How can a man celebrate the new year without alcohol. How to celebrate the new year without alcohol. To drink a lot of water

What is the longest night of the year? No, not the winter solstice in mid-December. The longest night of the year begins on the evening of December 31 and lasts at least ten days. People call this amazing night "New Year's Eve".

It is generally accepted that on holidays a person should rest. But often we celebrate them so violently that we rather have to rest from the holidays. While the soul is walking, the body receives an increased load in the form of food, physical activity (dancing and various competitions) and, of course, alcohol.

Alcohol on the New Year's table is a tradition. At least a bottle of champagne, which is customary to open with noise, splashes and a cork flying into someone's eye. And the same tradition - a hangover on the morning of January 1st.

In order not to start the New Year with nausea, headaches and other hangover delights, you need to follow a few simple rules in handling alcoholic beverages.


In some cases, the only right decision is not to drink at all.

Alcohol is not compatible with many drugs and is strictly contraindicated in certain diseases. It is extremely dangerous to combine drugs for the cardiovascular system, painkillers and sleeping pills, antidepressants, insulin with alcohol. In the case of serious chronic diseases, the use of alcohol must be agreed with the doctor.

If in the nearest time after the holiday there is a possibility that you will need a pure mind unclouded by alcohol (for example, you will have to drive), it is better to refrain from any use of strong drinks. After all, where "only one glass" usually turns out to be the rest of the bottle.


Ahead of New Year's Eve, fun, festive table and, of course, alcohol. Then, under the chiming clock and the general perky mood, it will be difficult to reason reasonably and stop in time. Therefore, it is worth thinking in advance about preparing the body for drinking alcohol, while the head is still sober.

A cup of green tea with mint will soothe the stomach and alleviate the effects of alcohol poisoning in the body.

A glass of milk will slow down the absorption of alcohol.

You can’t drink on an empty stomach, so you should definitely have a snack before the party.

Feast rules

The correct intake of alcohol is described by only two rules that everyone knows, but for some reason few people follow.

Rule number 1. Do not mix. Do not mix drinks with different degrees of strength, do not mix sparkling wines with strong alcohol, do not mix grape drinks with grain drinks. It's better not to mix anything at all. Ideally, one type of strong drink for the whole evening.

Rule number 2. Don't overdo it. As the people say, "you need to know your measure, otherwise you can accidentally drink less." The very first signs of intoxication: burning cheeks, loss of coordination, the picture "floats" - should be a signal to stop drinking alcohol. The best thing to do is get out into the fresh air.

After the ball. Hangover

Intemperance will certainly lead to unpleasant painful sensations. The most important thing is not to try to treat like with like - not to “hangover”.

A heavy head, nausea, "dryness" - an indispensable retribution for the fun the day before, you just need to put up with it. If the symptoms of a hangover are too strong, if it is impossible to endure, they can be alleviated a little with the help of medicines and folk remedies. But remember - there is no magic pill, it is impossible to instantly get rid of a hangover at home!

1. "Sushnyak".

It is necessary to compensate for the acute lack of fluid in the body. Drink, drink and drink more. Only this time not alcohol, but water. And even better are drinks with an alkaline environment: mineral water, fermented milk products, brine, tomato juice, natural kvass.

2. Rescuers of the first stage.

Sorbents (black and white coal, smectite) adsorb the toxins remaining in the intestine. It is better to drink them within half an hour or an hour after drinking alcohol.

3. Against blood clots

Alcohol causes blood clots, and therefore increases the risk of thrombosis, heart attacks, strokes. Antiplatelet agents resist this, for example, aspirin, which is definitely found in every medicine cabinet.

4. Vitamins

As soon as possible, you need to restore the vitamins and minerals destroyed by alcohol. Askorbinka and complexes of vitamins of group B to help.

5. Headache

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (tolfenamic acid) will slightly relieve headache and nausea.

6. Leave your heart alone.

Coffee and other "invigorating" drinks are strictly prohibited with a hangover. This is an extra burden on the heart, which is already barely coping with its work. If on the morning after the holiday any discomfort is felt in the heart area, it is better to call an ambulance.

