How is the unique Crimean nature protected? Natural resource potential and problems of environmental protection of the Crimea Reserves of the main minerals of the Crimea

Crimea is rightly called a museum of nature. Here in the mountains and on the plains of the Crimea there is a complex combination of more than 200 species and varieties of rocks and minerals up to 300 million years old. In the bowels of the mountains there are more than 800 karst caves, mines and wells, many of which are decorated with unique sinter formations, which store the remains of the ancient fauna of the Crimean peninsula. The largest of the caves - Kizil-Koba - has 6 floors, an underground river, lakes, and the total length of its galleries extends for 13.7 km. The slopes of the mountains are cut by grandiose valleys, gorges and canyons. The deepest of them - the Grand Canyon - is cut into the thickness of the mountains at 320 m. The Crimean waterfalls of Uchan-Su, Golovkinsky, Dzhur-Dzhur, healing waters and silts of many lakes of the Crimean peninsula (Sakskoe, Sasyk, Chokrakskoe, etc.) are beautiful.

The wealth of the Crimean flora is well known: there are more than 2,600 species of wild plants, many of which are endemic (Steven's maple, Poyarkova's hawthorn, Crimean "edelweiss") or are relics of past eras (high juniper, small-fruited strawberry, yew berry, etc.).

All this, in conditions when about 10 million vacationers and tourists come to Crimea annually, requires exceptionally great attention to preserve the natural uniqueness of the peninsula.

The first steps to organize the protection of rare natural objects of the Crimea were taken immediately after the October Revolution. In accordance with Lenin's idea of ​​turning the Crimea into an all-Union health resort, the foundation was laid for the protected nature protection of the peninsula. In 1923, the Crimean State Reserve named after V.I. V. V. Kuibyshev. (In 1957, by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, it was reorganized into the Crimean State Wildlife Refuge). But the 1950s and 1970s became especially fruitful in organizing a network of specially protected natural areas in Crimea. Scientists have identified, described and mapped dozens of unique landscapes - a fairly developed network of reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments and landscape gardening art was gradually created to protect natural rarities. Their main goal is to preserve the unique creations of inanimate nature and rare communities of living organisms for scientific and educational purposes, to ensure the protection of the genetic fund of flora and fauna of landscapes as environmentally reproducing sources of nature.

The formed current network of protected landscapes of Crimea includes 157 objects with a total area of ​​more than 1 thousand square kilometers (3.7% of the territory of Crimea, one of the highest protected saturation rates in Russia). This mosaic of unique landscapes unites 3 reserves (Yalta Mountain and Forest State Reserve, Cape Martyan State Reserve, Karadag State Reserve) and the Crimean State Reserve and Hunting Economy (they occupy 58.6% of the total protected area of ​​the peninsula) and 32 reserves ( 35% of the total protected area), including 15 of republican significance (Cape Aya, Mount Ayu-Dag, Grand Canyon, Black River Canyon, Kachinsky Canyon, Khapkhal Gorge with the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall, Mount Kubalach, Karabi-yayly section, Kanaka tract , the coast of the New World, the Arabat Spit, the Karkinit Bay, the Altaninsky floodplains, the "Mountain Karst of the Crimea", "The Weeping Rock"). In addition, there are 17 sanctuaries of local importance (the Kas'el tract, the virgin steppe of the village of Grigorievka (Krasnogvardeisky district), Karalarsky (Leninsky district), etc.). Smaller ones form a network of 87 protected natural monuments (3.3% of the total protected area), among them 13 are of republican significance (Mount Koshka, Cape Karaul-Oba, Agarmysh Forest, Mount Mangup-Kale, Belbek Canyon, Mount Ak-Kaya, Demerdzhi tract, Kizil-Koba tract and cave, Soldatskaya mine, Dzhau-Tepe hill, Karasu-Bashi tract, Kara-Tau mountain, Karabi-yaylinskaya hollow). In addition, the protected network includes 10 protected areas (1.9% of the area of ​​the protected fund: the Bolshoy Kastel beam, the Atlesh coast, Mount Opusk, Kazantip Cape, Levadka Grove, the forest near Topolevka, the Chatyr-Daga yayla, the Laspi rocks, the Satera valley, Cape Alchak). Finally, the state protects 24 Crimean parks - a monument of gardening art. Among them are the State Nikitsky Botanical Garden and 10 parks - monuments of republican significance (Forossky, Alupka, Miskhorsky, Kharaksky, Livadia, Massandrovsky, Gurzufsky, Kiparisey, Utes sanatorium park, Karasansky).

