Fortune telling on your favorite tarot cards. Fortune telling on tarot cards for a loved one will help in relationships. Examples of layouts for the future for love

During the French Revolution, the crowns were removed from the senior cards of the Tarot deck, and from some of the heads, and the kings of the four suits were represented by Molière, La Fontaine, Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Tarot cards.

How to read tarot cards for love

Narrowed-disguised, where are you lost, how long to wait for you? These questions most often concern women around the world. How to guess on Tarot cards for love, what exactly in this case can be seen? The easiest way is to get specific answers to detailed questions or to determine the state of "tender" relationships between people.

Secret and visible - alignment for two

One of the most popular layouts allows you to find out how two people relate to each other. To do this, the Major and Minor Arcana are preliminarily divided, one card is taken from the first group, it will characterize the prospects for the union as a whole (it is turned over and evaluated only after a fully completed analysis). Six cards are taken from the second half of the deck (two times three), which are placed in two columns, parallel to each other.

The left column is the attitude of the fortuneteller to the object of his sympathy, the right one is vice versa. The first pair from the top says what people think about the current situation. The second row is a world of hidden emotions, feelings, which is not always clear even to the duet members themselves. The third card on the right and left is what they are trying to show, the visible part of the relationship. This alignment is often called "Station for two".

In addition, the Tarot can perfectly characterize the person whose actions and thoughts you want to understand. When drawing one card to get such a specific answer, it is better to use only the Major Arcana. For example, "The Hanged Man" will hint at some inadequacy of a loved one - most likely, he sees the world upside down, and therefore sets priorities incorrectly. In life, it will be difficult to agree with him. A similar layout can be considered the alignment “ Per person”, although it uses 3 Arcana, and not one.

Pitfalls of a happy life

Yesterday harmony reigned in the couple, and today the relationship is crumbling before our eyes? Or everything is quite the opposite - it is not possible to build a serious union in any way, and there is a great temptation to blame someone's harmful influence for this. How to read Tarot for love in order to get answers to such a specific question “whose fault”?

If the experience of communicating with a magic deck is still not enough, you can again limit yourself to only the Major Arcana - they show the picture not so detailed, but they help to quickly find the root of the problem. The "Tower" or "Death" cards will hint that the relationship with the object of interest has exhausted itself - or did not even have the opportunity to begin. "Moon" symbolizes a tendency to illusions and self-deception. "The Hermit" is a direct indication that there is no sexual attraction between people.

There are fears that someone contributed to the collapse of the family? And in this case, some of the Arcana give a very clear answer. The “Devil” that fell out in the layout says that a black cat that ran between partners is the result of damage or a love spell, you can also interpret the “Priestess” and “Priest” cards if they turned out to be inverted. But the "Sun" will declare the banal egoism of the spouses, their inability to compromise. This is treated - with a strong desire and without any magic.

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Divination and Tarot layouts for the future

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Tarot divination on the situation, question

Divination by Tarot"Pentagram" is intended for analysis of a confusing situation and clarification of hidden influences and circumstances raising doubts and uncertainty. This chart will help you see what affects the situation from the past, what are hidden factors of the situation in the present, what surprises may soon arise and where events will lead you. With the help of this online divination on the situation, you will be able to deal with the situation and take control of things.

It is difficult to find a girl who would not dream of finding a decent guy or a man with whom you can create a happy relationship, the so-called "soul mate". In the meantime, such a person has not yet appeared in life, one always wants to know how soon the Higher Forces will present this fateful meeting. We propose to do this by performing fortune-telling for the future on Tarot cards for love.

By the way! We have it on our site - use it to your health!

The first thing you need to do is buy your own deck of cards. If you're just getting started with cards, one deck will suffice for the first few months. And over time, you will be able to add one or more other decks, but you need to do this when you yourself feel an urgent need for this.

The classic deck of Tarot cards was created by Rider White and can be used for divination on a variety of life issues.

