Changes in physics in the exam. What will change in the physics exam? USE in social studies: small changes in the structure

The most important thing:

In 2017

the exam program remains unchanged.

The coding remains the same

only editorial changes are possible

In 2017, big changes will occur in part 1 of the exam options in physics.

Part 2 will be fully preserved in its current form.

(3 tasks with a short answer +

5 tasks with a detailed solution)

What will change in part 1?

The options will go away completely.

tasks with a choice of answers (1 of 4) - 9 tasks

The number of tasks with a short answer and tasks where you need to choose 2 correct answers out of 5 will increase

The total number of tasks in part 1 - 23 tasks

(now 24)

Tasks for sections in part 1 are distributed in almost the same way as before:

Mechanics 7 jobs

Molecular physics 5 tasks

Electrodynamics 6 tasks

Quantum physics 3 tasks (was 4)

Methodology 2 tasks

23 tasks (was 24)

Tasks will be placed inside the section

depending on their shape.

In task 13, this may not coincide

with the sequence of presentation of the material

(more on that in a few minutes).



Task Form


short answer

short answer

short answer

short answer

choose 2 correct answers out of 5


Molecular physics


Task Form


short answer

short answer

short answer

choose 2 correct answers out of 5

"increase - decrease, will not change"

or matching

"graph - value" or "value - formula"



Task Form


short answer (determining the direction)

short answer

short answer

choose 2 correct answers out of 5

"increase - decrease, will not change"


"graph - value" or "value - formula"

The quantum physics


Task Form


short answer (structure of an atom or its nucleus)

short answer

"increase - decrease, will not change"

or matching

"graph - value" or "value - formula"



Task Form


short answer

(measurement result with error)

short answer

Total points in part 1:

10 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 2 = 32

Total points in part 2:

3 + 5  3 = 18

The total amount of primary scores in the option:

32 + 18 = 50 (same as now)

Sample task 13

Along two long straight conductors perpendicular to the plane of the figure,

equal currents flow in opposite directions. How is the magnetic field induction vector of the conductors directed at the point A(right, left, up, down, towards us, away from us)?

Answer: down

Sample task 19

Indicate the number of protons and the number of neutrons in the nucleus of a polonium isotope

Answer: 84 proton, 130 neutrons

Sample task 22

The mass of 100 nails is (500 ± 1) g.

What is the mass of one nail?

Write down the answer taking into account the measurement error.

Answer: (5.00±0.01) G

Physics! For many modern schoolchildren, this sounds like something terrible, incomprehensible and of no practical interest. However, the development of science, technology, information technology is the result of discoveries in this particular field of science. Therefore, it is necessary for the majority of school graduates to choose physics as an exam for the Unified State Examination. In addition, the guys need to remember that physics is the science of nature, i.e. about what surrounds us. Whether you are studying a theory or solving a problem, you always need to imagine how this or that process occurs in real life.

The USE in Physics has been taken by graduates since 2003. Over the past 14 years, the structure of the Unified State Examination has undergone a lot of changes, and the next year 2017 will not be an exception. Let's take a look at some of them.

In 2017, the exam program remains unchanged. The encoder remains the same.

Big changes will occur in part 1 of the exam in physics. Part 2 will be fully preserved in its current form (3 tasks with a short answer + 5 tasks with a detailed solution).

What will change in part 1?

Of the options will go away completely tasks with a choice of answers (1 out of 4) - 9 tasks.

The number of tasks with a short answer and tasks where you need to choose 2 correct answers out of 5 will increase. The total number of tasks in part 1 is 23 tasks (was 24).

Tasks for sections in part 1 are distributed in almost the same way as before:

  • Mechanics - 7 tasks
  • Molecular physics - 5 tasks
  • Electrodynamics - 6 tasks
  • Quantum Physics - 3 tasks (was 4)
  • Methodology - 2 tasks
Total: 23 tasks (was 24).

Inside the section, tasks will be arranged depending on their form. In task 13, this may not coincide with the sequence of presentation of the material.