And may the first day of a wonderful New Year be joyful!

Many people cannot imagine the New Year without alcohol, because for the majority this holiday is certainly associated with alcohol. As a rule, this is associated with a desire to relieve tension and relax, and for this a person drinks strong drinks. However, even without them, you can have a good meeting of the new year and any other holidays. Basically, people worry about two things - how the company will react to the refusal of the cocktail, and also whether it will be fun without ethanol. Now let's figure out how to relieve stress without alcohol and how to celebrate without alcohol.

It is believed that if a person spends 300 days without alcohol, then his body will improve during this time and even external signs of dependence on alcohol will disappear. However, alcohol will have to be completely excluded, even one cocktail is not allowed. Consequently, you will have to not drink on holidays, even on large-scale ones.

There are other reasons to celebrate the New Year without alcohol. For example, being behind the wheel, the need to go to work in the morning, the presence of small children at the table, pregnancy and the usual desire not to harm the health of internal organs. However, people may feel that they will be uncomfortable in the company of friends who do not indulge in alcoholic beverages. In this case, you can be advised to explain the situation to the guests, or celebrate the holiday with those who also support sobriety.

Note that if a person celebrates with family or good friends, then he will obviously not be condemned for his desire to radically change and not drink an alcoholic cocktail.

Yes, and they will be fun without alcohol. It can be recommended to think over the entertainment program, songs, contests and more in advance so that you definitely don’t get bored. After all, not only alcohol allows you to have a good time, but first of all, a great company and interesting activities.

If a person decides to change his life and give up alcoholism, then even on holidays you should not deviate from the goal. Alternatively, you can prepare delicious and beautiful cocktails that do not contain ethanol. Or you can not drink yourself, and do not forbid guests to drink alcohol, because this is the choice of everyone.

Relieve stress without alcohol

Even a month without alcohol can improve the state of health, and the longer a person does not drink, the more noticeable are the changes. If you do not drink alcohol for several years, then there will be no cravings for it. But at first, you may want to drink a cocktail to relax.

It will be useful to know effective ways to relieve stress. They will make you feel better, calmer and happier without ethanol. Now consider what options exist for relaxation.

  • Clear your head of negative thoughts. This is especially necessary if the person is on holiday. Even if there are negative moments in life that need to be considered, it is better to postpone them until tomorrow. And today have a good time and relax, because you can not be constantly in suspense.
  • Go in for sports. And we are not talking about a one-time lesson, but about a regular visit to the gym. You can also do exercises at home, it’s even good to buy simulators. This is a good option to relieve stress, as well as improve health and strengthen the figure.
  • Go to a contrast shower, a bath. Water procedures have an excellent relaxing effect, so they definitely will not be superfluous. It will be especially useful to take a bath with soothing oils, herbal decoctions, or at least with pleasant foam. Almost immediately you will feel like a different person.
  • Listen to music. The genre can be chosen to your taste, but slow, relaxing compositions are still recommended. You can also watch a movie with an unobtrusive plot.
  • Take a walk in the fresh air, preferably in a park or in nature. You should definitely admire the beautiful landscape, concentrate on the details. Such contemplative exercises will allow you to get rid of negative thoughts and feel better.
  • Learn to leave all work-related problems at work. That is, even if there are some troubles, you should not think about them at home, and even more so load loved ones with them.

It is best to start distracting from problems on the way home from work in order to be able to have a good evening without obsessive thoughts.

  • Try to avoid stressful situations. Of course, in the modern world, this is not always possible, but if it is possible to bypass the conflict, then it is better to do so. Many problems are easier to avoid, and so is stress.

It should be remembered that a sober lifestyle changes the state of the body, so you should try to avoid alcohol. Alcohol is not worth ruining your health and upset loved ones.

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There can be several reasons for giving up alcohol on New Year's Eve.

Individual intolerance, children at the table, pregnancy, Great Lent, driving, doctors forbade, sick from alcoholic beverages or simply unhealthy.

