What every leader can learn from the Jedi. Jedi Code Star Wars Jedi Council List

It was our watchtower, our fortress against the darkness. It was the Jedi Temple. Vergere Jacen Solo Traitor The Jedi Temple was the main building of the Jedi Order from the end of the Great Sith War to Order 66. For centuries, the Temple was ... ... Wikipedia

Jedi Master is the highest rank that a Jedi can attain, and is necessary (with two exceptions) for entry into the Jedi Council, the main body that manages relations between the Jedi and the government of the Republic. It was intended ... ... Wikipedia

Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui Gon Jinn Jedi (eng. Jedi) are characters in the Star Wars universe, adherents of the Order of the Knights of the Peacekeepers, who own the Force. They have a certain way of life, military traditions and a code of honor. The main attribute ... ... Wikipedia

Time in the Star Wars universe is based on the Rebel Alliance's victory over the Empire at the Battle of Yavin IV. Accordingly, the dates are indicated as “before I. b.” / “DYAB” (BBY) before the Battle of Yavin (eng. Before the Battle of ... ... Wikipedia

Time in the Star Wars universe is based on the Rebel Alliance's victory over the Empire at the Battle of Yavin IV. Accordingly, the dates are indicated as “before I. b." (BBY) before the Battle of Yavin (eng. Before the Battle of Yavin), and “p. I. b ... Wikipedia

Time in the Star Wars universe is based on the Rebel Alliance's victory over the Empire at the Battle of Yavin IV. Accordingly, the dates are indicated as “before I. b." (BBY) before the Battle of Yavin (eng. Before the Battle of Yavin), and “p. I. b ... Wikipedia

Time in the Star Wars universe is based on the Rebel Alliance's victory over the Empire at the Battle of Yavin IV. Accordingly, the dates are indicated as “before I. b." (BBY) before the Battle of Yavin (eng. Before the Battle of Yavin), and “p. I. b ... Wikipedia

Star Wars character Yoda Activity Jedi Master, member of the Council Home planet Grintarik Race Vill Gender male Height 66 cm ... Wikipedia


  • Star Wars. Rise of the Sith, Randy Stradley, Motter Dean, Owens Isaac Buckminster. The Jedi Council has stood guard over justice in the Republic for many years. Wise Jedi Knights administer justice across the galaxy. No one has heard of the Sith for centuries. But peace and absolute ...
  • Star Wars. Rise of the Sith, . The Jedi Council has stood guard over justice in the Republic for many years. Wise Jedi Knights administer justice across the galaxy. No one has heard of the Sith for centuries. But peace and absolute ...

The Jedi Code - the rules governing the behavior of the Jedi.

The Jedi mantra goes like this:

There are no emotions - there is peace.

There is no ignorance - there is knowledge.

There is no passion - there is serenity.

There is no chaos - there is harmony.

There is no death - there is a Great Power.

String values:

No emotions - there is peace

Emotions are a natural part of life. The Jedi were not cold statues; they were subject to emotions. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda were bitter when they learned of the murder of small Padawans at the hands of Darth Vader. This line of the code does not necessarily require a separation from emotions, it asks to leave them aside. If a young Jedi cannot control his feelings and thoughts, he will never find peace. Emotions need to be controlled and understood.

There is no ignorance - there is knowledge

A Jedi must notice everything that is happening around him in order to understand the world around him. That ignorance does not exist is a lie. Unwillingness to accept the facts is tantamount to stupidity. There is always ignorance in life, but it should not be feared. The principle indicates that a Jedi must be guided not only by logic, but also by intuition in order to understand the true essence of any situation. Anakin Skywalker was taught this principle by Qui-Gon Jinn: "Feel, don't think."

There is no passion - there is serenity

With a high emotional outburst, a Jedi must maintain mental clarity and calmness. If you use your abilities succumbing to emotions and passion, sooner or later it will lead to the dark side. A Jedi must keep his cool.

There is no chaos - there is harmony

When around to create chaos and mayhem, the Jedi with the help of force must understand all the relationships, natural instincts. Every event has a purpose. Once Master Yoda said to Anakin Skywalker, "Death is a natural part of life." Small troubles like failure, disappointment, disagreement are also inevitable and should be accepted as a part of life. The Jedi don't deny that tragic and terrible things happen, they just say it's just another side of life. It also leads to balance, objectivity and a real perception of reality. Without this principle, all other Jedi principles would be meaningless.

