xiaomi cloud services. Mi Cloud Xiaomi application in the phone in Russian. Among them are

Cloud services are becoming more and more popular today, because with their help you can store any data not only on the hard drive of a computer or a memory card of a mobile device, but also place them in parallel in a special cloud storage on the Internet. One of these services is Cloud Mi from the Chinese gadget manufacturer Xiaomi on the MIUI platform. With it, you can store personal information or ensure its transfer between several smartphones. We will talk about all the useful properties of this Xiaomi development in detail.

Login and interface

Registration in mi cloud is free. Just create your own Xiaomi account and log in. You can access the cloud using this link. Login is possible both from a computer and from a mobile phone. The site is presented only in English and other languages, the Russian version is not yet provided.

Next, log into your account by entering your username and password. As a login, the mobile phone number specified during registration is usually used. Each user creates their own password. If everything is done correctly and you went to the main page of the cloud, then right in the middle there will be information about how much memory is still available. If necessary, you can expand the memory to more than 10 GB in the standard version, but this service is paid.

In the upper right corner you will see your own nickname, and a little lower a window for sending messages to your devices. Well, in a large block in the middle there are sections where data from a smartphone is structured. Their names are unified, and therefore you will see the following positions:

  1. gallery. All photos and videos will be stored here. You can download them to another medium at any convenient time. There is also a trash can where you can delete files you do not need from Mi Cloud.
  2. The section contains all the recordings made from the recorder. To host them on the cloud, do not forget to turn on synchronization on recording.
  3. These are your messages. Here you can both view old correspondence and conduct new ones.
  4. A storage location for all your contacts. If your phone breaks down or gets stolen, you won't lose touch with the people who matter to you. Contacts can also be imported and exported. It is especially convenient that you can recover deleted contacts that were erased up to two months ago.

The "Find device" feature is useful in case you lose your phone. You can remotely erase photos and any other data from it. The cloud also allows you to use a special beacon that tracks the location of the device. But it works on the condition that the person who found or stole the phone decides to go online with MIUI.

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The popularity of cloud services is growing - this is a huge savings in hard disk space, the ability to synchronize information from all devices and use it on any device. Free services are especially interesting because they also save money. Therefore, what could be more convenient than an already reserved seat with a built-in interface right in your phone? To do this, it is enough to get an account in Mi Cloud from Xiaomi.

The service is accessed through the main page - i.mi.com. If the user has registered and logged in, a personal account is created and the following items become available:

  • Contacts - contacts;
  • Find device - search for a lost smartphone;
  • Messages - SMS messages;
  • Recordings - voice recordings, including calls;
  • Notes - notes;
  • Gallery - gallery with photos and videos.
  • Settings - cloud settings.

And now let's take a closer look at what Mi Cloud is in general and what it is for.

Contact sync

The Mi Cloud phonebook stores all contacts from the phone's memory. They are automatically loaded if the user has allowed synchronization in the settings. In addition to the number and name, you can enter additional information into each contact. Place of work and other phones, address and email - if you wish, you can create a whole dossier for each friend and use it from your phone and PC.

Contacts can be imported and exported from the cloud to the smartphone's memory. The built-in function "Merge duplicate contacts" compares entries and helps to get rid of duplicates in the phone book. For example, if the same number is stored multiple times under different names, all entries will be merged for convenience. It works a little incorrectly - initially it does not allow you to see which contacts will be merged.

If you deleted an entry, accidentally or intentionally, and then regretted what you did, use the "Restore contacts" button. A timeline will appear, which clearly shows what state the phone book will roll back to. Separately, you cannot pull out certain numbers, you can only cancel all changes before the selected date. The maximum term is 30 days.

You can also manually add entries from your computer to your phone's memory. Optionally, display only contacts with a phone number to filter out empty numbers.

Photo storage

A feature of Mi Cloud is the automatic upload of original photos and videos to the cloud, where they are stored in their original state. At the same time, compressed copies of files are uploaded to the device to save space. The function is deactivated, you can store the originals in the memory of the smartphone, if necessary.

