Energy from waste products. Recycling waste into energy and obtaining energy from waste. Possible productions related to technology

Thousands of tons of garbage are thrown out every day, which pollute our planet. To remedy the current situation, various technologies for the processing of waste raw materials are being created. Many products are sent to secondary production, where new products are created from them. Such techniques make it possible to save on costs when purchasing new raw materials, receive additional income from sales, and also allow you to clear the world of garbage components.

There are methods by which you can not only create recyclable materials, they are aimed at obtaining energy from waste. For these purposes, specialized mechanisms are being developed, thanks to which thermal resources and electricity are created.

Devices have been developed that can process one ton of the most harmful waste into 600 kW of electricity. Along with this, 2 Gcal of heat energy appears. These units are currently in great demand, as it is believed that this is the most cost-effective and quickly payback investment.

Such mechanisms are characterized by high cost, but the invested financial resources provide further savings on materials and a significant income from profits due to the sale of energy. The amount invested will pay off many times over.

There are several ways in which waste is converted into energy.

– Incineration

It is considered the most popular method for the elimination of solid waste, which has been used since the 19th century. This method allows not only to reduce the amount of garbage, but also provides auxiliary energy resources that can be used in the heating system, as well as in the production of electricity. There are disadvantages of this technology, which consist in the release of harmful components into the environment.

When MSW is burned, up to 44% of ash with gas products is formed. Carbon dioxide with water vapor and all kinds of impurities can be attributed to gaseous substances. Due to the fact that combustion is carried out at a temperature regime of 800-900 degrees, organic compounds are present in the formed gas mixture.

— Thermochemical technology

This method has a lot of advantages when compared with the previous version. Among the advantages can be attributed increased efficiency, if we talk about the prevention of pollution of the surrounding atmosphere. This is due to the fact that the use of this technology is not accompanied by the production of biologically active components, so there is no environmental harm.

The resulting waste is endowed with a high density index, which indicates a reduction in the volume of garbage mass, which is subsequently sent for disposal in landfills specially equipped for this purpose. It is also worth noting that the technique gives the right to process an increased number of varieties of raw materials. Due to it, it is possible to interact not only with solid variations, but also with tires, polymer components and used oils with the possibility of extracting a fuel product for ships from hydrocarbon elements. This is a significant advantage, since the manufactured oil products are characterized by increased liquidity and a large price tag.

Among the negative qualities, there are expenses for the purchase of technological units and increased demands for the quality values ​​of recycled materials. The cost of mechanisms due to which it is possible to recycle recyclables is high, which symbolizes the large costs of equipping the enterprise.

— Physical and chemical methods

This is another process by which energy is obtained from waste. Thanks to this manipulation, it is possible to convert the waste mixture into a biodiesel fuel product. As a derivative material, it is customary to use waste vegetable oils and the processing of various kinds of fats of animal or vegetable origin.

– Biochemical methods

With their help, it is possible to modify the components of organic origin into heat energy and electricity thanks to bacteria. The extraction and utilization of biogas, which appears during the decomposition of natural components of MSW, is most often operated directly at the landfill. All action is carried out in the reactor, where there are special varieties of bacteria that convert the organic mass into ethanol with biogas.


At the international exhibition Wasma, all interested parties will be able to get to know the world of recycling in more detail and purchase the appropriate equipment for themselves. The site will present the entire range of devices that can be used to extract energy sources from garbage.

Visitors get unique features:

  • Get great deals from reputable companies. All trademarks are aimed at mutually beneficial cooperation and expansion of their client base.
  • Get acquainted with several modifications of products at the same time, study their technical characteristics and compare indicators. If necessary, you can get professional advice on all emerging issues.
  • Contact service organizations that are engaged in commissioning and maintenance.
  • Purchase new devices or find the necessary components for existing equipment. The event will demonstrate not only equipment, but also all the necessary components for normal operation.

The site will be of interest to guests from various fields of activity, since energy resources are extracted from domestic or industrial waste, agricultural waste products are often used, along with products from the medical and petrochemical industries. During the combustion of such a garbage mass, biogas is formed along with pyrolysis. The exhibition will exhibit devices for such activities, which are usually called pyrolysis complexes.