The structure of the exam in physics in 2017

job number Task Form score
1 Short answer 1
2 Short answer 1
3 Short answer 1
4 Short answer 1
5 Choose 2 correct answers out of 5 2
6 2
7 2
8 Short answer 1
9 Short answer 1
10 Short answer 1
11 Choose 2 correct answers out of 5 2
12 2
13 Short answer (determining the direction) 1
14 Short answer 1
15 Short answer 1
16 Choose 2 correct answers out of 5 2
17 "Increase / decrease / remain unchanged" 2
18 Correspondence "graph - value" or "value - formula" 2
19 Short answer (structure of an atom or its nucleus) 1
20 Short answer 1
21 “Increase / decrease / remain unchanged” or correspondence “graph - value” or “value - formula” 2

Total score for part 1: 10 + 7 + 9 + 4 + 2 = 32
Total score in Part 2: 3 + 5×3 = 18
The total sum of primary scores in the variant: 32 + 18 = 50 (as it is now).

Examples of problem solving

Sample task 13

Two long straight conductors perpendicular to the plane of the figure carry equal currents in opposite directions. How is the induction vector of the magnetic field of the conductors at point A directed (to the right, to the left, up, down, towards us, away from us)?

Answer: down.

Sample task 19

Indicate the number of protons and the number of neutrons in the nucleus of the polonium isotope 214 84 Po

Answer: 84 protons, 130 neutrons.

Good luck on your exam!

The Unified State Examination is one of the most discussed topics in the Russian pedagogical community. Future graduates and teachers who have to prepare students for the USE are already wondering what the USE in physics will be like in the coming 2018 and whether we should expect any global changes in the structure of examination papers or the format of tests. Physics has always stood apart, and the exam in it is traditionally considered much more difficult than in other school subjects. At the same time, the successful passing of the exam in physics is a ticket to most technical universities.

At the moment, there is no official information about the adoption of any significant changes to the structure of the USE in 2018. The Russian language and mathematics remain compulsory, and physics is included in an extensive list of subjects that graduates can additionally choose for themselves, focusing on the requirements of the university they plan to enter.

In 2017, 16.5% of all 11th graders in the country chose physics. Such popularity of the subject is not accidental. Physics is necessary for everyone who plans to enter engineering specialties or connect their lives withIT-technologies, geology, aviation and many other areas that are popular today.

Launched by the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva back in 2016, the process of modernizing the final certification procedure is actively continuing, from time to time information about possible innovations leaks into the media, such as:

  1. Expansion of the list of subjects required for delivery by disciplines: physics, history and geography.
  2. Introduction of a unified integrated examination in the natural sciences.

While discussions are underway on the proposals made, current high school students should thoroughly prepare for passing the most relevant bundle of the Unified State Examination - profile-level mathematics + physics.

Is it worth specifying that mainly students of profile classes with in-depth study of subjects of the mathematical cycle will feel confident in this area.

The structure of the examination paper in physics in 2018

The main session of the USE in the 2017-2018 academic year is planned from 05/28/18 to 07/09/18, but specific test dates for each subject have not yet been announced.

In 2017, exam papers have changed significantly compared to 2016.

Changes in the exam in physics in 2018

Tests have been completely removed from the tasks, leaving the possibility of a thoughtless choice of answer. Instead, students were offered tasks with a short or detailed answer. It is safe to say that in the 2017-2018 academic year, the USE in physics will not differ much in the structure and volume of tasks from last year. which means that:

  • 235 minutes will be allotted to complete the work;
  • in total, graduates will have to cope with 32 tasks;
  • I block of the Unified State Examination (27 tasks) - tasks with a short answer, which can be represented by an integer, a decimal fraction or a numerical sequence;
  • Block II (5 tasks) - tasks that require a similar description of the course of thought in the process of solving and justifying the decisions made based on physical laws and patterns;
  • the minimum passing threshold is 36 points, which is equivalent to 10 correctly solved tasks from block I.

