Famous personalities born under the sign of Scorpio. Love horoscope for Scorpios

The main planet in the natal chart is the Sun. The sun denotes the manifestation of individuality, desires, ambitions, goals. The sun stands for something personal. The events that will affect a person deeply depend on the influence of the planets on the Sun during the year. Those born under the sign of Scorpio are under the influence of the planet Pluto. Pluto can trigger processes that change the psyche. A person born under the sign of Scorpio is constantly changing his personality traits and he likes to experience strong sensations and experiences. He can be fearless and strict with himself, Pluto is the planet of power and social success, so scorpios can work hard, but it is important for representatives of this sign to experience passion in life and do what they want.

The scorpio sign denotes those born between October 23rd and November 22nd. This period is divided into decades, each of which imposes personality traits on the scorpio sign:

  • Scorpions of the first decade (24.10 - 03.11) are ambitious, cunning, prudent, but vulnerable.
  • Scorpios of the second decade (03.11 - 12.11) have a good imagination, love creativity and art, their distinguishing feature is the desire for independence in relationships, but deep feelings do not frighten them.
  • Scorpions of the third decade (13.11 - 22.11) are secretive, mysterious, not afraid to take risks, they would like to express their emotions violently in relationships.

Horoscope for 2019 Scorpio - general trends

Depending on the date of birth in decades, the scorpion will be subject to fundamentally different planetary phenomena: life changes, inspiration and creativity, personal crises.

Scorpios of the 1st decade may feel that changes in their lives force them to set new goals for themselves. Habitual roles will no longer work in new situations, and they are replaced by vivid emotional reactions. In February, an event will occur that will be an incentive and motivation for changing oneself, because in new situations, non-standard strategies are needed. Exposure to impulses, high-speed reactions, rash actions, spontaneous behavior - this is what will characterize the first decade of scorpions throughout 2019.

Scorpions of the 2nd decade will want to do creativity, spirituality, yoga or read philosophical literature. All those involved in art will feel an unprecedented surge of inspiration, they will want to create. It is important to allow yourself to live according to a free schedule and do what you want at least periodically. Advice: it is favorable to write down or draw an idea and bring it to life as soon as possible.

In 2019, scorpions of the 2nd decade will not want to change jobs or relationships, the rebellious sign will learn constancy, this is the influence of transiting Saturn. Individuals who lead a positive and correct lifestyle will be more protected from the karmic rewards that transiting Saturn loves to inflict.

At the end of November, an event will occur that will turn out to be fateful and force you to express yourself. Whether it is stress or, conversely, something positive depends on the natal chart, according to this event, you can see the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife in which further changes will occur.

Scorpions of the 3rd decade will gradually acquire personal magnetism, however, for this they need to attract attention to themselves, not hold back their feelings, and speak in public. There is a high chance of gaining fans. There may be an interest in psychotherapy, a desire to know yourself and look into your subconscious. Personality crises can be solved with the help of acting skills. Changing the role and image will help to position yourself more effectively. The horoscope for 2019 does not prohibit haircuts and coloring at the hairdresser.

Scorpio love horoscope for 2019

In January 2019, scorpions of the first decade may think about divorce if marriage does not contribute to the realization of their personal interests. Life can lead to romantic relationships with strange people, creative personalities, such unions will be fleeting and built on independence. Novels can be unstable, the behavior of partners is unpredictable. Impulsive actions are possible, so the horoscope for 2019 suggests that those who care about security in their personal lives hold on to relationships with a partner.

The skill of unconditional love will help Scorpios of the second decade in relationships: love your partner for simply being. If there is a permanent relationship, then you will have to work on them with a psychologist, forgive insults and open your heart. Free representatives of the sign may have an awareness of the image of a suitable partner. Likely falling in love with people who match this image. This will give energy, the scorpion is a decisive sign with personal magnetism, it is useful for him not to restrain passions and express feelings to his chosen one.

The restraining influence of Saturn makes you think about the family and about building relationships. Married couples can start planning pregnancy. Those who are in search will want to carefully choose the right partner for family relationships, and not plunge headlong into passion. Therefore, the desire for thrills, natural for a scorpion, may manifest itself more slowly and all joint plans with the chosen one will not be realized immediately. If someone is going to seduce a scorpion of the 2nd decade in 2019, then he will have to be patient and convince him of his feelings, proving love with actions.

Representatives of the third decade are ruled by Pluto, which means that they have passion and love in the first place. Relationships where there are no feelings will gradually collapse and come to naught. To build a personal life, it is worth surrendering to impulses, women under the sign of a scorpion will fall in love with financially secure men, and men will boldly conquer those women who have caused a strong attraction. Representatives of the 3rd decade can take emotional risks, this will make them charming in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Scorpio financial horoscope for 2019

For representatives of the 1st decade of the sign, unusual sources of income are possible; mastering the securities market is useful only in a game form without serious bets. Automation of all processes will increase income: the use of computer programs, hiring employees, the use of modern technologies to attract customers.

