Nine of Cups characteristics and description of the card. Nine of Cups: Tarot card meaning

In order to successfully predict future events and prepare for them in a certain way, having understood all the advice given by the deck, you need to not only strictly memorize the definition of a particular Arcana, but first of all understand it. Thus, when faced with the 9 Cups of Tarot, the meaning of the card can be determined in a variety of contexts without unnecessary effort, absolutely intuitively - you just need to get into its spirit. It usually depicts a man in rich clothing, surrounded by nine cups and with his arms crossed, protecting himself from bad luck.

The 9 of Cups is definitely a positive card

General meaning of the Nine of Cups

The 9 of Cups is a clearly positive card, promising a person success and well-being, but it is hardly able to indicate an area in which pleasant changes can be expected - this will be indicated by other cards in the layout. If there are signs of a negative nature in the layout, you should not worry too much, since what they destined will not last long and will not be able to prevent a good outcome.

Special number - 9

The number 9 itself is of great importance. In the Tarot, it can be associated with the Arcana of the Hermit, the planet Neptune, as well as such zodiac signs as Aries and Scorpio, which are ruled by Mars. It has long been no secret to anyone that Neptune is an altruistic and philanthropic planet, which symbolizes love for one’s neighbor, compassion, mutual understanding, but in some cases – illusion and chaos. Thus, the nine in the scenario indicates the end of one or another process in life. Tarot readers can associate this with making a new road into the future.

Since ancient times, the 9 of Cups has a self-explanatory name - “map of desires”, because it symbolizes the satisfaction of the questioner’s needs and his goals, indicating that his hopes were not empty - everything will come true soon. She is a powerful sign of joy and all that is good. Be that as it may, if a person has now entered a dark period, this will not last long - in the near future one can expect a completely new and bright stage in life.

What does the Nine of Cups card tell you?

If you look at the meaning more simply, the Nine of Cups shows the questioner that the time has come to relax, unwind, throw away unnecessary worries and all the burden. It is recommended to organize a holiday or simply get together in a pleasant company with friends for a memorable pastime, forgetting for a while depressing worries.

There are different illustrations and images of the Nine of Cups, but most of them depict a man crossing his arms and nine cups, symbolizing material wealth in this context. However, special attention should be paid to the human limbs - they are not crossed in vain. This position of the hands should remind the questioner to avoid vanity and pride, but to devote himself to exploring new possibilities. If you abuse various pleasures, you can limit yourself in one way or another in the future, so it is also recommended to think about non-material benefits.

Personal state

The state of a person who is “patronized” by the Nine of Cups is light and joyful. The card symbolizes a stage of life in which the questioner is truly happy. However, it is necessary to exercise caution - excesses and abuse of this provision can have negative consequences. We must not forget about balance.

The person with this card is usually a carminative and mischievous person who loves to spend as much time as possible surrounded by friends, lazing around or drinking something strong. Fortune loves him, he is quite handsome, has a wonderful sense of humor and the whole world is at his feet. However, it can hardly be said that he attaches any significance to such a gift or values ​​it. Moreover, such a person may neglect serious work and is not always able to sense when his partying should stop, which leads to certain problems, and at times even to alcoholism.

The state of a person who is “patronized” by the Nine of Cups is light and joyful.

Professional situation

The Nine of Cups card in an upright position signifies well-being and triumph in the context of a career or business. The questioner has certain advantages over competitors, given to him by fate itself. Again, it should also be noted that the Nine of Cups Tarot symbolizes a certain holiday, so difficulties at work simply must be overcome.

Usually the sign is influenced by Sagittarius, which manifests itself in the form of a craving for power, leadership, and love of freedom. It projects the meaning of the Nine of Cups into a social context, thanks to which the querent has a greater chance of finding success in transactions or contracts that interest him.

Typically, this card also patronizes people who deal with a variety of amusements and holidays professionally. These may include:

  • sommelier;
  • restaurant and club business workers;
  • waiters;
  • bartenders;
  • toastmasters and so on.

But it is also noted that the 9 of Cups has a connection with people working in the field of beauty and health, art, charity, and usually has an altruistic meaning.

Moreover, work itself brings pleasure to a person, which is why the likelihood of success only increases. However, you need to know in moderation in everything so as not to upset the balance. Otherwise, you can negatively impact the team or your own productivity.

Financial position

When dealing with financial issues, the Nine of Cups definitely symbolizes overcoming difficulties associated with material wealth. It foretells the well-being of the questioner not only in acquiring resources directly, but also opens up new opportunities for a person that will help him earn money and solve existing problems. A variant of the meaning is allowed in which the card symbolizes selflessness and charity.

Personal relationships

The 9ka of Cups of the Tarot in a relationship symbolizes pleasant feelings and amazing sexual experiences. All impressions and fabulously wonderful sensations are perfectly characterized by this card. The questioner’s need for sexual and romantic relationships, according to the prediction of the Nine of Cups, will definitely be satisfied as much as possible in the near future. In addition, the card not only marks success in an erotic context, but also speaks of a good opportunity to enjoy a common pleasant pastime with a loved one.

