How to clear the external and internal memory of an Android phone, remove unnecessary applications - the procedure. We connect an Android phone to a computer as a USB flash drive Which player sees an external drive on a smartphone

HTC one? Good phone, no problem. But what it lacks is a microSD slot.

Here's a bummer, and expandability has long been one of the biggest advantages Android phones have over iPhones. (The other is a removable battery, which is also missing on this smartphone, but that's a topic for another discussion.) Does this mean that owners of slotless Android phones like this one are stuck with a fixed amount of free space?

Not necessary. Thanks to a USB specification called USB On-The-Go (OTG for short), you can add more storage space by plugging in a flash drive, for example. Even a little more than just that. Here's how to extend the "non-expandability" of an Android phone.

Step one: Since you can't plug a full size USB flash drive into a microUSB port, you'll need an adapter cable - specifically a USB OTG cable. You can search for it on sites like Amazon and eBay or local online retailers.

Step two: Fill the flash drive with music, videos, photos, documents and/or other media content that you want to access on your device. The USB OTG solution is especially attractive for getting extra music and movies on a long trip, especially if you've already filled up the storage on your smartphone.

Step three: connect the flash drive to the USB OTG cable, and then plug the cable into the Micro-USB port of the phone. With any luck, the phone will immediately go into USB Host mode, which is exactly what happens with my HTC One. So I was able to launch the gallery, music and other applications that support external drives and use them to play media content, open files, and so on. If nothing happens, read on.

Step four (if necessary): Not all Android devices come with the necessary USB OTG drivers. So you're out of luck? Don't be disappointed, you can root your phone or tablet. We already wrote about it in the article " " or try Kingo Android Root is a free application that can perform the rooting process on most devices.

Step five (if necessary): Now you need to install an Android application that allows external drives to be "mounted" (that is, visible to the operating system). One of the popular solutions: USB OTG Helper. Launch the app and then insert the USB OTG cable with the flash drive already connected. You should now be able to access the drive in the same manner as described above.

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that all this will work on your device, you will have to check everything by trial and error, although you can also take the help of the Internet to make sure that others have configured USB OTG correctly with a specific smartphone model and flash drive. disk.

Today, modern devices play a huge role in our lives. We are not talking about computers or laptops, which are already starting to fade into the background. Smartphones and tablets are portable computers that have almost all the functions, just like laptops. Unfortunately, these modern devices are not suitable for office work. Typing text on a tablet is quite difficult, not to mention regular phones.

People began to think about how to connect a flash drive to an Android smartphone or a keyboard, mouse and other useful devices. It turns out that this can be done. However, not everyone knows how to connect an additional device to their smartphone. Let's look at this using an ordinary flash drive as an example. As a rule, it is this device that many people try to connect to their device.

How to connect a flash drive to an android smartphone

Modern devices running the Android operating system have a standard microUSB connector. For a USB flash drive to work on your device, it must have USB On-The-Go technology installed. Manufacturers have started to implement this feature in the Android OS since version 3.1.

As a rule, in modern tablets, and even more so in phones, a USB connector is not installed. Therefore, you will need a USB-OTG cable. Some manufacturers include an adapter for a flash drive in the kit, if you don’t have one, you will have to buy it at any store that sells digital equipment.

The smartphone does not have a micro-USB port.

If you did not find a microUSB connector on your smartphone, then you will need to purchase a USB-OTG cable first, and then an adapter to it. Of course, this is quite inconvenient: if you need to connect an additional device, you will have to use several cables. But this is the only way that will allow you to connect a USB flash drive.

How to view the contents of an external drive

So, we looked at how to connect a USB flash drive to an Android smartphone. Now let's move on to opening an additional device. How to do it? We need to download a file manager. Perhaps you already have it, since the manufacturer installs a certain set of programs in some devices. Of course, if you don't have a file manager, you'll have to install it. For Android smartphones, ES File Explorer, FX File Explorer and Total Commander take the lead. You can choose the application that you like best.

How to open a flash drive on Android

As we have already found out, we will need it. After installing it, we can go into this utility and find a USB flash drive. If you can't find the external device, try entering the file path (/sdcard/usbStorage). After successfully opening the flash drive, you can view, copy and move files as you would on a regular computer. Now you know how to connect a flash drive to an Android smartphone and open it, but, unfortunately, there are problems on some devices. Let's look at them and try to find ways to solve them.