For a decent income, Scorpio of the 2nd decade will learn to appreciate their goods and services, ask for a higher price and increase the level of service.

Those born in the 3rd decade will prosper if they have a stable business or support from a spouse. When faced with financial difficulties, transiting Pluto will activate the awareness of their goals and ambitions, which will inspire and motivate. The money will come for specific projects. In the process of earning, it will not be the cash flow itself that will become important, but how the consciousness of the one who manages it changes. It will be favorable to spend money on something that can bring profit. Successful areas: apartment renovation, creative materials, business tools, updating the external image and advertising. Travel expenses will be profitable if you can continue to do work while traveling.

Work and business with a scorpion in 2019

Scorpios of the 1st decade will face the need to explore new areas of activity or practice new approaches in their work. The most successful will be programmers, actors. Stock traders can both get rich and lose investments. For those who have genius abilities, the horoscope for 2019 predicts to demonstrate their talents in public. Artists, designers and architects will create new creations, and science fiction writers can get a profitable order.

Among the 2nd decade, psychologists, private detectives and writers will feel in demand. It is worth doing the production of works of art and filming movies. This is true for film artists, actors, directors and producers. It is worth remembering that transiting Neptune, which affects inspiration, is not a commercial planet at all, so creative individuals should involve those who will help them sell their services and goods. Charm and self-confidence will help in this Scorpio.

Representatives of the third decade are waiting for career growth in a permanent job, in its absence, space will provide information to change the worldview. Learning a new way of doing business will be easy and exciting. Construction, repair, training, trade, psychotherapy are especially promising for a scorpion. Great luck among the representatives of the 3rd decade awaits the workers of the fashion world: career success among photo models and designers.

Scorpio health in 2019

Contact of uranium with the sun in a scorpion can lead to neuropsychiatric disorders. Failures in the normal course of mental processes are associated with overexcitation of the psyche, diseases will have a psychosomatic nature. At the first occurrence of such problems, one should retire from prying eyes and calm down, because the sun is largely expressed in the manifestation of personality in society. Solitude will help relieve excess stress. For the treatment of the nervous system, the rejection of bad habits, water procedures and relaxation practices are useful.

Representatives of the 2nd decade will benefit from all types of hardening, and they will also be able to diet and exercise on a schedule without any problems. The dental treatment will go well.

  • increased vitality and desire for physical activity;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes and fat burning;
  • mental stability and the ability to withstand any communication.

Treatment of diseases will be possible even before they occur, by releasing emotional blocks and psychosomatic massage. Born from November 13 to 22, Scorpios will help other people feel better just by their presence. Representatives of such professions as a massage therapist, doctor or psychotherapist will be able to conduct successful sessions.

Scorpio horoscope by year of birth for 2019

The Chinese horoscope divides people of the same sign into types that are associated with the position of Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet responsible for the flow of finances, success, learning, travel and the brightness of the individual in society. Scorpios of different years are suitable for different recommendations: someone to do work, and someone to relax and unwind. This is due to the course of transit planets in the sky. Recommendations - general, individual series of events can be found out only by analyzing a personal horoscope.

Horoscope Scorpio-Rat 2019

Rats are cautious and practical, prone to constancy, the sign of scorpio makes them cunning, quiet and insightful, in 2019 the ability to maintain inner peace will help in doing business and work.

  • Some scorpios in January will find incentives that will force them to greater achievements. Those who notice that the level of income and success in January does not grow at all should improve relations with superiors, parents, and women with their spouse if they are older.
  • In February, the number of social connections will increase.
  • In the spring, training will be relevant. Inspiration will visit students of courses in art, psychology, philosophy.
  • In May, logical thinking will lead to success, business training is useful. Good luck awaits representatives of the world of trade.
  • In summer, Uranus will enter harmonious aspects with Jupiter. Uranus in Taurus is responsible for forward movement towards goals. A trip abroad or the use of new strategies in business will be favorable. The time is positive for planning. Any patronage and support could mean that this relationship will be strengthened in the future.
  • In autumn, winter, and until the end of the year, you can see this trend: rats under the age of 30 will benefit from education, personal life and entertainment. For those over 40, the ability to feel their chance will open. All business projects will be successfully completed, subject to the timeliness of actions.. Fateful meetings, acquaintances with bright personalities are likely.