There is no death - there is a Great Power

Watching an object changes the object itself, so those who know that they do not live forever cannot see the world as the Force sees it. Jedi, like the knights of ancient times, must always be ready for death, but not obsessed with waiting for it, and not act on this knowledge. A warrior both in combat and in everyday life, a Jedi can easily fall and easily rise without suffering pain and without acquiring difficult memories. The sense of loss is often stronger in those who feel it through the Force, and it is difficult to remain calm. But death is not a tragedy, but just a part of the life cycle. Without death, life itself could not exist. The power that permeates us remains even after our death.

A Jedi does not fear death and does not mourn the dead for too long. A Jedi should welcome death as life welcomes. The principle is often spoken at the death of a Jedi, sometimes signifying that the deceased has merged with the force.

Other Jedi Principles:

  • The Jedi are the protectors of civilization, but do not allow civilization to cause destruction for no reason.
  • A Jedi uses power for knowledge and defense, never for offense or personal gain.
  • The lightsaber is a symbol of belonging to the Jedi Order.
  • Jedi do not marry so as not to create attachments.
  • Jedi respect each other and all forms of life.
  • A Jedi puts the needs of society ahead of the needs of the individual.
  • A Jedi must protect the weak and defenseless from evil.
  • A Jedi must always assist in combat or conflict.
  • A Jedi should not have desires, he should be self-sufficient.
  • A Jedi is not supposed to control others.
  • A Jedi Master must not have more than one Padawan at the same time.
  • A Jedi does not kill an unarmed opponent.
  • A Jedi does not seek revenge.
  • A Jedi does not cling to the past.
  • Jedi don't kill prisoners.


Self-discipline is one of the key traits of a Jedi. Padawans learn it from an early age. Lessons begin with what an ordinary student can do, but gradually the complexity of the tasks increases.

Overcome self-importance:

The Jedi had to remember that although they were able to use the Force, it didn't make them any better than those who couldn't. The Jedi were taught that they became Jedi only because someone chose to train them, not because they were superior in some way, and that a Jedi Master became a Master only because he gave up his sense of self-importance and obeyed the will Forces.

Get over self-confidence:

Many Jedi students, learning the path of the Force, begin to think that their abilities are limitless. Many young Jedi died taking on tasks that were too difficult for them, not realizing that the Force has no limit only for those who freed themselves from the limits of consciousness.

Overcome defeatism:

« Do not try! Do or don't. Do not try". (Yoda)

Young Jedi were also taught that defeatism is just as dangerous as overconfidence. Although this lesson is somewhat at odds with the previous one, a Jedi must think of success first and failure second. A Jedi who expects to fail is likely to fail. He uses the minimum amount of effort to be able to say he "tried".

Overcome stubbornness:

A Jedi is always ready to accept defeat if the cost of victory is greater than the cost of defeat. The Jedi are taught that it is better to resolve differences amicably than to win or lose in battle.

Overcome recklessness:

Many young Jedi lack restraint. They are ready at any moment to turn on the lightsaber and rush into battle. They see the goal and rush towards it headlong, without thinking about hidden dangers or alternatives. Therefore, the Jedi are taught that haste does not always lead to success.

Overcome curiosity:

Many inexperienced Force-sensitives use the Force to satisfy their own curiosity, trying to interfere in other people's affairs. Intervention directly indicates that the Jedi considers himself above the rights of another person. The Jedi are taught that while the use of force to discreetly expose other people's secrets is sometimes necessary, it must not become common practice or the Jedi will become untrustworthy.

Overcome aggressiveness:

« A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for offense.". (Yoda)

A significant number of Jedi in training do not understand the meaning of attack, defense, and aggression. It is explained to them that a Jedi can fight without aggression, as long as he does not act recklessly, in anger, or out of hatred. Jedi are allowed to kill in self-defense - but only if there is no other choice. But the instructors explain to the Jedi that even killing in self-defense should not become habitual. To overcome aggressiveness, even in combat, a Jedi must consider all options, including surrender, before inflicting a killing blow. A Jedi who resorts to murder approaches the dark side.

