Nose picking is more than just a bad habit. What happens if there are boogers from the nose: a bad habit or the norm? How to get rid of the habit of picking your nose How to get rid of the habit of picking your skin

The mental disorder, which is defined as the habit of picking the skin, scratching pimples on the face, or plucking hair from various parts of the body, has the scientific term dermatillomania.


The basis of dermatillomania is psychological problems, so the main reason for the development of the disease is the abnormal mental state of the patient. He has an inadequate, obsessive desire to harm himself.

Other psychological reasons for this behavior:

  • guilt;
  • suppression of anger and frustration;
  • feeling of self-humiliation and shame;
  • prolonged chronic stress;
  • prolonged depression;
  • the presence of phobic disorders.

Dermatillomania may be preceded by skin conditions or other cosmetic problems. People who suffer from diseases characterized by severe itching are also at risk.

A psychological disorder caused by negative feelings leads to problems in the social sphere and interferes with normal daily life. Soon the patient becomes socially passive, and sometimes socially dangerous.

Often people who suffer from a diagnosis of dermatillomania have a history of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but they themselves do not know about the disease or prefer not to notice it.

The desire to comb the skin is caused by emotions, often negative ones. The starting tool is fear, boredom or worries.

Another reason can be visual cosmetic problems, getting rid of which a person combs wounds even more actively. Often the beginning of urges is the rejection of a person by others.


The urge to damage the skin in all possible affected areas occurs spontaneously, regardless of place and time. Their result is dermatillomania. Unconsciously, a person begins to rip off an interfering pimple on his face or just scratch his head before an important event. There is a systematic repetition of combing after various stressful situations:

  • misunderstanding of others;
  • physical activity;
  • moral shock.

Each time you get a feeling of relief, the addiction intensifies and becomes a habit. At the time of damage to the nails of the skin, the patient receives a short feeling of relief or partial satisfaction. Sometimes patients feel euphoria, which enhances the psychological habit of picking the skin with your fingers.

Dermatillomania manifests itself in the form of scratching of the skin in open areas, such as the hands and face, or under the hairline on the skin. Scars spread over the body over time, due to the inability to stop the obsessive picking of the skin, people suffer. Sometimes those suffering from this disease can begin to squeeze out even living moles.

Constant mechanical irritation of the skin sometimes leads to infection and dehydration of the skin. As a result, a person spoils not only his appearance, but also provokes the entry of bacteria into the body.

In addition to skin picking, dermatillomania is also characterized by repetitive compulsive behaviors. This is manifested in the habits of peeling the skin on the fingers, biting the nails, biting the lips and the inside of the cheek, the desire to pick at incompletely healed wounds and tear out the hair on the body.

Hair pulling is classified as a separate subspecies called trichotillomania.

Symptoms of trichotillomania are manifested in an irresistible desire to pluck hair, realizing the harm done. Eyebrows, eyelashes, hair on the arms and head suffer. The girl's desire to become beautiful ends with torn tufts of hair. Even bleeding and scars do not stop the sick.

It is worth noting that women and girls aged 15 to 45 usually suffer from dermatillomania and its varieties.

Among men, this conduct disorder is practically not recorded.

Methods of treatment

Dermatillomania needs to be treated comprehensively. It is very difficult to get rid of a disease that is constantly progressing on your own.

Among the main methods of treatment are the following:

  • the use of dermatological agents to relieve the symptoms of itching;
  • seeking help from a dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist;
  • undergoing a course of treatment with a psychologist.

The main emphasis in the fight against this disorder is made on the psycho-emotional side.

The most popular methods of struggle are psychotherapy and hypnosis.

Medicinal sedatives are prescribed only when the underlying cause is prolonged depression. In other cases, there is no need to use them.

For people with dermatillomania, treatment is carried out by various methods of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. For treatment, several techniques are used, the main among which is habit relearning training.

According to him, damage to the skin is a conditioned reaction to certain events in the lives of people suffering from dermatillomania. A sick person may be unaware of the triggers rooted in his mind.