Horoscope Scorpio-Ox 2019

Jupiter in Aquarius gives a combination of qualities such as a craving for adventure, a thirst for risk and adventurism. If this is characteristic of the sign of scorpio, then he will strive for control and dominance. Here's what's in store for the scorpio sign in 2019 by age.

Every year our life becomes more and more unpredictable and in such conditions we want to look at least a little into the future to find out what awaits us in the near future. This can be done by horoscopes, which are compiled annually by professional astrologers, analyzing the location of celestial bodies in the sky.

Of course, such forecasts cannot be called the ultimate truth, and there are many skeptics who do not trust them. But every year the number of people who compare their actions with the horoscope is growing, and this directly says that the instructions of astrologers turn out to be correct.

In 2019, all zodiac signs should expect surprises and unexpected twists of fate, because the coming 12 months will pass under the auspices of the Yellow Pig.

This year we will all face a real whirlpool of events, both pleasant and not so pleasant. In particular, the influence of the owner of 2019 will be felt by Scorpions.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

Scorpios are people full of contradictions, because they combine seemingly incompatible features. So, in the representatives of this sign, egoism coexists with devotion, and secrecy with frankness in statements. The character of the representatives of the sign is dominated by categoricalness: they do not like half measures and half tones, therefore they often rush to extremes, which often brings them problems.

At the same time, people born under Scorpio are optimistic and restless, whether they are women or men. They do not become discouraged by failures, but continue to move forward without abandoning the search for a path to their goal. At the same time, representatives of this sign do not like to complain about troubles; it often seems to others that everything is easy for them.

The complex nature of Scorpios does not allow them to become the soul of the company, but they are loyal and good friends who will not let you down in a difficult moment.

General trends for 2019

It will be very successful for Scorpions. Representatives of the sign will feel the strength and determination in themselves to work hard and achieve what they want. The coming year will bring many opportunities for self-realization and change in your life. For some, this will mean moving up the career ladder, and for some, starting a family or moving to another city.

The good news for Scorpios is that the stars do not portend particularly severe upheavals. Of course, it will not do without some difficulties and obstacles, but significant anxieties will bypass.

The main problem for Scorpions will be haste. Due to their nature, representatives of the sign will try to fix problems quickly, making decisions quickly. But such an approach will only exacerbate the current difficulties. Therefore, the main advice for 2019 is to remain calm and reasonable.

Love horoscope for Scorpios

In the year of the Yellow Pig, Scorpios will be overwhelmed with feelings and emotions, which will affect all other areas of life. Representatives of the sign will have to constantly rush between relationships and work, trying to find harmony and balance.

Being by nature quite modest in the manifestation of feelings, Scorpios will try to restrain emotions so that they do not interfere with business. But this can lead to the fact that the representatives of the sign cannot withstand the feelings accumulated in themselves and begin to vent aggression on loved ones. To avoid such an outcome, it is necessary to learn how to separate work and personal relationships, as well as how to “dose” emotions correctly.

For couples, the year will bring a chance to refresh their feelings and re-experience all the charm of being in love. Only excessive workload can interfere. Scorpios will be very focused on their career, which will prevent them from paying enough attention to loved ones. In order to avoid quarrels and conflicts, it is sometimes recommended to push work into the background and devote yourself to the family to the maximum.

For single Scorpios, the Yellow Pig also prepares several opportunities for promising acquaintances and the establishment of strong relationships. The charisma and charm of the representatives of the sign will provide them with the attention of the opposite sex. The main thing is to identify unpromising acquaintances in time and not miss your soul mate.

business forecast

In the business sphere, Scorpios will be lucky, but in order to take advantage of the chances that they will meet along the way, they need to show determination and courage. In some cases, you will have to compete with competitors for your place in the sun, and the struggle will be quite tough. Representatives of the sign will face intrigues and lies in their direction.

Those Scorpios who remain calm and learn to keep emotions in check will be able to overcome all difficulties. Representatives of the sign will constantly be haunted by the desire to explode from overwhelming emotions, but this cannot be done - only restraint will lead to victory. During this period, it is also important not to participate in intrigues and ignore any attempts to involve yourself in a scandal.

Another important tip is not to make hasty decisions. When faced with the need to make a choice, you should carefully consider all the options, and only then decide on the best of them.

By following these guidelines, Scorpios will be able to achieve success at work and improve their financial well-being.


The Year of the Yellow Pig should not be problematic in terms of well-being, but this does not mean that you can neglect your health. The most difficult will be the spring-summer period: old "sores" can declare themselves. But the main factor that causes diseases will be stress. Due to excessive stress at work, Scorpios can feel overworked and weak. This can lead to a weakened immune system and, as a result, to diseases.