It can also symbolize hospitality towards a person’s guests and wonderful relationships between family members.

People under the influence of the Nine of Cups are indescribably amazing lovers who understand feelings and derived pleasures. They are notable for the fact that during sex they care not only about their own pleasure, but to a greater extent think about satiating their partner. Thanks to this, absolutely unconsciously, without even knowing it, they can make their partner happy and fill possible spiritual voids, heal them.

People under the influence of the Nine of Cups are indescribably amazing lovers.


The card indicates the questioner's good health. He usually has enough strength not only to ensure that all vital processes remain normal, but moreover to have fun and sometimes even drink without thinking about a bottle of mineral water in the morning.

However, some tarot readers consider the Nine of Cups in this context to be very controversial. According to one common opinion, it may indicate illnesses resulting from the abuse of amusements. In this case, the following symptoms and manifestations are indicators:

  1. Intoxication.
  2. Hangover and headache.
  3. Exceeding the dose of something.
  4. Stomach problems.

It is possible that the card may portend recovery due to treatment.

In the reverse position, the 9 Cups usually symbolize a disease that does not have obvious external manifestations and symptoms noticeable to the questioner. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor for examination and, if necessary, diagnosis and treatment.

Nine of Cups reversed

There is no consensus on this matter, and among tarot readers there has long been debate about the true meaning of the Nine of Cups in a reverse position. So, A. Waite argued that in this case the card indicates a person’s ability to neglect frivolous pleasures in order to find deeper and more meaningful happiness. However, usually the Nine of Cups in an inverted position means abuse of pleasure, greed, vanity, pride, gluttony, that is, the person being asked does not know how to correctly use his abilities and advantages, which is why he harms himself and others.

As mentioned above, nine is closely connected with Neptune, so there is an assumption that this Arcana symbolizes the negative impact of the planet - mostly mistakes and, as a result, disappointments. It happens that the questioner received what he wanted, but realized that this was not his real need, and the result was not at all pleasing.

Another common option: the questioner is trying, but is not able to get what he is so bothered about, due to various barriers. In this case, the Nine of Cups acts as a kind of advisor and friend for a person, who tries to make the fornicator think about his life and analyze everything, as well as guide him to self-development. This happens if a person abuses alcohol and drugs, leads a dissolute lifestyle, is too focused on his own interests, wastes money, etc. If the questioner does not reconsider his views, then this may end disastrously for him.

Satisfaction with the present. Comfort. Comfort and abundance. Success in business. Emotional and intellectual pleasure from work. Health, happiness. Fulfillment of worldly desires. New friends, parties and good times. A kind owner who anticipates every wish. Willingness is divided

It's time to finish work and start having fun.

Don't get carried away with banquets.

Card of the day
Treat yourself to a holiday today. You deserve it. Everything is going well, and exactly in the direction you wanted, so your intervention is no longer required for now. You can indulge yourself a little or indulge yourself. Your holiday can be even more fun if you don't host it alone. Spend this day with family or friends, bring joy to each other.

Reversed card
Pointless celebrations. Be careful what you wish for. You can have too much of a good thing. Don't let your popularity crowd out your relationships with those you care about most.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Nine of Cups is a card of contentment and celebration.

The man in the picture has avoided worries and fears because he is focused on simple pleasures - such as food, drink and healthy laughter. At times, especially after hard work, nothing beats good simplicity. The person exudes a feeling of confidence. He did everything he could and congratulates himself on the result.

Questions to Ask Yourself If You Draw the Nine of Cups
  • Are you satisfied with yourself?
  • Are you busy counting your treasures?
  • Have you performed at your best?
  • Do you feel like you are at the helm?
  • What are your dreams that come true?
Key ideas
Success awaits you, despite opposition. Be happy with yourself when you succeed at something, and remember that you are entitled to a well-deserved rest from work. Fatigue often causes physical and emotional problems. Prolonged stress can deplete your energy, rob you of confidence, and make it difficult to take action. Do not overdo it.
Direct card: There are many invitations to parties and celebrations ahead. Enjoy life!

Reversed card: Give yourself pleasure by any means, but be careful not to overdo it, for example, do not overeat, and there is little pleasure in a hangover.

Direct Card: You may or may not have received a reward for your performance. Either way, you are very pleased with your achievements over the past year. Teachers and parents are happy for you too.

Reversed: You are doing well academically, but don't let your studies fill your thoughts. There is a lot in the world besides exam grades, and there are some things that are even more important than them.

Direct card: Hold your breath: the meeting you've been dreaming about is about to happen! (And to live to see this, you still need to continue to breathe...)

Reversed: You may be feeling lonely right now, whether you're dating someone or not. Remember, it is difficult to love a person who does not love himself. Do you love yourself?

Direct card: Family celebrations are likely.

Reversed card: The family situation is depressing for you. Find yourself a place where you can take a break.

