Priest Artifacts. Legion: Priest Artifacts of Honorable Kills with a Stealth Artifact

In a huge, dimly lit hall, a multitude of people had gathered, wrapped in various robes. Or maybe non-humans? However, it doesn't matter. They all sat in complete silence, waiting for the one on whose whim they were all gathered here. The girl was late, and the figure at the head of the table tapped her knuckles in annoyance. Finally, when the patience of those waiting had already come to an end, the doors of the meeting room were flung open, and a slender brunette in blue-black clothes flew in like a fury.

Mall! You made us wait! - Chief said accusingly. “I hope you have a good reason for calling a council in full force!”

Your Eminence, she said nervously. “I just heard about the heirs of the elements and…”

Again, these are your heirs! - some woman sitting on the right hand of the Chief snorted with displeasure. - We seem to have already told you that we have no right to interfere in the fate of this world, however, as well as in the fate of other worlds.

Yes, but…” Mall began.

Furthermore! the same woman interrupted harshly. - You have already intervened once in the course of the history of the Earth, was that lesson not enough for you ?!

Yes, listen, finally! Mall raised her voice. “The four heirs of the elements have been defeated!” Now only Zarnitsyn is fighting on the planet "Earth"! He can't do it alone, that's a fact. If their world loses the power of light, Gordos will simply take it over! Where is the guarantee that he will not switch to other worlds later?

Of the five heirs, only the light remains?! - the Chief was amazed.

Yes! Mall nodded. - I understand that we should not interfere, but the case is special. The course of history begins to change and out of our control. Most of the prophecies are crumbling like houses of cards!

I do not think that everything is so serious, - the Chief objected gently. - Prophecies, for the refutation of which there are no grounds, have never been wrong. But now you're right. Zarnitsyn needs help. How are you going to intervene?

I will take my subordinates and go to Siniodus,” Mall shrugged.

I forgot to mention one small detail, - Mall smiled slyly and turned to the Chief: - Your Eminence, I found what you asked for. It is on the planet "Earth" that artifact is stored. But it will be destroyed if the forces of light and darkness intersect. That is why I want to personally be present on the battlefield and fight Angelica.

Hmm ... there is a reason in your words, - he nodded. “Well, if the majority of the council don't mind, I'll let you do as you please. So, who agrees with Melissa de Antoire von Weider's plan?

Well, as you can see, the majority of the council members decided to support you. Please don't make them regret their decision later. You can go!

Thank you, Your Eminence, - the girl bowed slightly and almost ran out of the hall.

And yet, I would not allow her so many liberties, - muttered a woman who was against this campaign initially. She is too young and inexperienced!

I don’t think something terrible will happen if the girl has a little fun, - the Chief smiled. “You all know perfectly well what fate awaits her. I suppose a little trip to Earth wouldn't hurt her. In any case, the deed has already been done, let's not grind water in a mortar. The meeting is over, everyone is free!

Chairs silently moved away from the huge table, and everyone present quickly began to scatter through the numerous doors leading out of the hall. Soon there was no one left here, only burning candles still spoke of the fact that recently the fate of the whole planet was being decided here ...

* * *

Siniodus had long since dissolved into the dazzling white radiance of light that was beating from Zarnitsyn's body in an endless stream. Gordos and his henchmen unsuccessfully tried to hit Rinat at random, but with their eyes closed, it turned out to be almost impossible. The few who tried to look at the guy had long gone blind. The undead, who were trying to hide from the elements that had fallen on her, had already practically died. Only the most viable remained. Vampires, for example, were madly surprised that the light could only leave them ashes. After all, the vampire is the highest undead, and the fact that sunlight is destructive to them is just the prejudice of non-magical creatures. But now even the vampires began to believe these superstitions.

The strangest thing was that after the explosion of the medallion, the light should have escaped and dissipated, but this did not happen. On the contrary, Rinat shone brighter and brighter, and the energy did not even think of ending. As it turned out, the guy was in a state of shock. He did not even see or hear what was happening around him, a battle was in full swing inside him ...

Runya stood in the middle of an empty gray room in front of… himself. He did not understand what all this meant and stubbornly refused to talk to himself, convincing himself that he had not yet gone crazy to such an extent. However, the clone was extremely clingy.

Kill Gordos! And at the same time, and all of his rascals, - repeated the clone. - You now it costs nothing! One hit and everyone dies.

Zarnitsyn was silent.

Think about it, they killed your friends, and how many people have they destroyed in the entire time of their existence? If you don't end this, who will?


Don't want to kill? The clone chuckled knowingly. - Well, it's up to you, of course, but ... you found someone to pity! Gordosa! A murderer who killed thousands of souls!

If I hit, I will kill the teachers and students, - after all, Rinat could not stand it and raised his voice. Do you think they deserve to die too?

Nothing lasts forever, - the clone shrugged. - We all die sometime, some earlier, some later ... Yes, they will die. But you have to choose the lesser of two evils. Don't you think that the death of a few hundred people is better than the death of the whole world? They will remain heroes in the hearts of the survivors. And you will ensure a happy future!

You can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune, ”Runya objected. - There must be another way!

Well, look, - the clone grinned. - And while you're looking, Markel will kill you...

While all sorts of lewdness was going on in Zarnitsyn's head, the situation on the main square began to change. The light emanating from the guy was no longer so bright, he was pale, slowly repainting in gray tones. Gordos and his magicians could already see, and now they were trying to figure out how to break through Rinat's barrier.

Rector, what's going on? Ornella got excited. "Wasn't the light supposed to destroy Markel?" So far, I see only the defeated undead - there is so much ash.

Now the worst thing that could happen to Rinat is happening, - Amadeus frowned. The thing is, there are two sides to the world. One is well known to all of us. It is a creative force designed to protect. The other side is the cursed side. A light that is destructive to the whole world. It is because of this duality that the power of light is unusually rare. Not every magician can make the right choice, and therefore most often dies, destroying his planet. This has already happened with eight planets of our solar system ...

What happens after the selection? - interested seniors.

Well, if they choose the true light, they become ordinary elemental possessors, naturally more capable than low-level elemental possessors. And if they choose the cursed light ... so far in the history of measurements there was only one case when the one who chose the dark side of the world survived ... many years ago this magician was Gordos ...

Who?! Viterias was surprised.

A distant cousin of Markel, Firriander replied. - Then the true power of light went to two - Gordos and Merlin. Merlin was able to awaken the elements earlier, after which he stopped the destruction that began due to the wrong choice of Gordos. The only way to stop the cursed light is to destroy its bearer. And to destroy such a magician, you need someone of equal strength. Our planet was lucky - Merlin was stronger.

And if Rinat cannot make the right choice, - Ornella said quietly, - who will be able to stop him?

I'm afraid no one, - the rector shook his head sadly. - The cursed light is much stronger than the usual one due to the uncontrollability of the elements. Rinat simply uses all the power available to him, and we have no counterweight - he draws energy directly from the sun.

And… there is no way we can help him?

No, - Amadeus muttered under his breath. - This is his fight. We just have to believe...

And Rinat still continued to argue with his clone, as always changing the topic of conversation.

Well, let's say I agree to your proposal, - the guy bent his fingers, - I just can't understand one thing: who are you? And why do you need all this?

I? - immensely surprised clone. “Actually, I am you. Your second essence. Inner voice, if you will. And all I need is to survive. So I'm trying to reason with you and direct you on the right path.

What are you talking about? - Zarnitsyn sang sarcastically. - Aren't you taking on a lot, voice? Something before you did not advise me to kill someone!

Well, this is ... the situation has changed ...

Yes? Rinat arched an eyebrow. - And in what place?

Don't you understand yourself? - he began to get angry. - Siniodus is badly fucked up, Firriander can't do anything...

Siniodus didn't suffer that much! And Firriander is just waiting for the right moment!

And how many people died?! And for what? Everyone was dying just for you to kill Markel!!! Your friends, by the way, too ...

They are still alive! Rune hissed. - I feel it... And the rest didn't die for me to kill Gordos. They tried to protect me...

What's the difference? - the clone was surprised.

Don't you see yourself?

Lord, how difficult it is with you! No heir of the light has ever been so intractable and stubborn! Let's already choose the light, in the end ... oops, - the clone stuttered.

What you said? - Quietly asked Runa, he was already starting to get angry. - Other heirs? Choice? You are clearly not my inner voice! - the guy concluded.

Okay, I got burned, - he backed down, slowly, however, to take his real form, if he has one, of course.

And now I want to hear the truth!

Yes, there is nothing special to talk about, - the clone simply said. - You must choose the essence of light. There are two of them - Strong and weak!

What nonsense! Rune snorted. - Strength - it is strength. She has her shortcomings and advantages. So I accept both sides and that's it!

It doesn't happen like that, - there was a malicious chuckle. - Two mutually repulsive lights can not get along together - it will just kill you! In short, I'm tired of persuading you - you have a minute to think! Choose!

Zarnitsyn fell silent and made a stupid face, trying to understand what he was still offered to choose from. As luck would have it, no good thoughts entered my head.

Suddenly, from somewhere deep in my consciousness, various fragments of phrases began to emerge:

“Please protect the world… stop Gordos… you bring hope… you can do it, so do it… if you give him power, I will kill you myself…. Be careful with this Fyrkel of yours… a lot depends on you… I believe in you…”.

