Combat leaflet for February 23 about the pilots. Combat sheet "February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day". Prisoners under guard

BATTLE SHEET Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day

Defenders of the Fatherland Serving people: he was, he is, he will be. He will get glory for the country in battle! He will not die for awards: He will come to life in fairy tales and epics! He chooses his own destiny, Only the wives divide it in half. He will not sully the military honor, The time will come, and he will glorify it! Peace on earth is more important than all victories! Praise to the Defenders of the Fatherland! There is no more reliable shield for the Motherland. Let's wish them good luck and fulfillment of combat missions!

On February 23, we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, one of the most important holidays in the Russian calendar. This is not just a day of honoring the soldiers and fighters who served and defended the country during the war and adversity, this date has already turned into a kind of unofficial "day of all men."
Four Anniversaries February 23 Red Army Day (today Defender of the Fatherland Day).
This holiday was always celebrated solemnly, with parades in Moscow and big cities. On the squares they sang on February 23, 41:
And if the enemy is our living joy
He wants to take away in a stubborn battle,
Then we will sing a battle song
And let's stand up for our Motherland!
I had a chance to get up exactly four months later.
February 23, 1942
Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Supreme Commander I. Stalin issued an order. It summed up the results of the eight-month struggle against the Nazi invaders. These results were terrible. Million losses. Hundreds of cities surrendered, entire republics ... But there were also encouraging lines: the crushing defeat of the Germans near Moscow!
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill addressed us with a message on the occasion of the anniversary of the Red Army: “On this solemn occasion, I convey an expression of the admiration and gratitude with which the peoples of the British Empire follow their exploits, and our confidence in the victorious end of the war ... "
February 23, 1943
By this day, the Red Army had prepared a gift of gifts, defeating the Germans at Stalingrad and capturing almost two hundred thousand soldiers and Field Marshal Paulus. In his next order, Stalin summed up the twenty-month struggle against the Nazi hordes. The latest successes of the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts in the Mginsky direction were especially noted. And although the operation did not give great territorial results, it forced the enemy to bring up large reserves, removing them from other sectors.
A telegram was received in Moscow from US President Franklin Roosevelt: “Please accept our deep admiration for the Red Army, its magnificent achievements unsurpassed in all history. It stopped the enemy near Leningrad, near Moscow, in the Caucasus, and, finally, in the immortal great attack."
February 23, 1944
On the eve of the 26th anniversary of the Red Army, our troops crossed the Dnieper, and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a Decree on awarding the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to more than two hundred generals, officers, sergeants and privates. Several thousand soldiers were awarded orders and medals.
The third and final period of the Great Patriotic War began. There were over six million soldiers and commanders in the ranks of the active army. And in service there were five thousand tanks, ninety thousand guns, eight and a half thousand aircraft. It was a force capable of finally crushing the enemy.
February 23, 1945
Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 5 on the results of the winter offensive. Our land has already been cleared of invaders, an unprecedented blow has been dealt from the Baltic to the Carpathians. The Second and Third Belorussian Fronts are fighting in the area of ​​Koenigsberg, the First Ukrainian Front has reached the Oder. The Vistula-Oder, Warsaw-Poznan, Sandomierz-Silesian operations have been completed. Soviet people use every minute to listen to the radio: how far have our people advanced, what cities have they taken? Ahead were two more months of fierce fighting and the most stubborn - for Berlin.

The material was prepared by students and parents of grade 5

Defenders of the Fatherland

Service people: he was, he is, he will be.
He will get glory for the country in battle!
Not for awards, he goes to death:
He will come to life in fairy tales and epics!

While serving, he takes an oath to the Motherland,
What will not let her down in difficult times!
He chooses his own fate
Only the wives divide it in half.

He will not tarnish military honor,
The time will come, and he will glorify her!
While he is in office, there are no wars and troubles.
Peace on earth is more important than all victories!

Praise to the Defenders of the Fatherland!
There is no more reliable shield for the Motherland.
Let's wish them good luck
And completing combat missions!

BATTLE SHEETHappy Defender of the Fatherland

On February 23, we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day, one of the most important holidays in the Russian calendar. This is not just a day of honoring the soldiers and fighters who served and defended the country during the war and adversity - this date has already turned into a kind of unofficial "day of all men."

