East Siberian taiga. What trees grow in the taiga What trees in the taiga of Russia

The flora of the Earth is huge and diverse: it consists of 350,000 species, and according to some botanists, even of 500,000 species of plants.
Under the influence of various growth conditions in the process of long evolutionary development, certain types of trees and shrubs were formed, which became part of the vegetation of certain natural zones.

For each natural zone, depending on the combination of moisture and heat, certain types of soils and vegetation are characteristic.


The main tracts of forests are concentrated in the taiga zone, or forest zone. Coniferous species dominate in the taiga zone. Coniferous forests as a whole occupy 78.2% of the total forested area of ​​the country. The share of hardwoods (oak, beech, hornbeam, ash, etc.) accounts for 5%, the share of soft hardwoods (aspen, linden, etc.) is 17.8%.

In the taiga zone, significant areas of forests are concentrated in the northern half of the European part of Russia and extend beyond the Urals to the Asian part of the country - to Siberia and the Far East. The taiga zone occupies 65% of the entire territory and 85% of the entire forested area of ​​the country. The largest forest areas are located in Eastern Siberia and the Far East (63% of the total forest area).

Taiga trees

Differences in climate, soil and other natural conditions in the forest zone contributed to the formation of various types of forests, diverse in species composition and productivity. In the northern part of the taiga zone, coniferous plantations, despite their considerable length, have a poor species composition. In the taiga forests, taiga trees dominate in the first tree layer in the European part of the Russian Federation, there are only 2 species of conifers - common pine and common spruce, or European, and in the northeast Siberian spruce, Siberian larch, Siberian fir and Siberian cedar pine appear. Of the deciduous in the European taiga zone, 2 types of birch dominate - drooping and fluffy and ordinary aspen. In the Asian taiga zone of hardwoods, the dominant position remains with birches, but, in addition to downy and drooping birches, other white-barked, as well as temshzhory with hardwood (stone, Dahurian) and other birches are widely represented in Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

Of the conifers in the Siberian taiga forests, Siberian spruce, Scotch and Siberian pine, and Siberian larch grow; in East Siberian forests, the share of Siberian larch, and then Gmelin larch and Cajander larch, increases.

A significantly greater species diversity in comparison with coniferous forests is observed in coniferous-broad-leaved forests growing in areas with a warmer climate in the west of the European part of Russia, and especially in broad-leaved Far Eastern forests. drooping birch and downy birch and aspen, taiga trees grow oak, small-leaved linden, Norway maple, common ash, elm, and in the foothills of the Carpathians in the formation of forests, in addition to common pine and common spruce, European fir, European larch, European cedar pine. From deciduous plantations, in addition to oak, linden, ash, maple and hornbeam, European beech appears.

In the coniferous-broad-leaved Far Eastern forests, coniferous Ayan spruce, whole-leaved and white fir, Korean cedar pine, and from deciduous - flat-leaved birch, Daurian, ribbed, Erman (stone), Amur linden, Mongolian oak, Manchurian ash, Manchurian walnut, velvet Amur, heart-leaved hornbeam, variegated elm.
Of the shrub species in the forest zone, the most common are various types of willows, common juniper, in some areas hazel, euonymus, wild roses, honeysuckle, spirea, cotoneaster and other taiga trees.

Boreal taiga forests represent the largest ecosystem in northern Eurasia, North America and Scandinavia. Taiga plants are represented mainly by conifers, mosses, lichens and small shrubs, but the taiga is different. There are several types of boreal taiga forest, which are dominated by certain plants. Taiga forests are divided into light coniferous taiga, dominated by pine and larch, and dark coniferous taiga, dominated by spruce, Siberian cedar, and fir. The soil of the taiga is soddy-podzolic and acidic.

Let's take a look at the main plants of the taiga, which in some way can be useful to a traveler, a hermit or a hunter-fisherman.

First, let's see the habitat of these plants:

We see that coniferous forests are spread over almost the entire north of the land. On my own behalf, I want to add that the mountain ranges of the European Alps, the Carpathians, the Rocky Mountains of North America are still covered with taiga, which is not shown in the diagram.