Through the web page, the gallery is managed - viewing and deleting files, grouping them into albums, which can be renamed and also deleted at will. Media is first sent to the trash in the Trash tab, where it is available for another month, after which it disappears forever.

If you go to the page from time to time and look at the gallery, sometimes interesting finds appear. A long-forgotten video, deleted a year ago, is quietly stored in the cloud. Such incidents occur if you get rid of files using third-party explorers, for example, "ES File Manager".

It is advisable to use the standard application "Gallery", then the materials disappear not only from the phone's memory, but also from the network storage, as expected. A similar problem - a deleted file, after a while, reappears on the device. Solved in the same way.

Application backup

In the smartphone settings we find the "Accounts" block, and in it the "Synchronization" item.

We see two switches - “Enable synchronization” and “Sync only via Wi-Fi”, and below the column “Mi Cloud”.

Click, get into the cloud settings. There is a "Backup" button here, which is responsible for creating backups of applications and the device as a whole. A new backup is created by clicking the "Start" button.

What is stored in the cloud storage:

  • desktop configuration (wallpaper, icon layout, etc.);
  • alarm clock, clock and time settings;
  • notification configuration;
  • MIUI status and system settings.

Below you can set the backup schedule and enable or disable automatic backups. Installed app data is not stored in the cloud.

The "Manage Backups" item allows you to delete unnecessary or obsolete data. "Restore from Mi Cloud", respectively, serves to roll back to the selected backup.

If the goal is to save data and application cache, you can use the client for PC - Mi PC Suite. The problem is that the tool was last updated by the developer in 2015, users of new Xiaomi models complain about frequent crashes.

Another way to back up an application is with third party backup solutions like Titanium Backup. However, its use requires obtaining root rights and does not apply to the cloud service, which means it is beyond the scope of the article.

Installation as such is not required to get started. It is enough to register Mi Account. His username and password are used to log into all Xiaomi services.

Log in to i.mi.com from your computer. There is no Russian interface, the English version opens by default. We press the “Sign in …” button, we get a redirect to the login page.

Two fields - login and password, enter data and go.

If you decide to log in through Mi PC Suite, then visit pcsuite.mi.com. There, the orange button “Download Now” or “Download Now” catches your eye, click.

It will not be possible to download the program in Russian, again only the English version is available. To install the application on a PC, run the downloaded .exe file and follow the instructions.

The smartphone is connected to the computer via the supplied micro USB - USB cable, which is used for charging. The program interface is intuitive, the same menu items as the web version of Mi Cloud, with the same features. PC Suite is also used to change smartphone firmware.

Another function is access to the network for a computer through the mobile Internet of the phone. The possibilities here are much wider than the standard MIUI tool. Saving application data and the entire firmware is available.

Manage Mi Cloud

The cloud is managed from the program or through the web version. You can log into Mi Cloud:

  • through the site https://i.mi.com/#/ on a computer;
  • using PC Suite http://pcsuite.mi.com/ ;
  • directly from the smartphone settings.

The settings on the site show the amount of available and occupied space. You can expand the storage through a paid subscription. It is possible to look at the devices linked to the account and untie any. Everything. The online version is surprisingly poor in settings.

Much more opportunities when entering from a smartphone. In the phone settings, click "Mi account" and there - Mi Cloud. The following options are available:

For each object, whether it be contacts or notes, the option "Sync only over Wi-Fi" is available.

The "Gallery" item is specially configured. Here you can choose whether Mi Cloud will replace the original photos and videos with compressed copies. Autoload can be disabled.

How to free up memory

Online storage is not unlimited, especially for users of the free version. What to do when the place runs out:

How to recover your password

To enter the Cloud, the password from the Mi Account is used. If you have forgotten your password, please visit account.xiaomi.com/pass/forgetPassword. Enter your email address or associated phone number. A letter with a verification code will be sent to the mail, which we enter in the appropriate field on the site to unlock access. It remains to come up with and enter a new password twice. We also use it to enter the Xiaomi cloud through i.mi.com.

How to delete files

We enter the cloud in any way described. Go to the Gallery tab. We mark the files to be deleted with the mouse and click Delete. Deleted positions will be in the trash, from where they can be restored or destroyed forever.