In conclusion, we note that, in addition to the territorial conservation protection of natural rarities of the Crimea, in 1978-1984, a significant part of the rare plants and animals of the peninsula was included in the Red Book of the USSR (vascular plants - 57 species, lower plants - 6, mushrooms - 7 and animals - 58 species), in 1980 - in the Red Book of the Ukrainian SSR (66 plant species and 48 animal species). The list of specially protected representatives of flora and fauna includes endangered species that are declining in number or in the area of ​​their habitats. In total, there were 178 such species (combined according to two Red Books - the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR) in Crimea: plants - 93 species, animals - 85. In addition, 29 species of rare plants of the peninsula were taken under protection by decisions of the Crimean Regional (1974) and Yalta City (1971) Councils of People's Deputies.

Ludmila Ostapenko
Abstract of the lesson "Protection of flora and fauna of Crimea"


Topic: « Protection of flora and fauna of Crimea»

Target: clarify children's ideas about protection of flora and fauna. Deepen children's knowledge of what is "reserve", "reserve", "Red Book", their meaning for conservation of rare species of plants and animals.

Consolidate knowledge about plants and animals of Crimea(3-4 representatives listed in the Red Book, as well as the names of the largest reserves (reserves) peninsulas.

Develop memory, thinking, coherent speech, attention.

Cultivate love for nature and interest in safety rare species of flora and fauna, respect for their representatives.

MATERIAL: map Crimea, illustrations animals and plants.

DICTIONARY: endangered, flora, fauna, "Swan Islands".

Lesson progress

1. Introductory talk


Today is our occupation I want to start by reading a poem. Listen carefully.

This land is wonderful, where the blue of heaven is,

Blue sea and green forest

Brook ringing and cheerful thunder,

This is the smell of bread, this is the father's house

Motherland is our native side,

You are the best country on the planet.


What is this poem about? What is the name of the country we live in?

Children's answers:


Russia is a big country. And what is the name of our little homeland, our native land?

Children's answers:

- … (Republic Crimea)


What is the name of our hometown?

Children's answers:



Our small town

Yards with flowers.

Smells like the sea native land

Sultry winds.


The most native place on the globe for each of us is Crimea. Our parents and friends live here, you yourself were born here. Crimea- amazing and fabulous. With a word « Crimea» people connect the hot sun, the warm sea, the mountains that attract you, the bright sunny colors of the magnificent Crimean nature. From ancient times Crimean the peninsula attracts people with its mild climate, wonderful combination of steppes, valleys, sea, mountains, rich flora and fauna. People from all over peace want to visit here. Crimean land is small, but she gladly receives guests, because her owners are hospitable people.

What is another name for us - those who live in Crimea?

Children's answers:

- … (Crimeans)


Yes we are Crimeans and Crimea is our home. Many poets and writers admired the beauty Crimea, wrote about Crimea poems and stories.

Crimea is our Motherland, remember it!

Do not spare your soul for her sake,

Let this green island

Peaceful, kind sun rises!

Crimea- this is a health resort and this is a miracle garden,

Crimea are fruits and sweet grapes,

Crimea- this is the sea and paradise places,

Crimea- this is the beauty of the southern mountains!

Beautiful world at any time of the year

Caresses the sun's gaze or bad weather

On the rocks the waves are beating, the ferocious sea is far

Snowdrops bloom, almonds on the slopes of the mountains

Gorgeous forest, beautiful mountains

Garden flowers, endless expanses ...


Let's take a look at the map Crimea. Why Crimea called a peninsula?

Children's answers:


What seas is it washed by Crimea?

Children's answers:


Show on the map.


What can you say about the Black Sea?

Children's answers:


What can you say about the Sea of ​​Azov?

Children's answers:


What was the name Crimean peninsula before?

Children's answers:

- … (Tavrida, Tavrika)


What else is there on our beautiful peninsula?

Children's answers:

- ... (Forests, rocks, rivers, lakes, caves, mountains, animals, plants, etc.. e.)


Guys, on our peninsula there are a lot of different plants and animals. Let's remember what plants grow in our area? What kind animals live on our peninsula? Birds? Insects? Who lives in the Black Sea?

Children's answers:


Well done! You know many representatives of flora and fauna. And now let's turn into white swans and fly like them for a minute!

2. Physical Minute "Swans"

The swans are flying

Wings are flapping (smooth hand movements with a large amplitude)

Bent over the water

shake their heads, (leaning forward, bending over)

Straight and proud they know how to hold on,

Quietly sit on the water (squats)

3. Continue the conversation


Among those animals and plants, which you named, there are those of which there are very few left. They are called rare. Why do you think they have become rare?

