How to open a waste collection and recycling business. Waste business - new ideas and ways to make money Waste as a business

I would like to offer my version of making money from garbage. I noticed when I was in Germany: there is such a thing as waste separation: tin, metal, bottles of all calibers, cullet, waste paper, PET bottles, plastic, cellophane, rags, etc. All of the above is HOUSEHOLD SOLID WASTE and costs money because it is recycled and, oddly enough, makes up 40 to 70% of all household waste.

There are several options for implementing this idea:

The first option for a garbage business

1) The most profitable, but unfortunately the most unattainable, is simply to pick up all the garbage from the dumps and take it all to your warehouse where the ARMY works, I repeat: ARMY of people close to the status of homeless people who will meticulously go through all this heap of garbage, with sorting it all out. Glass to glass, waste paper to waste paper, etc.

The next stage of this process is bringing the selected "garbage" into a marketable condition - the label is removed from the glass bottles and if the bottle is dirty, then it is washed, the same with PET bottles and so on. Each type of "garbage" has its own technical conditions (trademark).

Further, as decent volumes of one of the types of “garbage” are accumulated, a truck is hired and transported to the nearest processing plant. Waste paper - to BUMkombinat, etc. Even if there are none in your city, then in the nearest cities you will definitely find, if not the enterprises themselves, then at least resellers of your “garbage”.

Mountains of smoldering and decaying organic waste will remain: leftovers, spoiled food, etc. You can collect them with the same success and take them to a landfill, having previously concluded an agreement with the landfill.

This option is VERY difficult to implement, it requires huge investments and a head on your shoulders. But if you can put it all on stream, you will have a huge profit.

Probably, you ask, what does Germany and garbage separation have to do with it, but this will be option two (although the Germans sort garbage for civil reasons).

The second option for a garbage business

2) This option requires less costs, but the "exhaust" will be ten times less. Consider the example of one microdistrict or quarter taken, as you please. There are courtyards around which there are 4-6 houses. You stick announcements on the entrances of these houses with something like this: On December 1, a reception will be organized in the courtyard of house 64: tin, metal, bottles of all calibers, cullet, waste paper, PET bottles, plastics, cellophane, rags, etc. All this must be free of contamination, no labels, etc. (here you describe all the technical conditions for recyclables).

You set a price for each type of "garbage", something by the piece - like bottles and cans, and something by weight - like waste paper, iron, plastic, etc.

You give the announcement about a week before the deadline, i.e. suppose November 23 (numbers are given as an example).

In the next "courtyard" you again hang ads on the houses adjacent to it, only hang them on November 24 and set the collection date on December 2, and so on.

With one truck, you can serve 7 “yards” in this way and, accordingly, from 28 to 42 houses. It turns out that you will visit about 4 times a month in each "yard". A sort of mobile garbage collection point.

At the acceptance, you carefully look at the quality of the “garbage” sold to you, because it will no longer undergo secondary processing, but will immediately go to your warehouse, where it will be stored until a decent amount is collected, and then, as in the previous case, accumulated in this way " garbage" you send to processing plants.

Accordingly, you need to put the garbage collection on stream and stand in one or another yard every day, so you need your own truck here.

Perhaps you will say: “Yes, who will sort at home for a week, wash all this “garbage”, and then sell it all to you for a penny?”. And I will answer you: "They will!" Pensioners travel half the city (because they have free travel) to buy cheaper food, even if they are only 30-50 kopecks cheaper. So draw your own conclusions.

I do my own waste paper. I buy it from organizations, enterprises, shops (cardboard boxes), etc. and has not even taken on ordinary consumers. People would like to hand over the same waste paper, but they do not want to go with all these bales through the whole city to the collection point. So, you have to go to them yourself.

And I will say what I know about prices: for example, DEALERS are ready to buy one ton of waste paper for 2,000 rubles, and prices at enterprises that process the same waste paper rise to 3,000 rubles. So consider a truck of 20 tons, even if you hand it over to resellers, then this is 40,000 rubles.

Demand for "garbage", of course, is. Take a look at these sites:

The "garbage business" is just beginning to develop in our country, so you need to have time to get on the wave.

Russia has been choking on dirt and garbage for a long time, but all the good intentions of the state to organize its processing end in nothing. RBC has selected six companies capable of recycling waste in the country, forming a new multi-billion dollar segment of the economy.

Garbage figures

400 kg an average Russian family of four produces garbage per year, including 150 kg of plastic waste and 100 kg of waste paper

15 thousand tons garbage is taken out of Moscow every day

40 million tons municipal solid waste is generated in Russia every year

31 billion tons waste is buried in landfills in Russia

44% Russians throw food away because they don't have time to eat it

Company: Amigo-Service LLC (Nizhny Novgorod)

Field of activity: tire recycling

Owner and CEO - Rustam Aizatullin

Market size: 1 million tons per year

Revenue in 2014: 20 million rubles

Investments: 15 million rubles

Seven years ago, Rustam Aizatullin resigned from the police to take up glass recycling. Waste from the Borsky glass factory was sold by his company Amigo-Service to bottle factories, like the Turkish Sisecam. In 2012, Aizatullin came to the Clever business incubator in Nizhny Novgorod with a new business idea: to create a plant for recycling old tires. For its implementation, he received a grant in the amount of 300 thousand rubles.