Habit relearning training works in the following areas:

  • training awareness in situations that precede manifestations of mania;
  • search for a replacement behavior in the event of a stressful situation;
  • self-soothing training.

The second method is trigger control. Stimulus regulation involves the use of special "habit blocks". This is a kind of limitation on the ability to injure the skin.

Cognitive restructuring is a technique that helps a person with dermatillomania learn to think correctly when obsessed with desires to damage the skin. Promotes the development of positive thinking and the rapid elimination of negative thoughts.

The main goal of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is to teach a person to adequately perceive psychological situations that cause him discomfort. This type of treatment helps develop the ability to be aware of the problems involved in thoughts and feelings without scratching the wounds.

A course of treatment based on cognitive behavioral therapy should consist of a minimum of 3 sessions. The average duration of treatment is 2-3 months.


One of the effective methods for getting rid of dermatillomania is called hypnosuggestive psychotherapy. This type of treatment consists in immersing a person in a trance state, when attention and concentration are muffled.

A patient under hypnosis is suggested certain reactions to situations and events, called triggers. New thoughts and behavior patterns take root in the subconscious, which allows for a long period to improve the health of a person with dermatillomania.

With the help of various suggestion techniques (three "yes", chattering, psychoanalytic, body-oriented, etc.), a complete restructuring of the reaction to stimuli occurs. After 5-6 sessions of hypnosis, the main symptoms of the disease will cease to appear. And if hypno-suggestive psychotherapy is carried out in combination with NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), then the effect will last 3-5 years.

Individual and group therapy

If the case is not started, resort to individual or group methods. The first involves talking with a psychologist face-to-face. In the process of conversations, the causes of the development of the disease are clarified, which will allow the doctor to draw up a treatment plan. The patient is asked to think about the following issues:

  • how often does he scratch his head;
  • what provoked such actions;
  • what does he feel while scratching the skin;
  • does pulling out his hair bring him joy;
  • does it get easier after that;
  • whether his disorder is noticeable to others, etc.

This allows the patient to independently assess the situation and conduct introspection. The psychologist during the sessions will help him reconfigure and get rid of the obsessive desire to comb the skin until it bleeds.

In parallel with individual classes, group classes are held. At first, all patients get to know each other, share their problems and tell how they tried to cope with them. The main feature of group therapy is a variety of role-playing games that allow you to master new behaviors. Patients also spend time together in an interesting and active way. It can be joint yoga, meditation or some kind of sport. It happens that a group of patients attends cultural events or discusses a read book during a session, etc.

Psychologists explain that an interesting hobby will help distract from obsessions and cheer you up. Patients who were depressed and did not communicate with anyone have a chance to become socially active again.

The optimal number of sessions of individual therapy is 10, group - 5-7. The duration depends on the initial state of the patient, the success of his treatment and the work of the psychologist. On average, treatment takes from 1 to 6 months.

With individual therapy, one must not forget to constantly carry out facial treatments. You should also visit a dermatologist or other doctor regularly.


Dermatillomania is a disease in which the patient combs the skin to the point of blood and wounds, tears out the hair, and bites the lips. Common causes are prolonged exposure to stressful situations, the presence of phobic or mental disorders, feelings of guilt towards relatives, etc. Treatment involves visits to a dermatologist, trichologist or cosmetologist, as well as a psychotherapist.

Unbelievable but true: more than 90% of people have a habit of picking their nose. As a result of studies conducted by American and Indian scientists, it turned out that 9 out of 10 people pick their nose almost daily.

For as long as I can remember, I have always had snot. Both in winter and in summer, the nose was either completely clogged, then one nostril, then the other. I was so used to it that I took it as the norm. And of course, in order to somehow cope with a stuffy nose, I got into the habit of picking my nose.

And only recently, studying habits, I learned that the cause of snot is not colds, but self-esteem. And the habit of picking one's nose is associated with the recognition of one's merits. What I need is not to drip drops in my nose, but to increase my self-esteem. Snot is the consequences, but you need to find the cause. I need to recognize my worth more often and be proud of my achievements, and then the snot will go away on its own.