Direct Card: Any creative project or sporting activity in which you participate brings you well-deserved success. It's time to build on this success and strive for new achievements.

Reversed: Things don't work out the way you hoped, and you don't get the recognition you wanted (or thought you wanted). But don’t despair, don’t give up your business. Try other means, in the end, and there will be a holiday on your street.

Upright Card: This is a card of good health, with which comes both self-confidence and charisma.

Reversed Card: You may have made unwise choices regarding your health. If you want to feel and look good, reconsider your diet, return to regular exercise, cut down on alcohol and quit smoking.

Direct card: Any earning scheme will be successfully implemented.

Reversed Card: You may have recently lost or squandered some money. Learn from your mistakes, don't get into this situation again.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Brad thought he might be gay. At school he felt completely isolated from everyone, and at home he didn’t want to upset anyone, so he didn’t talk about his suspicions. The card says Brad needs to relax and enjoy life. Getting to know yourself is a holiday. Self-hatred destroys personality, causes real harm to Brad, and does nothing to help the situation. To embrace his sexuality, a guy must focus on building self-esteem. You need reasons to like yourself, regardless of whether you are gay or not - you need to see your strengths and abilities.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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Nine bowls rising on a pedestal signify satisfaction and joy.

The main figure is surrounded by lush, lush vegetation.

Fulfillment of desires. True satisfaction.

The Nine of Cups is known in the Minor Arcana as the “wish card.” This card predicts true happiness in love and the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. It heralds sense gratification as a source of deep joy. In many decks, the happy expression on the face of the central figure indicates that this card signifies the highest degree of emotional satisfaction and dreams come true; in other decks, such as the Marseille Tarot, nine cups are filled to the brim with happiness pouring out from lotus flowers.

The Nine of Cups says: everything you hoped for will soon come true; triumph, complete success.

Inner meaning
This card has no negative interpretations. This is a card of triumph, complete success, almost satiety. Everything you hoped for and planned has happened or will happen very soon; all this will be almost better than you dreamed.

Sometimes the Nine of Cups is called the “card of desire”: it promises fulfillment of desires, harmony and success in matters that are described by other cards in the layout. If there are unfavorable cards in the layout, they will delay the final success, but these obstacles will only be a temporary nuisance. Now you have done everything right, and people and (or) events are also set in your favor. This is your time.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: triumph, victory. Contentment and even satiety for the Questioner. Success, benefit, complete satisfaction with events and (or) the result of your actions. This usually refers to material success and freedom from want, but can describe other types of situations. The result is prosperity. Difficulties have been overcome.

Reversed or Negative: Interpretations for this card vary. Some point to truth, freedom and devotion, others to disappointment due to imperfection and mistakes; a number of interpretations include both. Essentially, everything is going well, but you are still capable of ruining everything if you try hard to do so.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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Traditionally, the Nine of Cups is called the “card of desires.” It means that your wishes will come true. She represents material happiness and emotional satisfaction. In general terms, it predicts good health and well-being, coupled with some tendency towards excessive self-indulgence. Your desires and appetites will be satisfied. Everything is working for you now; however, this can be fraught with the loneliness of the “king of the hill”. You can act as a patron of the arts.

As a program manager or presenter, you may be giving a presentation or organizing an event. In the literal sense of the word, the card can mean a dinner party. The tables are laden with food, and collections and trophies are on display for all to see. Now you are satisfied with yourself, self-confident and even somewhat arrogant. However, there are also some moments hidden from prying eyes. You may have swept the trash under the rug. A red cap on a card character signifies a well-developed ability to imagine and visualize what he wants so clearly, in detail and authentically that he literally creates it in reality. But since no one is present at the banquet except the host, you may have missed or forgotten to do something important. In Nines, the energy reaches a conclusion, which produces significant complacency and even inertia. Look around - you risk turning into a lazy couch potato, eating chips and watching TV all day long.

Traditional meanings: grandfather. Marriage to an older person. Victory over enemies. Dreams come true. Success, abundance, profit, benefits. Triumph in business. Love of pleasure. Pomp, pomp. Physical well-being. Difficulties have been overcome. Prosperity.

Reversed Nine of Cups
In the reversed Nine of Cups, previous mistakes, imperfections and flaws may be revealed. For this reason, the card traditionally means both truth and falsehood. Everything unpleasant that has been hidden from view until now may now be in plain sight. This can happen through the sincerity, honesty and good intentions of the person who opens your eyes to the situation or points out the mistakes in your course of action. The result may be an awareness of the superficiality or falsity of attachments and a subsequent feeling of liberation. It may be time to break away from your usual complacency and inertia, even if it means taking the risk of lifting the lid on your emotions and trying to understand what lies behind the way you are used to expressing them in public. Confrontations and difficulties may arise that can disrupt your plans, especially those related to parties and entertainment. There may be disagreements and differences of opinion in which clear and concise information must be provided. The tendency towards self-indulgence and excess, indicated by the direct card, may become more active, which as a result is fraught with immoderate hedonism, narrow-mindedness and addictions. This card may also mean that someone intends to hold you accountable. Resting on past laurels hinders success in current affairs. In this fast-paced world, you may find yourself left behind.