If the representatives of the sign do not forget about fitness and elementary rest, then they will not have to deal with doctors. The time for relaxation will come in the fall: at this time, the atmosphere at work will not be so tense, which will make it possible to arrange a vacation.

Also, Scorpio stars are advised to take care of proper nutrition. Preference should be given to vegetables, fruits and dairy products, refusing fried and too fatty foods. This will help you feel light and constantly energized.

Children's horoscope for Scorpions

The coming year will be very successful for the young Scorpions, but only if they show perseverance and perseverance. They are waiting for a lot of bright and interesting events that will bring new emotions and impressions. At the same time, in terms of study, the year will turn out to be somewhat tense, because you will have to master a large amount of information, while at the same time building relationships with peers.

Indicates that Scorpio teens should avoid emotional outbursts and hasty decisions.

In addition, young representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to find their first love. Relations with the opposite sex will be very ambiguous, because it will not be so easy to sort out your feelings. In addition, without experience in creating relationships, it will not be possible to establish contact with the object of love immediately. But the natural charm of Scorpions will help to do everything right and attract the desired person.

It will not do without some difficulties. So, relationships with adults will be far from cloudless. It will seem to young Scorpios that they are given too little attention and judged too harshly. At this time, parents should talk more with them and smooth out sharp corners to avoid conflicts.

Although the year of the Yellow Pig promises to be successful and simple enough, it will not do without some unpleasant surprises. So, it may turn out that in order to achieve the goal, you need to make much more effort than you thought. In such situations, the stars are advised not to lose optimism and continue on the path to your goal. All troubles and difficulties will be easily overcome for those who show dedication and faith in themselves.

Also in 2019, Scorpios are advised to avoid unnecessary risks and all kinds of intrigues. Various "shadow" schemes, whatever they may concern, will lead not to success, but to disappointments and even losses. The main ally will be only perseverance and calmness in difficult situations.

Also, the stars are advised to be attentive to all incoming business proposals, because among them there will be both deliberately failed and very promising ones. If you do not make hasty decisions and make the right choice, then it is quite possible to get a good profit.

Video horoscope

The article was written specifically for the site “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://website/

Representatives of this zodiac expect an eventful year. A constant whirlpool of adventures Scorpions are promised the influence of 3 cosmic bodies at once. Pluto, Mars and Venus can elevate to the pinnacle of success or plunge into the abyss of difficulties, experiences and outright troubles. Events will develop as they are asked by the representatives of the sign themselves - the planets only give them a choice, but do not decide everything for the Scorpios.

Scorpio women in 2019

The natural emotionality of the ladies of this zodiac in the year of the Yellow Pig will be further enhanced by the influence of Mars and Venus. Given the surge of energy, an explosive wave of feelings can knock you down. Scorpio women throughout 2019 will have to learn how to manage this turbulent flow of experiences. Even strong positive emotions can unsettle the representatives of the sign - it is important to be able to pull yourself together. This will allow a balanced approach to solving life problems, which will make the year successful. Otherwise, success is not guaranteed. In addition, the more emotional restraint women Scorpions show in 2019, the higher the risks of missing out on the chances for a positive development of life.

Love and family

In the year of the Earth Pig, the development of events in the family will be directly related to the situation at work. The general emotionality of the year contributes to the intensity of business passions, and this can negatively affect family relationships. The horoscope for 2019 for Scorpio women warns against mixing family and business emotions. Returning home, you do not need to bring work negativity, this will save loved ones from stress. If you follow the rule of separation of emotions during the year, then it will go well.

For single representatives, the year does not promise many chances for a new love. They will be, but not so obvious. To build relationships with suitable partners, women of this zodiac will have to make an effort. Scorpios are still popular with members of the opposite sex. Light novels will be in abundance, and among them there may be one.

Work and finance

In the professional sphere, unpleasant situations are possible due to the lies of colleagues. The horoscope for 2019 for Scorpio women recommends not only to be afraid of deceit, but also not to participate in any intrigues. If the situation is heating up, then there is no need to take the usual wait and see tactics - 2019 requires a timely response. It must be reasonable and able to put ill-wishers in their place. In the year of the Yellow Pig, Scorpio ladies will be presented with a chance to get promoted or successfully change jobs. It is important not to miss the moment, remembering that haste and unnecessary emotions can greatly harm the achievement of the goal.

The financial side of life in 2019 may be the opposite for different representatives of the zodiac. Income will directly depend on the degree of emotional restraint of Scorpios and on the reasonableness of their actions. The year does not promise hard financial holes, but only those women of this sign who will wisely manage their skills and will not succumb to the provocations of competitors will receive a generous influx of money. Also in 2019, the representatives of the zodiac need to be more careful when shopping, it is worth restraining emotional outbursts and not spending money on unnecessary things purchased under the influence of impulses.