Children's answers:


Rare animals and plants in our country, and in other countries too, protected by law. But unkind people often break this law. A person is often very cruel to plants and animals. Very often people do not spare them, destroy them for their own purposes. Some creatures suffer because of beautiful fur, others because of delicious meat, and still others because people are afraid of them. Gradually plants and animals remains less and less.

Look at these pictures. (Show).

This is a monk seal, and this is an ordinary long-winged seal. These drawings are drawn by the artist. Here's a picture of these animals no one will ever be able to, because people destroyed them all, they disappeared forever and will never appear again.

People thought: how to stop this disgrace, to prevent the disappearance of any living being.

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

And so the scientists decided to publish the Red Book. But why red and not some other color? Because red is the color of danger! Attention! Stop, look around, think man! Think about nature! Are we taking advantage of nature's bounty too freely? We just take and take.

This is what the Red Book looks like Crimea. (Show). And there is also the Red Book of Russia. And other Red Books.

Do you think the beauty of nature depends on a person? Does man always help nature?

Children's answers:


But we are firmly connected with plants and animals. Let's destroy the birds - insects will eat all the greenery - people will not be able to eat fruits and vegetables. This is what always happens in nature: one disappeared - another fell ill - the third died.

Take a look at these pictures. (Show). They depict animals, birds, insects that need protection. them in Little is left for Crimea. Who do you recognize in these pictures?

Children's answers:

4. Didactic game "Birds-fish-animals"


I suggest you play the game. You need to put all these pictures in different boxes. Put pictures of insects in a box with a picture of a bug. In a woodpecker box? Birds. In a bunny box? Animals. In a dolphin box? Sea inhabitants.

5. Continuing the conversation


- Plants also need our protection. (Show).

Many of these plants you are familiar with. Which?

Children's answers:


And yet there are few of them left.

In the old days, people wisely used the gifts of nature. They never killed females and cubs, released fish juveniles and fish with eggs from the nets, cut down only old and diseased trees.

Unfortunately, nowadays people have forgotten about these good traditions of their ancestors.

But the wonderful thing is that a person knows how to correct his mistakes. In addition to the Red Book, people came up with nature reserves. What is a reserve? The reserve is a place where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. And a person does not interfere with them, occasionally comes to this place as a guest. In the nature reserve everything is guarded: herbs, mushrooms, birds, fish and all alive. Which of you has been to the village of Koktebel?

Children's answers:


Near it there is a reserve. It is located on the extinct volcano Kara-Dag. Look at the map Crimea. Here is the Karadag nature reserve. (Show).


Who knows what else Crimea has nature reserves?

Children's answers:


Within the territory of Crimea Today there are five reserves.

Kazantip nature reserve is a state reserve. Located on the northwestern coast of the Kerch Peninsula at Cape Kazantip.

Crimean natural reserve - state reserve, the largest reserve Crimea. Area 44,175 ha. The reserve includes 5 forest areas and the Razdolninsky ornithological branch "Swan Islands", and also under the authority of the reserve is the Karkinitsky ornithological reserve of wetlands of national importance with a water area of ​​24,646 hectares.

The main part of the reserve occupies the center of the Main Ridge Crimean mountains.

Cape Martyan - natural reserve on the south coast Crimea, the smallest reserve - its area is 240 hectares (120 hectares of land, 120 of the adjacent water area of ​​the Black Sea).

Opuk Nature Reserve is a nature reserve located in the south of the Kerch Peninsula. Area 1,592.3 ha.

Yalta mountain-forest nature reserve - state reserve, area 14,523 ha. The reserve includes 4 forestries (Landslide, Gurzufskoye, Livadiyskoye, Alupkinskoye) and 4 observation posts. On the territory of the reserve there are such sights as the peak (teeth) Ai-Petri Mountains (1234 m, Three-Eyed Cave, Wuchang-Su Waterfall and Devil's Staircase Pass.

The reserve stretches along the Black Sea coast in a strip from southwest to northeast from Foros to Gurzuf for 40 km, the maximum width of the reserve from north to south is 23 km. The territory of the reserve also includes a small part of the Black Sea coast.


What do you think, is it only necessary to protect nature in nature reserves?

Children's answers:


Correctly, guard nature is needed anywhere. Let's remember the rules nature conservation.