It is the last five tasks, from 27 to 31, that are the most difficult at the Unified State Exam in physics, and many students turn in work with empty fields in them. But there is a very important nuance - if you read the rules for evaluating these tasks, it will become clear that by writing a partial explanation of the task and showing the correct direction of the train of thought, you can get 1 or 2 points, which many lose just like that, not reaching the full answer and not writing anything down in the solution.

To solve most of the problems of their course of the subject "physics", not only a good knowledge of the laws and an understanding of physical processes, but also a good mathematical background is necessary, and therefore it is worth asking the question of expanding and deepening knowledge long before the upcoming USE 2018.

The ratio of theoretical and practical tasks in the exam papers is 3:1, which means that for successful passing, first of all, you need to know the basic physical laws and know all the formulas from the school course of mechanics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, optics, as well as molecular, quantum and nuclear physics.

You should not count on cheat sheets and various other tricks. The use of notebooks with formulas, calculators and other technical means, which many students sin on school tests, is unacceptable in the exam. Remember that compliance with this rule is monitored not only by observers, but also by the tireless eyes of video cameras located in such a way as to notice every questionable movement of the examinee.

You can prepare for the exam in physics by contacting an experienced teacher, or by repeating the school curriculum on your own again.

Teachers who teach the subject in specialized lyceums give such simple but effective advice:

  1. Do not try to memorize complex formulas, try to understand their nature. Knowing how the formula was derived, you can easily write it out in a draft, while thoughtless memorization is fraught with mechanical errors.
  2. Start solving the problem by deriving the final expression in literal form and only then look for the answer mathematically.
  3. "Stuff your hand." The more different types of tasks on the topic you solve, the easier it will be to cope with the tasks of the exam.
  4. Start preparing for the exam in physics at least a year before the exam. This is not the kind of subject that you can take "impudently" and learn another in a month, even with the best tutors.
  5. Do not get hung up on the same type of simple tasks. Tasks for 1-2 formulas are only 1 stage. Unfortunately, many teachers in schools simply do not go further, descending to the level of the majority of students or relying on the fact that students in the humanities classes will not choose a subject that is not their profile when passing the USE. Solve problems that combine laws from different branches of physics.
  6. Once again, repeat the physical quantities and their transformation. When solving problems, be especially attentive to the format in which the data is presented and, if necessary, do not forget to bring them to the desired form.

Excellent assistants in preparing for the exam in physics will be trial versions of examination tasks, as well as tasks on various topics that can be easily found on the net today. First of all, this is the FIPI website, where the USE archive in physics for 2008-17 with codifiers is located.

For more information about the changes that have already taken place in the USE and how to prepare for the exam, see video interview with Marina Demidova, head of the Federal Commission for the Development of Assignments and the Conduct of the Unified State Examination in Physics:

The topic that, perhaps, most of all worried future school graduates was the possible introduction of a third compulsory subject at the Unified State Examination. A variety of subjects were named as possible "candidates" - from history to physics.

However, all significant innovations in the USE-2017 should have been announced on the official FIPI website before the start of the academic year and, of course, reflected in the draft exam schedule. But there is no official news about the "third compulsory" at the beginning of the school year. Therefore, eleventh-graders can breathe a sigh of relief: the list of compulsory subjects for the USE-2017 does not change, there are still two of them:

  • Russian language(the results of which are taken into account when entering all universities of the country without exception);

  • mathematics– basic or profile level to choose from.

Nevertheless, the issue of the third mandatory exam continues to be discussed - but, as representatives of the Ministry of Education assured, a decision would be made only after public discussion. And it won't happen right now.

USE in the Russian language - 2017: changes in individual tasks

The structure of the task in the Russian language will remain unchanged: a block of tasks with short answers and an essay analyzing the problems posed in the journalistic or literary text proposed by the examiner. The appearance of the oral part of speech has not yet been discussed. In the future, "speaking" may appear in the Unified State Examination in Russian, however, representatives of the Ministry of Education stipulated that this technology would be preliminary "run-in" at the Unified State Examination in the classrooms.

