Georgian cats what is the name of the breed. Breeds of domestic cats. Beautiful cat breeds

Are getting more and more popular. The reason for this is their alien appearance. It is impossible to name the most eared breed. But you can describe the most famous.

Abyssinians: photo and description of the breed

So, what are cats with big ears called? Abyssinians. Representatives have an unusual color, which is called "safari".

The ears of cats are cone-shaped. Representatives of this species are medium in size, have impressive muscles. This breed of cats with large ears originated from the African cat. The eyes of the representatives are circled in black.

The nature of cats is quite capricious. Such a pet is not suitable for everyone. These cats are very active and playful. They are always upbeat and cheerful.

Devon Rex

This is another interesting breed. Its representatives have a truly alien appearance. These cats have a long body, a thin neck, the head resembles an elongated ellipse. The wool of the representatives is smooth. The character of the cats is quite good. They are friendly and love to play. The breed is hypoallergenic.

oriental cat

Do you know what cats with an elongated muzzle and big ears are called? Orientals. These cats have a muscular elongated body, short hair.

Colors are different. You can see a solid oriental, for example, black. The most popular color is tabby.

This breed of cats with large ears and nose is very aristocratic. But at the same time, its representatives are very attached to the owners, they are friendly towards people.

These cats can't stand being alone. Orientals love to meow and purr. They are very playful throughout their lives.


This is another cat breed with big ears. The representatives of her luxurious long hair in reddish-brown tones. These cats, like the Abyssinians, are active, cheerful and very playful. By the way, the ears of such animals are mobile.


These cats with large ears are distinguished by an independent wayward character. In addition, they are very touchy. Their physique is long, graceful, their eyes are very beautiful, blue. The tail is whip-shaped. Representatives of the breed are intelligent, sociable.

Distinctive features of Siamese cats are dark markings on the paws, nose and tail.

The wool of the representatives is thin, smooth, like expensive silk.


This breed appeared relatively recently. Its representatives have an amazing appearance. Besides the fact that these cats have long ears, they are also unusually curved. This feature gives the representatives of the breed even more mystery. These cats have dog devotion, their character is quite friendly.


This species is a hybrid of a domestic cat and an African serval. Representatives of the breed are large, strong and graceful. The look of such a cat is really wild, the color is spotty. The growth at the withers of the representatives of the breed reaches sixty sentiments.

These big cats perfectly adapt to any conditions. Although it is best to keep the Savannah in a private home. After all, such cats need a lot of space for movement and games.


These cats with big ears are very similar to the savannah. But only representatives of this breed are slightly smaller. Their coloration is like that of a predator. The tail is long, striped. The ears of the representatives of the breed are similar to locators. These cats get along well with all family members. Representatives of this breed lead an active lifestyle.

canadian sphynx

This breed is quite old. Won love thanks to the extraordinary appearance of the representatives.

Cats have a very intelligent look, lemon-shaped eyes. The skin of the representatives to the touch resembles velor. For the first time such a cat appeared in Egypt. This blue-eyed handsome man guarded the Sanctuary of Ancient Egypt.

There are other types of sphinxes: Don and St. Petersburg. These cats also have big ears. The breeds were bred in Russia. These cats are hairless and need special care.

You need to take care of the skin daily, it must be cleaned. Nutrition in representatives of the breed should be balanced. Also, these cats need to be dressed in special clothes so that they do not freeze. Cats have a dog disposition. They are very smart and devoted.

Ukrainian Levkoy

This interesting breed was obtained by crossing the Scottish Fold cat and the Don Sphynx. The ears of the representatives are large, rounded, curved. The name of the breed was due to the flower, which looks like the bend of the ears of these cats. Their body is slender and muscular. Cats of this breed are medium in size. The head of the representatives of an unusual shape, slightly elongated. The eyes of cats are almond-shaped, their color can be any.

Maine Coon: photo and description of the breed

It's ears and eyes. They are very beautiful, their fur coat is magnificent, there is an undercoat.

Representatives of the breed have tassels on their ears. These cats are known for their size, because they are really giants among pets. The weight of adult representatives reaches fifteen kilograms. They are very similar in muzzle and cone-shaped ears. The tail of these cats is fluffy. Representatives of the breed have a strong character. Therefore, the owner should spend a lot of time raising the animal.

Representatives of the breed are not couch potatoes, but they are not too active either. Cats are quite playful, but at the same time they do not mind lying on the master's sofa.


This is another breed whose representatives have large ears. The color of the cats is leopard. The body of the representatives of the breed is powerful, the head is neat, small. The eyes are large, almond-shaped, widely spaced. The color of the representatives is varied.

These cats are freedom-loving, but complaisant and devoted. They have good hunting qualities. The coat of these cats is short and hard. They are not fussy about food. Long walks in the fresh air - that's what Kanaani likes.

Angora cat: photo and description of the breed

The Turkish Angora is a beautiful, elegant cat with large ears. Her head is wedge-shaped, the muzzle is slightly elongated, narrow. The transition from nose to forehead is smooth. The eyes are slightly slanted, almond-shaped. Their shade can be any. It is allowed by the standard for a cat to have different eye colors. By the way, it looks very original.

The coat is shiny, one might even say elegant. Beautiful fleeces are formed on the tail, paws and neck.