On the other hand, this card can emphasize internal rather than external happiness and the rejection of material pleasures in favor of spiritual ones. She can represent a pleasure seeker who is changing his lifestyle towards greater simplicity and contemplation. By understanding what really makes you happy and what you really want, you are freed from the need to “keep up the façade.”

In terms of health, this may be the abuse of food and drinks, despite the fact that the symptoms of this and other diseases may not be noticeable.

From a shamanic point of view, this could be an Indian ritual “sweating hut” or a steam bath that cleanses the soul and body of toxins. It could also mean a situation in which your true wealth and prosperity will become obvious to everyone due to your demonstrated ability to give up everything with ease.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: mistakes, flaws, imperfections that can be detected and overcome. Sincerity, truth, honesty. Loyalty. Frankness, simplicity. Freedom. The science. Abundance. They will point out mistakes in your lifestyle. Passing suffering or difficulty.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
Finally everything I dreamed of came true.
Description of the card and its internal meaning
This card shows a man sitting surrounded by nine cups, forming an impenetrable wall around him - it is clear from his appearance that he is pleased. Nothing and no one can destroy this wall, no one and nothing can shake a person’s faith in a happy future and self-worth.

This card has no negative interpretation. Both upright and inverted, she speaks of celebration, happiness, and fulfillment of desires. The Nine of Cups is a very strong card: thanks to its presence in the layout, neighboring unfavorable cards will not be able to cancel the happiness promised by this Arcanum, but will only delay the final success. But these obstacles will be temporary troubles. The Nine of Cups suggests that the Questioner is doing everything right: both the people around him and the upcoming events are also set in his favor.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - I/Y, number - 9,
Ruled by the planet - Uranus, Neptune, zodiac sign - Pisces,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 48 hexagram (“Well”),
Weather conditions - clear (upright position), fog (inverted position),
The corresponding color is white,
According to Kabbalah, it corresponds to the Yesod sephira.
Meaning of the card
Straight position
The Nine of Cups in predictions has the following meanings: happiness, fulfillment of desires, triumph, victory, pleasure, even satiety with goods, complete satisfaction with the course of events, material success and prosperity, deliverance from want.
Inverted position
Success, happiness, fulfillment of desires. But all this will concern the moral and spiritual life of the Questioner; satisfaction from the work done, freedom, triumph of truth and truth. The Nine of Cups speaks of good luck that will come with some delay. Sometimes this Arcanum promises great opportunities, which at this period of time have not yet given the Questioner complete self-confidence, since he has some problems in relationships with other people. In addition, there may be minor difficulties in everyday life, minor ailments, but nevertheless all wishes will come true.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Nine of Cups - a card of fulfillment of desires, “women”, “songs” and “wine”; portends a pleasant pastime. You are in good health, financial well-being, enjoying life and not losing your sense of proportion. Perhaps you are on the verge of making an important decision, but for now these are just dreams - you are already comfortable and well. If you are making fortunes about your loved one, the same can rightfully be applied to him: he is not yet ready to take the decisive step.

Inverted - you will be severely disappointed. Excessive addiction to pleasure will lead to financial problems and poor health. You are spinning in a whirlwind of unbridled pleasure.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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IX. Nine is a pleasant character, enjoying a feeling of contentment in his heart, and an abundance of fortifying wine on the arched counter behind him

Straight position:
consent, contentment, excellent well-being; also victory, success, favorable position; satisfaction for the Quirent or person for whom the consultation is arranged.

Reverse position:
truthfulness, fidelity, unceremoniousness. However, interpretations vary and contain errors, incompleteness, etc.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
The Moon in Taurus is a symbol of joy, pleasure, and cheerful company.
The Nine of Cups signifies a period when we experience true joy and bathe in it. True, such a period can also result in excesses, the desire to “eat more than you can digest,” but in general the meaning of this card is positive: pleasant events, carefreeness, cheerful company, in a word, what is called “you can’t forbid living beautifully.”

