Is it possible for a one-year-old child to have borscht: benefits and harms. Borscht for children step by step recipe with photo Borscht for children from 1 year old

Borsch, cabbage soup, soup and simple broth are an integral part of a child's diet. Together with these dishes, the most useful substances enter the child's body, such as, for example, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which are the building materials of the child's body. But not everything is so simple. For example, if you constantly feed a child with the same dish, then he will get tired of it, and he will refuse to eat it. If parents are serious about the nutrition of their child, then they know that they need to feed the child, constantly changing dishes, for example, one time it can be borscht, another - soup, the third - cabbage soup, etc.

That is why below are 7 recipes for first courses that your child will love.

All liquid meals for 1-1.5 year old children must be wiped or filtered. An older child (from 1.5 years old) is already being fed soups, borscht, etc. without rubbing vegetables.


  1. Meat - 100g
  2. Rutabaga - 10g
  3. Onion - 5g
  4. White roots (parsley and leek) - 10g
  5. Carrot - 15g

For cooking, you need 100g of veal (shoulder or thigh) or chicken with bones. From all meat it is necessary to remove fat and all tendons. Then cut it and grind the large bones. Pour in all 400 ml of water (2 cups) and boil with the lid closed. After boiling, remove the lid, turn off the gas and let the foam rise. Then carefully remove it with a spoon. The clear broth is ready.

It is customary to fill the broth for a child from 1 year old with either crumbly rice (cook separately), or vegetables (finely chopped), or throw cabbage (shchi) stewed separately in the broth, or a borscht set of vegetables into it, or add semolina to the broth.

For 1 stack. broth requires 10g (1 full tablespoon) of cereals or pureed meat or vegetables.

On the broth (transparent) prepare any of the meat soups.

Read also: Ear and fish soups for a child.


  1. Meat - 100g
  2. Rutabaga - 10g
  3. Onion - 5g
  4. Rice - 15g
  5. Roots - 10g
  6. Water - 300g

To prepare a broth with rice for a child, boil the broth (strong) in the same way as in the "" recipe and strain it. Then sort the rice and rinse several times. After that, pour rice with boiling water, let it boil 1-2 times, pour it on a sieve and rinse with cold water. Then transfer the rice to a saucepan and pour in enough broth to cover the rice. After that, cover the saucepan with a lid and put in the oven for 1.5 hours. Dip the rice in the broth before serving to the child.


  1. Meat - 50g
  2. Carrot - 15g
  3. Vermicelli - 12g
  4. Butter - 3g

To prepare delicious meat vermicelli with broth for a child, pour 12 g of vermicelli into boiling, slightly salted water. After boiling, pour into a colander and rinse well with chilled boiled water. Then dip the vermicelli into a ready, clean broth made from meat or bones (50g). After that, chop the carrot into thin circles or halves of circles, stew in 3g of oil, and then throw into the broth.


  1. Meat - 50-80g
  2. Onion - 5g
  3. Carrot - 20g
  4. Rutabaga - 10g
  5. Roots - 10g
  6. Cabbage - 70g
  7. Potato - 50g
  8. Tomato - 5g
  9. Sugar - 3g

Prepare a pure broth as in the recipe "". Before dinner (about 60 min.) chop cabbage (white head), chop turnips and carrots, add sugar and strained broth. Then put the stew all the ingredients under the lid. As soon as the vegetables are half cooked, add potatoes to the cabbage soup and a tomato separately stewed in a small amount of oil. When the vegetables are completely stewed, add the remaining broth (strained through a wet napkin) to them and boil again.

Shchi can be served to a child with or without sour cream. If sour cream is made from boiled milk at home, then it can be put directly on the table, but if it is purchased, be sure to boil it together with cabbage soup before serving. To increase the nutritional value, small meatballs are added to the cabbage soup (4-5pcs/serving).


  1. Meat - 60-80g
  2. Spinach - 100g
  3. Sour cream - 10g
  4. Potato - 50g
  5. Egg - 1 pc.

Separate the pulp (for chopping) from the bones (for broth). Then sort and rinse the spinach several times. After that, dip it and a medium potato (cut into pieces - 4-6) into the broth (boiling). Boil the cabbage soup until the potatoes are ready (it should be boiled). Then push the potatoes and spinach through a sieve and reheat until steam appears. After that, season the finished cabbage soup with sour cream (1 tsp) with a pounded quarter of the raw yolk.

Usually the child is served with half a hard-boiled egg.

If necessary, green spinach is replaced with 40-50g of canned spinach.

Read also: Soups for children.


