At first, even we were confused, but decided to try. We started at 18:50 and finished at 3:50. Let's hope that not in vain so many people participated in the fate of this 26-year-old girl and the hands will take root. But the incident shocked even us. A normal person cannot do this to another.”

Investigators opened a criminal case against the jealous husband under the article “Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm.” The man faces up to 15 years in prison. He is currently under arrest. According to KP, he was never registered with a psychiatrist, he led a healthy lifestyle - he did not smoke or drink even at family holidays. Now experts are investigating whether he took any substances that morning. Later, the investigator will order a psychiatric examination.

The whole country admires the pair of Nikolai Karachentsov and Lyudmila Porgina. Despite the fact that the people's artist has been confined to a wheelchair for several years, his wife tirelessly supports him, literally dissolving in her famous husband. Lyudmila Andreevna herself rarely told reporters about herself, few people know that she was a successful actress in Soviet times, for her many men were ready to do anything. However, she tied her fate with Nikolai Petrovich, which she never regretted.

The first time Porgina got married at the age of 17. She met aspiring actor Mikhail Polyak on courses at a theater school and lived with him for two years. “We huddled in a communal apartment with cockroaches, mice. Opposite the Moscow Art Theater School, where they studied. The teachers complained to him about me, and to me about him, it was a fun time, ”recalled Lyudmila Andreevna.

The actress admitted that at some point she realized that they had different paths. “A teacher comes up to me once and says: “Listen, I want to tell you about something personal. You have outgrown your husband like a jacket. Get a divorce, get your last name Porgina back." After a while, I myself understood this, announced to my husband: “Misha, let's live separately and try to open a new page. Then we got back together, but eventually broke up again. I just really grew out of it. Of course, it was hard for him, but it happened, ”the artist shared.

Lyudmila Andreevna admitted that after the first divorce she was disappointed in love and relationships. But soon, on the set, fate brought her to her second husband, stuntman Viktor Korzun. “He was a motorcycle racer, he did all the scary stunts in the film himself. The character was courageous, but inside - like a child. Vitya gave flowers, tried to read poetry, although he did not know how, he wanted to somehow rise in my eyes. He brought beautiful things from other countries. And I decided to marry him,” said Porgina. Lyudmila Andreevna admitted that the second husband was a wild jealous. When he found out about her affair with Karachentsov, he decided to kill his beloved.

“When I went to Kolya, Vitya took me to the forest and said: “Well, everyone say goodbye to life!” Karachentsov then flew to America and did not know what was happening. Korzun left me in the middle of nowhere... I somehow got out onto the road, caught a car, drove home. I had a strong shock, I stuttered for several days, I was afraid to leave the apartment, ”the artist shared.

Porgina said that she fell in love with Nikolai Petrovich at first sight. However, the people's artist was in no hurry to propose to her, only two years later they officially registered the marriage. “On August 1, 1975, we got married on Leninsky Prospekt. I still keep the invitation from the registry office, ”said Lyudmila Andreevna.

Soon the couple had a son, Andrei. Lyudmila Andreevna admitted that Nikolai Petrovich's mother did not immediately accept her daughter-in-law. “I myself later talked to her, said: “You understand, we love the same child. If you need help, he will not sit with you, but I will. When Yanina Evgenievna had a stroke, I left the theater and was at her bedside in the hospital, caring for her,” says Lyudmila Andreevna.

The actress said that Karachentsov experienced the death of his mother very hard. “He returned from the tour, opened the door with his key. In my eyes I understood what had happened ... He fell to his knees and roared like a wild animal on the landing. I dragged him into the apartment, said that we would all stand, survive. Granddaughter Yanina was named after her mother, ”said Porgina.

Lyudmila Andreevna also remembered how she lost her mother one day, and soon learned from the news that her beloved husband had been in an accident and was in intensive care in an extremely serious condition.

“I asked him to come out of a coma, to stroke me, as before. And suddenly I see a hand rising! I told him: “Now I’ll bury my mother, then I’ll come to you, and we will overcome everything.” And no matter what anyone told me, I knew Kolya would get up and walk. I knew!" - Lyudmila Andreevna emphasized.

