When was Notre Dame de Paris built? Notre Dame Cathedral - Notre Dame de Paris

Among their most cherished desires, many earthlings name a trip to Paris - one of the most romantic cities on the planet. Composing a route through the legendary French capital and its environs, foreign tourists plan to visit at least a dozen "mandatory" attractions. Among them are the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, the Champs Elysees, Versailles and the Arc de Triomphe, Place de la Bastille, Montmartre and the Moulin Rouge cabaret. But the most visited object in Paris for more than one century is the Cathedral of Notre Dame, aka Notre Dame de Paris (Notre Dame). More than 13 million tourists come to see it every year.

At the majestic French Catholic Church, where pompous prayers were held, imperial coronations, royal marriages and spectacular funeral services for the deceased crowned persons, rich story and difficult fate.

The building was repeatedly destroyed and reconstructed, more than once there was real threat its complete destruction and oblivion. The fact that this magnificent cathedral still exists and functions is a great merit of Victor Hugo. The famous French writer and playwright, in love with his homeland, in 1831 described the colorful temple in the novel of the same name, Notre Dame Cathedral.

romantic work with tragic ending became incredibly popular. The book was translated into dozens of languages, on its basis later created theatrical performances, film adaptations and spectacular musicals. Thousands of tourists inspired by the poetic description of Paris and touched to the core sad fate beautiful Esmeralda, came to the French capital to see the cathedral with their own eyes, where dramatic events took place, created by Hugo's rich imagination.

Nowadays, the French musical Notre Dame de Paris, which debuted in 1998 and got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful musical performance, has received extraordinary popularity. Over the next 12 years, 10 foreign productions of the musical Notre-Dame de Paris were created, including in Europe, the USA, Russia and Korea. To appreciate this amazing piece of music, listen to one of the most famous singles in the history of France - the song "Belle", dedicated to the main characters of the novel.


The official start date for the construction of the legendary temple is 1163. It was then that the first stone was laid in the foundation of the future majestic building.

Construction work lasted more than 180 years - the huge cathedral acquired its final appearance only in 1345. During the construction, the internal premises were actively used as they were ready. At the main altar, consecrated back in 1182, prayers, coronations, weddings and funerals were held, and in 1302 a meeting of the first parliament of France was held in one of the luxurious halls.

Over the course of two centuries, several architects worked on the design of the temple, which explains its rich and diverse architecture and decoration. Money for the construction was collected "by the whole world", every Parisian wanted to have a hand in the construction god's temple. Those who contributed large sums could expect to be buried inside the chapels, as well as exhibit their statue in the cathedral.

For a long time, Notre Dame Cathedral remained the decoration and the main religious center of all of France. But church services were not only held here. Since the temple was considered the safest place in the city, the rich brought their savings here for safekeeping. The cathedral cordially opened its doors not only to those in power, but also to the poor - pilgrims and local beggars could always count on temporary shelter within the walls of the mighty sanctuary. The high 69-meter bell tower played the role of a watch tower, from which the approaches to the city were monitored.

However, since the seventeenth century, the cathedral had to go through difficult times. Under the reign Louis XIV stained-glass windows and graves were partially destroyed. The French Revolution (1789-1799) became even more destructive for the centuries-old temple. The rebels plundered the cathedral, dismantled the spiers and, on the orders of their leader, Maximilian Robespierre, outraged the chiseled statues. The sculptures of the French kings were beheaded and thrown from the gallery, the graves were destroyed, the bells were melted down, the statues of the Virgin Mary on the altar were replaced by the sculpture of the goddess of Liberty. But things could have ended even more tragically, since the rebels initially planned to blow up the cathedral, but agreed to keep the building on the condition that the Parisians would pay for the needs of the revolution. The sanctuary was declared the Temple of Reason and turned into ... a wine warehouse.

Only in 1802 the plundered cathedral was returned to the bosom of the church. The state of the temple of God was so deplorable that during the coronation of Napoleon (1804), the once luxurious halls had to be draped with cloth to hide their terrible condition.

Over the next three decades, Notre-Dame de Paris slowly collapsed and fell into disrepair. And only after the release of Hugo's novel, the building was again noticed. In 1841-1846. a large-scale restoration was carried out, during which not only the destroyed objects were restored, but also new elements appeared: statues, a spire, a gallery of chimeras.


The architects of the main Christian Parisian church managed to harmoniously combine two styles - Romanesque and Gothic. Thanks to this duality, the cathedral has a recognizable unique appearance, which was preserved during the last restoration work.

The modern Notre Dame de Paris is a huge building 130 m long, 35 m high (36 m towers) and 50 m wide. At the same time, the temple can accommodate more than 9 thousand people.

One of the main decorations of the cathedral is the colored stained-glass windows that replace the walls. It is here that the largest stained-glass panels in Europe are located (the diameter of the central stained-glass window is 9.6 m). The temple keeps unique Christian relics, the most valuable shrine is the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ.

The famous French cathedral is a visual spectacular Bible. On the walls of the temple and inside the building, with the help of sculptures and paintings, the entire history of Christianity is depicted - from the moment of the fall to the Last Judgment. It is worth coming here to offer up your prayers to God, and just to walk around the majestic building to the bewitching sounds of the organ.


The address: 6 Parvis Notre-Dame - Place Jean-Paul II, 75004 Paris

Official site: www.notredamedeparis.fr

Cathedral opening hours: Mon-Fri from 08:00 to 18:45, Sat from 08:00 to 19:15

Entrance to the Cathedral: free

Free tours in Russian: Wed at 14:00, Sat at 14:30


Treasury opening hours: Mon-Sun from 09:30 to 18:00

Treasury entrance: 3 euros - adults, 2 euros - children

panoramic tour

Working hours: from 10:00 to 18:30

"color: #2277aa;">Ticket price: 8.5 euros for adults, free for children

Archaeological crypt

Working hours: Mon-Fri from 10:00 to 18:30

Ticket price: 3.5 euros - adults, free - children

The city of romantic meetings and exquisite spirits, crispy croissants and elegant dresses, numerous museums and a cheerful Disneyland. It's about Paris. It's really just impossible not to fall in love with him. For years you can wander the streets of this incredible city, considering its centuries-old Attraction.