ECONATSPROEKT Group of Companies is the official representative of Oschatz, a large German industrial manufacturer of equipment in the field of energy generation and power plant technology. One of the areas of our work is the promotion of environmentally friendly technologies for the generation of heat and electricity from production and consumption waste, for additional information we invite you to familiarize yourself with our brochure "Energy Generation from Waste".

Of the various methods of processing municipal solid waste, the most developed and frequently used is thermal processing. The possibility of using this method is based on the morphological composition of the waste, which contains up to 70% of combustible components.

The main advantages of thermal processing are:

  • reduction of waste volume over 10 times;
  • effective disposal of waste under the influence of high temperatures (from 850 to 1250°C);
  • associated use of the energy potential of waste.

CHP plant on fuel from waste, Hagenow (Germany) was put into operation in 2009.

Mixed municipal waste contains a significant amount of moisture and undesirable components such as metals, chlorinated plastics, etc. For safe thermal processing of such wastes and improvement of their thermal characteristics, it is planned to prepare wastes into alternative RDF - fuel.

Alternative fuel - RDF.

RDF (from English RefuseDerivedFuel) is a dehydrated and crushed mixture of calorific waste fractions with a calorific value of up to 18,000 KJ/kg, a new alternative energy source. It is widely used as a fuel in the cement and power industries in developed countries.

Today, various technologies are used for the thermal processing of waste. However, the most widely used technology in Europe is grate combustion. This technology has proven itself to be the best for incineration of residues after waste sorting, is universal and the least demanding on fuel quality. The technology is described in detail in the BAT document "Integrating Pollution Prevention and Abatement - A Guide to Best Available Waste Incineration Technologies" of the European Union.

Technology Description

Schematic diagram of the technology of thermal processing of waste in a grate furnace:

Mixed waste or RDF enters the receiving compartment, where it undergoes primary control, then enters the storage hopper. From the bunker, fuel (waste) is dosed into a layered combustion furnace with a grate, where it burns at a temperature of 850 - 1000 ° C (depending on the properties of the waste). Burnt residues in the form of ash and slag are removed for further disposal. The resulting hot gases heat the walls of the waste heat boiler and the system of superheaters, which convert heat into water vapor, then the energy of water vapor is converted into electrical energy or used as heat. The exhaust gases are cooled and react with lime milk, urea and activated carbon, while nitrogen and sulfur oxides, as well as dioxins and heavy metals, are neutralized in the gas stream. Further, ash particles and reagents are captured by the bag filter system and removed for disposal. Thus, the gases at the outlet contain harmful impurities within the limits of environmental and sanitary standards, an example of this is thermal utilization plants located in densely populated European cities.

Grate for stratified combustion

The Oschatz branded grate is a further development of DanishEnergySystems horizontal grate technology that has been in operation for several decades. The Oshatz grate incorporates waste fuel features such as lower heating value (LCV), high ash content and moisture content.

Scheme of the device of the Oschatz stratified combustion furnace.

Grid configuration and functionality. To control the combustion process, the grate is divided into several sections. The speed and stroke length of the grate can be adjusted individually. Similarly, the grate is divided into several air zones in order to adapt the primary air to the combustion characteristics of the fuel. Fuel is fed continuously to the grate by a custom-designed feeder. The grates fixed in series on the grate are made of special heat- and wear-resistant alloy steel with a high content of chromium, silicon and nickel. Primary air is supplied to the grate from below along with flue gas recirculation. Secondary air is supplied to the space above the furnace grate and provides the necessary oxygen for optimal afterburning of the fuel.

In stratified combustion, waste, RDF or biomass, a waste heat boiler with a system of superheaters is located behind the furnace, followed by a system for neutralizing harmful impurities, dust and gas cleaning systems, as well as a heat and power generator unit. EKONATSPROEKT delivers conceptual water tube boilers designed by Oschatz using the latest modern achievements in vertical, horizontal or combined arrangement.

We supply both individual units and the development and construction of entire turnkey plants.

For a product catalog and additional information, please call:

Getting electricity from waste is one of the ways to protect the environment.

