What mushrooms grow in Thailand, their production. How to cook Chinese tree mushrooms: recipes for delicious and original dishes. Application in cooking and medicine

Shiitake is a wood-destroying variety of mushrooms known in China and Japan for about two millennia. The translation of its name from Japanese literally means "chestnut" and "mushroom", i.e. mushroom growing on a chestnut tree. And since there are no hissing sounds in the Japanese language, it is more correct to call this Asian mushroom “shiitaki”. At home, it is revered for its healing properties no less than ginseng root.

Already from the beginning of the first millennium AD. Chinese healers used the shiitake mushroom to treat emperors and believed that it was able to maintain youth, strength and health. The mushroom was called “imperial” or “elixir of youth”.

The mushroom cap reaches a diameter of up to 20 cm, at first it is convex, and eventually becomes flat. Its coloration includes all shades of yellow and brown, as it is not uniform, but spotty. Mature mushrooms are lighter than young ones. At first, the edges of the cap are even, like the white plates under it, and then become jagged. The shape of these mushrooms is similar to meadow champignons.

From the inside, the caps are covered with a thin film, when ripe, its integrity is violated, only a fringe around the stem remains. In the natural environment, they grow singly, attached to the trunk of a tree. Fruiting occurs after spring and autumn rains.

If the mushroom is grown artificially, then the blocks yield at least a third of the weight of the mycelium, and sometimes much more. Such crops are harvested from each of them from three to six.

Shiitake is a wood-destroying variety of mushrooms known in China and Japan for about two millennia.

Shiitake habitats

Shiitake grows in Chinese or Japanese deciduous forests, preferring chestnuts, maples, oaks or ebony trees. It is also found on forest edges, grazing areas and in gardens.

Almost eighty years ago, a method was found for its artificial cultivation while preserving the healing properties of plants. To do this, use logs or sawdust and husks from rice grains. Only in such a neighborhood can mushrooms be used for medical purposes. And those sold in stores are suitable only for culinary purposes.

Chemical composition of shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake contains about two dozen amino acids, including leucine and lysine, B vitamins, vitamin D. All of them are produced by mushrooms as a result of chemical reactions that occur during their growth. For example, vitamin D is ergosterol transformed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, even a three-hour irradiation of mushrooms with sunlight or special lamps per day is enough for this vitamin to be produced in sufficient quantities.

Mushrooms also contain a rare polysaccharide, lentinan, which is found nowhere else. This unique substance stimulates the production of the perforin enzyme in the body, which "cleanses" the body of abnormal cells - cancerous, necrotic, and others.

Shiitake contains about two dozen amino acids, including leucine and lysine, B vitamins, vitamin D

They contain more proteins than soybeans or corn. The combination of fiber and all the amino acids necessary for the body leads to a halving of cholesterol in the blood, quickly processing and removing its excess from the body.

And cellulose and chitin, which mushrooms abound in, help get rid of harmful toxins and accumulated radioactive elements.

They contain special inclusions of lingans and lingins, which, resembling viruses, help to cope with many viruses, bacterial and fungal infections.

Properties of shiitake mushrooms (video)

Useful and medicinal properties of shiitake

Due to the unique chemical composition, shiitake has the following properties:

  • Serves as a prophylactic against cancer for people who have received a high dose of radiation. Helps to cope with the effects of cancer treatment.
  • It has the ability to lower blood sugar in diabetics. Stimulates the normal production of insulin and normalizes the pancreas.
  • Helps to cope with stress, chronic fatigue and even some types of benign and malignant tumors, increasing the body's resistance.
  • By increasing the production of protective antibodies, it is beneficial in the fight against viruses and inflammation, and is a good antipyretic.
  • Kills pathogenic microflora.
  • Normalize the composition of the blood.
  • Prevents the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Improves metabolism, especially carbohydrate.
  • Helps to cope with sexual impotence. Due to the high content of zinc, it prevents prostatitis.
  • Restores damaged myelin fibers - one of the shells of brain cells.
  • According to Chinese healers, shiitake has a detrimental effect on all types of the hepatitis virus.

The use of shiitake in traditional medicine

For the treatment of viral hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, candidiasis, cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, tincture of the imperial mushroom, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is effective. Its independent preparation is also available to everyone, for this you need:

  • Grind dried mushrooms in a coffee grinder.
  • Two tablespoons of the resulting powder insist on half a liter of cognac or vodka in a glass hermetically sealed container for three weeks.
  • Strain the resulting liquid thoroughly.
  • Take a spoonful three times a day before meals.