According to the Association for the Promotion of Restoration and Recycling of Tires “Shinoekologiya”, about 1 million tons of used tires are produced in Russia every year, but only 5-7% is recycled. Aizatullin suggested recycling tires into rubber crumb, which can be reused in road construction, for spilling football fields and playgrounds. The Guarantee Fund of the Nizhny Novgorod Region issued a microloan of 900 thousand rubles to Amigo-Service three times. at 9.5% per annum for business development. In 2013, Aizatullin received 7 million rubles. in the Russian Bank for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises and another 5 million rubles. in the form of a subsidy from the Nizhny Novgorod Ministry of Entrepreneurship Support. With this money, the entrepreneur purchased a 1300 sq. m in Dzerzhinsk, leased a Gazelle for the collection and transportation of tires, and also increased the staff to 43 people. Today, the capacities of Amigo-Service allow processing up to 200 truck tires per day (6 tons of rubber crumb), received under an agreement with tire shops and from private assemblers. According to Aizatullin, Amigo-Service now recycles about 15% of used tires in Nizhny Novgorod.

Aizatullin sells his baby for 14-15 rubles. per 1 kg at a cost of 9 rubles. The entrepreneur plans to establish a complete processing of tires. Now, on average, from the processing of 100 tons of tires, 30 tons of waste remain in the form of metal cord and textile fibers, which are taken to a landfill. In the second half of 2014, a pyrolysis unit was launched at Amigo-Service, and now experiments on steel cord remelting are being completed. At the output, the company should receive metal, from which it plans to cast wrenches, as well as energy, which will fully illuminate and heat production facilities.

Company: ZAO Aksion-RDM (Perm)

Field of activity: extraction of rare earth and precious metals from production waste

Co-owner and CEO - Dmitry Kondrutsky

Market size:$1 billion per year

Revenue in 2014: 3.7 million rubles

Investments: RUB 47.8 million

In 2008, Dmitry Kondrutsky defended his Ph.D. thesis on enzymes and biomolecules at the Volga Polytechnic Institute. As part of his scientific work, he invented a resin (axionite), which, when added to production waste, absorbs rare earth (indium, cesium, europium, etc.) and noble metals. Most rare earth metals are used in modern electronics, but are almost never produced in Russia. In May 2010, a venture fund managed by Bioprocess Capital Partners invested 18.5 million rubles in Kondrutsky's invention. with the condition that the development of the project will continue on the basis of the Perm Chemical Company. As a result, Aksion-RDM CJSC was created (the venture fund participated in the project through the authorized capital, now it owns about 3/4 in the company's authorized capital). In 2011, Aksion-RDM received a grant of 29.3 million rubles to improve technology, patent and enter the market. from the Skolkovo Foundation.

Using the attracted investments, Kondrutsky developed equipment for the extraction of rare earth metals with axionite. Apparatus worth 800 thousand rubles. already works in the Russian Copper Company and Akron, and the axionite itself is produced at the facilities of Aksion-RDM CJSC. “With the use of axionite, mining companies can have an impressive additional profit of up to $20-30 million,” Kondrutsky says to RBC. Dmitry estimates the volume of the Russian market at $1 billion, but now 99% of it is free. Kondrutsky plans to occupy 80% of the volume over the next decade.

Company: LLC "South Federal District Processing"

Field of activity: plastic recycling

Owner and CEO - Roman Sebekin

Market size: 4 million tons per year

Revenue in 2013: 4 million rubles

Investments: RUB 6.5 million

At the age of 21, Roman Sebekin decided to build a house, but it turned out that this was not a cheap business. So he spent $500 to assemble a machine and organize the production of polystyrene (styrofoam) filler blocks. At first, Roman bought polystyrene pellets, but then he agreed with several Volgograd hardware stores like Tekhnomarket: they saved on the removal of plastic waste to a landfill, and he saved on raw materials. Sebekin paid 4 rubles to private collectors for 1 kg of plastic. In 2008, Roman won the competition for young entrepreneurs organized by Opora Rossii and Promsvyazbank. As a prize, the entrepreneur received a preferential loan for three years in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. at 15% per annum. With it, Sebekin bought equipment for processing all types of plastic waste: bottles, toys, boxes, films. Four years later, Vagit Alekperov's fund "Our Future" allocated Sebekin an interest-free loan of 5 million rubles. On them, he moved from the yard to a small factory, bought vehicles and installed 300 tanks in Volgograd for the selective collection of plastic waste.

Today, Sebekin has mastered 10% of Volgograd's plastic waste, which is estimated at 30,000 tons per year. The capacities allow the entrepreneur to produce 10 thousand polystyrene concrete blocks per month. For a house of 100 sq. m need 30 thousand blocks, we sell them for 25 rubles. [In Leroy Merlin, the same aerated concrete block costs 62 rubles], says Sebekin. - The cost of the block - 15 rubles. It takes 1 kg of plastic." The factory is also capable of producing 15 thousand square meters. m of paving slabs and tiles per year. In 2013, the revenue of OOO Southern Federal District Pererabotka amounted to 4 million rubles. The nearest plans are to set up production in Moscow, as well as to start production of polymer sleepers for Russian Railways.

Company: LLC "Bioenergy"

Field of activity: recycling of organic waste

Founder and CEO - Alexander Smotrytsky

Market size: at least 200 million tons per year Revenue in 2014: n.a.

Investments: 20 million rubles Alexander Smotritsky, head of the company

"Bioenergy" (Yekaterinburg), recalls that his personal experience prompted him to the topic of processing organic waste. “There is a large poultry farm on the way to Koltsovo airport, which emits a very unpleasant smell,” the entrepreneur says. Having become interested in this issue, Smotritsky found out that in Russia, poultry farms and other producers of organic waste (sewerage, farms, etc.) most often take waste to the fields or store it without processing it. “According to various estimates, at least 200 million tons of such waste is generated in Russia every year,” he says in an interview with RBC. Meanwhile, organic waste is an excellent source for the production of biogas and fertilizers.