By right calling card Paris has long been. But besides it, there is something to see here. No tourist should ignore the Arc de Triomphe, , , Sorbonne, Palais Royal, Pantheon, , Notre Dame de Paris. Actually, the last pride of Paris will be discussed further.

Notre Dame de Paris or Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

One of the most charming works of architecture was designed back in the 12th century. Archbishop Maurice de Sully was entrusted with starting work on such a large-scale project. According to his plan, Notre Dame in Paris was supposed to accommodate all the inhabitants of the city, however, over the long period of construction of the cathedral (more than 100 years), the number of inhabitants increased significantly.

The final date of completion of construction is considered 1345. Since that time, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has become a kind of cultural center.

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris - The pearl of Gothic architecture

Since many architects of the sights of Paris (Notre Dame Cathedral) changed during the construction, the architectural styles are somewhat mixed. The Gothic style is most clearly seen here. It gives a sense of space and lightness to the building.

At the same time, it is impossible not to notice the echoes of the Romanesque style with its power and attraction to the unity of the building. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris pleases with its size. The facade is 41 meters wide and the towers are 63 meters high. In the middle of the facade is the famous Big Rose. This is a round stained glass window with a diameter of 9.6 meters, which symbolizes original sin. Below it is a gallery of kings, there are statues of 28 kings of Judea. Below the gallery are three portals:

  • Doomsday- located in the center. Reflects pictures of the Day of Judgment according to the Gospel of Matthew;
  • Saint Anna. In addition to sculptures of saints and Jesus, here you can see the scene of the marriage of Joachim and Anna, as well as the Virgin Mary and Joseph.
  • Virgin Mary. Reproduces the moment of the transition of the Virgin Mary into eternal life.

The walls of the transept are two-thirds made of glass, which makes it possible to correct the ingress of light. Climbing up to the roof you can see the beautiful Paris. Notre Dame de Paris is distinguished by its whimsical statues on the roof of the cathedral.

Location and opening hours of the cathedral

Every Frenchman knows where Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral is located. It is very easy to find it on the map of Paris, because it is the very center of the capital, the Ile de la Cité. Sitting in a taxi, it is enough to give only the following coordinates: Notre Dame, Paris. Entrance to the cathedral is free for everyone.

Notre Dame de Paris on the map of Paris:

Excursions to Notre Dame de Paris

Having visited Paris, Notre Dame Cathedral, the video can be shot simply incredible. This can be done, including during the tour. Excursion to the treasury foresees acquaintance with various gold and silver jewelry, priestly clothes, attributes of religious rituals, but the greatest treasure of Notre Dame de Paris in Paris is the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ and the nail from the cross on which He was crucified. The largest French organ is also housed here.

By choosing panoramic tour, you will have to overcome the spiral staircases leading to the top of the towers - to the observation deck. After climbing 422 steps, you will receive your reward - an incredible view of the Ile de la Cité. The largest bell of the cathedral is located here. Emanuel (this is the name of this bell) weighs more than 13 tons, but its sound can not be heard often, but only on the days of the largest liturgical holidays. It will be interesting to visit the archaeological crypt. This is museum with excavations. It is located in the basement of the cathedral.

How to get to Notre Dame Cathedral?

You can visit Notre Dame in Paris without a guide. How to get there? Any of three ways:

  • by train: St-Michel station
  • by metro: Châtelet, Cite or St-Michel, Hôtel de Ville.
Notre-Dame de Paris (French: Notre-Dame de Paris) is a French-Canadian musical based on Victor Hugo's novel Notre Dame Cathedral. The composer of the musical is Riccardo Coccante; libretto by Luc Plamondon. The musical debuted in Paris on September 16, 1998. The musical got into the Guinness Book of Records as having the most successful first year of work.

Bruno Pelletier as Gringoire in Notre Dame de Paris

The original version of the musical toured Belgium, France, Canada and Sweden. In the French theater "Mogador" in 2000, the same musical debuted, but with some changes. These changes were followed by the Italian, Russian, Spanish and some other versions of the musical.

That same year, a shortened American version of the musical started in Las Vegas and an English version in London. AT English version almost all the roles were played by the same artists as in the original.

The gypsy Esmeralda has been under the care of the gypsy king Clopin since the death of her mother. After a gang of vagrants and gypsies tried to sneak into Paris and take refuge in Notre Dame Cathedral, they are chased away by royal soldiers. The captain of the skirmishers, Phoebe de Chateaupe, takes an interest in Esmeralda. But he is already engaged to fourteen-year-old Fleur-de-Lys.

At the festival of jesters, the hunchbacked, crooked and lame bell-ringer of the Quasimodo Cathedral comes to look at Esmeralda, with whom he is in love. For his ugliness, he is elected King of Jesters. His stepfather and mentor, the archdeacon of Notre Dame Cathedral Frollo, runs up to him. He rips off his crown and tells him not to even look in the direction of Esmeralda and accuses her of witchcraft. He shares with Quasimodo a plan to kidnap Esmeralda, with whom he is secretly in love. He wants to lock her in the tower of the Cathedral.

At night, the poet Gringoire wanders after Esmeralda, and becomes a witness to an attempt to kidnap her. But a detachment of Phoebus guarded nearby, and he protects the gypsy. Frollo manages to escape unnoticed - no one assumes that he also participated in this. Quasimodo is arrested. Phoebus appoints Esmeralda a date in the tavern "Valley of Love". Frollo hears all this.

Gringoire finds himself in the Court of Miracles - the abode of vagabonds, thieves, criminals and other similar people. Clopin decides to hang him because he, not being a criminal, went there. He was to be hanged on the condition that none of the girls living there wanted to marry him. Esmeralda agrees to save him. He promised to make her his muse, but Esmeralda is consumed by thoughts of Phoebe.

For attempting to kidnap Esmeralda, Quasimodo was sentenced to be broken on the wheel. Frollo is watching this. When Quasimodo asks for a drink, Esmeralda gives him water. In gratitude, Quasimodo allows her to enter the Cathedral whenever she wants.

