Itigelov Buryatia. Bow to the “imperishable body” of Khambo Lama Itegelov. I international conference "Global Phenomenon XII Khambo Lama Itigelov and the problem of immortality"

A lot has been said and written about the Itigelov phenomenon lately. In fact, we can say that this is officially registered by a forensic medical examination, recorded in a state document, the fact of a person's life after his physical death.

Itigelov is a native of Buryatia, a well-known religious figure named Khambo Lama Dashi Dorzho Itigelov (1852-1927), who was the head of Russian Buddhists from 1911 to 1917. For understanding and assessing the current state of Itigelov, it is extremely important that he went to another world while performing certain ritual actions: having gathered his close students, he sat in the lotus position and asked them to perform the Buddhist prayer "Good wishes to the departing."

The disciples were surprised that they had to read this prayer to a living person. Then Itigelov read the prayer himself. And before that, he left a will to his students: saying that he was leaving for a thousand years, he asked to be raised after 75 years to make sure that he was alive. In secular language, it is quite possible that he wanted to demonstrate on himself a model, some example of how you can live after death. And, apparently, he believed that a thousand years is a period sufficient for people to figure it out, to be able to understand the mechanisms, ways to achieve this goal.

In September 2002, the opening of the sarcophagus, in which Itigelov was located, took place in the presence of the leadership of the Buddhist traditional Sangha of Russia and medical experts. Everyone was surprised by the excellent preservation of the body in spite of time and the irreversibility of physical decay. Itigelov was still sitting in the same lotus position that he had taken while meditating when he died. He was not only outwardly recognizable, but all the signs of a living body were found in him: soft skin without any shades of decay, a nose, ears, closed eyes, fingers, and so on were preserved in place. I don't know of any such fact officially registered by the modern state, not only in the history of Buddhism, but also in the history of mankind in general.

It is also interesting that Itigelov was born exactly 75 years after the death of his teacher. The first head of the Buddhist church Pandito Khambo lama Zayaev, the founder of Buddhism in Russia, leaving this life, said to his disciples: I will return to you. And in 1852, exactly 75 years later, Khambo Lama Itigelov was born. He also lives for 75 years and leaves with the words: “I will return to you in 75 years.” After opening the sarcophagus, the Khambo Lama was transported to the Ivolginsky datsan (a datsan is a complex of Buddhist buildings that unites separately taken dagans - temples), changed clothes and placed on the second floor in the same lotus position. Days, months and years passed, and his body remained incorruptible. The pathologists who came to the datsan were amazed - the safety of the body contradicted all the official laws of nature.
After much deliberation, the current head of the Buddhists of Russia decided to give scientists the opportunity to examine Itigelov's body. The examination was carried out by the head of the Department of Personal Identification of the Russian Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination, Professor Viktor Zvyagin. He collected for analysis the hair that fell from the llama's head, peeled skin and cut off a few milligrams of a toenail. The results stunned the expert: spectral analysis did not reveal anything in the organic tissues of the body that would distinguish them from the tissues of a living person. In addition to the official forensic medical examination headed by Professor Zvyagin, many other experts from different countries came to the datsan, each time various analyzes were carried out, but everyone came to the conclusion that Itigelov’s body corresponds to all the parameters of the body of a living person, including eyes. But to make sure that his brain works, scientists have not yet been able to. There are different points of view on this matter. However, almost all experts agree that the state in which Itigelov is located does not apply to any of the three commonly called states after physical death. It should be noted here that physical death is determined by the body's inability to perform external work, that is, the body is not able to spend and receive external energy flows.

It is generally accepted that there are three states of the body after physical death. The first is mummification, when the body is completely dehydrated. The second is the state of peat tanning, when the human body, getting into the swamp, becomes red and loses fluid. The third state is fat-wax. Scientists call Itigelov's phenomenon "the fourth state of death." Actually, one of the questions that I had to answer was precisely to determine the state of Itigelov. But for this it was necessary to answer two additional questions. The fact is that Itigelov lay for 75 years at a depth of 2.5 m in a wooden sarcophagus (cedar box) surrounded by saline. In theory, if Itigelov was in the state of a person who died an ordinary physical death, then the salt would have to corrode all the contents. But when Itigelov was raised, the sarcophagus and body, as I said, were perfectly preserved. Moreover, the chairman of the commission, Zvyagin, was sure that after lifting the body, it would turn into dust in three to four hours. After all, usually sharp changes in external conditions lead to just such consequences. But this did not happen with Itigelov. And here is the second question: how did a person, having lain in a saline solution for 75 years, remained incorruptible? And the third question arose in connection with the current state of Itigelov.