Xiaomi cloud technology has more features than similar solutions from Google or Yandex. In terms of free space, Xiaomi loses, but tight integration with a smartphone is the main advantage of Mi Cloud. Each user of Xiaomi technology will appreciate the capabilities of the cloud. If something does not work for you, write to the technical support of the company at [email protected]

Cloud applications are constantly popularized, because they allow you to transfer any information not only to the hard drive of a laptop, computer, or microSD, but also to the provided Web storage. In such services, Mi Cloud is listed from a well-known manufacturer with a proprietary MIUI shell.

The cloud from Xiaomi allows you to save all user data or transfer it to connected devices. We will describe in detail about all the functions of the program below.

Login and interface

Creating an account in Mi Cloud is completely free, so you only need to register in the system and log into your account. You can go to the cloud by . You can log in from both a computer and a mobile device. It is worth noting that the resource is displayed, in particular, in English, since there is no Russian design.

Then log in with your password and login. For the latter, the mobile number specified during registration is often used. You also need to create your own password. If the procedure was performed correctly, then when you get to the main page, the center will indicate the amount of free space. If necessary, the available memory can be increased by more than 10 GB in the basic version, which requires payment.

Your Nickname will be displayed in the upper part on the right, and a section for transferring notifications to your smartphones is slightly lower. The large section on the right is for displaying information about the data structure of the phone. The menu is designed in a peculiar way, so the following items will be present:

  1. Gallary. All photos and videos will be moved here, and you can download them to another drive at any time. There is also a basket for deleting all unnecessary data;
  2. The component contains all audio recordings made on a voice recorder. To move them to the cloud, you must activate the connection on recording;
  3. your SMS. Here you can check old messages or start new ones;
  4. Department for storing phone book numbers. If the device breaks or is stolen, you can continue to contact friends or acquaintances. Contacts can be both downloaded and sent, which is most effective for recovering a deleted number that was erased less than two months ago.

The site project recommends the “Find device” option for situations with the loss of a smartphone, while you can delete any personal information from it. In addition, the service provides the location of the current location of the gadget. However, this is only relevant in situations where the finder tries to access the Web with MIUI.

Settings and sync

By setting the appropriate parameters on your device, you can connect mobile numbers to the cloud service. To do this, check the box next to the "Synchronization" section. If the result did not follow for an unknown reason, then it is likely that the problem lies in incorrect software, or through the fault of the server. To fix the problem, try to erase all items from the "black list" and change the language to English in the phone settings.

You can set the conditions for transferring any information to the cloud, for example, photos. The procedure is carried out through the phone settings in the Mi Cloud section. The current versions of the software independently synchronize most of the data with the application, while the user can partially or completely deactivate the function, and the files transferred before are erased as simply as possible.

Clouds... Computer clouds are very useful things that make our lives easier, sometimes we don't even notice it, and that's the whole point of them. They allow us not to worry about the safety of our data, for synchronizing everything that is possible, thanks to the clouds we can work from anywhere where there is an Internet connection. Any device with a web browser or smartphone can work with them. What is the usual "cloud"? This is a huge network of servers with a huge amount of memory that you upload your data to. Access to your information can only be obtained by logging into your account, so the security of such accounts must be taken as seriously as possible. Now every large company has its own cloud service: Google Drive, Apple iCloud or Yandex.Disk, and some companies have their entire ecosystem tied to their cloud services. Xiaomi is one of those companies. Their cloud service is called Mi Cloud and it is available for free to all users of Xiaomi devices.

Mi Cloud what is it and what is it for? I propose to fully understand what kind of service it is and how it can be useful to you.

Mi Cloud by Xiaomi

You get the cloud service from Xiaomi for free when you register a Mi account, in the basic plan you get 5 GB of free space, which you can use as you wish. But Mi Cloud is not only file storage, but also built-in services: contacts, messages, gallery, notes and voice recorder recordings. Separately, it is worth noting the Find device service, which will help protect your data in case of loss of the device or even find it. I propose to deal with each function of the Mi Cloud cloud service, but before that I will tell you how to log into Mi Cloud Xiaomi from a computer.