In Europe, over the past 15 years, several thousand biogas plants (BGUs) have been built in large agricultural complexes and on the basis of urban sewerage systems. A typical biogas plant is capable of obtaining 50 cubic meters of raw materials from 1 ton. m of biogas, from which, when burned, you can get 100 kWh of electricity, and up to 200 kg of fertilizers. The main problem of modern biogas plants is the slow process of work: fermentation of waste can take from 20 to 60 days. Smotrytsky, together with partners, developed the WiseSoil complex (protected by three patents), which, thanks to mechanical preparation and subsequent bacterial treatment, doubles the process of waste fermentation and doubles the biogas yield. This allows to significantly increase the economic efficiency of BSU.

From a ton of waste, which usually has a negative value, you can get up to 100 cubic meters. m of biogas, the combustion of which will release 0.2 Gcal of heat and up to 200 kWh of electricity, - Smotrytsky describes the economics of processing. - Another 1-2 thousand rubles. can bring the sale of 200 kg of dry fertilizers. The WiseSoil complex has already been successfully tested at the biogas plant in Orenburg and is now preparing for test trials at the 1 MW plant in Brno of the German company AgriKomp. “This company has built more than 800 biogas plants in Europe since 2000,” says Smotrytsky. “If the tests of WiseSoil at their Brno station are successful, then they are ready to become consumers of our technology.” In the meantime, Bioenergy has attracted seed investments from RVC in the amount of 20 million rubles in exchange for a stake in the company's capital and is looking for an investor who is willing to invest another $2 million in the construction of a biogas plant using WiseSoil technology in Russia.

Company: LLC “Small innovative enterprise “Kera-Tech”
Field of activity: production of protein supplements in feed

Founders: Anna Linnik (60%), Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry (40%)

Market size: 18 million tons

Revenue in 2013: RUB 808.4 million

Investments: 4.5 million rubles

In 2009, as a student, Anna Linnik was working at the Research and Education Center at the Kemerovo Technological Institute of the Food Industry, when they were approached by a local poultry farm with a request to test a new extrusion machine (high-temperature processing of waste after slaughtering poultry into feed). The resulting supplement was quite expensive, and Linnik had the idea to create a similar product - cheaper - using biotechnology. Linnik wrote a diploma about this and registered the Kera-Tech trademark.

With the help of a biological product invented by Linnik, organic poultry waste (feathers, beaks, paws) is converted into a protein supplement for feed. Usually, poultry farms buy protein supplements for feed separately (a ton of protein on the market costs 16 thousand rubles), but with Kera-Tech they can almost completely switch to domestic production. “1 kg of a biological product makes it possible to process 1 ton of waste into 890 kg of feed protein,” Linnik told RBC. The cost of a biological product is only 55-65 rubles. per 1 kg and allows to reduce the cost of feed for poultry by 18%. Every year, Russian factories generate 18 million tons of waste.

According to Linnik, now the development of the idea is at the stage of certification and preparation of a package of documents for the construction of an enterprise and the production of a trial industrial batch of the drug. Kerra-Tech received money for all this from grants and awards. In particular, within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia for 2009-2013", Kera-Tech received 2.5 million rubles, and in 2013 the company received the Zvorykin Prize in the amount of 1 million rubles. “We estimate the size of the Russian market at $2.5 billion a year,” says Linnik.

Company: LLC Research Institute of Ecology and Rational Use of Natural Resources

Field of activity: processing of oil and drilling waste

Founders: Julia Deneko

Market size: 1 million cubic meters m

Revenue in 2013: RUB 808.3 million

Investments: 4.5 million rubles

While studying at the Faculty of Ecology and Geography of the Tyumen State University, Yulia Deneko was actively engaged in scientific and research research together with her father Viktor Ryadinsky. While surveying oil fields, they found that mining companies do almost nothing with drilling and oil waste. They are simply put into special pools. Father and daughter created a company that in 2005 was the first in the Tyumen region to start processing oil and drilling waste. Earned on research work 4.5 million rubles. they invested in the purchase of the first truck and excavator.

In 2005-2013, NII EiRIPR LLC processed more than 1 million cubic meters. m of drilling waste, including about 250 thousand cubic meters. m in 2013. In the process of processing, artificial soils are made from them, which are characterized by increased strength, therefore they can be used as bases in the construction of roads. “Now more than 8 million cubic meters have been accumulated in the Tyumen region. m of oil and drilling waste, another 1 million cubic meters are added annually. m,” Yulia Deneko tells RBC. The average price of processing 1 cu. m of oil waste in NII EiRIPR LLC is 3,500 rubles, and the potential market volume is about 4 billion rubles. in year.

  • 1 Opening a mini waste recycling plant - where to start?
  • 2 Business Features and Benefits
  • 3 What kind of waste is more profitable to recycle?
  • 4 How to choose the location and premises for the factory?
  • 5 What documents are needed to open a waste recycling plant?
  • 6 What equipment to choose for waste processing?
  • 7 Technological stages of waste processing
  • 8 Waste Recycling Business Profitability
  • 9 How much money does it take to open a mini waste recycling plant?
  • 10 Is it possible to receive state support funds to start a business?
  • 11 How much profit can a recycling business bring?
  • 12 Conclusion

Business brings real satisfaction when it gives you not only financial profit, but also the realization that your business is a contribution to society and a good for the environment. Cities are growing and developing, the population is increasing, and with it, the amount of waste is growing. Already now they occupy a large area of ​​land that could be used in agriculture and for other useful purposes. That is why such a business as a waste processing plant is becoming an increasingly relevant and profitable business.