Now Itigelov has been in the Ivolginsky datsan for four years. The lotus position, in which it was kept for 75 years in a cedar box, after being removed from it, is preserved without the use of any supporting and fixing devices. Although in summer the heat in Buryatia reaches 40 degrees and there are no refrigeration units in this primitive "sarcophagus", Itigelov's body does not rot or decompose. There is no access to light, artificial lighting in the room - only dim light penetrates from the first floor. At the same time, everyone who comes here says that they experience a powerful heat flow emanating from Itigelov's body. Moreover, his face is covered with sweat, that is, there is a loss of energy. But the weight is saved! Four years! How, how is the energy balance maintained when there is no visible access to light, the flow of solar energy, when there is no physical impact, there is nothing that could be considered energy replenishment?
So I had three questions:

1. How to qualify the state in which Itigelov is currently?
2. How to explain the fact that he, having lain underground in a saline solution for 75 years, remained incorruptible?
3. How is the energy balance of the body now ensured, what does it "eat" in the absence of access to light?

In short, you can answer like this. If you choose from three possible states of an organism - living (actual space), dead (reverse space) and a transitional state, then there is reason to assume that this is a living organism. Secondly, why didn’t salt corrode Itigelov’s body and the sarcophagus in which he was located? Because Itigelov introduced himself into a state of standing wave. As a result, the destructive processes actively proceeding from the side of the external aggressive environment were compensated by reverse counter processes, which slowed down the corrosive action, and at the junction of the direct and counter processes, that is, at the collision (superposition) of two waves running in opposite directions, a state of a standing wave was formed. . In this position, both opposing moving waves neutralized each other and other zones in which the waves were combined, and extinguished the maximum amplitude of the destructive effect. And third. Itigelov really sweats, but at the same time retains weight, without any external energy supply.

However, the current lama told me that twice a day they say a prayer that is in tune with the prayer of love. And there was nothing left for me to do but to explain the preservation of the energy balance by the fact that Itigelov receives nourishment through the flow of frequencies. Any spoken word is a vibration, any prayer is a stream of frequencies. As you know, frequency is the reciprocal of time, it is determined by the number of revolutions per second. The flow of energy (power) is equal to the square of the frequency multiplied by Planck's constant. In order to receive a flow of energy, you need to act on a certain flow of frequencies. And in order for the power generated in this case to be synchronized with the power of the body, it is necessary to apply not some abstract stream of frequencies, but the one that is formed from the word “love”. After all, when Itigelov left, when he was immersed in a pit, they read a certain prayer, that is, he was already in harmony with a certain frequency. And in order to remain in harmony with this frequency and further, this frequency must be reproduced. And now it is being reproduced through prayer, where the sound is stable and dominant, which is in resonant synchronization with the sound vibrations emanating from the word “love”. The frequency flow formed by the word "love" is commensurate with the frequency of the Earth's rotation around its own axis.

Here it is necessary to turn to the space-time system of Bartini-Kuznetsov, which underlies breakthrough technologies for sustainable development. Graphically, the system of space-time values ​​is a table, where integer degrees of length (L) - from minus to plus infinity - form vertical columns, and time (T) - horizontal columns. During transitions from element to element from top to bottom, depending on the direction (to the right or to the left), the dimensions of the elements of the system change to the dimension of multidimensional extension or multidimensional duration. If you build such a table, then in each cell there will be L (length) to some extent and T (time) to some extent. But at the same time, there is a cell where L and T are in the zero degree. L - to zero and T - to the zero degree is equal to one. And this cell is called the Great Void. Emptiness - because it does not depend on space and time, and the Great - because, in spite of everything, it is alive. This system itself consists of four pairs of coordinate axes, which form four complementary pairs - when the product of a certain value by the reciprocal is equal to one. In order for the organism to be in the Great Void, it is necessary that all subspaces (actual, inverse and transitional) harmonize with each other. So Itigelov brought himself into such a state.