1. In nature, remember what you see.

2. Walk along the paths.

3. Do not break tree branches.

4. Do not trample on flowers, herbs.

5. Do not shout, do not turn on loud music.

6. Do not climb into bird nests.

7. Do not catch insects.

8. Do not destroy mycelium.

9. Do not catch fry and frogs.

10. Do not tear cobwebs.

11. Do not leave unextinguished fires.

12. Do not ruin anthills.

How can we help the rare plants and animals?

Children's answers:


Let us ourselves never offend them ourselves and let them not be offended by others. Let's tell everyone we know about the defenseless plants and flowers.

Guys, if you want, we will make our own Red Book, which will be in our kindergarten. Every time you learn about rare plants or animals, we will replenish it with pictures and signatures. Then everyone, both we and adults, will remember them and will not give offense.

And then our Earth will be a kind and beautiful home for all people, for all animals, for all plants.

Now let's stretch our fingers, and then pick up pencils and decorate rare animals and rare plants of the Crimea!

6. Finger gymnastics

Spider (Arms crossed. The fingers of each hand "run" along

forearm, and then on the shoulder of the other hand.)

The spider walked on a branch,

And the kids followed him. (Brushes are freely lowered, perform

shaking motion - rain.)

Rain from the sky suddenly poured, (Slap hands on table/knees.)

Washed the spiders to the ground. (palms side by side pressed against each other)

friend, fingers splayed out, shake your hands - the sun is shining.)

The sun began to warm, (We make the same movements as in the very

The spider crawls again ("Spiders" crawl on the head.)

And all the children crawl after him,

To walk on a branch.

7. Independent activity of children

Children color pictures of rare animals and plants of Crimea.

Outcome lessons

Gubarenko S.A.
Abstract of the lesson "Protection of flora and fauna of Crimea"


Topic:« Protection of flora and fauna of Crimea »

Target: clarify children's ideas about the protection of flora and fauna . Deepen children's knowledge of what is "reserve", "reserve", "Red Book", their importance for the conservation of rare plant and animal species .

To consolidate knowledge about the plants and animals of the Crimea (3-4 representatives listed in the Red Book, as well as the names of the largest reserves (reserves) of the peninsula.

Develop memory, thinking, coherent speech, attention.

To cultivate love for nature and interest in the preservation of rare species of flora and fauna, respect for their representatives.

Material: map of Crimea, illustrations of animals and plants .

Dictionary: endangered, flora, fauna, "Swan Islands".

Lesson progress:

1. Introductory talk


Today I want to start our lesson by reading a poem. Listen carefully.

This land is wonderful, where the blue of heaven is,

Blue sea and green forest

Brook ringing and cheerful thunder,

This is the smell of bread, this is the father's house

Motherland is our native side,

You are the best country on the planet.


What is this poem about? What is the name of the country we live in?

Russia is a big country. And what is the name of our little homeland, our native land?


What is the name of our hometown?


Our small town

Yards with flowers.

Smells like the sea native land

Sultry winds.


The most native place on the globe for each of us is Crimea. Our parents and friends live here, you yourself were born here. Crimea is amazing and fabulous. With a word « Crimea » people associate the hot sun, the warm sea, the inviting mountains, the bright sunny colors of the magnificent Crimean nature. Since ancient times, the Crimean peninsula has attracted people with a mild climate, a wonderful combination of steppes, valleys, sea, mountains, rich flora and fauna. People from all over the world want to visit here. The Crimean land is small, but it welcomes guests with pleasure, because its owners are hospitable people.

What is another name for us - those who live in Crimea?


Yes, we are Crimeans and Crimea is our home. Many poets and writers admired the beauty of Crimea, wrote poems and stories about Crimea.

Crimea is our Motherland, remember this!

Do not spare your soul for her sake,

Let this green island

Peaceful, kind sun rises!

Beautiful world at any time of the year

Caresses the sun's gaze or bad weather

On the rocks the waves are beating, the ferocious sea is far

Snowdrops bloom, almonds on the slopes of the mountains

Gorgeous forest, beautiful mountains

Garden flowers, endless expanses ...


Let's take a look at the map of Crimea. Why is Crimea called a peninsula?


What seas is Crimea washed by?


Show on the map.


What can you say about the Black Sea?


What can you say about the Sea of ​​Azov?


What was the name of the Crimean peninsula before?

Children's answers:

-( Taurida, Taurica)


What else is there on our beautiful peninsula?

Children's answers:

Forests, rocks, rivers, lakes, caves, mountains, animals , plants, etc.


Guys, there are a lot of different plants and animals on our peninsula. Let's remember what plants grow in our area? What animals live on our peninsula? Birds? Insects? Who lives in the Black Sea?


