How to find out that an ectopic pregnancy is at home. How to recognize an ectopic pregnancy: signs and symptoms in the early stages. Does an ultrasound show an ectopic pregnancy?

If you are planning a child, you should find out about such a deviation as an ectopic pregnancy. And although the risk of its occurrence is small, anyone can face it. It is very important to recognize it at the very beginning, because the life of a pregnant woman is at risk. Therefore, before planning a child, it is useful to learn how to determine an ectopic pregnancy at home.


Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages

An ectopic pregnancy in the early stages proceeds in the same way as a normal one. Therefore, its diagnosis at the initial stage is difficult. The first signs of an ectopic pregnancy before the delay of menstruation are common with the usual:

  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • the occurrence of toxicosis;
  • the manifestation of pain in the area of ​​​​the location of the pathology;
  • the occurrence of weakness and dizziness;
  • occurrence of frequent urination.

Symptoms of an abnormal course appear from the fourth week. As the fetus develops, specific signs become more pronounced. How to distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from a normal one? This can be done according to the symptoms characteristic of this pathology:

  • In 75-85% of pregnant women, pulling pains from the lower abdomen appear, passing into the lumbar region and rectum. Often, pain is manifested from the side where the embryo is located. The nature of pain depends on the period of development and the location of the fetus. And it can manifest itself in the period from the 3rd to the 8th week.
  • Almost 50% experience intoxication of the body, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, weakness and even loss of consciousness.
  • About 60-70% of pregnant women notice the appearance of bloody discharge. Depending on the location of the embryo, they differ in color and consistency.
  • Low pressure. It is promoted by bleeding during an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Rapid pulse.
  • The test for "interesting position" is more often positive. The weak coloration of the second strip casts doubt on it. And some pregnant women also have a negative one, although all the symptoms of pregnancy are present.

If you immediately respond to the symptoms that appear in the early stages and consult a gynecologist, then the complications of such a pathology will be minimized.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to determine an ectopic pregnancy at home?

It is impossible to identify such a pathology with 100% certainty on your own, it can be suspected.

Given that in the initial stages, an ectopic pregnancy does not differ from a normal one, it is recognized by a simple test for pregnant women.

Such a test detects the content of the hCG hormone in a pregnant woman. Therefore, with ectopic pathology, it will be positive. Only with ectopic pathology, the 2nd lane will not be clear. Pharmacies offer a wide range of different tests to identify the "interesting situation". Among them there are special ones for detecting pathology, for example, the Inexscreen test cassette. If you perform the test clearly according to the attached instructions, then its reliability is on average 90% for a normal pregnancy and 65% for a threatened miscarriage. But they will not show 100% of the pathology result.

Therefore, with a doubtful test result, urgently visit a gynecologist in order to prevent pathology in a timely manner.

For more information on determining this method, see the article "Does the test detect an ectopic pregnancy?".

- Can the chest hurt / swell?

Does your chest hurt? Yes, it can hurt. Indeed, in this state, the body is rebuilt, certain hormonal changes occur in it, and with any pregnancy, specific symptoms appear:

  • increase in breast volume;
  • the appearance of heaviness and swelling;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • soreness.

But when the fetus fades, it becomes soft and stops hurting, which can be a cause for concern. It is believed that the breast is the first to signal such a pathology in the body. Therefore, any suspicion of the condition of the mammary gland should serve as a reason for a visit to the hospital.

Can the belly grow?

Does the belly grow during an ectopic pregnancy? No, it's not growing. With such an anomaly, the amniotic egg is located outside the uterine cavity. In this condition, the uterus will not grow and the stomach, respectively, too. Moreover, the outcome of such an anomaly ends with an early interruption, when the stomach could not yet grow.

- Can you feel sick?

Do you feel sick during an ectopic pregnancy? Yes, it can be nauseating. With this pathology of pregnancy, the same physiological signs are observed as with normal pregnancy, including nausea. But if the pregnant woman abruptly stopped early toxicosis, then this is a signal to check for an ectopic anomaly.

How to distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from a normal one?