The nose symbolizes self-esteem, recognition of oneself as a person, one's uniqueness and value. Suffice it to recall some folk expressions: “Turn up your nose”, “Mosquito will not undermine your nose”, “Do not poke your nose”.

I began to remember what could be the reason for low self-esteem. And in his memoirs he came to an incident at school. It was a fight with a classmate. The whole class gathered behind the school to see who was who. My opponent was less respected in the class, so basically everyone was rooting for me. But I didn't win. And didn't lose. During a fight, after another blow, my classmate dodged and I hit a concrete wall with my hand. The intense pain shattered my spirit. Tears gushed from his eyes. I stood and smeared them on my cheeks. Lips trembled with resentment and pain.

We stopped the fight. I was dissatisfied. Even though I didn't formally lose, I felt like a loser on the inside. And after that, I subconsciously began to doubt my strength, my capabilities. From that moment on, a runny nose began to follow me everywhere.

A runny nose is subconscious tears, this is the so-called crying of the soul. The subconscious mind brings out deeply repressed feelings of grief, pity, disappointment or regret about unfulfilled dreams or plans.

I use my nose to breathe and let the world in. And my nose can get stuffy when I want to withdraw from the world for a while, when I don't want to communicate with anyone. Sometimes I feel that the people around me do not perceive me the way I would like. I feel that there is some kind of barrier in recognizing my efforts and merits. And then I want to remove this barrier and start picking my nose. I clear my nose to get recognition from other people, to feel my worth and worth.

How to get rid of the habit of picking your nose? You need to boost your self-esteem. A simple and wonderful way to increase self-esteem was suggested by Jack Canfield in one of his books. In any free minute, in any place, you need to repeat the phrase: "I like myself."

I tried it - it really works. No matter how strange it may sound, but as soon as I start repeating this sentence “I like myself”, my back straightens, my gait becomes confident and a smile appears on my face. Just one phrase repeated to myself makes me a different person!

The habit of picking one's nose is harmless in and of itself. But it shows the deep causes that cause it. Appreciate yourself more often, love yourself, repeat the phrase “I like myself” and you will be surprised to find that this harmless habit of picking your nose is no longer connected with you.

And to understand this topic even deeper and stop picking your nose will help a magnificent free 7-day course of Professor, Doctor of Science Anatoly Sergeevich Donskoy "Feel the Energy of Thought"

I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised!

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Question to the psychologist:

Hello. Since childhood, I have a habit of touching the skin, looking for irregularities on it and plucking everything, whether it be acne or something else. I know in my head that I'm doing something stupid, but I can't stop doing it. I was on a visit to the doctors, I talked with psychologists, and even tried not to touch the skin of my face for almost a week (although my hands still climbed there), but still, in the end, I broke down. You ask when this happens, during what? I will answer: it doesn’t matter when, what and how, because even when I work, do something physically in the garden and my hands are busy, or, for example, wash the floor or watch TV, walk with someone in the fresh air, my hand is constantly on my face or on back, but wherever there are irregularities, and even if they are not there, the habit still does not go away. I drank sedative pills (I don’t remember the exact name, they were synthetic and another doctor advised me not to take them), and I began to drink herbs, sedatives, but nothing helped, year after year, and this is already more than 10 years. I don't know if I can ever stop. At first it all started with my nails, I gnawed them as a child, then I began to tear them off with my fingers, now my nails are long and I only touch one, but I believe that when he grows up, I will leave him alone, but I still notice that my hands so they try to tear everything off. Say that there are some resentment pain since childhood? Yes, there is, dislike on the part of the father (or rather, his busyness, that there was not even time for education), resentment at school from classmates, teachers, also on the Internet with online friends, also in the camp at one time and in the hospital, where I lay with my stomach and wherever I go, I constantly take everything to heart. I can’t blame everything on my studies and work, which I didn’t have, but I tried to study after school and left there two months later and there was also stress in the family and there were constant reproaches from relatives, but my problem began in early childhood , I don’t remember whether I went to school then or not, I remember I loved to tear off my wavs when I scratched, scratched, and this continues to this day. I am 23 years old, not married or in a relationship, no children. I noticed that sometimes, when there is severe pain in my legs, then I start to touch, as if I want to calm down in this way, there is some kind of fear that if I don’t do this, I’ll just lose consciousness, my legs hurt so much as if they were pushing to this action, it's like an attempt to calm down, but please tell me how can I stop it? I named all the reasons, all that worried me was the personal attitude of people towards me, depression after that, many times I asked people to help with this, but no one advised me anything sensible. It's just that my brain doesn't work the moment I do it. I try not to touch the skin with my hands at all, but after 2-3 minutes I start again. I was able to hold out for a maximum of 1-2 days, but then broke. I really hope that you can tell me some workouts or pills to drink. Even now I do it, even when I ask for help, imagine. This makes me very nervous, because of this I ruined my face, it is in acne and scars, and even after consulting a doctor who said categorically not to touch my face, I still continue to do it. I hold it all day, and then I rip everything off again and again. I will be sincerely grateful to you.