A wild tragedy in the style of oriental love dramas occurred in Serpukhov near Moscow: a husband took his wife to the forest and cut off her hands! The relationship of the spouses has long reached an impasse, the woman wrote a statement to the police against her faithful, and everything went to a divorce, but the head of the family pretended to repent and lulled her vigilance.

Such a bruise remained with Maria after another conflict with her husband

As MK managed to find out, 25-year-old Maria and 26-year-old Denis (names have been changed. - Approx. Aut.) met at a technical school. Young people in one group studied cooking, and in 2010 they began a relationship.

On August 31, 2012, the couple got married, and soon Maria and Denis had two sons (4 and 3 years old). By the way, the happy wife herself said that they really want a girl and dream of living to see a golden wedding.

Recently, the girl worked as the head of the marketing department in one of the newspapers, and her husband worked as a driver in an electronics store.

According to acquaintances, the young people were worth each other - both were selfish and made concessions with difficulty. When the relationship was calm, they lived quite happily.

This can be judged from the records on social networks: Denis and Maria celebrated anniversaries together, publicly confessed their feelings, posted many family photos on the Internet. But when the slightest quarrel occurred in the family, both lost control and inflated an elephant out of a fly.

One such quarrel occurred at the end of October. Maria threatened Denis with a divorce. The man ignored the statement of his wife, and the wife became angry in earnest. She came to the registry office in all seriousness, but she could not apply, because she did not have enough money with her to pay the state duty. Upon learning of his wife's plans, Denis tore her passport to shreds at home, cut things up, and beat her herself.

According to Maria’s mother, Denis raised his hand to her daughter not for the first time, but she began to really fear for her life after her husband took her to the forest on November 10 and, threatening with a knife, tried to dissuade her from a divorce.

He promised that if she broke his life, she would cripple her or pour acid on her. After that, Maria and her mother turned to the district police officer, and the woman wrote a statement about domestic violence.

Since the apartment in which he lived belongs to us, the whole family asked Denis to move out, and he went to live with his mother. I talked to him myself. He could not bear that something would not be according to his will. Denis threatened that he knew where to get weapons: supposedly his father had recently been released after a long prison term, Maria's mother said.

After the couple parted, Maria began to communicate with the driver from her work, and, as the girl’s colleagues said, they even went to the movies with their children. As it turned out later, Denis followed her and was terribly jealous, but did not show his feelings.

On the contrary, he began to take steps towards reconciliation: he helped take his sons to kindergarten, no longer threatened and apologized for his actions. When Denis and Maria reunited again, the man asked his wife to prove that she had not cheated on him.

He said that he agreed in Moscow for 7,000 rubles for her to pass a lie detector, and the faithful wife agreed. After Denis did not tell anyone the results, but, according to his mother Maria, he behaved like a silk.

A week after the trip to the capital, on December 11, the jealous man called for Maria, they took the children to the garden together, at about 9.00 they stopped by the girl’s mother for things, and by 10.00 he had to deliver his wife to work.

But this did not happen. Denis took his wife to the forest near the village of Skrylya. Before starting the torture, he sent an SMS to his mother and sister with the text “I'm sorry. I can't live like this when I'm being deceived."

After that, he crushed the hands of one hand with the butt of an ax, inquiring about treason, hit the girl with a point in the thigh, and then chopped off both hands. The savage put the crippled Masha in a car and took him to a local hospital. Having handed over his wife to the doctors, he himself turned to the police and confessed everything.

It is worth noting that the tragedy could have been prevented. That day, after 10:00, Maria's colleagues, who were aware of her family drama, informed her mother that the woman had not come to work.

The woman called the district police officer, but the law enforcement officer said that she was on vacation and could not help.

The police opened a criminal case under the article of the Criminal Code "Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm." Maria was transferred to the capital's clinic, where doctors are fighting to save the hand that survived the torture. A fundraising campaign has been launched on the Web to help the injured girl. Denis was detained and on camera declares that he repents of what happened.