  1. Meat - 100g
  2. Cabbage - 50g
  3. Tomato - 5g
  4. Water - 300g
  5. Onion - 5g
  6. White roots - 10g
  7. Carrot - 15g
  8. Oil - 3g
  9. Rutabaga - 10g
  10. Sugar - 3g
  11. Sour cream - 10g
  12. Beetroot - 80g
  13. Bun - 15g

Borsch- very tasty and healthy national Ukrainian dish. To cook borscht for a child, prepare a clear broth as in the "" recipe.

Meat (pulp) must be left for meatballs. Chop the cabbage, chop the beets and a little onion, carrots and rutabaga, then add sugar and simmer all the vegetables in a small amount of broth (under the lid). Also add a tomato stewed in oil to them. Before serving, be sure to season the borscht with sour cream and meatballs and boil once.

Cooking meatballs. Minced meat should consist of meat (40g) and rolls (10g). Add very cold water (1 tablespoon) to it. Then mix the minced meat well and blind the meatballs with the walnut. In this case, it is better to lubricate the hands with egg white. For 10 min. before serving, 4-5 meatballs fall into each serving.

Borscht for children is a national dish that is on the menu of every family. Naturally, every mom tries to supplement their children's diet as early as possible. But the child's digestive system is very vulnerable and therefore the usual option cannot be given. Children's recipe should be dietary, easy and healthy. Therefore, before cooking for children, it is necessary to study the topic in detail and consult with a pediatrician, especially when it comes to crumbs up to a year old. For children from one to three years old, we will also look at a step-by-step borscht recipe, just like in the garden.

Is it possible to have borscht for a child from 6 months to a year

Complementary foods begin to be introduced from 4 months. Gradually, the baby gets acquainted with different vegetables, which are introduced into the menu mashed. But borscht can be cooked only from 8 months, but before that it is worth considering some important points:

  • borsch is prepared only from those products that are already familiar to the baby and do not cause allergic reactions;
    a recipe for a 10-month-old baby may contain meat broth, but as fat-free as possible. It is better to cook on a secondary decoction of lean meat;
  • from 10-11 months for children, you can add beets, but first you need to separately introduce the baby to the root crop;
    all vegetables are laid raw and finely chopped, they do not fry (light sautéing or languishing is allowed);
  • in no case do they cook a dish with legumes, because. it can cause intestinal upset, flatulence and other problems;
  • if you don’t like the lean option, you can add separately boiled meatballs from minced turkey or chicken breast;
  • older children can cook nutritious and healthy borscht, as in the garden, or from a rabbit in pots.
  • Recipe from one year to three years


  • 300 g of beef;
  • 1.5 liters of filtered water;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 300 g cabbage;
  • 1 beetroot;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 20 g butter;
  • 15 g of tomato paste;
  • 1 lavrushka;
  • some salt.
  • It is not difficult to prepare borscht for a one-year-old baby, as in the photo, the main thing is to follow the instructions below. We start cooking with the preparation of the broth. We thoroughly wash the piece of meat, lower it into water, bring to a boil, remove the noise that appears. Because it is better to cook a dish from 1 year old on a secondary meat broth, then drain the water, rinse the pan and meat. Re-fill the beef with fresh water and, bringing to a boil, cook until tender. We take out the finished meat, finely chop.

    Peel potatoes, carrots, onions and beets. We cut the potatoes into small cubes, send them to the boiling broth. Cook for 7-8 minutes, and add thinly shredded cabbage.

    Finely chop the onion, three root crops on a fine grater. At 1.5 years, you can lightly sauté onions, then add carrots and then send beets with tomato paste. Pour a little water into the vegetables and simmer until tender.

    For a child from 1 year old, it is better to lay the vegetables raw, adding a piece of butter at the end of cooking.

    When the potatoes and cabbage are almost ready, add the contents of the pan, mix, salt to taste, put the parsley and chopped meat. A recipe for children may also include fresh herbs, but they need to be cut very finely.

    A dish from a year old can be served with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream, which has undergone preliminary heat treatment.

    In babies up to two years old, teeth erupt and it is desirable to serve ready-made borscht to a child in the form of mashed potatoes. It can be ground in a blender or crushed with a fork.

    Recipe for children, like in kindergarten

    Servings: 8.

    Time: 3 hours.

    Calorie content: 46 kcal per 100 g.