This drug can be combined with other drugs, the effect of their use will become more noticeable. It is not recommended to drink it only with aconite and aspirin.

Other recipes for treatment with drugs based on the "elixir of youth":

  1. To increase stress resistance and prevent sexual disorders: drink a spoonful of powder three times a day for at least a month.
  2. In the prevention of cancer, keep a quarter cup of the powder in three quarters of a liter of vodka placed in a sealed glass container for a month. This is the time to keep it in the fridge. Drink the remedy in the same way as in the previous case.
  3. With increased blood pressure and viral infections: dissolve a couple of tablespoons of the powder in vegetable oil heated in a water bath, keep in the refrigerator for a month and drink twice a day in a spoon.
  4. From the same problems, such a remedy helps: drink a spoonful of powder on an empty stomach and at bedtime for a month with a two-week break. The course of treatment lasts from six months to a year.
  5. For women's diseases and various kinds of tumors: soak three tablespoons of powder in half a liter of vodka for a couple of weeks. At this time, shake the suspension several times daily. You need to drink tincture in a spoon three times a day forty minutes before meals, and twenty minutes after that, pure powder in a spoon. Conduct a monthly course, then take a two-week break. Continue alternating for six months to a year.
  6. As a prophylactic against sclerosis: hold ten tablespoons of the powder for a couple of weeks in half a liter of cognac with constant shaking. Drink a spoonful in the morning and evening. In the evening, add another spoonful of flax seed oil. It is also useful to combine this remedy with half a spoonful of eggshell powder, four capsules of fish oil daily. And add to this the weekly use of a glass of mineral water with a drop of iodine and a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. If there are contraindications to alcohol, then instead take a remedy based on linseed oil or just mushroom powder.

Dietary supplements with shiitake extract

Shiitake mushroom preparations are sold in pharmacies in the form of a powder with added vitamins and trace elements. There are also capsules or tablets of various packaging.

Ganoderma lucidum is the scientific name of the red mushroom species. Ganoderma is known in China as Lingzhi, in Japan as Reishi, and in Korea as Yongzhi. Lingzhi - this tree fungus is called the longevity mushroom. Its history dates back to the second millennium BC. Finding Lingzhi in the wild is a great success, and all due to the fact that the spores of this fungus are very rough, hard, cling to any tree bark, but they can germinate only at a certain temperature and on a wild plum, and not on every one. Healing properties of Lingzhi: Over two thousand years ago, the invaluable book "Shinnoh Honsohkyo" was published in Japan, it is the original textbook of Eastern medicine. Among all the listed super drugs, Ganoderma Lucidum took the First Place, even stood much higher than ginseng!

In traditional Chinese medicine, the Lingzhi mushroom is called the "Mushroom of Immortality", it has been awarded the highest category in terms of the breadth of action and the absence of side effects.
Linji mushrooms have unique anti-stress, regenerative, antiviral properties, as well as moisturizing and rejuvenating.
Lingzhi has been clinically proven to improve the body's immune function, metabolism and overall well-being. Linji mushrooms are rich in minerals, amino acids and vitamins. It is the strongest antioxidant.

The healing properties of Lingzhi in China have been known for a very long time. Oriental medicine has been accumulating information about it for 4 millennia. More than 2000 years ago, in the Chinese "Holy Book of miraculous medicinal plants", Lingzhi mushroom was named "the best among the 365 most valuable plants of the East", surpassing the famous ginseng in efficiency. The unique supreme mushroom Lingzhi is a precious pearl in the treasury of traditional Eastern medicine. In ancient Chinese legends, this mushroom is considered a "magic medicine" that saves the sick from death and gives people the energy to live forever. The fungus was called a plant that "gives eternal youth", or "divine grass". In ancient China, he was so legendary that his image was carved as an ornament on expensive furniture, staff handles, etc.
Ling-Shi or Lingzhi (Lingzhi) is the Chinese version of the name of this mushroom. The name Reishi (1000 year old mushroom) is most commonly used in Japan. In the US and Canada, Linji is known as Ganoderma. The name Ganoderma lucium is of Greek origin.
Currently, the valuable properties of Lingzhi are being comprehensively studied in leading medical institutions in Japan, the USA, France, and Canada. In Japan, Lingzhi fruit body dry extract is included in the official list of anticancer drugs. In traditional Chinese medicine, the mushroom is considered a miraculous remedy for many diseases.