Frollo pursues Phoebus and enters the "Valley of Love" with him. Seeing Esmeralda in the same bed with Phoebus, he stabs him with Esmeralda's dagger, which she carried with her all the time, and runs away, leaving Phoebus to die. Esmeralda is accused of this crime. Phoebus is cured and returns to Fleur-de-Lys.

Frollo judges and tortures Esmeralda. He accuses her of witchcraft, prostitution and an attempt on Phoebus. Esmeralda states that she has nothing to do with this. She is sentenced to death by hanging.

An hour before the execution, Frollo descends into the dungeon of the La Sante prison, where Esmeralda is imprisoned. He sets a condition - he will let Esmeralda go if she makes love to him. Esmeralda refuses. Frollo tries to rape her.

Clopin and Quasimodo enter the dungeon. Clopin stuns the priest and frees his stepdaughter. Esmeralda hides in Notre Dame Cathedral. The inhabitants of the "Court of Miracles" come there to take Esmeralda. Royal soldiers under the command of Phoebus enter into battle with them. Clopin is killed. The vagabonds are expelled. Frollo gives Esmeralda to Phoebe and the executioner. Quasimodo searches for Esmeralda and instead finds Frollo. He confesses to him that he gave Esmeralda to the executioner because she refused him. Quasimodo kills Frollo and dies himself with Esmeralda's body in his arms.

History of creation

Work on the musical began in 1993, when Plamondon compiled an approximate libretto for 30 songs and showed it to Coccianta, with whom he had previously worked and wrote, among other things, the song "L'amour existe encore" for Celine Dion. The composer already had several melodies ready, which he proposed for the musical. Subsequently, they became hits "Belle", "Danse mon Esmeralda" and "Le temps des cathédrales". The musical's most famous song, "Belle", was written first.

8 months before the premiere, a concept album was released - a disc with studio recordings of 16 main songs of the production. All songs were performed by the artists of the musical, with the exception of the parts of Esmeralda: Noa sang them in the studio, and Helen Segara in the musical. Canadian pop stars were invited to the production - Daniel Lavoie, Bruno Pelletier, Luc Merville, but leading role Quasimodo was given to the little-known Pierre Garan, although the composer originally wrote the parts of Quasimodo for himself. This role glorified Pierre, who took the pseudonym Garou.

Premiere Russian version The musical took place in Moscow on May 21, 2002. The production was produced by Katerina von Gechmen-Waldeck, Alexander Weinstein and Vladimir Tartakovsky. In 2008, the premiere of the Korean version of the musical took place.


Initial line-up
Noah, then Helen Segara - Esmeralda
Daniel Lavoie - Frollo
Bruno Pelletier - Gringoire
Garou - Quasimodo
Patrick Fiori - Phoebus de Chateauper
Luc Merville - Clopin
Julie Zenatti - Fleur-de-Lys

London version
Tina Arena, Dannii Minogue - Esmeralda
Daniel Lavoie - Frollo
Bruno Pelletier - Gringoire
Garou, Ayan Piri - Quasimodo
Steve Balsamo - Phoebus de Chateauper
Luc Merville, Carl Abram Ellis - Clopin
Natasha St-Pierre - Fleur-de-Lys

Nadya Bel, Shirel, Maison, Ann - Esmeralda
Adrien Deville, Jerome Collet - Quasimodo
Michel Pascal, Jerome Collet - Frollo
Lauren Bahn, Cyril Niccolat - Gringoire
Lauren Bahn, Richard Charest - Phoebe de Chateaupert
Veronica Antico, Anne Maison, Claire Cappelli - Fleur-de-Lys
Roddy Julien, Eddie Soroman - Clopin

Svetlana Svetikova, Teona Dolnikova, Diana Savelyeva, Karina Hovsepyan - Esmeralda
Vyacheslav Petkun, Valery Yaremenko, Timur Vedernikov, Andrey Belyavsky, Petr Markin — Quasimodo
Alexander Marakulin, Alexander Golubev, Igor Balalaev, Viktor Krivonos (participated only in studio recording and rehearsals; did not perform at any concert) - Frollo
Vladimir Dybsky, Alexander Postolenko, Pavel Kotov (participated only in studio recording and rehearsals; did not perform at any concert), Andrey Alexandrin - Gringoire
Anton Makarsky, Eduard Shulzhevsky, Alexey Sekirin, Maxim Novikov, Mohamed Abdel Fattah - Phoebe de Chateauper
Anastasia Stotskaya, Ekaterina Maslovskaya, Yulia Liseeva, Anna Pingina, Anna Nevskaya, Anna Guchenkova, Natalya Gromushkina, Anastasia Chevazhevskaya - Fleur-de-Lys
Sergey Li, Victor Burko, Victor Yesin - Clopin

Lola Ponche, Rosalia Misseri, Ilaria Andreini, Leila Martinucci, Chiara di Bari - Esmeralda
Gio di Tonno, Luca Maggiore, Fabrizio Voghera, Giordano Gambogi - Quasimodo
Vittorio Matteucci, Fabrizio Voghera, Luca Velletri, Christian Gravina - Frollo
Matteo Cetti (Italian), Roberto Synagogue, Eron Borelli, Mattia Inverni, Gianluca Perdicaro - Gringoire
Graziano Galatone, Alberto Mangia Vinci, Heron Borelli - Phoebe de Chateauper
Marco Gverzoni, Aurelio Fierro, Christian Meany - Clopin
Claudia D'Ottavi, Hilaria de Angelis, Chiara di Bari - Fleur-de-Lys

Thais Siurana - Esmeralda
Albert Martinez - Quasimodo
Enrique Sequero - Frollo
Daniel Angles - Gringoire
Lysadro - Phoebe de Chateaupert
Paco Arroyo - Clopin
Elvira Prado - Fleur-de-Lys

The songs in this section will be written according to the model:

Original title/Mogadorian title (interlinear translation of the title) - official title in Russian

Note: in all versions of the musical, except for the original, the songs of the second act are numbered 8 and 9; 10 and 11 have been swapped.