  • 2 liters of chicken broth;
  • 240 g of white cabbage;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 3 table beets;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 24 g of sunflower and butter;
  • 24 g of tomato paste;
  • 80 g sour cream;
  • a little table salt.
  • Cooking

    The benefits of borscht are undeniable, which is why this dish is often served in kindergarten. To begin with, in a kindergarten, ordinary weak broth is boiled from chicken bones, cartilage and pieces of chicken. To do this, fill the bones with clean cold water and cook for 1.5 hours. The resulting broth for cooking borscht, as in kindergarten, is filtered twice, we peel the meat, return it to the broth.

    Beets should be thoroughly washed, dipped in boiling water and boiled until tender. Recall that beets are given from 8-10 months, depending on individual tolerance. We clean the root crops, three on a coarse grater and sauté in sunflower oil with low heat so that the vegetables do not fry, but languish in their juice.

    To cook a dish in chicken broth, as in a garden, means to subject all the ingredients to heat treatment and only then combine them in a saucepan. Therefore, in a separate pan, slowly sauté tomato paste in vegetable oil.

    To make a delicious borscht, we add onions and carrots in butter, but make sure that the oil does not burn and the vegetables do not blush.

    In the meantime, we clean, cut the potatoes into small cubes, clean, finely chop the cabbage.

    First, potatoes go to borscht for a child from 2 years old, which we cook until half cooked.

    Then follows the onion-carrot roast. Immediately add the cabbage, cook it until soft.

    Add beets and tomato paste, gently salt to taste. Because from the year salt is present on the menu, but in limited quantities.

    When all the ingredients are ready, add boiled sour cream, mix and, turning off the heat, let the dish brew a little.

    So you learned how to cook children's borscht with chicken. According to the same recipe, you can cook a vegetarian dish for a child aged 2.5 years and older.

    Bon appetit everyone!

    Borscht is very different, there are a lot of recipes in the world. Borscht can be with bacon, pepper, sausages, kvass, sour milk, mushrooms, vegetable broth, and many others. But can borscht for kids be with all of the above ingredients? Of course not. Therefore, I want to offer you a recipe for adapted borscht for children, in which there is nothing harmful or dangerous. We won't even use roast!

    Beef on the bone 0.5 kg
    potatoes 1 pc
    fresh cabbage 1/3 medium fork
    carrot 1 piece
    onion 1 pc
    beetroot 1 pc
    garlic 2-3 cloves
    bay leaf (optional) 3 leaves
    tomato paste (can be replaced with grated tomato) 2 tbsp
    salt to taste
    water 2 l

    1. If the meat was frozen, defrost it (the surest way is to get the meat out of the freezer, put it in a deep plate and put it in the refrigerator overnight on the most frost-free shelf). Rinse.

    2. Put a pan with 1.5 liters of water on the fire, salting it at the same time.

    3. Put the meat into the water and cook without covering it.

    4. Beets - perhaps the most important ingredient in any borscht.

    It's easy enough to learn how to cook it properly. To do this, you must first wash it and cut off unnecessary parts on both sides.

    Then put the beets (DO NOT peel them!) In the water and cook for 30-40 minutes (let them boil with the broth).

    5. As soon as the broth with meat boils

    it will be necessary to remove the running noise from it.

    If it suddenly happened that you forgot about the noise and returned to the kitchen when it had already splashed all over the pan, there is a little trick: you need to add a little cold water to the pot with boiling broth and the noise will again pop up.

    At this stage, you can leave the kitchen - the broth, like the beets, will cook themselves for some more time.

    6. After 30 minutes, the beets will need to be checked for readiness: try to pierce it with a fork. If the fork enters easily enough (of course, not like in boiled potatoes, after all, beets are much denser), then you can turn it off. There are also a lot of varieties of beets, so I indicated the approximate cooking time.

    In order for it to reach properly, drain the hot water and pour in cold water, leaving the beets to cool.

    This is where the preparatory activities end - by the way, all this can be done in advance (for example, in the evening), then the next day it will take no more than half an hour to prepare the borscht itself, and with a certain skill, and also taking into account the freshness of all the remaining products, even less - my borscht was ready in 15 minutes :)

    7. I also indicated the approximate cooking time for meat, because meat can be young, or maybe old. In any case, it should cook from 1 to 1.5 hours.

    Ready broth is better to strain through a sieve.

    And then the broth will become clean and transparent.

    At the same time, you can add 2 more glasses of water (0.5 l), because the water that we poured at the beginning has partially boiled away.

    8. Let me remind you - we will not do frying, our borscht will be completely boiled. So, take one onion.

    Remove the husk from it and chop finely-finely (I personally do not like the taste of boiled onions, but if you add it to the broth very first, it will simply boil soft and leave behind only a pleasant onion flavor)

    And send the onion to the broth.

    9. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, then add to the soup.