In 2017, changes in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language are planned only in three tasks, and they will not be very significant. In all cases, we are talking about expanding the language material:

  • in task number 17(in sentences that include separate constructions) not only introductory words will be presented, but also appeals;

  • in task number 22(lexical in context) examinees used to have to find in a given fragment only one word or expression (for example, a phraseological phrase) that meets the criteria of the task. Now the task becomes more complicated: from several “suitable” lexical units, you will have to choose the one that most accurately meets the conditions of the task.

  • in task 23(write out the numbers of sentences related to the previous ones in a certain way) now both one and several correct answers are possible. That is, the student needs to find all such sentences in the passage and enter either one or several numbers in the form.

Unified State Examination in Mathematics -2017: profile and basic exam unchanged

In the USE in mathematics, the division into two levels is preserved:

  • relatively simple base an exam with a score on a five-point scale, which mainly tests knowledge in the field of the so-called "" and the results of which are not accepted for admission to a university and are only needed to obtain a certificate;

  • profile- much more difficult, for those graduates who plan to enter technical universities, where mathematics is a compulsory subject for admission.

According to official data published on the FIPI website, no changes are planned in any of the exams compared to 2016. However, students who have chosen a profile level, when preparing for the Unified State Examination in mathematics, should keep in mind that the compilers of the exam have set a course to counter "coaching" for solving problems of a certain type. And tasks of increased complexity may turn out to be non-standard: not beyond the scope of the school course, but requiring “mathematical ingenuity”.

In 2016, the presence in the variants of tasks that differed in the solution algorithm from the variants presented in the demo versions came as a surprise to many and caused protests and demands to revise the results. However, the developers of the exam made their position quite clear: one of the main functions of the USE is to differentiate students by level of knowledge, and students who have perfectly mastered the full school course of mathematics are more prepared to study the subject at the university level and should have advantages over those who have simply trained to solve problems. tasks of a given type. So, most likely, "non-standard" tasks in mathematics in 2017 will also be included in the KIM.

USE in social studies: small changes in the structure

The USE in 2017 will generally correspond to the 2016 model:

  • block of tasks with short answers;

  • block of tasks with detailed answers;

  • "alternative" task - writing an essay on the topic of one of the proposed statements.

However, minor changes are planned in the block of tasks with short answers. The task that appeared in the KIMs of 2016 under number 19 (differentiation of facts, opinions and value judgments) will be excluded from it. But there will be one more task on the module "law": the choice of correct judgments from the lists, which will be the seventeenth in a row.

The total number of assignments and the maximum primary score in the exam in the most popular elective subject will remain unchanged.

Unified State Examination in Physics 2017: significant changes, exclusion of the test part

The Unified State Examination in Physics in 2017 will be one of the three subjects that have undergone the most significant changes: and the test part is completely excluded from the structure of the exam, implying the choice of one correct answer from a list of options. Instead, there will be much expanded set of tasks with short answers(in the form of a word, a number, or a sequence of numbers). At the same time, the distribution of tasks by sections of the school course will remain approximately the same as in previous years. In total, the first block of the exam will have 21 questions:

  • 7 - in mechanics,

  • 5 - in thermodynamics and MKT,

  • 6 - in electrodynamics,

  • 3 - in quantum physics.

The second part of the examination paper (problems with detailed answers) will remain unchanged. The primary score on the exam in physics will also remain at the level of last year.

Unified State Examination in Literature -2017: structure unchanged, but more questions on knowledge of the text

By 2018, the Unified State Examination in Literature is expected to undergo fundamental changes: FIPI plans to completely eliminate the block of tasks with short answers, leaving only four mini-essays and one full-fledged one. But in 2017, the literature exam will be held according to the old, already familiar model:

  • the first semantic block is an excerpt from an epic or dramatic work, 7 questions with short answers and two mini-essays on it;

  • the second block is a lyrical work, 5 questions on it with short answers and two mini-compositions;

  • the third is a detailed essay (choice of three topics).

However, if in 2016 most questions with short answers were focused primarily on testing knowledge of basic literary terms, then in 2017 these tasks will be aimed primarily at knowledge of the realities of the text. Thus, “stepping over the threshold” only on the knowledge of a small amount of theory will no longer work.