Act one
Ouverture (Opening) - Overture
Le Temps Des CathГ©drales (Time of the Cathedrals) - It's time Cathedrals
Les Sans-Papiers (People without papers) - Tramps
Intervention de Frollo (Frollo's Intervention) - Frollo's Intervention
BohГ©mienne (Gypsy) - Daughter of gypsies
Esmeralda Tu Sais (Do you know, Esmeralda) - Esmeralda, understand
Ces Diamants-LG (These diamonds) - My love
La FÄte des Fous (Festival of Jesters) - Ball of Jesters
Le Pape des Fous (The Pope of Jesters) - King of Jesters
La SorciГЁre (Witch) - Sorceress
L’Enfant TrouvГ© (Foundling) — Foundling
Les Portes de Paris (Gate of Paris) - Paris
Tentative d'EnlГЁvement (Abduction Attempted) - Failed Kidnapping
La Cour des Miracles (Court of Miracles) - Court of Miracles
Le Mot Phoebus (The word "Phoebus") - The name of Phoebus
Beau Comme Le Soleil (Beautiful as the sun) - The Sun of Life
DГ©chirГ© (Broken) — How can I be?
Anarkia (Anarkia) - Anarchy
ГЂ Boire (Drink) - Water!
Belle (Beauty) - Belle
Ma Maison C'Est Ta Maison (My Home is Your Home) - My Notre Dame
Ave Maria PaГЇen (Ave Maria in pagan) - Ave Maria
Je Sens Ma Vie Qui Bascule / Si tu pouvais voir en moi (I feel my life is going downhill / If you could look into me) - If only she could see
Tu Vas Me DГ © truire (You will destroy me) - You are my death
L'Ombre (Shadow) - Shadow
Le Val d'Amour (Valley of Love) - Shelter of Love
La VoluptГ© (Pleasure) - Date
FatalitГ© (Rock) — Will of Fate

Act two
Florence (Florence) - Everything will have its time
Les Cloches (The Bells) - The Bells
OG# Est-Elle? (Where is she?) - Where is she?
Les Oiseaux Qu'On Met En Cage (Caged birds) - Poor birds in captivity
CondamnГ©s (Condemned) — Outcasts
Le ProcГЁs (Court) - Court
La Torture (Torture) - Torture
Phoebus (Phoebus) - Oh Phoebus!
ГЉtre PrГЄtre Et Aimer Une Femme (To be a priest and love a woman) - My fault
La Monture (Horse) (the word also has an allegorical meaning: "passionate lover") - Swear to me
Je Reviens Vers Toi (I'm coming back to you) - If you can, I'm sorry
Visite de Frollo G Esmeralda (Frollo's visit to Esmeralda) - Frollo comes to Esmeralda
Un Matin Tu Dansais (You danced one morning) - Frollo's confession
LibГ©rГ©s (Free) — Come out!
Lune (Moon) - Moon
Je Te Laisse Un Sifflet (I give you a whistle) - If anything, call
Dieu Que Le Monde Est Injuste (God, how the world is unfair) - Good God, why?
Vivre (Live) - Live
L'Attaque De Notre-Dame (Assault on Notre Dame) - Storming of Notre Dame
DГ©portГ©s (Sent out) — Send it away!
Mon MaГ®tre Mon Sauveur (My master, my savior) - My proud master
Donnez-La Moi (Give it to me) - Give it to me!
Danse Mon Esmeralda (Dance, my Esmeralda) - Sing to me, Esmeralda
Le Temps Des CathГ©drales (The Time of the Cathedrals) — It's time for cathedrals

Interesting Facts
The famous song from this musical Belle was also performed in our country by the now disbanded group Smash !!. With her, they won first place at the 2002 New Wave festival in Jurmala.
The song "Belle" stayed in the French charts at number 1 for 33 weeks and was eventually recognized in France as the best song of the fiftieth anniversary.
The Russian performer of the role of Esmeralda T. Dolnikova is the only musical performer in the world who has received a high award, the Golden Mask theater award.
In Russia, a special tour version of the musical is currently touring the regions, with simplified scenery. Artistic director - Alexander Marakulin, who plays the role of Frollo.

The address: France, Paris, 4th arrondissement, Ile de la Cité
Start of construction: 1163
Completion of construction: 1345
Architects: Jean de Chelle, Pierre de Montreuil
Height of towers (bell towers): 69 m
Main attractions: A crown of thorns, a nail (with which Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross), and part of the cross itself, the bells of the cathedral, a large organ
Coordinates: 48°51"10.7"N 2°21"00.6"E

Starting the material about the legendary Notre Dame de Paris, I would like to immediately note that it will not be possible to briefly describe the history, legends, features of the architecture of the world's greatest Catholic church. It would be more correct to say even short story about this amazing place will require a lot of time.

Almost all french guides conducting excursions in Paris often say that while they tell the story of Notre Dame Cathedral and introduce tourists to its architecture, interior decoration and priceless treasures, they can not leave the feeling that they are in a place of incredible power. In the cathedral, where you can see huge crowds of people almost at any time of the day, everything is really saturated with an atmosphere of mysticism and mystery.

Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris)

Probably for this reason almost 14 (!) million people come to see the legendary Notre Dame Cathedral every year. This number is simply staggering, it is hardly possible to find another such cult place on our planet that, like a magnet, would attract so many people every year. Even the splendor of the Palace of Versailles and the luxury of the castles of the Loire fade before the popularity of Notre Dame de Paris, about which a lot of novels, popular science articles have been written and hundreds of documentaries have been shot.

Even in ancient times, there was a proverb that said that without exception, all roads lead to Rome, but not a single Frenchman will agree with it. The thing is that France is a country where all roads without exception lead to Notre Dame Cathedral. Moreover, since the 18th century it has been customary in this country to calculate the distance to any city not from the borders of the capital, but from its “heart”. Naturally, the heart of Paris is perhaps the most majestic cathedral in the world, Notre Dame de Paris. By the way, according to the results of archaeological research, the place on which Notre Dame Cathedral was built was considered sacred since the time when the first human settlements appeared here.