The character of the Turkish Angoras is gentle, sensitive. Cats do not tolerate physical punishment and screaming. Angora cats have a strong nervous system. They are active, but at the same time they do not create noise. Angoras are great with children.

The coat of representatives needs regular care. You need to brush your pet at least once a week. Angora needs movement, so the owners should buy a suitable game complex for her.

The health of the representatives is quite good, they live a long time.

A small conclusion

Now you know cats with big ears. Their photos for clarity are presented in the article. We hope that the information will be useful to you.

Cats are pets, self-sufficient and independent with a pronounced character. Among the wide variety of breeds of domestic cats, everyone will be able to choose their best friend, guided by external data, character traits, habits and individual preferences.


Shorthaired breed. The back is usually a little darker than the coat on the rest of the areas. Wool shimmers in different colors, because each hair has several shades at the same time. Due to the lack of an undercoat, it practically does not shed, for the same reason it is subject to rapid hypothermia. Weight can reach 7.5 kg. A playful and agile cat, it requires increased attention from the owner. Almost does not meow, but can purr loudly.

Australian smoky

The difference of this breed lies in 3 components of the coat color: the main background, dark pattern and haze. Found in marble and spotted variations. The characteristic spotting is expressed by dark spots and stripes. Friendly, affectionate pet will be a great friend for children. These cats are smart, easily follow the simplest commands, very rarely scratch. The house gets along well with other animals.

Asian smoky

Shorthaired breed. It has a light undercoat, while the coat itself can be black, chocolate, blue and red. Differs in large expressive eyes of amber or rich yellow color. The maximum weight of the breed is 7 kg. These cats cannot stand close quarters and loneliness. They are very peaceful, affectionate and flexible, able to express gratitude.

Asian tabby

Muscular shorthair cat with erect ears. The undercoat is missing. The color can be solid, striped, smoky, but the lower half of the body should be lighter than the upper. The average weight of an adult cat is 5-6 kg. Sociable friendly animals with high intelligence will become the best friends for the elderly and children. They are easy to train and get along with other animals.

american shorthair

Adults can reach 8 kg. An athletic body characterizes a hunting breed. There are more than 80 acceptable colors, the coat and undercoat are quite thick and dense. The eyes are almond-shaped, orange or green. Clean animals with a calm character. They easily adapt to new conditions. Active throughout life. Immunity is unstable to infectious diseases.

american polydactyl

Cats are distinguished by an abnormal number of well-developed fingers: up to 10 on the front paws and up to 8 on the hind legs. Claws on extra phalanges need to be trimmed every month, as they do not wear down when walking and cause inconvenience to the pet. The coat is brown and black with stripes or small spots, with pronounced tipping. The maximum weight of an adult cat is 5.5 kg. They have an unobtrusive and devoted character, habits reminiscent of dogs, they love to play with toys. Longing for a long separation.

American Bobtail (Yankee Bob)

The main feature is a short mobile tail (from 2.5 to 7.5 cm). These cats have a long muscular body, low paws and a wide, almost square muzzle. There are short-haired and semi-long-haired individuals. Color can be any, the most common is agouti. Weight - 3-9 kg. Smart cat, loves big companies and active games.

american curl

A characteristic feature is the ears, bent back. They are very fragile and require careful care. A medium-sized cat with a well-proportioned body and a beautiful coat of medium length in any color. Animals are quite active, easy to train.

Anatolian (Turkish Shorthair)

Has high set large ears. The coat is soft, pleasant to the touch, without a noticeable undercoat. Any color is acceptable. The maximum weight of an adult is 4.5 kg. Cats have the ability to parody the owner's facial expressions and some vowel sounds. They are very cheerful, love to play with water and rustling objects. Easily learn commands and rules. They prefer outdoor walks.

Arabian Mau

Large cat (up to 8 kg) of strong build with widely spaced ears. The coat is short, without undercoat, rather hard to the touch. There are cats of a monochromatic color, two-color, spotted and striped. The eyes are almond-shaped to match the color. Mau are playful, inquisitive and very loyal, getting along easily with all family members and with other pets.


The most expensive cat breed in the world!

The weight of an adult individual reaches 12-14 kg. The body is slightly disproportionate, the ears are narrowed at the tips, the eyes are golden or green. Shorthair can have 4 types of color: orange-gold with spots, hypoallergenic, snowy and leopard. These cats are sociable and balanced, they love active games and walks on the street.


A graceful animal with a coat of medium length without undercoat. The eyes are almond-shaped blue or light blue. Cats do not weigh more than 5 kg, have a narrow muzzle with a strong jaw and large triangular ears. The hind legs are higher than the front ones, the tail is whip-like with a plume. More than 20 types of color are allowed, except for black and red. Cats are not aggressive, friendly and dog-like devoted to the owner. Very funny, smart and playful.


Very rare and expensive breed. The average weight of the animal is 3 kg, and the height is 25 cm. Characteristic features are the absence of wool, a strong body, large ears and short limbs, round, blue eyes. There are 3 types of shades of the breed: blue, white, black, expressed in spots. Their character is soft and kind. Bambino tolerates moving and changing environment well. Due to the lack of a fur coat, animals often freeze.


