Talker mushrooms: description of edible and poisonous species. Talkers: photo and description of edible mushrooms How to cook orange talkers

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Tricholomataceae (Tricholomovye or Ryadovkovye)
  • Genus: Clitocybe (Klitocybe or Talker)
  • View: Clitocybe odora (Scented talker)
    Other names for mushroom:

Other names:

  • Fragrant talker

Diameter 3-10 cm, when young bluish-green, convex, with a curled edge, then fading to yellow-gray, prostrate, sometimes concave. The flesh is thin, pale gray or pale green, with a strong anise-dill odor and a faint taste.

Frequent, descending, pale greenish.

Spore powder:

Length up to 8 cm, thickness up to 1 cm, thickened at the base, the color of the cap or lighter.

Grows from August to October in coniferous and deciduous forests.

Similar species:
There are plenty of similar rows; Clitocybe odora can be unmistakably distinguished by a combination of two features: a characteristic color and an anise smell. One single sign does not mean anything yet.

The mushroom is edible, although the strong smell persists after cooking. In a word, for an amateur.

Video about the mushroom Talker odorous:

This fungus is attractive, if only because it allows you to identify yourself with a high degree of probability, which cannot be said about many other members of the genus Clitocybe. As practice has shown, with a sufficient harvest (and in dry, warm weather), it can be determined without picking up or even bending down. You can not see it at all: the thick smell of anise gives the mushroom headlong. If someone likes this fragrance, it makes sense to pick a few young hats and put them in the bottom of the basket; walk like this for several hours, and all summer it will seem that the fragrant Talker is somewhere nearby.

The gray talker belongs to the genus of talkers and to the Ryadkov family. Quite often, the people also call it: a gray talker, smoky or row.

The mushrooms got these names due to the smoky coating that accumulates on the surface of the cap. When visually inspected, they are usually gray.

Govorushka refers to a conditionally edible type of mushroom. Experienced mushroom pickers prefer not to collect this variety, since cases of severe poisoning have been noted with improper preparation.

Description of the species

The description and photo of the talker allow you to have a clear idea of ​​​​the external properties of this variety.

During visual inspection, the following characteristic features of this type of mushroom can be distinguished:

The cap of an adult is quite large. It varies from 5 to 25 cm. The shape is presented in the form of a hemisphere with edges turned inward.

As the fungus grows, it gradually straightens out, having a convex base near the center of the stem. In the rainy season, these mushrooms have a pronounced gray color.

On the surface of the cap there is a delicate skin, on which a large number of leaves and spruce needles accumulate. With age, the amount of smoky plaque gradually decreases. The photo of talker mushrooms shows changes in the appearance of an adult mushroom.

The base of the stem has a cylindrical shape, which provides a tight fixation of the fungus. The height is about 10-15 cm, and the diameter is about 5 cm.

The pulp of an adult fungus has a fibrous structure. In the cap area, it is more fleshy. This breed has a high hygroscopicity. During rain, its mass significantly exceeds the permissible norm.

Under the cap are plates that have a beige-gray tint.

The main disadvantage of these mushrooms is that they quickly collect all harmful metal compounds.

Species distribution

Talker mushrooms prefer a location in a temperate zone. Quite often, a whitish talker can be found in a coniferous or mixed forest.

The main nutrient of this fungus is considered to be old and destroyed wood. This material contains the greatest amount of nutrients.

For the rapid growth of the talker, extreme humidity is necessary. That is why the fruiting process of this variety begins in the rainy season.

The maturation of planting material occurs from the beginning of September to the end of October.

Favorable weather can provoke a protracted spread of fungal microspores. The unusual location and appearance of these mushrooms make it quite popular among beginner mushroom pickers.

Quite often they form a cluster in the form of rings or clearings. This type of mushroom stands out from the background of others.

The grayish talker has a great external resemblance to another, more dangerous mushroom - this is entoloma. At visual inspection, it really looks like a talker. The only difference is the thin pinkish spore plates and the denser flesh of the cap.

The amount of poisonous substance contained in one mushroom exceeds the permissible norm by 5 times. Having consumed such a product in food, a person experiences severe intoxication of the body.