Rule 1 Decide which chart interpretation system you will use to make your predictions. This point is very important, because Tarot cards remember well what rules you use with them. And if there is a frequent change in these rules, you will have difficulty with the correct interpretation of the meanings of card positions.

At the same time, one should not forget that different authors offer their own interpretations of the same cards. For example, some masters use exclusively direct positions of cards in their activities, while others add inverted ones to them.

Rule 2 The second important point will be the method according to which you will mix the cards, pull them out and open them. You need to develop your own strategy for interacting with the deck and not change it. The following tips may help you:

  • do not allow other people to touch your cards, only the owner of the deck is allowed to do this;
  • when you shuffle the cards, you need to ask the person who is guessing to move some of them towards you with the help of your left hand;
  • initially, the cards should be laid out in such a way that their back is looking up, and then turned over one by one;
  • cards are turned over only in the direction from right to left, it is forbidden to change this sequence;
  • absolutely always need to perform the alignment facing the fortuneteller.

Rule 3 You should not perform fortune telling in such cases:

  • when you feel unwell;
  • be in a negative mood if, for example, something upsets you or excites you too much;
  • on days when lunar or solar eclipses occur.

It is important, when performing the alignment, to be calm and concentrated.

Rule 4 Before proceeding to fortune-telling, it is necessary to formulate your question as clearly as possible. Remember that the cards will only answer clear questions!

Rule 5 Also an important point - it is unacceptable to often ask the same questions in the case when you were not satisfied with the answer received. Many people try to repeat fortune-telling until favorable cards fall out in the layout, but this is a big mistake.

If you are worried about something, you need to concentrate on your request, choose the most suitable time for fortune-telling, voice your question, and then perform some alignment. The answers you receive can be recorded in your diary. And afterwards, all that is required of you is to analyze the recommendations received from the cards, which for the most part are quite clear and understandable.

And you can ask the same question again no earlier than after one lunar month (that is, twenty-nine calendar days). During this time, various changes can occur, thanks to which you look at the old problem from a completely new angle.

Examples of layouts for the future for love

Spread "Search for love"

It is intended for those who are actively looking for and waiting for their soul mate. Fortune telling will shed light on the situation that has developed in your life, tell you why you are still alone and how you can correct the situation.

After you see the situation in its true light with the help of fortune-telling, it will be easier for you to understand which person is best for you in life.

But do not forget that if you want to get something - for this you need to act. If you are waiting for love, do not sit at home, but often visit those places where you can really meet a representative of the opposite sex and do not refuse if acquaintances or friends offer to introduce you to someone.

For the “Search for Love” layout, only four cards are used, which are laid out in one line.

The interpretation of the arcana will be as follows:

  • 1st card - shows the main reason why you do not have a relationship in the present;
  • 2nd card - how you need to act in this situation in order to quickly attract a great and bright feeling into your life;
  • 3rd card - describes the ideal chosen one for you;
  • 4th card - the lasso tells where you can find your love: in what place, and what will be your chosen one.

Divination "Seven Stars"

The layout is performed on seven cards, each of which symbolizes the seven stars of your destiny. The stars act as those hidden forces that affect relationships with a lover.

  • Your Star - a description of the situation in which you find yourself;
  • The star of your Chosen One is a description of the personality of your beloved;
  • Star of Love - what is the connection between you;
  • Star of Danger - what obstacles may arise between you;
  • Star of Luck - what can help you in the love sphere;
  • Star of Secret Thoughts - will tell you what your loved one is hiding from you;
  • Star of the Future - what do you expect from your union.

The layout of the "Thread of fate"

Divination attracts with its simplicity, but at the same time, informative results. From it you will trace the history of your couple, as well as learn about the relationships between past, present and future events.

The cards will tell you about what in the past helped to strengthen or, conversely, damage your connection. And having received this information, it will be easier for you to understand for yourself what will improve your relationship with your partner.

Note! With the help of any fortune-telling, you get only one, albeit the most probable model of future events. But you are quite capable of making changes in it and directing your life in the right direction.