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Second ten-day period of Pisces from March 1 to March 9.
Astrological equivalents: Jupiter, Neptune, Sun in the Ninth House.
The second decade of Pisces symbolizes the achievement of fullness of feelings in merging with cosmic rhythms and is therefore called “happiness”. A well-developed mental nature makes it possible to fully participate in the life process and be a conductor of the objective influences of the Cosmos on the Earth. Representatives of this decade, consciously or unconsciously, become the spokesman for those feelings and ideas that correspond to a given moment. This decade is ruled according to the Chaldean system by Jupiter, and according to the Indian system by the Moon, and it is not only highly susceptible to the influences of the environment, but also knows how to influence it itself. Its representatives are often characterized by a desire for moral leadership, teaching abilities and authority. The role of a mediator between the real and the ideal, who is not able to fully surrender to either one or the other, but only to both together, creates fluctuations from a leadership position to passive religiosity and leads in real life to impracticality and irresponsibility. To ensure that transitions from merging with the unity of the world to alienation from concrete life are not a betrayal of either the highest ideals or real needs, it is important to determine your place in life and not move from your chosen position.
The Tarot card depicts a man in rich clothes, sitting with his arms crossed over his chest. There are nine full Cups above his head: he achieved everything he wanted. The wealth of feelings has become the foundation of inner satisfaction and material wealth. The person remains motionless in his place, passively accepting the gift from above and using it for good. Emotional fullness was transformed into faith, which became the basis for compliance with the objective life process and therefore the guarantee of good luck, happiness and prosperity.
Nine is a Neptunian, Jupiterian number and the influence of Sagittarius is noticeable in it. In the passive Venusian suit of Cups, the influence of Neptune will be strengthened, therefore the Nine of Cups primarily means flashes of intuition, premonitions, prophetic dreams, omens, and symbolic situations. This is a very psychological card. At the level of Nine, the final test of emotion occurs on the path of origin (Ace) to the final form (Ten). Here the emotion is tested for strength and truth for the last time.
The map symbolizes a certain sphericity. When you find yourself in a Nine of Cups situation, you may feel like a prisoner in this area; or you will find yourself outside this sphere and will be able to perceive its isolation as if from the outside. The decision whether to destroy or not to destroy the integrity of this “situational sphere” rests with you. This card is very ambiguous and should always be studied in a reading along with its context.
The trap is the pursuit of happiness.

Straight position:
In the upright position, the card symbolizes success, material attachment, further advancement, well-being, health, victory, difficulties, illness. Neptune always brings with it chaos and confusion, so the card in the layout can be likened to a piece of fog, no matter how closely you look, there will still be some uncertainty.
At the same time, it also shows the influence of Sagittarius: the desire for inclusiveness, leadership, entertainment, showing off, an intolerant attitude towards any restriction of freedom, placement within some framework and boundaries. Sagittarius translates the action of this card into the social plane.

Inverted position:
In an inverted position, the card mainly reflects the negative influence of Neptune: mistakes, imperfection, a painful attitude towards any kind of imperfection, confusion of Good and Evil, false wisdom. At the same time, sincerity, naivety, simple-heartedness.

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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It means that success is just around the corner, you just have to wait a little longer. Although in some cases, as, for example, in the “Egyptian Tarot” (upright position) it can mean something overshadowed by joy.

There are several interpretations of the Tarot. According to one of them, proposed by Waite, the meaning of the 9 of cups in the Tarot depends on the position of the card. In the upright position, it has an exclusively positive material meaning. This is a holiday card. It depicts a cheerful character sitting surrounded by 9 cups. What awaits the person who receives the 9 of Cups card?

Tarot fortune telling

A distinctive feature of the Tarot is the presence of 78 cards, consisting of the minor and major arcana, each of which has 2 meanings. Fortune telling on the major arcana is carried out separately from the minor ones. They are intended to characterize a person’s personality and important events in his life.

The minor arcana are laid out to get the answer to the question; it needs to be formed in thoughts as specifically as possible. The Minor Arcana suit consists of various figures of cups, wands and swords, as well as the figure cards of king, queen, knight and jack. They indicate the gender and age of a person.

Ways to interpret the Nine of Cups

Meaning of the Nine of Cups Tarot - personal success, material wealth, career growth. If a person has to complete an important task, then this card speaks of a successful ending, receiving intellectual and material satisfaction.

If fortune telling is carried out with the goal of finding out about the fulfillment of a desire, then it helps to understand exactly whether the plan will come true or not. Since the card has a positive meaning, the wish will most likely come true.

The inverted position of the card does not change the essence, but it reminds us of the likelihood of negative consequences as a result of alcohol abuse and neglect of one’s health. But small losses are also possible that will not affect the course of events. Losses can be material, their cause is greed.

Relationship breakdown

If 9 Tarot Cups are drawn, then meaning in a relationship has a positive meaning. This card predicts happiness, true pleasure, enjoyment and love. The outcome of fortune telling is especially favorable for single people, since the card speaks of an upcoming fateful meeting that will be filled with desire, passion and trust.

The symbol does not see how further relationships will develop; it depends entirely on the fortuneteller. Fate only provides a chance, the card warns about it, and it is up to the person to take advantage of it or not.

But if we are talking about an already established couple, then the card speaks of the onset of a happy period in family life and the embodiment of the wildest expectations. The meaning in relationships of the 9 cups of the Tarot when fortune telling for marriage gives a clear answer: the fortuneteller will enter into a happy marriage with a loved one.

The inverted card warns against debauchery, selfishness, neglect, betrayal, intrigue and promiscuity, which can lead to the destruction of relationships and even a strong marriage.