Opening a mini waste recycling plant - where to start?

Before embarking on the idea of ​​​​opening your own factory, you need to get acquainted with the features of this area, as well as consider the main advantages of such a business.

Business Features and Benefits

This type of business has a number of main advantages, which include:

  1. Stability
    Every day the city produces tons of garbage, so the demand for such an enterprise will be regular.
  2. Financial support from the state
    Another advantage of this business. When organizing such a plant, you will be able to take advantage of certain benefits that the state provides you. You can get funding in the form of a grant, or a loan at 0% or special tax conditions, as a mini waste recycling plant is a contribution to the development of society.
  3. Production of useful products from recycled raw materials
    The main feature of such a mini-factory is that the garbage is not destroyed, but recycled. The profitability of this business also lies in the fact that you can create new products from waste. For example, napkins, plastic bags, base for plastic bottles, glass, biofuels, etc. In addition, part of the garbage is scrap metal. You can also learn how to open scrap metal collection point as an additional source of income.
  4. Small staff
    A small team of specialists is enough to operate a waste processing plant, which reduces wage costs.
  5. Lack of competition
    Another advantage of the waste recycling plant. The low level of competition or its absence allows you to successfully run a business for many years.

What kind of waste is more profitable to recycle?

In order to open a universal plant for the processing of all types of waste, a huge investment of money will be needed. Therefore, it is better to immediately determine the specific type of waste and open a mini-factory for processing a certain type of waste. For example, you can learn how to open a mini-factoryfor recycling broken glass.

Profitable and popular types of waste that your future enterprise can specialize in are paper waste and plastic. Recycled plastic can be used to make containers, as well as furniture and even clothing. In turn, paper waste is an excellent raw material for the production of toilet paper, food packaging, etc.

How to choose the location and premises for the factory?

The choice of land for construction or premises for renting a plant is an important step towards the realization of a business idea.

Block header

It is prohibited to place a waste processing plant on your own plot of land; the enterprise must be located outside the city and be as far as possible from residential areas, educational institutions, catering places, etc.

Abandoned buildings of the industrial complex are perfect for a mini-factory. Renting such a room does not require huge investments. Several hundred square meters per month will cost 30-35 thousand rubles. This is explained by the fact that the former warehouse and industrial premises, as a rule, are not in demand.

If you want to open your own factory, then be prepared to shell out a total of more than 1 million rubles for construction and paperwork. In addition, it must be borne in mind that it is impossible to buy land intended for agricultural needs for the construction of such premises.

What documents are needed to open a waste recycling plant?

Now let's decide on the documentation that will be needed to open a waste processing plant.

First of all, novice businessmen think about the form of entrepreneurial activity -LLC or IP.In this case, in order to open a mini waste processing plant, it will be necessary to register an LLC, since, according to the law, individual entrepreneurs do not have the right to engage in such a type of activity.

You can establish a legal entity on your own, having previously read the information on opening an LLC on the websiteFederal Tax Serviceor contact an experienced lawyer for help.

After you have registered an LLC, you need to obtain a license for this type of activity. A permit document is issued by Rosprirodnadzor usually within 30 days after the application is submitted, and is valid indefinitely.

To obtain a license, it is better to turn to professionals, since there is a high probability of being refused when trying to apply for it yourself. The funds spent on documents are not compensated in any way, and, therefore, you will lose a very large amount of money.

What equipment to choose for waste processing?

The basic set of necessary equipment for waste processing includes:

  • Garbage shredders
  • sorting line
  • Press
  • Heat treatment device
  • Washing machine
  • Dryer
  • Storage compartment
  • Magnetic installation

The cost of equipment at 2018 prices will be at least 2 million rubles.

The choice of manufacturers largely depends on financial capabilities. A large assortment on the modern market is offered by equipment manufacturers from China and Taiwan. Domestic equipment is also in high demand. In addition to being characterized as reliable, a great advantage is also the provision of after-sales service by the organizations that produce it.

European equipment, although different in quality, is still quite expensive for beginners in this niche. In addition, whole factory complexes for the processing of solid waste are being sold.

The equipment must be under constant human supervision. That is why your company will need a staff. To work at the mini-factory, workers will be needed, which include:

  • sorters;
  • packers;
  • production line operators;
  • technologists;
  • accountant;
  • factory guard;
  • administrator.

The fitter will be responsible for the serviceability of the equipment. You can not keep it on the staff, but in the event of force majeure or equipment breakdown, it is better to have such an employee with you so as not to slow down the production process.

Technological stages of waste processing

Now consider the main stages of the plant and waste processing:

  1. Garbage enters the conveyor, along which it moves towards the sorting complex. On the way, he passes through a magnetic installation, with the help of which metal is extracted from a pile of garbage.
  2. Once in the sorting complex, the waste is divided into different groups depending on the material. Sorting can be done both manually and with the help of special devices.
  3. Each group of waste is sent to its own zone. Waste paper and paper go to the waste packaging area. Subsequently, toilet paper, napkins, tetra-packs can be made from it. Plastic goes to shredding, after which it can also be recycled. In turn, the glass is sent to a special container, and then it is also used as a recycled raw material, bringing considerable benefits. If you want to increase the supply of glass to the factory, read how to openglass collection point.
  4. Part of the rest of the waste is sent to landfill, and part is burned in the gasifier. In the combustion process, energy is generated and even useful products are obtained: oil and fuel fractions.