Numerous voices and memories swirled around Zarnitsyn like a whirlpool. The guy heard and saw a lot of important and unimportant things. The faces of friends and relatives surfaced, the events of the past days flashed by, forcing us to relive the past again ... Everything ended as suddenly as it began. Zarnitsyn turned to the clone, listening in surprise to his cries.

Well, let's go away! There is nothing to knock him down with your instructions! Let him choose, without any personalities there! And where did you get so many?! - as it turned out, the memories and voices were quite material. And no wonder - after all, everything was happening in Rinat's head now.

Don't yell, - Runya said calmly. - I made a choice.

Well? - the clone looked frowningly, already assuming that he would not like the answer, however, he did not yet guess how much.

Light is a protective force. Everyone I've ever met hoped I could protect them. They believed in me, and I can't fail to meet their expectations.

So, after all, this light, - the clone drawled displeasedly, - well, it’s a pity that it’s not cursed. Very sorry…

I haven’t finished yet,” Zarnitsyn rapped out authoritatively. - Protection and faith are certainly good, but do not forget that without combat magic you will not go far. Therefore, I also need another, destructive side of the world. So, I choose both powers, and this is my final decision!

What?! the clone choked. - But this is impossible! So you won't achieve anything! Forces will contradict each other inside you and in the end they will kill you!

They won't," the boy shook his head. "You don't know me well enough if you think I'll let some force destroy me!"

As if she's going to ask you!

Have to! I will not rush from one side of the world to another. I'll just use the right power at the right time in the right place.

Ha! the clone shouted triumphantly. - As you can see, you are still inside yourself, which means that the power is against your decision!

Here's how? Rinat quirked an eyebrow mockingly. - In that case, I'm out of here. And I don't care if my power is against it or not. Since she has settled in me, be kind to observe subordination.

Having blurted out all this, Zarnitsyn simply focused on the main square of Siniodus and, with a stone expression on his face, firmly prepared to return to his rightful body.

For the first few seconds, nothing happened, and then the utterly frightened clone began to melt, not understanding how this could happen. Soon he completely disappeared, and the pleased Runka could not understand what he had done so impossible after all ...

Rinat once again examined the greatly depleted army of Gordos, already in complete control of his body. The guy decided to immediately test his abilities, without putting it off indefinitely.

Protective first... - he muttered, touching the already heavily cracked barrier. At one touch, it was immediately renewed and shone with sunlight again. - Fine, and now combat ... - the guy waved his hand obliquely, and a hot beam of light immediately burned an impressive fool in the leg of one of the magicians of Gordos, who immediately howled in pain. “Now let’s see how creative my element is,” Zarnitsyn squinted slyly.

His eyes shone again with a blinding light that flooded the area in an instant. No one really understood what exactly Rinat was doing, they only noticed that the light does no harm to anyone, it only temporarily paralyzes opponents.

I can't believe my eyes, - Firriander admired. - He managed to combine two lights into one! This has never happened before in history! This means that the prophecies did not lie, the current owners of the power will really change the world ...'re dead... - Professor Rualski didn't understand.

I don't think so, Firriander smiled. - Yes, they are unconscious, yes, they have only a little bit left to live, but they are still alive ...

What are you getting at?

The magic of light has an incredibly powerful healing energy. Now Rinat heals the mortal wounds of his friends. Of course, they will not be able to fully recover soon, but there will be no more threat to life! Unless, of course, they have an energy transmitter with them. Magicians of such a high level cannot be healed simply by light energy. By itself, the healing power can only save ordinary wizards. You did everything right, right, Ornella?

Yes…I spoke with Olga….

Fine, - the rector rubbed his hands recklessly. - So, now each of the heirs has an item that was once transferred to them by Rinat. The item is charged with the power of light, which means that the energy transmitter is in full swing!

In this case, I propose to engage in battle with the remnants of the army of Gordos! Professor Parton's eyes flashed.

There are still too many of them for us, - Anna Rualski noted.

It seems that the situation is changing ... - Firriander brightened up. - Someone still managed to call the opermags !!

Indeed, about a hundred Opermags were rapidly approaching Siniodus. True, they walked rather slowly, a little dumbfounded by such a bright light. After all, no one warned them that Zarnitsyn had awakened the power, and they did not know whether it was dangerous or not.

Meanwhile, Rinat stopped treating the wounded and turned to Gordos with a brutal smile.

And now you will answer me for everything, - he said quietly and joined the battle.

The guy removed the barrier, and created two light spheres, which immediately flew to Gordos. He barely had time to bounce when both balls hit the ground and exploded as if they were not sunlight, but grenades. Before Markel had time to come to his senses, a dozen fiery rays were already flying at him, from which the owner was covered by loyal subjects.

Opermags! Markel growled. - Stop them! Only those who flew with Angelica will stay with me! We'll deal with Zarnitsyn ourselves. Fulfill!

About two hundred magicians immediately rushed to cut across the opera shops, but the senior students and teachers, led by Firriander, unexpectedly blocked their path. Realizing that the situation was becoming hopeless, Gordos ordered his best magicians to cover him from Zarnitsyn, and he began to summon higher demons together with Angelica - it was not for nothing that he had spent so many years in the library of his castle.

Zarnitsyn methodically took the best sorcerers of Gordos out of the game, not killing, but simply exhausting him to the point of losing consciousness. The most persistent, he also brought to a white heat with his statements, mixed with selective obscene language. Everything around the guy shone and shimmered, not allowing enemy spells to reach the target, but his attacks were rarely ineffective. When there were only four magicians left, demons suddenly appeared from all sides, which easily destroyed the Zarnitsyn barrier and attacked the astonished guy. However, he does not lack dexterity. Dodging several attacks, Runya noticed that his shoulder was only slightly hurt. “Ah, a scratch…” he thought windily.

But at the very entrance to the castle, the battle was in full swing. What there only spells did not fly! The whole territory practically consisted of a fine grid of multi-colored lines and the energy of mass destruction. All this was accompanied by separate cries, and was covered with a thick layer of dust and ash, so that it was already impossible to see who was fighting with whom.

Rinat's affairs went from bad to worse. There were 14 demons, and each of them was a strong opponent. Here it is no longer possible to do with ordinary barriers, it was necessary to urgently come up with something original, but, as luck would have it, nothing came to mind. “Now, if I could fight with a sword,” the guy thought with regret, “well, or there would be five of us ...”

Angelica watched the fight with a strange look, and then suddenly she got tired, and she stepped forward. With a commanding movement of her hand, she summoned the remaining three dragons and set them on Rinat. He only at the last moment managed to notice the lizards hovering above him, aimingly firing liquid flames. A quick flick of the fingers - and now the flame spreads over the light barrier. “Damn, there are also dragons,” Zarnitsyn cursed, “now I’m definitely a khan! But help came from there to Svetka, ”the guy looked at the mountains with a share of jealousy.

Suddenly, the top of the central mountain, the one that did not shatter into pieces when the power of the earth Nika awakened, began to tremble noticeably. No, it did not explode, as if it had been cut with a knife - evenly, neatly. And a moment later, a huge bird appeared from the formed crater, blazing with a white luminous flame. It was a legendary white phoenix with great power. The same animal that the guys once read on the card. Rare, thought to be extinct, more powerful than dragons.

Phoenix in an instant overcame a gigantic distance and without hesitation rushed at the black dragons. A bright flash of fire, and now one of the black lizards is already enveloped in an unquenchable flame, and razor-sharp claws pierce its belly, tearing almost half of its body.

“How long have I been waiting for you…” came a croaking voice in Zarnitsyn's head.

"Why did you decide to help me?" - asked the guy already accustomed to mental conversations.

“Because you have awakened the true light! The one that combines two sides, not one. Now you are my master. I have made my choice."

“So white phoenixes don’t exist? Rinat didn't understand. “Before me, no one united the two sides.”

“There are not so many of us, this is a fact,” the feathered friend confirmed, “however, we rarely choose our owners. This is the prerogative of only the strongest and most enduring. In our time, there are only two of them left - I am one of them.

"Where's the second one?"

“What do you mean, I’m not enough? - offended asked phoenix. - The second is sleeping, probably waiting for his owner to be born. And stop talking, close the topic! So the demons will chop you soon!

While Runya was interacting with his new pet, he was indeed attacked by demons. While the guy did not think about the fact that he was being attacked, the body mechanically dodged the blows, but as soon as he concentrated, he immediately got a heel in the jaw, and then sharp claws slashed his chest. However, the scratches were only superficial, but they hurt terribly. Yes, and the shirt was hopelessly ruined - I had to quickly shake off the tatters, remaining naked to the waist, however, in a raincoat - it covered only the back, and therefore did not tear.

Meanwhile, the phoenix had already defeated the second dragon, only the last one remained, the one on which Angelica flew. Runya unsuccessfully tried to cope with the demons, all the time stepping back. Finally, there was nowhere to go. Demons surrounded the guy in a tight ring. In addition to these terrible horned creatures, he was also fired upon by three powerful sorcerers led by Gordos, but here at least the barrier saved ...

Angelica and Markel were already squinting in anticipation of the imminent victory, when a third party unexpectedly appeared on the battlefield. Fourteen people in black and white robes simultaneously emerged from somewhere around the corner of the castle and rushed towards the circle of demons. Those, having oriented themselves in time, immediately began to fight with a new enemy, since there were also 14 demons. Three magicians stepped forward, covering their master. They thought that Rinat was attacking them, but right next to him, a beautiful girl in blue-black suddenly appeared and smiled carnivorously. Feeling the strength of the stranger, Markel backed away in fear. Angelica, however, was also somewhat effaced, but still did not feel fear.