Overcome outer attachments:

Every Jedi is expected to renounce as many outer attachments as possible. For this reason, the Order accepts only young children as students: they have not yet formed strong attachments, and in later life they are forbidden such relationships. Jedi are not allowed to marry without special permission. Jedi are forbidden to take sides in politics or accept gifts. They are taught loyalty only to the Jedi Order and nothing and no one else.

Overcome materialism:

« I have clothes to keep warm; I have a lightsaber to defend myself; I have some credits to buy food. If the Force wants me to have something else, it will find a way to let me know.» (Kagorō)

The Jedi were forbidden to have more things than necessary. There were two reasons for this: firstly, things distract from the perception of the Force, and secondly, when advancing in rank, the Jedi must be ready to go on a mission as soon as possible, and many things could weigh them down. Rarely did a Jedi have anything other than what they carried with them.


When a Jedi mastered self-discipline, he could take responsibility for his actions. A Jedi who did not want to be held accountable for his actions was not allowed to train. A Jedi who showed responsibility was never denied training.

Be honest:

Honesty is the first act of responsibility required of a novice Jedi. The Jedi is allowed to hide the truth if the situation requires it, but this must be done as carefully as possible. An honest Jedi is always honest with himself, his master, and the Council.

Keep your word

Jedi are taught that if they make a promise, they must be prepared to keep it, or to promise more carefully. Thus, a Jedi should not give his word unless he is sure he will keep it. Jedi are encouraged to consult their masters before making promises.

Respect Your Padawan:

A Jedi Master must treat his Padawan with respect. He must not reprimand the Padawan in front of witnesses or punish him for disagreeing. On the other hand, the teacher should praise the student, especially in front of strangers. This boosts the Padawan's confidence and strengthens the bond between teacher and student.

Respect your teacher:

Likewise, a Padawan should show deep respect for his master, especially in front of strangers. The Padawan is taught, in case of disagreement, not to bring the matter to an argument, but in public discussion to turn to the teacher if someone turned to him himself. This saves the teacher from having to apologize for the student's behavior.

Although the Jedi High Council was the supreme authority in the Jedi Order, it could not keep pace everywhere. Thus, when the Council sent a Jedi on a mission, the Jedi spoke on behalf of the Council and represented it on the spot. The Council was responsible for all the words of the Jedi, so the Jedi had to be extremely careful not to frame the Council, as this would be a manifestation of the deepest disrespect for the Jedi Council.

Respect the Jedi Order:

Every action of a Jedi is reflected in the entire Order. Good deeds improve the reputation of the Order, bad deeds sometimes cause irreparable damage. The Jedi are taught that every being they encounter may see a Jedi for the first time, and the actions of just one Jedi will affect the perception of the entire Jedi Order.

Respect the law

One of the most important roles of the Jedi is to protect peace and justice in the Republic, and no Jedi is above the law. Jedi are expected to uphold the law, just like any other being. A Jedi is allowed to break the law, but only if he is willing to bear the appropriate punishment.

Respect life:

Jedi are not supposed to kill for any reason. However, if the fight is not for life, but for death, the Jedi can kill to complete his mission. Such actions are not welcome, as they strengthen the dark side. But if the action was justified - if the Jedi saved someone else's life or acted at the behest of the Force - the light side is enhanced equally. A Jedi must also think of those he has killed and the suffering caused by their death. A Jedi who does not think about his victims is on the path to the dark side.

In the service of society:

Although the Jedi served the Force, their funding came from the Senate, as the Jedi stood guard in the public interest. If the Jedi could not use the Force, they would still serve society, as they considered it their duty. The fact that the Force exists, and that the Jedi are skilled and devoted practitioners of it, only strengthens their determination to serve good.

Service to the Republic:

Although the Jedi and the Republic are separate from each other, and the Jedi Order has no power over the citizens, the Jedi serve the Republic and must abide by its laws, honor the ideals, and protect the citizens. However, members of the Order do not hold public office and can only act if asked to. Otherwise, they should stay away. This strange agreement between the two groups has been around for so long that no one remembers how or why it came about.