Personality characteristics

9 of Cups Reveals Personality a very lucky person, capable of getting everything from life. He can achieve any goal either through his own efforts or through the patronage of influential people from his circle. But how he achieves his goals is unknown. In the eyes of others, he is a contented and self-sufficient person who lives for his own pleasure and does not limit himself in anything.

Such a person is not used to making compromises; he never does anything he doesn’t like. Moreover, no one can force him to work to achieve the result or set goals.

If the card falls in an inverted position, it indicates the presence of narcissism in character and the desire to win in love affairs. Often such a person has several partners with whom she meets almost simultaneously.

Combination with other cards

In any fortune telling, which is carried out with the aim of obtaining a clearer and more complete picture of the future, at least three cards are used. Each of them characterizes a series of events affecting the path of life, career, personality, relationships, etc. Here, for example, are some combinations with the arcana of wands:

The 9 of Cups is the most positive card in the entire Tarot deck. Even if it appears with negative cards, it does not change its positive meaning, but is able to reduce the negativity emanating from the other arcana.

Influence of the Major Arcana on the 9 of Cups

The major arcana contain the most important information. They speak using symbols, plots and images. In combination with the major arcana, the meaning of the 9 cups can be interpreted as follows:

  • The 9 of Cups and the Fool indicate that the journey, which has been postponed for a long time, will finally take place;
  • The magician and the nine of cups indicate the imminent fulfillment of desires;
  • The High Priestess in combination with the 9 of Cups card encourages you to pay attention to your dreams;
  • The Empress and the Nine of Cups report minor obstacles to getting what you want;
  • The Emperor with the Nine of Cups predicts a successful and happy marriage for women and successful work for men;
  • Hierofan promises good news, the arrival of relatives or a holiday in the family circle;
  • the image of lovers speaks of the possibility of realizing their plans with the help of loved ones;
  • The Chariot indicates the need to carefully develop a plan instead of acting at random;
  • Strength advises how to work on your shortcomings;
  • The hermit indicates dependence, lack of flexibility and inability to work with people;
  • Wheel of Fortune - a successful white streak begins in the fortuneteller’s life;
  • Justice is a good sign that indicates the rationality of decisions made;
  • Hanged Man - you will have to sacrifice yourself or your interests for the well-being of others;
  • Image of death - something bad will happen, but it is not necessary that someone will die, it could be damage or malicious intent;
  • Moderation is a sign indicating that isolation and the inability to share one's thoughts with others can lead to misunderstandings;
  • The devil talks about the need to restrain your emotions, otherwise irreparable things will happen;
  • The image of the tower warns of a risky and futile undertaking;
  • The star points to the path to a dream through faith;
  • The moon calls for giving up reckless purchases;
  • The Sun advises sharing joy with others;
  • Judgment in combination with 9 cups promises a person a well-deserved rest;
  • The world indicates a favorable period in all areas of life.

A positive interpretation of Tarot cards is only half the battle. To truly change your life for the better, you need to work hard on yourself and your life.

If you want to become a successful tarot reader, you should study the interpretations of each of the Minor and Major Arcana of the Tarot and be able to correctly apply them in practice. In this material we will reveal the meaning of the 9 Cups of the Tarot (you can also find it in layouts called the Nine of Cups and the Lord of Material Success).

General value

A person is in complete harmony with himself and the world around him. The card may also indicate that happiness awaits the fortuneteller.


Relations are developing rapidly. The couple is happy and may soon legalize their relationship.


Everything is fine.


Profit will come from businesses related to the sale of food and drinks, as well as fuel.

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✚ For the future

A positive card that especially stands out for a person’s state of mind. You will feel a special surge of energy that will allow you to do what you have planned. There is a chance that your cherished dream will finally come true and will allow you to feel a feeling of incredible happiness that does not often appear in people’s lives.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

If a fortuneteller asks a question about the development of current relations, and a nine of cubes falls, then we can safely say that the future is expected to be very pleasant and cloudless. Marriage and a new, more serious level in relationships are possible. What previously seemed like an unattainable dream becomes reality and comes true. This forecast also applies to single people - be prepared to meet your destiny; with this new person, your relationship will be like a beautiful fairy tale about love.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Bliss, fulfillment of desires and harmony with the world. Success at work, completion of started projects and large profits; It is possible to go on vacation. The card indicates the absence of any health problems and strength of spirit. In relationships: a period of carefree happiness, union without quarrels and sorrows; long-awaited marriage. You are a calm and cheerful person, happy with your life. Continue to sincerely enjoy life and don’t be afraid to show your happiness to others!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A map of vivid imagination, success in learning, creative impulses and searches for non-trivial solutions. Arkan personifies art, creativity in all its manifestations.

Tomorrow the questioner will have an extraordinary day, full of new ideas and achievements. Whatever the questioner does, he will do with ease and enthusiasm, and the results will be bright and original. The card speaks of creating something truly creative.

In the professional sphere, the Nine of Cups represents finding new ways to solve problems.