"Android"-tablet or smartphone does not see the USB flash drive

If you have reached this point, then you are having problems connecting the flash drive to your smartphone. This may be for various reasons. Now we will consider the most common of them.

First. If the file manager should help him. Now there are applications that can solve this problem. The most effective program is paid, so we will look at a free alternative. Unfortunately, it requires root rights. StickMount works not only with flash drives, but also with other additional devices.

If you have installed the necessary utility, you can connect an external device. When connecting, you must agree to the rules of StickMount, after which it will automatically start and see the flash drive. How to find the device? You can go to /sdcard/usbStorage/sda1 in the file manager. Do not forget to properly disconnect additional devices so that there are no problems with them in the future. To do this, go to the program and click on the "Unmount" button.

It is worth noting another high-quality application - Helper, which works on a similar principle.

The second reason. Before installing additional programs and root rights, you should make sure that the problem is not in the flash drive. What is it connected with? Your device simply does not see the flash drive, as it may be configured for a different file system (perhaps NTFS).

Let's say you don't have a laptop or a computer: how then to connect an additional device? You need to download Paragon NTFS & HTS+, an application that supports the required format for reading text data. Unfortunately, this app requires root access. You can get them using the King Root program. However, superuser rights can not be obtained on all devices. Remember: you do this at your own peril and risk. Due to this application, your smartphone may start to work not quite correctly. If the device is still under warranty, then you do not need to get root rights, since the warranty will be lost in this case.


So, we looked at how to connect an external flash drive to an Android smartphone and described some of the problems associated with the connection. As practice shows, issues arise on older devices. If you have a new device, there should be no problems. To use a flash drive, keyboard, mouse or other applications on your device, you must follow the rules and do everything carefully.

A mobile device that runs on the Android OS, unlike other portable gadgets, can be connected to a computer as a USB flash drive. Many Android smartphones and tablets are initially equipped with features that allow them to be used as flash drives.

This provides the user with the opportunity to record the necessary information, delete files from the product that are not used, but at the same time take up a lot of space in it.

Using an Android mobile device in the form of a flash drive, there is no need to constantly carry a drive with you. Now you do not need to carry out a lot of manipulations with connecting to a laptop or computer, spending a lot of time on it.

Options for connecting a mobile gadget like a flash drive

Let's see how to connect a mobile device like a flash drive. To do this, you need to perform certain sequential actions:

If the shutter is lowered in the menu, it will display USB connection in the form of a flash drive. If you need to turn off the drive, the shutter must also be lowered and click on the appropriate inscription.

Connecting the product with different versions of Android

Now let's look at ways to connect a tablet or smartphone as a flash drive, depending on the version used. Android. First, we determine which operating system is on the device. To do this, go to "Settings", select the section "About device" or "About phone". Often it is located last in the list that opens.

OS Android 2.1 - 2.3.7

If the operating system Android 2.1 - 2.3.7 is installed, you must perform the following steps:

  1. You need to connect the gadget to the PC using a USB cable.
  2. The computer should automatically detect the new device. If this does not happen, you need to disconnect your smartphone from the computer, go to "Settings", select "Applications", click on "For Developer", then "Debugging via USB". Now you need to connect to the PC again.
  3. The drive icon will appear in the gadget. You need to click on "Connect via USB", and the connection itself should be made as a media device.

Android OS version 4 and higher

Since version 4.4 of KitKat, Android does not use USB mass storage mode, a tablet or smartphone can be used as Media Transfer Protocol (MTP). But you can make the gadget work as a drive.

You need to use a special application that will help you connect Android with MTP as a USB drive in a few steps. This will require:

  • Install Root rights on Android.
  • Download and install the special application "USB MASS STORAGE Enabler".

Then you need to do the following:

  • Launch "USB MASS STORAGE Enabler". It will be displayed in the menu as a USB activator.
  • It is necessary to grant Root rights. You will be prompted to change how Selinux works. It needs to be allowed.
  • If this device is supported, then the application will go to the main menu.
  • To solve the "flash drive" in Android was activated, you need to click on "Enable USB MASS STORAGE".