Lingzhi mushroom infusion has the following properties: increased working capacity, normalization of blood pressure, stimulation of oxidation processes in liver mitochondria. The same therapeutic efficacy of Lingzhi in relation to morphological changes in the brain, liver, lungs and myocardium was revealed. And one of the most important properties is a strong antitumor effect. When taking Lingzhi, there is a regression of any tumors - both benign and malignant.

It can be concluded that Lingzhi has several main healing properties. First, it has a strong antitumor effect. When studying the chemical composition of Lingzhi at the American Cancer Institute, an amazing discovery was made: a substance called "lanostan" was found, which inhibits the formation of antibodies. The second is indicated for allergic diseases. Now patients with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and other allergic diseases are cured of them with the help of Lingzhi. The third is the positive effect of the use of preparations from this fungus for any pulmonary diseases (chronic bronchitis, etc.). Fourth, the widespread and successful use of Lingzhi in cardiovascular disease. Fifth - hypoglycemic effect in diabetes mellitus.

Oncological diseases
The study of mushrooms showed that Lingzhi differs from many other medicinal mushrooms in that it contains not only active antitumor polysaccharides, but also the so-called terpenoids, which increase stress resistance and prevent the accumulation of free radicals. The specific effect of polysaccharides is manifested in the activation of macrophages and T-lymphocytes, stimulation of interferon and a general improvement in the immune response at the cellular level. They have no toxic effects on the human body, and they are safe from a medical point of view. The degree of restoration of the damaged immune system, incl. with AIDS and antitumor activity depend on the duration of therapy using Lingzhi. It is believed that it is enough to take a Lingzhi course at least once a year so as not to get cancer!
Antimicrobial action and allergic diseases
Lingzhi has an antimicrobial effect, and it does not act by suppressing, for example, staphylococcus or pneumococcus, but by killing them. Improves all types of metabolism: mineral, carbohydrate, fat, has an anti-allergic effect. Treatment of allergies with Lingzhi is a long process (it takes 1-2 years), but it is reliable and effective and does not cause any side effects!
Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and other allergic diseases are successfully treated with Lingzhi.
Cardiovascular diseases
The use of Lingzhi to improve the condition of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. The results of studies at the All-Union Cardiology Center were very significant: 5 hours after taking drugs from lingzhi mushrooms, the cholesterol level dropped! In addition, a persistent decrease in pressure occurred after 14 days. This effect has been confirmed in clinical studies. Therefore, the use of this drug is directly indicated in the recovery period after a heart attack and stroke.
The mushroom normalizes blood pressure, it is also effective for symptoms of cardiovascular blockade and other heart diseases, including angina, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, fatigue, memory loss.
The immune system
Lingzhi is considered both a tonic and an adaptogenic agent. As a tonic, it strengthens the body's strength, and as an adaptogen, it helps to adapt to stress, improves health and normalizes the functioning of the body.
When using the fungus, the production of cytokinins in the body is activated. Cytokinins are immune system regulators that act immediately, do not require significant time for their effect on the immune system. Therefore, Lingzhi mushroom is a fast-acting immunoregulator. It is able to strengthen the weak, weaken the strong, and leave the normal reaction of the immune system unchanged, significantly increasing the body's resistance to disease and overall vitality.

In addition, lingzhi correct the immune system of the intestinal mucosa, actively protect the body from the action of viruses, bacteria and toxins.

Hypoglycemic action in diabetes mellitus
Compounds that lower blood sugar levels are polysaccharides, ganoderan A, B and C, isolated from mushrooms and their protein compounds. It has also been found that the corresponding polysaccharide extracts from Lingzhi in alkaline solution also have a hypoglycemic effect.

Great relief of the course of the disease brings Lingzhi to patients with epilepsy. This rare property of it was noted back in the 17th century, when it was these mushrooms that “falling” was cured by the heir to the mikado (Japanese emperor).

