Can moving affect health? What climate is best for health? Causes that provoke a change in climatic conditions

Climate is a long-term weather regime inherent in a particular area, one of the main characteristics of nature and the geographical landscape. The climate is determined by the following factors: temperature and relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, the number of sunny days per year, the strength and direction of the wind, the amount of precipitation, etc. Conventionally, two tropical climate zones can be distinguished, two temperate and two cold. The weather conditions of a particular region depend not only on the climatic zone, but also on its geographical location. The farther one or another area is removed from the sea, the more strongly the seasons differ there. This feature is noticeable in Central Europe - a maritime climate dominates in the north, while in the Alps the climate is completely different.

The impact of climate on humans

The weather conditions of a country or region greatly affect the way of life of the population. The climate determines which residential buildings are being built in a particular region, what is the daily routine and the appearance of the inhabitants. The impact of climate on health can be extremely negative.

Climatic resorts

Climatic conditions can have an irritating, calming and tonic effect on a person. In many countries there are many climatic resorts. When choosing a resort, you should consult with your doctor.

Climate fluctuations are tiring

In those regions where climate fluctuations are weakly expressed, the human body is subjected to less stress than in those where the difference between the seasons is felt very strongly. True, certain climatic factors can affect a person's health, for example, ultraviolet rays are necessary for normal bone growth.

The amount of heat given off by the body depends on the air temperature. At low ambient temperatures and insufficient protection of the body, a person may freeze. At very high ambient temperatures, a person sweats more, so the body regulates body temperature. Sweating leads to a large loss of fluid, and this can adversely affect human health. At high altitude, due to too low pressure, the function of the labyrinth of the ear may be impaired - dizziness occurs; When inhaling air with a low oxygen content, altitude sickness can develop.

Some people are very sensitive to weather changes. Of course, the weather in this case is not the true cause of the deterioration of health, but only one of the factors that cause this condition. Such ailments are divided into increased sensitivity to weather changes, manifested in a decrease in working capacity, and "meteorological lability", in which pains of a rheumatic or neuralgic nature occur. Comparative observations have shown that certain weather conditions can provoke the occurrence of certain diseases, deterioration of well-being and even death of patients suffering from certain diseases. When a warm atmospheric front moves through the area, patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system experience a deterioration in well-being. When a cold atmospheric front dominates, people suffer from colic and spasms.

Changes in the planet's climate

Old people's assertions that winters used to be colder and summers warmer are true. When coal, oil and natural gas are burned, large amounts of carbon dioxide are released, and therefore the Earth's climate is getting warmer. Meteorologists believe that this warming will greatly affect the climate and health of the entire planet. It is assumed that the so-called "greenhouse" effect is the cause of many natural disasters. The destruction of the ozone layer, which filters the sun's rays, is extremely unfavorable for the planet's climate. Due to the increased level of ultraviolet radiation, the surface of the earth will become warmer, which will entail a change in the temperature regime, the regime of winds and rains, and an increase in sea level.

Most people, when they create families, live their lives in a permanent place, that is, in one city or country. The birth of a child already contributes to the adaptation of his body to the surrounding climatic conditions, whether it be Siberia or the sea coast.

In the course of our lives, a small percentage of people care so much about their health that they are ready to change their place of residence. Rather, not everyone knows this, but the impact of climate on human health is taking place.

Alisov B.P. established that on Earth there are 4 main climatic zones - equatorial, tropical, temperate and polar, and three transitional - subequatorial, subtropical and subpolar. The Russian Federation is dominated by temperate, arctic, subarctic and subtropical, which, in turn, also have divisions, we will consider them in this article and find out the impact of climate on the health of the population.

Adaptation to certain weather conditions is determined by the main cold and heat receptors of each organism, the central nervous system. The most pronounced and active influence is exerted by the temperature of the atmosphere, pressure, solar radiation and humidity.

With an increase in the temperature regime, a person responds to it with a decrease in the excitability of the nervous system, vasodilation, a decrease in pressure, the metabolic process decreases, that is, the body kind of “relaxes” and gets used to it under constant exposure. The onset of a cold temperature regime is reflected in the reverse reactions.

The sun for each person is a landmark in space, a source of natural irreplaceable energy, it enriches and nourishes the brain, affects the functioning of all organs and is responsible for some reactions. A lot of sunlight is especially necessary for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis, rickets.