    10. Shred the cabbage.

    And add it to the broth.

    10. Grate carrots on a medium grater and send to the pan.

    11. Cut the meat that we got from the broth into pieces of your favorite size.

    And put it in soup.

    12. The queue of tomato paste (it must certainly be of good quality, and if you do not trust anyone but yourself, take 1 tomato and cut its skin in several places with a cross, pour boiling water for a couple of minutes, remove the skin and grate or chop it in a blender to a paste).

    13. A few bay leaves can also be sent to the soup.

    14. Peel and grate the beets.

    And also send it to the soup.

    15. Check the potatoes for readiness (pierce with a fork). If it is ready, you can run the garlic.

    16. It remains to try the borscht for salt and add salt if necessary (if suddenly the soup turned out to be too salty, it can be saved by adding another tomato). Stir soup. (Wow, a heart has formed at the bottom right :) So the soup is delicious!)

    And cover it with a lid, turning off the fire.

    Delicious borscht is ready! Bon appetit to you and your family! And may each of your new borscht be tastier than the previous ones;)

    I did not expect such a situation at all. And such attitude neither from the son, nor from the husband. The son, an adult, almost 11th grade, said that he and his classmates approach the younger ones in the dining room and ask (this is from his words): "Will you eat?" If they say no, they take their food.

    I’m just in shock, I still couldn’t convey to him that they are afraid of you, healthy foreheads, that’s why they give it away that this is a bad example for these same kids, that it’s low. His position: "they are not afraid, not everyone says they won't, but why should the food be wasted?" I always give money for food, there is also pocket money.

    The husband (not the father of the son) called him terribly, downright humiliated. I understand that in fact the husband is right, but it was possible to choose words. How can I be now? I can't forget these words. How can we all continue to live together? I sobbed all evening yesterday.


    Just Marina 69

    I couldn't resist!!!
    the topic is chatty, it became interesting to me:
    man must! beloved / unloved woman something for love and affection / comfort, borscht / raising a child, etc., in the form of material goods?
    we are not talking about salary, but about cars, apartments, diamonds / tiaras, a couple of lyams?
    or, after all, not all men have and squeeze dry?
    or am I just a sucker, because I didn’t need money from a man, in the first place .......
    thanks for the honest answers))) can be briefly: should / should not



    Listen, I don’t understand, but just in case, I’ll ask anonymously, otherwise you never know.

    Why do healthy lifestyle supporters always talk about mayonnaise with such hatred? It's, well, just butter with mustard, to be rude. Just sunflower oil! Discuss now all sorts of salads for the new year, okay. And everywhere I hear: ahhh, not mayonnaise! Olivier without mayonnaise, vegetable salad without mayonnaise, potatoes with meat baked in the oven IN NO EVENT with mayonnaise, otherwise death.

    Why?! At the same time, they also eat sausage, which, from my point of view, is much more harmful, and drink beer, which is not made from real malt, but understand what, and roast meat to coals, but not a drop of mayonnaise !! Why did he become such an enemy? I think it's very tasty. And in childhood, in general, a sandwich of black bread with mayonnaise - mmm yummy.



    I have been divorced for 4 years and my daughter is 6 years old. After the divorce, I had to return to my parents, they helped with my daughter, I worked a lot. Then my dad died. And here we are, the three of us - me, my daughter and my mother. Sometimes I could go somewhere, shopping, to a friend, etc., and my mother didn’t mind sitting with her daughter at that time, she herself suggested that I take a break.

    Six months ago I started talking to a man. More precisely, they knew each other before, but a romantic relationship began. And then something began to happen to my mother when she found out. Constant conversations on the topic, yes, why do you need it, take care of the child and not hang around the peasants (this despite the fact that there were no men after the divorce, but we meet at most a couple of times a week, the rest of the time I am either at work or with my daughter ). And flatly refuses to stay with the child if I'm not at work. Those. if he understands that I can go on a date right away, I won’t stay with the child, although I’m not busy with anything. And long tedious lectures on how I'm not ashamed to hang around.

    I don’t understand what’s wrong with my mother, she doesn’t go to talk. I don't understand her negative reaction. And I don’t understand how then to build a personal life, what to do.
    Who will tell you what?



    The husband is seriously ill, for a long time, more than a year. Since September, he has not been working, at home, on disability. Walks the last two months only within the apartment. At the last foray into the street back to the 5th floor, she dragged him on herself. It is clear that it is being treated, we are not just waiting for the weather by the sea, but it only gets worse.