Four Anniversaries February 23 Red Army Day (today is Defender of the Fatherland Day).

This holiday was always celebrated solemnly, with parades in Moscow and big cities. On the squares they sang on February 23, 41:

And if the enemy is our living joy

He wants to take away in a stubborn battle,

Then we will sing a battle song

And let's stand up for our Motherland!

I had a chance to get up exactly four months later.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Supreme Commander I. Stalin issued an order. It summed up the results of the eight-month struggle against the Nazi invaders. These results were terrible. Million losses. Hundreds of cities surrendered, entire republics ... But there were also encouraging lines: the crushing defeat of the Germans near Moscow!

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill addressed us with a message on the occasion of the anniversary of the Red Army: “On this solemn occasion, I convey an expression of the admiration and gratitude with which the peoples of the British Empire follow their exploits, and our confidence in the victorious end of the war ... "

By this day, the Red Army had prepared a gift of gifts, defeating the Germans at Stalingrad and capturing almost two hundred thousand soldiers and Field Marshal Paulus. In his next order, Stalin summed up the twenty-month struggle against the Nazi hordes. The latest successes of the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts in the Mginsky direction were especially noted. And although the operation did not give great territorial results, it forced the enemy to bring up large reserves, removing them from other sectors.

A telegram was received in Moscow from US President Franklin Roosevelt: “Please accept our deep admiration for the Red Army, its magnificent achievements unsurpassed in all history. It stopped the enemy near Leningrad, near Moscow, in the Caucasus, and, finally, in the immortal great attack."

On the eve of the 26th anniversary of the Red Army, our troops crossed the Dnieper, and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a Decree on awarding the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to more than two hundred generals, officers, sergeants and privates. Several thousand soldiers were awarded orders and medals.

The third and final period of the Great Patriotic War began. There were over six million soldiers and commanders in the ranks of the active army. And in service there were five thousand tanks, ninety thousand guns, eight and a half thousand aircraft. It was a force capable of finally crushing the enemy.

Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief No. 5 on the results of the winter offensive. Our land has already been cleared of invaders, an unprecedented blow has been dealt from the Baltic to the Carpathians. The Second and Third Belorussian Fronts are fighting in the area of ​​Koenigsberg, the First Ukrainian Front has reached the Oder. The Vistula-Oder, Warsaw-Poznan, Sandomierz-Silesian operations have been completed. Soviet people use every minute to listen to the radio: how far have our people advanced, what cities have they taken? Ahead were two more months of fierce fighting and the most stubborn - for Berlin.

Material prepared by students and parents 5 class

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

This methodological development is relevant in our time, because it is built on the principle of a "quest", which is so popular among young people.

Purpose of the event: education of moral and patriotic feelings in relation to their homeland.

Event objectives:

  • to cultivate love for the Motherland through respect for the past of the country, the present, as well as a sense of responsibility for its future;
  • to intensify the interest of young men in military affairs.
  • develop memory and imagination,
  • instill a sense of pride for our army, for the heroes of our Fatherland.

Forms of organization of children's activities: game by stations (analogous to the modern "quest" in our time).

Age: 8-9 grade.


  • "combat sheet" and "shoulder straps" can be printed on A5 format on both sides;
  • it is necessary to explain to the girls before the game the principle of filling in the “shoulder straps”,
  • each girl should have a felt-tip pen of a different color so that they cannot “play along” with the guys and paint over an extra star or badge (thus, everyone should be painted in a different color),
  • filling in the “shoulder strap”: in order to avoid confusion, draw “stars” or “badges”, all the insignia are already numbered (that is, the guy came to the first station, completed all the tasks, then the first stripe is painted over for him, at the next - second, and so on). As soon as all the numbered elements are painted over on the first "chase", only after that you should move on to the next "chase", do not jump, do everything sequentially. You should also pay attention to the fact that some elements are numbered with two identical numbers, which means that you need to paint over both elements at once (The appearance of certain stars is due to an increase in military rank, but there are some inaccuracies, this is not so scary, the main thing is that the meaning of the gradual "raising" of the teenager during the game).
  • 3 minutes to complete each task, 2 minutes to move around the stations, return to the station again (you can’t fail to complete the task),
  • The game is scheduled for 1 hour 30 minutes. At the end of time, the girls leave their stations. Some boys may not have time to go through everything.
  • at the end of the game, the boys bring their "battle sheets" with "shoulder straps". The teacher looks at what ranks have been collected and makes a suitable "shoulder strap". Blanks with green shoulder straps must be made in advance, as well as stripes and stars of different sizes. Immediately you just need to glue those elements that are necessary after passing all the stations for each child individually.
  • Not all children will be able to "reach the rank of general" for reasons of their athletic or intellectual abilities, and this is natural, since few become generals in life. But there are also simple tasks so that the child does not leave as a simple ordinary at the end of the game.