It is possible to distinguish an ectopic from a normal pregnancy by specific features:

  • Minor bleeding. They differ from menstruation in their scarcity and duration.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. It manifests itself at the location of the fetus and gives to neighboring parts of the body. Symptoms of pain depend on the location of the anomaly. So, if the embryo is located in the ampulla of the fallopian tube, then the manifestation of pain is observed at the eighth week. If it is fixed in the forearm, then already in the fifth week there are pains.
  • The test for "interesting position" is negative, although all signs of pregnancy are present, or in it the second band is faintly colored. Women who have experience using such tests immediately see these differences.

How can the diagnosis be reliably confirmed?

A reliable definition of ectopic pregnancy is possible only on the basis of special diagnostic studies.

Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in the early stages:

  • Medical examination. A preliminary diagnosis is made by a gynecologist when examining a patient. Pathology can be suspected: soreness of the abdomen, its swelling, lack of growth of the uterus.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics. Modern equipment using a transvaginal sensor makes it possible to detect pathology already at three to four weeks.
  • HCG blood test. During an abnormal pregnancy, the amount of this hormone is produced less than during a normal one. In a normal course, it should double every day, which does not happen with such a pathology. To observe the dynamics, the analysis is effectively carried out in a hospital setting.
  • Laparoscopy. This is the most accurate diagnosis of pregnancy at the initial stage. It allows not only to examine the state of organs, but also, if necessary, to perform an operation. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and small incisions are made in the skin. Thanks to the use of miniature instruments and the optical magnification of the laparoscope, pathology can be accurately diagnosed.
  • Puncture through the posterior fornix of the vagina. It consists in inserting a needle through the rectum into the uterine cavity. If blood clots appear from the needle, then this indicates internal bleeding. But this method is painful and does not give a 100% guarantee, so it is rarely used.

You can learn more about the identification of such a pathology in the article "Diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy."

A woman needs to carefully monitor her pregnancy, and immediately go to the hospital at the first suspicious symptoms. Early detection of an ectopic pregnancy will help you avoid complications.

According to statistics, four out of 100 women have a pregnancy that does not have any pronounced differences from a normal pregnancy in the early stages. Seeing the usual two strips on a pregnancy test, not a single woman even suspects that after a while she may end up on the operating table or even die from blood loss ...

Of course these days the medicine has come a long way, and the risk of death in cases exists only in case of incorrect and delayed diagnosis, whereas in the past, only one in six women with ectopic pregnancy survived. Ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous condition and one of the most common causes of infertility in women who have terminated pathological pregnancies in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Women who have undergone ectopic pregnancy, experience a strong fear of the onset of a new pregnancy and pass it on to everyone around them. They are catastrophically afraid of not getting pregnant at all or that the pregnancy will again be ectopic. In fact, during the period of conception, a woman needs to be calm and relaxed so that it is easier for a fertilized egg to reach the uterus.

For this reason, we decided to divert women from dark thoughts and educate them about the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy so that they can understand and consult a gynecologist for help in early pregnancy. After all, the longer the duration of an ectopic pregnancy, the less chance a woman has to maintain her childbearing function. First you need to know what kind of pregnancy doctors call ectopic?

Any pregnancy begins after fertilization eggs, which for subsequent proper development must move into the uterine cavity and attach to its wall. Sometimes, due to the presence of various obstacles and failures, the fetal egg is not able to reach the place and is attached to the fallopian tube, cervix, ovary, and even to the abdominal cavity. Such a pregnancy is called an ectopic.

Often, an ectopic pregnancy is discovered when a critically ill woman is taken to the hospital by ambulance. Late diagnosis may result in death or infertility for the patient. Therefore, it is better to know in advance that the fetus has “settled” in the wrong place. At what time can an ectopic pregnancy be determined with 100% accuracy?

What week is an ectopic pregnancy determined by medical diagnostic methods? A conventional ultrasound (using a gel) will show that the fetal egg has attached itself outside the uterus, at 6-7 weeks from the moment of conception. Vaginal ultrasound will help detect such a pathology a little earlier - at a period of 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. A laboratory blood test for hCG can be carried out as early as 2-3 weeks - its results can confirm a pathological pregnancy.