Health and recreation

The most problematic in terms of health will be the spring-summer period. May and June are especially worth highlighting. During these months, it is recommended to be attentive to nutrition, not to neglect fitness and seek medical help in case of any ailment. In general, the year of the Yellow Pig for Scorpio women should not be problematic in terms of health. They should be more often in the air and learn how to deal with stress.

The rest of the representatives of this zodiac will not be so cloudless. In any place there is a company of envious or outright ill-wishers. Scorpios need to boldly show their “sting”, but only as a deterrent. It is not worth provoking a frank conflict - it is necessary to ensure that others do not interfere with the women of this sign to rest. Conventionally, it is required to drive envious and negative people away from Scorpio women.

Scorpio men in 2019

The first third of the year will please the representatives of the sign with a tangible surge of strength. Until mid-April, the active energy of Mars will help Scorpio men. It is worth taking advantage of this moment to surpass your competitors with dignity without spending excessive effort. Simultaneously with the flow of cosmic energy, a number of confusing situations that require a quick reaction will fall on the men of this sign. At such moments, it is important to be able to discard emotions - this is exactly what the Libra man will not be able to do in the year of the Yellow Pig.

Love and family

Constant forced containment of emotions can negatively affect family harmony. The horoscope for 2019 for Scorpio men advises you to learn how to dose your feelings in a circle of close people, turning off the emotional sphere upon coming to work. The main danger this year for the family "boat" is the explosion of negativity accumulated due to unpleasant work situations. Representatives of the sign from the beginning of 2019 should forbid themselves to splash out negative emotions in the family.

The visual appeal and bright charisma of Scorpio men will allow them to bathe in ladies' attention. Women of different ages will constantly surround representatives of this sign, hoping for reciprocity. This does not promise tender and reverent feelings - there will be frivolous novels, but the chance to find something worthwhile among them is rather small. He is, but the relationship will not start smoothly. If Scorpio has long felt reverent feelings for a familiar lady, then now is the time to confess to her. This does not guarantee a positive result, but it will help get the love point off the ground.

Work and finance

The decisiveness of actions in the year of the Yellow Pig for Scorpio men will play a major role in the struggle for a comfortable workplace. There will be several applicants for promotion, some of them will start an unfair fight. The entrance will be deception, which will cause a storm of emotions among the representatives of the sign. They need to be restrained, increased emotionality can prevent you from getting what you want. The horoscope for 2019 for Scorpio men advises to act slowly, deliberately, while not postponing the problem for later. To emerge victorious from various work situations, you need to take a short pause to calm your feelings, and then proceed to decisive action.

Like Scorpio women, men will have to earn their fountain of material generosity. We are not talking about hard labor without days off - only emotionally balanced representatives of the sign will achieve financial well-being. It is important to circumvent competitors with dignity, notice deceit in time and put offenders in their place in a timely manner. A new job or position will bring a good income only if these requirements are met.

Health and recreation

The most peaceful period of the year of the Yellow Pig for people born under the sign of Scorpio will be autumn. This period is great for relaxing - now many of the goals of the year have already been achieved, and ill-wishers have been defeated. There are no special claims to the place and the company for vacation in 2019. People of this zodiac can relax wherever they want. If at the beginning of the year they did a good job, they will be able to afford the rest for which there were not enough funds before.

Work situations and increased emotionality of the year can have a negative impact on the psyche. It is important to learn how to relax so that tension does not lead to negative consequences for well-being. In general, 2019 is a good year in terms of health for representatives of the sign. Only May and June will require a more careful attitude to well-being. The rest of the time, the ability to deal with stress, proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity will allow you to pass the year cheerfully and without serious ailments.

Scorpio is a bright representative of the signs of the elements of water, which is famous for its courage and strong, strong-willed character. What the stars have prepared for them for the coming year, the horoscope for 2018 for Scorpions will tell.

The nature of the mark

Restrained in words and emotions, they know how to keep secrets and not talk too much. The patron planet for the representatives of the sign are Pluto and Mars. People born under this zodiac sign are very emotional, they long for love, and it is this feeling that is the source of their inner energy, attractiveness and inspiration.

The patron stones for representatives of the sign are: ruby, cat's eye, coral, topaz, aquamarine, moonstone. They have a great influence and protection on Scorpios. But the favorable numbers for this zodiac sign will be: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 100, 666. The colors that suit this zodiac sign are scarlet, dark red, crimson, yellow, or those which carry a fiery hue.