Game progress

Teacher: Good afternoon dear friends! Today we have gathered on the eve of the holiday, which is dedicated to our valiant defenders. February 23rd was celebrated in 1922. In Soviet historiography, it was generally accepted that on this day in 1918 the army of revolutionary Russia won its first victories. It happened near Narva and Gdov, where the Red Army forced the troops of Kaiser Germany to retreat. Over time, the content of the holiday has changed.

1 girl: Previously, February 23 was called the Day of the Red Army and Navy. It was a military holiday. The authority of the military was high, military service was considered prestigious. It should be noted that not everyone was taken to the Red Army in those years. The young man had to have not only excellent health, but also belong to certain social groups. They called for military service guys from working and peasant families. Very rarely they took children from the families of the intelligentsia, and those who had nobles among their ancestors could not even dream of it. Among the officers, there were people of noble origin, officers of the tsarist army, who went over to the side of Soviet Russia. They were called soldiers. Red Army Day in those years was not a day off. It was a professional holiday when only soldiers and officers were congratulated. It was also not customary to arrange festive feasts on this day.

2 girl: After the Great Patriotic War, the Red Army was renamed the Soviet Army. Accordingly, the name of the holiday has also changed. From 1949 until the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Until about the beginning of the 60s, it continued to be considered an exclusively military holiday. Not only men were congratulated. There were quite a lot of women among the military, especially among the former front-line soldiers. On this day, solemn meetings, concerts were held, in large cities, fireworks were arranged on “round” dates. The tradition to congratulate all men on this day was formed in the 60s. The fact is that men did not have their own holiday, while International Women's Day was celebrated quite widely. Employees of enterprises, students and schoolgirls began to give gifts to those with whom they work or study together, arrange concerts and friendly gatherings.

3 girl: Day of the Soviet Army and Navy became the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland. Back in 1995, the law "On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia" was adopted. The day of February 23 was also indicated there. Defender of the Fatherland Day became a non-working day in 2002. Now Defender of the Fatherland Day is not a military holiday. This is the day of all men. The representatives of the stronger sex are congratulated at home and at work, they are given gifts, concerts and folk festivals are arranged for them. However, some women are also congratulated on this day, because there are still a lot of them in the army. This day is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in some countries of the former Soviet Union.

Teacher: So you learned some facts from this holiday. In honor of this day, we decided to arrange a small quest game for the boys of our class. At the very beginning, you will receive small envelopes in which there will be “combat sheets”, on which places with tasks and “shoulder straps” are indicated. These “shoulder straps” are currently clean, and your task is to collect all the necessary badges and stars in order to become a general from a private. Now the girls will leave to take their "combat posts", and I will explain the rules in more detail.

Rules of the game

(The rules of the game can be written on the board, it is necessary to distribute envelopes with “fight sheets” and “epaulettes”. Appendix 1 and Appendix 2).

  1. The game is 1 hour 30 minutes long and has 17 stations. You have 3 minutes to complete each task, and 2 minutes to move around the stations.
  2. If you can not complete the task - do not waste time, move on. It is impossible to return to this station again in order to exclude the tips of comrades who were able to complete this task.
  3. Tasks of 3 types:
    • sports (they are marked in combat sheets as "C")
    • intellectual ("AND")
    • creative ("T")
      Tasks are performed in random order. If you feel that you can easily complete intellectual ones, then start with them.
  4. At each station you have the opportunity to earn a badge or a star.
  5. When you pass all the “battle points” or the time runs out, you return back to the class so that you can exchange your “battle lists” for shoulder straps that you could deserve.