Coniferous trees of taiga forests

Siberian spruce

The most important representative of the taiga. The basis of the dark coniferous taiga, which has become its symbol. Most often, spruce grows in mixed forests, but is often the main forest former. Spruce wood is used in logging, it is suitable for construction, however, slightly worse than pine wood. A spruce cone appears at the age of 15 to 50 years, depending on the place of growth. The interval between harvest is 3-5 years. Pine needles, cones are rich in vitamin C and other useful substances, they also contain a lot of essential oils. The needles secrete phytoncides that play an antibacterial role.

Scotch pine

Pine forest

Scotch pine, along with spruce, is widespread in Russia. The basis of the light coniferous taiga. Pine wood is widely used in construction; due to the high resin content, it is one of the best natural building materials in the taiga zone. The resin has a very pleasant smell, and is used to drive out tar, turpentine, and rosin. In the past, resins were widely used in shipbuilding and other construction applications where the preservative properties of pine are required. Pine needles contain vitamin C and other beneficial substances.


I call fir the most affectionate tree of the dark coniferous taiga due to the fact that its needles are very soft and do not prick at all. Fir paws are good for bedding if you spend the night in the forest without a tent and a foam rug. I also prefer to drink tea with brewed needles. The tea turns out to be fragrant, although vitamin-free, since vitamins are destroyed when heated. Fir wood is little used, it is poorly suited for construction.

Fir is more of a medicinal tree than a building material. Fir resin can cover up wounds: it has an antiseptic effect and promotes their rapid healing. Fir oil is widely used in cosmetics.

Siberian cedar

I already have an article about the Siberian cedar. Let me just say that this is the most noble tree of the dark coniferous taiga. Pine nuts are highly valued because of the rich composition of nutrients. The presence of cedar trees in the taiga indicates the presence of furs in it, which is another important factor. Cedar wood is used in construction and carpentry. It has a reddish tint and a pleasant smell. The wood is less resinous than pine wood. Cedar lives up to 800 years. The growing season is 40-45 days a year. Cones ripen within 14-15 months. Each cone contains from 30 to 150 nuts. Cedar begins to bear fruit on average after 60 years, sometimes later.

Larch forest, Yakutia

Larch is the hardiest tree in the taiga zone. It grows in mixed forests, but most often, due to its resistance to frost, larch forms a mono-forest - larch. Larch withstands frosts of -70°C and even more. The needles are annual, not at all prickly, soft. Larch loves light areas of the terrain, so it is very difficult to meet it in dark coniferous forests. As a rule, these will be single trees or monolarch forests. Larch wood is very dense due to the short growing season. She has many rings. A thin tree can be very old. Very well suited for construction, it is a desirable material for the manufacture of the first crowns of taiga winter quarters. Wood is not afraid of moisture and rots very slowly. Contains a lot of resin.

Deciduous taiga trees and shrubs

The most popular representative of deciduous trees in the taiga forest. Distributed everywhere. Present in almost all mixed forests of northern latitude. Almost all parts of this tree are widely used. Wood is used for construction, crafts, carpentry. Tar is extracted from the bark, various items are made, it burns well. In the spring, birch sap is extracted from living birch, rich in vitamins and sugars. The buds and leaves are used in medicine.

Another representative of hardwood in the taiga. Aspen is a relative of poplar, their bark can even be confused. Used for landscaping settlements as a fast-growing tree. The bark is used for tanning leather. It is used to obtain yellow and green paint. Bees collect pollen from aspen flowers in April, and glue from blooming buds, which is processed into propolis. It goes to the construction of houses, is used as a roofing material (in Russian wooden architecture, domes of churches were covered with aspen planks), in the production of plywood, cellulose, matches, containers and other things. Young shoots are winter food for moose, deer, hares and other mammals. It is a medicinal plant. Aspen has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitussive, choleretic and anthelmintic effects. The combination of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties in aspen bark makes it promising in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, smallpox, malaria, syphilis, dysentery, pneumonia, cough of various origins, rheumatism and inflammation of the bladder mucosa. An aqueous extract of aspen bark is used to treat opisthorchiasis.