The influence of climate on human health is also exerted by atmospheric pressure, which is especially manifested in the mountains and settlements located above 200-800 meters above sea level. Its increase acts on the body as an accelerator, i.e., the metabolism improves, the level of hemoglobin rises, blood circulation accelerates, the lungs are cleansed at a high speed, and besides, antibodies fight the existing disease much faster. But there are people who cannot adapt to the mountain climate and their condition is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, palpitations, loss of consciousness, depression.

The presence of a moderate amount of precipitation creates humidity, which is responsible for the heat transfer of the body, which determines the thermoregulation in the body. Again, its increase, combined with high air temperature, leads to a slowdown and relaxation of the functioning of the viscera, and a lack of it leads to some acceleration.

In Russia, for example, the coast of the Arctic Ocean in Siberia and all adjacent islands, in addition to Western Siberia and the East European Plain, harden the human body with low air temperature, which does not exceed 0-4 ° C in summer, and drops to -20 ° C in winter - -40°С. The cold, although it speeds up the metabolism and activates nerve impulses in the body due to increased heat generation, but such low rates are unnatural for a person.

Moreover, about 179 days a year in the arctic and subarctic zones, the sun does not appear at all, depriving the population of ultraviolet “feeding”, atmospheric pressure rises, winds decrease and the polar night sets in, which often causes irritation, apathy, neurosis, and other mental disorders, disrupts sleep, even wounds can take a very long time to heal.

However, such an impact of climate on human health can also be positive for people who have problems with metabolism, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. A short, humid and cool summer during the polar day activates physiological processes in the elderly.

Considering the climate read about) and health of a person living in the temperate zone of Russia, there is a clear change of seasons, a lot of heat and solar radiation in summer, moderate rainfall and cold snowy winters. This helps to balance both the nervous system of the body and its activity in general, i.e. it does not experience sudden changes in temperature, ultraviolet starvation and actively conducts its vital processes.

Undoubtedly, everyone knows how the sea climate and human health are related. Every year in the summer season, masses of people come to the coast of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas to improve their health. The combination of sunlight, sea water and air, hot sand and pebbles, warm wind truly have a positive effect on almost every person, especially those with health problems.

You will be interested to know about the effect of cold on the human body

Rest in the winter at sea is the cherished dream of almost every person. And there is no better time to implement it than the New Year holidays. The almost two-week vacation of schoolchildren and students allows entire families to go on vacation to warmer climes together. But one of the most common reasons for refusing such trips is the danger of a sharp change in climate, which adversely affects health, both upon arrival at sea and upon returning home. On the first day of the new year, this topic is the most relevant, because someone has already managed to hear the chimes while in one of the exotic countries, and someone is just going to enjoy a well-deserved rest. MedAboutMe has prepared a number of tips for you to help you minimize the negative effects of sudden climate change on your body.

The so-called contrast rest for a healthy person will only benefit. A change of scenery, positive emotions, the opportunity to take a break from work and everyday fuss - all this is the best way to reflect on our well-being. Sea air allows you to strengthen the respiratory system, and excess sunlight enriches the body with vitamin D. But it is best if such recharging, as they say, occurs in season, and all systems of our body are tuned to get the maximum benefit from rest.

Castling "winter-summer" is difficult for our body to perceive. The "biological clock" works according to a certain algorithm, which implies a gradual change in climate and gives a person time to adapt. Going on vacation to warmer climes, we drastically change not only geographic latitudes that are familiar to us, but also time zones. All this, together with a radical change in temperature and humidity, can lead to a decrease in immunity, poor health, exacerbations of chronic diseases and other unpleasant consequences.

Acclimatization is a phenomenon that not all tourists may encounter. It does not come immediately, but approximately on the 2-3rd day after arrival at a new place. The duration of acclimatization depends on the general condition of the human body and can range from a couple of days to several weeks. Its main manifestations include:

  • discomfort in the throat and the appearance of a runny nose;
  • an increase in body temperature (from slight to significant);
  • general weakness, dizziness and malaise;
  • excessive fatigue and irritability;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure, etc.

Often tourists take acclimatization for signs of SARS. In some cases, the reaction of the body to a sharp change in climate can be expressed by violations of the gastrointestinal tract.

Acclimatization is most difficult for people with initially weakened immunity and those who suffer from chronic diseases. Weather-dependent tourists will also have a hard time. It is not recommended to drastically change the climate for people with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, the elderly and children under the age of 3 years.