Soft in appearance, they remember many grievances, but do not forgive them. Proud and independent, they cannot stand deceit, but they are always honest and respectful towards others. They are straightforward in their sayings to the interlocutor, they also demand the truth in response from him. They are people of their word, they keep their promises and you can rely on them at any moment.

Scorpios are fearless, decisive, prone to the deepest feelings and sympathy, but at the same time they are selfish, they need power and money, they have a desire to subjugate everything and the wildest jealousy. But at the same time, they always strive for success, their charisma attracts many to themselves, they have a subtle intuition and always bring what they started to the end.

Horoscope for Scorpions

In 2018, according to the horoscope for Scorpions, the Dog will not let them get bored. And also the most inactive representatives of the sign will feel a surge of strength and inspiration right in January, the desire to prove themselves from a much better side, distinguish themselves from the rest and flaunt their ambitions and intentions in any business.

This is the ideal time to implement the craziest ideas - feel free to change jobs, the Dog will not leave the representatives of the sign without bread, but, on the contrary, will present its rewards for excessive activity.

Attention! It is worth being careful with ill-wishers from the past, probably in the fall they will make themselves felt, and they will want to get even for old grievances.

The main thing is not to fall face down in the dirt, to think over every word and every action, especially since weighty evidence in your defense will definitely be found.

It is better to devote the last months of the year to your loved ones, family and soulmate. This is an ideal time for a calm, harmonious life without unforeseen events and haste.

Horoscope for 2018 for Scorpio women

The Scorpio woman is beautiful and mysterious, self-confident, passionate and attractive to men. Feelings are seething in her, and she must constantly feel all sorts of emotions. But in 2018, the horoscope recommends that beautiful Scorpio ladies reconsider their principles and positions in relationships with members of the opposite sex. The stronger and more they provoke quarrels and disagreements with a man to whom they are not indifferent, the more likely it is to be completely alone.

But for women who are already in a relationship, the whole year will be like a test of the strength of your feelings and, perhaps, the harmony in the family will be shaken.

Do not succumb to emotions or hastily make vital decisions. Communication with others will be quite successful, whether it be superiors or work colleagues, friends or family members. After all, luck will go side by side with Scorpio women throughout the year. It is important to choose a specific business for yourself that will bring guaranteed success, and not grab onto everything at once.

Horoscope for 2018 for Scorpio men

Scorpio men are strong, intelligent, independent and purposeful individuals. They do not care what others say and think about them, they live in this world by their own rules. Therefore, in 2018, according to the horoscope, Scorpios will be a real bunch of attractive energy, which will entail a lot of attention and the emergence of unexpected romantic relationships. And the journey that Scorpio has to go on will give him that very fateful meeting with his fate. And it is likely that the feelings that flared up between the partners will drag on into a long-term dizzying romance.

Representatives of the sign should be careful with evil slander against them. This will likely have a negative impact on their careers. But in the problems that have arisen, you should rely only on yourself, not always those close to you will be there to help.

At the end of the year, you should not lose heart, lose heart and succumb to depression, the Dog will please you with many positive and good news, only if the representatives of the sign look easier at difficulties and do not give up, but overcome difficulties with a positive attitude.

Love horoscope 2018 for Scorpios

For Scorpios, the Dog is preparing new feelings and sympathies, which will contribute to the energy and efficiency of the representatives of the sign to win the heart of a partner. In the middle of the year, this zodiac sign will be covered by a wave of stormy and passionate feelings, and a new problem will arise - whether Scorpio decides to cheat or will try to save existing relationships from breaking. But the Dog will help to listen not only to the heart, but also to the mind, and make the right decisions.

But the lonely representatives of the sign will be lucky enough to meet their congenial chosen one in May. And the summer period will be full of romance, flowers and sweets. The best time to go to warmer climes with your soulmate and retire from everyone. But be careful in choosing a chosen one, perhaps your loved ones and family members will not be able to accept and share your choice, which will be the cause of many quarrels and disagreements on this basis.

Money horoscope

But the financial situation in 2018 will be extremely favorable. Collective work, joint projects can bring unprecedented success. A suitable period for investing in real estate or land will be summer and autumn. It's time to remind unscrupulous debtors about yourself, because Scorpios have plans to acquire their own nest.

To achieve your goals, you will have to work hard, but you can always count on the help of friends and family.

Carefully! In the fall, it will be possible to acquire an impressive sum of money illegally, and here the Scorpions should consider whether it is necessary to take such risks.

Career horoscope for 2018 for Scorpios

The coming year will be positive in terms of career growth, Scorpios do not take simple decisions, therefore they persistently achieve their goals. You will probably have to take on several cases at the same time, but it is better to take care of yourself and combine all your efforts and direct them only in one profitable direction.