And I must say that he has been directly engaged in this for the last ten years. In 1917, he resigned from all posts and began to focus exclusively on his spiritual development. Moreover, the director of the institute, Itigelova, told me that in recent years he has been working with children. But it is known that in a child who has just given birth, who has gone through a path of 9 months of development in the womb, the dominant frequency of the brain is 3-4 Hz. The fact is that the human brain at different ages and in different states of activity operates at different frequencies. The main states of human consciousness are characterized by low-frequency rhythms of the brain - hertz and fractions of hertz. In order to fill the body with love and harmony and reach the state of a standing wave, it is necessary that the frequency of the brain be equal to one hertz. This frequency is equal to the frequency of the brain of an infant in the womb at the age of 2-3 months from the moment of conception (by the way, according to Buryat laws, a person’s age is calculated not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception). Moreover, recent studies have shown that when a person reads or hears a prayer, the frequency of vibrations of brain cells in him becomes the same as in an infant. But where Itigelov is now, they pray twice a day.

It was interesting to conduct research with the help of a pendulum, which shows the influence of the LT system on us, on our consciousness and vice versa. This seemingly primitive instrument demonstrates the work of time-frequency flows, which is checked by the frequency of rotation of the pendulum. It can rotate to the right - clockwise, to the left - counterclockwise - and oscillate, that is, show the transitivity of space. I took the pendulum to Itigelov. The acting lama gave me permission to use it. I went with the pendulum from bottom to top. Examined the legs, arms - the pendulum is spinning, like a normal person, with the usual acceleration, with the usual amplitude. So I got to the head. But as soon as I placed the pendulum over my head, it began to rotate with a huge amplitude. Such a reaction can only be observed in a working brain.

Moreover, the associate professor of our department, M.A. Kulakova, told me that she observed this during the examination of children. All this confirms that Itigelov is currently a living organism. Leaving for another world in a state of very low frequency, the lama plunged not into death, but into another state of life. I'm assuming that his brain is now displaying a frequency of about one hertz. This is really a baby 2-3 months from conception, as in the womb.

edited news Core - 27-04-2011, 09:44

What messages does the Buddhist saint telepathically transmit to the living?

During his visit to Buryatia, Vladimir Putin visited the main monastery of Russian Buddhists, the Ivolginsky Datsan. As an exception, the President was given access to the supreme shrine - the imperishable body of Khambo Lama Itigelov. True, to put the president next to him on the throne of the Federal Security Service. The president's arrival was preceded by Itigelov's otherworldly revelation about disrespectful deputies. "MK" found out what messages the incorruptible conveys to the living.

V.V. Putin during a visit to the Ivolginsky datsan. With Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev.

Every day at seven in the morning, Itigelov's chief guardian receives a message from him through meditation, which is then posted on the website of the Russian Sangha. The message, published before Putin's arrival on April 8, is connected with the "shameful" behavior of Russian officials. In a vision, Itigelov assures that the bureaucracy will change for the better over time: “One man, laughing, says: “When the head of the administration is driven in disgrace in his own land, where is this good?” Khambo Lama said: "When the time comes, he will be different." In our time, unfortunately, cases have become frequent when people's choices cease to be respected by their own voters, fellow countrymen. This is seen as the result of their selfish intentions during the election campaign. And winning by deceit, sooner or later, always brings its unpleasant results.

The shame is even stronger if a deputy or head deceives his fellow countrymen, his fellow villagers! But Khambo Lama still asks us not to rush to judgments and conclusions, since every person has a chance to change for the better. And even to those who deceived the hopes of fellow countrymen and lost their trust. It is the matter of time".

Itigelov’s last prophecy of April 12 also concerns government officials: “Approaching Khambo Lama Itigelov, one lama says: “Khan has arrived.” Khambo Lama said: "Old philosopher." Only a person with very strong karma is capable of reaching the highest peaks of power. Khambo Lama today emphasizes that a successful ruler must have not only strength, but a philosophical view of things and see them from many sides.

On April 11, Itigelov spoke about the role of men in society: "A man must be ready to serve." The commentary on the prophecy is as follows: “The basis of the prosperity of any society is always a man - if the ruler, then just and strong, if the priest, then wise and compassionate, if the father, then a strong master, caring, reasonable, if sons, then purposeful and well-meaning. All these qualities are united by responsibility and concern for others.

The strengthening of women's influence in the modern world is a forced phenomenon, as a result of a change in the mentality of men, a deterioration in their self-esteem, unwillingness to act, take responsibility and bear it, both for the benefit of their loved ones and society as a whole.