From the Birch family. In the north it is a small shrub, in the south - a tree about 6 m in height. Distributed in the taiga zone, less common in birch and aspen. Grows in wet soils. The bark and leaves provide dye for animal skins. Practically not used in everyday life. It serves as food for moose and serves as a refuge for game animals.

In the taiga forest - a rather rare visitor, grows mainly in the south, in the central part of Russia, in some places in Western Siberia and in the Amur taiga. Wood is widely used in carpentry and joinery, it lends itself well to processing due to its softness. Medicines are produced from some parts of the linden, and it is also an excellent honey plant. From the underbark of a tree (bast) they make washcloths, bast shoes, mats.

Widely distributed throughout Europe, Asia and North America. Grows in the taiga everywhere. The use of rowan is small. Berries are eaten, mountain ash is a honey plant, joinery is made from wood. Berries are used in folk medicine as antiscorbutic, hemostatic, diaphoretic, diuretic, choleretic, laxative and as a remedy for headaches. Fresh rowan fruits have a bitter taste, but the first frosts lead to the destruction of the bitter sorbic acid glycoside - and the bitterness disappears. The fruits of the most famous variety of mountain ash (nevezhinsky), containing up to 9% sugar, have a sweet taste even before frost.

A small shrub that grows throughout the taiga. Also grows in the mountains of Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan. The fruits are cone berries, contain sugars, organic acids and microelements. Juniper is widely used in folk medicine due to the high content of phytoncides. Used in the treatment of various diseases such as tuberculosis, kidney disease, bronchitis, etc.

It grows in relatively mountainous regions, on the border of taiga and tundra. It grows on stones, very slowly, lives up to 250 years. The resin of pine dwarf is rich in various substances. Turpentine is obtained from resin, which is an antiseptic, diuretic, causing flushing of the skin, and anthelmintic. Used to treat the kidneys and bladder. Nuts are rich in useful substances and are in no way inferior to their older brother - Siberian cedar. Previously, needles were used as an antiscorbutic agent, it also contains carotene, more than carrots.

It can be confidently called the “lungs of the Earth”, because the state of the air, the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide depend on them. Rich stocks of timber, mineral deposits are concentrated here, many of which are being discovered to this day.

Location in Russia

The taiga is spreading in a wide strip in our country. Coniferous forests occupy most of Siberia (Eastern, Western), the Urals, the Baikal region, the Far East and the Altai Mountains. The zone originates on the western border of Russia, it stretches to the coast of the Pacific Ocean - the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

The coniferous forests of the taiga border on other climatic zones. In the north, they are adjacent to the tundra, in the west - with. In some cities of the country, there is an intersection of taiga with forest-steppe and mixed forests.

Location in Europe

The coniferous forests of the taiga cover not only Russia, but also some foreign countries. Among them are the countries of Canada. Throughout the world, taiga massifs occupy a vast territory and are considered the largest zone on the planet.

The extreme boundary of the biome on the south side is located on the island of Hokkaido (Japan). The northern side is bounded by Taimyr. This location explains the leading position of the taiga in terms of length among other natural zones.


A large biome is located in two climatic zones at once - temperate and subarctic. This explains the diversity of weather conditions in the taiga. The temperate climate ensures warm summers. The average temperature of the natural zone in the summer is 20 degrees above zero. The cold arctic air affects the sharp temperature changes and affects the taiga winters, the air here can be cooled to 45 degrees below zero. In addition, piercing winds are observed at all times of the year.

The coniferous forests of the taiga are characterized by high humidity due to their location in swampy areas and low evaporation. In summer, most of the precipitation falls in the form of light and heavy rains. In winter there is a lot of snow - the thickness of its layer is 50-80 centimeters, it does not melt for 6-7 months. Permafrost is observed in Siberia.


The largest, longest and richest natural zone is the taiga. Coniferous forests occupy fifteen million square kilometers of the land area of ​​the Earth! The width of the zone in the European part is 800 kilometers, in Siberia - more than 2 thousand kilometers.