    The character of the patient under such circumstances rarely improves, to put it mildly. It is clear that everything is on me. In addition to work, household chores, worries about him, many cases in which he is no longer an assistant, I run wars with authorities that lose documents, do not transmit data for months, etc., etc. (yes, I defeated them, but how much effort, time and nerves it takes!) You can’t describe everything, only the essential is remembered, and life is in everyday life.

    She is now in her second week in the hospital. Yesterday, after a working day, after an hour in traffic jams, I ran to the hospital - out of his habit, he starts talking, then he doesn’t hear, then he pretends, then he grimaces, then he interrupts, then he doesn’t listen to the end. I don't have the time or energy for that. She spat, left him clean things, took the dirty ones and ran home.

    Teenage daughter at home. I instructed her to do two real little things for my arrival - once again she “forgot.” I could not stand it, yelled and did not remove the restriction on the phone. So she buffed me and was indignant all evening (the whole bunk was in daddy).

    At eight - the clock can be checked - my mother always calls. For a thousandth circle, the same conversations - like a husband, what can be done with him, where she saw what discounts and what she bought at a promotion. But yesterday, knowing that I would no longer be able to do this, I called her leaving the hospital and said: “Today I’m tired and not in the spirit, don’t call me today, we’ll talk tomorrow.” But, of course, many thanks to my parents - when they go to buy groceries on the weekend, they buy a lot for two families and they deliver it to me, I just pay.

    She went to bed at 10, and could not fall asleep until half past one. Though I drank valerian. I will rest at work (and the work is also new since September, somehow I don’t want to relax).

    Plus, I'm starting to get cold. And I forgot the throat suckers at home. Complete apchi, damn it.
    Phew. The steam went down. I go to work. And then something really disgusted me.


    (Age: from 1 year old)

    I am glad to see you on my site - we cook for children with imagination. I see that, as before, the section is leading in the survey, therefore, today I am replenishing it. I post, as always, a step-by-step children's recipe - borscht for a child.

    I cook for my daughters while lean borscht, and it is absolutely not inferior in taste to borscht in broth. As I already wrote, it is better not to use saturated broths for children under 3 years old when cooking.

    What products do I use to make children's borscht, the same as for adult borscht. But it turns out, naturally more dietary. If your child does not like lean borscht without meat, it is better to boil the meat separately and add it to the already cooked borscht. So we will make a more nutritious borscht, but also very healthy. Due to the fact that borscht contains a very large number of vegetables, it is a source of useful nutrients, contains a large amount of mineral salts, vegetable fibers and useful organic acids.

    It contains so useful biologically active substances beets, supplemented by such an important source of ascorbic acid - sweet pepper, carrots enrich the dish with carotenes. But borsch for a child also contains onions, potatoes, tomatoes, dill, cabbage.

    So, when can you give your child borscht? Prepared according to this recipe borscht for a child can be given from one year. From the age of 3, you can cook borscht on the second broth. You can also start cooking borscht for children up to a year old, somewhere from 10 months, only without cabbage, sour cream and do not salt, but knead a little more with a fork, also make sure that there is no reaction to the tomato. Now, how to make borscht.

    Borscht for a child - a recipe.

    You will need to prepare borscht for a child:

    1. 1 beet;

    2. 1 onion;

    3. 1 carrot;

    4. 1 tomato;

    5. 2 potatoes;

    6. 100 g of white cabbage;

    7. 1 sweet pepper;

    8. dill greens;

    9. vegetable oil, or sour cream;

    Borsch step by step recipe

    1. Wash onions, peel. Cut into small cubes. Pour baby water (1 - 1.2 liters) into the pan. Bring to a boil. Put chopped onion into boiling water. We cook, of course, with the lid closed to preserve the maximum of vitamins.

    2. Wash, clean potatoes. We cut into small cubes.

    3. We wash and clean the carrots, three on a coarse grater.

    4. Same thing with beets.

    5. Wash the tomato and scald it with boiling water to remove the skin. We cut it into cubes.

    6. Finely chop the cabbage.

    7. 10 minutes after the onion, add potatoes to it. As soon as the potatoes are almost ready, after about 10 - 15 minutes, add the grated beets and carrots.

    8. As soon as it boils, put the tomato and cabbage. If your child does not like cabbage in borsch, you can not put it. Cook another 10 minutes.

    9. In the summer, be sure to add sweet peppers to borscht for a child. Although in the winter I try to freeze and add. That is, my sweet pepper, peel and cut into cubes. Add to borscht 3-4 minutes before the end of cooking.

    We wash a little green dill, cut it, put it in borscht, salt, mix. Bring borscht to a boil and remove from heat.

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