• Know: the climate of Africa, the main ones. Working with the climate map

can she know?

Here are the diagrams, there are 3 of them, so please do these tasks, for all these three diagrams.

2. Find out the annual course of temperatures. What are the average temperatures in July and January? What is the annual temperature range?
3. What is the amount of precipitation typical for this type of climate? What is the rainfall pattern during the year?
4. Make a conclusion about the type of climate?

working with climate charts:

1-Carefully consider all the symbols on the diagram. What can you learn from it?
2-Find out the annual temperature range. What are the average temperatures of July and January? What is the annual temperature range?
3-How much precipitation is typical for this type of climate. What is the precipitation regime during the year?
4-Make a conclusion about the type of climate.

The first Europeans who approached the shores of South America were the sailors of the expedition: Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus or Amerigo Vespucci.

The largest plain in the world in terms of area is the Amazonian lowland, the La Plane lowland or the Orinoc lowland.
Parana is full-flowing: throughout the year, in summer or winter.
Chile Argentina or Brazil is the largest country in South America by area.

1. What number on the map indicates Cape Agulhas?

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
2. What are the coordinates of the easternmost point in Africa?
A) 16° S 3° E
B) 10°N 51°E
B) 51°N 11 E
D) 16°N 3°W
3. What type of climate is indicated on the map by hatching?
A) subequatorial
B) Tropical desert
B) tropical humid
D) Equatorial
4. Which country is indicated on the map by a contour line?
A) Congo
B) Egypt
B) Somalia
D) Ethiopia
5. What conclusion about the climate of Africa is fashionable to draw on the basis of the fact that the mainland is crossed by the equator and both tropics?
A) Africa receives a large amount of heat all year round.
B) Africa is in the zone of the trade winds
C) Africa has tropical and equatorial climatic zones.
D) All of the above
6. What researcher made a great contribution to the study of Africa - discovered the Victoria Falls, studied Lake Nyasa?
A) Vasco da Gama B) V.V. Juncker C) D. Livingston D) N.I. Vavilov
7. What is located north of the East African Plateau?
A) Cape Mountains B) Dragon Mountains C) Mount Kilimanjaro D) Ethiopian Highlands
8. There are more in South and East Africa than in North:
A) Oil B) Phosphorites C) Uranium ores D) Gas
9. In the subequatorial zone of the Northern Hemisphere in Africa, precipitation falls:
A) Throughout the year B) in summer C) in winter D) in September and March
10. In the tropical latitudes of southern Africa, more precipitation falls along the east coast than along the west coast, since there:
A) moist equatorial air masses act
B) a cold current cools the air and contributes to the formation of precipitation
C) monsoons in the southern hemisphere during the summer
D) The trade winds bring humid air from the Indian Ocean.
11. The most full-flowing river in Africa, full-flowing throughout the year, does not form a delta, these are:
A) Nile B) Congo C) Zambezi D) Niger
12. What is the deepest lake in Africa?
A) Victoria B) Nyasa C) Tanganyika D) Chad
13. What plant or animal is not typical for the savanna zone?
A) Hippopotamus B) Gorilla C) Acacia D) Baobab
14. What peoples live in northern Africa?
A) Arab peoples B) Bushmen C) Negroids D) Pygmies
15. Which country in Africa is the largest in terms of population?
A) Egypt
B) South Africa
B) Algeria
D) Nigeria

African climate, main
climate formation.
know how to work with

Solve the problem:

Why Africa is the hottest
mainland on earth?
Why are deserts in Africa
such a large area and are
not only within the continent, but also in
oceanic parts?
What climate zones
Africa is located?

Climate of Africa.
winter and summer.
the amount of precipitation.
climatic zones.

Climate of Africa.
winter and summer.
In January:
from +8 C in the north
up to +24 C in the south.
In July:
from +32 C in the north
up to + 8 C in the south.
the amount of precipitation.
From 3000 mm rainfall
on the west coast
from 1000mm to 2000mm
in equatorial Africa;
Less than 100mm
rainfall in the area
tropical Africa.
climatic zones.

Climatogram analysis plan:

symbols on the chart (months
years are indicated by letters). What's up with her
can you find out?
Find out the annual course of temperatures.
What are the average temperatures
July and January? What is the annual
temperature range?
What is the amount of precipitation
for this type of climate? What
rainfall patterns throughout the year?
Make a conclusion about the type of climate.



12. Working with the climate map.

What are isotherms?
What is the average temperature in July
Lake Chad?
What is the average January temperature in
basin of the Orange River?
What do the red numbers on the map mean?
and black near the city?
Where on the continent does the most
high rainfall?
Where is the least rainfall?