How to log into Mi Cloud from a computer

In order to enter the Mi Cloud, you need to go to the site and log in using your Mi account, for this, click on the “Sign in with Mi Account” button

On the next page, enter your email address and password that you specified when registering your account. And after that we get into the control panel of the Mi Cloud service.

Mi Cloud how to use

This is where we find all the main features of Mi Cloud, let's now deal with each item separately.

The contacts section contains all the contacts that you have added to your Xiaomi smartphone. Here you can completely edit the list: add new contacts, change existing ones. All changes you make will appear on all your devices.

Messages allows you to view messages on your smartphone, in some cases even reply. You can also view the list of incoming and outgoing calls here.

The gallery displays all the photos you have taken that have been previously uploaded to the cloud. It is this section that will use the most space in the service, and the base volume is small in Mi Cloud, you will learn how to increase the space further.

Notes and records. Well, everything is clear from the name. Notes stores all the notes you create in the standard notes app in MIUI, and you can also create new notes in the web version, which will then appear on your smartphone.

In the Find My Device section, you can literally find your device. Here, thanks to the use of GPS on the smartphone, you can see the current location of the Xiaomi smartphone or remotely block it by changing the already set password to a new one or simply erase it.

The above is far from everything that is synchronized via Mi Cloud - here you can add application backups, passwords from WiFi networks, browser history, etc.

Mi Cloud how to increase space

For most people, the provided 5 GB will be enough, but there will definitely be those for whom the free five gigabytes will not be enough. And what to do in this case? It is necessary to increase the amount of available space and how to do this you will now learn.

The easiest way to increase the amount of space in Mi Cloud is to buy space with money. To do this, click on the amount of available space and click on the "Get more storage space" button. The link will open in a new tab, where you will be offered several options: duration (3, 6 or 12 months) and volume (20+5, 100+5 or 1024 + 5 GB). I would recommend buying the 100 + 5 GB option for 12 months, because 20 gigabytes is too small, and 1024 is, on the contrary, too much. The option I proposed will cost you about 1,500 rubles a year.

There is another way to get 100 GB for free, but only for a month. To do this, go to the "Gallery" section and download Mi Cloud Photo Manager there. Link to the program. Install it, log in and get 100 free gigabytes for a month.

Another way to get gigabytes for free is to be active on the MIUI forum. But keep in mind that the forum communicate in English.

How to turn off Mi Cloud Xiaomi

In order to disable Mi Cloud on your smartphone, just go to the settings and find the "Mi account" section here. In this menu, click on the "Delete account" button and the account will be deleted from the specific device.

But if you need to completely delete your account not only from a specific device, but make sure that it is deleted altogether, then we will tell you how to disable Mi Cloud Xiaomi. To do this, go to this address. We authorize through our account and confirm the desire to delete by checking the box (1) "Yes, I want to permanently delete my account" and pressing the orange button (2) "Delete account".

After this operation, your account will be permanently deleted, but before performing it, it is recommended that you log out of your account on all authorized devices.

This completes the story about the Mi Cloud service, now you know how this service can be useful and why you need to register it.

Cloud storage of files and data has become increasingly popular in recent years.

Many Internet services and sites provide their own "cloud", as well as various technology developers have servers for storing user data in this way.

In this article, we will look at what Mi Cloud from Xiaomi is and how to access this service from a computer.

Cloud storage

Mi Cloud is a cloud data storage created by the developers of Xiaomi mobile technology and designed to store files of its users.

The meaning of the technology is that user data is not stored on the device itself, but on Xiaomi servers, however, upon request, the user can access the cloud and these files.

For each specific user of the brand's mobile technology, a certain, limited amount of free space in the cloud is provided.

Authentication in the system occurs using a username and password, which become your credentials for all Xiaomi services.

For maximum convenience of using the technology, all devices of this brand have an official application for working with the cloud pre-installed by default.

With it, you can easily and quickly upload files to the storage, download them from it to your phone, view and edit the contents of the storage.