Rare and large breed. Weight reaches 8 kg. Athletic body with well developed muscles and long hind limbs. The mouth is square in shape, a large wide nose, eyes are green or golden, ears are short. The coat is medium length or short, dense with a uniform leopard or marble color. Acceptable shades: red, white, gray. Cats are able to learn to follow commands. Very loyal, curious and quick-witted, they try to accompany the owner everywhere.

bohemian rex

The breed has a thick, curly coat. An animal of medium size with a large head, large cheeks and a short wide nose. The color of the large eyes matches the shade of the coat, the ears are small with tassels. Paws are short and massive. Color: white, smoky, blue, red, cameo, tortie. Peaceful, affectionate animals, with a calm character.


Animal of medium size with developed muscles. Average weight 3-6 kg. The coat is short and dense. The color is exclusively black. The eyes are amber yellow. There are 5 toes on the front paws, and 4 on the hind paws. Cats have a calm character, love attention and big companies, and are wary of children and strangers.


A small cat with intelligent eyes. The head and nose are medium in size, the ears are large. The neck is long, the paws are small and round. We accept any color and eye color. The coat is short and silky, without undercoat. Playful, developed animals that require increased attention. They have the nature of a predator, like to walk in the open air.

british longhair

Cats have a medium length coat, but seem fluffy due to the thick undercoat and short legs. The muzzle is large and massive with pronounced cheeks and large round eyes. There are many color variations. The color of the eyes should match the shade of the coat. The character is kind, sociable. Cats are obedient, calmly experiencing separation from the owner

British Shorthair

The visiting card of the breed is a short plush coat and a muzzle with massive cheeks and round orange eyes. Average weight - 5-8 kg. Creatures with character, that is, it will not be possible to cuddle them until they allow it. The British are neat and obedient, they love order. They remain active all their lives. Calmly endure separation from the owner.


Cats are graceful. They have coarse, dog-like fur. A strong body with a long tail, a beautiful muzzle with large ears and almond-shaped eyes. We accept any color. They are affectionate, playful, easy to train, with a well-developed hunting instinct. In the family, they choose one owner for themselves, but they are happy to communicate with the rest of the household.


Smooth-haired cat of medium size. Average weight - 5-6 kg. The well-developed musculature of the body is emphasized by a close-fitting coat, with an unusual silk structure. Pronounced round eyes complement the personality of the cat. There are many variations of color, while the lower part of the body must necessarily be lighter than the upper.
A playful and loyal cat that requires constant attention. Being alone will be unhappy and may become depressed.

Burmilla shorthair

A cat with a proportionately folded body and well-developed muscles. Weight reaches 4-7 kg. The animal has a short coat with a light undercoat. Agouti coloration is allowed only on the tail, paws and head. Differ in accuracy and soft character. They are unobtrusive, not whimsical in food and do not show aggression.


The average weight of an animal is 2.5-4.5 kg. The body is muscular, the head of the correct wedge-shaped shape, large ears, oval green eyes. The coat is of medium length or short, rich brown tending to red.

A distinctive feature is the strictly brown color of the mustache.

Sociable animals, well tolerate moving and travel. Can easily make friends with a dog.


The breed originated from the Persians. Individuals have a stocky body, fluffy tail and short legs. The coat is equally long all over the body with a pronounced collar and thick undercoat, it visually rounds the figure of the animal. Himalayan cats are very energetic and emotional, but at the same time they are obedient and have a balanced character.

dutch rex

The peculiarity of the breed is a short, hard coat, covered with curls. The tail, legs and body are thin. The ears are small in relation to the head. There are many acceptable colors. Cats have a sharp mind and a gentle nature. They are affectionate, playful and require constant attention. They have the talent of a mouser.


One of the smallest breeds. A hairless cat with short limbs and recurved ears. The maximum weight is 2 kg. The body is muscular with small folds, the eyes are light almond-shaped. Cats are suede to the touch. Most often found in a light color, but can be any color. They are very curious and sociable, not aggressive, love children, easy to train.

This cat must always be kept warm!

Devon rex

They are distinguished by curly soft short hair, large low-set ears and large eyes. The body is folded proportionally with strong high limbs. The density of wool can be different in different parts of the body. The maximum weight is 4.5 kg. Cats are smart, curious, playful, get along well with other pets.

Desert links

A large cat that looks like a lynx. Weighing up to 10 kg, with a massive muscular body. The paws are large, the jaw is square, the ears have tassels at the tips, the nose is wide. Eyes yellow or emerald. The coat is plush to the touch, any variation of colors is acceptable. The cat is affectionate and devoted, picks up the mood of the owner and gets along well with children.

Donskoy sphinx

Well developed cats of medium size. The skin is wrinkled and velvety, the coat is completely or partially absent, so the breed belongs to a number of hypoallergenic cats. Weight varies between 5-7 kg. These cats are always balanced, friendly and sociable, easily adapt to new conditions, love games and are easy to train.

European Shorthair (Celtic)

A cat with a muscular, strong, compact body. It has a rounded head with round eyes and cheeks. The coat is short and dense, the color allows 35 varieties. Animals are absolutely not intrusive, but at the same time affectionate and sociable. They easily adapt to the rhythm of the owner's life, feel comfortable in the apartment.

Egyptian mau

Strong and elegant, very mobile cats.

While running, they can accelerate to 58 km / h.

They have very beautiful light green eyes. The coat is of medium length, thick and shiny, silky to the touch. Main colors: silver, bronze and smoke. Mau love outdoor games, get along well in a large family and can become a friend to a lonely person.