One more feature of the examination in literature should be noted. In accordance with the rules, not only poems included in the school curriculum can be included in KIM. If the poet is included in the codifier, any of his poems can be offered for analysis. And this is legitimate - since mini-essays on a poetic passage should demonstrate the ability of the examiner to analyze the text on their own, and not remember the corresponding paragraph of the textbook. In 2016, "non-program" poems appeared in many versions of KIMs, and this trend is likely to continue in 2017.

Unified State Examination in Biology - radical changes in 2017, exclusion of the test part and increase in duration

The USE model in biology in 2017 will change fundamentally: from the assignment the “test” component will be completely excluded(questions with a choice of one correct answer from four proposed options), but the number of tasks with short answers will be increased.

In the control and measuring materials will appear Fundamentally new types of assignments for the Unified State Examination in Biology, among which:

  • restoring missing elements or schemas;

  • analysis of graphs, charts and tables;

  • search for errors in the designations in the figure;

  • derivation of the properties of a biological object from a "blind" image (without signatures).

Nevertheless, the developers of the exam believe that the updated exam in biology will not cause significant difficulties for students: many types of tasks have already been tested on the exam. The number of questions with detailed answers will not change - there will still be seven of them, and the types of questions will correspond to the 2016 model.

Changing the structure of the exam will entail a number of changes in the procedure and assessment scale:

  • the total number of tasks will decrease from 40 to 28;

  • the primary score is reduced to 59 (in 2017 it was 61);

  • the time to complete the work is increased by half an hour, the duration of the exam will be 210 minutes.

Unified State Examination in a foreign language - practically unchanged

The exam in foreign languages ​​in 2017 will be held in almost the same way as in 2016, with one exception. The wording of task number 3 in the oral part of the exam (description of the picture) will be changed. As FIPI experts note, when describing images, examinees sometimes abuse “imaginary circumstances”, claiming, for example, that their relatives (including wives and children) or themselves are depicted here (“I am an astronaut and soar in weightlessness”). This is in conflict with the objective of this task, which tests the ability to fully and accurately describe a particular photograph.

Therefore, the task will be clarified. So, in the USE in language in 2017, the word Imagine is excluded from the wording, and the word present is changed to describe. Similar changes will be made to KIMs in other foreign languages ​​- to make it clear that we are talking about a description of a picture, and not a “story based on motives”.

USE in Chemistry-2017: significant changes, exclusion of the test part

The USE model in chemistry in 2017 is also waiting for significant changes related to the exclusion of the test part - and increase in the number and types of tasks with short answers. Among them will appear, for example:

  • tasks with the choice of two correct options from several proposed,

  • compliance questions,

  • calculation tasks.

Will change and structure of the first part exam: it will include several thematic blocks dedicated to one of the sections - and each block will contain tasks of both basic and advanced levels of complexity. The second part of the examination work (tasks with detailed answers) will remain almost the same as in previous years.


  • the total number of tasks will decrease from 40 to 34;

  • the maximum primary score will decrease from 64 to 60;

  • Tasks Nos. 9 and 17 (relationship between organic and inorganic substances) will no longer be evaluated in one primary score, but in two.

USE in history - small changes in the assessment system

In 2017, the history exam will be almost completely identical to last year's options. However, there will be changes in the grading system: the “cost” of two tasks will increase from one primary score to two:

  • task number 3(selection of terms relating to a particular historical period);

  • task number 8(selection of missing expressions from the list of suggested options).

In addition, the wording and evaluation criteria for task No. 25 (an essay dedicated to one of the historical periods) will be clarified.

Unified State Examination in Informatics and ICT in 2017 - without computers, without changes

The structure and technology of the USE in informatics and ICT in 2017 will fully comply with the examination model of 2016. There is also no talk about the use of computers by examinees - although this idea (taking into account the specifics of the subject - absolutely logical) is being actively discussed, this year's graduates will again have to work with traditional forms.