Provide assistance:

Jedi are obligated to help those in need of help if possible, and preferably quickly. The Jedi are taught that while saving one life is important, saving many lives is more important. This does not mean that the Jedi should in any case give up other tasks, but it requires that the Jedi at least do everything in his power to help those who most need help.

Protect the Weak:

Likewise, a Jedi must protect the weak from those who oppress them, whether it be protecting one person from another or an entire race from being enslaved. But the Jedi are reminded that things may not be what they seem at first glance, and other cultures should be respected, even if they are contrary to the moral or ethical standards of the Jedi. Jedi are also warned against acting where they are not allowed to, and always consider the consequences of their actions.

Provide Support:

Sometimes a Jedi should step back and let other people protect the weak, even if he thinks he could do it much better. Jedi are taught to help in word or deed, depending on the situation, offering advice when asked, warning if necessary, and arguing only when persuasion fails. Jedi must remember that they have an amazing Force in their hands and should only use it for good deeds.

In December 2017, the next milestone of the cult Star Wars: The Last Jedi franchise will be released, which all fans of the saga are waiting for with delight and awe. This is the eighth chapter of a movie adventure set in a "galaxy far, far away" that has high hopes as Episode 7, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, surprised and delighted. In the Episode 8 trailer, Luke Skywalker says that the Jedi must end. What he means, we will soon find out. In the meantime, let's take a look at 10 great Jedi in Star Wars history.

Mace Windu: best duelist

The greatest "duelist" of all time (among lightsaber wielders) is considered to be Mace Windu, played in the prequel trilogy by Samuel L. Jackson. Very few people could defeat Windu - it was almost unthinkable, as Mace was able to sense weaknesses in any of his opponents and use it in battle, thanks to a technique that brought him close to the dark side of the force. Ultimately, the Jedi managed to get close to the villain Senator Palpatine, but before Mace could deal with the villain, Anakin Skywalker, who had recently turned to the dark side of the Force, killed him.

Shaak Ti: cunning planner

A member of the Jedi High Council, Shaak Ti was a Togruta who rose to prominence during the Clone Wars as a general in the Grand Army of the Republic. She is a cunning planner and an excellent performer, however, as a mentor, she was defeated: two of her Padawans died. Shaak Ti became a member of the "strike" team organized by Mace Windu, and, along with others, rescued three of the most important figures in the history of Star Wars (Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Queen Amidala). However, when the clones went on the offensive, and Anakin turned into a monster, Shaak Ti's days were numbered.

Quinlan Vos: A powerful telepath

Trained as a Jedi, Quinlan Vos eventually became one of the best young Jedi in the Order. He was tasked with killing Count Dooku, but Quinlan was captured and, under the influence of the dark side of the Force, became Dooku's apprentice. However, Vos managed to escape from oppression - thanks to the feat of Ventress, who sacrificed himself. Quinlan defeated Dooku but refused to kill him, he became a Jedi again and took refuge on the Wookiee planet. General of the Grand Army, Quinlan was a powerful telepath, and if he touched an object, he could penetrate the mind and memories of the person who touched the thing before him.

Revan: the scariest man in the galaxy

When people think of Revan (the hero of the Star Wars video game franchise and comics), they think of him as the scariest person in the galaxy. With rare and powerful abilities, Revan (aka the Prodigal Knight) found himself able to tap into both the light and dark side of the Force (and go as far as he wanted). He never felt that killing was wrong. Although Revan managed to become the master of the Third Sith Empire, he was also a Jedi who participated in the civil and Mandalorian wars. He created his own group of Jedi Knights who don't need the Order to lead them.

Qui-Gon Jinn: masterful manipulator

Known primarily for discovering the young Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn was one of the finest Jedi in history. He was not only Anakin's teacher, but also Obi-Wan Kenobi. His influence over the Jedi was enormous, and Qui-Gon also possessed the deadly Ataru fighting style, which allowed him to get ahead of his opponents when it came to battle. He was also a skilled manipulator and could make people do whatever he wanted. Even the Hutt, who was immune to Jedi tricks, fell victim to Jin's sanity. However, all these skills and talents did not help Qui-Gon in an unequal battle on Naboo. In Star Wars, this character was played by Liam Neeson.