Waste that has been sorted and processed is converted into raw materials that can be used to manufacture products. As a rule, such plants have a number of regular customers who buy raw materials for secondary production.

Waste recycling business profitability

A waste recycling plant cannot be classified as a very profitable type of business. It requires fairly large financial investments in the initial stages, so it is more suitable for those who already have an impressive start-up capital and want to do good for the environment and people.

The profitability of the waste processing business ranges from 25 to 30%.

In Russia, this niche is developed in a completely different way than in the West. However, with the growth of technology and the expansion of people's environmental consciousness, this industry has great prospects.

How much money does it take to open a mini waste recycling plant?

To understand the reality of bringing an idea to life, you need to calculate the amount of money that will be needed at the start. In such cases, a business plan is drawn up, in which the financial component of the project is prescribed as a separate paragraph.

Consider what amounts will be required to open a waste processing plant.

The cost plan for a mini-plant for the processing of solid waste includes the following items:

  1. Costs for the purchase of a waste sorting complex - 6.43 million rubles.
  2. Purchase of a mobile sorting line - 2.53 million rubles.
  3. Press for polyethylene waste - 275 thousand rubles.
  4. Press for paper waste - 255 thousand rubles.
  5. Press for metal (aluminum cans) - 275 thousand rubles.
  6. Dryer drum - 290 thousand rubles.
  7. Purchase or construction of premises and paperwork - 1.5 million rubles.
  8. Transport - 85 thousand rubles.

Result: 11,640,000 rubles.

Operating expenses (per year):

  1. Equipment repair - 150 thousand rubles.
  2. Salary for employees - 4.5 million rubles.
  3. Taxes - 1.2 million rubles.
  4. Transport - 9 thousand rubles.
  5. Electricity - 600 thousand rubles.
  6. Other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Result: 6,559,000 rubles. annual costs or about 550 thousand rubles. per month.

In addition to the above costs, next to the plant, you can organize a workshop for the production of products from recycled raw materials. This will increase the initial investment, but also double the subsequent profit.

Can I get government support to start a business?

In this article, we have already touched on the issue of state support for starting a business. If the project has a real social significance and relevance for the region, then it is quite possible to receive a grant to start your own business.

For example, regional authorities in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation annually carry out programs to reimburse part of the costs of purchasing production equipment. An entrepreneur can receive up to 3 million rubles in compensation under this program.

In addition, the state bank can issue an interest-free loan to a budding entrepreneur.

How much profit can a recycling business bring?

The amount of profit from a waste processing plant varies depending on the scale and direction of activity. Many aspiring entrepreneurs think about how to make moneyin plastics processing, and not by chance, because it is paper and plastic that are the most profitable types of waste. Therefore, we take as an example for consideration a mini-plant for the processing of plastic waste and calculate the approximate amount of profit per year.

Assume that the plant sells about 4,000 tons of raw materials per year. For one ton, you can get about 5 thousand rubles. Therefore, under favorable circumstances, you receive 20 million rubles a year. arrived.

Who will pay money for raw materials? The main consumers of raw materials in our case are various companies that manufacture disposable plastic utensils, clothing manufacturers, as well as multi-purpose containers.

Subsequently, production can be expanded: purchase additional equipment or build your own enterprise for the production of goods from recycled materials.

Did you know that an ordinary aluminum beer can, for example, after “reincarnation” turns into metal for the defense industry? Watch this video, you will learn many interesting and amazing things about recycling:


Summing up, it is worth noting that the waste recycling plant is indeed a profitable business, as well as an investment in the future of our planet. But the implementation of this enterprise requires large financial investments and preliminary preparation.

If you really want to do this type of business, you should learn its strengths and weaknesses in action. To do this, you should do an internship at one of these enterprises in order to see the whole process with your own eyes. In addition, try to communicate with people who work in this business. You can do this at special exhibitions where manufacturers advertise their waste processing equipment.

If you have weighed the pros and cons and realized that this type of business is not right for you at this stage, look at other options. You can learn how to organize your profitablesawdust business.

Whatever you choose, know that we wish you success!

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Professional business plans

We live in an age of opportunity. Everyone is free to do what he wants: one works "for his uncle", the other earns freelancing, and the third opens his own business. Most people think that their own business is a guarantee of success and a good standard of living. Despite the fact that high competition in almost all areas of business does not often allow newcomers to gain a foothold in the market, there are still industries where you can earn good money and occupy a certain niche. One of these is the waste recycling market.

Waste recycling as a business

At the moment, about 44 million tons of garbage end up in landfills in Russia annually. With this processing, only 30% can be processed, the rest remains to rot, causing enormous damage to the environment. If you are not an ecologist, then you are unlikely to be motivated by these words. And if you consider that, together with tons of garbage, billions of rubles annually rot, which could be yours?

Waste recycling is a promising business in our country. There is little competition in this area, but a lot of “resources”. In addition, such businessmen are actively supported by the government, helping with the rental of premises and the purchase of the necessary equipment.

The average payback period for a waste recycling business is between 2-6 months. This is a very good indicator. As for profitability, it usually reaches 30%.