In love - mutual spiritual enrichment, pleasant conversations.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

You have a wonderful relationship that you have long dreamed of. You completely trust each other, love and consider your partner a gift from fate. You can consider your couple ideal because such harmony between two lovers is not often found. Quarrels almost never occur in your life, so you just enjoy the process of building relationships and go in the right direction. In such harmony a strong family can be born. But precisely this stage is an indicator of true love, of which there is so little.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

Don't be stingy in your support of other people. Then you yourself can count on the support of your loved ones. In addition, on the way to desire, you will have to pause. It is necessary to analyze and summarize previous activities. When it becomes clearer to you how to behave and what to do next, your wish will definitely come true. What you want will bring material profit, luxury and prosperity. Try to complete this stage of life before moving on to the next.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

The current situation is the result of intuitive actions and subconscious aspirations. This is a period of relaxation and pleasure, awakening intuition. Prosperous time. Waiting for a pleasant event. A joyful coincidence of circumstances. A peaceful flow of life and solemn events. Positive development of the situation.

But the desire to hide positive emotions can lead to difficulties and illnesses. Share your joy with others. Fill your days with pleasant moments and indulge in mundane pleasures!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

This arcana denotes spiritual and physical warmth between partners. Love will literally follow you on your heels. At every moment, your partner will play one of the leading roles, because he will always be with you. Such relationships are called sensual, because everyone will see that very spark. Marriage will strengthen this stronghold of love and create new values ​​that will warm your heart in difficult times.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Your need to compromise and be open helps you find new friends and keep old ones.

At this stage, you need the ability to make friends, negotiate, make new acquaintances, since the favorable outcome of what is happening largely depends on other people. Earn their friendship and loyalty.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

This is a wish fulfillment card. If you have given your heart to your chosen one, then marriage is coming soon. One stage in your relationship ends and another begins. There is some period of rest and celebration that you can afford. This also applies to single people who must prepare for a new life. Remember that your chosen one can not only give you a new destiny, but also solve financial problems that have been tormenting you for a long time.

There are different cards in the Tarot deck, but it’s much more pleasant when we encounter positive ones in the layout, isn’t it? We will talk about one of them today - this is the 9 Cups of the Tarot, the meaning of which is associated with pleasure, enjoyment, and success. This is a very bright and emotional Arcanum, which reminds us of joy, the absence of problems and the opportunity to relax.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

In the illustration of this numerical Arcana in the Waite deck, we see a man content with life who sits with folded arms, and behind him rise nine cups. The person’s posture is relaxed, he is simply enjoying a well-deserved rest and a great mood. From the image it immediately becomes clear that the main meaning of the 9 Cups Tarot card will be pleasure, success, and the fulfillment of desires.

Nine of Cups Keywords and Ideas

Let's collect all the possible nuances of the symbolic field of the card, expressing them through short phrases that can be used for fortune telling:

  • Feeling happy
  • Success
  • Pleasure
  • Harmony
  • Fulfillment of desires
  • Dream come true
  • Opportunity to rest and relax
  • Emotional satisfaction

Meaning of the card in the upright position

A direct card will clearly indicate that everything is good and not just good, but excellent. Under this Arcanum, cherished desires are fulfilled, goals are achieved, and plans are realized. The person who received this number card of the suit of Cups can finally allow himself to relax and not think about anything. There is a bright period ahead, and only pleasant surprises await you from fate.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

What will be the meaning of the Nine of Cups of the Tarot if we turn it over? Will this darken the joy of a straight card? Here the opinions of tarot readers differ. Some people think that Arkan speaks of success, which is not pleasing. A person spends time and effort to achieve a goal, and having achieved it, he understands that this victory did not bring happiness. We can say that this is a caught crane, which turned out to be worse than a tit in its hands. Other Masters read the card as satiety, spoiledness, inability to rejoice, although there is everything and even more for this. Which interpretation will be closer is up to you to decide.

Video about the meaning of the 9 of Cups card

The meaning of the card in love readings

We will not talk in great detail about the meaning of the Nine of Cups of Tarot in relationships, since the key words that we have derived above describe the situation quite clearly.

Straight position

The main meaning of the 9 Tarot Cups in relationships is a period of joy, happiness, sensual pleasures, stunning sex, harmony and agreement. When this card comes, the human soul sings. The union is stable, there is no reason for sadness or doubt, so the only thing left is to enjoy. The meaning of the Nine of Cups Tarot in love is often associated precisely with sexuality, sensuality, and the ability to equally feed each other with the energy of passion. This is a very high level of relationship, when two people literally dissolve in each other, giving and receiving true happiness.

Inverted position

Different tarot readers have different perceptions of the reversed meaning of the 9 Cups of Tarot in relationships. Some people see in this Arcana narcissism, selfishness, a desire only to take and not to give, while others claim that this is the achievement of a goal, which brings only disappointments instead of joy. You can compare this with a situation when a man does his best to achieve the favor of the first beauty in the village, but when he finds himself in bed with her he realizes that there is nothing special about this lady, and even vice versa - being with her is more uncomfortable than good. This also includes people who are promiscuous, who pursue sex for the sake of sex, and not to build relationships.