Father, get on the last dragon and leave, - the girl whispered, - I will delay her. You can't just kill me anyway.

You don't understand, she… - began Markel.

Don't worry about me, Angelica repeated. - I would even be interested in fighting with her.

But... how will you leave if I take the last dragon?

I'll find a way, - the daughter winked. - And you need to leave as soon as possible. Your strength is already at the limit. If Zarnitsyn gets to you, you can be defeated... And if this girl attacks... In general, father, I beg you, go away!

Gordos hesitated for a couple more moments, and then nodded and, at the last moment, protecting the dragon from the deadly attack of the phoenix, saddled the lizard and soared into the sky.

You're lying, you won't leave!!! Rinat exclaimed excitedly, completely oblivious to Mall standing next to him. "I won't let you out of here alive!" Well, except perhaps in anti-magic shackles! For you, goat, the prison is crying, and for life!

Phoenix understood the owner from half a glance. The bird abruptly sank to the ground and offered its wing, along which Runya quickly climbed onto the back of the burning phoenix. The guy was immensely surprised, realizing that the fire does not burn at all, but, on the contrary, warms him so affectionately.

“It’s only for you that I didn’t do it hot,” the phoenix said, warning questions, “you are my master, you can. But actually, I’m a proud bird, I don’t drag anyone!”

"Okay, proud bird," Zarnitsyn mimicked, "turn on the propeller, we need to catch up with the asshole!" By the way, what's your name?"

"I don't have a name! - Fenka croaked, gaining momentum and starting after Markel, - and I don’t need it. Just call me phoenix."

“No! Rinat was outraged. - Since you don't have a name, let's think of it! So, I'll call you Zygadll! Yes exactly! I like! Your new name is Zygadla! Diminutive - Zig!

"Are you crazy? Fenya choked. “I will not respond to such a terrible nickname!”

"Yes, where are you going," the guy waved his hand. Don't be upset, Zig! You'll see, a week or two will pass, you will definitely like your name.

“God, why did you reward me with such a nightmarish host?” - the phoenix sighed and, stopping all conversations, completely focused on the pursuit. While this couple was chatting, Markel had a good break away and was heading towards the mountains.

* * *

Meanwhile, Angelica, noticing that Rinat was chasing her father, decided not to mess with Mall and stepped aside. She began to cast the elemental conversion spell. It was this magic that Tokotyrkova recently used, becoming a tornado. True, Olga did not use spells, but simply merged with the elements, sacrificing her essence. Angelica also knew a spell that allows you to do the same, but without the slightest risk and without loss of essence.

Stop, bitch, I'll kill! Mall squealed when she saw what Angelica was up to.

The girl took a step towards the opponent, but the three remaining magicians immediately blocked her path. The demons still continued to fight incomprehensible people with clearly superhuman abilities. The forces were approximately equal, it only remained to wait who would get tired faster.

From the road! Mall barked, but the mages didn't even move.

I had to kill. With a habitual movement, the girl materialized in her hands a strange eye-catching black sword, which constantly changed its shape externally. But in general, it remained a perfectly honed military weapon. One movement - and now the first magician falls dead, struck by a precise blow to the heart. The other two hurriedly begin to create some kind of complex spell, but Mall only puts her palm forward, and a frightening caustic black energy hits both opponents with a powerful pillar. Emptiness is a terrible element. Nothing remains of people - no body, no soul, no history ...

The battle lasted some 20-30 seconds, but Angelica still managed to cast a spell and, turning into a black hurricane, rushed after Zarnitsyn. Mall was about to run after her, but one of her warriors called out:

Mistress, you can't leave now! We have to finish the fight here first! Please don't leave us! If we make it fast, we can build a teleporter for you!

Sighing heavily, the girl lowered her sword, and it immediately disappeared. She carefully examined the demons and, realizing where they were summoned from, began to cast the reverse spell. When the last words left the girl's lips, the demons, roaring in their gut, began to slowly evaporate, until they finally disappeared completely.

Mell turned to the dusty cloud where the others were still fighting and snapped her fingers with a sigh. The dust immediately settled, and the spells blocked and evaporated. The magicians waved their hands in bewilderment, trying to invoke at least some kind of spell. Only the owners of their own elements continued to torment opponents with their power. However, this soon stopped. As soon as the people of Mell rushed into the thick of the fighting. A few minutes later, all the surviving magicians of Gordos were tightly bound with anti-magic shackles and put under a barrier near the wreckage of the fountain destroyed in the last battle. It was only after that that Melissa lifted the magic block.

Thank you for your help, - thanked Firriander. - May I know your name?

Melissa de Antoire von Weider, she introduced herself coldly.

Very nice, - the man turned a little pale, vaguely guessing who was standing in front of him. - And my name is...

I know, - the girl interrupted him. - Instead of making empty talk, it would be better if they helped Zarnitsyn!

And where he? Is he alive? - an excited voice was heard from somewhere from under the rubble, and the tousled head of Tokotyrkova appeared before the people.

My God, what a fear! Mall burst out.

And you, you might think, are just beautiful, - a malicious voice rang out, and the students turned their dumbfounded gaze to Riona, who was leaning on the castle wall. As expected, she was still stunningly beautiful, despite the fact that the cosmetics had long since washed off.

Miss Felinger, please don't be rude to everyone, - Ornella snapped her.

Professor Viterias, why is she flailing at Olga?! - breathed the indignant voice of Khitrova, smiling with all 32 teeth.

Firriander, if you don't shut up your girls right now…” Mall began.

Why should he shut them up?! - I heard a male voice, and Nick crawled out from under the mountain of ash.

Under Mall's skeptical silence, all four heirs hobbled over to Firriandr and stared at the girl expectantly.

Something is wrong? she asked carefully.

Come on, tell me who it is! - nabychivsya, barked Olga.

She only narrowed her eyes a little, and Olga immediately felt her forehead on the ground.

Do that again and you'll have to deal with me," Riona threatened.

Who I am, you don't need to know, - snarled Mall. “More importantly, your friend is now alone fighting Markel. Moreover, Angelica will be there soon. And I, instead of helping him, listen to your claims!

So what are we sitting on? Nick grabbed his head.

We must urgently go and save Runka! Khitrova picked it up.

You won't go anywhere! - Minting every word, answered Mall. - You are too weak now to fight. Moreover, you will not be able to cover such a long distance in such a short time. Zarnitsyn is now in the mountains, next to the crater of a newly formed volcano. Students and teachers are also unlikely to be able to help - not the level. Unless Firriander… No, he lost too much strength.

But we cannot sit idly by! Need to do something! Riona exclaimed.

Nothing for you, - Melissa shook her head. - I will leave my people with you to help with the detainees, and I myself will go to the volcano. I promise that I will do everything in my power to save him. The main thing is to be on time.

That's not the main thing, - Riona objected. - It's not all up to you. You don't know Rinat very well.

But it's true! Sveta said. - He can throw out such a trick that he will ruin himself. Of course, we cannot demand the impossible, but you really try to keep track, okay?

It complicates things, - the girl snorted thoughtfully. - Well, if nothing particularly serious comes up, then I'll follow.

Well, since everyone has decided, let's go, - Nick hurried her.

That's it, but it's standing here, scratching its tongue! Olga grumbled, recovering herself.

Mall looked at Tokotyrkova with displeasure, but there was no need to conjure - the impudent one had already raked two weighty cuffs from Riona and Svetka, and now pitifully looked sideways at her friends, sincerely not understanding why she was hit.

Mell's subordinates, meanwhile, stood in a semicircle and raised their hands to the sky. Seven black and seven white beams immediately shot into the clouds, which after a few moments fell on Melissa's head. Having absorbed the energy, the girl quickly swirled around herself and instantly turned into a black-and-white clot of power, rushing towards the volcano and leaving a trail of gray smoke. When the clot disappeared from view, people in robes went to the prisoners.

Runka is on the volcano! - Sveta exclaimed, - so I can help him!

No, you can't, Miss Khitrova, - Amadeus shook his head. - Firstly, you, unlike Miss Felinger, have not yet awakened the lava element, so you won’t be able to control it. And secondly, you simply do not have the strength right now. Rinat almost pulled you out of the other world! Recovery will take at least a day. Well, at least we will heal fractures and other injuries in a few days. Our healer will put anyone on their feet!

He's right, Light," Riona admitted. - We can't help Runa now.

I just wonder how he managed to resurrect us?! - Olga thoughtfully picked her nose and, realizing that she had been noticed, looked down, wiping her hand on the ground.

Not to resurrect, but to heal, - corrected Amadeus. - No one can resurrect. It's impossible. I have already said, but I will repeat for you: Rinat once gave you his thing, which had the power of light in it. It was through her that he pumped his own energy into you, allowing your body to heal mortal wounds with the healing power of light.

And why didn't he heal the fractures and scratches? - Olya responded somewhat offended.

Still not enough! Riona perked up. - She was almost dragged from the next world, and she is also unhappy, such a pig! I would be silent! Her scratches, you see, have not been cured!