No need to exaggerate your capabilities and refuse the help of a close circle of people, they will be worried and wish only good. But for Scorpios with high qualifications, a promotion is simply guaranteed, since the authorities will not leave your contribution to the development of the company unnoticed.

Toward the beginning of autumn, it will be possible to leave for another country in order to make good money, but at the same time, you need to carefully consider whether it is worth agreeing to such a decision. Until 2019, there is still time to decide on the choice that has arisen.

Health Horoscope for 2018 for Scorpios

The beginning of 2018 will be quite tense, from a psychological point of view. The morally tense situation in the family and at work will be overwhelming and unsettling. But it is important to remain calm, otherwise you will have to treat nervous health problems later.

In the spring, an exacerbation of allergies in the form of a rash or itching is not excluded, even in Scorpios, who have not previously experienced allergic reactions. The reason for this will be the use of unhealthy foods.

In the summer, choose a place to rest more carefully, because if you go to tropical countries, there is a risk of catching an unpleasant tropical disease, the treatment of which will take a lot of money and time.

Problems with excess weight, poor health and skin condition - it's time to check the condition of the thyroid gland, perhaps some of the concerns are associated with it.

Scorpios, who cannot live without fast food, junk and high-calorie foods, starchy foods, alcohol, smoking, can feel an exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is worth reconsidering your diet and bad habits, if you can’t get rid of them at the root, then you should start significantly reducing their number.

Celebrity Scorpions

Scorpios are charismatic, sensitive and passionate individuals, brave fighters who go to their goals and do not give up. Among the representatives of this sign are many outstanding actors, musicians, artists, politicians, poets, famous entrepreneurs. And here are the names of some of them:

  • Bill Gates;
  • Roman Abramovich;
  • Julia Roberts;
  • Demmy Moor;
  • Eros Ramazzotti;
  • Fedor Dostoevsky;
  • Martin Luther;
  • Christopher Columbus;
  • Ivan Turgenev;
  • Pablo Picasso.

The horoscope for 2019 for Scorpio promises big changes in work, study and love. You can not only start a family, but also change jobs, increase your income, gain recognition in high society. It is possible that even move to another city to your soulmate. The Yellow Earth Pig prepared a difficult year for Scorpions, but then you will enjoy the results for a long time and be proud of yourself.

The most important thing in 2019 is to be more confident and persevere. In this case, you are not afraid of any problems and difficulties. You should not be subjected to your eternal flaw - panic and haste. We made a mistake - calm down, carefully analyze the reasons, only then correct it. You don't have to do it all in reverse order.

Together with perseverance, prudence and prudence are highly valued. Do not rush headlong into the first whirlpool you like. The horoscope for Scorpions in the year of the Pig advises: think, throw a pebble into the pool, evaluate the depth and flow. Compare with your own strength, and then decide - do you need this pool at all?

We know about the power of the sting of the Scorpion and have heard about the poisonous poison in it. But do not use it too often in 2019. There may be someone stronger and more cunning who will vomit this sting for you. Use your most powerful weapon only in a desperate situation. And yet - if they showed a sting, then sorry. It's just not worth it to brag about weapons.

Horoscope for a Scorpio woman

The most important thing for a Scorpio woman in 2019 is to stay feminine. Family, work and society will seek to shift the responsibilities of men to you, but you should not let them do this. They know that you can stop a horse and push a car. Is it just what you need?

It is important for family Scorpios to pay attention to their husband and children. Behind your eternal works and projects, they have already begun to forget what love, tenderness and female affection are. With older children, you need to build relationships in a new way. You should not constantly lisp and demonstrate your excessive maternal care. It is better to treat children on an equal footing, because they are already adults and are independently responsible for the decisions made.

Horoscope 2019 for the Scorpio man

In the year of the Boar, Scorpio men will have the opportunity to show and manifest their purely masculine strong-willed character. It will come in handy in the frequent and sometimes unplanned trips that 2019 will be so rich in. You can be sent on a business trip to a distant region, invited to the wedding of your cousin, give a ticket to Tunisia or Turkey.

During your free time from work and frequent trips, try to pay as much attention to your family as possible. Households miss their dad and husband Scorpio very much, they are tired of rare phone calls and mean messages on social networks.

An interesting situation for Scorpio men in 2019 will develop closer to winter. You will find a high-paying job, but far from home. Maybe even in another country. Don't make the decision to move on your own. You are the head of the family, but you should also consult with your spouse. Ask the children for their opinion. Only then make a decision.

Love horoscope for Scorpio for 2019

For single Scorpio ladies, the Yellow Earth Pig does not promise anything significant in terms of resolving the issue of personal life. Fans will appear periodically, short-term relationships are possible, but these relationships do not bode anything significant and serious. Walked, enjoyed, parted.