I hope everyone understands the rules. So, I'm timing. The game starts!

(Children go on assignments).

Description of tasks

1C. Hit the target!

In this task, it is proposed to hit a tennis ball into a bucket (if it is possible to spend it in the gym, then throw a basketball into the ring from the foul line). You need to hit 3 times, only 4 attempts. If he hit 3 times, then a star is “drawn” to him, if he hit only 2 times, then he gets nothing.

2C. military bowling

Here you need to knock down the pins with the ball (as in bowling. 2 attempts are given). If in two attempts he knocked down all the pins, then he earned a "star", if he could not, then he does not receive anything.

3C. push up

According to sports standards, a teenager must do at least 10 push-ups. Less than 10 times, then the "star" does not receive.

4C. squat

It is necessary to perform squats 30 times. The task is not difficult, but everyone can complete it.

5C. Team: "Gases!"

Execution standards - 5 seconds. It is desirable that a life safety teacher stand at this station so that unpleasant situations with a gas mask can be avoided.

6C. pull up

It is necessary to pull up on the crossbar 5 times (this is the minimum according to the standards).

7I. Great battles

In this task, you need to correlate the name of the event and the date. To do this, you need to prepare and cut the cards (Appendix 3)

Battle on the Ice - 1242

Battle of Kulikovo - 1380

Battle of Poltava - 1709

Battle of Moscow - January-April 1943

Battle of Kursk - summer-autumn 1943

8I. Historical figures

It is necessary to arrange the following commanders in chronological order. Print and cut cards (Appendix 4)

Macedonian, Genghis Khan, Suvorov, Napoleon, Caesar, Nevsky, Donskoy, Zhukov, Kutuzov.

9I. Rebus

It is necessary to guess which statement is encrypted here (Appendix 5)

10I. Theorist

Solve the problem. An example can be written on a piece of paper.

Answer: 1 - 2 * 3 + 4 + 5 = 4

11I. Proverb

Here it is necessary to cut it into letters and let it be put together (Appendix 6)

The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is well done!

12I. Encryptor

Guess what is encrypted here. Give a "key" as a hint (Appendix 7)

15 22 17 1 14 1 13 15 18 19 1 –

19 17 9 19 1 14 11 1 8 1 17 6 11 15 10

18 16 17 1 3 1, 3 15 3 17 1 4 6 15 5 9

(protection of the bridge - three tanks across the river on the right, one tank in the ravine)

13T. Launch the plane!

It is necessary to make an airplane out of paper and launch it. If the plane has flown more than a meter (make a mark on the floor), the attempt is counted. Two attempts.

14T. Tank

You just need to draw a tank.

15T. Sing the song!

You need to name 5 songs on a military theme.

16T. shirt guy

It is necessary to fold the shirt neatly and beautifully. After the task is completed, compare it with how it should have been done (that is, show a neatly folded shirt in advance).

17T. Burime

A very creative task, but you need to strictly ensure that you get a small rhyme, and not just a set of words.





After all the participants return from their assignments, everyone gathers in the class. In the meantime, you can already prepare the "epaulettes" and stick on them those stars / badges that the teenager was able to "collect" for the entire period of the game.

Teacher: We are happy to welcome you all here again. Each of you tried very hard and with honor and valor performed all the tasks that you met on the way. As the proverb says - "The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad." And now we will find out which of our guys was able to reach the general in our impromptu game. So, the awards ceremony!

1 girl: We begin our rewarding in ascending order - from private to general.

(There is an awarding of participants).

Teacher: Once again, we would like to thank everyone for their participation. Not everyone was able to become generals, but it had to be so, because in life only a few can reach heights in a military post. As a gift to all our defenders, our girls will sing a song for you!

(The song can be any, the main thing is to have a military theme).

In Russia, it is customary to issue wall newspapers for various events: they are pleasing to the eye and convey useful information, and can play both an educational and instructive role. They especially like to involve schoolchildren in the creation of wall newspapers, starting from elementary grades. To prevent the creation of another paper with drawings from becoming a routine, use an unusual idea: a wall newspaper in the style of a combat leaflet, so popular during the war. What is it, what aspects of life can it reflect, where and when can it be used, and what can be depicted on it? Learn about this and more in this article!