Ideal for the body is a rest for 15-20 days, which is enough for acclimatization and recovery. If you have any concerns about the upcoming vacation, it is best to first consult with your doctor about this. Also, to reduce the level of stress for the body during a sharp change in climate, you need to consider a few simple rules. Let's consider them in more detail.

If you have already recovered from your vacation, advice on proper preparation for it is not so relevant for you. But those who are just about to change the gloomy winter weather for a sunny beach, keep in mind:

  • The best option for preventing acclimatization is hardening. A contrast shower will increase the adaptive abilities of the body and will be an excellent workout for the cardiovascular system. But it is necessary to approach the issue of hardening competently, excluding the presence of contraindications and doing everything gradually.
  • About a month before the winter holidays, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes. For their appointment, you need to consult a doctor.
  • To prepare for a beach holiday, to protect yourself from allergies, and your skin from chapping and burns, it is best to go to the solarium a couple of times before a planned trip.
  • To reduce the likelihood of acclimatization or the severity of its manifestations, it is better to refuse flights, and choose those resorts that can be reached by land transport.

If you have a radical change in the time zone, start preparing your body for about a week, adjusting the daily routine.

Be careful with your choice of clothing. What to take with you depends on where you are going. If this is a country with a hot climate, you should give preference to light and spacious clothing made from natural materials that are well breathable and absorb moisture. Shoes should also be light and not squeezing the feet. This will help prevent swelling. Don't forget hats to keep you warm and sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.

Take a first aid kit from home

For people suffering from chronic diseases and daring to go to the sea in winter, the list of necessary drugs is determined by the attending physician. To combat the symptoms of acclimatization, you should take medicines for nausea, sore throat, high blood pressure, allergies, etc. and infectious diseases.

Keep track of your nutrition

The main enemy for the health of vacationers using the services of tour operators is the abundance of food. All-inclusive packages doom us to overeating. Indeed, in the resort countries there are so many delicious things, and most importantly - free. But, if you do not intend to ruin your vacation, try to stick to your eating habits, do not experiment with unusual dishes and prefer light food.

In winter, the amount of liquid we consume is reduced. But, once in a hot climate, you must not forget to observe a full drinking regimen. Drinking enough water will help you avoid dehydration, heat stroke, and other health problems. In no case do not lean on alcohol. To maintain company and good mood, one low-alcohol cocktail is enough.

Get vaccinated!

People who are going on vacation to another country must have all vaccinations according to the national vaccination calendar in the Russian Federation. But, if the trip is planned to certain countries, other vaccinations may be needed. For example, in Asia, the Pacific and Caribbean islands, Africa, Central and South America, the risk of contracting hepatitis A is high. Going to Vietnam, China, India, Thailand, Southeast Asia and South America, you need to protect your body from the virus rabies. And when traveling to the Caribbean, Africa, South and Central America, it is imperative to be vaccinated against yellow fever. Before planning your vacation, consult with your doctor, who will tell you how to get the most out of your trip and stay healthy.

Prepare for reacclimatization

Feeling unwell can catch you not only on vacation, but also upon arrival home. After all, returning to the usual climatic conditions, your body is forced to rebuild again. Therefore, many people after the holidays complain of weakness and other manifestations of reacclimatization. To renew your strength, do not rush to go to work immediately after returning. Give yourself a few days to relax in your native land.

Take the test Decide which group of vacationers you belong to...

The traditionally long winter for Russia, a large number of cold days, in the absence of sunlight, sooner or later makes any person dream of moving from a harsh winter to a hot summer, to the warm sea, hot sun and an abundance of fresh fruits. And all this in our time is quite realistic to implement, it is only necessary to overcome by plane, some several thousand kilometers, and you will already find yourself in the coveted hot, exotic country, leaving behind frost, snow and wind. But not all travelers think about the negative impact of a sharp climate change on health. It is about this minus of rest in the winter in hot countries that we will tell in our article.

One of the most popular tourist routes in the winter season are tours not to ski resorts, but holidays in hot exotic countries. Russians especially like to go on a warm vacation on New Year's holidays and on. Among many travelers, if they have not spent the winter season in or Thailand, it will be considered that there was no vacation at all. But it’s not worth it to rush to lament about this, because, most likely, you have saved your health. Many tourists do not even think about the fact that a sharp climate change can adversely affect health, reduce immunity and cause a lot of problems. The human body suffers especially when, having escaped from forty-degree frosts, it suddenly finds itself in a forty-degree heat. Such a temperature drop leads to a serious shock and undermining the body's defenses, and this fact has long been proven by climatologists.