In general, statesmen somehow suspiciously often appear in Itigelov's prophecies. This is how the imperishable Khambo Lama recently spoke about gossip officials: “One boss, in a white shirt and tie, gossips. Khambo Lama says: "A long tongue will wrap around him like a snake." And in June last year, he suddenly gave out wisdom about the elections: “You can see different people with a small body, a big head, and even one-eyed people. Khambo Lama said: "These beings manifest themselves during the elections, their nature will appear from what is written on paper"

As a rule, Hambo Lama nevertheless speaks of eternal values: integrity, faith, sometimes he gives out something philosophical. For example, on June 4 last year, his statement was as follows: “10 pilgrims are going to Khambo Lama Itigelov to worship, but got lost along the way. They could be seen coming out of the big house. To which Khambo Lama said: “They showed too much faith and got lost.” Sometimes he gives practical advice: “One person, pointing to the measure of the earth, said: “We need to put something here.” To which Khambo Lama said: "Put a yurt, the air is clean and warm." Sometimes he even gives out something abstract to his listeners: “When Khambo Lama Itigelov sat with his eyes closed, a blue light came out of his crown like a rocket. Then Hambo Lama said, "Friday."

Well, sometimes the saint gives advice, the specificity of which can only be marveled at: “A foreigner with curly hair asks one person: “We will speak Christian,” the second says: “In Russian.” Khambo Lama said: "Talk to Putin."

And you say - Nostradamus ...

Hello dear readers!

Our today's story is about a miraculous return after many decades, about gaining faith and the unique possibilities of the human mind. Read about the "sleeping" Buryat monk Dashi Dorzho Itigelov.

Is meditation possible for over 85 years? Why is the state in which the most famous imperishable monk in Buryatia lives today , Dashi Dorzho Itigelov , goes beyond understanding and modern scientific ideas? Is it possible to talk about the phenomenon of life after death?

The information presented in our article overturns the usual ideas about the structure of the world.

First some historical facts

Buddhism in the territory of modern Buryatia goes back to the 2nd century BC. However, one can speak about the mass penetration of religious teaching in Transbaikalia only starting from the 17th century.

After the state borders between Mongolia and Russia were officially defined in 1722, the Buryat tribes took their place in the Russian Empire.

The year 1741 was marked by another significant event for the followers of the Buddha: the reigning Elizabeth Petrovna signed a decree in which Buddhism was recognized as the official state religion, and lamas found confirmation of their leading role within the confession.

Since the second half of the 19th century, schools and monasteries have become a stronghold of progressive spiritual and scientific development for the Buryats.

Demonic times for all religious denominations came with the events of 1917. Calling religion "opium", the 18th year of the last century was marked by the release of a law separating all religious movements from the state.

Buddhism in the struggle of power with dissent was no exception. There was a large-scale destruction of spiritual knowledge created over the centuries and accumulated. More than 1800 lamas, distinguished by a high level of education, were subjected to repressions, hundreds were sent to prisons, hard labor, were shot. Buddhist temples were turned into slaughterhouses, cynically destroyed.

The next period of thaw and beginning revival falls on the post-war period, when in the 46th year of the last century permission was received to open two datsans: Ivolginsky in Buryatia and Aginsky in the Aginsky national district of the Chita region.

The period since 1991 can safely be called the second real revival of the Buddhist movement in Russia.

What do we know about Itigelov

Pandito Khambo Lama XII led the Buddhist denomination in Buryat territory from 1911 to 1917. His image is an object of worship not only for the Buryat branch of the teaching, but for the entire Buddhist community as a whole.

This is an imperishable monk in Buryatia, who continues to be in a state of meditation for more than 85 years. His life, departure and return are shrouded in mystery. But let's talk about everything in order.

Stages of the path

According to the surviving data, Dashi Dorzho Itigelov was born in May 1852 and orphaned early. At the age of five, he was adopted as a laborer in one of the families, but the owners, seeing exceptional talents in the boy, contributed to the fact that the child ended up in the Aninsky datsan.

Starting at the age of fifteen and for as long as 23 years, Itigelov comprehended the intricacies of Buddhist teachings, Tibetan knowledge in medicine and other sciences. Since 1898, he independently taught the philosophy of Buddhism, reaching the level of a lama.

The year 1911 was marked by an important event: Itigelov was elected Pandito Khambo Lama XII, becoming the head of the Buddhist movement in Eastern Siberia. In this position, he is known for his exceptional patriotic feelings both for the people of Buryatia and for Russia as a whole.

So, during the First World War, under his leadership, hospitals were opened to treat the wounded, and the charitable society he created helped raise money, food, and medical equipment for the front. For the shown patriotism he was deservedly presented to the imperial awards of that time.

“In order to find an outlet in eternity, one must constantly help people.” (Dashi Dorzho Itigelov).

last years of life

There is a version that the reason why Itigelov had to leave his leadership position in 1917 was illness.