York Chocolate

Semi-longhair cats are distinguished by a characteristic brown or slightly chocolate color. They have a long body with a round head, long and thin legs. Playful, curious and affectionate cats love to frolic with children and explore new places, have the habits of a hunter. They do not show aggression and are able to get along with other animals.

California radiant

Outwardly, they resemble a wild cat. The visiting card of the breed is the leopard color - dark spots against the background of a yellow or silver shade of wool. The coat of the animal is soft and short. Animals are non-conflict, calm and accommodating.

canadian sphynx

Sphinxes have a graceful body with smooth lines, a wedge-shaped head with a powerful jaw, wide-set large ears, a long tail, which is almost always folded into a bagel and pressed to the body. Maximum weight - 6 kg. Wool is absent, but a soft fluff may appear on the body. Mandatory feature - folds on the forehead, neck and paws. All types of colors are allowed. Loving pets with a golden character, they never show aggression.

The Canadian Sphynx is the most intelligent cat breed.


Cymriks are completely tailless, with a short stump instead of a tail, with a short tail in creases and knots, with a regular tail, which is docked at birth. The coat can be long or medium with a thick undercoat. Any color is acceptable, with the exception of lilac, Siamese or chocolate.

Strong attachment to the owner, good memory and obedient character makes the cat look like a dog.


Graceful cat on high paws. The muzzle is in the form of a heart with a hump, the ears are medium in size, the eyes are large green. The visiting card of the breed is a glossy smooth coat of the color of a “thundercloud” with slightly lightened tips. Korat highly appreciates attention and affection in his direction, can show jealousy.

cornish rex

These cats have gained popularity due to their curly, silky coat. They have large ears and a thin, mobile tail. Maximum weight - no more than 5 kg. They are very energetic, inquisitive, tend to perceive all movements as a game. They require constant attention from the owner.

Kurilian bobtail

Large breed of cats, weighing up to 15 kg. The body is muscular with an arched back. The tail is short, consisting of one or more knots. Medium length coat with abundant guard hairs. The breed is characterized by intelligence and tact, they do not like to sit on their hands, but they are happy to run after toys.


Quite often they are called "werecats", as they can scare with their appearance.

The physique is correct, the weight is average, the muscles and limbs are well developed. The head is small with large ears and large round yellow eyes. Wool gray-gray color, elongated in some places. Very kind, devoted to the owner, easily find a common language with large animals. Small animals are treated like hunters.


They are called "dachshund cats" because of their short legs.

It is very difficult to find the same Munchkins, they are all completely different both in appearance and in character. They have a proportional body with rounded contours. There are individuals with long or short hair. They are distinguished by curiosity, friendliness, playfulness and accuracy.

mekong bobtail

A short-tailed cat with a color-point color and short mink hair. The body is of medium size with proportional parts, the length of the tail does not exceed the third part of the body. The ears are small, straight, the eyes are predominantly blue. They are very curious and always try to be near the owner.

They differ in dog behavior, they can walk on a leash, bring toys in their teeth, and in case of danger they will bite rather than scratch.

Manx tailless

Tailless cats of medium size with a short back, sunken sides and a raised rear part of the body. The hind legs are longer than the front legs, so they walk like rabbits. The head is small, round, tassels are acceptable on the ears, the eyes are large, round, their color corresponds to the color. The coat is long or short with a thick undercoat. They easily adapt when the situation changes and are equally attached to all household members.

Maine Coon

Graceful cats of large breed, weighing from 5 to 12 kg. They are proportionally built, strong and agile. The coat is dense, lengthening along the back, on the sides and on the belly, has a thin and soft undercoat. Common colors: chocolate and brown. These are cats with a big loving heart, calm and devoted.

They love water and can shower with their owner.


The breed is characterized by very short legs. Weight does not exceed 3.5 kg. The body is even and graceful, large ears create a contrast with a relatively small head, the muzzle is slightly dog-like. The eyes are large yellow or blue. These cats are short-haired, with fur points prominent on the ears, paws and head. The remaining areas are covered with rare cashmere wool. Any colors are allowed. Minskins are playful, nimble, smart and quick-witted. They don't handle loneliness well.

Neva Masquerade

The color on the muzzle resembles a mask, hence the name. A popular coloration is a light body with dark spots on the paws, muzzle, ears and tail. The eyes are bright blue. Average weight - 6-9 kg. The body is muscular, proportionately folded. The medium length coat with a double undercoat is water repellent. Gentle and balanced cats. They love walks on the street and active games with imitation of hunting.


A medium sized cat with a soft and smooth blue coat with silver tipping and a dense undercoat. The muscles of the animal are tightened, the legs are slender and hardy, the head is small with large pointed ears, the eyes are large amber or bright green. The character is calm, they are affectionate with people and cannot stand loneliness.


Muscular cat with long limbs. The main feature of the breed is a shaggy, water-repellent coat of medium length with a thick, prominent “beard” and “panties”. They are obedient, show tolerance for children and dogs, and are very attached to the owner.


Animals have a slender flexible body and short hair. They have large ears and expressive almond-shaped eyes. The most popular shades of wool are blue, chestnut, white and ivory, but there are about 300 variations in total. The Oriental has a tough temper and gets irritated by inattention. Very curious and "talkative" breed.

ohos azules

Refined animals of medium size with blue eyes. The coat is short, fine and silky with a moderately developed undercoat. Any color options are allowed. In multicolored representatives, the tip of the tail should always be white. They are highly intelligent and capable of learning. Cannot stand long separation from the owner and hyperactive children.