In order for a person to be able to acclimatize normally, he needs at least a week, in rare cases five days, and even then, on condition of perfect health, but in Russia, as you know, there are no healthy people, there are only “underexamined”. Many take winter trips to hot countries, just for a week, that is, having arrived, our body has been working in a tense mode for seven days in order to acclimatize from winter to summer, and as soon as it has done this, you again leave for cold Russia, and he again it is necessary to start restructuring - reacclimatization. Thus, instead of rest and health improvement, you get stress, breakdowns, illnesses due to a drop in immunity and a double negative load.

If you have already decided to go in the winter to relax in one of the southern exotic countries, then do it as correctly as possible. The most optimal range of rest, according to research scientists, is from twenty-one to twenty-four days. It is advisable that upon returning home, you do not immediately go to work, but have three or four more days in reserve in order to have time to enter the climatic norm and adapt without threatening immunity.

There are a number of people who are generally not recommended to drastically change the climate, this includes those who should not expose the body to excessive stress due to the illness suffered before rest, and this includes both the common cold and gastritis. In addition, a sharp change in climatic conditions is not recommended for people who have recently undergone any operation, because health will definitely deteriorate after the flight. You should not take children on vacation in the summer from the cold winter, as their immune system is very vulnerable. This is especially true for children who are not yet five years old. But adults who are already over forty-five years old are not recommended to do this. These recommendations should be heeded by women during menopause. It is not worth flying from winter to summer for people suffering from any chronic diseases, especially those with cardiovascular, broncho-pulmonary, allergic problems, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, with a tendency to psycho-emotional disorders. And since the age of the listed diseases has become “younger”, it is worth consulting a doctor before such a flight, even for tourists who are only twenty-five years old.

When planning your winter vacation and deciding to relax in a hot country, do not forget about the impact on the body and health of changing time zones. Doctors say that even a change to one time zone has a bad effect on the body, and if this is a sharp change to several time zones, this is already a guaranteed failure of human biorhythms.

Today we talked about the dangers of a sharp change in climatic and time zones for the health of a tourist, and about a way to reduce this harmful effect on the body. But to decide whether it is worth flying in the winter to relax in hot countries, of course, is up to you.

Climate is, in simple terms, a long-term stable weather regime. And it affects just about everything. On the soil, water regime, flora and fauna, the ability to cultivate crops. And of course, one cannot help but talk about how climate affects people and their capabilities.

natural irritant

It is no secret to anyone that over the years, in the process of evolution, people have gradually adapted to the influences coming from the external environment. And in the human body, various regulatory mechanisms have been developed that are directly related to these influences. Today, people can live and develop normally only through interaction with the external environment. It is important for a person to consume oxygen, be exposed to sunlight and absorb the necessary substances.

How does climate affect people? In fact, the impact is of a complex physico-chemical nature. Absolutely everything matters - radiant energy, pressure, temperature, humidity, magnetic and electric fields, air movement, and even substances that are released into the air by plants. With such a diverse impact, almost all levels of functional and structural organization are involved in the reaction - from cellular and molecular to the psycho-emotional sphere and peripheral nerve endings.


Now we can move on to situations that clearly show how climate affects people. As the experiments of bioclimatologists and the experience of each of us have shown, the human body is able to work optimally only in a narrow temperature range.

In the hot season, especially from July to August, it is quite difficult to exist in the southern regions. Take, for example, Primorye. The climate of this region is moderately monsoonal. Summer here is hot and humid. And in July/August the whole region becomes like a greenhouse.

Crimea is a unique example. Despite its modest area (27,000 km²), its territory is divided into three climatic micro-regions and 20 sub-regions. In Sevastopol, the most visited city in the summer, subtropical "regime" of weather reigns. Summer here is dry and hot. And every year is unpredictable. In 2016, for example, June turned out to be much more stuffy than July and August. Sometimes it can rain here for several days in a row, and sometimes the thermometer rises above 40 ° C.

Parsing examples

And how does the climate affect people, if you refer to the above? Not in the best way. First, under such conditions, air conditioning to the lungs becomes more difficult. With stuffiness, working capacity decreases, the general condition worsens, well-being. At high humidity, evaporation from the surface of the body does not occur. In addition, under such conditions, the likelihood of contracting any infection transmitted by airborne droplets increases significantly, since stuffiness and humidity form a favorable environment for the development and survival of microbes.