Thus, the recycling business is beneficial in that:

  • actively supported by the state, it provides tax incentives for property used for waste processing, assistance in finding, renting or buying premises and equipment;
  • raw materials cost 7-10 times cheaper than the finished product (the amount of waste at the moment can be considered unlimited);
  • the waste processing plant pays off in 3–5 years, which is a good indicator;
  • the demand for recyclables is high and continues to grow, that is, you won’t have to look for buyers;
  • it is an opportunity not only to earn good money, but also to contribute to the protection of the environment.

A small waste processing workshop can be opened in any locality in Russia

Business areas

What exactly does a waste management company do? Obviously garbage. But not only. The search for raw materials, their transportation, and sorting will also fall on the shoulders of a businessman. However, you can narrow the scope and choose only one line of business.

Garbage collection and transportation

Garbage disposal from cities and towns is one of the most popular areas. However, the competition in this area is the highest.

You won’t have to look for garbage for transportation for a long time, just submit a few ads in settlements or conclude an agreement with local authorities and customers will find you themselves.

The question is who to sell the collected garbage. There are two options.

The first one is in the landfill. In this case, you will receive funds only for the removal of waste outside the settlements. This is the least expensive and easiest way to make money on garbage. To implement it, you will need:

  • freight transport. It can be rented or bought. A month of renting one garbage truck costs about 150,000 rubles. Buying a new garbage truck will cost 3,000,000–3,500,000 rubles, a used car in good condition will cost 1,000,000–1,500,000 rubles cheaper;
  • conclude an agreement with a landfill for a garbage dump. The cost of waste storage is 1,500–2,000 rubles per 5 tons;
  • staff, which includes: drivers, accountant, administrator. In the event that your fleet has about 10 cars or more, you need to hire a mechanic and a car mechanic. The approximate monthly payroll for a company with a fleet of 10 vehicles will be about 300,000–350,000 rubles, depending on the region;
  • permission from SES, Rospotrebnadzor, fire protection. These documents can be obtained from the relevant authorities in each specific region.

Thus, in the first six months of the operation of a company with ten cars, you will have to invest about 12,000,000 rubles (rent of a vehicle) or 30,500,000 rubles (purchase of a vehicle).

The profit from the business will consist of the cost of garbage disposal: 5 tons of waste will bring a businessman about 4,000 - 5,000 rubles. Accordingly, the income of an organization with a fleet of 10 vehicles at full load averages 6,000,000 rubles per month. For six months, this amount will amount to 36,000,000 rubles.

There is a second option - the sale of the removed garbage. But it is quite difficult to find a buyer for unsorted waste, so let's consider the second type of activity - waste sorting.

For the successful functioning of the business, a fleet of modern garbage trucks is needed

Waste sorting

Collection and sorting are interrelated steps. Sorted waste is in high demand in the market. However, in order to engage in this type of activity, expensive equipment is needed. The most budget sorting complex costs 4,000,000 rubles.

Almost all work in the sorting room is done manually, so for a medium-sized sorting shop, at least 5 pairs of workers will be needed, and this is another 100,000 rubles of costs per month.

And also for the organization of sorting it is necessary to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 300 m 2. The cost of rent will be from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles per month.

Particular attention should be paid to obtaining permission to sort and store waste. Detailed instructions for obtaining it will be considered below.

Thus, the cost of organizing and running a waste sorting business will be about 7,000,000 rubles for the first six months, taking into account the purchase of raw materials.

A sorting shop of average capacity is capable of producing 15–20 tons of products per month. The cost of a ton depends on the type of waste and ranges from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, the average income will be equal to 120,000 rubles per month or 720,000 rubles for six months.

A garbage collection and sorting company has to hire a lot of workers, so its labor costs are quite high.

Garbage sorting as a business idea is attractive because the demand for it is quite large. If desired, you can find clients even abroad. In addition, the competition in this industry is low.

But there are also disadvantages. Waste sorting equipment is expensive. You will also need a large space.


You can not sort the garbage, but simply get rid of it. The most common waste disposal method is incineration.

Oddly enough, the waste disposal business is the most costly and least profitable. The fact is that it is necessary to dispose of garbage according to certain rules that are dictated by various state and non-state organizations.

In addition, for the implementation of recycling, it is necessary to collect a lot of permits and only then issue a license.

Waste treatment

The activity of waste treatment is to bring raw materials to a state in which they can be reused.

Before moving on to the financials of waste handling operations, let's take a look at which materials can be recycled.

Types of materials for processing

There are many options for raw materials: plastic, rubber, paper, wood, glass, metal. Any of these materials are present in sufficient quantities in the landfills of cities.

Now let's get acquainted with the intricacies of working with each material in more detail.

Polymers are not only a popular type of waste, but also the most profitable. There is a high unmet demand for recycled polymers. Plastic processing costs are low. The whole cycle consists of several stages:

  • sorting by color;
  • removal of dirt, stickers;
  • pressing;
  • grinding;
  • re-cleaning;
  • polishing.

Plastic bottles, bags and much more are made from the resulting material.

Recycling of plastic products is the most profitable segment of the industry

Paper recycling

The waste paper recycling industry is the most popular among Russian businessmen. Paper and cardboard waste goes through the following stages:

  • sorting by types - there are 12 types in total;
  • removal of contaminants;
  • thermomechanical processing.

Recycled material is used for the production of cardboard packaging and toilet paper.

Rubber is the most dangerous waste, it is strictly forbidden to burn it. Most often, tires can be recycled; there is a lot of such garbage in Russian landfills.

There are several ways to recycle rubber:

  • crushing into crumbs. Everyone has seen rubber-coated playgrounds. This coating is made from such crumbs;
  • pyrolysis. As a result of pyrolysis, artificial oil, technical carbon raw materials, and raw materials for metallurgy can be obtained.