Well done! You know many representatives of flora and fauna. And now let's turn into white swans and fly like them for a minute!

2. Fizminutka "Swans"

The swans are flying

Wings are flapping (smooth hand movements with a large amplitude)

Bent over the water

shake their heads, (leaning forward, bending over)

Straight and proud they know how to hold on,

Quietly sit on the water (squats)

3. Continue the conversation


Among those animals and plants that you named, there are those of which there are very few left. They are called rare. Why do you think they have become rare?


Rare animals and plants in our country, and in other countries too, are protected by law . But unkind people often break this law. Man is often very cruel to plants and animals. Very often people do not spare them, destroy them for their own purposes. Some creatures suffer because of beautiful fur, others because of delicious meat, and still others because people are afraid of them. Gradually, plants and animals remain less and less.

Look at these pictures.

This is a monk seal, and this is an ordinary long-winged seal. These drawings are drawn by the artist. But no one will ever be able to photograph these animals, because people destroyed them all, they disappeared forever and will never appear again.

People thought: how to stop this disgrace, to prevent the disappearance of a single living being.

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

And so the scientists decided to publish the Red Book. But why red and not some other color? Because red is the color of danger! Attention! Stop, look around, think man! Think about nature! Are we taking advantage of nature's bounty too freely? We just take and take.

This is what the Red Book of Crimea looks like . And there is also the Red Book of Russia. And other Red Books.

Do you think the beauty of nature depends on a person? Does man always help nature?


But we are firmly, firmly connected with plants and animals. Let's destroy the birds - insects will eat all the greenery - people will not be able to eat fruits and vegetables. This is what always happens in nature: one disappeared - another fell ill - a third died.

Take a look at these pictures. They depict animals, birds, insects that need protection. There are few of them left in Crimea. Who do you recognize in these pictures?

4. Didactic game "Birds-fish-animals"


I suggest you play the game. You need to put all these pictures in different boxes. Put pictures of insects in a box with a picture of a bug. In a woodpecker box? Birds. In a bunny box? Animals. In a dolphin box? Sea inhabitants.

5. Continuing the conversation


Plants also need our protection.

Many of these plants are familiar to you. Which?


And yet there are few of them left.

In the old days, people wisely used the gifts of nature. They never killed females and cubs, released fish juveniles and fish with eggs from the nets, cut down only old and diseased trees.

Unfortunately, nowadays people have forgotten about these good traditions of their ancestors.

But the wonderful thing is that a person knows how to correct his mistakes. In addition to the Red Book, people came up with nature reserves. What is a reserve? The reserve is a place where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. And a person does not interfere with them, occasionally comes to this place as a guest. Everything is protected in the reserve: herbs, mushrooms, birds, fish and all living things. Which of you has been to the village of Koktebel?


Near it there is a reserve. It is located on the extinct volcano Kara-Dag. Look at the map of Crimea. Here is the Karadag nature reserve.


And who knows what other nature reserves there are in Crimea?


On the territory of Crimea today there are five reserves.

Kazantip nature reserve is a state reserve. Located on the northwestern coast of the Kerch Peninsula at Cape Kazantip.

The Crimean Natural Reserve is a state reserve, the largest reserve of the Crimea. Area 44,175 ha. The reserve includes 5 forestries and the Razdolninsky ornithological branch "Lebyazhy Islands", as well as the Karkinitsky ornithological reserve of wetlands of national importance with a water area of ​​24,646 hectares.

The main part of the reserve occupies the center of the Main Ridge of the Crimean Mountains.

Cape Martyan is a natural reserve on the southern coast of Crimea, the smallest reserve - its area is 240 hectares (120 hectares of land, 120 of the adjacent Black Sea).

Opuk Nature Reserve is a nature reserve located in the south of the Kerch Peninsula. Area 1,592.3 ha.

Yalta mountain-forest nature reserve - state reserve, area 14,523 ha. The nature reserve includes 4 forestries (Oleznevoe, Gurzufskoye, Livadiyskoye, Alupkinskoye) and 4 observation posts. On the territory of the reserve there are such sights as the peak (teeth) Ai-Petri Mountains (1234 m, Three-Eyed Cave, Wuchang-Su Waterfall and Devil's Staircase Pass.

The reserve stretches along the Black Sea coast in a strip from southwest to northeast from Foros to Gurzuf for 40 km, the maximum width of the reserve from north to south is 23 km. The territory of the reserve also includes a small part of the Black Sea coast.


What do you think, is it only necessary to protect nature in nature reserves?