Muscular cat covered in spots, patterns and stripes. The coat is shiny, short and dense without undercoat with a characteristic ticked color. Very active, fearless and restless animals. Easily trainable. Can't stand to be alone.


Long-haired breed, has a stocky body of medium size with a large head, short nose and small ears. The eyes are round and expressive, the color depends on the coat color. Persians are affectionate, calm and loyal like dogs.

Petersburg sphinx

The main characteristics are a graceful elongated body, long flexible limbs, a whip-like tail, a long nose, a proud profile, large almond-shaped eyes. They are miniature, their weight rarely reaches 5 kg. They can be born with or without hair. Popular colors are cream, chocolate, color-point, lilac. The character is sociable, friendly. Cats are clean and curious.


They have a large long body with well-developed muscles, long legs and tufts of hair between the fingers. The head is wedge-shaped with a broad skull, large ears and prominent cheeks. The eyes are most often green or golden green. The coat is thick and soft, of medium length and any color. Animals completely lack hunting instincts, they are affectionate, kind, easily trained.

Russian blue

The visiting card of the breed is a short, thick, plush coat of blue color with a silvery sheen. Cats have a beautiful graceful body and a narrow skull. Active and very friendly animals with the habits of a hunter. Calmly endure loneliness.


Semi-longhaired breed with a strong body and a well-developed muzzle, with a wide nose and prominent cheeks. The ears are tilted forward, the eyes are oval bright blue. Beautiful coat, close to the body.

These cats are balanced and good-natured. They are marked as the most calm.

They are very touchy, they cannot be scolded and left alone for a long time, they can become depressed.


An unrecognized breed that looks like a small cheetah.

The coat is short or medium, harsh to the touch, with a soft undercoat. The most common colors are cinnamon, tabby, golden, chocolate, brown and silver. Savannah is a breed of the largest cats, weight can reach 15 kg. Smart, curious, freedom-loving and independent animals. Not recommended for families with small children.

Selkirk rex

The main difference is the presence of curly soft wool with a thick undercoat. There are short-haired and long-haired species, of any color. Cats have a strong muscular body, a round skull and constantly surprised large, round eyes. Not aggressive, suitable for families with children. They are distinguished by curiosity, fearlessness, playfulness and devotion to one owner.


They have a muscular body, high strong legs, large ears and beautiful honey-colored eyes. The coat is short and pleasant to the touch, from afar creates a shimmering effect. Spotted color is usually oval black or smoky black. Serengeti are cute, funny, agile and curious. It is difficult to experience loneliness.


Graceful animals with a flexible body, short hair and a characteristic color - point and seal point, they can also be lilac, blue and chocolate. The muzzle is narrow, the ears are large and straight, the eyes are blue oval. Animals are smart, inquisitive, prone to jealousy. A loving, sociable and agile cat requires constant attention from the owner.


Semi-longhair cat of medium size, well developed physically. The animal is very fluffy, the coat is long or medium with a double undercoat. Quiet creatures, able to overcome heights and great distances. They are very friendly and smart.

The Siberian cat is rightfully called the most affectionate breed.


A rare breed, physique and appearance resembles a Siamese cat.

The color makes the animal unique - its paws are as if shod in snow-white shoes.

Also characteristic are white spots on the nose and head, and large blue eyes. The physique is proportional. The coat is shiny and dense. Cats are playful, active and agile, get along well with other pets.


A cat of medium build with a slightly arched back and a slightly convex chest. Their coat is soft with a double texture. Animals are intelligent and friendly and not prone to aggression. They have the ability to adapt to the nature of the owner, very loyal.


A muscular cat with small paws and a rounded head. The muzzle is round, the nose is straight, the ears are wide at the base. The eyes are rounded, from pale blue to bright blue. The coat is short, silky without undercoat. Common colors: seal point, blue point, red point, tabby and tortoiseshell. Affectionate and playful, they can follow commands. They don't handle loneliness well.


The main feature is the brindle color. A physically developed body of medium size, a long and strong tail, a long muzzle with a wide nose, small ears and deep-set eyes. The coat is dense, soft and silky. The color is necessarily two-tone with dark stripes and rosettes on a yellowish-bronze background. Very smart, loving and loyal animals.


This is a medium-sized cat with a wedge-shaped head, a triangular muzzle, slanted almond-shaped eyes and large triangular ears. They are characterized by soft short hair with colors: point, mink, solid. Smart and easy to train, very friendly and loyal creatures. It is not easy for them to be separated from the owner.

Turkish angora

An elegant cat with a narrow muzzle, long hair and a fluffy tail. The nose is small, the eyes are large, oval in shape, the ears are large and set high. Almost any color is acceptable, but white cats are popular. Angoras are very mobile and smart. During the game, it can make a mess in the house.

turkish van

A cat of large size, with a predominant white color in color. They must have symmetrical red spots below the ears and red rings on the tail. Acceptable eye colors: copper, blue or mismatched. Paw pads and nose must be pink. The coat is long, soft and silky. The color is red with white, cream or tortoiseshell. Able to train, energetic and friendly animals.