View of Notre Dame Cathedral from the river. Seine

Of course, in one material it will not be possible to tell about all the most interesting finds, but the fact that the first Christian church previously stood on the territory of the modern temple, and before it the sanctuary dedicated to the pagan god Jupiter, is a fact that deserves attention. This ancient history, inextricably linked with the place where Notre Dame Cathedral now stands, says only one thing, that the center of Paris is really a place where a person connects with higher powers.

Many travelers who come to Paris to see with their own eyes its huge number of sights and the greatest monuments of history and architecture, being near its "heart", always experience the strongest excitement.

It is also interesting that all people without exception, regardless of their religion, experience a sense of reverence for higher powers at Notre Dame de Paris. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the lucky ones who managed to visit a capitalist country “immersed in luxury” first of all aspired not to the Eiffel Tower, but to the Notre Dame Cathedral, with which they were “familiar” only from the stories of Victor Hugo.

View of Notre Dame Cathedral from Pont du duble

Notre Dame Cathedral - the history of the construction of a majestic Gothic temple

Alas, at the moment no documentary evidence has been found about who solemnly laid the first stone in the construction of Notre Dame Cathedral. One part of the historians claims that it was Pope Alexander III, and the other part is sure that the solemn part associated with the start of the construction of the magnificent cathedral took place with the participation of the Parisian Bishop Maurice de Sully. There are documents that shed light on the fact that it was thanks to Maurice de Sully that King Louis VII of France ordered the construction of the most magnificent Catholic church not only in France, but in the entire Old World, to begin in 1163. However, evidence of which of the clergy laid the "first stone", alas, is most likely irretrievably lost. This fact, at first glance, does not really matter, but only at first glance ... The thing is that in those distant times, when the construction of Notre Dame Cathedral began, a priest must have opened the construction of a Catholic church. Yes, and a huge number of issues related to the temple would have been resolved if it had been possible to find out for certain who laid the very “first stone” in the cathedral.

Be that as it may, already 19 years after the start of construction of the cathedral, its altar was consecrated: this event took place in the spring of 1182. In 1196, according to historical documents, the builders managed to completely complete the nave of Notre Dame Cathedral. Already in 1250, the construction of the majestic Catholic church was almost completely completed: it only remained to finish the finishing work and decorate the interior.

View of the Place Jean XXIII behind Notre Dame Cathedral

True, it was only in 1345 that the cathedral was completely “surrendered”. Speaking in a dry "statistical language", the construction of Notre Dame Cathedral lasted exactly 182 years. This period may seem long to some, but for those times it was a majestic building, the construction of which was completed, as modern architects would say, in record time. short time. One has only to compare the period of construction of Notre Dame de Paris and the period of construction of the legendary Cologne Cathedral, which, by the way, does not stop upsetting and decorating even today.

Speaking about the history of the construction of Notre Dame Cathedral, it is impossible not to mention the names of two brilliant architects, thanks to which it appeared, without exaggeration, an architectural wonder of the world. The main architects who developed the plan for the "heart" of Paris are Jean from Shell and Pierre from Montreil. In fairness, it should be noted that many other architects also worked on the cathedral, which is now visited by thousands of tourists every day. However, the names of most of them were forgotten and only two of them entered history: Pierre from Montreil and Jean from Shell.

View of the Notre Dame Cathedral at night from the river. Seine

Legends of Notre Dame Cathedral

A huge number of legends and myths are associated with Notre Dame Cathedral, many of which still do not let scientists and experts in the study of the paranormal sleep. One of these legends is associated with the gates of Notre Dame de Paris. In numerous ancient documents that have survived to this day, it is said that Notre Dame Cathedral, like Cologne Cathedral, was built with the help of ..., no, not God, as some thought, but the devil. A talented blacksmith by the name of Biscornet (by the way, a very real person, not a fictional one) received an order for a gate that would adorn the entrance to the majestic temple of Paris. The blacksmith spent long time in thinking about how they should look and how to forge them. Alas, even with great talent, he could not think of anything and turned to Satan for help.

The caretaker of the cathedral one morning came to the temple and saw a blacksmith who was lying on the ground unconscious. Right next to his body lay the most beautiful gate with intricate patterns. Naturally, these were the gates that fully corresponded to the significance and grandeur of the cathedral. They were immediately installed and locked, and then an unforeseen incident happened: it was impossible to open them! No matter what the masters did, the locks did not give in. The gates of Notre Dame Cathedral were opened only after their locks were sprinkled with holy water. An interesting fact is that even modern scientists have not been able to reveal the secret of making these wonderful gates and the appearance of patterns on them. It was impossible to make them either by casting or forging .... Biskorn never told how this miracle appeared: some argue that he did not want to admit to collusion with the devil, and experts say that the blacksmith simply did not want to reveal a unique secret.

View of the north and south towers of the cathedral

Another mystery is associated with numerous sculptures and the interior of Notre Dame Cathedral. It is rather difficult to explain the presence of terrifying gargoyles and chimeras on its roof, even if we take into account the facts that the cathedral was built in neo-Gothic and Romanesque styles, and the statues were placed there already during the reconstruction after french revolution. In the interior frescoes one can read and, most importantly, understand (!) the entire Bible. The scenes from the life of Christ and his execution are so realistic that even an ardent atheist, having seen all these works of art, will surely begin to doubt his views on the existence of higher powers. By the way, many people who study the occult believe that the ancient teachings are encrypted in the frescoes and sculptures of Notre Dame de Paris, you just need to understand its code and then you can gain power over the world. There is also a legend that the architects who drew up the plan for the Cathedral of Notre Dame were assisted by alchemists who encrypted the formula of the philosopher's stone in it. Anyone who manages to read it among the numerous stucco and sculptures will be able to turn any substance into precious metals.

Notre Dame Cathedral - not an easy story

In Notre Dame de Paris, great emperors were solemnly crowned, it was in this temple that kings and queens concluded their alliances before God. Crusaders who went to war for the true God received a blessing in this cathedral. The richest people in Paris considered this place the most reliable store for valuables and deposited their innumerable treasures in the cathedral.