However, according to the surviving testimonies, he foresaw the coming of Soviet power, the upcoming repressions, persecutions, destruction that the followers of the Buddha would have to face and decided, refusing to fast, to begin preparations for his upcoming revival, continuing to simply serve in the monastery .

Having reached the age of 75, Pandita Khambo Lama XII Dashi Dorzho Itigelov gathered his disciples on the day of the full moon in June 1927 and, having previously left instructions for them, plunged into samadhi and reached nirvana.

Lama's testament

Leaving, Itigelov secured the promise of the students that they would fulfill his last lifetime instructions. The instructions concerned how to dispose of the Master's body:

  • When the lama reached the level of nirvana, it was necessary to place him in a cedar wood sarcophagus, maintaining the lotus position familiar for meditation, and bury him.
  • It is the duty of the disciples to periodically monitor the condition of the lama's body. Specific dates were named in the 57th and 73rd year of the last century. If, when examining the body, signs of decay of the flesh were noted, the body had to be given to the fire.
  • It was necessary to open the cedar tomb exactly 75 years later. It was through this period that the Great Lama appointed his return.

The burial was checked on the instructions of the head of the Buddhist movement of that time twice, in 1955 and in 1973. Each time, the absence of any changes in Itigelov's condition was found.


After the specified period, the will of the monk was fulfilled. In 2002, on September 10, after the necessary legal procedures, a wooden sarcophagus was pulled out of the ground. To the surprise of all present, who were expecting to see something similar to the mummy of a monk, it turned out that the lama continues to remain in the same lotus position, like a living person who has been meditating for many years.

His skin, hair, fingernails, all parts of his body looked like he was in a hibernation-like state. All joints retained mobility, there were no signs of decomposition of biological tissues. After 75 years, the amazing return of Pandito Khambo Lama XII has come, just as he promised.

The Unsolved Mystery of the Monk

The best forensic scientists and medical experts were involved in the study of the Itigelov phenomenon. The research continued for more than three years. The biological material that was obtained: areas of the monk's skin, nail phalanges and hair, were subjected to detailed study using the latest modern technology.

The conclusions reached by the experts can be summarized as follows:

  • there are no signs of body embalming or artificial preservation;
  • all internal and external organs, sense organs are preserved, there are absolutely no signs of their destruction;
  • spectral analysis of tissue samples did not reveal data characteristic of the destruction of protein molecules, the tissues looked as if the monk was still alive;
  • skin turgor is preserved, all joints are mobile, there are no specific odors accompanying the processes of decomposition of the flesh;
  • the body turned out to be capable of maintaining and retaining heat up to 34 degrees, while the ambient air temperature at the time of measurements ranged from 17 to 23 degrees.

Scientists are faced with an inexplicable, from the point of view of modern science, phenomenon. It is still unknown what the state in which the monk can be called can be called, because at the cellular level the presence of some semblance of signs of vital activity has been reliably confirmed.

On the basis of scientific research, scientists have formulated a hypothesis about the great role of thought, consciousness, unexplored capabilities of the brain.

"Be pure in the midst of a sea of ​​mud of a dangerous troubled time..."

These prophetic words of Pandito Khambo Lama XII sound like an instruction to the modern world community. The monk is the author of more than 50 philosophical treatises, however, the best textbook he left for the edification of all living is his body, demonstrating the power of thought and spirit over the flesh.


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A miracle happened in Buryatia - in the Ivolginsky datsan, cameras recorded the movement of the body of Khambo, Lama Itigelov, who died in 1927. Is this really possible and why are people ready to believe in imperishable relics?

Shot taken by a surveillance camera at the residence of Khambo Lama Etigelov

Director of the Mesoamerican Center Yu.V. Knorozova RGGU, professor Galina Ershova told Novye Izvestia in detail about the phenomenon of the body of the Buryat lama, about what the researchers saw during the exhumation. And not only about this...

Why do people worship incorruptible relics, believe in their miraculous power, even if they have never seen them and have no idea where they came from?

This phenomenon, by the way, is well understood for Russian culture, where the worship of "imperishable relics" as a guarantee of the expected revival acquired special significance even in the period of Kievan Rus. The appearance of the cult of imperishable relics was formed, perhaps due to the special climatic regimes of the catacomb caves, combined with the specific diet of the inhabitants of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

As Archpriest Alexander Men commented, the word "relics" means "the body of the deceased."