Ukrainian Levkoy

Small cat with well developed muscles. The head is shaped like a pentagon, with pronounced cheekbones. The legs are strong with graceful paws. Ears can be bent and straight. There are hairless Levkoy and with a full coat of any color. They are dog-like playful, prefer active games with the owner. They are very patient and loving.

Ural rex

Well developed and athletic built cat of medium size with a proportional body. The main feature is the wavy coat of short or medium length. All colors are recognized, with any allowable amount of white. The only exceptions are chocolate, cinnamon, tabby, ticked tabby and bicolor. Loving and contact cats. They may show jealousy.

foreign white

Graceful shorthair white cat with blue eyes. Fit, with a long neck, a triangular muzzle and almond-shaped eyes. These cats are real intellectuals, able to find a common language with any other animal. They can spend hours on end with children, while remaining freedom-loving and independent. They have a loud voice.


An unrecognized breed of large size (5-10 kg), with an elongated, well-developed body and flexible, slender limbs. Tassels on the ears are a must. There are individuals in 3 color variations: ticked tabby, black and ticked silver. The wool is dense and thick. The temperament is flexible, they are sociable and affectionate, playful and agile.

Chantilly tiffany

The advantage of the breed is a luxurious fur coat. The coat is soft, of medium length, without undercoat. The breed is characterized by tabby color and solid, brown, lilac or blue, fawn and cinnamon shades. The body is strong, the muzzle is wide, the ears are small, the tail is fluffy, the eyes are oval yellow or amber. Animals are patient with children, calm and balanced. Favorite fun - games with balls and toy mice.


Cats with a soft character and bright appearance, stand out with a beautiful fox fur coat and expressive green eyes. Color with tipping effect darkens ⅛ of the coat. There are golden, cream and silver individuals. The coat is thin with long hairs and a glossy sheen, the undercoat is white. Very contact animals, like noisy companies.

Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold)

Small cats with a snub nose, round large eyes and small hanging ears. There are a large number of acceptable coat colors. These are obedient and loyal cats that require constant attention from the owner. The breed does not have hyperactivity, and even a dog can brighten up its loneliness.

Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight)

They are often confused with the British. The Scots have a graceful long body, a rounded head, and a characteristic letter "M" on the forehead. Weight varies from 3.5 to 5 kg. There are short-haired and long-haired straights, all of them have a pronounced undercoat. They are very independent, have a calm character.


Distinctive features are a stocky body with thick squat legs, a thick tail and large eyes. The coat is short, velvety, like a plush toy, with a well-developed undercoat. They have a quiet voice and a subtle nature. Very loyal and affectionate animals that suffer from loneliness.

Shorthair exotics are the kindest cats.

japanese bobtail

The breed is medium in size, slender with an elongated body and physically developed muscles, the limbs are long and strong. The tail is short, vertical, about 7 cm long, and may or may not be mobile. The head is triangular with neat curves and large eyes. The coat is short and dense, without undercoat, most often tortoiseshell with white. Very smart and active, they do not like to be left alone. Ideal for living in city apartments.

Fluffy and hairless, short-legged and long-legged, tailless and decorated with a plume - more than 100 breeds have already received official recognition, but literally every day new and new breeds of cats appear.

All breeds of cats are divided into:

Shorthair cat breeds

Abyssinian cat

This cat breed is one of the most ancient. The Ethiopian beast (as the beauty is also called) is a cat of rare intelligence and rare obstinacy. The breed is famous for its exceptional colors - wild color, red (sorrel or cinnamon), blue and fawn are typical for. Ideally, if every hair of her coat has a triple ticking. Photos of the descendants of the Zul cat, the first Abyssinian brought to Europe, do not convey all the wild charm of the representatives of this breed.

Australian mist

The Australian Smoky cat is one of the cat breeds that can safely be called unique. Born in the homeland of the kangaroo, in Australia, he took the best from his closest relatives - the Abyssinian cat, Burmese and from simple non-purebred cats. The best, first of all, is expressed in color. This is either spotted coat or marble-spotted with a common ticked background. Outside of Australia, this breed is almost never found.

american wirehair cat

Cats dressed in "wire coats" differ from American Shorthair cats (more on them below) not even in the quality of the coat, but in its appearance.

Being soft to the touch, outwardly it seems prickly and creates the illusion of a wire. Often the "wire effect" is not expressed over the entire skin, but is concentrated along the ridge and tail.

american shorthair cat

There are breeds of cats that can be called centenarians, and the American Shorthair cat is just one of them. The average life expectancy of an American woman is 15-20 years! The popular breed was recognized by Americans as early as the 17th century, but was officially recognized only in 1904 thanks to the cat Buster Brown.

Today, Brown's descendants have conquered not only America, where there are already 100 specialized nurseries, but also Japan, which does not lag behind American breeders.

american bobtail

All cat breeds have a history. For some, it is short and such breeds are most often bred artificially, while for others, the history stretches back several centuries. So it happened with, which descends from cats living in Indian wigwams. There is an opinion that these were not yet cats, but domesticated lynxes. Indeed, if you look at the pictures of the short-tailed American Bobtail, then there is clearly something lynx in it!

american curl

If you compare popular cat breeds with photographs of rare breed cats, then the difference is sometimes noticeable only in details, but these details decide everything! So, an important detail turned out to have ears that seemed to be twisted back. Moreover, a similar inversion is formed in kittens of the American breed not from the moment of birth, but only by the age of 4 months.