What is a battle sheet

Initially, this was the name of one of the types of soldier's wall newspapers. Combat leaflets gained their popularity during the Great Patriotic War, especially after the Battle of Lake Khasan. This type of wall newspaper was used to quickly inform the army about events directly related to military service. Also, often in such leaflets they called for the successful completion of combat missions.

What did these leaflets look like in the post-war years?

After the bloody war ended, battle sheets did not lose popularity in the ranks of the armed forces. In many combat units of ships, platoons and companies, such wall-mounted informational newspapers are still being issued. They are used to post important news, as well as to praise and blame distinguished military personnel.

Basically, combat leaflets are issued in a platoon every week. Some requirements are imposed on them - they must reflect the military discipline of the unit. Such information is useful not only for the servicemen themselves, but also for their relatives who come to visit them. Also, such a leaflet contains information about the guard and internal service, funny cartoons. The military wall newspaper differs from the battle sheet in that it is published once a month and covers events more widely.

Where and when you can use the idea of ​​​​such a design of a wall newspaper

Years later, the idea of ​​using battle sheets was picked up both in educational institutions and in various organizations. The essence remained the same: news and important information.

You can use the idea with battle sheets by February 23rd. Such a wall newspaper will work especially well if you place information on it dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day, give a historical background on the events that took place during the war in your region, talk about people who proved to be real heroes fighting for the freedom of the Motherland. The same plan can be used to create a battle sheet for the Great Victory Day.

Interestingly, the idea with such leaflets can not be tied to military operations at all and simply used to design a wall newspaper for the annual event of the middle school - "Safety School" - or to reflect the news of the class or school as a whole. The same solution can be resorted to in the work team.

A great idea for a poster for an upcoming event at school is the design in the style of a battle sheet. You can create such a poster entirely on a computer, or you can combine it from separate printouts.

Combat leaflet for February 23

When preparing a wall newspaper for Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can beat a sheet of military events in the following way: print photographs, piercing quotes dedicated to the war, lines of poems. Next, place everything on whatman paper and sign. Such a wall newspaper will decorate the event both in a children's institution and in an adult team.

Consider another idea with printed photographs and historical references. This is a sample battle sheet for February 23, 2008.

The wall newspaper presented below is made by the second class. It is very convenient for younger students to carry out work of a similar plan, when a collage on a specific topic is compiled from several printouts. The name cut out of a khaki coloring sheet and circled thematic blocks in the colors of the St. George ribbon - orange and black look interesting.

During the design of such a leaflet, children get acquainted with military realities, the names of distinguished fighters, types of military equipment, and also begin to realize how scary it was to live in the war years. If you are an educator, introduce them to samples of wartime combat sheets - this will give them the opportunity to even better feel what war is.

For "School of safety"

As mentioned above, combat leaflets can also be issued in cases where peaceful events are involved. For example, about the "School of Security", which is held in many educational institutions and is similar to a student tourist rally.

On such a stylized sheet, you can place a report on the event and describe all the stages that the guys managed to go through. Also write down the names of students who participated in the activity most actively. You can add a small rope with knots placed on it, which we managed to get acquainted with at the "School of Safety". Don't forget the photos and colorful illustrations!

Drawn wall newspaper in the style of a sheet of military events

It is very interesting to look at those wall newspapers that are entirely prepared by hand. A lot of time and effort has been invested in such works, which means they will compare favorably against the background of wall newspapers with printed materials. The example below reflects the events that happened to the students of a specialized school - these are their participation and results in competitions, motivational quotes, funny pictures and an expression of respect for the missing fighters.

Thus, you have learned how you can use the idea of ​​​​a battle sheet in the design of various wall newspapers. The main function of this type of wall newspaper is to inform citizens about various events. It would be best to create a similar leaflet on the eve of February 23 and May 9 and style congratulations on these holidays for it or give a historical note about the Second World War. Do not stop at the data examples in this article, find your own original solutions, and then your work, done in the style of a battle sheet, will become a real decoration of any event.