Alexander Men

The relics of saints may be in varying degrees of preservation. The remains of the ascetics of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra are imperishable (naturally mummified), and in the tomb of Seraphim of Sarov in 1903 only bone remains were found. However, the popular belief in "absolute incorruptibility" subsequently led many to disappointment in faith - when it turned out that most of the relics were just bone remains. However, in order to justify this popular belief, I would like to note that the facts of perfect incorruptibility - like the case that happened in Buryatia already in our time - are so rare, short-term and incredible for ordinary consciousness, that a paradoxical situation develops: people keep the memory of a real event as almost a myth the preservation of the body, which really naturally turns into a complete mummy over time. But those who have not observed this unique state themselves are simply not able to believe in it.

- Is it true that the body of a Buddhist lama was exhumed at his own request?

Yes. All this came true only because Itigelov himself ordered to get his body after 75 years before "leaving". And on September 10, 2002, an exhumation took place on the territory of a cemetery near Ulan-Ude - at the initiative of the head of the Buddhist Church of Russia, Khambo Lama Ayushev, as well as with the permission of relatives, in the presence of official authorities and forensic experts.

In a box raised from the ground was an elderly man sitting in a lotus position, covered with silk fabrics. At the same time, his body turned out to be completely intact - with soft muscles and elastic skin, bending joints. Information about the Buryat Lama, who was recovered from his grave, got into the media. The public took this news in different ways: some people simply did not believe it, deciding that it was a “joke” or “Buryat falsification”, others thought it was an ordinary mummy. Many publications were therefore sustained in the ernic style.

- And what indicates the reality of the phenomenon of the Buryat "miracle"?

The mere fact that the body after exhumation turned out to be completely intact, and there were no signs of mummification or embalming. Hairline and nails are preserved. When pressing on the skin and muscle integuments, the recesses restore their normal state. There are no cadaveric spots, skin without signs of decomposition and the presence of fungi. No aromatic, resinous or putrid odors were detected from the contents of the box and from the body. After removal, the body retained its position without special devices.

On the lower leg and hand, the skin was slightly damaged during undressing. In the opened wound, a photo published in Geo magazine clearly shows red, uncoagulated blood. And the witnesses claimed that the blood had a jelly-like appearance.

The unusual state of the body was such that the doctor of the forensic medical examination who was at the exhumation 3.M. Mandarkhanov refused to examine the body on his own and demanded the creation of a special commission.

- Well, isn't that a miracle?

I was fortunate to be involved in the study of biological samples. We were allowed to take samples of exfoliated epidermis from the feet, two sections of the nail edge and hair. So the results showed that Itigelov purposefully, but not constantly used bromine (bromine-containing plants), which led to an excessive content of this element in the skin. In high doses, bromides inhibit excitation processes in the central nervous system, including the spinal cord, but have almost no effect on the centers of the medulla oblongata, which controls oxygen respiration, blood circulation, and partially the somatic nervous system.

We assumed that Itigelov reached his state by turning off the vital energy-exchange functions of the body and entering into deep meditation. In this way, he was able to simulate an anabiosis-like state - a temporary cessation of life. In itself, this phenomenon in wildlife is not new.

Since the 19th century, it has been discovered that after a state of "waiting" microscopic rotifers, fish and newts, and frogs, and warm-blooded hamsters and mice can return to life. Even supercooled monkeys were revived when they were no longer breathing and their hearts were not beating. There are many cases in different countries when even frozen people returned from such a state. Folk Russian medical books contained entire sections devoted to the revival of those frozen alive. Long-term cold storage of viable sperm and other living components is no longer a "miracle".

- And what happened to the body after being removed from the grave? Has it not changed?

That's just the point, that changes were visible already in two years. Itigelov was placed in the sacred part (on top of the altar) of the main church of the Ivolginsky Monastery. After some time, certain changes began to be observed. First, moisture was initially released from the mouth. A few months later, there was a rather noticeable release of moisture that settled on the walls of the glass cube in which the body was initially stored. A little later, salt began to actively stand out on the skin - on the face and the rest of the body. The color of the skin began to gradually darken.