Jaina Solo: killed twin who turned to the dark side

Another great female Jedi is Jaina Solo, who married Jagedd Fel. Jaina (daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo) had a younger brother, Anakin Solo, and a twin brother, Jacen Solo. Jaina was tech savvy like her father, and she felt the Force like her mother. After her training and "baptism of fire", Leia's daughter became a member of the New Order's Jedi High Council. Jaina had an interesting gift: she could create flashes of light by manipulating molecules, affecting the air. And the Jedi had mastered the ability to destroy anything that could be destroyed. When Jaina's twin became part of the dark Force and called himself Darth Cadus, she killed him in battle.

Anakin Skywalker: The Chosen and the Fallen

The story of Anakin Skywalker is similar to the story of Lucifer: he was a shining smashing sword of the light side of the Force, and then fell and turned to darkness. Found by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin became a Padawan in the Jedi Order, who believed he was the key to balance and the "chosen one". After Qui-Gon was killed, Obi-Wan became Anakin's sole mentor. Able to understand both the light and dark sides of the Force, Anakin (Hayden Christensen) could sense people with the Force and those in distress, as well as foresee the future. Senator Palpatine managed to tempt Skywalker, using his visions of the death of his wife and child. Anakin almost died at the hands of Obi-Wan, but he was revived and made Darth Vader. After many grim deeds in the name of the dark side, Dart sacrificed himself to save his son, Luke, and in doing so, according to some fans, restored the balance of the Force.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin and Luke's mentor

During the battle on Naboo, Obi-Wan Kenobi witnessed the death of his teacher Qui-Gon Jinn, who managed to tell the student that from now on he is a Jedi Knight. Enraged, Obi-Wan killed Jinn's adversary, Darth Maul, becoming the first warrior to succeed (in over a thousand years) in killing the Dark Lord of the Sith. Kenobi mentored Anakin, and together they succeeded during the Clone Wars. When Anakin went under Palpatine, Obi-Wan fought him, was one of those who hid Luke and Leia (the twin children of Padmé and Anakin) in different parts of the galaxy to save them. As an elderly Jedi, Kenobi trained Luke Skywalker, but died at the hands of Vader, after which he merged with the force, and in the form of a spirit continued to help the young Skywalker. The role of the young Obi-Wan was played by Ewan McGregor, and the gray-haired Kenobi (in the original trilogy) was Alec Guinness.

Luke Skywalker: Restored Balance

Like his father, the power in Luke Skywalker was enormous. He was taught by the old and wise Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin's former teacher, as well as Master Yoda. Kenobi revealed Luke's ability to understand the Force and develop it in himself. He destroyed the first Death Star and ended the battle with his father (which he lost the first time). This time he defeated Darth Vader, regaining his balance, but refused to kill him (which caused Darth Sidious to intervene). Vader helped his son and died with Sidious. An aged and disillusioned Luke, played by Mark Hamill, is an important character in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Yoda: wise teacher

The Great Yoda, voiced by Frank Oz, has long been a household name. He is a wise Jedi Master, a Master whose life has been long and eventful. Yoda was able to defeat Darth Sidious, but did not kill him, because he realized that his vision of the Jedi order was too outdated, and while they stood still under his leadership, the Sith evolved. A visionary and mentor, Yoda was a longtime member of the Jedi Council and served as Jedi Master longer than anyone else. He lived for almost 1000 years. When you think of Star Wars, you think of Yoda, his unusual appearance and strange phrasing. He is a sensible veteran and a symbol of calm and strength that we all need (at least in our heads),

In the period leading up to the Clone Wars and the fall of the Old Republic, the Jedi Council was made up of twelve Jedi Masters chosen to direct the Order's mission and activities. They were assigned a meeting room in one of the four council towers of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. The Board consisted of five life members, four long-term members, and three limited-term members. During the Battle of Naboo, the Council consisted of the following members:

Life Members:

  • Mace Windu
  • Yoda
  • Oppo Rancisis
  • Plo Koon
  • Yarel Poof

Long term members:

  • Eeth Koth
  • Even Piell
  • Depa Billaba
  • Saesee Tiin

Limited Term Members:

  • Ki-Adi-Mundi
  • Yaddle (Yaddle)
  • Adi Gallia (Adi Gallia)

After the Battle of Geonosis, Coleman Trebor replaced Yarel Poof and Shaak Ti replaced Yaddle.