Recycled rubber is in demand on the Russian market, so this area is one of the most profitable

Glass recycling

Broken glass is a goldmine for recycling. The material can be taken at factories for the production of any glass products for free. There is always a lot of marriage. In addition, this particular branch of waste processing is actively supported by the state.

Glass melts at relatively low temperatures, and this is a good saving on electricity.

Glass goes through the following stages of processing:

  • cleansing;
  • grinding;
  • melting;
  • grinding;
  • grinding.

The last three actions are performed by one machine.

Metal recycling

Metal processing is the most responsible industry in terms of ecology. Metal waste is very harmful to our planet, so their recycling must be taken with the utmost seriousness.

What can be recycled? The list is quite extensive:

  • discarded cars and their components;
  • industrial waste.

The process of processing metals is somewhat more complicated compared to the processing of other wastes. It consists of the following steps:

  • dismantling;
  • transportation;
  • examination;
  • sorting;
  • processing.

Scrap metal recycling is not only a profitable business, but also a contribution to improving the ecological climate in the region

What you need to start a waste recycling business

A waste recycling company at the initial stage requires more time and administrative resources than material ones. Below is a step-by-step guide to organizing such a business.


It is possible to register a company both in the form of an individual entrepreneur and in the form of a legal entity. The choice depends on the planned scale of the activity.

When registering as a legal entity, the LLC form is preferable. This will allow you to expand your business in the future. For example, to engage in the production of products from recycled raw materials.

Registration of LLC and IP is carried out at the tax office. The documents for establishing an LLC include:

  • application for state registration of legal entities;
  • minutes of the meeting of founders;
  • an agreement on the establishment of a company;
  • charter of the company;
  • notification of the transition to the USN.

When registering a business, you must choose a taxation system. The simplified tax system will be the most preferable in terms of cost savings.

In the application, you will need to indicate the OKVED of the activity. There is class 38 in OKVED with a list of activity codes, including:

  • 38.1 - waste collection;
  • 38.11 - collection of non-hazardous waste;
  • 38.12 - collection of hazardous waste;
  • 38.21 - treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste;
  • 38.22 - treatment and disposal of hazardous waste.

The cost of registering an LLC is 4,000 rubles. The duration of consideration of the application is no more than three working days. Templates of required documents:

  • application form for registration;
  • notification of the transition to the simplified tax system.

Obtaining permits and licenses

To carry out waste handling activities, it is necessary to obtain a number of permits from various regulatory authorities:

  • for the use of the land. You can get it from the regional land department. Fill out the form before applying;
  • from the SES, for which you should contact Rospotrebnadzor at the place of business. The following documents will be required there: an application, a copy of the constituent document, an account opening statement, a lease agreement for premises or a certificate of ownership, an agreement for garbage collection, an agreement for disinfection. The application will be considered within a month;
  • fire authorities. You must contact the fire department at the place of registration;
  • from the environmental center;
  • from electrical supervision.

It is impossible to engage in waste processing without a proper license. It can be obtained from the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. The cost of the license is 24,000 rubles.

In order to obtain a license, you must:

  • submit documents confirming the property base in the form of buildings and structures, equipment for work;
  • confirm the presence of certified employees in the team. This is done by providing copies of certificates of employees for the right to work with waste and labor contracts;
  • have the permission of SES;
  • provide information about the waste with which the organization will work;
  • have concluded agreements with landfills and landfills. Their copies must be provided to the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

In addition to the above documents, in order to obtain a license, you must provide:

  • company registration certificate,
  • copies of constituent documents,
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate,
  • license application.

You can submit documents either personally by contacting Rosprirodnadzor, or by sending them by mail.

Sample license for waste processing

Room search

You can build a waste treatment plant yourself, or you can rent it. However, it is important to remember that the premises for the waste processing plant must be at least 600 m 2. The processing shop will occupy 400 m 2, 200 m 2 will be required for the storage of raw materials and finished products. Don't forget the office space. It can be either at the factory or separately.

An excellent option would be to use abandoned factories and warehouses. You won't have to pay much to use them.

Self-construction of a facility suitable for waste processing will cost 15,000,000–20,000,000 rubles.

Renting the building will cost from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles per month, depending on the region.


Waste sorting can involve low-skilled workers, so there will be no shortage of staff

Recycling is a rather responsible business, which a beginner cannot always handle. In addition, without the presence of certified specialists in the team, it is impossible to obtain a license to carry out activities.

The number of employees depends on the production capacity. Garbage sorters, an accountant, an administrator and a driver will definitely be required. In total, about 10–30 people work at a waste processing plant of average capacity.

Table: plant staff

Thus, the staff of the plant is 12 people. Monthly wage fund - 270,000 rubles.

Purchase of equipment

Today, there are two types of devices on the market for waste processing equipment: stationary and mobile.

Stationary equipment occupies large areas, is not designed to be moved, and has lower productivity. The cost of a complex of stationary installations ranges from 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 rubles.

Mobile devices are more convenient to use, require less intervention in the work. The prices for the waste processing complex start from 4,000,000 rubles.

The minimum equipment of the processing shop includes:

  • sorting line. Average market value - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • storage bin. Cost - 500,000 rubles;
  • crusher. The minimum price of the device is 1,800,000 rubles;
  • magnet. The average price is 1,200,000 rubles;
  • bake. The price starts from 800,000 rubles.