Everything, everything, I’m silent, I’m silent, - Tokotyrkova pressed herself frightened.

Tell me better, what kind of thing did Rinat give you? Felinger asked more peacefully.

A brooch, - Olga bleated and showed a trinket.

And we, as I understand it, survived thanks to the rings, - Nick noted.

Yes, probably,” Riona blushed, remembering the last conversation, and turned away in embarrassment.

What kind of rings? - sparkling eyes, interested in Svetka.

It doesn't matter," Felinger hissed, "better tell me what he gave you?"

Nothing, she shrugged.

So how? Amadeus didn't understand.

Like this. He didn't give me anything.

But he somehow pumped energy into you! Firriander exclaimed.

He pumped her even earlier, Khitrova explained. - When we were in Moscow, he transferred his power to me so that I could use high-level fire for a long time. Apparently, his energy did not have time to completely leave me, so it worked as a conductor of healing power. In addition, before that I had sucked so much energy from the birch that I already had double vision! Apparently this saved me when I was hit in the back by a deadly spell.

Did the squint help? Riona asked sarcastically.

No, a wedding ring, - Sveta answered her in tone.

Riona immediately blushed, fell silent, muttering something like: "I'll remember this for you, you will pour crocodile tears into my three streams."

Look, something sparkles and spins on the mountain! Nick exclaimed.

Now it turns white, then it turns black, - Olga frowned.

And now the mountain was already covered with a black sphere, and then it splashed sharply in different directions and ... time suddenly stopped, and all living creatures in the world froze, except for two mythical animals and four magicians ...

* * *

The Phoenix flew so fast that the wind whistled in Zarnitsyn's ears. The dragon of Gordos easily maneuvered in the air and dodged like a hare, now soaring up, then abruptly going down. The chase lasted only ten minutes, no more, but it seemed to Rinat that an eternity had already passed. The guy himself wondered why he had not yet fallen off his bird, which brilliantly repeated all the tricks of the dragon, constantly turning over in the air.

When Markel realized that he couldn't get away from the chase, he started shooting back with various spells, trying to hit Rinat, but he put up barriers of light in time. Phoenix constantly exhaled more and more jets of white flame, trying to knock out the dragon, but at the last moment he managed to dodge or repel the attack with oncoming fire. But here is another fiery volley - and the dragon, which did not have time to orient itself in time, loses its balance and falls down. Its wings were paralyzed by the strange magic contained in the fire of the phoenix, and unable to fly, the dragon fell right into the crater of the volcano.

Markel managed to jump off his pet at the last moment and land on a hard surface. Less than half a minute later, Zarnitsyn appeared next to him with a sword at the ready. His phoenix flew by.

Do you even know how to handle your toy? Gordos grinned, materializing his strange sword shrouded in a greenish mist in his hands.

I learned it especially for you, - Rinat answered him in tone.

Do you really think you can beat me?

Do I have a choice? The guy arched an eyebrow.

There is always a choice! We could agree, - the man tilted his head to the side.

Oh really? Rune said venomously. - After all your antics? No, dear, it won't! We will fight, and may Zarnitsyn win!

Ham! Markel shouted displeasedly and went on the attack first.

Just like then, in the dungeon, the excalibur again directed Rinat's actions. Two swords crossed, and immediately an explosion was heard, throwing opponents in different directions.

What is it? What the hell? Gordos didn't understand.

What's the difference?! - exclaimed utterly pleased Zarnitsyn. - Think it's booming! But the battle will turn out to be fair - whoever falls down first unsuccessfully after the explosion and breaks his neck will be a fool! And, of course, it won't be me.

Beast! Markel screamed. - What did you do with my weapon?!

Oh, yes, I need your piece of iron, like slippers to a cockroach, - the guy snorted. - Enough already here squealing, defend yourself better!

Runya grunted and, waving his excalibur like a woodcutter with an ax, ran towards Gordos. However, at the last moment, the sword again forced the guy to take the correct position and deliver an accurate blow. Gordos defended himself in time, and the explosion rang out again. The combatants were again scattered in different directions. Striking his back against a rock, Markel dropped his sword, and it flew somewhere into the abyss. Zarnitsyn held his sword tightly, although he was also well placed on the rock.

Suddenly, somewhere in the depths of the crater, lava began to seethe, and a slightly rumpled, but alive, black dragon flew out from there. He circled the volcano furiously and, with a menacing roar, rushed at the phoenix. Zig did not lose his head and instantly grappled with the enemy.

Wow, living lizard! Rinat raised his eyebrows. - Don't touch my phoenix! I'll bite my head off!

Your opponent is not a dragon, but I am! - Gordos reminded himself, knocking out the sword from Zarnitsyn's hands with the help of a spell.

Excalibur made an almost perfect arc and stuck into the ground far away from Rinat. The boy immediately jumped to his feet and set up a barrier of light, reflecting the opponent's next spell.

Now the magic of the sword will not help you, - the man hissed maliciously. "Your magical prowess against mine!" Let's see who gets it!

My natural, - Zarnitsyn snorted, sending a light sphere at Gordos. She narrowly missed, exploding a meter from Gordos.

Markel was no longer going to respond to provocations and again, as he did with Nick, he called for swirling magical energy, which flew in a continuous stream towards Zarnitsyn. Runya sharply put forward his hands, in which rays of sunlight sparkled cheerfully, becoming brighter and brighter every second. Finally, Rinat's energy reached its peak, and a shining stream of light rushed towards Gordos's magic.

The two forces clashed, and everything around was already shaking from an overabundance of magical energy. Both opponents fought for life and death, calling for more and more power. The light mingled with the mist, scorching the already bare rocky ground. It seemed that there was nothing to burn on the volcano, but there was a high wall of flame around the entire perimeter of the top of the volcano. Now the outcome of the battle did not depend on the skill of wizards, but on the amount of power available to them. The fight lasted only a few minutes, and Markel already felt that his energy was coming to an end. He had already expended too much strength fighting other heirs, and now there was almost no chance of victory. Especially when you consider that Zarnitsyn's energy is almost infinite, because he is fueled by any light source. As Gordos had expected, the light covered more and more space, gradually canceling out the already faintly pulsing fog. Soon, Markel lowered his arms in exhaustion, and a bright stream of light rushed into him, almost smearing the man on the rock.

Gordos slowly slid to the ground, feeling how everything inside turned into one powerful ball of pain. The cursed light that Rinat used penetrated into the body was slowly killing the sorcerer from the inside. Not at all weakened, Zarnitsyn slowly approached the defeated enemy.

I told you that the victory will be mine,” he said calmly, looking at Markel.

Kill me,” Gordos croaked, breathing heavily. - I know that your light will devour me from the inside, causing unbearable pain, but this will not happen earlier than in a day.

Don't want to suffer? Rune smiled knowingly. “Sorry, but I can’t help you here. I am not a killer. I achieved my goal - you are defeated, your army is defeated, and your death is just a matter of time.

This is cruel,” the man croaked, writhing on the ground in pain. “Even I didn’t torture my enemies unnecessarily, I just cut off their lives.

Yah? The guy raised an eyebrow. Do you think they are grateful to you for this? In any case, it's up to you. And I highly doubt you didn't torture anyone.

My people - yes, but not me, - he answered. - Many of them do not know what pity is, and the cries of people writhing in pain give them pleasure.

Your torments do not give me any pleasure, - Rinat shrugged. - But I repeat once again: I will not kill you, I am not a murderer!

Well, be your way, - resigned Gordos. - But keep in mind: my daughter will avenge me. Even you cannot resist her power, for her energy is as infinite as yours.

I don't care, - Runya smiled. - And I can offer you only one thing: kill yourself, if you can, of course. After all, you have a rich imagination - you will find a way to commit suicide.

Markel didn't answer, just wheezed hard, choking on his own blood, which was slowly flowing from his mouth. Zarnitsyn thought for a moment, he still felt sorry for Gordos. Maybe it was worth getting it? On the other hand, he deserved such a death ...

Father! - Rinat's thoughts were interrupted by an excited melodious voice, and in the next second the guy realized that he was flying somewhere.

As it turned out, Angelica sent Runya on a long journey with an energy wave, straight to the forgotten excalibur.

Father, what did he do to you?! - the girl was nervous, sitting down next to Markel.

My girl, - he smiled, - I am glad that you are near ...

Can I heal you? Angelica interrupted him.

No… - Gordos slowly shook his head. - The cursed light cannot be removed from the affected organism. I have less than a day to live.

But how? - the girl was confused. “Zarnitsyn just woke up, he couldn’t have had enough strength to defeat you!”

It is you who have a chance to win, and I am just a concentrator of elements, and I do not own true powers ...

In that case, I will destroy him, - Angelica said decisively and rose to her feet. - And then I'll take you home. Maybe I can still find a way to heal you.

It's too late, go alone," Markel said softly. “Firriander won’t just wait. Soon everyone else will be here and….

I don't want to hear anything! the girl screamed. - First I'll get even with Zarnitsyn! And then I'll take you home, - she repeated stubbornly and quickly walked towards Rinat.

Stepping away from her father at a safe distance, Angelica abruptly raised her hand and, without warning, launched a branched lightning at Rinat, from which he barely managed to jump away.

Appeared! - Runya grimaced, - and I already thought that I would not wait!

You ... - hissed the girl. How dare you touch my father!