Re-examination (organized by me as part of the project) in the presence of MD. V.N. Zvyagin, head Department of Personal Identification of Forensic Medical Examination (Moscow) and Ph.D. K.M. Yugov, who examined the body during exhumation (Ulan-Ude), was carried out in November 2004. In general, the tissues became more elastic, characteristic depressions no longer formed when pressed, although the muscle tissues still retained elasticity. There was no mobility in the joints. On the entire surface of the body there were deposits of salt, from which the skin burst in some areas. Upon contact, a rather pleasant smell was felt. The line of the mouth, like the eye, no longer differs. According to subjective assessment YES. Gorina, body weight compared with the moment of exhumation decreased by about 15 kg. An official “Protocol of examination of the body of Khambo Lama Dasha-Dorji Itigelov” was drawn up, where it is noted that in the two years that have passed since the initial forensic medical examination of the body of Khambo Lama Itigelov (09/11/2002), the first slight signs of mummification appeared, expressed in parchment density skin, in the loss of their elasticity, in the absence of movements in the joints (this was noted in the Protocol).

- Is it known about such practices in the world? Or was Itigelov the first in this?

Of course not. In the world, there are many cases of accidental preservation of the bodies of the dead, for example, in Italy. In some traditions, there were even special practices, among which were breathing regulation, a special diet, cleansing procedures, and medical support. Specifically, these methods were developed in the Hindu-Buddhist space. Known case in Vietnam, Japan, India. Itigelov clearly followed these traditions. It is known that he wrote comments on "Dymbryl Dodvo" (comprehension of the Void) - the teachings of the founder of Tibetan Buddhism Bogdo Tsongkhavy, who also tried to save his body, but on the seventh day showed signs of decomposition.

In Buddhism, despite various attempts, such practices have not become commonplace, which is due both to the difficulty of implementation and the lack of canonical justifications within the framework of religious doctrine. Nevertheless, Lama Itigelov, preparing for death, managed to master the mysteries of the "imperishable body".

In an interview with a correspondent of "NI" director of the Mesoamerican Center. Yu.V. Knorozova of the Russian State Humanitarian University, Professor Galina Ershova spoke in detail about the phenomenon of the body of the Buryat lama, about what the researchers saw during the exhumation. And not only about this...


Note from the editors of the "Missionary-Apologetic Project" To Truth "

This article is of interest that the incorruptibility of the body of Lama Itigelov is the result of intentional (!) Human efforts to preserve this body, but not as an act of God.

First, the lama took certain drugs before he died. Thus, an analysis of Itigelov's skin, conducted in 2004, showed that the concentration of bromine in the body of a llama exceeds the norm by 40 times.

Secondly, during the exhumation, it was discovered that Itigelov's sarcophagus was filled with salt, which "in some places harmed his skin - dried it out" (according to Dr. Zvyagin, there was no salt in the sarcophagus until 1973). After the llama's body was on the surface, it began to gradually dry out (hence the sweat on the glass of moisture in its glass sarcophagus) and mummify, while, according to scientists, it decreased in weight by 15 kg. As a result, all his "liveness", the mobility of the joints, which the journalists and his admirers so admired, disappeared.

Opening of the sarcophagus of Lama Itigelov. His disciples did not really hope for a miracle, so they sprinkled the body with salt ...

By the way, there is a tradition of artificial self-embalming in Buddhism, for example, in Japan, the Sokushinbutsu monks, after a certain diet and work, ate embalming and poisonous plants, after which they died, and the accumulated plant poisons and resins preserved them.

See also on the topic:

  • About the imperishable bodies of Islamic martyrs(answer to the question) - Maxim Stepanenko


Why do people worship incorruptible relics, believe in their miraculous power, even if they have never seen them and have no idea where they came from?

This phenomenon, by the way, is well understood for Russian culture, where the worship of "imperishable relics" as a guarantee of the expected revival acquired special significance even in the period of Kievan Rus. The appearance of the cult of imperishable relics was formed, perhaps due to the special climatic regimes of the catacomb caves, combined with the specific diet of the inhabitants of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

As Archpriest Alexander Men commented, the word "relics" means "the body of the deceased." The relics of saints may be in varying degrees of preservation. The remains of the ascetics of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra are imperishable (naturally mummified), and in the tomb of Seraphim of Sarov in 1903 only bone remains were found. However, the popular belief in "absolute incorruptibility" subsequently led many to disappointment in faith - when it turned out that most of the relics were just bone remains. However, in order to justify this popular belief, I would like to note that the facts of perfect incorruptibility - like the case that happened in Buryatia already in our time - are so rare, short-term and incredible for ordinary consciousness, that a paradoxical situation develops: people keep the memory of a real event as almost a myth the preservation of the body, which really naturally turns into a complete mummy over time. But those who have not observed this unique state themselves are simply not able to believe in it.