Doctors sewed severed brushes on the girl

Microsurgeons of the 71st Zhadkevich Moscow Hospital performed an operation that lasted more than 8 hours. They managed to piece together and sew on the hands of M. Gracheva.

A major scandal flares up around the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin. The editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, Dmitry Muratov, spoke in an opinion column with open letter addressed to him, where the secret details of how the "duel" Bastrykin with Novaya journalist Sergei Sokolov. It turns out that the latter was taken against his will to a forest near Moscow, where the head of the Investigative Committee "in an extremely expressive state rudely threatened the life" of the journalist. He temporarily left Russia for security reasons.

Outraged, the head of the Investigative Committee demanded an apology and invited the author to a meeting in Nalchik with him. There, Sokolov personally apologized for the "emotional overlap," according to Muratov, but asked a number of questions about the essence of the investigation. However, Bastrykin publicly and harshly scolded the journalist and did not accept the apology, saying: "Do you allow yourself such words in the all-Russian newspaper and want to get off with such an apology? In tsarist times, they challenged you to a duel for this."

Many media wrote about this, but no one knew that after the return of the plane of the chairman of the Investigative Committee to Moscow, Sergey Sokolov, invited by him, without explanation, was put into the car by the guards and taken to the forest. Further Muratov describes as follows:
“There you asked the guards to leave and were left alone with Sokolov. We don’t want to be petty, Alexander Ivanovich, we don’t want to participate in the clan war of the security forces, and therefore we don’t quote what you expressed to Sokolov in an extremely expressive state about the newspaper, editorial policy, as you characterized our deceased columnist Politkovskaya... the cruel truth is that you, in the heat of the moment, rudely threatened the life of my deputy.

In an interview with Dozhd, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper clarified: “It all happened, in fact, on the night of 4 to 5. All this time, the editorial board, Sergei Sokolov and we all thought about how we should act in this situation. We can be accused of that we will come up with something, although I personally have been working with Sokolov for almost a quarter of a century and I trust him absolutely.

“We thought for a long time, we wanted to come to an agreement and suggested that Mr. Bastrykin hold a meeting with the editorial board of the newspaper in order to find out, clarify the situation that has developed,” Muratov said. refused - but simply to answer our letter and give security guarantees to Sokolov. Alexander Yevseevich Khinshtein is precisely in this situation. "

Instant Reaction: Pickets Start Near SK, Bloggers Practice Their Wits

AT Facebook journalists announced the preparation of a series of single pickets near the building of the Investigative Committee. The action starts at 16:00. The group's statement says:
“Friends, in recent years we have lost many of our colleagues. Some were brutally murdered, and the killers were not found. Some were severely beaten, and the cases were not solved. dangerous. And we ourselves must now defend our right to life and freedom, since the law enforcement agencies not only do not do this, but also threaten our colleagues". "Everyone who is outraged by this story" is offered to picket.

The letter of the editor-in-chief of "Novaya" advertised on his Twitter Alexey Navalny which is just Wednesday afternoon after searches in the case of the riots at the "March of Millions" in Moscow on May 6 went for interrogation to the Investigative Committee, from where, by the way, he was released very soon. "We met Markin in the lobby of the SK (official representative of the committee Vladimir Markin - Note. ed.), was asked about the "incident in the forest", says he does not know anything, and there is no official position yet," he wrote.

The next tweet: "There is a feeling that after Muratov's open letter to the Investigative Committee, it was immediately not up to me and my interrogation." And then he jokes darkly: "They say that within the framework of the humanization of justice, a new procedural action:" go to the forest and grind ".

And a State Duma deputy from United Russia, deputy chairman of the committee on security and combating corruption Alexander Khinshtein As early as June 11, he promised Bastrykin an "unprecedented scandal" - this was a hint precisely at the "forest story". On his Twitter, the deputy wrote on Monday (when the opposition leaders were being searched - Note. ed.): "The investigative actions that are being carried out today are Bastrykin's last attempt to survive. A day or two - and an unprecedented scandal will begin with him. He is waiting."

In the Russian-speaking segment of Twitter, the hashtag is already actively trending

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