Anatolian cat


(eng. Snowshoe - “snow shoe) - was born in an American nursery. Graceful cats have a nice disposition and charming appearance. Not all kittens in the litter are ideal, but those who have taken the best qualities of snowshoe become the standards of cat beauty.

Turkish angora

We can say about this breed - it is recognized by everyone! Brought into the world from the Byzantine city of Angora back in the 16th century, the angora cat captivated everyone so much that for a long time Europeans called all white cats angora. By the way, Turkey still has a program to protect the Angora cat, because it is considered the national wealth of the country. also a long-lived cat. 13, 15, 20 years old - this is the norm for her.

turkish van

British journalists brought two kittens of this breed from Turkey in the middle of the last century. The kittens were named Van Atilla (boy) and Van Guzeli Iskenderun (girl). Van Guzeli amazed connoisseurs with a coat of red and white Van color. Today, either only the classic red-white/cream-white Van colors are recognized, or black-white/blue-white, tortoiseshell-white Van colors are also acceptable.

highland fold

Appeared quite recently and she immediately had to defend her right to the breed. Breeders were perplexed - if there are only folds, straights and British in the pedigree, then where do long-haired kittens come from? However, the Highland Fold by its very existence dispelled all doubts - there will be a long-haired Scot!

Long haired cat breeds


Very similar to the Persian cat, but the latter is never colorpointed. Another difference from the Persian cat is that the Himalayan cat is more mobile and playful. Long-haired cats are bored of decorating the world with themselves and they are happy to run after a sunny bunny.

Persian cat

Oh, the oldest and most popular! Yes, a creature descended from the cat Shaherizada should be treated with special respect. A snub-nosed cat lifts its nose for any reason and does not really like the fuss around it. According to the standard, about 100 varieties of color are known, but all these cats are similar in type of addition - they are strong and massive.

Hairless cat breeds

Donskoy sphinx

You will be surprised, but the breed is considered aboriginal. Kitten Varvara, picked up by a kind person on one of the streets of Rostov-on-Don, without knowing it, laid the history of the breed. Hairless type is divided into four types: naked (or plasticine), flock, velor and brush. Most often, rubber (naked) cats are naked-born.

canadian sphynx

The Canadian Sphynx does not have a naked birth. Yes, and absolute naked among them are not found. But there are kittens that from youth easily jump up to 1 meter in height, and having matured - almost one and a half meters! It is noted that they have a very good memory and are easy to train.

Peterbald or Petersburg Sphinx

A long muzzle, large ears set apart, flat cheekbones and an elegant body on high legs - this is a Petersburger cat. According to the types of skin, experts distinguish: brush, brush point, velor, flock, naked and flat-haired variation.

Ukrainian Levkoy

Not only is he naked, but also lop-eared! Well, all 33 cat pleasures! Breeding this breed began in 2000, and the first representative of the breed was born in 2004 and his name was Levkoy Primero. One can argue about the cuteness of this breed, but one cannot but agree that the Ukrainian Levkoy is very cosmic and organic. Many believe that this is the cat of the future.

Here we have listed all the cat breeds with pictures that you needed to know about. Share in the comments which breed is your favorite.

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There are more than 250 breeds of cats in the world: bald and fluffy, wayward and friendly, affectionate and freedom-loving. But there is something that unites them all: they are incredibly beautiful. Anyone who wants to make a meowing friend can take a kitten from a shelter, or buy one from an elite cattery.

How much do the rarest cat breeds cost? Find out the prices for the most exotic representatives of the cat world.

Ashera is the most exotic domestic cat in the world. She was bred by crossing a domestic cat and an Asian leopard cat. According to the creators of the breed, this cat is hypoallergenic, but there is controversy about this statement. You can become a happy owner of Ashera for $22,000-100,000.

norwegian forest cat
The ancestors of this cat were bred by the Vikings 2000 years ago. Cute and fluffy, this cat can withstand severe cold and is an excellent hunter. The price of a kitten varies from $600 to $3,000.

Himalayan cat
This breed is very similar to the Persian, but differs in blue eyes and color-point color (light body with a dark muzzle, paws, ears and tail). This breed was bred in 1950 in the USA. Himalayans are affectionate, obedient and friendly cats with a calm disposition. A kitten of this breed will cost $500-1300.

Scottish lop-eared
The visiting card of this breed is cute ears that do not stick up like ordinary cats, but hang. Such an unusual detail of their appearance is the result of a gene mutation. These are smart cats that get along with all family members and are never averse to playing. Another distinctive feature of this breed is that they can stand on their hind legs and look at what interested them. A kitten costs from 200 to 1500 $.

Peterbald, or St. Petersburg Sphynx, was bred in Russia in 1994. These elegant cats have a slender body, long head shape and large ears set apart. The body may be bald or covered with down. The nature of the cats is affectionate and sociable, they are easy to train. Such a kitten will cost $400-1200.

Egyptian mau
The appearance of these cats has changed little in 3000 years - since the time of Ancient Egypt. The spotted color of this breed is manifested not only on the coat, but also on the skin. To become the owner of an ancient Egyptian cat, you need to spend $500-1500.

Maine Coon
This is one of the largest cat breeds. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 5 to 15 kg, and the body length of an adult Maine Coon can reach 1.23 m. But despite their formidable appearance, they are affectionate, gentle and playful animals. The price of a giant kitten varies between $600-1500.