View of the main facade of the building on which the main stained-glass rose window is located above the entrance to the cathedral, the gallery of the Kings and the statue of the Virgin Mary with a child and angels

It was in this temple that Napoleon Bonaparte put on his head the crown of the new French Empire. It would be unfair to say that one of the most majestic Catholic churches was designed only for visiting crowned persons or the most influential people France. No, great attention in Notre Dame Cathedral was also paid to the poor, who were always happy to provide all possible assistance here.

Despite the fact that the "heart" of Paris was considered in Europe one of the main strongholds Christian faith, it, like many sights of a great country, suffered during the French Revolution. The Parisians, inspired by the speeches of the revolutionaries and, as if mad, burst into Notre Dame de Paris and caused irreparable damage to many statues. The townspeople also reached the treasury, which was almost completely plundered. Moreover, the revolutionaries decided to blow up the Notre Dame Cathedral... Here, as many popes often mention, higher powers intervened: the rebels suddenly ran out of gunpowder. The revolutionaries were confused and decided not to blow up the cathedral, but to adapt it as a warehouse, where they began to store food supplies.

The savior of Notre Dame de Paris is considered to be Victor Hugo, whose ashes rest in the French Pantheon. It was he who, in his first novel, called on all the French, despite their political views, to treat with love and sincere respect the monuments of architecture, history and sights that beautiful France is famous for all over the world.

The main entrance to the cathedral above which is a sculptural panel of the Last Judgment

Notre Dame Cathedral - one of the greatest temples in the world

As mentioned above, about 14,000,000 people come to the cathedral every year. Its popularity is explained not only by its unique architecture and truly luxurious interior decoration. Notre Dame Cathedral is also a place where millions of Catholics make pilgrimages. The thing is that in the temple, 35 meters high and 130 meters wide, there are some of the main Christian shrines. By the way, the bell towers of the temple are much higher than itself, their height is 69 meters. In Notre Dame de Paris, the nail with which the Savior of all mankind was nailed to the cross, and part of the cross itself, are kept. In addition, in Notre Dame Cathedral, all believers can see and bow to the crown of thorns, in which Jesus Christ ascended to the place of his execution. By the way, the crown of thorns was purchased for a huge amount by the king of France from the Roman emperor back in 1238. As it becomes clear from the history of the cathedral described above, one of the main shrines came to France even before the construction of the "heart" of Paris was completed.

Throughout the history of its existence, the treasury of the cathedral has been constantly replenished with various gifts, among which you can find unique exhibits dating from the beginning of our era, and which simply cannot be valued in monetary terms. Many of these gifts are not only of historical value, they are shrines, which are worshiped by millions of pilgrims.

Statues on the central portal of the cathedral

Many tourists who first came to the Notre Dame Cathedral are surprised that there is not a single wall painting on the walls of all three tiers of the temple. True, the walls do not seem gloomy because of this: the sunlight penetrating through the huge windows, decorated with beautiful stained-glass windows made by great masters, which depict biblical scenes, makes the room bright and, one might even say, fantastic. Some stained-glass windows of Notre Dame de Paris reach thirteen meters in diameter, they completely fit the “story” in the paintings about the birth, life and execution of Jesus Christ.

The bells of the cathedral deserve special attention. By the way, each bell of Notre Dame Cathedral has its own name. The largest bell of the Catholic Church bears the name Emmanuel, its weight reaches 13 (!) Tons, and the tongue weighs just over half a ton. The oldest of all the bells is called Belle (yes, like the character from all is well famous novel), it was cast as early as 1631. The Emmanuel bell is rung only on the most significant Catholic holidays, but the rest of the bells ring Paris at 8 am and 7 pm. All of these bells also miraculously escaped being melted down during the mob riots during the French Revolution.

If a visitor to the cathedral decides to enter it through the main entrance (there are three in total), then he will see a realistic image of the Last Judgment.

Gallery of Kings on the main facade of the building

Two angels with trumpets woke up the dead on our entire planet: a king, symbolizing power, a pope, symbolizing the clergy, and warriors with a woman, who show that during the Last Judgment, all mankind will wake up from eternal sleep.

Today, Notre Dame Cathedral is an active Catholic church, part of the Parisian archbishopric. Divine services are constantly held in it, but to get to them you should come to the temple as early as possible: its capacity does not exceed 9,000 people. By the way, worship services in Notre Dame de Paris are held using cutting-edge technologies: with the help of special effects, prayers are projected onto a huge screen in two languages: English and, of course, French. Believers can offer their prayers to God to the sounds of the largest organ in all of France. Moreover, the organ of Notre Dame de France contains the largest number of registers in the world: today there are 111 of them!

Entrance to Notre Dame Cathedral is free, but it is only allowed to visit it with a guide on certain days and times: Wednesday and Thursday at 2 pm, and on Saturday at 2:30 pm. In addition, anyone can climb one of the towers, which will offer an amazing and unforgettable view of Paris. True, climbing the 387 steps to the tower will cost 8 euros, and children and teenagers under 18 will be able to climb to the top of Notre Dame de Paris for free.

View of the east facade of the building

It is also interesting that the celebrations of the significant date of the 850th anniversary of the cathedral began on December 12, 2012. The celebrations will last almost a whole year: they are scheduled to end on November 24, 2013. For Notre Dame Cathedral, in honor of its anniversary, nine new bells were cast at once in the workshops, which will join Emmanuel and Belle. In addition, printing houses have already launched the printing of a special brochure for pilgrims, which will describe in detail the history of Notre Dame de Paris, its legends and secrets.

Sanctuaries have been erected on the site of the Notre Dame Cathedral that has survived to this day. Even in the time of the Romans, there was a temple of Jupiter. Then the first Christian basilica of Paris appeared here, erected on the foundation of a Roman temple. And in 1163, the construction of that majestic Notre Dame Cathedral that we know began.