The psychologist Unterova Victoria Vladimirovna answers the question.

Hello Diana! The fact that you touch the skin, "rip off" the bumps on it, without realizing what is happening, is very similar to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Perhaps you closely accept everything that happens around you. Try to realize what emotions you are experiencing before you start touching the skin, what are you thinking about?

This realization will give you an idea of ​​what kind of internal states you need to work through. After all, touching the skin, picking up pimples is a consequence of exactly what you are experiencing.

It's hard to beat OCD on your own. There are various methods of coping with the disorder with the help of specialists, it is important to try what suits you. Pills are prescribed by psychiatrists or psychotherapists, but in my opinion, this is not the best way to get rid of OCD. Many drugs are addictive, there is no escape from side effects, and you can be dependent on taking the medicine all your life ...

Therefore, I am of the opinion that, although with the help of a specialist, the person himself must make efforts to overcome obsessive states.

Short-term strategic and cognitive-behavioral therapy methods help to defeat OCD. Therefore, I recommend that you look for a specialist working in one of these areas.

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I get a lot of questions from readers of the site. And here is one of them that interested me. The girl writes that she constantly plucks her eyebrows and presses acne on her face. Non-healing wounds give her a terrible inconvenience. Even eyebrow tattooing does not save her from this habit. Why am I interested in this story? Because I have friends who, like this girl, suffer from this obsessive habit. Especially for them and other girls suffering from dermatillomania, I decided to analyze this issue and prepared this article.

So let's start, how to get rid of dermatillomania or skin picking? Unfortunately, over-indulgence in the process of squeezing pimples, pulling out hair, biting off burrs or picking and combing sores can be a signal of serious psychological problems? This behavioral disorder is called dermatillomania and can eventually lead to tragic consequences. How does it manifest itself and how to deal with it?

What is dermatillomania?

is a disease that manifests itself in constant, even obsessive, scratching of the skin, scratching and injuring others in a similar way.

People suffering from dermatillomania can damage their skin with both nails or teeth, as well as manicure tools, and other items suitable for this.

The basis of the disease is a psychological disorder in human behavior, therefore, most often, to solve the problem, the patient needs to contact a psychotherapist. But first, nevertheless, you need to go to an appointment with a dermatologist who will rule out or diagnose a skin disease. The dermatologist will select an ointment for itching, diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Some statistics

Pathological picking of the skin, according to experts, is not such a rare occurrence. It's in It occurs in approximately 4% of the population, many of which are constantly observed by a dermatologist. Dermatillomania refers to disorders that are caused by a special focus on the condition of one's skin. As a result of this increased attention, a person suffering from dermatillomania damages his skin over and over again. This group of disorders includes:

  • trichotillomania(pulling out one's hair);
  • biting the inside of the lips or cheeks;
  • onychophagia(nail biting).

Such diseases most often begin in adolescence, in some cases are the result of drug use. Dermatillomania is more common among women than among men. In this case, the disease is typical for young people. These features are due to the fact that women, especially at a young age, naturally show an increased interest in their skin.

Some experts are of the opinion that the extent of the disease is underestimated, and the proportion of patients with dermatillomania among the population is about 15%.