This is one of the most unusual breeds that appeared in 1980 in the USA. In addition to curly hair, cats of this breed have another feature: they are hypoallergenic, so they are perfect for families with allergies. A kitten of this breed costs $200-2000.

Russian blue
This is one of the most popular shorthair cats. Outside of Russia, she became known in 1893. According to legend, this cat brings good luck to the house. You can buy a Russian talisman for $400-2000.

This breed was bred in 1994 in California. It belongs to large cats: the weight of an adult Serengeti is 8-12 kg. They have a strong build, large ears, spotted coloration and very long legs. You can buy such a cat for $600-2000.

This young cat breed was bred in the USA in 2006. Elves are very friendly, intelligent, mischievous, sociable, inquisitive and loyal creatures. Those who wish to purchase such a unique pet will have to pay a rather large amount - 2,000 US dollars.

This large cat breed resembles a tiger in color, which is why it got its name. The creator of the breed claims that the toyger was bred in order to inspire people to care about the conservation of tigers in the wild. You can get inspired to save tigers for $500-3000.

american curl
This breed originated in California in 1981. Newborn kittens are difficult to distinguish from ordinary cats, but by the 10th day of life, their ears turn back like small horns. This feature touches hundreds of thousands of people around the world. You can join curl fans for $1000-3000.

This breed was developed by crossing an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. These cats are very fond of swimming, and, despite their impressive size (4-8 kg), they often climb onto the shoulders of the owner. You can buy a mini leopard for $1000-4000.

This rare breed was created by crossing an ordinary domestic cat and the South American wild cat Geoffroy. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the United States in the 1970s to study leukemia. The weight of an adult cat is an average of 11 kg. You can become the owner of a domestic predator for $4000-8000.

Khao mani
The earliest mention of this breed is in the Tamra Maew, or Cat Book of Poems (1350-1767). In ancient Siam, kao-mani lived only in royal families and were considered a symbol of good luck, longevity and wealth. You can buy an oriental talisman for $7,000-11,000.

This one of the rarest breeds of cats appeared due to the crossing of a domestic cat and a marsh lynx. These are very sociable animals that are difficult to tolerate loneliness. Such cats will be happy with any company: a person, another cat or even a dog. The cost of a kitten varies from $8,000 to $10,000.

The caracal is endangered. A few years ago, the caracal moved from the category of wild predators to a number of exclusive and expensive pets. Therefore, buying a kitten for $7,000-$10,000 can help preserve this unique look.

This breed was born by crossing an African serval and a domestic cat. These are the largest cats: an average weight of an adult is 15 kg, and a height of 60 cm. Savannahs are known for their high level of intelligence, calm character, curiosity and activity. They love water treatments, outdoor walks and active games. To get such a cat, you need to have a large space for her to play and $ 4,000-22,000.

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Fluffy and naked, affectionate and wayward, fidgets and couch potatoes - all these are our favorite purring pets. There are dozens of cat breeds in the world, each with unique characteristics. If you are lucky enough to own a kitten with an impressive pedigree, it is better to know in advance how to care for him, than to feed him, and what tricks to expect.

The history of the emergence of cat breeds

Some breeds appeared by accident, others are the result of long selection work, and still others have managed to retain the appearance and habits of their wild ancestors, for which cat lovers appreciate them. So, the independent Siberian cat was known to our ancestors long after the first attempts to somehow register it, and the plush cutie British Shorthair cat once just caught mice on the streets of London.

However, this cannot be said about most breeds. For example, the Persian cat looked very different when it was first introduced to Europeans. There is nothing to say about bald breeds: to some they seem to be aliens of the cat world, their appearance is so different from the usual Murchikov and Murok. And this is only a small part of all cats: according to statistics, only 1% of the feline brethren can boast of belonging to a noble family.

Purposeful work on breeding new breeds began only a century and a half ago. Most of the thoroughbred beauties that are known to people today were registered only in the last century. However, all of them have become so firmly established in our lives that it is difficult to imagine it without their funny tricks.

Varieties of cats

Cat breeds are usually divided into long-haired, short-haired and hairless:

  1. Persian, Angora, Turkish Van, Norwegian Forest, Sacred Burmese, etc. are considered long-haired. Most are credited with an affectionate and docile character.
  2. Most in the world. This is the Siamese, and Oriental, and Abyssinian, and Russian Blue, and many others. They are so different from each other that it is difficult to single out any special joint features, except for a short fur coat.
  3. Naked, bald or sphinxes awaken the most conflicting feelings. Photographs cause tenderness in someone, and disgust in someone. However, the owners of these unique creatures claim that these are the most ordinary cats, although without hair. But they are very attached to the owner, they play a lot and eat a lot, because they are always trying to keep warm.

But is there a significant difference between all these breeds? Lovers of cats of noble blood claim that they are clean, obedient, independent and quick-witted. Are the outbred street vagrants any less intelligent? Moreover, anyone who brought home a kitten from the street will prove that even yesterday's residents of the yards have a love for cleanliness, and there is no need to talk about cat independence.

Love your furry friends, no matter if they have a great pedigree. Always be close to them, because every day next to a mischievous cat or an affectionate kitty is then remembered with warmth and quiet joy. Who can make us happy!

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