Usually, diagnosis for an ectopic pregnancy is carried out from 4 to 9 weeks.

How to detect an ectopic pregnancy earlyby symptoms and test strip?

Does this mean that a woman will not suspect an ectopic pregnancy until 4 weeks? Not at all. She may notice some alarming symptoms that distinguish an extrauterine pregnancy from a normal one.

The first sign of any conception is a delay in menstruation. If a woman is sexually active, and menstruation does not occur on time, then this usually indicates pregnancy. Confirmation of the "interesting situation" (but not an ectopic pregnancy) is an hCG test. It can be performed after 1 day of delay.

If 2 stripes appear (but the second one is weakly colored), but suddenly menstruation begins (or its likeness - dark, scanty discharge of a smearing nature) and pain in the lower abdomen, then run to the gynecologist! Such manifestations may be indirect signs of an ectopic pregnancy. It is better to take a test strip with you - it will help the gynecologist in making a diagnosis.

If there are no periods, and the test is negative and pain, weakness or signs of pregnancy appear, then you should not hope for a miracle and postpone visiting a doctor up to 4 weeks of delay. It is better to make an appointment no later than 10-14 days.

Read also:

DetermineDoes the gynecologist have an ectopic pregnancy on examination?

In the absence of menstruation and the presence of questionable results of home pregnancy testing, and especially when pain occurs, an examination by a female doctor is mandatory! Can a gynecologist determine an ectopic pregnancy based on complaints and examination in a gynecological chair? It depends on the place where the fetus is attached, and on the qualifications of the doctor.

The doctor will listen to complaints and upon examination can detect such features:

  • an increase in the uterus and a change in its color and elasticity (which is typical for pregnancy);
  • if the egg is attached in the tube, then pressure on the area of ​​​​the appendages will cause pain;
  • the size of the uterus may not match the expected date of conception.

But the gynecologist is unlikely to be able to say for sure whether there is an ectopic pregnancy. Definitely an additional examination will be scheduled.

Can an ultrasound be trusted?

Conventional ultrasound is not suitable for early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. It can show such a pathology only from the 6th week, and the rupture of the organ where the fetal egg is attached often happens earlier than this period.

One of the reliable methods by which an ectopic pregnancy can be detected early enough (from 4 weeks) is transvaginal ultrasound (the sensor is inserted directly into the vagina). An experienced diagnostician recognizes a false ovum and sometimes even detects an embryo that develops in the fallopian tube.

But this is not a 100% diagnosis. It is believed that an intravaginal ultrasound will give an absolutely reliable result only from the 5th week of pregnancy.

To how to determine an ectopic pregnancy by hcg: Evaluation of the result of a blood test

The question may arise: what is the point of taking an analysis for the same hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) if a woman has already tested at home? The fact is that the laboratory will check the content of the hormone in the blood, and the analysis itself is carried out not only on the basis of the presence of such a hormone: the ratio of the quantitative indicators of its different isoforms is also taken into account.

If the egg is localized outside the uterus, then hCG will rise slightly. If during normal pregnancy the amount of this hormone increases every 2 days, then during pathological pregnancy - about once a week. Thus, the content of hCG will significantly lag behind the norm.

The conclusion will be made on the basis of a comprehensive examination or laparoscopy.

This is a very dangerous pathology for a woman's health. But it can be identified and avoided. How is an ectopic pregnancy determined? A test that shows two stripes indicates not only that you are pregnant, but also that you urgently need to run for an ultrasound scan to exclude the possibility that you have an ectopic pregnancy, the consequences of which can be sad.

What are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy?

In general, of course, if you feel good, then most likely you don’t have to worry. But if suddenly you have sharp stabbing pains in the lower abdomen - try to pay attention to whether there are any other alarming signs signaling: Caution! It ! Symptoms that appear first are: general malaise, bleeding, fever, too low blood pressure, dizziness or fainting. Of course, this does not always indicate a pathology, but just in case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. So, urgent surgery may be required to remove the ovum from the tube.