After using Android as a USB drive, you need to disable this mode. To do this, open program"USB MASS STORAGE Enabler" and the corresponding button is pressed there. To connect a mobile device in a different mode, you need to restart Android.

Android does not detect memory card

There are situations when a flash drive in a device does not work. To find it, you can use the ES Explorer file manager or a similar application. With the help of such programs, you can find almost everything. In its functionality, it is similar to the My Computer program.

To recognize the memory card, you should run "ES Explorer". After launching it, a menu will appear on the left side of the screen, where the SDcard (memory card) will be located. It remains only to click on it. After that, the memory card will be detected and available for work.

Now we will look at the reasons and what to do in a situation where your Android does not see a USB flash drive or hard drive via a USB OTG cable.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

You can connect a flash drive and even an external hard drive to an Android device via an OTG adapter, but this is not always possible to do the first time. The reasons can be different, from an incorrect file system to partial damage to the connector on the smartphone.

Most often, the problem can be fixed on its own, but in severe cases, you have to contact the service center.

Attention! In the comment, one more tip from a reader with experience in solving this problem. Don't forget to check it out.

Reasons why Android does not see through the OTG adapter

If you are trying to understand why Android does not see a USB flash drive, then the first thing to do is to make sure that the smartphone can work with USB Flash at all.

To do this, it must support USB On-The-Go technology. It implies that microUSB supplies power to an external drive through an OTG cable, so that it becomes visible in Android, just like in Windows 7/10/XP.

To make sure that the hardware specifications allow you to connect a modem, flash drive, keyboard or any other USB device to your phone, install the application on Android.

If the program shows that the phone is ready to work with external devices through the hub, then you can connect the OTG cable and establish a connection with the USB flash drive through it.


In addition to the lack of support for USB On-The-Go technology, there are other reasons why Android does not see the USB flash drive through the cord, even if the indicator is on:

  • Wrong OS version. To work with equipment that supports USB 2.0 and USB 3.0, the device must be running Android 3.1 or higher.
  • The amount of connected storage is too large.
  • If there is a connection sound, but the equipment cannot be detected (or it is only charging), make sure that its file system is in the appropriate Fat32 format. NTFS and ExFat on Android are not readable.
  • Flash drive failure. Try connecting it to your computer to make sure the drive works.
  • Damage to the connector on the phone/tablet. Even if, this does not mean that the connector is fully functional - the contacts responsible for data transfer may be damaged.
  • Damage to the OTG cable or adapter. To make sure it works, connect another flash drive to another phone that is known to be suitable for this task.

In some cases, it will not be possible to connect the device without root. This happens if a specific phone model cannot automatically mount an external drive. To eliminate the drawback, you need third-party software - for example, an application that can work with flash drives, modems, cameras and other devices.


When connecting equipment via an OTG cable, the program will automatically detect and mount it. You can find the contents of the drive in the /sdcard/usbStorage/sda1 folder. To safely remove the drive, you must select the "Unmount" option in StickMount.

Despite the support of an Android smartphone or tablet with SD cards up to 32 GB, sometimes you need to connect external "storage" - portable hard drives and flash drives.

The essence of the problem with USB flash drives on Android devices

Modern Flash drives have a capacity of up to 128 GB. This amount of memory is not superfluous, especially when the owner of a smartphone or tablet downloads and distributes many films, music, programs, etc. at once. Additional memory is needed. The essence of the problem is as follows.

  • You cannot install more than one SD card in each gadget - these are not SIM cards, there is only one SD card slot in a smartphone or tablet. Devices with two microSD slots are a big question. There are also no memory cards with a capacity of terabytes or more, all this is a matter of the future.
  • It is not always possible to transfer your content from the device to the “cloud” and back: the mobile Internet is not completely unlimited, and looking for Wi-Fi around the city or “attaching” to a router with Internet from Rostelecom at home and at work is also not an option.
  • Constantly exchanging tens of gigabytes of traffic per day over cellular networks and Wi-Fi, a smartphone or tablet consumes a lot of energy. To recharge the gadget, you need an outlet or a powerful PowerBank with a battery with a capacity of 10 or more ampere-hours. In general, you need to store all your “pumped up” goodness somewhere, while remaining mobile and free to choose.
  • To do this, you need to connect additional “flash drives” via microUSB. An ideal option for those who often go on business trips or travel is to carry a tablet and several “flash drives” 32-128 GB in a bag.