For centuries, Notre Dame has played an important role in the life of Paris and all of France. French kings were crowned and married here. Outstanding sons of France were buried here.

But during the French Revolution this rich history almost became a verdict on the cathedral: the building miraculously survived! The Jacobins were eager to demolish the "stronghold of obscurantism", but the Parisians themselves stood up for their main shrine, collecting a huge ransom for it. The building was preserved, but they “mocked” it pretty much: in particular, Notre Dame lost its famous spire located on the roof, almost all of its bells were melted down into cannons, and many sculptures were destroyed. The sculptures of the Jewish kings, located above the three portals of the facade, were especially affected: the statues were beheaded. And the cathedral itself was declared the Temple of Reason.

Since 1802, divine services began to be held again in Notre Dame, and three years later, the coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine took place here. However, despite the significance of the cathedral, Notre Dame was in an extremely dilapidated state and was in desperate need of restoration. Who knows, this building would have survived to this day, if not for ... Victor Hugo and his famous novel "Notre Dame Cathedral"!

After the publication of the book in 1830, the Parisians remembered their architectural and historical treasure and finally thought about its preservation and restoration. By that time, the age of the building was already almost 7 centuries! In the 19th century, under the skillful leadership of the architect Duke, the first serious restoration of the cathedral was carried out. At the same time, Notre Dame acquired the famous gallery of chimeras, which today impresses the guests of Paris so much.

And in 2013, Paris celebrated the 850th anniversary of Notre Dame. As a gift, the cathedral received new bells and a restored organ.

Two Christian relics are kept in Notre Dame de Paris: one of the fragments of the Crown of Thorns, which, according to legend, was placed on the head of Jesus Christ, and one of the nails with which the Roman legionnaires nailed Christ to the cross.

"Stone Symphony": the architecture of Notre Dame Cathedral

The majestic and monumental building of the cathedral is a true masterpiece of early Gothic. Its lancet cross vaults, beautiful stained-glass windows and rose windows, entrance portals decorated with sculptures make a special impression. In this building, one admires both architectural harmony and the breath of history, which is felt in all its appearance. No wonder Victor Hugo called Notre Dame Cathedral "a stone symphony".

Notre Dame de Paris outside

Most attention is drawn to the main west facade of the cathedral He is one of the most recognizable architectural icons. Visually, the facade is divided into three parts, both vertically and horizontally. In the lower part there are three portals (monumental entrances), each of which has its own name: doomsday portal(central), Portal of Our Lady(left) and St. Anne's portal(right). The names correspond to the plots that are depicted in amazingly beautiful sculptural compositions on the vaults of the portals.

In the center of the portal of the Last Judgment is the figure of Christ. Below him are the dead rising from their graves, awakened by the call of angelic trumpets. On the left hand of Christ are sinners going to hell. On the right are the righteous going to Paradise.

Above the portals is the so-called " gallery of kings“, represented by 28 statues of Jewish rulers. It suffered the most during the revolution, and in the process of a large restoration in the 19th century, all the destroyed statues were replaced with new ones.

It is curious that already in 1977, during construction works under one of the Parisian houses, original sculptures were found that were lost during the years of the revolution. Subsequently, it turned out that the future owner of the house, in the midst of revolutionary unrest, bought several statues, saying that he needed them for the foundation. In fact, this man kept the statues under his house - apparently, "until better times." Today, these statues are kept in the Clooney Museum.

From the western façade one can see two bell towers soaring up. By the way, although at first glance they seem symmetrical, looking closer you can see a slight, subtle asymmetry: the left tower is somewhat more massive than the right one.

If possible, go around the cathedral around the perimeter to see and side facades, their impressive entrance portals with masterfully executed reliefs, as well as consider east apse of the church(altar ledge) with amazingly beautiful carved vaulted arches.

Inner space

The first thing that catches your eye inside the cathedral is the unusual lighting. Light penetrates into the building through numerous multi-colored stained-glass windows, creating a bizarre play of light on the vaults of the central nave. In this case, most of the light falls on the altar. Such a thoughtful lighting system creates a special mystical atmosphere.

Instead of massive walls inside the Cathedral of Notre Dame - vaulted arches and columns. Such an organization of space was a real discovery of the Gothic style and made it possible to decorate the cathedral with many colored stained-glass windows.

The central nave of Notre Dame seems huge. The scale of the cathedral is connected with its original purpose - after all, according to the idea of ​​the creators, it was supposed to accommodate the entire population of Paris! And Notre Dame really coped with this task perfectly at a time when the number of inhabitants of the French capital did not exceed 10 thousand people. And all this population lived on the Island of the City, where the cathedral is located.

You can learn a lot of interesting things about the history of the Ile de la Cité, where Paris was born, in our audio tour " ", available in the Travelry app.

What to see in Notre Dame Cathedral

On the west side of the cathedral is the pride of Notre Dame - a large vintage organ created in the 15th century! And behind it you can see one of the three stained-glass windows rose-shaped windows, which are true Gothic masterpieces and have been decorating the cathedral since the 12th century.

In front of the altar there is a fenced-off space intended for priests and church singers and called choirs. The fence of the choirs deserves special attention - it is skillfully decorated with colored sculptural compositions depicting gospel scenes created back in the 13th-14th centuries! Their color design was restored during the restoration in the 19th century.

Numerous interesting sculptures decorating Notre Dame Cathedral. In particular, the baroque sculpture "Pieta" behind the main altar.

In our we will walk through the Notre Dame Cathedral, paying attention to the highlights and learning about the history and design of the building.


From the side of the river, a small extension adjoins Notre Dame, which deserves special attention. After all, it is in it that the temple treasury is located, where the most important Christian relics are stored (including the legendary Crown of Thorns, which, according to legend, came to Paris as early as 1239!), As well as valuable items of church use, which are elegant works of art. The collection is very rich and varied.