That's right, you need to protect nature in any place. Let's remember the rules of nature conservation.

1. In nature, remember what you see.

2. Walk along the paths.

3. Do not break tree branches.

4. Do not trample on flowers, herbs.

5. Do not shout, do not turn on loud music.

6. Do not climb into bird nests.

7. Do not catch insects.

8. Do not destroy mycelium.

9. Do not catch fry and frogs.

10. Do not tear cobwebs.

11. Do not leave unextinguished fires.

12. Do not ruin anthills.

How can we help rare plants and animals?


Let us ourselves never offend them ourselves and let them not be offended by others. We will tell everyone we know about defenseless plants and flowers.

Guys, if you want, we will make our own Red Book, which will be in our kindergarten. Every time we learn about rare plants or animals, we will add pictures and captions to it. Then everyone, both we and adults, will remember them and will not give offense.

And then our Earth will be a kind and beautiful home for all people, for all animals, for all plants.

Now let's stretch our fingers, and then pick up pencils and decorate rare animals and rare plants of Crimea !

6. Finger gymnastics

Spider (Arms crossed. The fingers of each hand "run" along

forearm, and then on the shoulder of the other hand.)

The spider walked on a branch,

And the kids followed him. (Brushes are freely lowered, perform

shaking motion - rain.)

Rain from the sky suddenly poured, (Slap hands on table/knees.)

Washed the spiders to the ground. (palms side by side pressed against each other)

to a friend, fingers spread out, shaking hands - the sun is shining.)

The sun began to warm, (We make the same movements as in the very


The spider crawls again ("Spiders" crawl on the head.)

And all the children crawl after him,

To walk on a branch.

7. Independent activity of children

Children color pictures of rare animals and plants of the Crimea.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Kovylnenskaya school named after. A. Smolko" Razdolnensky district of the Republic of Crimea

Topic nature protection of Crimea. The work of people who care about nature protection.

Classroom hour

Prepared by an elementary school teacher

MBOU "Kovylna School named after A. Smolko"

Maksimchuk Galina Ivanovna

Topic . Nature Protection of Crimea. Labor of people concerned about the protection of nature. . Journey to the Crimean forest (green zone, steppe, mountains, etc.). The flora of the region of residence. Basic rules of conduct during a natural history excursion. Reservoirs (seas, lakes, rivers, springs) and mountains: opportunities for active recreation


educational: - to understand the need to protect and protect the nature of Crimea, - to expand children's knowledge about the nature of Crimea, to show its originality and uniqueness;arouse an active interest in activities to protect and improve the environment, discuss the consequences of human impact on nature;to introduce students to the work of Russian artists (I.K. Aivazovsky, I.I. Levitan, A.P. Bogolyubov, K.A. Korovin), writers and poets (A.S. Pushkin, A.K. Tolstoy, M. Gorky, M.M. Kotsyubinsky, etc.) who sang the beauty of the Crimean nature;

educational :

cultivate love for the native land; develop a sense of the need to preserve nature;to form practical skills and behavior in nature;

developing: - to interest students in the proposed material, to give them the opportunity to independently continue the study of this topic.

Equipment : books about Crimea: Podgorodetsky. Crimea. Nature; V. Sukhorukov. Do you know Crimea; photo album. Window to nature; Legends of Crimea; Bogolyubova V. D. Nikitsky Botanical; Vorontsov E. A. Grand Canyon; magazine "Krymusha"; L. Ogurtsova. Girl and dolphin; illustrations of Crimean nature species: plants, animals, insects, mountains, waterfalls, the Black and Azov seas, Crimean karst caves. Crimean peninsula.

A computer; multimedia projector; interactive board; presentation; posters - epigraphs for the lesson; markers.

Recommendations: before class, students are grouped, each group chooses a topic to work on:

1. Draw up the rules of human behavior in nature; explain the meaning of the expression "To protect nature means to protect the Motherland";

2. Draw environmental signs;

3. Prepare reports on interesting facts about the nature of Crimea;

Poems, riddles about animals, plants of the Crimea.

On the board: illustrations of Crimean nature species, plants, animals.

1. Epigraph:

I love more and more

Every meter of this strange land

The burning sun above her

Burning mountains in the distance

Heat-worn villages

Herds exhausted by the heat...

Dry hot sighs,

Frantic songs of cicadas.

And in the heavy delirium of dry wind,

In merciless prickly dust

I keep on loving without getting sober

Every meter of this difficult land

Let it be gloomy, let it be unsung,

Let such an unusual in the Crimea.