It is possible that in 2019 you will simply meet the person who will become your husband in the future. At first you will not take him seriously, because he is so modest and simple. More active and imposing gentlemen will cloud your eyes. But they only need one thing from you, after which they gradually retreat.

Scorpio bachelors are also waiting for a string of fans. Relationships in 2019 with a potential wife will only be in their infancy. It is up to you to a greater extent whether this relationship will turn into something more serious or will remain an affair.

The main thing in relationships with the opposite sex for Scorpio men is to remain calm. This is very difficult for you, given the impulsiveness and tendency to frequent showdowns. But you need to work on yourself, otherwise you will scare away all the good brides.

Horoscope 2019 for Scorpios by year of birth


Pay more attention to relationships in your family. Do not deceive and keep back, it is better to show sincerity and mutual understanding. They accidentally did a dirty trick - do not look for the guilty, find the strength to admit your guilt and your mistakes. This will only strengthen the relationship and help you move to the next level.

Scorpio Bull

In 2019, you will have a good chance to turn your old hobby into a good income. Don't listen to others, just do your job well. Love to sew - open an atelier, an oven - a confectionery, money - your own currency exchange office. The main thing in achieving success is to do the work conscientiously.


In 2019, it is better for you to deal with issues of housing and life. You should not "burn" at work, because it will not be appreciated, and it will not bring much money. Better pay attention to your loved one. Ladies can cook their favorite dish, and men can finally change the faucet and finish gluing the wallpaper in the far corner behind the closet.

It is not worth going on long trips, especially because of an idle interest in seeing another life. Just look around and you will get answers to all questions.

Horoscope for Scorpio-Rabbit

In 2019, think about your health, it is better to visit a doctor at the slightest complaint. Even the smallest sore can develop into a serious illness if it is neglected and not treated on time. At work, constant rush jobs are waiting, they are given to you so that you think about whether such work is needed at all? This money is not worth the constant nervous and physical strain. Then you have to spend many times more on treatment, recovery and rehabilitation. In your professional life, the following credo for 2019 is relevant for you: “You go quieter - you will continue.” And do not envy the more successful, it is ugly and a minus to your karma.

Scorpio Dragon

In 2019, you'd better travel as much as possible. Trips will bring you not only moral pleasure, but also ideas for business. You will see something in another country that is not in your city. This will inspire you to develop your business, which will please people, become useful and bring you material rewards.

Lonely Scorpio Dragons have every chance to meet their soul mate on a trip. Especially look closely at the same age: the Dragon will see the Dragon from afar.

Scorpio-Snake in 2019

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig is the time to realize your talents. You can finally learn how to get real money for them. Creativity will be highly valued. If you have been just a good specialist in your field all the years, then in 2019 you will be able to become in demand and earn at least twice as much.


Find fault with others less and do not look for motes in other people's eyes. You yourself are far from ideal. If you look for flaws in others, then fate will turn everything around so that everyone will see your weaknesses. It will be very embarrassing, but too late. Therefore, just work and do not criticize colleagues with superiors. It is better to show your character in subsequent years, there will still be a reason for this.

Scorpio Goat

If you are tired of your job, then in 2019 it's time to change it. The hardest thing to do is change. Then you yourself will be surprised how long you were able to work in the previous place. The Yellow Pig blesses you for change, just be bolder and more persistent. At first it will be difficult, but then everything will work out.

Scorpio Monkey

In summer, lonely Monkeys will be able to find their destiny. The meeting will take place under the scorching sun, but not necessarily at the resort. You can see your destiny just in the courtyard of the house in good sunny weather. At the first difficulties, do not break off relations, give your soulmate a chance to improve.

At work, troubles are possible due to inspections and unfair competition. Your ideas will simply be blatantly stolen, while you will be made guilty.

Horoscope 2019 for Scorpio-Rooster

In 2019, you will have many temptations, what to do and where to invest money. Do not spray: you will not have time everywhere. Choose 1-2 things that are most profitable to do. At the end of the year, lonely Scorpions expect dizzying love. You will fall in love so much that in 2020 you will have a wedding and a child.


The most important achievement in 2019 for you will be love. If you are already in a relationship, then in 2019 you will be able to experience a second honeymoon. Fate will give you a romantic trip in which you will gain a new vision of the world.

Lonely Scorpios born in the year of the Dog will be able to find a soul mate in the spring. The biggest chance is in April.

Scorpio Pig

The mistress of the year will not deprive you of money and love. Look for a good job among friends and acquaintances, they will also introduce you to a good boy or girl to start a family. To make all this work and come true, eat less pork in 2019. Especially on New Year's Eve. Your patroness must be respected.

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