The meaning of the card in health layouts

How does Arkan manifest itself if we ask the Tarot a question about a person’s well-being or diagnose diseases?

Straight position

The traditional meaning of the Nine of Cups Tarot in health is a high level of vitality, the absence of any problems, optimism and cheerfulness. The person who received this card, even after long holiday feasts, does not suffer from a hangover and is ready for new exploits from the very morning.

Inverted position

The shadow of the Arcana will naturally be associated with the direct position of the card, but will somewhat aggravate it. These are excesses in expensive food, alcohol, and sometimes drugs. Such indulgence can lead to indigestion, hangover, poisoning or overdose. Sometimes Arcan points to a health problem that is hidden and does not make itself felt at all.

The meaning of the 9 Cups in personality analysis and in psychological state readings

Let's consider the meaning and interpretation of the 9 Tarot Cups when describing a person and the state of his soul. In fact, everything here is intuitively clear, but still, especially for beginners, we will go into a little more detail.

Straight position

A cheerful, optimistic and truly happy person who is not bothered by any problems. He loves life, appreciates sensual pleasures, and his entire existence is like one big holiday. This is a very successful person in life, who knows how to relax beautifully. State of mind - complete happiness, harmony, contentment.

Inverted position

What will be the meaning of the Nine of Cups Tarot in a situation where the card is turned upside down? We can say that this is a spoiled person who does not know how to appreciate what he has, simply put, “he’s greedy,” a kind of darling of fate who no longer knows what else to entertain himself with and what else to try. The state of mind is satiety, a feeling of sadness because everything in life has already happened, nothing brings anything new or sincere joy.

The meaning of the 9 Cups when divining finances, business, work

What can we say about the map if we are guessing about professional events?

Straight position

The main meaning of the Nine of Cups Tarot in work is the successful completion of a project and resting on your laurels, a moment when you can allow yourself to relax and not bother your head with pressing matters. Often the card speaks of going on vacation. Arkan's professions are event organizers, wedding agency workers, work in the field of art, entertainment, beauty salons, spas, centers where a person can relax and unwind. In terms of finances - a good profit, allowing you to roam in a big way.

Inverted position

Imaginary success, a situation when a goal is achieved, but it does not bring happiness or further advancement. Arcanum can also mean ostentation, intolerance to some restrictions and boundaries. In financial matters - material damage, or “squandering” the money received left and right.

The meaning of the card in combination with the Major Arcana

Reading combinations of Tarot cards is an individual job, because each Master sees the Arcana in his own way. Therefore, the combinations given in the article should be considered only as a starting point for further independent study.

  • : A dream trip, or wasting what has been achieved on trifles
  • : A dream that takes concrete shape
  • : Prophetic dreams
  • : Fulfillment of a cherished desire
  • : Achieve career growth or marry the desired person
  • : Find a loving family
  • : Making your dreams come true in a relationship
  • : The meaning of the Nine of Cups Tarot in combination with the Chariot is a goal, a desire, a dream worth fighting for
  • : Getting rid of your own shortcomings
  • : Holiday alone
  • : Happiness is already close
  • : Justice has prevailed, or will soon prevail.
  • : Sacrificing your happiness
  • : Happiness that is over is gone
  • : Share your overwhelming joy with others
  • Devil: Excesses of any kind (gluttony, alcoholism, drug addiction)
  • Tower: Well-being has collapsed
  • Star: Hope for a quick fulfillment of a wish
  • Moon: Imaginary well-being
  • Sun: Complete happiness, wonderful rest, pleasure in life
  • Court: Happiness received absolutely deservedly
  • Peace: Enjoy life

The meaning of the 9 of Cups in combination with the Minor Arcana

Of course, number and court cards can form many combinations with each other, which are sometimes difficult to interpret unambiguously. But we will still try to compile an approximate list of meanings that the Nine of Cups can take.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Opportunity
  • : Contemplating whether to be content with what you have or move on
  • : Dream come true
  • : Holiday, celebration, wedding
  • : To abuse something
  • : Fulfillment of desires
  • Seven: Meaning of the 9 Tarot Cups with the 7 of Wands - an attempt to preserve a “familiar, warm place”
  • Eight: Invitation to an event, holiday, celebration
  • : Serenity, having your head in the clouds, which can lead to error
  • : Disappointed
  • : Enjoy learning
  • : Revaluation of values, vanity
  • : Enjoying the creative process
  • King: Carry out your plans

With the suit of Cups

  • : Enjoyment of love
  • : Happiness for two
  • : Joy, celebration in the company of loved ones
  • : Spoiled mood
  • : Destruction of the idyll
  • : Memories of recent prosperity
  • : Drug intoxication, imaginary happiness
  • : Give up a happy life, prosperity
  • : “The house is a full cup”
  • Page: A proposal that brings joy
  • Knight: Harmony, peace
  • Queen: Happy Woman
  • King: Happy Man

With the suit of Swords

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