How does it arise?

Following the fallopian tube, the fetal egg does not reach the uterus, but attaches to its wall and begins to develop. It is clear that outside the uterus, the embryo does not have enough space or nutrition. The fallopian tubes are too narrow for a rapidly growing fetus. There is a risk that the tube will burst, and this will cause internal bleeding, which is a danger to the woman's life. Therefore, it is better if the identification of signs of this pathology occurs as early as possible.

Ectopic pregnancy - what you need to know

Pathology is usually determined at 5-10 weeks. The examination is based on a transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs and determination of the level in the blood of a substance called human chorionic gonadotropin. Its presence indicates that the woman is pregnant, and the absence of a fetal egg in the uterus gives the doctor reason to suspect a pathology. Surgery is indicated if the diagnosis is still in doubt. Laparoscopy (the so-called operation for ectopic pregnancy) is performed under general anesthesia and allows you to examine the pelvic organs for the presence of pathology. The further everything went, the more likely the operation to remove the fetal egg. After the operation, a woman is not recommended to become pregnant again within 6 months, she should undergo anti-inflammatory therapy and rest. The chances of conceiving and carrying a healthy child in the future are quite high.

There is a saying: “Forewarned is forearmed” - all this can be avoided if a woman takes care of her health, listens to her body and the advice of a doctor.

Ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy It is justifiably considered one of the most dangerous pathologies in the field of gynecology. Indeed, with an untimely diagnosis, an incorrectly established diagnosis and, accordingly, without adequate treatment, a woman who develops an ectopic pregnancy may die due to blood loss and pain shock. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy is about 2% of all.

There are two stages of ectopic pregnancy: progressive and interrupted . After a fertilized egg during an ectopic pregnancy is implanted mainly in the fallopian tube, changes occur in the pregnant woman's body that are characteristic of the normal course of pregnancy. Further, the egg grows, while the pipe wall is stretched. Gradually, it collapses, and abortion occurs. In this case, a pipe rupture and internal bleeding often occur, threatening the life of a woman.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

It is customary to distinguish three types of ectopic pregnancy: it happens abdominal , ovarian , pipe . The main difference in this case is where exactly the fetal egg is localized. With the normal development of the process of conception and subsequent implantation, the fetal egg eventually enters the wall of the uterus. However, if there are some obstacles, then it may not reach the goal, and implantation occurs in a neighboring organ. The most common ectopic pregnancy is tubal. But each of the above types of ectopic pregnancy occurs due to the same reasons. The most common reason for this is that a woman has obstruction of the fallopian tubes or one pipe. As a result, it becomes impossible for the fertilized egg to achieve its goal, and it develops outside the uterus.

Obstruction of the fallopian tubes, in turn, occurs in a woman as a consequence of certain diseases and pathologies. In particular, pipes can become impassable due to the development chronic salpingitis . This disease manifests itself as a consequence of sexually transmitted infectious diseases, the treatment of which was not carried out in a timely manner. Also, the cause of the disease can be surgical interventions on the pipes, inflammation provoked by the effect of a long stay in the uterus of the spiral.

Pathologies of the fallopian tubes in a woman can also be congenital. Sometimes the pipes are initially underdeveloped, in other cases additional holes appear in them. Such phenomena can be both a consequence of genetically determined factors, and a consequence of changes that have occurred due to the harmful effects of external factors. Therefore, it is extremely important to plan pregnancy in order to avoid such influences.

It is customary to single out certain categories of women who are at risk of an increased likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy. These are the women who conceived using ECO ; women using intrauterine systems as a means of contraception; women taking as contraception, lowering the motility of the fallopian tubes. An ectopic pregnancy can develop in women who suffer from a variety of disorders of the gonads, as well as in those who have signs of an underdeveloped reproductive apparatus. A higher risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy is present in those women who have already experienced an ectopic pregnancy and have not found out exactly what reason has become predisposing to its development. In addition, ectopic pregnancy occurs more often in women who smoke and lead an unhealthy lifestyle. There is an increased chance of an ectopic pregnancy in women who have been diagnosed with a variety of tumors in the small pelvis. Such formations can mechanically compress the fallopian tubes.