Just like he dared to touch my friends,” the boy replied calmly. "Or did you think I'd let it go unpunished?" Angelica was silent. - For everything in this life you have to pay, and an equivalent fee. Your father has a lot of ruined lives on his account - it's time to pay the bills. You say I'm wrong?

Maybe I'm right, - the girl answered quietly. - I didn't mean to kill you. From the very beginning, as soon as I saw it, I don’t know why, but I didn’t want to.

Yah? Why such an honor?

Dad said that it happens ... - Angelica was suddenly embarrassed. “It’s like I haven’t seen young guys or anything like that before…”

That's enough, - the guy interrupted her and muttered: - that's just what I lacked.

But now it doesn't matter anymore, - the girl finished. You killed my father and now I will destroy you.

Will you manage?

I'll try, - she answered seriously and called the sword.

The girl watched with surprise as her weapon emerges from somewhere in the depths of the volcano and falls into her hands. Zarnitsyn immediately put an excalibur in front of him.

I'm not a swordswoman, - Angelica smiled charmingly, - so I don't use weapons the way my father did.

With these words, the girl waved her sword, and the energy of darkness enveloped her, gradually becoming more and more. Rinat felt the danger emanating from someone else's power with every particle of his skin. There was no choice left, and he, too, raising his sword, called on the light.

This time, the forces did not collide with each other, on the contrary, something inexplicable began to happen. The swords in the hands of the guys began to vibrate, gaining momentum with every second and trying to clash in a duel. It took considerable effort for both opponents to keep their weapons in their hands. Light and darkness mixed in the air gave rise to the third element - the power of shadows. A lot of bizarre monsters have already gathered around the guys, constantly increasing their numbers due to new images - each new shadow cast by one or another object gave rise to another monster ...

The distance between Angelica and Rinat was rapidly decreasing. The guys, with their last strength, held back the weapons torn from their hands, completely unaware of what was happening around them. And finally, the swords clashed ...

There was a bright burst of light, which was immediately replaced by a light dark haze. The swords fell to the ground with a clang, and the guys were fascinated looking at the sphere filled with light and darkness, located between them. Here her shell burst with a quiet pop, and the energy began to take on the shape of some object. After a few moments, the guys stared blankly at the golden goblet encrusted with precious stones hovering in front of them. It was empty, but Rinat and Angelica felt some inexplicable power lurking inside the object. The cup seemed to hypnotize...

Angelica was the first to come to her senses. Blinking in confusion, the girl frowned as she remembered one of the ancient tomes she had read. It seems that there was something mentioned about a similar object ... Finally, the girl remembered and, without waiting for Rinat to wake up, was the first to grab the goblet.

The mountain shook. Angelica raised the artifact above her head, and a powerful pillar of darkness magic shot out of it, rushing into the sky. A black swirling mist began to quickly envelop the surrounding area, destroying everything in its path.

Finally waking up, Zarnitsyn looked around in astonishment, not understanding what was happening around him. Seeing the darkness engulfing the world, the guy tried to attack Angelica with light, but in vain. The light simply dissolved before you approached. Runa summoned more and more light energy, trying to stop the girl, but all attempts were useless.

When the darkness, already a black sphere, descended on the mountain, it suddenly splashed in different directions with millions of rays, which were supposed to create the same spheres again. And then time stopped, and something steel cut Angelique's hands, forcing him to let go of the goblet, which immediately fell to the ground and rolled somewhere.

What are you doing, bastard?! an indignant voice rang out, and Mall emerged from the mist.

You!!! Angelica hissed angrily.

You?! - Surprised looked at the newly arrived Rinat.

Did you expect to see someone else? - the girl said in a steely voice. - I was right. The Holy Grail was indeed on this planet!

Grail? Zarnitsyn was surprised. - Yes, you drive! It's a myth. It was invented by the Templars, I think, but I don’t know why.

What nonsense! Mall snorted. - The Holy Grail is a weapon of mass destruction, created at the birth of the universe. It is designed to destroy objectionable or unnecessary worlds. It is impossible to subdue or destroy this artifact.

Are you saying Angelica was just trying to destroy the planet? Zarnitsyn opened his mouth. - But why?!

Because I so wanted! - she answered arrogantly and immediately drooped, - actually, I just wanted to kill Rinat ...

It's good that you interfered with her, - Runya chuckled nervously, looking at Mall.

I just stopped time, - she shrugged, - but soon it will go on, and the Earth will disappear. The process has already begun, it is almost impossible to stop it.

You said "almost", - Zarnitsyn immediately clung to the words. - what do you mean?

Yes, yes, I’m also interested, - Angelica narrowed her eyes, - my plans have not yet included destroying the planet!

I’ll explain now,” Mall sighed heavily. - The principle of operation of the Holy Grail is based on the positive and negative qualities of the person who used the artifact. Only those who are endowed with true power can activate the power of the Grail. If a person has more negative qualities, then the apocalypse begins, and the world perishes. This is exactly what happened at the moment. If a person has more positive qualities, then the world is completely cleansed of evil ... which also leads to the apocalypse. In any dimension, a balance must be maintained. If one of the parties begins to outweigh, then the world perishes. And now the most important thing: there is only one way to stop the apocalypse that has already begun - to destroy the one who used the Grail. In the entire history of the universe, this has never happened, because the one who called for the apocalypse was alone, and there was simply no one to stop him.

Does that mean I have to die? Angelica smiled. - Well, I do not! I promised my father that I would take him home, and I will! Even at the cost of the life of the entire planet!

And you think I'll let you? Mall asked.

Stop! Rune exclaimed. "What if I use the power of light to reverse the process?" After all, the Grail, as I understand it, chose instant destruction due to the power of darkness that Angelica wields, right?

Not really, - Mall shook her head, - rather, the power of darkness became a decisive factor. But in general you are right. I think if she didn’t have this element, the Apocalypse could be different ...

Here! shouted Zarnitsyn. - And I have the power of light! So I can turn everything back?!

No you can not! Melissa shrugged irritably. - You will call the same apocalypse, only it will take a little longer! And...then I'll have to kill you.

And I, unlike Angelica, will not resist, - Rinat smiled.

I said no! Mall repeated in an indisputable tone. - I don't want to kill you because I like you. I think I've already told you this. Moreover, Angelica deserved to die, and I promised to save you!

In that case, I don't believe there is no other way to stop the apocalypse! - issued Zarnitsyn. - Probably, you just don't know something!

There is, - the girl easily agreed, - to transfer the Grail into the hands of a person with absolute inner balance. Then the goblet will not be able to choose the type of destruction and will remain at rest. And I can simply dispel the apocalypse that has already begun, because it will not have an additional source that gives it strength.

And you will not pass for a person with absolute inner balance? - immediately asked Rune.

No, - she shook her head, - I, like Angelica, will cause the end of the world. Enough talk, it's time to destroy the cause of the apocalypse.

The girl narrowed her eyes slightly and waved her hand sharply, sending another wave of energy into Angelica. Contrary to expectations, Melissa's power did not destroy the girl, only pushed her a few meters away without causing much harm.

This is getting interesting, - smirked Mall.

In her hands immediately appeared the same, constantly changing shape of the sword. Without thinking twice, Angelica also called on her blade, and the next second the girl felt like she was hit in the stomach and, bending in half, coughed. Mall's movements were unusually fast, Angelica did not even have time to blink, and Melissa was already next to her opponent and delivered another blow. How Mell's strange sword hadn't hit her yet, she didn't understand. She only had time to notice that her own blade miraculously managed to reflect a mortal blow.

Realizing that with a normal fight there is no chance, Angelica called on the power of darkness and tried to attack Melissa with magic. She immediately directed the flow of her unknown energy towards, reflecting the blow. Nevertheless, Angelica felt that it would be much easier to fight with the help of magic and, concentrating, accepted the fight.

Zarnitsyn stared blankly at the girls' battle, trying to figure out how to stop the apocalypse without casualties. He himself did not understand why he needed it. Angelica is the enemy. Her death will finally complete the history of the Gordos, and the world of magicians will finally breathe easy, realizing that the long-term war with Markel will be over. And yet, something did not give the guy peace of mind ...

“Her unexpected confession? - thought Rinat, - no, hardly. The fact that she did not want to destroy the world does not justify her. She seems to like me, maybe that's why I want to keep her alive? Also not that. In the end, I simply have no right to put my personal experiences above the desires of the whole world. Maybe I just feel sorry for her? She lost her father, and before that she was locked up on the island. She just wanted to see the world... No, saving the life of the enemy purely out of pity, then to get stabbed in the back - that's not a reason either. But then what?…”

Suddenly, the guy understood everything. He wanted to keep the girl alive because she was different from her father. The fact that she bears his last name does not mean at all that she will follow in his footsteps and will try to take over the world. Perhaps if you talk to her and go forward, she will use her powers for good. No one, except Markel, was involved in the upbringing of Angelica, which means that she sees the world the way her father described it to her. If she learns about the real state of things, her worldview will change. After the death of her father, the girl will have no reason to continue his work - there will simply be no point. And yet - the death of Angelica will upset the balance of power ...

“It remains to understand how to stop the apocalypse without victims,” Runya thought dejectedly.

The girls, meanwhile, fought fiercely. Angelica was clearly inferior to Mall on all fronts, but stubbornly did not want to give up without a fight. Receiving another blow, the girl got up again and went on the attack. Yes… the power of darkness really has an almost limitless supply.