Interesting facts about Notre Dame Cathedral

  • In 1572, a very unusual wedding ceremony took place at Notre Dame Cathedral. Henry of Navarre ( future king Henry IV) married Marguerite de Valois. The bride was a Catholic, and nothing prevented her from being in the temple, but Henry was a Huguenot at that time, and therefore was forced to hold his own wedding ... on the porch, in front of the entrance to the temple.
  • It was in the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris that the legendary trial over Joan of Arc, which took place after her execution and fully justified the French heroine.
  • The famous gargoyles that adorn the cathedral are not only decorative, but also quite practical: they are part of the gutters that protect the building from rainwater. Actually, their very name comes from the French gargouille - "drainpipe, gutter." Decorated as grotesque characters, gargoyles and chimeras also symbolize human sins and evil spirits that are banished from their temple.
  • If you look at the high spire that soars up above Notre Dame Cathedral, you can notice the figures of the twelve apostles located at the base of the spire. A curious detail: all the apostles are looking around, and only the apostle Thomas turned to the spire. Since the Middle Ages, he was considered the patron of builders and architects, and in his image, the architect Duke, who carried out restoration in the 19th century and restored the spire, portrayed himself! That is why the Apostle Thomas examines the structure so carefully.
  • There are bee hives on the roof of his Notre Dame sacristy (it's a small annex on the south side)!

You will learn many more interesting facts about Notre Dame Cathedral and other sights of the Ile de la Cité from our audio tour "".

Things to do near Notre Dame Cathedral:

  • On the square in front of Notre Dame is located " zero kilometer"- a small bronze star mounted in the square. It is from this point that the length of all highways of the country is counted.
  • Also on the square in front of the cathedral is archaeological crypt (Crypt of Notre-Da de Paris), which is a museum of archaeological artifacts found in the vicinity of Notre Dame during excavations. The exhibits cover the widest period of history - almost 20 centuries, from antiquity to the 19th century.
  • In the southern part of the square in front of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, he sits on horseback King Charlemagne who ruled the Franks in the 8th and early 9th centuries. A monument to him appeared here in the second half of the 19th century.
  • The eastern apse of Notre Dame Cathedral overlooks a cozy shady garden on the banks of the Seine, called square of John XXIII. It is from here that you can see the beautiful openwork Gothic arches of the apse of the cathedral and its spire.
  • A little further, on the easternmost tip of the island of Cité, another tiny square -Ile de France. It houses the Memorial to the Martyrs of the Deportation, in memory of the 200,000 Frenchmen sent to concentration camps by the Nazis. And near the memorial there is a beautiful and well-groomed rose garden.
  • Not far from the cathedral, on the picturesque embankment Haut-Fleur, there is a house in which the famous lovers Pierre Abelard and Eloise once lived (house number 9).

As you can see, not only in the Notre Dame Cathedral itself, but also around it, you can spend many busy and informative hours, examining the surrounding buildings, studying ancient monuments and relaxing in the nearby squares. Well, if you go a little further, then other historical and architectural treasures of the Cité will open before you: the Saint-Chapelle chapel, the Palace of Justice, the Conciergerie castle and other interesting sights. They are part of our itinerary. , in which you will find many fascinating stories and interesting stories.

Notre Dame: practical information

How to get there

From remote areas of Paris, the most convenient way to get to Notre Dame Cathedral is by metro - there are stations not far from the cathedral Site and Saint-Michel-Notre-Dame.

And from the surrounding areas (for example, 1, 2, 5, 6 districts) it is quite convenient to walk. The Ile de la Cité, on which Notre Dame de Paris is located, is connected to both the right and left banks of the Seine by ancient bridges.

Opening hours and cost

Cathedral open daily on weekdays from 7.45 to 18.45, on Sat. and Sun. from 7.45 to 19.15.

Treasury of Notre Dame Cathedral: mon.-fri. 9.30 – 18.00, Sat. 9.30 – 18.30, Sun. 13.30 - 18.30.

Notre Dame is a functioning temple with free admission. But to visit the Treasury you will have to buy a ticket(€4 full, €2 reduced).

Cathedral towers and observation deck:

From April 1 to September 30 - 10.00 - 18.30.
From July 1 to August 31 - on Fridays and Saturdays they are open until 23.00.
From October 1 to March 31 - 10.00 - 17.30.

Admission is closed 45 minutes before closing.

Tower climb cost: €10 (possible joint ticket with a visit to the Conciergerie - €15). At the same time, you must be ready to overcome 422 steps to get to the observation deck with a magnificent panorama.

  • How to avoid the queue

Previously, the “headache” of tourists was a huge queue to the Notre Dame Cathedral. Now it's not like that anymore a big problem, because recently you can choose exact time visits with the help of special devices installed next to the cathedral, or with the help of mobile application Jefile (in the Russian version - "Out of Queue"). Download it to your mobile device, specify in the application the number of people who want to visit the cathedral, and select the time of visit. Thus, you will "take" the queue in advance and will be able to approach the cathedral at the right time!

  • How to listen to an organ

Divine services in Notre Dame are held every day. They start at 11:30 and are notable for the fact that during the liturgy you can listen to the famous organ of the cathedral - one of the most powerful and largest in the world.

  • When to see the Crown of Thorns

You can see the main shrine of the Notre Dame Cathedral - the Crown of Thorns of the Savior - on the first Friday of each month and on every Friday of the Catholic Great Lent, at 15.00. And on Good Friday (according to the Catholic calendar), the Crown of Thorns is taken out for almost the whole day: from 10 to 17.00.

What else should tourists know?

  • There is no photography ban in Notre Dame Cathedral, but you can't use a flash.
  • The cathedral regularly hosts free guided tours in different languages. If you want to get on a Russian-language tour, the date and time of its holding should be clarified in advance.
  • It is worth remembering that the cathedral is active, and therefore it is undesirable to be in it in defiant outfits and behave too noisily if there is a service.
  • The cathedral is not allowed with bulky luggage.

Audio guide for Notre Dame de Paris

Tourists can use the official audio guide, which also includes Russian. You will have to pay €5 to use the official audio guide.

We also recall that a detailed, detailed and fascinating story about the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris is included in ours, in which we propose to take a trip through different eras of the history of Paris, from the very moment the city was born, and learn a lot of interesting facts about both the cathedral and the island on which it stands.

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