The use of the mushroom can take a long time, because, unlike drugs of chemical origin, lingzhi has no side effects, including delayed ones in time, and is safe in a wide range of doses.
But it should also be noted that even in microdoses, higher mushrooms to a certain extent have an effect on the human body. A. Girich describes this mechanism of action of microdoses as follows: “The absorption of a small amount of drugs occurs only in the oral mucosa by endocytosis (capture and promotion of the drug by the cell). Next, the targeted delivery of the drug to the damaged organ (energy-information mechanism) begins, and the SOS signal is a perverted wave from the side of the damaged organ. Therefore, in small doses, drugs work as regulators of pathological waves emanating from the cells of various poorly functioning organs. As a result of such an impact, there is an improvement in the elasticity of the cell membrane and metabolic processes between the cell and the intercellular space.

mystical properties
In general, the action of higher mushrooms is noted both at the physiological and at the energy-informational level. In ancient Chinese books it is written that the mushroom has both a bitter, sweet, salty, sour and pungent taste and affects the meridians of the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs and spleen. The mushroom was described by the ancient Chinese philosopher of the first century AD Wang Chang as a plant that enhances spiritual abilities and heals bodily ailments.
It is believed that Lingzhi also has a mystical property to increase the strength of the spirit, increase a positive emotional mood. It is noted that within 20 minutes the mushroom restores the aura and helps to work out karmic problems. It was said of him that he also restores harmony between the energies of "Yin" and "Yang".

Cosmetic properties
Lingzhi is characterized as a very good remedy for giving youthful skin. The fungus regulates the synthesis of nucleic acids, and also, at the level of cellular metabolism, puts a barrier to the destructive effects of free radicals and reduces oxidative processes, which significantly slows down the aging process of the skin. Lingzhi polysaccharide complexes promote DNA synthesis and stimulate cell division, powerfully activate regeneration processes, which keeps the skin young for a long time.
Masks with Lingzhi extract allow you to quickly give the skin a beautiful and healthy look, make it elastic, visibly smooth out wrinkles, increase tone and fill with vitality.
Lingzhi contains: almost all groups of vitamins: beta-carotene, B, D, E, C; 13 kinds of amino acids; proteins; unsaturated fatty acids; immunomodulatory polysaccharides; minerals: potassium, phosphorus, Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn, manganese, boron and cobalt; more than 80 types of enzymes that are involved in all processes of splitting and building.

In its wild form, the mushroom grows on the roots and fallen tree trunks, but is found only on two or three out of 100 thousand. For the last 20 years, scientists from China, Japan and Vietnam have been able to cultivate the Lingzhi mushroom on special plantations, which made this plant available not only to emperors.

Mode of application:
Alcohol tincture: 25 gr. chopped mushrooms, pour vodka (0.25 liters), insist in a warm dark place for 2 weeks. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day before meals.
Decoction: 1 tbsp. l. chopped mushroom per 700 ml. water, simmer for 60 minutes. Strain. Take 200 ml. decoction 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Tea: Boil mushrooms for 5 minutes, then leave for 30 minutes. Before use, the drink can be optionally heated, filtered and drunk as tea. For one person, 2 grams of dried mushrooms per day (1 slice) is enough.

Chinese mushrooms are very popular not only in the original national cuisine, but also in other countries. They are salted, dried, stuffed and stewed. Mushrooms can be bought in the supermarket, most often they are sold in pressed form. In order for them to increase in volume, they must be filled with water and left for about an hour. After that, you can rinse and start cooking.

Many people are skeptical about these mushrooms because they do not know how to cook them properly. In their original form, they are a sticky briquette. But after soaking, it easily turns into familiar mushrooms.

tree mushrooms

Chinese tree fungus, which is also called cloud ears, is widely used in cuisines of different countries. It is thin and brittle, so it looks like pieces of charred paper. If you pull the ears out of the bag, you can feel the aroma, reeking of smoke. But it completely disappears, one has only to soak the mushrooms.

Tree ears are used to make soups, fried and stewed dishes. They are crispy and have a smooth surface. After soaking, mushrooms increase approximately 7 times. When the ears swell, you need to rinse them and put them in a colander.

Before cooking, it is necessary to thoroughly clean them of dirt and debris, remove tough roots. Do not cut the ears too finely, it is enough to divide into separate parts, keeping the shape.

Where does tree fungus grow

Chinese mushrooms can be found not only on trees, but also on cellulose and other materials. It is easy to identify them: they have large and fleshy hats, and the legs can be short or long.
The color of the cap depends on the type of mushroom and the environment in which it grows. Young ears are gray-blue in color, and with age they become light brown.