How does dermatillomania manifest itself?

How to understand if you are one of the people who suffer from dermatillomania? Each of us more than once in her life squeezed out a pimple that jumped up on her face or picked a wound healing on the skin with her fingernail. When such actions are the norm, and when to plan a trip to the doctor?

Analyze your behavior .

  • How often do you inflict such damage on yourself?
  • How much time do you spend on these "procedures"?
  • What caused your desire to comb or scratch an old wound?
  • Are your actions causing visible damage? Infections? Scars?
  • And the most important question: do damage to your skin affect the activity of your communication with other people?

If you try to hide your scars with makeup all the time, if you refuse to wear revealing clothes, if you avoid crowds of people who can see your damage, then the problem is not just there, it is time to solve it.

Dermatillomania has a psychological basis, this disorder is similar to neurotic excoriations, but there are no standard symptoms - they can vary from person to person. Therefore, experts believe that there are many more people with such problems: many of the potential patients do not seek help. Now dermatillomania is included in the spectrum of symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The psychological causes of the disease may be hidden deep in the mind of the patient. They may be:

  • repressed feelings of anger and frustration;
  • feeling of self-abasement and shame;
  • feeling of guilt;
  • clinical depression;
  • chronic stress, characterized by a long duration.

Dermatillomania does not appear out of nowhere. Yes, its cause often lies in the psychological state of the patient, but its predecessor is usually some kind of skin disease or other problem of a cosmetic nature. At risk are those who have manifestations of skin diseases in open areas of the body, as well as patients suffering from rashes with severe itching.

The process of developing dermatillomania usually begins with a mirror .

Patient looking at himself
mirror, sees some minor manifestations on the skin and begins to suspect that this is something serious. In fact, it can be ordinary pimples or acne. But they unnerve him, and constant irritation leads to the fact that all the patient's attention is focused on these pimples. They cannot distract themselves from them in any way, so they squeeze them out over and over again, more and more damaging their skin. At the same time, some can comb the damage on the face or other open part of the body over and over again, simply because they cannot accept that everyone sees this place, while others comb the injuries on the scalp, since they are hidden by hair and, on the contrary, no one does not see. Over time, the scars spread further and further - to the arms, legs, shoulders, back, as a person simply cannot control his desire to comb the rashes that appear.

Symptoms of dermatillomania

Among the main symptoms of the disease, the following should be noted:

  • at the time of combing, squeezing, scraping the rash, the patient feels a short-term feeling of relief (and some even pleasure);
  • each time the feeling of relief is replaced by a new stress peak: the patient repeatedly combs his skin and again feels relief;
  • the urge to comb appears spontaneously - at any time of the day and anywhere (the most common option is in the bathroom in front of the mirror);
  • the combing process is triggered by certain emotions: anxiety, boredom, fear, excitement.

These symptoms are irrational, that is, different people can manifest themselves in completely different ways. It is very difficult to cope with them with willpower alone; the help of a specialist is required to treat the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment of dermatillomania

Not always a person who scratches his skin is mentally ill. Dermatillomania can manifest itself as an independent problem, or accompany a more serious disease. Contacting a specialist early stage of the disease allows you to identify the real causes of such behavior and implement the correct treatment. For example, skin scratching can be caused by a common food or drug allergy.

Two specialists should work with patients with dermatillomania - dermatologist and psychotherapist. Sometimes psychiatric help is needed. An ordinary psychologist may not be able to cope with such a problem, since serious support from a medical specialist is needed here.

What methods are used in the treatment of the disease? Cognitive behavioral therapy is commonly used. Specialists use habit relearning training. As a result of the work done, the patient learns to react differently to the moments that lead to scratching of the skin. Such moments are called triggers. For example, it turns out that a flash of tearing the skin is preceded by a state of anger. The person with dermatillomania is taught to be aware of this trigger and respond to it in a different way.

Let's take another example : The trigger can be being in front of a mirror. You look at yourself in it for a long time, see more and more flaws and start squeezing or combing them. How to deal with it? Stand away from the mirror and dim the lights so you don't see your skin very close so you won't be able to see it.