The official Star Wars website does not yet have an exact indication of who was on the last Jedi Council. Gathering information bit by bit, we can assume that the composition of the Jedi Council during the period of Episode III was as follows:

1. Plo Koon
2. Mace Windu
3. Yoda
4. Ki-Adi-Mundi
5. Obi-Wan Kenobi
6. Agen Kolar
7. Pablo-Jill
8. Saesee Tiin
9. Keith Fisto
10 Anakin Skywalker
11. Stass Alli
12. Shaak Ti

The mission of the Jedi Council was to oversee the processes taking place within the Order and to ensure that the ideals of the Jedi were preserved. The goal of every Jedi Knight and every Master was to bring peace to the galaxy and bring justice to all. This was possible due to the fact that the Jedi Order has always maintained political neutrality. However, under Republic law, the Jedi Order was directly responsible to the Senate. For generations, this has been more than a regular Senate alert to the Order's activities. As the Republic began to rot from within, and after Count Dooku formed the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Jedi Order had to respond to an increasing number of requests for help in political or military matters. The Jedi Council was forced to send more and more Jedi to resolve conflicts, and the once purely peacekeeping activities of the Jedi Order gradually acquired a militaristic slant.

The conflagration caused by the Clone Wars flared up more and more, and in order to counter the atrocities of the Separatists, many of the Masters led squads of clone troopers. The Jedi Council has become a headquarters of command, and the Jedi leading soldiers into battle have become generals. The Clone Wars greatly changed the usual life of the galactic community - and changed the appearance of the Jedi Council. Master Trebor died on Geonosis, and Council members were often forced to communicate via holographic communications - many of the Jedi were at the forefront of the battle. Agen Kolar, Stass Alli, Kit Fisto, and Obi-Wan Kenobi were appointed to replace the fallen members of the Council. After the first battle at Coruscant, the Galactic Senate was forced to recognize that the members of the Council could no longer combine the duties of diplomats with those of military leaders. In unison, the Senators voted that the Jedi Order should henceforth report directly to Chancellor Palpatine, and gave the Chancellor full control over the actions of the Jedi. As envisioned by the Senators, this meant that Palpatine could concentrate the actions of the Jedi on one task - the elimination of the Separatists, leaving the Senate to deal with the restoration of the Republic. However, this new decree contained one important detail: from now on, Palpatine also directed the actions of all the forces led by the Jedi - including the Republican army. So Palpatine became Supreme Commander. Palpatine then appointed Anakin Skywalker as his personal representative to the Jedi Council, an act that went against the traditions of the Jedi Order. To maintain at least the appearance that the Council was still in control, the Council refused to give Skywalker the title of Master. After the Jedi Order was destroyed by the hands of the newly-minted Emperor Palpatine, the Jedi Council forever sunk into oblivion.

Evidence of its existence was later discovered by Luke Skywalker during his research into the life of the Jedi Order in the Old Republic. He sought to revive the Council, but the New Republic Senate feared that doing so would make the Jedi an elite and give them an advantage. However, when Kal Omas was elected head of state, he pledged to help Luke restore the Council. They agreed to create a Supreme Council, which consisted of six Jedi and six New Republic officials - in imitation of the twelve-seat Council of the Old Republic.

The seventh film of the Star Wars saga has recently been released. And there is one organization in it that has long admired me for its thoughtfulness. It's about the Jedi Order.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Recently released the seventh film of the saga "Star Wars". And there is one organization in it that has long admired me for its thoughtfulness and stability. I'm talking about Jedi Order.

In this article, I will briefly talk about the features of the Order, and how they can be applied in any organization in order to increase work efficiency and employee loyalty.

Shared Values

Everyone who got into the Order knew where he was going and why he was going there. He accepts The Jedi Code and follows it.

Common values ​​unite people, help to serve, develop, use their best qualities.

Ask your employees what the main goal is for the company. If at least some of them say: “make more money for shareholders”, there is reason to think. People do not understand why the company exists, and therefore they work only for money.

Tip: Hold a general session for key employees. work out mission and values companies. Bring them to each employee.


The Jedi abide by the Jedi Code and a number of principles.