The risk of developing such a pathology also increases in women who are already 35 years old, and at the same time they were diagnosed at the time. The fact is that with age, the number of adhesions in the fallopian tubes. But if at the same time approach pregnancy planning with maximum responsibility, then unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy

In order to have the most detailed information on how to determine an ectopic pregnancy, it is important to know exactly what signs of this condition occur during its development. It is difficult to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, since the signs of an ectopic pregnancy are not always expressed clearly. However, doctors identify some symptoms that should alert a woman and become a prerequisite for an immediate visit to the doctor.

So, the signs of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages include, first of all, the presence of a negative or weakly positive pregnancy test . Sometimes a woman notes growing signs of a developing pregnancy: menstruation does not occur, it appears early. But at the same time, the test still does not confirm that conception has occurred. It is important that in this case other causes of a negative test are excluded: too short a gestation period, incorrect testing, poor-quality test copy. Therefore, you should make sure that all actions are performed correctly and, if necessary, conduct a second test for an ectopic pregnancy.

If, nevertheless, after conducting several tests, there are doubts, then an analysis will help to obtain accurate information about the presence or absence of pregnancy. With the help of such an analysis, signs of an ectopic pregnancy can be determined even at the earliest possible date, since the concentration of this hormone in the blood increases already from 8-10 days after the conception occurred.

Approximately in the third week of the delay of menstruation, the specialist already determines the gestational age during the gynecological examination. If the examination is carried out by a doctor with extensive experience, then by the size of the uterus, he very accurately determines the time of conception. But if at the same time the estimated gestational age did not coincide with the size of the uterus, then an additional ultrasound examination is required.

If a woman's uterus is small in size, while the analysis reveals, then in this case, symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy may appear, as well as signs of a frozen pregnancy. If during the ultrasound process a fetal egg is not found in the uterine cavity, then either a previous one or attachment of a fetal egg in some other organ is possible. And here it is extremely important to carry out immediate treatment of a woman.

At the same time, the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy for long periods are more pronounced. A woman is constantly worried about the appearance of vaginal discharge, which is either bloody or spotting. In this case, sensations of discomfort are possible and, as well as where the organ into which the fetal egg was implanted is located. All other manifestations are no different from the signs of the most common pregnancy: the mammary glands may engorge, toxicosis, etc. may appear. A woman who develops an ectopic pregnancy may periodically suffer from sudden bouts of lightheadedness, fainting. However, such signs in ectopic pregnancy may not be present. If it is not determined that an ectopic pregnancy is developing, then with the continued growth of the fetal egg, a rupture of the organ into which it was implanted may occur

If such a phenomenon does occur, then at that moment the woman feels a sharp and very strong pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis organ. It can drop sharply, leading to a state of fainting. Pain in the lower abdomen appears suddenly. In addition, the woman becomes very pale, drenched in cold sweat, she is sick. In this case, it is important to immediately seek medical help.

Possible manifestation of both vaginal and internal bleeding. Both of these conditions are very dangerous. It is important to stop bleeding in a timely manner, which can only be achieved with the help of a surgical operation. Otherwise, death is likely.

Treatment methods for ectopic pregnancy

With the development of an ectopic pregnancy in a woman, treatment is not required only if the pregnancy has stopped developing on its own. This happens relatively rarely. If an ectopic pregnancy has been diagnosed and the fetal egg continues to grow, it is important to start therapy immediately.

Today, it is possible to stop the development of the embryo by taking a drug. A drug methotrexate used for this purpose is an antagonist . This is a rather toxic drug, so it can only be taken if the woman is completely sure that the pregnancy is ectopic. After taking it, you should not become pregnant for the next three months. It is important that the size of the fetal egg is small - no more than 3.5 cm. The drug is contraindicated in women who suffer peptic ulcer , kidney or liver failure , leukopenia and other diseases. The drug should not be used by mothers who are breastfeeding.