Whatever shades the hat is, the flesh of this mushroom is always white. They taste like seafood, their texture is smooth and soft.

Is wood fungus good for you?

All parts of the ears that can be eaten are not only tasty, but also healthy. They are rich in vitamins B and C, and also contain a large amount of protein. They contain all the trace elements that a person needs.

Chinese tree fungus is especially useful for such diseases:

How to cook mushroom?

Tree ears should not be cooked on high heat or, conversely, on too low. This will cause them to become either stiff or sluggish. The broth should boil for about 15-25 minutes, depending on the size of the mushroom.

Black Chinese mushroom (muer)

This species is very useful, it is rich in iron, protein and vitamins. You can cook with the addition of dates or lotus seeds. Black Chinese mushrooms are tender and silky, and at the same time a little crunchy.

Muer can be eaten as noodles. To do this, you need to cut them, and then fry, stew or add to the broth. Whole mushrooms can be stuffed. To make them swell, it is not enough just to fill them with water.

How to prepare muer for cooking?

First of all, Chinese mushrooms should be cleaned of debris and washed in cold water. After that, you need to pour warm water and leave for a couple of hours. Then you need to sort them out and again lower them into cold water. On the bottom shelf in the refrigerator, they should stand for a couple of days. After time, the mushroom will open and become about 10 times larger than its original size, and also acquire the desired softness.

shiitake mushroom

This species is considered a delicacy and is grown on specially processed tree stumps. Thanks to their pleasant aroma, delicate texture and unusual taste, they are very popular. The photo will help you figure out how they look.

The dark brown lamellar cap reaches 5-20 cm in diameter and has a beautiful pattern that is created by thickening and cracks. In young mushrooms, the leg is protected by a plate. It breaks when spores ripen. The most delicious are those mushrooms whose cap size does not exceed 5 cm. They should be 70% open, with a dark brown, velvety color.

Shiitake in medicine

These mushrooms are used not only in cooking, but also for medical purposes. Even in antiquity, their properties were noticed, which have a positive effect on male power.

A large number of vitamins and useful components that are contained in lower cholesterol, blood sugar levels, purify the blood, relieve tumors and have a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole.

Shiitake mushrooms, the photo of which conveys their beauty and appetizing appearance, are also used for viral diseases, immunodeficiency, stress, constant fatigue, depression, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels. Chinese doctors are sure that the regular use of this mushroom prolongs life.

Shiitake is used for cosmetic purposes, as it regenerates epithelial cells and treats various skin diseases.

Shiitake mushroom in cooking

This product is considered versatile, as it blends well with other ingredients and does not overpower their taste. The characteristic caramel flavor gives the dishes an unusual aroma.

You can cook these mushrooms according to various recipes, there are a lot of them. Shiitake goes well with vegetables, noodles and meat. If you bake them on the grill, it is better to choose those mushrooms that have hats with a large diameter.

Are there any contraindications?

Shiitake should be consumed with caution as they can cause allergic reactions. They should be introduced into the diet in small portions, as they contain bioactive substances. It is better for women in position and nursing mothers to refrain from dishes that are prepared with the addition of these mushrooms.

Although the benefits of shiitake are undeniable, it is worth consuming no more than 200 grams of fresh or 18 grams of dried shiitake per day.

lingzhi mushrooms

They have great healing power, so their price is quite high. It is difficult to grow Chinese, they grow only on the trunk of a wild plum and under certain weather conditions. Today, this Chinese mushroom is also used for cosmetic and medical purposes.

Properties and composition

"Mushroom of Immortality" has a rich chemical composition and contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, which are indispensable for humans. Lingzhi pulp has antihistamine and anti-allergic effects, and also improves oxygen absorption. Thanks to terpenoids, the mushroom increases resistance to stress and prevents free radicals from accumulating in the body.

The Chinese mushroom is also used in cosmetology. The photo will help to recognize lingzhi. It improves metabolic processes, stimulates tissue regeneration, slows down the aging process and has a rejuvenating effect. Based on it, special face masks are prepared, which are very popular with girls and women.

Lingzhi improves immunity and prevents autoimmune diseases. It is effective for bronchial asthma, viral infections, disorders of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system.