The formation of taiga forests began in the past era, before the onset of and However, the zone received a detailed analysis and characteristics only in 1898 thanks to P. N. Krylov, who defined the concept of "taiga" and formulated its main characteristics.

The biome is especially rich in water bodies. Famous Russian rivers originate here - Volga, Lena, Kama, Northern Dvina and others. They cross the taiga of the Yenisei and the Ob. In coniferous forests there are the largest Russian reservoirs - Bratskoye, Rybinsk, Kamskoye. In addition, there is a lot of groundwater in the taiga, which explains the predominance of swamps (especially in Northern Siberia and Canada). Due to the temperate climate and sufficient moisture, there is a rapid development of the plant world.

Taiga subzones

The natural zone is divided into three subzones, which differ in climatic features, flora and fauna.

  • Northern. Characterized by a cold climate. It has harsh winters and cool summers. Huge areas of land are occupied by swampy terrain. Forests in most cases are stunted, medium-sized spruces and pines are observed.
  • Average. Differs in moderation. The climate is temperate - warm summers, cold but not frosty winters. Many swamps of various types. High humidity. Trees of normal height, mainly blueberry spruce forests sprout.
  • South. The most diverse flora and fauna, coniferous forests are observed here. The taiga has an admixture of broad-leaved and small-leaved tree species. The climate is warm, characterized by hot summers, which last for almost four months. Reduced soreness.

Forest types

Depending on the vegetation, several types of taiga are distinguished. The main ones are light coniferous and dark coniferous forests. Along with trees, there are meadows that arose on the site of deforestation.

  • Light coniferous type. It is mainly distributed in Siberia. Also found in other areas (Urals, Canada). It is located in a sharply continental climate zone, characterized by abundant rainfall and moderate weather conditions. One of the most common types of trees is pine - a photophilous representative of the taiga. Such forests are spacious and bright. Larch is another common species. Forests are even lighter than pine forests. The crowns of trees are rare, so in such "thickets" a feeling of open area is created.
  • dark coniferous type- most common in Northern Europe and mountain ranges (Alps, Altai Mountains, Carpathians). Its territory is located in a temperate and mountainous climate, characterized by high humidity. Fir and spruce predominate here, juniper and dark coniferous pine are less common.

Vegetable world

Even at the beginning of the 19th century, no one divided the natural zones, and their differences and features were not known. Fortunately, today geography has been studied in more detail, and the necessary information is available to everyone. The coniferous forest of the taiga - trees, plants, shrubs ... What is the characteristic and interesting flora of this zone?

In the forests - weakly expressed or absent undergrowth, which is explained by insufficient amount of light, especially in dark coniferous thickets. There is a monotony of moss - as a rule, only a green species can be found here. Shrubs grow - currants, junipers, and shrubs - lingonberries, blueberries.

The type of forest depends on climatic conditions. The western side of the taiga is characterized by the dominance of European and Siberian spruce. Spruce-fir forests grow in mountainous regions. Clusters of larches stretch to the east. The Okhotsk coast is rich in a variety of tree species. In addition to coniferous representatives, the taiga is also fraught with deciduous trees. consist of aspen, alder, birch.

Animal world of the taiga

The fauna of the coniferous forests of the taiga is diverse and unique. A wide variety of insects live here. Nowhere is there such a number of fur-bearing animals, including ermine, sable, hare, weasel. Climatic conditions are favorable for sedentary animals, but unacceptable for cold-blooded creatures. Only a few species of amphibians and reptiles live in the taiga. Their low numbers are associated with severe winters. The rest of the inhabitants have adapted to the cold seasons. Some of them fall into hibernation or anabiosis, while their vital activity slows down.

What animals live in coniferous forests? The taiga, where there are so many shelters for animals and an abundance of food, is characterized by the presence of such predators as lynx, brown bear, wolf, fox. Ungulates live here - roe deer, bison, elk, deer. On the branches of trees and under them live rodents - beavers, squirrels, mice, chipmunks.