Once again, the two opposing magics clashed and exploded, lighting up the surroundings lightly. Rinat suddenly saw a strange reflection somewhere not far from the combatants. Looking closer, he realized that the Holy Grail lay there.

The decision came instantly, and the guy carefully, along the wall, moved towards the artifact.

"What are you doing?" - the excited voice of Zig was heard in his head, who was still fighting Angelica's dragon, which was superior in strength to its other relatives.

"I'm going to the Grail!" Rinat calmly replied, cautiously advancing towards his goal.

"Are you tired of living? croaked the phoenix. “Mall made it clear to you that you will only change the look of the apocalypse, then you yourself will have to be killed!” Stop, idiot!"

"I won't change anything! Rune waved. - Mall said that you need an absolute inner balance! I was able to choose two lights at once, which means I'm half evil, half good. I just have to have an equal balance!

“You have the power of light!!! Zig screamed in despair. “Even if you yourself are balanced, your strength will be the determining factor!”

“Still, I must try,” Zarnitsyn repeated stubbornly. - Stop talk about this!".

No longer listening to the pet's lamentations, the guy covered the distance to the cup with one jerk. In vain. Mall noticed him.

Do not dare!!! the girl shouted, sending a wave of magic into Zarnitsyna.

The guy quickly sent an oncoming wave of light, reflecting the blow and, without a second's hesitation, picked up the artifact.

A blinding flash of light, and now a new energy flew out of the inside of the Grail into the heavens, gradually corroding the darkness. Like Angelica, Zarnitsyn temporarily disconnected from what was happening. He no longer heard how Mall screamed in rage, how Angelica giggled contentedly, realizing that now her death would not solve anything, how the phoenix grumbles with displeasure, not understanding where his opponent had disappeared (Angelica called him to her and, while Mall does not see , dragged Markel's pet onto her back). The light began to slowly fill the surroundings and ... suddenly stopped.

“My task is to protect the world,” Runya kept repeating to himself. - You, damn cup, you will not destroy it, just know it! I just won't let you! Let's immediately stop all this mess and return everything to its place! You know as well as I do that the time of this planet has not yet expired! What? How do I know this? Yes, because I am still alive, which means that the world cannot disappear! Ah, am I a boor? Look at yourself! An unfinished piece of iron, but still there, show off! In short, if you do not immediately stop your antics, then before death, I swear, I will turn you into a crooked corkscrew, so that next time it would be disrespectful to destroy everything that you did not like !!!

It turned out that the Holy Grail was not just a magical artifact, but also a sentient item. At first, Rinat did not understand where the incomprehensible voice came from in his head, but when he realized ... In general, not even a few minutes had passed, and the Grail could no longer stand the conversation with Zarnitsyn and agreed to postpone the apocalypse for a while.

When Rinat's gaze became meaningful again, Mall was surprised to find that the Holy Grail no longer glowed, but lay calmly in Zarnitsyn's hands, like an ordinary goblet. Finally, time moved on, but only rays remained of the recent black sphere, which were still flying in different directions. Not for long. Mell spun around its axis, and its power scattered around the area in a circular wave, absorbing dangerous rays that did not have time to become new spheres. Then the girl angrily flashed her eyes towards Rinat.

You ... you ... - then blushing, then turning pale, she squeezed out.

What? - Runya asked plaintively, making touching eyes.

I'll talk to you later! - the girl turned away, remembering her rival.

However, Angelica was already sitting astride a dragon and managed to conjure a weighty clot of darkness, to which she mixed several deadly spells.

Mall, be careful, - Rinat shouted.

A dark blob hissed from Angelica's hands and flew towards Melissa. She quickly created a wave of splitting energy and sent it towards her. Contrary to her expectations, a clot of darkness swallowed up the entire wave, becoming even stronger. Zarnitsyn quickly placed a light shield around Mall, who stared blankly at the death flying at her. At the very last moment, when Rinat was already sure that everything would work out, the clot abruptly changed direction and, accelerating, rushed to Zarnitsyn.

Excalibur flashed brightly, flying from nowhere to protect the owner. Zig also rushed towards Rinat, covering him with his whole body. And then there was an explosion. A bright flash of light and a loud sound disorientated Mall for several seconds. When she could see again, Angelica was already quite far away - flying towards the ocean.

In the place where Zarnitsyn stood, one could see a giant crack leading to the crater of the volcano. Mell, slowly shifting her feet, walked to the edge and peered into the interior of the mountain. There was no lava. At the bottom lay the Holy Grail forlornly. No Zarnitsyn, no excalibur, no phoenix.

* * *

As time went on, everyone in the main square of Siniodus saw a bright flash of light, and then everything was quiet. A few minutes of tense silence, and then there was a deafening roar, and something exploded on the mountain. Some black dot appeared in the distance, and again silence.

What is going on there?! - whined Olga.

I have a bad feeling,” Riona said grimly.

It seems that everything is already over, - Firriander said slowly, - that's just ...

What? - Concerned asked Nick.

I no longer feel the energy of light...

What? But ... how is it, rector? Ornella turned pale. - This means that Rinat ...

He's dead," Amadeus said quietly.

Like a blow to the head. The teachers got excited, the students whispered, Riona hid her face in her hands, Nick clenched his fists painfully, Tokotyrkova completely fainted ... and only Khitrova sat with her back to everyone, not even moving ...

Maybe you were wrong? - after a couple of minutes, Riona squeezed herself out.

Mall had promised to save him! Nick whispered with his lips.

In her hands shimmered a small sphere, inside of which was a flower. wilted.

Liarais! Anna Rualski exclaimed in astonishment. - But from where?

When Runka and I flew for the Seal, we met a certain mountain khumrik. These flowers grew there. We found a twin flower. He had one, I had the other. Humrik said that if the flower withers, then its owner is dead. I doubt that the humrik was lying.

I didn't lie, said Firriander. - If you really found a pair of Liarays, then there can be no mistake - Rinat is dead.

And after all this we should were perish, - said Riona. - If he had not begun to heal us then, he would have destroyed Markel and Angelica. He saved us at the cost of his life...

We couldn't protect the light, Nick grumbled. We couldn't do what we were supposed to!

There was no need to listen to this woman, - Olga, who woke up, croaked. “We should have gone to the volcano and done something!”

Khitrova got up and silently walked towards the castle. She didn't want to hear anything. You won't change anything anyway. The girl glanced sideways at the mountain and saw Mell slowly walking towards Siniodus with some kind of goblet.

BUT! Appeared! Olga yelled. "You promised you would save him!"

You already know? Melissa smiled sadly.

Why? - Barely restraining herself, so as not to rush at the girl with her fists, drawled Riona. - Why couldn't you? Answer, I'm asking you!

He tried to protect me, but Angelica outplayed everything at the last moment, and even this Holy Grail ruined everything ... - Mel said confusedly. - I'll tell you everything tomorrow. Now I have to report to my superiors.

One question,” Khitrova said unexpectedly. Is Markel dead?

Almost, she replied. - Rinat struck him with a cursed light, after this they do not survive. Gordos has a maximum of a day left. Angelica, unfortunately, escaped.

It's clear, - Sveta said just as quietly. You can go, we'll talk more tomorrow.

Mell shuddered at Khitrova's commanding tone, but she didn't say anything. Silently she turned, motioned for her men to follow her, and soon disappeared.

Olga, Riona and Nick followed Svetka to the partially destroyed castle. Opermags created a portal through which the prisoners, stunned by the news of the death of the owner, were taken away. The teachers sent the students to their rooms, while they themselves took care of the wounded undergraduates and search for the dead. Soon night fell on Siniodus, nature was resting from a heavy evening. Silence. The castle was plunged into darkness. There is only one light on in one window. Khitrova was sitting on the windowsill with her legs up and simply looking at the moon, illuminating the surroundings with a pale silvery light. “Cold…not the same as Rinat's…” Svetka suddenly thought. In her hands she held a sphere with withered liaraise. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Dismantled in the guide how to get the hidden artifact skin in Legion for each class and specialization World of Warcraft. In addition to secret skins, we will also tell you about the secret effects of artifacts.

Note: this guide is only dedicated to unlocking one of the 24 artifact skins (for all 36 WOW specializations). For information on obtaining other Artifact weapon skins, as well as all other information about this aspect of the game, see here:

Appearance of artifact weapons

Each artifact in WOW Legion has one secret skin (appearance). The source of obtaining a hidden appearance is different for almost all artifacts, for example:

  • Loot from monsters and bosses
  • Purchase for reputation with factions
  • Passage of special scenarios
  • Construction of special buildings during the leveling of the Hall of the class

Once you have unlocked the Artifact's Secret Appearance, 3 additional tints will be available to you. To obtain these colorings, you need to perform various actions, with the artifact equipped and the hidden appearance active:

  • Complete 100 dungeons
  • Complete 200 World Quests
  • Kill 1000 players of the opposite faction

In addition to secret skins, some artifacts also have secret features - they can work when the artifact is equipped on the character. This guide tells about the features, and about the appearances of artifacts.

For obtaining the hidden appearance of the artifact, the achievement Hidden Potential is provided.

Artifact Appearance Hidden Skins

For convenience, the guide is divided into sections by classes and specializations. For each branch, first the additional effect of the artifact weapon is indicated, and then information on the discovery of a secret type of artifact.