When preparing for the exam, you should not lose sight of some features of control and measuring materials:

  • task No. 27 is given in two versions, one of which is simpler and is estimated at 2 points, the second - at 4;

  • to write the program in task 27, you can use any programming language of the choice of the examiner.

USE in geography: small changes in the assessment system

No adjustments will be made to the geography test materials in 2017, however, the "weight" of individual tasks will change: the maximum score for four tasks will be increased, and for four more - reduced.

So, from one primary score to two, the cost of tasks No. 3, 11, 14 and 15 will increase (all - to determine and choose from the list of correct statements).

From two points to one "discounted" the following tasks:

  • 9 (location of the population of Russia, work with the map),

  • 12 (distinguishing between true and false statements about the urban and rural population);

  • 13 (geography of transport, industries and agriculture of Russia);

  • 19 (export and international transport).

The maximum primary score remained unchanged at 47.

Official information about changes in the passing of the Unified State Examination-2017

All official documents related to the passing of the exam are promptly published on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). A summary of the changes is also posted there, however, in order to get a complete impression of the “new trends” in the examination company, this is not enough - the information in the table is very concise and refers only to fundamental changes.

In order to be aware of all the details of passing the exam in 2017 "first hand", you can also:

  • get acquainted with the projects of KIM USE current year and carefully study the structure of the examination paper;

  • study methodological recommendations for teachers compiled at the end of 2016 - typical mistakes of last year's graduates are analyzed in detail and the planned changes are “chewed” and justified.

In 2017, the control measuring materials in physics will undergo significant changes.

From the options, tasks with a choice of one correct answer were excluded and tasks with a short answer were added. In this regard, a new structure of part 1 of the examination paper was proposed, and part 2 was left unchanged.

When making changes to the structure of the examination work, the general conceptual approaches to the assessment of educational achievements were preserved. In particular, the total score for completing all tasks of the examination paper remained unchanged, the distribution of maximum scores for completing tasks of different levels of complexity and the approximate distribution of the number of tasks by sections of the school physics course and methods of activity were preserved. Each version of the examination paper checks the elements of content from all sections of the school physics course, while for each section tasks of different levels of complexity are offered. The priority in the design of CIM is the need to verify the types of activities provided for by the standard: mastering the conceptual apparatus of a physics course, mastering methodological skills, applying knowledge in explaining physical processes and solving problems.

The version of the examination paper will consist of two parts and will include 31 tasks. Part 1 will contain 23 short answer items, including items with self-recording answers as a number, two numbers or a word, as well as tasks for matching and multiple choice, in which answers must be recorded as a sequence of numbers. Part 2 will contain 8 tasks united by a common activity - problem solving. Of these, 3 tasks with a short answer (24-26) and 5 tasks (29-31), for which it is necessary to provide a detailed answer.

The work will include tasks of three levels of difficulty. Basic level tasks are included in part 1 of the work (18 tasks, of which 13 tasks record the answer in the form of a number, two numbers or a word and 5 tasks for matching and multiple choice). Among the tasks of the basic level, tasks are distinguished, the content of which corresponds to the standard of the basic level. The minimum number of USE points in physics, which confirms that the graduate has mastered the program of secondary (complete) general education in physics, is set based on the requirements for mastering the basic level standard.

The use of tasks of increased and high levels of complexity in the examination work allows us to assess the degree of readiness of the student to continue education at the university. Advanced questions are divided between parts 1 and 2 of the examination paper: 5 short answer questions in part 1, 3 short answer questions and 1 long answer question in part 2. The last four problems of part 2 are tasks of a high level of difficulty.

Part 1 the examination work will include two blocks of tasks: the first checks the development of the conceptual apparatus of the school physics course, and the second - the mastery of methodological skills. The first block includes 21 tasks, which are grouped based on thematic affiliation: 7 tasks in mechanics, 5 tasks in MKT and thermodynamics, 6 tasks in electrodynamics and 3 in quantum physics.

A group of tasks for each section begins with tasks with an independent formulation of the answer in the form of a number, two numbers or a word, then there is a multiple choice task (two correct answers out of five proposed), and at the end - tasks for changing physical quantities in various processes and on establishing a correspondence between physical quantities and graphs or formulas in which the answer is written as a set of two numbers.