Some of them are shown on the left in the picture. To consider them in their entirety and in detail, you need to write a separate article with a title something like: "How to become better by following the Jedi Code." I will only note that they are really wise, and everyone is recommended for familiarization.

Without the Code and principles, the Jedi Order would not exist.

Some executives claim that their companies do not have rules, or they are not followed. This is not true. There are always rules, they have developed over the years of work, and problems begin when they are not formalized and are understood by each employee in their own way.

Gather employees and write your Code. Bring these rules to the attention of employees so that they know how it is customary to communicate in a team, how to solve certain problems, how to make decisions. Rules are written on the basis of experience and common sense. There should not be many rules, preferably no more than five, otherwise it will be difficult to follow them.

Rules in the team increase transparency and reduce the likelihood of internal conflicts.

An organization as large as the Jedi Order could not be run by itself. Therefore, several Soviets decisions based on the wisdom of the Jedi Masters.

There were four councils:

  • Supreme Council - considered all issues of the Order
  • Council of First Knowledge - resolved issues that required the wisdom of past Jedi or members of the Council
  • Reconciliation Council - engaged in the search for a peaceful solution to conflicts
  • Appointment Council - handled organizational work with junior Jedi

Each of the five planets where the Jedi academies were located had its own council, whose members could virtually attend the Councils.

The High Council consisted of 12 Jedi, 5 were elected for life, four were in the composition until they decided to leave it, and the rest were on a temporary basis. Ruled by the High Council - the Head of the Jedi Order.

analogy with board of directors too obvious to write much about it. However, I would like to pay attention to some things.

First, not every company has a collegial management body. Do you think a board of directors can only be in a large company? I think it will not hurt even in a company of ten people. One head is good, but several are better. It will be possible to look at many problems from different angles, or together find a breakthrough solution for business development. Yes, in fact, this is a meeting with key employees, but in order for them to be effective, you need regulations, proper organization and motivation. People should understand that they are not just advising, but participating in the development of their company. Then engagement will be much higher.

Secondly, advice should also be divided by task. Some people are better at solving non-standard tasks, others are systemic, others are better at development tasks, and still others are better at ambitious tasks in conditions of limited resources. Accordingly, to solve each type of problem, you need to collect your own advice. That is, to assemble a creative team, a systems development team, a personnel / external relations development team, an achievement team (anti-crisis, breakthrough, etc., depending on the situation). Each team should have its own rules for making decisions, its own regulations.

To determine the type of people, you can use the Team Types technology.

Thirdly, in the divisions of the company (departments, divisions, subsidiaries) it is worth collecting their advice to solve local issues. This will increase the involvement and responsibility of ordinary employees, and relieve the head of the department, reduce the risk of making suboptimal decisions.

head hunting

The Jedi spared no effort in finding new members of the order. For some promising candidates, a ship had to be sent to the other end of the universe.

Anakin Skywalker was discovered by accident on Tatooine, and Jin Qui-Gon did not miss the opportunity to take him to the Order.

Likewise, large companies hunt for young talents. Their representatives attend all kinds of olympiads, festivals, forums. Some guys are “caught” when they are still at school and already at the institute they receive nominal scholarships.

However, even if your company is not Microsoft, but, for example, a small architectural bureau, nothing prevents you from coming to the defense of course or diploma projects of architects and inviting a couple of the best guys for an internship. Perhaps these are the guys who will help make a breakthrough in the development of your company.


System advancement in ranks the Jedi are quite strict: a junior Jedi or youngling (children sensitive to the Force who are trained at the Academy), a Jedi Padawan - an apprentice of a knight or a Jedi Master (Enikin Skywarer immediately became a Padawan), a Jedi Knight - a Padawan who has passed all the tests , and the Jedi Master is a knight who has attained wisdom.

The system is simple, and rarely broken. Everyone knows that you won't grow from a Padawan to a Jedi Master, but if you try, you will go all the way to the end.

In many companies, appointments, or, as it is now fashionable to say, promotion, is a source of perpetual tension. People do not understand on what basis personnel decisions are made, and what needs to be done so that next time they are promoted, and not someone else.