Death Knight

Blood - Cursed Devourer

  • To unlock this quest, you must have completed the main quest chain in Suramar (up to the Gathering Troops quest) and have 400 Ancient Mana on you (read How to Get Ancient Mana).
  • In this scenario, you earn points for the number of monsters you kill. The more points you get, the more Falanaar Arcane Tablets (reputation with the Nightfallen) and more items from the final chest.
  • There are many tips and tricks for this scenario, such as starting with more troops and opening small chests along the way for items like the Traveler's Bank Chest and Ancient Mana Chalice. More tips (in English) as well as videos can be found on the Wowhead website.
  • In the section about obtaining a skin for a dd monk, there is a video with tips on how to complete the scenario in Russian.

Appearance video:

Death Knight Frost - Blades of the Fallen Prince

How to get the:

Runes drop from world boss Mevra's Soul Captor, provided you have Artifact Knowledge level 4+.

Death Knight Unholy - Apocalypse

  • Requires Artifact Knowledge Level 6.

After that:

  1. When an unholy DK uses an artifact ability, an orc may appear nearby with a book. The servants of the DK will shout something into the chat, and after their disappearance, the Initiator of the area will remain on the ground - the Journal of Putricide. You need to pick it up (you can not read it).
  2. After that, in the Citadel, death knights will be able to see a disguised door next to the Putricide processor.
  3. We pass through this door, kill the abomination, the secret appearance of the artifact for the unholy DK falls from it.

Demon Hunter

Havoc - Dual Blades of the Deceiver

The hidden effect of the DH DD artifact is not yet known.

  1. You need to get the Amulet of Kandrael, which can drop during World Quests in Suramar.
  2. Take the amulet to Kandrael Twinshadow on the hill west of Felsoul Hold.
  3. The NPC will throw you up to the Nether. It has a debuff that creates winds - they allow you to fight in the air.
  4. Fight the Fiend by staying in the winds (so as not to fall to the ground) and using Glide when he knocks back.
  5. When the boss is killed, you will be able to get Deathbringer's Disguise from him.

Demon Hunter Vengeance - Aldrachi Warglaives

The hidden effect is not yet known.

Secret Artifact Appearance: Unlocked by Wrath of the Iron Guard .

  • At level 2 of the Hall of the class, select the Twisting Nether and then use the portal that appears.
  • Demons killed in the portal have a chance to drop Wrath of the Iron Guard. Drop chance is unknown.


Balance - Scythe of Elune

  • Sunfire Seed is sold by Sylvia Staghorn in Val'sharah. To purchase, you will need Exalted with the Dreamweavers faction.
  • To get a Pure Drop of Shaladrassil Juice, you will also need Exalted Dreamweavers, as well as at least level 5 artifact knowledge. If these conditions are met, the drop will drop from the first boss of Darkheart Thicket, Archdruid Glaidalis.

Feral Druid - Fangs of Ashhide

  • This item can be obtained by summoning the Sovereign.
  • In the Emerald Dreamway, you can see in the chat emotes associated with certain portals (Hinterlands, Feralas, Duskwood). Go through this portal, find the nearest moonstone and touch it.
  • Repeat this for several days until the ancient Moon Spirit (Kotosova) shows up and gives you the Moon Spirit Feather.

Druid Guardian - Claws of Ursoc

  • Dropped by Ursoc in the Emerald Nightmare raid.

How to unlock the Tank Druid Secret Skin:

Healing - Ghanir, Primordial Tree

  • At level 2 of the Hall of the class, select the Evergreen option and then create Evergreen Soil to grow the Acorn of Eternity.


Beastmaster - Might of the Titans

Artifact's Hidden Appearance: Unlocked by the Great Architect's Intent.

  • The item is sold in Dalaran by Hobart Drek for 8000 gold.
  • Note: this artifact appearance changes the gun to a bow!

Hunter Shooting - Tasdora, Legacy of the Windrunners

  • Sold by NPC Veridium Fallon in Azsuna for 1700 gold. Requires Revered with the Court of Farondis faction.

Hunter Survival - Ravenous Claw

  • Item drops from Ursoc in the Emerald Nightmare.


Arcane - Aluneth

How to get the:

  1. Use the Polymorph spell on the following enemies:
    • Rock Hippogryph in Azsuna
    • Alpine Goat in Highmountain
    • Plains Runehorn Calf in Stormheim
    • Wood deer in Suramar
    • Wild dreamwalker in Val'sharah
  2. Reach Artifact Knowledge Level 6.
  3. An Unstable Sheep may spawn in the Keep of the Guardian with a certain probability - you need to right-click on it several times, after which it will explode. There is also information that this sheep may appear when using the Polymorph spell at the first stage of obtaining the hidden artifact form.
  4. Now seek out the Highly Unstable Sheep in Stormheim's Runewood. Like the previous sheep, it needs to be blown up. The macros /tar Unstable Sheep and /tar Highly Unstable Sheep can help you find sheep.
  5. Go to the tower of Azora, which is located in the Elwynn Forest and go through a small event, at the end of which you will receive the Spindle of Destiny.

Fire Mage - Felo'melorn

Hidden Effect: Speak to the elven blacksmith in Dalaran and at the end of the dialogue, get Artifact Power. And the corpses of the killed enemies will look black and charred.

Secret Appearance: Unlocked via Starfishing.

  • According to player reports, Starfish is dropped in Suramar locations and both from rares and regular monsters (for example, from the Kadray rare).

Video about the secret appearance of the firebender artifact:

Mage Ice - Polar Night

  • Unlocked after leveling the Nexus Teleportation talent at level 2 of the class hall.
  • 5 portals will appear in the class hall. Every day, through them with a small chance you can get into Frostfire Ridge, and there you can get an Everflaming Crystal.
  • You will learn about the portal to the HLO through a special emote in the chat when you run up the stairs in the class hall.


Brewmaster - Fu Can

The effect of the artifact weapon is not yet known.

Hidden Artifact Appearance: Accessed through Legend of the Monkey King.

  • At the second level of the Class Hall development, select the Brewery talent.
  • An item can drop from mugs in this brewery (once a day).

Mistweaver Monk - Shei-Lun

The hidden effect is not known.

Secret Skin: Unlocked by Breath of the Immortal Serpent .

  • The item drops from nightmare dragons (Ysondre, Emeriss, Lethon, Taerar) in the Emerald Nightmare raid. Drop rate is not yet known.

Windwalker Monk - Fists of Heaven

  • To receive the quest, complete the Suramar main questline (before the Gathering Troops quest) and receive 400 Ancient Mana .
  • As the scenario progresses, you earn points based on the number of monsters killed. The more points - the more items you will receive from the last chest (where the desired item may be).

Video with tips for completing the Scenario Training of the Withered in Suramar:


Light - Silver hand

  • Random drop from demons in Faronaar (Azsuna location)

Video - how to unlock the Holy Paladin Artifact Skin in WOW Legion:

Paladin Defense - Guardian of Truth

  • Dropped from the last chest in the scenario Training of the Withered in Suramar

Paladin Retribution - Ashbringer

How to get the:

To obtain this hidden appearance, you will have to go through a fairly long chain of tasks. In addition, you will need level 6 artifact knowledge.

1. Obtain two books by Nat Pagle:

  • "Advanced Fishing" by Nat Pagle, which can be looted from the bodies of players in Alterac Valley.
  • A read copy of Nat Pagle's Advanced Fishing, found in the Dusty Tome in Dire Maul.

Do not start the quest that starts with the Head of Nefarian or you will lose this item. In the case of the secret skin, it is important that you have the head in your inventory.

  1. Make sure you have reached Artifact Knowledge level 6.
  2. Talk to Sister Elda with both parts of Nat Pagle's book in your inventory - she will give you a Complete copy of Nat Pagle's Advanced Fishing.
  3. Speak to Prince Tortheldrin in the west wing of Dire Maul with the new book and the Head of Nefarian in your inventory.

Don't touch anyone in Dire Maul, especially the bosses.

  1. Speak with Alexia Ironknife at Chillwind Camp in Western Plaguelands (Alliance) or Bardu Trueeye at Bastion in Tirisfal Glades (Horde).
  2. Read Grand Inquisitor Isillien's Journal at Hearthglen in Western Plaguelands.
  3. Next is the hard part - you need to destroy the Big Evil Slime, which can have a respawn time of up to 30 hours (it is believed that it is 16 hours). This time depends on the phase and the server, so it is impossible to predict the appearance of mucus.
  4. The Timolean Talisman will drop out of the slime, using which you will see, in fact, Timoleon the Damned himself. Talk to him and move on to the next step.
  5. 10. Time to fish for the Shard of Darkness in the Tondraril River. You can catch it anywhere in the river, no improvement in the fishing skill in any way affects the chance of catching. Some received the coveted fragment after 100 castings of the fishing rod, while others took several thousand - it all depends on luck.
  6. 11. Talk to Lord Maxwell Tyrosus and start the quest A Walk in the Shadows. At the end of this quest, you will receive the coveted Heart of Corruption and a new artifact skin.


Discipline - Fury of the Light

  • You need to collect 12 volumes from different parts of Azeroth in order to combine them into Annals of Light and Darkness. You can read in detail in the English commentary on the wowhead website or watch the video below.

Video - where to find all the volumes for the hidden appearance of the priest of the Obedience branch:

Priest of Light - Tuure, Light of the Naaru

The additional effect is not known.