Sports, yoga, and other meditation techniques will help to overcome the disease. . In unopened cases, patients are advised to find an interesting hobby that will distract them from the problem and provide positive emotions. Medicines are prescribed only in individual cases, most often when the cause of dermatillomania lies in prolonged depression.

Be healthy, and finally stop picking your skin so as not to start a long rehabilitation process;)


The habit of picking the skin - OCD, stress, depressive syndrome? Squeezing skin rashes are psychological problems.

We continue the discussion about the girl maniacally squeezing pimples until her entire face is red and inflamed. We appreciate that real people write about it.

After I squeeze the pimples, I smear with cucumber lotion from Auchan

The only thing that helps me in the morning does not wake up with horror on my face. I also like picking at the skin.

It used to happen - she could comb her face into the meat, but now in no case. Once again I don't touch my face with my hands. I treat my face without skin makeup well, others do not notice the difference with or without my tone.

I had such a habit. Also, the skin is not problematic, but before the cd, a few pieces will definitely pop up, and you think like this: I’ll squeeze out this pimple, so, just slightly, cover it up, and no one will see it. You start to press and you understand that you can squeeze out this black dot, and more and more. Well, it happened to me about once a month, but the truth is not on such a scale that I could not leave the house, because I still control myself. I realized that if I do this, the skin will not look better. Therefore, the only thing left to do here is to control yourself.

There was a similar problem "in the head". I switched to cleaning the apartment, going to the beautician for cleaning, AZELIK gel. The Internet also helps, in short, I look for clothes, I choose, I build images for myself, although I don’t buy. The habit of picking the skin has psychological causes.

I am also a maniac. The skin is not problematic, but as soon as I start peeling, I can’t stop, I find what I don’t have (I also constantly get close to my husband).

I had a classmate all in terrible purulent abscesses, he didn’t press at all! I remember once he came, and he had a huge swollen chiry on his nose! Right at the tip. Damn, I think people are driving, that's what self-control means, I would have removed such a pimple a long time ago.

Pimples did not crush, but acne is a sacred thing. And I can't stop until my face turns red. But then the skin treatment. Then panthenol 7%, in the morning there is nothing.

Especially when you raise your nose with your finger and press it to your face with all your might - and such worms come out of it! Cool! But I'm crazy! I have dermatillomania!

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who suffers. I remember how I open my face, and I’m afraid to leave the bathroom so that the guy doesn’t see me in this form. No, a really terrible habit, whoever has it - get rid of it, it will not lead to good.

As a psychologist suffering from the same problem, I can advise you to drink valerian (or better, glycine); reduce, if possible, all nerves to nothing; hang some "stimulus" with clean, perfect skin in front of the mirror; every time you want to pick it up, imagine how much dirt is on your hands. After these manipulations, you will either stop picking, or become much smaller. If it does not pass, then it is better to contact a normal psychologist. Good luck with solving this problem!

I sometimes crush my husband's black dots - it just calms me down when the bug comes out, it hurts him, but I feel good!

Since the attacks are once 2-3 months, then at these moments go to the beautician, he will suppress if necessary, and if not, he will do the masks, it helped me personally. After professional care, you definitely won’t want to pick there. By the way, the man is really a way out, I also come off on him.

It looks like a nerve. There is a friend who, when nervous, picks the skin on his hands to sores. Like this is a compulsive syndrome, or whatever this garbage is called in another way.

It was the same for almost 6 years - it is very difficult to get rid of this problem. Now it’s a good job, I don’t want to lose it, it’s an incentive, and everything began to get better when I left my husband, although there was love


Thought I was the only one

At the peak of my depression, it was so that it spread to almost the entire body.

Although not particularly problematic skin.

It needs to be treated. Now such "attacks" once every two weeks a month.

I need to go to a beautician. He will squeeze everything out for you. Of course your skin is dirty. Take proper care of yourself and go to a professional beautician.