And all of them tear away from the team and do not let them break away to the fullest on the main holiday of the year.

What to do for those who cannot drink, how fun to celebrate the New Year without alcohol?

Celebrate with like-minded people. The longer you lead a healthy lifestyle, the more friends with similar views you can gain. Drop in during the day to "drinking" friends and relatives with a little congratulations, and celebrate the new year in a sober company. Then you will definitely not have to enter into unnecessary disputes.

If you do not have such a company, and your friends drink alcohol, then their requests for a drink must be answered with a categorical refusal. Do you respect their right to drink? So let them respect your right to naturally have fun while staying sober! In general, one should not succumb to provocative beliefs in the usefulness of alcohol and phrases like: “You don’t respect us!”.

Breaking off relations with a drinking company is not worth it.

With real friends you can celebrate the New Year, even if they drink, just do not drink yourself. It will still be interesting.

And do not think that without alcohol the holiday will not be so fun. After all, we get fun from the holiday, and not from alcohol.

A well-thought-out program with dances, contests, karaoke, round dances around the Christmas tree and fireworks on the street (firecrackers on the balcony) will help to celebrate the New Year cheerfully and soberly. Such a program for the celebration can be found in the book on organizing various events or by looking at the rubric on our website.

You can come up with such contests, quizzes, games and topics for conversation at the table yourself. Approach the organization of the celebration creatively, and everything will definitely turn out in the best possible way.

If you host guests, be sure to warn the invitees that you are a person of a sober worldview and will celebrate the New Year without alcohol. However, this does not mean that you should not put alcohol on the table for friends. This can ruin the holiday for the rest and serve as a reason for a quarrel, which is not at all according to Feng Shui on New Year's Eve.

Prepare a lot of unusual, tasty and beautiful non-alcoholic cocktails. With them, you will also have more fun, and guests are unlikely to be able to refuse, which means they will drink less alcohol.

Propose the idea of ​​a “Non-Alcoholic Party” in advance. Propose a competition for the best non-alcoholic New Year's cocktail. Have a small action on the Internet, create a community like "We are celebrating a sober New Year, who is with us?". Share your menu and entertainment ideas and inspire others.

In addition to the non-alcoholic New Year's Eve at home, you can arrange festivities with roller-skating or skating, a trip around the city at night in a car decorated with tinsel, rent a house in the forest, away from the city for this time.

Benefits of a sober New Year:

  • at 3 a.m. I still don’t feel like going to bed, I want to continue to have fun, while drunk people are already drawn to the side
  • drunk on the street often behave like zombies, some are embarrassed by their condition, they are afraid to fall, they apologize instead of congratulating them on what has come
  • in the morning you wake up with a very cool mood, wake everyone up and congratulate you on the first morning of the New Year, turn on the music louder, go to a cafe or a movie. Unlike those who get up with a headache and a swollen face.

Remember the last time you celebrated the New Year without alcohol? If 10-15 years ago, a non-alcoholic holiday will be a really new experience.

In the New Year, it is not important to drink or eat goodies for the whole year ahead. This is one of the largest holidays, uniting people, making them wait for something fabulous.

In the New Year, I want to believe in a miracle and wait for this miracle. And the New Year's fairy tale should not depend on bottles of alcohol!

Hello friends! Very soon, our favorite New Year's holiday from childhood!!!

For those who are firmly addicted to alcohol and cannot imagine a celebration without it, but which brings more and more troubles, the thought must have come at least once: “Spend the New Year soberly” But is it really possible? I will say for myself - yes, perhaps more than that, it is necessary for those who have alcohol addiction. How to make sure that you do not drink alcohol on a holiday?

Let's talk about this today, on the eve of the New Year's celebration.

Spend the New Year "dry". What is it like?! Someone will exclaim: “Well, okay there: I didn’t drink at a friend’s “day”, I didn’t drink at a corporate party ... well, I didn’t go somewhere else, but I didn’t really want to ... but! New Year! Relax, relieve the stress of the outgoing year, have fun from the heart in the company - it's just simply necessary .. but how to do without traditional alcohol? I’ll drink a little to raise my tone and mood, and that’s all ... what’s wrong?