The fact is that sometimes not every mushroom picker can visually determine the safe option. Even in ancient times, in the process of cooking mushrooms, many housewives added a whole peeled onion.

If it turns blue at the end of cooking, then the container contains toxic compounds that can lead to severe poisoning. If the bulb does not change its color, then the boiled product is completely safe to eat.

Useful and negative qualities of a talker

These mushrooms contain a large amount of a natural potent antibiotic - nerabulin. It is used to treat serious diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis and inflammation of the human respiratory system.

Frequent consumption of them can be the main cause of serious poisoning. The minimum amount of these mushrooms in the diet helps to fill the body with useful substances and trace elements.

Experienced mushroom pickers advise collecting them no more than once a month. The photo of talker mushrooms shows all the elements that make up an adult.

Photo talker

is not just a territory uniting several central regions of the country: Vladimir, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Tula, Yaroslavl.

- this is the land of picturesque and truly Russian nature: coniferous and deciduous forests, clear lakes and rivers, fresh air and a harmonious climate familiar to us since childhood.

- These are slow-flowing rivers with wide floodplains, occupied by water meadows. Dense, dark, overgrown with moss, like enchanted spruce forests. Magnificent broad-leaved forests, consisting of huge oaks, ash-trees, maples. These are sunny pine forests and cheerful, pleasing to the eye birch forests. Dense thickets of hazel on a carpet of tall ferns.

And beautiful clearings, strewn with flowers exuding intoxicating smells, are replaced by huge islands of impenetrable thickets, where tall fluffy spruces and pines live their measured centuries-old life. They seem like incredible giants, who slowly make way for uninvited guests.

In the thicket everywhere you can see old dried-up snags, which are so bizarrely curved that it seemed that there, behind a hillock, a goblin lurked, and a pretty kikimora peacefully dozes near the stone.

And endless fields, leaving either in the forest or in the sky. And around - only the singing of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers.

This is where the largest rivers of the Russian Plain: Volga, Dnieper, Don, Oka, Western Dvina. The source of the Volga is a legend of Russia, the pilgrimage to which never stops.

AT middle lane more than a thousand lakes. The most beautiful and popular of them is Lake Seliger. Even the densely populated Moscow region is rich in beautiful lakes and rivers, sometimes not even mutilated cottages and high fences.

The nature of the middle lane, sung by artists, poets and writers, fills a person with peace of mind, opens his eyes to the amazing beauty of his native land.

It is famous not only for its literally fabulous nature, but also for historical monuments. This is - face of the Russian province, in some places, in spite of everything, even retaining the architectural appearance of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Most of the cities of the world-famous Golden Ring of Russia are located in the middle lane - Vladimir, Suzdal, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great, Uglich, Sergiev Posad and others, ancient landowners' estates, monasteries and temples, architectural monuments. Their beauty cannot be described, you have to see it with your own eyes and, as they say, feel the breath of the deep antiquity.

But the most fruitful and happy for me was my acquaintance with the middle zone of Russia ... It took possession of me immediately and forever ... Since then, I have not known anything closer to me than our simple Russian people, and nothing more beautiful than our land. I will not exchange Central Russia for the most famous and stunning beauties of the globe. Now, with a condescending smile, I recall youthful dreams of yew forests and tropical thunderstorms. I would give all the elegance of the Gulf of Naples with its feast of colors for a willow bush wet from the rain on the sandy banks of the Oka or for the meandering river Taruska - on its modest banks I now often live for a long time.

Written by K.G. Paustovsky.

Or you can just climb into some remote village and enjoy nature far from civilization. The people here are very welcoming and friendly.

Edible mushrooms are often easily confused with very similar inedible or even poisonous (sometimes deadly) mushrooms, so learning to recognize them is essential. This is especially true with regard to talkers - the family of these mushrooms has about 250 species, some of which are very poisonous.

Talker (Clitocybe) is a genus of mushrooms from the ordinary family (Tricholomataceae). Saprotrophs living in the soil. The caps of mushrooms of this species are of very different sizes, mostly funnel-shaped, dry. Legs without ring, cylindrical. The plates are light, descending to the stem, clearly converging. The spore powder is white, sometimes creamy. Spores elliptical, smooth. Some species contain toxic substances that act on the nervous system.