In the Russian Federation, for many years it has been customary to create various wall newspapers dedicated to all sorts of events. Such posters carry an informational and aesthetic component. In school institutions, students independently work on their creation. One great idea would be to create combat sheet of the army, sample which can be found on the Internet.

At first, this was the name of one of the varieties of wall newspapers for soldiers. At the same time, they gained the greatest popularity during the Great Patriotic War, especially after the battle off the shores of Lake Khasan.

The main scope of this type of wall newspapers was the quick informing of soldiers and officers about various events related to military service. In addition, these products were filled with many calls for combat missions.

After the end of the war, army battle sheets sample which changed every few years, have not lost popularity in various army departments. In most military units for various purposes, platoons and directly in companies, information posters of this type are issued on an ongoing basis. They indicate all relevant and important news, in addition, they blame or note praise for distinguished employees. Typically, releases are held at intervals of seven days.

To many samples of battle sheets armies there are special requirements. When creating such a newspaper, it is important to reflect the military discipline of a particular unit. This information is beneficial not only for members of the Armed Forces, but also for their close relatives who visit the military. In addition, this newspaper may contain information about the features of guard duty and internal issues. It is often complemented by colorful funny caricatures.

The main difference between a wall newspaper and this type of leaflet is the frequency of issue. They are published once a month, and filled with significant amounts of information.

How can I use the combat sheet of the army: sample

For several years, such information products have been used both in educational institutions and in various institutions. However, the design features have been preserved - news announcements and various information.

The best solution would be to use this style for Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is necessary to mention information about the historical events that took place during the war in the region, you can talk about heroic personalities and battles for the freedom of their native land.

Use army combat flyer sample it is possible and to Day of the Great Victory. Such a product will please any veteran and remind you of the times of past exploits. There are a large number of unique variations in the design of posters. In addition, preparing historical references will not be difficult even for a schoolboy.

It is worth noting that the design of such leaflets without reference to any kind of military holidays and events will also become relevant. It can be made in the form of a creative poster, poster, while it is allowed to be designed by hand or using computer technology. If you have a wide-format printer, you can print the whole thing, in other cases, collect a sheet from several printouts.

When preparing a characteristic wall newspaper for the holiday of February 23, you can use the following style: print various photographs, unique wartime quotes, various poems. After that, everything is placed on a piece of drawing paper and signed. Such a newspaper, made according to the model of the combat leaflet of the army, able to decorate any event in various organizations.

Important! The design of such leaflets is also possible during peaceful events, for example, during the “School of Safety” event, which is popular in various educational organizations.

Using a characteristic style, you can post a report on the completed event, and describe in detail all the features and stages of its implementation. In addition, such a newspaper allows you to encourage the participants of the event and celebrate their achievements. Of course, it is necessary to use beautiful and bright photos.

Hand-drawn wall newspaper modeled on the army battle sheet

The most colorful and interesting will be those wall newspapers that are fully made by hand. Despite the significant investment of time and effort, such battle sheets are qualitatively different from any printed matter.

You can use colored pencils, felt-tip pens, markers and even paints. It is recommended to think in advance what will be placed on such a sheet and start with a pencil sketch. Any cartoons and illustrations, quotes of great people and poems dedicated to a particular event can be colorfully applied to a drawn newspaper.

Such products also indicate the latest news and events, their features and other information.

A sample combat leaflet in the army: content and features

In most cases, the above products in military service are created according to the same format.

In the header, you need to put the title "Battle Sheet", and then proceed to the description of the headings. The following headings are usually indicated:

  • discipline - the current indicators of discipline in the department are described, the main advantages and disadvantages, encouragements and violations are indicated;
  • internal order - features of maintaining order in a given company or platoon, problems and violations;
  • appearance of employees - indicators of neatness and compliance with all rules, hygiene features and other nuances are indicated;
  • humor - you can write a funny story or supplement the newspaper with a unique illustration, caricature.

Such products are supplemented by other headings dedicated to the life of a battalion or platoon, company. Often quotes and poems, stories are inserted. In addition, the presence of fresh photos is encouraged. The design itself can be created at your discretion, of course, respecting the military theme and color scheme.

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