Yu.V. Drunina

Lesson progress

Teacher-Look at the illustrations that are in front of you on the board. Describe what you see.

Pay attention to the exhibition of books that is in front of you. Name them.(Children's answers are heard).

Now tell me, what are we going to talk about today in class?

(About the Crimea, its nature.)

Uch. Indeed, we will talk about the unique nature of Crimea, but we will also talk about the need to preserve it.

Teacher's story:

Teacher: Today you have the opportunity to admire one of the most beautiful places on the planet. The great Chilean poet Pablo Neruda called Crimea an order on the chest of planet Earth. Not only him, but also many other creative people were fascinated by the beauty of this land, which the gods created for themselves, but then presented to people.
Crimea is a wonderful corner of generous nature, an open-air museum. How much magic in the Crimean names!

1. Acquaintance with the work of Russian artists and poets who dedicated their works to the Crimea. ( Slides #2-4)

K.G. Paustovsky (1892-1968) wrote:

"There are corners of our land so beautiful that every visit to them causes a feeling of happiness.... Such is Crimea..."

The Polish poet A. Mickiewicz, shocked by the charm of the southern coast of Crimea, writes: "Before me is a country of magical beauty. The sky is clear here, the faces are so beautiful..."

"I walked here as if in a dream," Ukrainian poet M.M. Kotsyubinsky conveys his impression.

"He walked in mute admiration ..." - M. Gorky admitted in the story "My Companion".

Many admiring lines about the Crimea belong to the poet A. S. Pushkin. .

Crimea is an amazing place that was admired by everyone who has been here. He did not leave indifferent not only writers, poets, but also artists who visited here.

The artist and teacher A. M. Dubinchik said that "Landscape is the artist's confession."

Questions for children:

What does confession mean? (confess, tell the truth, tell secrets)

And what can artists confess and confess in front of us, the audience, depicting nature? (in love with her)

View slide presentation "Crimea in the works of artists": (Slides #5-9)

1. I.K. Aivazovsky "Moonlit night in the Crimea",

2. L.I. Levitan "Crimean coast",

3. A.P. Bogolyubov "Gurzuf and Ayu-Dag",

4. A. Kuindzhi "Crimea. Yayla",

5 .K.A. Korovin.

The Crimean peninsula is one of the southern peninsulas of Europe. The area of ​​the peninsula is about 26 thousand square meters. km, the length of Crimea from north to south is 205 km, from east to west is 324 km. The Crimea is characterized by the unique presence of 2 climatic zones: on the South Coast - subtropics, on the rest of the territory - a warm temperate continental climate. This allows the peninsula to rightfully bear the name of the pearl of Europe. The nature of Crimea is unique. Here in the Crimea, diverse, dissimilar landscapes are concentrated. There are endless steppe expanses, and the hills of Koktebel scorched by the sun, and the exotic relict vegetation of the South Coast against the backdrop of the delightful ridge of the Crimean Mountains, and the beauty of the Karadag rocks, and the underground world of karst caves. (Slides №10-14) Crimea is washed by the waters of two seas.

What seas wash our peninsula? (children's answers) (Slide number 15)

The maximum depth of the Black Sea is 2245m, the Sea of ​​Azov - 14m. It is home to 2.5 thousand species of animals. The Sea of ​​Azov is the shallowest sea in the world. The rivers of Crimea, although small and shallow, dry up in summer, are very picturesque. They form canyons, gorges, waterfalls. Grand Canyon, waterfalls Uchan-Su, Dzhur-Dzhur. (Slides #16-18)

The flora of the Crimea is diverse, more than 2500 species of plants are described here, of which 250 are endemic, which are not found in other parts of the world. Puzzles:

1. At snow-covered bumps,

Under a white snow cap,

We found a small flower

Half frozen, slightly alive. (snowdrop).

2. This rare flower is not at all simple

Fluffy, and comparable to a silver star.

It can only be found in rock crevices.

He hides there so that no one can get it. (edelweiss).

This is a folded snowdrop, Birberstein's sapling (Crimean edelweiss). (Slide No. 19)

The animal world of Crimea is beautiful and diverse.

Puzzles. Slender, fast, branched horns.

Rides through the forest all day, called ... .. (deer).

6. Small deer, but similar to a goat.

Likes to settle in a good forest.

Red color. She is not afraid of snow.

And the males have horns like a lyre .. (roe deer).