Multiple choice and matching tasks are 2-point and can be constructed on any content elements in this section. It is clear that in the same version, all tasks related to one section will check different elements of the content and relate to different topics of this section.

In the thematic sections on mechanics and electrodynamics, all three types of these tasks are presented; in the section on molecular physics - 2 tasks (one of them for multiple choice, and the other - either for changing physical quantities in processes, or for correspondence); in the section on quantum physics - only 1 task for changing physical quantities or matching. Particular attention should be paid to tasks 5, 11 and 16 for multiple choice, which assess the ability to explain the studied phenomena and processes and interpret the results of various studies presented in the form of tables or graphs. Below is an example of such a task in mechanics.

Attention should be paid to the change in the shape of individual task lines. Task 13 to determine the direction of vector physical quantities (Coulomb force, electric field strength, magnetic induction, Ampère force, Lorentz force, etc.) is proposed with a short answer in the form of a word. In this case, the possible answers are indicated in the text of the task. An example of such a task is shown below.

In the section on quantum physics, I would like to pay attention to task 19, which tests knowledge about the structure of the atom, the atomic nucleus, or nuclear reactions. This task has changed the presentation form. The answer, which is two numbers, must first be written in the proposed table, and then transferred to the answer form No. 1 without spaces and additional characters. Below is an example of such a task form.

At the end of part 1, 2 tasks of a basic level of complexity will be offered, testing various methodological skills and related to different sections of physics. Task 22, using photographs or drawings of measuring instruments, is aimed at testing the ability to record instrument readings when measuring physical quantities, taking into account the absolute measurement error. The absolute measurement error is specified in the text of the task: either as half of the division value, or as the division value (depending on the accuracy of the instrument). An example of such a task is shown below.

Task 23 tests the ability to choose equipment for the experiment according to a given hypothesis. In this model, the form of the task presentation has changed, and now it is a multiple choice task (two items out of five proposed), but it is estimated at 1 point if both elements of the answer are correctly indicated. Three different task models can be offered: a choice of two drawings that graphically represent the respective test setups; the choice of two rows in the table that describes the characteristics of the experimental setups, and the choice of the names of two pieces of equipment or instruments that are necessary to carry out the specified experiment. Below is an example of one of these tasks.

Part 2 work is devoted to problem solving. This is traditionally the most significant result of mastering a high school physics course and the most demanded activity in the further study of the subject at a university.

In this part, KIM 2017 will have 8 different tasks: 3 computational tasks with independent recording of a numerical answer of an increased level of complexity and 5 tasks with a detailed answer, of which one is qualitative and four are computational.

At the same time, on the one hand, in different problems in one variant, the same, not too significant meaningful elements are used, on the other hand, the application of fundamental conservation laws can occur in two or three problems. If we consider the “binding” of the topics of tasks to their position in the variant, then position 28 will always have a task in mechanics, position 29 - in MKT and thermodynamics, position 30 - in electrodynamics, and position 31 - mainly in quantum physics (if only the material of quantum physics will not be involved in the qualitative task at position 27).

The complexity of tasks is determined by both the nature of the activity and the context. In computational problems of an increased level of complexity (24–26), the studied algorithm for solving the problem is supposed to be used and typical learning situations are proposed that students encountered in the learning process and in which explicitly specified physical models are used. In these tasks, preference is given to standard formulations, and their selection will be carried out mainly with an orientation towards an open bank of tasks.

The first of the tasks with a detailed answer is a qualitative task, the solution of which is a logically structured explanation based on physical laws and patterns. For computational problems of a high level of complexity, it is necessary to analyze all stages of the solution, therefore they are offered in the form of tasks 28–31 with a detailed answer. Here, modified situations are used in which it is necessary to operate with a larger number of laws and formulas than in typical problems, to introduce additional justifications in the decision process or completely new situations that have not been encountered before in the educational literature and involve serious activity in the analysis of physical processes and independent choice of a physical model for solving the problem.

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