Each of the listed devices can be purchased separately, or as part of the complex, which was mentioned earlier. The second option will save about 500,000 rubles.

Equipment can also include vehicles, which cannot be dispensed with in the waste processing business.

Thus, to start a business, you need to spend a lot of effort, time and money. But the business outlook justifies these costs.

How much does it cost to open a recycling plant

Now let's summarize all of the above and talk about material costs in more detail. Let's say that we want to take this business seriously, and for this we need our own processing plant. The building will be located near the city, next to the landfill, in order to save money on transportation in the future. The table shows the main average costs.

Table: starting capital for opening a waste processing plant

The total costs according to the table will be approximately 20,000,000 rubles.

How to Start a Waste Recycling Business Without Startup Capital

Of course, not everyone has 20,000,000 rubles. But this does not mean that the business should be abandoned.

You can choose one direction of activity, thereby reducing costs. The least expensive step in the process of waste processing is its transportation. Your consumer in this case will be a waste processing plant.

The main costs of such a business will include the cost of transport, licenses and labor of workers. Obviously, the profit from transportation will be less than the profit from the business of a full cycle of waste processing. This option is suitable for those who do not have large amounts at the initial stage.

Waste recycling business plan: calculation example

Let's move on to the calculations. Let's say that the factory employs 10 people whose average salary is 20,000 rubles per month. The monthly payroll will be 200,000 rubles. Full cycle plant.

The cost of raw materials depends on the chosen industry. In the example, the cost of purchasing plastic waste will be calculated. The market value of a ton of plastic is approximately 9,000 rubles. In a month, a plant with a staff of 10 people will be able to process about 8 tons of garbage. Therefore, the monthly cost of raw materials will amount to 72,000 rubles. We include in this amount the cost of transportation, which corresponds to approximately 20,000 rubles per month. The table shows the main items of expenditure.

Table: expected costs

Item of expenses Amount of expenses, rubles
Equipment 4 500 000
Vehicles (2 vehicles) 4 000 000
License 24 000
Registration costs 20 000
Total 8 544 000
Monthly Amount of expenses per month, rubles
Premises for rent 50 000
Wage 200 000
Raw material 72 000
Communal payments 30 000
Other 20 000
Total 372 000

Now let's determine the payback period and profitability of our business. The table shows the main income items.

Table: estimated income

The average cost of recycled plastic on the market is 70,000 rubles per ton. In a month, a plant of medium capacity will process 10 tons, therefore, the income will be 700,000 rubles per month.

In addition to the sale of recyclables, income comes from garbage collection from settlements. Two trucks per month are able to take out 300 tons of garbage in the amount of 1,200,000 rubles.

The payback period will be 8,544,000/1,800,000 = 4.8 months.

Video: how to make money on garbage

Waste handling is one of the most promising areas of business. The return from the waste processing plant will not be long in coming. In addition, you will receive support from the authorities, which will allow you to expand your business and increase income. However, be prepared for large time and material costs, especially at the initial stage.

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An interesting way to make money online on ... garbage.

Let's look at a simple way to make money on waste without investments and, moreover, online. Those. to make money on garbage, we only need the Internet and a few minutes of time. We will make money on waste recycling with the help of the Polish company reCyclix. The company is engaged in the processing of waste into pellets and gives everyone the opportunity to earn on it. For a successful start, the company gives each registered user 20 €.

The scheme of cooperation with the company is as follows:

— You buy garbage from the same company

— The company uses its equipment to process waste into pellets

– You sell companies or ship (if you have distribution channels) a finished product (pellets)

As you can see, everything is simple and requires absolutely no effort.

Let's take a closer look at the whole process.

After registering on the company's website, you will be taken to your personal account, where you will see your balance and trading instruments. You must have 20 € bonuses on your balance. Read the information about the project and click on "I want to start" to buy garbage.

The whole recycling process consists of several stages: waste purchase, sorting, crushing, washing, extrusion and the final product is a granule. Each stage takes a certain amount of time.

You can buy both waste and shredder. The difference is that waste is cheaper (0.2 €/kg.), but it takes longer to process it into pellets. Since you earn on the sale of pellets (already finished product), then, accordingly, you will have to wait longer to make a profit - 21 days from the moment you buy the waste to sell it. Crusher is processed into pellets about a week faster, but costs twice as much (0.45 €/kg.). The finished product (granules) can be sold for 0.60 €/kg. You can wait another 2 weeks of the cycle and sell the pellets for 0.67 €/kg. So, choose which option suits you best.

With my 20 € I bought 50 kg. waste for 10 € and 22 kg. crushed for 9.90 €.

Please note that for each user there is a quota for the purchase of garbage, if you reach the limit on the quota, then this is easily solved by buying shares in the "Equipment" section.

After 14 days, I will be able to sell pellets made from crushed grain, and after 21 days, pellets made from waste. A total of 37.24 €. Total: 17.34 € - my profit.

The minimum amount for withdrawing money is 20 €. You can withdraw funds and replenish your account using Paypal, Bitcoin and Wire Transfer. The minimum amount to replenish the account is also 20 €.

If you do not want to invest your own money, then you can use the 4-level referral program that operates in the system. You will receive from 1% to 10% commission from each of your referrals. Also, you can get a good bundle of this affiliate program with an affiliate program from Hyperantivirus. Withdraw money to bitcoin with Hyperantivirus and invest in saving the planet from garbage.

And now to the question “Is it all a divorce?”. I have not received any payments yet, but I easily found the company using the KRS code, which inspires confidence. You can verify this by following this link.

Decent earnings for you.

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