Yes, in the Crimean forests you can meet foxes, wild boars, squirrels, European mouflon brought from Corsica, red deer and roe deer, weasel badger. Of the birds of prey, we note the griffon vulture and the black vulture, which live in the mountainous Crimea. Insects: stag beetle, rhinoceros beetle, Crimean ground beetle, etc. (Slides No. 20-22)

Say a word:

Again playing and shalya in front of the bow of the ship.

Backs flicker over the wave, nimble ones rush ... .. (dolphins).

Until mid-1990, monk seals could be found in the Black Sea. But for more than 20 years, representatives of this species have not appeared off the Crimean coast.

Dolphin - bottlenose dolphin. Bottlenose dolphins are the most popular actors in dolphinariums, they endure life in captivity better than other dolphins.

Less often, an ordinary dolphin, or common dolphin, appears on the Black Sea coast. Even less often, the smallest dolphin of the Black Sea, the Azovka, or porpoise, is found off the Crimean coast. (Slides 23-24)

Many species from the plant and animal world are listed in the Red Book. Man considers himself master of nature. Reservoirs are polluted with sewage, household waste, from the smoke of factories and factories, from car exhaust gases it becomes difficult to breathe, the air is polluted, many territories turn into huge garbage dumps. Various species of animals and plants disappear from unreasonable human activity, huge areas of forests burn out. Nature, our life and health are in danger.

For the protection and conservation of nature in the Crimea, 6 state reserves, 7 protected tracts, 38 state reserves, 94 protected natural monuments, 30 parks-monuments of gardening art and 1 botanical garden and 2 zoological parks have been created. (Slides 25-26) (Teacher's story accompanied by illustrations).

In our area there is a nature reserve "Lebiazhi Islands".The Lebyazhy Islands reserve is a magnificent landscape, the purest air and an amazing variety of animals living in a pristine, natural environment.

The islands got their name from the German scientist Brawler, who visited here at the end of the 19th century, saw a huge number of white mute swans and considered that their nesting places were located here. From the very beginning, the main direction of work has been the protection of birds. Since the beginning of the 1950s, it has become a research base for ornithologists. (Slides 27-28)

The Lebyazhy Islands are located off the northwestern coast of Crimea in the Karkinit Bay of the Black Sea. The protected area includes 6 islands stretching for 8 km along the coast of Crimea. These small islands are composed of sand and shell sediments. From time to time there is even a change in the number of islands. The height of the islands above sea level does not exceed 1-2 meters. The largest of the islands is the fourth: about 3.5 km long and about 350 m wide. The strictly protected part of the islands covers an area of ​​52 hectares. The climate is temperate continental, arid. Summers are dry and hot, winters are mild, with little snow, with frequent thaws. In particularly severe winters, the straits between the islands and the Crimea freeze.

Problem question:

Why are there so many nature reserves and sanctuaries in such a small territory of Crimea? To answer this question, the children continue to work in groups, each of which prepares an answer.

Plants, animals of the forest and the sea need protection from human activities. Each extinct species is an irreparable loss. Everything that disappears in nature disappears forever. Today, our "smaller brothers" need protection and protection from a person.

Guys, how can we help nature? (Slide 29)

Man is responsible for nature. You and I must remember the main rule: even if you cannot help in any way, it is always in your power not to interfere, not to harm, and this is not so little! It is very important that such beautiful creatures as plants and animals live happily on our Earth! After all, where it is bad for our neighbors on the planet, it is bad for us too.

What kind of work has been done by the workers and pupils of our school in order to preserve and increase the beauty of our region? (Slides #30-35)

Slide - call number 36

2017 has started, declared by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin the Year of Ecology and Protected Natural Areas in the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea dated July 7, 2016 No. 718-r approved the Plan of the main activities for holding the Year of Ecology in 2017 in the Republic of Crimea.

“The Year of Ecology should become not only the year of environmental protection, but also the year of the ecology of the soul, the year of personal and spiritual development of every citizen,” the minister stressed.

Thus, from April to June, an environmental action "Crimea - a region of ecological safety and cleanliness" was held on the territory of the republic. As part of the campaign, more than 40 environmental thematic competitions were held, more than 10,000 hectares of territory were cleared of debris, and more than 250,000 seedlings of trees and shrubs were planted. More than 20 thousand people took part in the action.The purpose of creating specially protected natural areas is to preserve the unique natural environment and natural components in their natural state.

Summing up the lesson.
The teacher invites students to demonstrate their work to each other and evaluate their work.
6. Reflection.
So our acquaintance with the nature of Crimea ended. What did you learn new today?

What do environmental signs say?

I will take care of the nature of Crimea because…
Statements (in a chain) of students:
Crimea is.

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