The layout uses only 3 cards, which will be interpreted as follows:

  • 1st card - tells about the past. She will tell you about what your relationship with your loved one was based on at the very beginning. The appearance of positive cards in this position indicates a sincere love affair. And negative - indicates the presence of dangerous motives (self-interest, fear of loneliness, and the like).
  • 2nd card - demonstrates the foundation of your relationship in the present. In most cases, the card is a logical continuation of the 1st, but occasionally it can tell about a radical change in relations.
  • The 3rd card is an indicator of future events. It is on this card that you will find out what next stage your relationship will go to in the future.

In this case, as a rule, the future is understood as a period of time of several months.

At the end, watch an interesting video clip:

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Tarot cards are the most famous and most mysterious of all known divination systems. It is still not known how the exact time and place of appearance of these maps. Here you will find several online divination using the tarot technique. With the help of the above layouts, you can get acquainted with this mysterious system of divination and self-knowledge in more detail.

The classic tarot deck consists of 78 cards and is divided into 2 parts:

  • Major arcana tarot - 22 cards
  • Minor arcana tarot - 56 cards

The major or "great", "major" arcana of the tarot are numbered from 0 to 21.
The minor or "small" arcana of the tarot are divided into 4 suits, or "retinues":

  • Cups (bowls)
  • Pentacles (coins, disks, denarii)
  • Wands (staves, sceptres)

There are 14 cards in each suit of the tarot deck. These are numbered cards from Ace (1) to ten, as well as "suit cards", or figures: jack (page), knight (horseman), queen (lady) and king. The figures are also called "court".

When divining on tarot cards, both the direct and inverted position of the cards are taken into account.

There are several assumptions and hypotheses that explain the appearance of tarot. The author of the most beautiful hypothesis about the appearance of tarot cards is P. Christian. In his "History of Magic" he explains the appearance of the tarot as follows. "According to legend, in ancient Egypt there was a temple in which the mysteries of occult initiation were performed. The initiate found himself in a long gallery supported by caryatids in the form of twenty-four sphinxes - twelve on each side. On the wall, in the intervals between the sphinxes, there were frescoes depicting mystical figures and symbols. These twenty-two paintings were arranged in pairs, opposite each other. Passing by the twenty-two paintings of the gallery, the initiate received instruction from the priest. Each Arcana, which, thanks to the picture, became visible and tangible, is a formula of the law of human activity in relation to spiritual and material forces, the combination of which produces all the phenomena of life."

According to another hypothesis about the appearance of the tarot, the Hebrew Kabbalistic roots can be traced in the tarot much more clearly, and skeptically oriented tarot adepts suggest that the starting point in the history of the tarot is 300 AD - the approximate date of the creation of "Sefer Yetzirah", a fundamental work on Kabbalah, in which astrological symbolism is detailed Hebrew alphabet, which formed the basis of the tarot.

The legends about the creators of tarot mention: ancient Egyptian priests, oriental sages, abbot. There is a certain commonality between these characters - they all possess some kind of knowledge that is not available to others. In medieval Europe, such knowledge was mainly possessed by monks, therefore, most likely, the authorship of the tarot belongs to the clergy who made up the clan, within which the semantic load of the Tarot symbols was known.

The monastic order most keen on religious and philosophical problems is the Order of the Knights Templar. After the Grand Master of the Knights Templar Jacques de Molay cursed the royal dynasty that ruined the order at the stake, his curse began to be fulfilled with terrifying accuracy. Perhaps it was this ominous fact that prompted the use of tarot for divination?

Let's take a closer look at the tarot cards themselves. Is there even a hint of the Templar heresy in the tarot pictures? It turns out there is.

  1. Despite the fact that tarot cards are a product of the Christian era, there is no image of Christ in the tarot symbolism, and the Templars were declared heretics precisely because they did not recognize His divinity.
  2. The tarot cards have another image mentioned in the Templar manuscripts - the image of the Hanged Man (XII Major Arcana Tarot): "The Cross of Christ should not serve as an object of worship, since no one will worship the gallows on which his father, relative or friend was hanged."
  3. The Templars were accused of worshiping the idol of Baphomet (Satan), and there is such an image in the tarot cards - the XV Major Arcana of the Tarot.