  • The item can be obtained by combining the Crown of the Lightborn (drop from Hyrja) and the Rod of the Ascended (purchased from the Quartermaster of the Valarjara faction with Exalted reputation).

Shadow Priest - Blade of the Dark Empire

The only known effect is that the staff sometimes whispers something to its owner.

Hidden Appearance Variant: Unlocked by Talon of N'Zoth .

  • Claw of N'Zoth drops from Il'gynoth boss in the Emerald Nightmare


Liquidation - Assassins of Kings

Secret Skin: Accessed through the Broken Bone Cipher, which drops from the rar in the Underbelly of Dalaran.

  • Usually the bosses in the Underbelly appear quite quickly, sometimes literally one after another.
  • An example of rares (this is not the whole list):

Video of obtaining a secret skin for the Assassination rogue:

Rogue Outlaw - Dreadblades

  • The exact source of receipt is not yet known.

Rogue Subtlety - Fangs of the Devourer

The effect has not yet been observed.

  • In the Vault (part of the class hall, you can get through the Vault Voucher) you can take the Bag with Keys - it hangs on a pole. The bag contains Lei Shen's Palace Key.
  • Speak with Taoshi in the lower level of the class hall to start the scenario The Thunder King's Citadel. For each attempt, you need 1 Lei Shen Palace Key.
  • At the end of the scenario (when you complete it or when time runs out) open the chests and collect as many Funeral Treasury Keys as you can.
  • How to get the Funeral Treasury Key:
    • Golden Treasure Chest (large) - 20% chance
    • Mogu Treasure Chest (small) - 12% chance
    • Drop from

Only the most experienced heroes of Azeroth can meet the Burning Legion's invasion armed with legendary artifacts. The power of this magnificent weapon grows with yours. You yourself determine its properties, appearance, sounds and behavior in battle. Transform your artifact into the ultimate weapon of war and lead your faction through these difficult times!

Having become one of the greatest priests of Azeroth, you have earned the right to wield a weapon that is endowed not only with power, but also with a name of its own.

Between Light and Darkness

Priests have three specializations: Discipline, Holy, and Shadow. The uniqueness of each of them is reflected in the choice of artifact weapons.

  • Priests with the Discipline specialization stand on the thin line between light and darkness and masterfully control them. They need to carefully maintain this balance so that they can apply and control the power of the staff. Fury of Light in battle.
  • Holy Priests embody divine power and use real weapons of the Holy: T "uure, light of the Naaru. Weapons of this origin can be used both to heal allies and to crush those who dare to become enemies.
  • The Dark Adepts will no doubt want to add Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire to your arsenal. Shadow Priests who wield this Void-honed blade will be able to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies and bend their minds to their will.

Each artifact is the embodiment of the power of the priest who owns it. Power is hidden in names - remember them, because this legendary weapon will become your faithful assistant in the battle with the enemy, which you have never met more dangerously.

Discipline - Fury of the Light

In an effort to purge Azeroth of the undead, the Scarlet Crusade attempted to create a second Ashbringer in the form of a staff. But the Dreadlord, having penetrated the ranks of the order, prevented him, causing a terrifying magical explosion. Since then, the power of the damaged staff has been almost impossible to control. A few daredevils tried to use it, but provoked further destruction, and the Kirin Tor mages decided to hide it to avoid disaster.

Light - T "uure, light of the Naaru

Creatures of pure light, the benevolent naaru rescued the draenei from their homeworld when most of them became servants of the Burning Legion. The demons almost destroyed the last fugitives, but the naaru protected them with this beacon crystal. T "uure radiates a healing radiance of Light that heals terrible wounds and returns to life. At some point, the crystal fell into the hands of the Legion in a war-torn world. Since then, it has not been seen.

Darkness - Xal "atat, blade of the Dark Empire

Long ago, this terrifying dagger was crafted from the claw of an ancient god and used by priests for ritual sacrifice during the height of the Black Empire. After the overthrow of the ancient gods, the cultists hid Xal "atat. For centuries, from time to time he appeared in terrible rites or disasters. The blade has its own will: with the help of the energy of the Abyss and influencing the minds of people, it maliciously distorts everything around.

Another class of staff-bearers is the priest. I must say that the staves turned out to be quite good, but the shadow priests will be immediately recognizable by their daggers and creepy tomes. Well, what, they, like warlocks, are not averse to using not too bright forces in their affairs.

Details on how to gain access to a particular appearance of the artifact can be found. There is information about the mechanics and how they are pumped in.


Classic View - Light's Wrath

original view

Improved View - Crest of the Redeemed

Learn the entire history of the artifact

Valiant View - Chalice of Light

Kill 8 world bosses

Tempered Kind - Eternal Vigil

Hidden View - Tomekeeper's Spire

See spoiler below

Other types

View one

Second view

third view

Fourth view

How to get a hidden artifact view for the Discipline spec

The Writings of the End item that this view unlocks is related to collecting the 12 tomes that are scattered across Azeroth. Collecting them will create the item that precedes you get if you collect 12 volumes and craft them into The Annals of Light and Shadow , the item that precedes Writings of the End . This is all that is known so far.

Toms can be found in the following locations: Dalaran / Priest Class Hall

  • Juvess the Duskwhisperer, on the table.
  • Priest Class Hall, behind the Meridelle Lightspark (Hat Vendor), at the bottom of the box, near the hanging shelves.
  • The class hall of the priests. Talk to Archivist Inkforge and choose the middle option from the suggested answers.
  • Dragonblight, New Hearthglen location (use the portal in the Wyrmrest Temple in the Hall of the Guardian). Enter the temple in New Hearthglen (72.2, 73.5), turn left after you enter and go to the second room - an item on one of the bookshelves.

Eastern kingdoms

  • Scholomance, go to Instructor Iceheart's room, kill the trash, the book is on the sixth shelf.
  • Scarlet Monastery, enter Kegler's Flameweaver's room, kill him. On the left side of the room is a canbellabre. Tom is on the bench between the table and the bookshelf.
  • Karazhan (use the portal in the Hall of the Guardian). Kill the Curator and go to the Guardian's library. Instead of going upstairs to the left, jump right and head towards the alcove that is located here. There will be 3 bookshelves - look for the book there.

Light (Holy)

Classic View - T'uure, Beacon of the Naaru

These artifact weapon styles are unlocked by quests related to Class Hall

original view

Complete one of the Pillars of Creation quests

Completing the Recover the Light's Heart questline

Completing the first stage of the Class Hall Company

Improved View - Banner of Purity

These styles of artifact weapons are unlocked by quests related to Class Hall, archeology, and discovering artifact traits.

End of the Class Hall Campaign

Unlock all artifact weapon traits

Find 8 rare archaeological items

Learn the entire history of the artifact

Valiant View - Keeper of Light

These Artifact weapon styles are unlocked through various PvE activities.

Complete the Balance Power quest chain

Kill 8 world bosses

Complete a challenge mode dungeon with a level 15 Mythic Keystone

Complete the "Glory of the Legion Hero" meta-achievement

Hardened View - Embrace of the Void

These artifact weapon styles are unlocked by PvP ranks (prestige levels)

Get prestige level 1

Reach prestige level 5

Reach prestige level 9

Reach prestige level 13

Hidden View - Crest of the Lightborn

The way to get it is different for different specs

See spoiler below

Complete 100 Hidden Artifact instances

Complete 200 World Quests with a Hidden View Artifact

1,000 Honorable Kills with a Stealth Artifact

Other types

These skins were found by dataminers, but for what successes and achievements in the game they are given is still unclear

View one

Second view

third view

Fourth view

How to get the hidden artefact view for the Holy spec


Classic View - Blade of the Black Empire / Xal'atath, Blade of the Dark Empire

These artifact weapon styles are unlocked by quests related to Class Hall

original view

Complete one of the Pillars of Creation quests

Completing the Recover the Light's Heart questline

Completing the first stage of the Class Hall Company

Enhanced View - Embrace of the Old Gods

These styles of artifact weapons are unlocked by quests related to Class Hall, archeology, and discovering artifact traits.

End of the Class Hall Campaign

Unlock all artifact weapon traits

Learn the entire history of the artifact

Find 8 rare archaeological items

Valiant View - The Fallen Blade

These Artifact weapon styles are unlocked through various PvE activities.

Complete the Balance Power quest chain

Kill 8 world bosses

Complete a challenge mode dungeon with a level 15 Mythic Keystone

Meet with Kalec at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran.


Fury of the Light... a bold choice. However, such a weapon can turn the tide of this war... of course, if you manage to harness its power. Finding this staff will not be easy. The mages of the Kirin Tor gave it to the blue dragons so that they would hide the artifact in a safe place, away from people. Only they know where this weapon is now and how to get it. I think it's best to go to the dragon Kalec, one of the Council of Six. Find him in Dalaran. and maybe you will get answers to your questions.

So you're looking for Light's Wrath? Dangerous, very dangerous weapon.

Long ago, the mages of the Kirin Tor entrusted its care to the blue dragonflight. The staff was placed in the only place where its unbridled power would not be unleashed - the vault of the Nexus.

However, I haven't been there for a long time. After the blue dragons were all but wiped out, the Nexus was abandoned. So now no one knows if the Nexus vault has survived and what you can expect in the Nexus itself.

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