Khambo Lama Itigelov (1853-1917). Intravital photography

- Is it true that the body of a Buddhist lama was exhumed at his own request?

Yes. All this came true only because Itigelov himself ordered before "leaving" to get his body after 75 years. And on September 10, 2002, an exhumation took place on the territory of a cemetery near Ulan-Ude - at the initiative of the head of the Buddhist Church of Russia, Khambo Lama Ayushev, as well as with the permission of relatives, in the presence of official authorities and forensic experts.

In a box raised from the ground was an elderly man sitting in a lotus position, covered with silk fabrics. At the same time, his body turned out to be completely intact - with soft muscles and elastic skin, bending joints. Information about the Buryat Lama, who was recovered from his grave, got into the media. The public took this news in different ways: some people simply did not believe it, deciding that it was a "joke" or "Buryat falsification", others thought it was an ordinary mummy. Many publications were therefore sustained in the ernic style.

- And what indicates the reality of the phenomenon of the Buryat "miracle"?

The mere fact that the body after exhumation turned out to be completely intact, and there were no signs of mummification or embalming. Hairline and nails are preserved. When pressing on the skin and muscle integuments, the recesses restore their normal state. There are no cadaveric spots, skin without signs of decomposition and the presence of fungi. No aromatic, resinous or putrid odors were detected from the contents of the box and from the body. After removal, the body retained its position without special devices.

On the lower leg and hand, the skin was slightly damaged during undressing. In the opened wound, a photo published in Geo magazine clearly shows red, uncoagulated blood. And the witnesses claimed that the blood had a jelly-like appearance.

The unusual state of the body was such that the doctor of the forensic medical examination, 3.M. Mandarkhanov refused to examine the body on his own and demanded the creation of a special commission.

- Well, isn't that a miracle?

I was fortunate to be involved in the study of biological samples. We were allowed to take samples of exfoliated epidermis from the feet, two sections of the nail edge and hair. So the results showed that Itigelov purposefully, but not constantly used bromine (bromine-containing plants), which led to an excessive content of this element in the skin. In high doses, bromides inhibit excitation processes in the central nervous system, including the spinal cord, but have almost no effect on the centers of the medulla oblongata, which controls oxygen respiration, blood circulation, and partially the somatic nervous system.

We assumed that Itigelov reached his state by turning off the vital energy-exchange functions of the body and entering into deep meditation. In this way, he was able to simulate an anabiosis-like state - a temporary cessation of life. In itself, this phenomenon in wildlife is not new.

Since the 19th century, it has been discovered that after a state of "waiting" microscopic worms, rotifers, and fish and newts, and frogs, and warm-blooded - hamsters and mice, can return to life. Even supercooled monkeys were revived when they were no longer breathing and their hearts were not beating. There are many cases in different countries when even frozen people returned from such a state. Folk Russian medical books contained entire sections devoted to the revival of those frozen alive. Long-term cold storage of viable sperm and other living components is no longer a "miracle".

- And what happened to the body after being removed from the grave? Has it not changed?

That's just the point, that changes were visible already in two years. Itigelov was placed in the sacred part (on top of the altar) of the main church of the Ivolginsky Monastery. After some time, certain changes began to be observed. First, moisture was initially released from the mouth. A few months later, there was a rather noticeable release of moisture that settled on the walls of the glass cube in which the body was initially stored. A little later, salt began to actively stand out on the skin - on the face and the rest of the body. The color of the skin began to gradually darken.

Re-examination (organized by me as part of the project) in the presence of MD. V.N. Zvyagin, chief Department of Personal Identification of Forensic Medical Examination (Moscow) and Ph.D. K.M. Yugov, who examined the body during exhumation (Ulan-Ude), was carried out in November 2004. In general, the tissues became more elastic, characteristic depressions no longer formed when pressed, although the muscle tissues still retained elasticity. There was no mobility in the joints. On the entire surface of the body there were deposits of salt, from which the skin burst in some areas. Upon contact, a rather pleasant smell was felt. The line of the mouth, like the eye, no longer differs. According to the subjective assessment of D.A. Gorin, the weight of the body compared with the moment of exhumation decreased by about 15 kg. An official "Protocol of examination of the body of Khambo Lama Dasha-Dorji Itigelov" was drawn up, where it is noted that in the two years that have passed since the initial forensic medical examination of the body of Khambo Lama Itigelov (09/11/2002), the first slight signs of mummification appeared, expressed in parchment density skin, in the loss of their elasticity, in the absence of movements in the joints (this was noted in the Protocol).

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