Yes, nothing bad, in principle, for those who drink and it does not bother them at all in life. On the contrary, a person receives more than he has. With each glass you drink, you acquire something valuable and extraordinarily important for yourself ...

What? That's impossible? Why can’t, since a person consciously goes for it, it means that he knows for sure that, having drunk, he will gain much more than he currently has. Or not? Thinking? Here, that's it...

So how do you make sure you don't drink on New Year's Eve?

I agree that in modern society it is not customary to celebrate solemn and festive events without booze. It so happened, what to do ... And he doesn’t dance, and he doesn’t dance, and he doesn’t sing, and he doesn’t roar.

You can, of course, not go to such events at all and sit at home, locking the doors with all the locks, but who will feel better from this? But, precisely, for the New Year, such thoughts arise:

“Maybe a little… well, as an exception… you can afford…”

If you allow yourself this, that is, a little bit “on holidays”, then very soon there will definitely be at least one such “holiday” in your calendar that will call into question a sober life.

At the very beginning of my sober journey, I was shocked at how much attention was paid, how much strength and persistent offers to drink were made by people I didn’t know, so that I would change my mind and go crazy with them, at least once.

Yes, I myself was like that when a sober person was at the same table with me. And I was always surprised by the ease with which he refused alcohol and everyone just lagged behind him.

Then I thought: “Where does this lightness come from? How can you refuse so easily? The answer turned out to be so simple that for more than two years it has not bothered me.

You don't have to fight your desire to drink or those who offer you drinks. It's the same if you fight with yourself. Relax and enjoy the process of communication by answering: “I don’t drink today, I don’t want to ... today I’m resting soberly!” Enjoy these words.

When you set yourself up like that, you will get high, namely, from the fact that you do not drink, entering the general state of celebration and fun in which everyone is. You will feel a huge plus of this the next morning, which will come very quickly, and in which there will be no place for headaches and mental anguish for drunken antics.

Over time, acquaintances will get used to your sober presence and will adequately perceive it.

How to make sure that the New Year goes “dry”, and you are not ashamed of yourself? A few primitive tips that work, at least with me. Well, what are you worse. So:

You already have a firm decision not to drink, then set yourself up for fun, even before you come to the celebration.

They begin to persuade - refuse and laugh it off, only calmly and without fanaticism, so that, God forbid, this does not turn into a conflict. Sometimes it happens that it is better to leave the event altogether. Such a party will not end 100% with anything good. Swimming, we know ...

Keep up general conversations, participate in contests with prizes, enjoy everything that happens. It is difficult only in the first minutes, then everything happens automatically.

Enjoy the fact that you do not drink and remember this state. It will come in handy for the next holidays and celebrations.

Have you noticed that the guests are starting to “jumble”? Go away! Don't expect everything to go away on its own. Nothing good will happen and you will not lose anything. I myself do this and leave “in English” without waiting for how it all ends.

A week ago, I was at my corporate party, which I left as soon as I felt that the guests were leaving. After two years of sobriety, I know for sure when I should leave. This intuition will also come to you. Unless, you are on the paparazzi, posting incriminating evidence on guests on YouTube. :-)

Nobody will be offended by you. So, they will only make a last noise when they see you dressed. Say goodbye to those present cheerfully, laugh and leave confidently. Believe me, the drinkers are now beginning "their wedding."

The most interesting thing is that in the morning no one will remember: when and what time you left and what happened afterwards. As confirmed by my recent corporate party.

Amazing and cool is the morning of the next day, which came, as I said above, very quickly. Where are you now and where are those who drank? Well? Feel the difference, as they say!

Drinking is one thing, we know how, but we completely forgot how to have fun and have fun when sober, and we never knew.

After all, no one taught us this. But, everything can be solved, since sooner or later you will have to start. And, first of all, with yourself!

Good sobriety to all and a great pre-holiday mood!

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