Chinese mushrooms are used to obtain extracts. They are extremely popular, as a positive result is noticeable after the first use.

Oriental cuisine has long been famous for its unusual dishes and original recipes. The combination of ingredients, variety of tastes and exotic aromas can surprise even the most sophisticated gourmets. One of the significant places in Asian cuisine is occupied by mushrooms, which number more than one hundred species. Further, about how to cook, boil, store similar mushrooms, namely Chinese tree mushrooms.

The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire mainly eat tree varieties. The brightest and most common representatives are muer, shiitake, nameko, matsutake and kikurage. Previously, they were cultivated in forests on fallen trees, and in the modern version, they use rooms with a selected microclimate, where mycelium is grown on specially cut dry stumps, which you can see in numerous photos. Most often, hot dishes, soups and salads are prepared from these gifts of nature. However, in China there are many poisonous species, which, of course, are not used in cooking.

Wood Chinese mushrooms: benefits and harms

These unusual representatives of wildlife have been known for their beneficial and healing properties since ancient times. Their benefit lies in the presence of a huge amount of trace elements and vitamins, the main of which are iron and calcium. Mushrooms, as an additional prophylactic, are recommended for people with blood diseases, thrombosis, with abnormalities in the work of the cardiovascular system. The components in the composition contribute to the thinning of the blood, thereby improving its circulation. With regular use, the immune defense of the body increases, cholesterol decreases, the breath becomes fresh and without unpleasant odors. Now these products are actively used in cooking and alternative Chinese medicine.

Note! Miracle mushrooms can also be harmful to the human body. Therefore, before use, you should study the tolerance and allergic reaction of a particular person.

Edible products themselves are not poisonous, but they, like all other mushrooms, can absorb harmful substances that are nearby, so you need to be sure of their origin.

Types of mushrooms in China

Conventionally, long-stalked mushrooms grown on stumps in China are divided into several subspecies:


This type of tree fungus occupies a major place in Asian cuisine. The most famous and popular of them:

  • Shiitake is the most versatile and can be used in almost all dishes. In dry form, it is used as a seasoning, giving food an unusual taste and aroma. It is this subspecies that has a “familiar” structure to us: a long leg with a dark brown cap.
  • Muer mushroom is extremely useful for humans. Includes a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that have a healing effect. In nature, it is found not only in black, but also in white and yellow colors. A very nutritious and satisfying product, used as a main dish or a great addition to others.

White tree mushrooms or the Tremella variety (in the common people “silver ears”) is a traditional representative. They have an exquisite sweetish taste, slightly crunchy when dried and are intended for making unsurpassed soups. The composition is rich in useful components, as well as vitamin D, the abundance of which contributes to the proper physical development of the body. Also, the white type has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates the disappearance of pigment on the skin of the face, and is used as an additional therapy in the treatment of a huge range of diseases. This mushroom representative among the people of China is revered more than Mauer and is used mainly in festive dishes.

Most mushrooms of the above tree varieties are presented in dried and pressed form on supermarket shelves. It is very convenient and practical, they do not take up much space and do not require special storage and transportation conditions. Mushrooms can be filled with water, and they increase several times in volume in an hour. Then they can be used as fresh and only cut. In dry form, they perfectly complement soups, main dishes and salads.

Mushrooms, as mentioned above, are pressed and packaged in convenient boxes of different weight categories and then delivered to all continents. On the shelves of supermarkets and on the pages of online stores, you can see a huge selection of Chinese tree mushrooms that can satisfy the tastes of the most delicate gourmets.

Secrets of cooking mushrooms

The Chinese widely use and cook mushrooms in their national cuisine. In the vastness of our country, such mushrooms are supplied only in dried form in sealed vacuum packaging or boxes, and the main secret of their preparation is the ability to prepare for use and restore to its original state. Simple soaking also has its own subtleties and features:

  • Release the goods from the pack;
  • Put the dried product in a deep container;
  • Pour the semi-finished product with boiled water at room temperature so that it completely covers the surface of the mushrooms. In this state, they must lie for at least 120 minutes;
  • Next, drain the water, rinse the mushrooms and fill them with water again, but this time cold;
  • Place the bowl in the refrigerator for a full 4 hours.

After these manipulations, the purchased goods are completely ready for further processing and cooking.