Name the climate
territory, which
has such
The territory is located
in the area of ​​high
atmospheric pressure,
precipitation is low (less than 100 mm).
Average January temperature
air here +10 C,
July +38 C.
Characterized by seasonal change
air masses. Winter is dry
summer is wet. Temperature
January +24 C, July +30 C.
The amount of precipitation is 600-1000 mm.
Check answers


Well done!!!


Much of southern Africa is
north of 30 s. Mozambican in the east
the strait separates the most
largest island on the globe. Madagascar. South -
the highest part of Africa, especially its
southeastern tip, where
related to the new folding Draconic
the mountains.
minerals: in foothill troughs -
sedimentary (gold, diamonds, copper), and at the outlets
crystalline rocks - igneous (coal,
oil Gas).
South Africa has the following
subtropical uniform humidification in
throughout the year.

Teacher Girko T.V.

slide 2

  • Know:
  • climate of Africa, the main factors of climate formation.
  • Be able to: work with climate charts.
  • slide 3

    Solve the problem:

    • Why is Africa the hottest continent on Earth?
    • Why do deserts in Africa occupy such a large area and are located not only inside the continent, but also in the oceanic parts?
    • What climate zone is Africa in?
  • slide 4

    slide 5

    1. Annual precipitation.
    2. climatic zones.
  • slide 6

    • Average temperatures in winter and summer.
    • Annual precipitation.
    • climatic zones.
    • In January:

    from +8 C in the north

    up to +24 C in the south.

    • In July:

    from +32 C in the north

    up to + 8 C in the south.

    • From 3000 mm of precipitation on the west coast of Africa;
    • from 1000mm to 2000mm in equatorial Africa;
    • Less than 100 mm rainfall in tropical Africa.


      • equatorial,
      • tropical;
      • Transitional:
      • subequatorial,
      • subtropical.
  • Slide 7

    Climatogram analysis plan:

    • Carefully consider all the designations on the diagram (the months of the year are indicated by letters). What can be learned from it?
    • Find out the annual course of temperatures. What are the average temperatures in July and January? What is the annual temperature range?
    • How much precipitation is typical for this type of climate? What is the rainfall pattern during the year?
    • Make a conclusion about the type of climate.
  • Slide 8

    Slide 9

    Slide 10

    slide 11

    slide 12

    Working with the climate map

    • What are isotherms?
    • What is the average July temperature near Lake Chad?
    • What is the average January temperature in the Orange River Basin?
    • What do the red and black numbers near the city mean on the map?
    • Where does the continent get the most rainfall?
    • Where is the least rainfall?
  • slide 13

    • Check answers
    • Name the climate of the territory, which has the following features:
    • Seasonal change of air masses is typical. Winter is dry, summer is wet. January temperature +24 C, July +30 C. Rainfall 600-1000 mm.
    • The territory is located in the area of ​​high atmospheric pressure, there is little precipitation (less than 100 mm). The average January air temperature here is +10 C, July +38 C.
  • Slide 14

    Well done!!!

    • subequatorial
    • Tropical
  • slide 15

    • Most of southern Africa lies north of 30S. In the east, the Mozambique Channel separates the largest island in the world from Madagascar from South Africa. The south is the most elevated part of Africa, especially its southeastern tip, where the Dragon Mountains related to the new folding are located. A variety of minerals are located here: sedimentary (gold, diamonds, copper) in foothill troughs, and igneous (coal, oil, gas) at the outcrops of crystalline rocks.
    • In southern Africa, the following types of climate are presented: desert tropical, humid tropical, subequatorial, subtropical Mediterranean and subtropical uniform moisture throughout the year.
  • slide 16

    Good weather to all.

    View all slides

    Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/214505126_439126631.pdf-img/214505126_439126631.pdf-1.jpg" alt="(!LANG:> Know: the climate of Africa, the main factors of climate formation. Be able to:"> Знать: климат Африки, основные факторы климатообразования. Уметь: работать с климатическими диаграммами.!}

    Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/214505126_439126631.pdf-img/214505126_439126631.pdf-2.jpg" alt="(!LANG:> Solving questions: Why is Africa the hottest continent on Earth?"> Решаем вопросы: Почему Африка самый жаркий материк на Земле? Почему пустыни в Африке занимают такую большую площадь и находятся не только внутри континента, но и в приокеанических частях? В каких климатических поясах располагается Африка?!}

    Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/214505126_439126631.pdf-img/214505126_439126631.pdf-3.jpg" alt="(!LANG:> Climate of Africa. Average annual climatic zones."> Климат Африки. Средние Годовое Климатические пояса. температуры количество осадков. зимы и лета.!}

    Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/214505126_439126631.pdf-img/214505126_439126631.pdf-4.jpg" alt="(!LANG:> Climate of Africa. Average annual climatic zones."> Климат Африки. Средние Годовое Климатические пояса. температуры количество осадков. зимы и лета. В январе: От 3000 мм осадков на западном побережье Основные: от +8 С на севере экваториальный, до +24 С на юге. Африки; от 1000 мм до 2000 мм тропический; В июле: в экваториальной Африке; Менее 100 мм Переходные: от +32 С на севере субэкваториальный, до + 8 С на юге. осадков в районе тропической Африки. субтропический.!}

    Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/214505126_439126631.pdf-img/214505126_439126631.pdf-5.jpg" alt="(!LANG:> Climatogram analysis plan: Carefully consider all symbols on the diagram (months"> План анализа климатограммы: Внимательно рассмотрите все обозначения на диаграмме (месяцы года указаны буквами). Что по ней можно узнать? Выясните годовой ход температур. Чему равны средние температуры июля и января? Какова годовая амплитуда температур? Какое количество осадков характерно для данного типа климата? Каков режим осадков в течение года? Сделайте вывод о типе климата.!}

    Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/214505126_439126631.pdf-img/214505126_439126631.pdf-6.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>Working with a climate map. What are isotherms? What is the average July temperature"> Работа с климатической картой. Что такое изотермы? Какова средняя июльская температура у озера Чад? Какая средняя январская температура в бассейне реки Оранжевая? Что обозначают на карте цифры красного и черного цвета около города? Где на континенте выпадает самое большое количество осадков? Где меньше всего осадков?!}

    Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/214505126_439126631.pdf-img/214505126_439126631.pdf-7.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>Name the climate of the territory that has such seasonal changes"> Назовите климат территории, который имеет такие Характерна сезонная смена воздушных масс. Зима сухая, особенности: лето влажное. Температура января +24 С, июля +30 С. Количество осадков 600 -1000 мм. Территория находится в области высокого атмосферного давления, осадков мало (менее 100 мм). Средняя январская температура Проверь ответы воздуха здесь +10 С, июльская +38 С.!}

    Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/214505126_439126631.pdf-img/214505126_439126631.pdf-8.jpg" alt="(!LANG:> Subequatorial Tropical Well done!!!"> Субэкваториальный Тропический Молодцы!!!!}

    Solve the problem: Why is Africa the hottest continent on Earth? Why is Africa the hottest continent on Earth? Why do the deserts in Africa occupy such a large area and are located not only inside the continent, but also in the oceanic parts? Why do the deserts in Africa occupy such a large area and are not only inside the continent, but also in the oceanic parts? In what climate zones is Africa located? In what climate zones is Africa located?

    Average temperatures in winter and summer. Annual precipitation. climatic zones. In January: from +8 C in the north to +24 C in the south. In July: from +32 C in the north to + 8 C in the south. From 3000 mm of precipitation on the west coast of Africa; from 1000mm to 2000mm in equatorial Africa; Less than 100 mm rainfall in tropical Africa. Basic: equatorial, tropical; Transitional: subequatorial, subtropical. Climate of Africa.

    Plan for analyzing the climatogram: Carefully consider all the designations on the diagram (the months of the year are indicated by letters). What can be learned from it? Find out the annual course of temperatures. What are the average temperatures in July and January? What is the annual temperature range? How much precipitation is typical for this type of climate? What is the rainfall pattern during the year? Make a conclusion about the type of climate.

    Working with a climate map What are isotherms? What is the average July temperature near Lake Chad? What is the average January temperature in the Orange River Basin? What do the red and black numbers near the city mean on the map? Where does the continent get the most rainfall? Where is the least rainfall?

    Check the answers Name the climate of the territory, which has the following features: Seasonal change of air masses is characteristic. Winter is dry, summer is wet. January temperature +24 C, July +30 C. Precipitation mm. The territory is located in the area of ​​high atmospheric pressure, there is little precipitation (less than 100 mm). The average January air temperature here is +10 C, July +38 C.
    Most of southern Africa lies north of 30S. In the east, the Mozambique Channel separates the largest island in the world from Madagascar from South Africa. The south is the most elevated part of Africa, especially its southeastern tip, where the Dragon Mountains related to the new folding are located. A variety of minerals are located here: sedimentary (gold, diamonds, copper) in foothill troughs, and igneous (coal, oil, gas) at the outcrops of crystalline rocks. In southern Africa, the following types of climate are presented: desert tropical, humid tropical, subequatorial, subtropical Mediterranean and subtropical uniform moisture throughout the year.

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