It will be useful to convey at the entrance rules of the game: to tell what type of people become leaders, whether someone will help an employee develop, how to get into the personnel reserve, and so on. Career prospects will motivate people to go beyond current responsibilities and develop their skills.


To reach the level of a Jedi Knight, the Padawans were helped by a teacher, an already accomplished Jedi Knight.

To do this, they worked hand in hand for a long time, and for several years the Jedi Knight passed on many of the knowledge and skills that he possessed. I.e mentoring- one of the main tools for the development of the Jedi.

Some companies have also introduced mentoring. It is available in some retail chains, especially European ones, and other large companies. There are also differences: in Auchan, mentoring is introduced at all levels, and, say, a senior cashier is a mentor for junior cashiers, and in Russian Railways - only for managers: experienced bosses support only young managers.

Mentoring has a lot of advantages compared to other staff development tools, such as training. The mentor provides emotional support to the student. Individual work is much more effective than group work. The knowledge transferred is the one that is really needed and has been verified empirically. The development is carried out in-house, which gives great savings.

And what will the HR service do if mentors develop employees? Develop a corporate culture, conduct internal PR (mentoring should be prestigious), develop a system of motivation for mentors.

The Jedi culture has developed over the millennia, and a mentor is certainly a prestigious role. You will have to work on this.


When a Jedi became a knight, he could choose his Way. The choice depended on the personal preferences of the knight, his talents and skills.

There were three main branches of specialization Jedi Defenders, Jedi Consulars or Jedi Guardians, which were divided into 13 narrower specializations, and in addition to the Jedi Defenders, known from the films of lightsaber and combat use of the Force, there were Jedi instructors, Jedi Guardian knowledge, Jedi healers (pictured) and others. In times of danger, all who could become warriors, but in more peaceful times, the Jedi did what they did best.

Every company has roles. These are not positions, as a rule, each position combines several roles. For example, in one company, two sales managers deal with both cold calls and maintaining relationships with customers, and in another, one deals only with cold calls, the other only communicates with “old” customers. This is a completely different job, and it is better to separate these roles and distribute them to those who are closest to them.

Technology can be used to determine tendencies. Team Types.

When employees are in their places, they work much better, have time to do more, get tired less, work more motivated. If you implement this approach throughout the company, the positive results will be obvious. Often, financial performance improves significantly. As well as the loyalty and satisfaction of employees.

Knowledge storage

The Jedi Temple had a vast repository of knowledge known as the Jedi Archive. It accumulated knowledge from all over the Galaxy, and at the same time any information could be found and used. Some Jedi chose the path of the Loremaster and helped collect, organize and disseminate knowledge.

in Russian companies knowledge management systems are far from being found everywhere, mainly in high-tech companies, or where development is underway. In other companies, knowledge is passed on by word of mouth, sometimes with great loss in information quality.

Now imagine that your sales managers start using the best and most selling scripts, all production workers immediately adopt the tricks to reduce waste that their colleagues found, new employees join the work almost immediately after reading the manual, and so on.

Ideas, knowledge, rationalization proposals do not disappear, but are actively introduced. As a result, the efficiency of employees is constantly increased, costs are reduced, and profits are increased.

To do this, you need to implement a knowledge management system. Think about it.

Recovery after the crisis

The Jedi Order has been destroyed three times. During the First and Third Purges, he lost half of his members, and during the Great Extermination (the film "Star Wars. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith") - the Jedi were almost completely destroyed: out of ten thousand, only a couple of dozen survived.

Nevertheless, each time the Order was restored, and the principle of its organization practically did not change.

What helped them to revive the Order, besides the Force?

Target, the belief of the survivors that their existence is necessary for the world.

Efficient and flexible organizational structure, which is equally well suited for managing a large organization, and for a small group of people.

morale: The Jedi are mostly warriors, and besides, fueled by the Force, they never gave up, they acted. This is a valuable quality for every leader, and if he can infect his employees with it, it will increase the morale of employees, and this will help to survive the crisis.

Russia also had three crises, many companies closed down. But some companies have gone through crises and become stronger and more resilient after them. Think about where you need to strengthen the foundation of your business so that it becomes as resilient as the Jedi Order.

May the Force be with you!

(c) Mikhail Sokolov, Team4.pro consultant

  • HR Policy and HR Strategies


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