Mushrooms are found throughout the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere.- Europe, North America. In Russia in Siberia and Primorye. They grow in forests, pastures, on roadsides. The fruiting body is formed in summer and autumn.

Govorushka is a genus of mushrooms from the ordinary family

Description of taste qualities and nutritional value of talkers

Talkers belong to the fourth category of mushrooms, so there is no need to talk about their outstanding culinary features. As a rule, even edible representatives of the species are bitter. They smell like flour, sometimes dust. Actually mushrooms of this species are difficult to classify as valuable.

However, they have one important feature. Some species contain a biologically active compound called clitocin, which has antibacterial activity against a number of bacteria pathogenic to humans, such as Bacillus cereus and Hay bacillus. A number of studies have shown antibiotic activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, typhoid fever (Salmonella typhi), and bovine brucellosis (Brucea abortus). Clitocin supposedly stimulates apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. Also govorushki contain phenols and flavonoids, which have antioxidant activity.

Gallery: talker mushrooms (25 photos)

Where to collect talkers (video)

How to distinguish talker mushrooms from false species

Among the mushrooms growing in the world, there are many species suitable for human consumption. In practice, however, only very few species are harvested, those known to be tasty and safe. Many mushrooms are edible, but have no practical value, as they are either tasteless, or very small, or very rare.

Talkers are dangerous because of their great similarity to each other. It is easier to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible one in the forest than at home, so you should be especially careful when picking mushrooms. . The leg of an edible mushroom, unlike a poisonous one, secretes a milky liquid on the cut.

Talkers contain phenols and flavonoids, which have antioxidant activity.

Edible talkers

Despite the fact that most talkers are of no interest or are simply dangerous, these mushrooms have fans. The following mushrooms are commonly harvested.

Giant talker

A large mushroom with a cap up to 40 cm in diameter with a thickness of 1 to 1.2 cm at half the radius. Juveniles look like bulbous caps but with age the cap flattens out and eventually becomes shallowly funnel-shaped. The surface is smooth, white with a cream tint, but with age it can become covered with brown spots and circular cracks. Cream-colored plates are narrow, densely spaced, falling along the entire length of the legs, darkening with age to the color of dark skin. The leg is milky white with reddish-brown fibers, has dimensions up to 4.5-6 cm in height and from 1.5 to 3 cm in thickness, without a ring on the leg. At the base of the stem is usually thick white. The flesh is firm and white. Spore powder is white.

The mushroom is edible. Grows from summer to late autumn. Mature mushrooms are fragile and difficult to harvest without breaking.

Giant talker

Talker gray

The hat is 5-25 cm in diameter, first convex, then flat and slightly concave, the surface is smooth and matte. The edge of the cap is wavy, strongly turned up. The color is blue-gray, ash-smoky, sometimes brownish. Plates whitish color light cream shade. On the leg fused, falling. Densely arranged, 3 to 6 mm wide. The leg is the color of the cap, but brighter, thicker, expanded at the base, club-shaped, with thick white mycelium. The surface is longitudinally fibrous. The pulp is whitish, fleshy. The taste is light, slightly earthy, the smell is strong, mealy-rancid. Spore powder - cream.

It grows, like other talkers, from late August to late autumn, singly, in groups, sometimes forming "witch circles". In forests of various types and thickets. Edible.

Talker gray

Red talker (tucked in)

The hat is 8-25 cm in diameter, initially convex, bell-shaped, funnel-shaped with age. On the edge of a thin, tucked. Colors are pale ocher, beige, pale flesh. The plates are white at first, then whitish with a beige tint, dense, thin, extending far to the stem. Leg - the color of the cap, thick, cylindrical, thicker below, as a rule, longitudinally corrugated massive. The flesh is whitish to beige. At the break, the color is unchanged. The pulp is hard, cartilaginous in young mushrooms, fibrous with age. The smell is intense, fragrant, sweetish, reminiscent of almonds, the taste is mild. Spore powder is white.

It grows in light forests of coniferous and deciduous species, in meadows and pastures. Especially on calcareous soils and in damp places.