Important! It is by no means permissible to restore a dried semi-finished product with boiling water. They will lose their structure and as a result you will get an ugly and unusable mixture.

The easiest way to prepare mushrooms is as follows: soak the product in soy sauce, boil, and then fry in vegetable oil with onion rings - and you will get a delicious side dish for dinner.

Summing up

Chinese tree mushrooms, recipes for which you can find on the Internet with photos, will be a great addition to any kitchen. Combine them with meat products, poultry dishes, vegetables, put them in soups, and you will get an original, truly tasty, nutritious and healing food, which, according to alternative medicine experts, will act as a general tonic, lower cholesterol, and alleviate heart disease. , vessels and much more.

Kira Stoletova

Oriental dishes using Chinese mushrooms are spicy and sweet at the same time. The most famous plants of this species are muer, but no less popular are reishi, enoki and cordyceps.

Features of Asian mushrooms

Asian mushrooms saturate, but do not allow you to gain weight, which means they are an appropriate delicacy for people following a diet.

Traditionally, mushrooms are used in Chinese medicine as a tonic and tonic. Now extracts, ointments and powders from these unusual products are sold in many pharmacies. They boost immunity and at the same time lower blood sugar levels.

Wood black muer from China

Black Chinese muer mushrooms (Аuricularica auricula) are also harvested in Vietnam, Thailand and some other countries. Their other names are "tree ears" and "Jew's ear". According to legend, the first Chinese tree mushrooms appeared on the tree where the betrayer of Christ hanged himself.

Wrinkled caps are ear-shaped, disc-shaped or bowl-shaped. They are thin and small in diameter. Color changes from purple to brown with age. In Russian forests, muer can be found growing on alder or elderberry, but they are rarely harvested, usually bought.

In shops, dry Chinese tree mushrooms are sold in packs, but even in this form, their nutritional value remains high. They contain a large amount of protein, vitamins B and D, amino acids and minerals. The health benefits are also huge: aricularia prevent the formation of blood clots, lower blood cholesterol levels, relieve tumors and remove toxins. They are used to treat cancer.

Black Chinese mushroom has a sweetish taste. In ancient Japan, it was used as a dessert and served at the imperial table. Also, black mushroom makes an excellent addition to first and second courses, stews and fried meat. It also makes delicious salads.

Before cooking, be sure to soak the aricularia for 3 hours so that they swell and reveal the taste.

Reishi Benefits

Reishi, also known as Ganoderma lucidum, is famous for its medicinal properties. Extracts and powders from it are found in many pharmacies in Russia, they are sold in a bag or in briquettes. Reishi has a small dark hat, long legs. The flesh is firm and tasteless. It grows on dead or dying wood.

The scope of the medicinal properties of such mushrooms is huge. It restores the body's strength in the postoperative period, during stress and menopause. It is taken for coronary heart disease, dysbacteriosis and hepatitis. The beneficial substances that make up its composition help the body resist stress and depression.

The healing properties of enoki

Other names for enoki are golden threads or winter mushrooms (Flammulina velutipes). Pickled, they are often sold vacuum-packed or in jars. Enoki hats are yellowish-white, and the legs are a darker shade. The plates are rare, the pulp has a pleasant taste. In the wild, the fungus is found on weakened wood of willows and poplars.

Winter mushrooms contain a large amount of minerals, quickly saturate the body. They are boiled, added to vegetable salads and as a side dish for fried or baked dishes, and also as a filling for rolls.

Mushrooms delay the growth of malignant tumors, so they are used in the treatment of cancer.

Cordyceps and its beneficial properties

Description of the appearance of this variety of mushrooms:

  • they are small;
  • thin and curved, with a thickening at the tip.

Although these mushrooms sprout from caterpillars, their pulp tastes and smells pleasant.

Cordyceps are not consumed fresh - they are first dried, then crushed. Pharmacies sell ready-made pressed dried products in a box or in a bag. They contain vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and other useful substances.

Cordyceps is used to remove toxins, against viral infections, to restore strength and immunity, to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Many women use this remedy to soften their hair and skin.

how to cook black chinese tree fungus

Fried Chinese muer mushrooms (炒木耳). Fried Chinese mushrooms. Chinese cuisine.

Chinese mushrooms


Fresh or packaged, Chinese mushrooms are ready to serve a person in good stead. They can be called a panacea for almost all diseases.

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