    How to connect a flash drive to an Android gadget via OTG

    OTG is a USB to microUSB adapter, a replacement for a USB cable with a Card Reader. It takes up little space - no more than a standard flash drive. In this case, the flash drive must be formatted in FAT32 - with the NTFS file system for the Android operating system, not everything is going smoothly yet.

    There is a more difficult way: install a special Android application that allows a smartphone or tablet to work with NTFS media. So, it can be exFAT/NTFS for Total Commander, Paragon NTFS & HFS+ and their analogues.

  • The OTG adapter must have a USB connector - for a USB flash drive. This is exactly what you need. Most modern Android devices do not have a miniUSB connector, but microUSB. Find an OTG adapter of the required standard in the store. The OTG adapter is found both in the form of a solid device and in the form of a special microUSB cable.

    You need OTG with a socket, not with a plug for USB drives

  • After connecting the flash drive, launch the "File Manager" on your device - its contents should be displayed at the address '/sdcard/usbStorage'.

    Select USBdisk folder

  • If the flash drive is not readable, special Android applications are needed. Some of them require Root rights.

    How to get root access

    Applications that allow you to get Root access without using a computer: FramaRoot, Universal Androot, Visionary +, GingerBreak, z4root, BaiduRoot, Romaster SU, Towelroot, RootDashi, 360 Root, etc.

    Applications that "hack" Root via PC: SuperOneClick, Unrevoked, GenoTools, vRoot, MTKDroidTools, etc.

    Remember that by obtaining Root rights, you lose the supplier's warranty and risk harming your gadget.

    Another way is to change the licensed Android firmware to "custom" firmware with unattached Root access.

    View the contents of a flash drive on an Android smartphone or tablet using third-party applications

    USB Media Explorer App

    Those who want to simplify the process of accessing a USB flash drive can use the paid USB Media Explorer application. The old name of the program is Nexus Media Importer; it was originally developed for Nexus gadgets, but quickly expanded the range of supported Android smartphones and tablets. Root-rights are not needed, the program is paid.

    If this solution does not suit you, you will have to work a little.

    Solutions based on StickMount

    The StickMount app is one of the most famous and requires Root rights. Works in conjunction with any Android file manager, such as ES File Explorer. Both applications are in the Play Market.

  • Once installed, open StickMount, plug in your flash drive, and confirm the prompt to autostart StickMount when connecting flash drives.

    Confirm request

  • The second request will be the question of the StickMount application about Root privileges in the Android system. Confirm by clicking the Grant button. Don't check the box next to "Ask me again in the future."

    Confirm by pressing the Grant key

  • A warning will appear in the notification line (top) that the contents of the flash drive are located at '/sdcard/usbStorage/' - now open the ES File Explorer application.

    Displaying information about the load of the flash drive

  • The flash drive is read/write.

    All your files are now available

    Connecting USB flash drives to devices that do not have miniUSB/microUSB

    A number of firms, not as well known as ZTE, Huawei, Sony and their other competitors, install non-standard interface connectors. OTG adapters with miniUSB / microUSB are absolutely not suitable for gadgets with a narrowly standardized connector without a special OTG adapter. Look on the same Ebay or AliExpress for an OTG adapter that meets the standard of the interface socket of your smartphone or tablet. Further steps to gain programmatic access to your flash drives are the same.

    Other ways to connect a USB flash drive to an Android smartphone or tablet

    There are the following ways:

  • Connect both tablet/smartphone and flash drive to PC.
  • Connect the flash drive to your smartphone / tablet through a special device - CarsReader. Suitable for owners of SD / MiniSD-cards, flash memory of the USB MemoryStick standard.
  • Connecting microSD memory cards through a special adapter with a USB plug - an analogue of a regular USB flash drive.
  • Video: Connecting additional devices to a smartphone and tablet, including flash drives: problems and solutions

    By connecting flash drives and other drives to an Android-based smartphone or tablet, you free your hands in the matter of organizing the storage of data you carry with you. This can be of great help to you on business trips and travels. Good luck!

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