More than 300 species of birds nest in the forest thickets. Particular diversity is observed in the eastern taiga - capercaillie, hazel grouse, some varieties of owls and woodpeckers live here. Forests are distinguished by high humidity and numerous reservoirs, therefore they are especially widespread here. Some representatives of coniferous expanses have to migrate to the south in winter, where living conditions are more favorable. Among them are the Siberian thrush and the forest warbler.

man in taiga

Human activities do not always favorably affect the state of nature. Numerous fires caused by the negligence and thoughtlessness of people, deforestation and mining lead to a decrease in the number of forest wildlife.

Picking berries, mushrooms, nuts are typical activities popular with the local population for which the autumn taiga is known. Coniferous forests are the main supplier of timber resources. Here are the largest deposits of minerals (oil, gas, coal). Thanks to moist and fertile soil, agriculture is developed in the southern regions. Breeding of animals and hunting for wild animals is widespread.

Taiga forests, or boreal forests, are a band of coniferous forests that surround the globe in high northern latitudes from about 50° to 70° north latitude. The taiga forests form a circumpolar ecoregion that stretches across Canada, from Alaska to Newfoundland and through Northern Europe, Scandinavia to Eastern Russia. Taiga forests are the world's largest terrestrial biome and make up over one quarter of all forest land on Earth.

  • American hare (Lepus americanus) - inhabits the boreal forests of North America. American hare prefer areas with dense vegetation. They feed on a variety of plant foods, including buds, twigs, bark, and tree leaves. Belyaks have large legs with thick hair on the feet, which do not allow them to fall into the snow.
  • (Panthera tigris altaica) is the largest of all tiger subspecies. Amur tigers live in coniferous, deciduous and boreal forests in the Russian Far East. Their range extends along the border of China and North Korea and the western border of the Sea of ​​Japan.
  • (Lynx lynx) - representatives of the cat family that inhabit the forests of the northern hemisphere. Lynxes feed on small mammals such as rabbits, hares, rodents, as well as birds and insects.

  • The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) is a member of the deer family that lives in the forests and tundra of North America, Siberia and Europe. These are herbivores that feed on the leaves of willow, birch, as well as mushrooms, herbs and lichens.
  • Grouse (Falcipennis falcipennis) is a rare bird from the grouse family that lives in the taiga and closed boreal forests of North America. Berries, mushrooms and insects form the basis of the Siberian Grouse diet. Grouse are prey for foxes, hawks, owls and coyotes.

From time to time I am visited by thoughts to leave the noisy city, to forget about the eternal rush and the bustle of the city. Go to the taiga under the shadow of the taiga giants and spend the rest of your life there, breathe clean air and be happy that there are still huge areas of land covered with tall trees on the planet.

What trees grow in the taiga zone

Coniferous trees predominate in most of this climatic zone, these are fir, spruce, pine, and many others. Despite the fact that most people associate the taiga only with coniferous forests, you can also see in it:

  • mountain ash;
  • alder and some other deciduous trees.

Taiga trees are rich in various forest gifts: hazelnut, pine nut, resin and some essential oils. In the past, pine needles have been used to treat scurvy and have saved many lives.

Amazing taiga tree

An amazing tree growing on the border of the tundra and taiga is the taiga dwarf. Some individual trees reach the age of two hundred and fifty years. These trees grow exclusively on stones and are small trees. The well-known drug turpentine is obtained from this tree. The content of essential oils in dwarf elfin is twice as high as in pine. Substances obtained from the taiga elfin are widely used in medicine. In general, a very interesting evergreen tree.

Take care of the trees

Taiga forests, consisting of millions of trees and spread over the vast territory of the Far East, Scandinavia and North America, supply oxygen to the entire planet. By creating a separate ecosystem for the residence of thousands of representatives of the animal world, they serve as a reliable shelter and home for them. Mankind mercilessly cuts down forests, destroys entire hectares of untouched forests. I won't be surprised if in a few decades the general condition of the taiga forests will deteriorate greatly. But let's hope for the best. I have been to the taiga and have always tried to preserve its original beauty, not to litter there, not to kindle a fire and not harm the trees in other ways, which I urge you to do as well.

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