The body due to dry heat is forced to change the level of heat production. We begin to sweat, as a result of which our skin is moisturized. This evaporation absorbs some of the unnecessary heat. But if it becomes cool, then there is a shiver and the so-called goose bumps, which serve as some kind of heaters.

Another of the consequences of the disturbed temperature regime should be noted circulatory disorders and overload of the central nervous system. That is why an artificial climate is created in the working rooms due to air conditioning / heating. The norm is considered to be from +20 to +23 ° C. And the humidity level should not be less than 50% and above 60%.


Talking about how the climate affects people's lives, it is worth referring to the interesting data found out by the social hygienist Vladimir Ivanovich Chiburaev and the doctor of medical sciences Boris Aleksandrovich Revich. In one of their works, they cited statistics that clearly demonstrate the consequences of poor or worsened climatic conditions.

For example, up to 40,000 deaths per year are due to air pollution from suspended solids. This factor provokes the emergence and development of diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Due to microbial contamination of food and water, intestinal infections appear, which some people start, do not treat. About 1,100 people a year die from this cause. And due to natural hazards, about a thousand deaths occur a year.

All this relates to the topic of how climate affects people's lives. As you can see, the neglected consequences are very serious.


Above it was said about the heat and stuffiness. But when discussing how climate affects human activity and life, it is important to mention the impact of cold.

If it is short-term, then breathing stops on an increased inhalation, after which exhalation occurs, and it becomes more frequent. This can be observed when pouring, for example. But prolonged exposure to cold contributes to the production of heat and ventilation. Accordingly, the release of carbon dioxide also increases. The body of people living in the north works a little differently. They get used to the cold from childhood and, accordingly, harden. For example, if a person from Khanty-Mansiysk, where -52 °C currently reigns, gets to Sochi or the Crimea in July, for example, then it will be extremely difficult for him to endure the heat out of habit. Because he has never been where the air temperature of about +40 ° C can be considered normal.

cold benefits

But this is not all that can be said about how climate affects the way people live. Under the influence of cold, the number of heart contractions also changes, and even the nature of the impulse. This is useful, because arrhythmia disappears in such conditions. Even cold helps to increase muscle strength and tone. Even the composition of the blood changes. The number of red blood cells and leukocytes increases. And the metabolism usually occurs without any failures. The movement of fluids under the influence of cold occurs normally, so that no stagnation is observed.


Such great figures as Montesquieu, Bodin and Aristotle wrote about how climate affects the way of life and life of people. And to this day, this topic is relevant.

In the North, for example, as a result of the climate, needs are born that are not in the South. A person has a need to protect himself from external adversity. Northerners spend most of their time inside their homes or workplaces. Southerners have no such problems. But then they must obey the environment.

maritime climate

It is also worth noting. Little has been said about how climate affects human life. The examples are numerous. But the maritime climate deserves special attention.

Potassium, for example, which is part of it, plays the role of an anti-allergen. Bromine has a calming effect. Calcium helps to strengthen the connective tissues of the human body. Iodine affects the rejuvenation of skin cells, and magnesium relieves puffiness. The most saturated air becomes during a storm. By the way, the molecules in it are ionized. And this makes the air even more healing. After all, ions affect the metabolism.

People and their impact

Speaking about everyday life, it is worth paying attention to the topic of how a person affects the climate. Examples exist. The most striking is the development of agricultural activities. At one point, it reached such a level that the question of its unintended impact on the climate arose. What happened? Firstly, the plowing of gigantic tracts of land, due to which a huge amount of dust rises into the atmosphere and moisture is lost.

Secondly, the number of trees is sharply reduced. Forests are literally being destroyed, especially tropical ones. But they affect the reproduction of oxygen. The above photograph is a combination of two images taken by NASA in different years. And from them it is visually noticeable how strong the consequences of deforestation are. The Earth has already ceased to be a "green planet".

But that's not all there is to say about how humans affect the climate. Give examples yourself, because they are around us! Recall at least the animal world. Many species are already extinct. And the overgrazing of livestock is still relevant, because of which savannahs and steppes turn into deserts. The result is drying up of the soil. What can we say about the burning of fossil fuels, because of which a huge emission of CH 4 and CO 2 occurs into the atmosphere. The impact of industrial waste completely changes its composition, increasing the content of aerosols and radioactive gases.

The conclusion from this is sad. The earth is on the verge of an ecological catastrophe. And the people themselves brought it to her. Fortunately, now we have caught on, and began to make attempts to restore the natural balance. However, how it will be - time will tell.

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