So, it can be assumed that tarot cards are nothing more than pages of the secret doctrine of the Knights Templar. But this hypothesis of the appearance of tarot is as doubtful as the others.

In light of the above, should a normal person resort to the help of tarot? Definitely worth it! After all, tarot cards, apart from their past, are an excellent tool for self-knowledge. Fortune telling on tarot (and not only on tarot) is nothing more than reflection with an element of self-programming, which can be quite positive if you treat this process without fear and prejudice. With the help of tarot, you can think over in advance, "rehearse" any situation, and reduce the percentage of life's failures.

- shows the prospects for the development of relations in the union, who your loved one is in the union and who you are. How successful will your union be in the future and what difficulties await you in this union. 4 cards

Alignment for a loved one - if you are interested in a person, then this alignment will help you find out what he thinks about you and what feelings he has for you, as well as what influences his personality is exposed to. 8 cards

The seven chakras of a loved one is a layout that can be used both to analyze the personality of a loved one, and simply when you want to know in detail the relationship of a loved one to you. 15 cards

Choosing a fan - a layout that helps you see how each of the two fans feels about you, and who is better to choose. Men can also use the spread. 7 cards

Gap - this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one (oh). What led to deadlock in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you come to if you make peace, and to what if you break off relations. And who or what will help to reconcile. 6 cards

Romantic tarot:

Trigon of air - the alignment describes the emotional life of a loved one, the presence or absence of love in his life. 4 cards

Alignment for a loved one

The seven chakras of the beloved

As the Significator, you should choose the person for whom fortune-telling is done.

Fan's Choice

You should choose yourself as the Significator.


Choose yourself as a significator if you break up with someone.

Layouts for love and a loved one Osho Zen Tarot:

Trigon of air - the layout describes the emotional life of a loved one. 3 cards

Alignment for a loved one - a layout showing the attitude of a loved one towards you. 7 cards

As a Significator, you should choose your beloved - your beloved.

The seven chakras of a loved one are a layout that can be used both to analyze the personality of a loved one, and for a situation where a fortuneteller wants to know the relationship of a loved one to himself. 14 cards

The choice of a fan is a layout that helps to see how each of the two fans treats you, and what you will come to by linking your life with each of them. 6 cards

Gap - this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one (oh). What led to deadlock in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you come to if you make peace, and to what if you break off relations. 5 cards

Choose yourself as a significator if you break up with someone.

Layouts for love and a loved one Fairy Tarot:

Lovers - a alignment showing who you are in these relationships and who your chosen one is in them. Forecast of your relationship in the future. 4 cards

Alignment for a loved one - the alignment will help you find out what your loved one thinks about you and what feelings you have for you. 8 cards

Seven chakras of a loved one - the alignment describes the emotional state and problems of a loved one, his relationship with a wide range of people or individual relationships with you. 15 cards

As the Significator, you should choose the person for whom fortune-telling is done.

Fan Choice is a spread that helps you see how each of your two fans feels about you. A summary of your relationship with each of them. 7 cards

You should choose yourself as the Significator.

Gap - this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one (oh). What led to deadlock in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you come to if you make peace, and to what if you break off relations. 6 cards - the layout describes the emotional state and problems of a loved one, his relationship with a wide range of people or individual relationships with you. 15 cards

As the Significator, you should choose the person for whom fortune-telling is done.

Fan Choice is a spread that helps you see how each of your two fans feels about you. A summary of your relationship with each of them. 7 cards

You should choose yourself as the Significator.

Gap - this alignment is used to understand whether you need to break off relations with your loved one (oh). What led to deadlock in the relationship, and what or who can help you make peace with your loved one. What will you come to if you make peace, and to what if you break off relations. 6 cards

Choose yourself as a significator if you break up with someone.

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