There are no fundamental differences from the "standard" physical disk– in the virtual storage you can create catalogs and folders, sort and group materials, upload both individual pictures and entire folders and archives from the memory of your phone or PC.

Materials of any type are stored, there are also no restrictions on the volume of one file (if it is not larger than the volume of the cloud).

Important! Additional disk space in the cloud is provided for a fee. This can be a monthly subscription fee or a one-time payment for a certain amount of space.

<Рис. 1 Принцип работы>


Using such a virtual resource to store your materials has a number of advantages.

Among them are:

  • Data does not take up much space on your device's physical drive, removable or hard drive;
  • Data is securely stored, while a memory card, for example, may fail;
  • Storage lasts an unlimited amount of time - if you remember your login and password, you can access stored files even after many years;
  • You can really get access to the material from any device - mobile, stationary, your own or someone else's - you just need to enter your credentials (the device does not have to be Xiaomi brand);
  • Files do not need to be moved and re-saved several times - to process a photo taken on a phone on a computer, you just need to upload it to the cloud and then download it from the cloud to your PC.

All cloud storages that are currently being implemented (Yandex Disk, Google Disk, iCloud and others) work on the same, not very different technology.

Xiaomi was no exception– here the developers have also adopted an already proven method of ensuring storage, characterized by stable operation.

Sign in to the cloud from a computer

On mobile devices of this brand, there is a special application for quick access to the cloud, in which you do not need to log in multiple times.

But how to access data from a desktop computer?

To do this, follow the algorithm below:

  • Go to home page official website of the developer at the link https://i.mi.com/;

<Рис. 4 Регистрация>
  • Right in the center of the page is an oval button Sign in With Mi Account (Log in to the site using a Mi account) - click on it;
  • The traditional login page will open- in the top line, enter the phone number, email address or Mi-login you specified when creating an account to use the cloud and other Xiaomi services;
  • Enter your account password below;

<Рис. 5 Форма входа>

<Рис. 6 Код>
  • Go to the settings of your phone from which you are already logged into your account;
  • Go to your Mi account on your phone and press the Scanner icon to Sign in using a QR-code button;
  • Scan the code on the screen in the usual way, the smartphone will make the appropriate changes and the computer will automatically log into your account;
  • Please note that the codes are constantly updated, so you need to scan it as soon as possible, after pressing the button and generating the code.
You will see a cloud. From a PC, it looks like a row of round category icons on a blue background (Contacts, Notes, Messages, Gallery, Find My Device, and more). Click on any of these icons and you will have access to data of a specific type.
Password loss

If you have lost or forgotten the password from your cloud, then in order to enter it from a PC, in any case, you will need to have a phone at hand.

To recover the vault password, proceed as follows:

<Рис. 7 Восстановление пароля>
  • The password recovery page will open- in the only input field on it, you need to enter the phone number with which you created your account (no other credentials will work);

<Рис. 8 Форма заполнения при восстановлении пароля>
  • Click the orange Next button;
  • A recovery code will be sent to your phone number indicated in the form - you will enter it on the site, and access to generating a new password for your account will be open.
If you do not have a mobile phone at hand, on which the account was registered, then it will not be possible to recover the password from it in any way.
Create an account

However, using a computer, you can not only log into an existing account to use the cloud, but also create a new account.

This is a positive moment, especially for users who find it inconvenient to create an account on the device (for example, with an unstable Internet connection).

To create an account in this way, follow the algorithm:

  • Go to the official website of the developers at the link https://i.mi.com/;
  • Under the blue authorization button using a social network, find the Create Account link and click on it;

<Рис. 9 Создание аккаунта>
  • Click on the first input field and select your country from the drop-down list if it is not detected automatically;
  • Enter your email address;

<Рис. 10 Регистрация по адресу почты>
  • Click on the orange Create Mi-account button;
  • A message with a link will be sent to your e-mail address specified during registration, by clicking on which you will activate your account and will be able to freely use the storage;
  • It is also possible to create an account using your phone number;
  • To do this, after entering the country, click on the white button Create using a phone number (Create using a phone number);
  • The page will change appearance- a form for entering a mobile phone number will appear;
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