You need to calm down, drink sedatives, if the usual ones like afobazole do not help, then go to a psychotherapist, let him prescribe something more serious for you. And at the same time will talk with you. I had this, and it just happened when I was at home - on sick leave, or just on the weekend. So the point here is solely in the presence of free time to think about the thoughts that disturb you, and to stand near the mirror ... The best way is not to squeeze out at all. Even if it’s just a pimple, buy ordinary salicylic acid, burn it with it and that’s it.

I thought I was the only one so calm. Damn, it’s vitally straight, I’m not the only one, I crush the stress with acne.

And in the mental dispensary, finally, there is a team, you will not be alone. Of course, I can’t read such things and see too, let the experts see it.

I don't have problematic skin. Sometimes one pimple pops up, and it goes away in 3 days. I have a girl friend who rips out her hair, eats the roots, and so this is a deviation of the kapets.

I have the same nonsense, only with my hands. Due to allergies, the hands are in a rash all my life. Scratching to the blood, all in scars that will never go away. Let go for a couple of days, and then again.

Well, it's nervous. Try to control yourself. It was like that too. Even the scars remained small on the face and dark spots. Strict self-control is the only way

I don't know. How is that possible? Know that you can not push and still continue to do it? Well, I often have depression, and I have acne, but I still don’t press.

So go to a beautician and it will not be "terrible to display the realization that the skin is" dirty. "That's the problem people have!

Wow, there are so many! Here I don’t have acne, I find black dots and squeeze them out, already rushing! But the redness goes away quickly.

I'm the same as you. If you wipe your face with an alcohol wipe (cotton pad with perfume), the redness disappears within 5 minutes.

Haven't used anything before? Amphetamines, there, estasy, hair dryer? Usually such deviations occur in people who have been on drugs in the past. Or on a booze - as an option. Or your nerves are naughty.

Mental. Who sits in a fool, and not only masturbates endlessly or picks at his face or wounds, there are a lot of things. This happens because the brain degrades, and a person is not able to control himself. It happens - innately, it happens after the expiration of life. From early childhood to the end of life, a person should be engaged in the development of his brain. Study, read books, attend courses, learn languages. This process is costly and complex. Plus - sports and massage.

You are carrying some nonsense. Smart, beautiful, and well-read people go crazy. My cousin with knowledge of five languages ​​and three towers of rash on the skin picks.

Excuse me, your cousin needs to be treated. Her garage went to education, the fuses are on.

Have you ever seen real mental patients? I've seen it. For the most part, they don’t give a damn about their body, there are completely different problems. And this is not due to the fact that their brain is degrading. Some, on the contrary, will be smarter than healthy ones.

Go in for sports, like a massage. Body massage is generally good for health. There is a direction in medicine exercise therapy. Moderate sport is also good for overall health. In a healthy body healthy mind!

I've never heard or seen that crazy people were treated with massage. This is something new. If a person's tower was blown away - what kind of massage is there?

Massage activities are carried out after drugs and medicines.

Tablets just suppress the urge to itch, masturbate and nervous urges.

That is, they are brought into a vegetable state. Massage revives them without side effects. By the way, the deressive state of massage also heals.

Well, well - on idea it is necessary. They do exercises in the morning, they are forced to run. But this is in normal medical institutions. But in fools, no. By the way, sports and massage are useful for a healthy person.

I saw such patients before they were sent for treatment. And there was no urge to scratch and masturbate. There were delusions and hallucinations. In addition, not all of them are brought into a vegetable state, only aggressive ones. I’m all about the fact that you can develop as much as you like, it won’t save, anyone can go crazy, and the reasons why this happens are sometimes completely incomprehensible.

As for what is described in the post, yes, it is nervous, but it is not connected with the degradation of the brain. Rather, it is due to stress. The girl really needs to relax and take care of herself.

I do, damn it. It infuriates me. I rarely do this, because my husband directly pushes me away from the mirror when he sees that I am crushing my face. And it only stops that everything hurts a lot later, and inflammations go even longer.

Yes, I'm crushing acne when I'm worried, I forget in the process. Campaign, the author also needs a good psychologist, this is from stress and personal disharmony.

What do you think? Is it necessary to work with the psychology of a person if he has a habit of picking his skin, pressing pimples, etc.?

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