But conservative therapy for ectopic pregnancy today is relatively rare. Most often, this pathology is eliminated by surgery. Surgical intervention may in different cases suggest a different approach to the treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Yes, it is possible to salpingectomy - removal of the fallopian tube; sometimes appropriate salpingostomy - removal of the fetal egg; in some cases, the operation consists in removing the segment of the tube in which the ovum was implanted.

As a rule, a woman is laparoscopy or laparotomy . With laparoscopy, the abdominal wall is not opened, therefore, the operation is less traumatic for a woman. This operation is performed using special instruments that are inserted through small punctures. Laparoscopy allows you to save the fallopian tube, where the development of the fetal egg took place. But still, there is often a risk of subsequent formation of adhesions in the operated tube. Therefore, sometimes the doctor decides to remove the tube. After an operation performed on the fallopian tubes, a woman should not have sex for two months. In the process of rehabilitation after surgery, it is planned to prescribe a course of antibacterial treatment in order to prevent possible inflammation. It is also quite justified the appointment of physiotherapy procedures that help prevent the appearance of adhesions in the pelvis. The complex treatment also includes vitamins , iron preparations .

Depending on how exactly and where the fetus is located, an ectopic pregnancy can be full-term to different dates. In rare cases, with an ovarian, cervical or abdominal location of the fetus, it appears or it is interrupted even in the second or third trimester. With tubal pregnancy, which occurs most often, interruption occurs at 6-8 weeks.

It is important to realize that the earlier an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed in a woman, the more likely it is that if it is interrupted, the body will be minimally harmed.

Consequences of an ectopic pregnancy

The most serious consequences of an ectopic pregnancy is an increased risk of a recurrence of a similar situation in the future. So, according to medical statistics, women who have undergone the removal of one fallopian tube may again have an ectopic pregnancy in 5% of cases. If the pipe was saved, then this risk increases to 20%. Therefore, every woman who has had an ectopic pregnancy at one time should, together with her doctor, determine how all existing risk factors can be minimized. Only after this is it possible to plan the next attempt to get pregnant.

In addition, as a consequence of an ectopic pregnancy, inflammation in the pelvis and abdominal cavity may appear. It is also possible to develop adhesions. Sometimes an ectopic pregnancy leads to the development of infertility in a woman.

Prevention of ectopic pregnancy

To avoid such a pathology, a woman must, first of all, minimize the possibility of developing those factors that provoke an ectopic pregnancy. So, obstruction of the fallopian tubes occurs as a consequence of gynecological diseases, as well as infections that are sexually transmitted. When planning conception and there is an increased risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy, you should undergo an examination of the patency of the fallopian tubes. During a procedure called hysterosalpingography , it is also possible to detect the presence of adhesions in the pipes. They can be removed with a simple surgical procedure.

General preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of ectopic pregnancy include careful attitude to health, proper lifestyle, lack of frequent change of sexual partners, timely conception and the birth of a baby.

Before planning a pregnancy, a woman should be screened for the presence of mycoplasma , chlamydia , ureplasma and promptly treat all detected diseases. The future father is also being tested.

Another important preventive measure is the right approach to, since an ectopic pregnancy often becomes a consequence of a past abortion.

If a woman has already undergone surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, then after it is very important to fully rehabilitate before trying to get pregnant next time. According to doctors, it is optimal to plan conception a year after the operation on the fallopian tubes.

List of sources

  • Ectopic pregnancy / A.N. Strizhakov, A.I. Davydov, M.N. Shakhlamova and others - M.: Medicine, 2001;
  • Gynecology textbook, ed. G.M. Savelieva, V.G. Breusen-ko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media. - M., 2009;
  • Kulakov V.N., Selezneva N.D., Krasnopolsky L.V. Operative gynecology. - M.: Medicine, 1998;
  • Strizhakov A.N., Davydov A.I. Operative laparoscopy in gynecology. - Moscow. 1995;
  • Clinical lectures on obstetrics and gynecology / Ed. A.N. Strizhakova, A.I. Davydova, L.D. Belotserkovtseva. - M.: Medicine, 2000.
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