What does an inverted talker look like (video)

Inedible and poisonous talkers

Among the talkers come across inedible and deadly mushrooms. And if the former are simply, to put it mildly, useless, then the latter can be fatal. Therefore, it does not hurt to know their description.

Waxy talker

The cap is 3-8 cm in diameter, convex, flat with age, a little later concave, funnel-shaped. The edge is twisted, tucked. The color is whitish, with a gray-cream tint, darker along the edge. Sometimes covered with dirty pink spots. The plates are whitish in color, creamy with age, dirty yellow in old mushrooms. Quite dense and very narrow, poorly matching. Leg - from whitish to dirty ocher, cylindrical, sometimes curved. In a young fungus, it is dense, with age it is empty or "cotton". Mycelium grows densely at the base. The pulp is white or off-white, elastic, hard. The smell is woody, floral, slightly aniseed. The taste is soft, indefinite. Spore powder is cream with an orange tint.

It occurs often in coniferous and deciduous forests, often under spruce, pine, beech and oak, from summer to autumn. Grows in groups, on leafy litter. The mushroom is deadly poisonous. Muscarine poisoning.

Waxy talker

Reddish talker

The hat is 2-5 cm in diameter. At first, it is convex in shape with wrapped “fields”, later it is flat, then a recess is formed in the center, sometimes with a small tubercle at the bottom of the cavity. In a young mushroom, it is white, as if covered with hoarfrost, later with concentric zones of flesh-colored, under a layer of hoarfrost, as a rule, pale flesh, smooth. Indistinct spots on the hat are very characteristic of this species. The plates are white at first, then off-white, dense, densely spaced, directly fused. Quite low converge on the leg. Leg 2-4 cm high, 4-6 mm thick, cylindrical, full, slightly fibrous (in the longitudinal direction). White in color with a flesh tint. The flesh is white, elastic, does not change color after being damaged. The taste is indefinite, the smell is reminiscent of freshly ground flour or freshly cut wood.. Spore powder is white.

The fungus is widely distributed in Europe, but is also found in North America. Fruiting bodies appear from mid-summer to late autumn, in grass thickets, in cultivated meadows, pastures, fields, near the road or on the edge of a mixed forest, also under shrubs in parks. Can grow singly or in small groups.

As well as the waxy govorushka, it is highly poisonous (muscarine poisoning). Contains quite a lot of muscarine, a poison that affects the nervous system. Symptoms occur 1/4-4 hours after eating. Symptoms: severe sweating, lacrimation, blurred vision, vomiting, colic, gastrointestinal disorders. Severe poisoning can lead to death. The fungus is extremely dangerous for people with lung failure or heart disease. The first symptoms of poisoning appear within 15-30 minutes after eating mushrooms, and often disappear after 2 hours. Atropine is used as an antidote.

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Tricholomataceae (Tricholomovye or Ryadovkovye)
  • Genus: Clitocybe (Klitocybe or Talker)
  • View: Clitocybe odora (Anise talker)
    Other names for mushroom:

Other names:

  • odorous talker

  • Fragrant talker

Diameter 3-10 cm, when young bluish-green, convex, with a curled edge, then fading to yellow-gray, prostrate, sometimes concave. The flesh is thin, pale gray or pale green, with a strong anise-dill odor and a faint taste.

Frequent, descending, pale greenish.

Spore powder:

Length up to 8 cm, thickness up to 1 cm, thickened at the base, the color of the cap or lighter.

Grows from August to October in coniferous and deciduous forests.

Similar species:
There are plenty of similar rows; Clitocybe odora can be unmistakably distinguished by a combination of two features: a characteristic color and an anise smell. One single sign does not mean anything yet.

The mushroom is edible, although the strong smell persists after cooking. In a word, for an amateur.

Video about mushroom Anise talker:

This fungus is attractive, if only because it allows you to identify yourself with a high degree of probability, which cannot be said about many other representatives of the genus Clitocybe. As practice has shown, with a sufficient crop (and in dry warm weather), it can be determined without picking up or even bending down. You can not see it at all: the thick smell of anise gives the mushroom headlong. If someone likes this fragrance, it makes sense to pick a few young hats and put them in the bottom of the basket; walk like this for several hours, and all summer it will seem that the anise talker is somewhere nearby.

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