Next, we will get acquainted with different ways of obtaining energy from waste. As already noted, recycling is one of the ways to protect the environment. When implementing the recycling process, it is possible not only to save in the consumption of many natural resources, but also to reduce the level of pollution of water, air and soil. Today, the countries' environmental protection programs include the production of fuel from garbage. Today we want to consider this issue.

As it was said "the road of civilization is paved with mountains of rubbish" . If the waste is recycled, it will be possible to switch to recycling, and if it remains intact and buried, it will remain environmental pollutants. According to research by the World Health Organization (WHO), ignoring the collection and disposal of waste can cause at least 32 environmental problems. This is why recycling is taken seriously by many countries today. One of the newest ways to reduce the negative impact that a landfill (MSW) has on the environment is the processing of garbage into fuel. Waste-to-fuel recycling is a process in which useless waste is converted into virtually free thermal energy that can be used as electricity or heat. This practice has been carried out in the traditional way in many countries of the world since ancient times. For example, 400 years ago in Iran, the Iranian scientist Sheikh Baha'i created a bathhouse that was powered by gas emitted from sewage. In India also, some people collected animal waste in closed containers and burned it for 9 months. This process is used in modern technology in various cities around the world. In particular, attention is paid to the use of gas obtained from waste disposal centers in some cities around the world.

Methane, which makes up about 55% of all gas emitted in landfills, is one of the greenhouse gases that, in terms of greenhouse effect potential, is equal to carbon dioxide and even higher, so that the concentration of methane in the atmosphere will increase by 0.6 percent per year. The concentration of other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide, increases by only 0.4%. Methane, if not properly controlled, can lead to groundwater pollution. Thus, the recovery and proper use of methane can play a significant role in protecting the environment.

From every ton of raw solid waste, between 5 and 20 cubic meters of gas per year can be obtained, and this amount can be increased through proper development and management of resources. Some ordinary people believe that because this gas is obtained from waste, it is dangerous and polluting, and its combustion is unreliable. However, scientists believe that it is just the opposite, and the gas obtained from the landfill is less polluting, and since the flame temperature is low, the amount of pollution will be 60% less than when burning natural gas. Therefore, according to environmentalists, the curbing of gas obtained from garbage is mandatory. In recent years, when energy prices have risen, more attention has been paid to this type of fuel. According to statistics, there are now hundreds of landfills in the world where the emitted gas is used to generate electricity and even sell it to other buyers.

The collection of this type of gas in the center of the landfill is quite easy. To do this, you need to dig vertical wells around the landfill. These wells are connected through a network of pipes designed to collect gas. Of course, in order to increase the performance of the system, you can put layers of crushed stone, concrete and sand in their path. In addition, all these wells are connected to the central reservoir. The manifold can be connected to a compressor or blower. Approximately every 0.4 hectare of landfill area requires a gas collection well. In the end, it is possible to inject the gas into the flare or release it for any other consumption, or even purify it and improve its quality. Thus, in the joint production of heat and electricity, a sharp reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and an increase in fuel efficiency can be observed. The high overall efficiency of this technology compared to the production of electricity and heat by conventional methods has contributed to the fact that this type of technology has been highly valued in recent years in Europe. Europe's largest biogas plant is located in Vienna, Austria, and uses landfill gas to produce 8 MW of electricity. The start-up of CHP plants is spreading at lightning speed across the European Union as the private and public sectors have appreciated CHP technology as a cost-effective source of energy with varying capacities.

One of the successful projects in this area is being carried out in the Canadian city of Edmonton. The Edmonton electric utility has managed to start a large power plant using methane from the Clover Bar landfill. The launch of this project in 1992 contributed to the fact that the atmospheric emission of carbon dioxide was reduced by about 662 thousand tons. In 1996 alone, this project contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 182,000 tons, and in the period from 1992 to 1996, about 208 gigawatt-hours of electricity were generated. Even the gas obtained by this method was sold at a lower price than natural gas, so it turned out to be more economical. In Asia, the capital of South Korea, Seoul, is one of the cities that partially provides heat energy from waste incineration. A lot of waste is thrown out in this city. Based on published reports, Seoul has used 730,000 tons of 1.1 million tons of combustible household waste in recent years as fuel for energy production. This is said to be equivalent to the annual heating demand of 190,000 urban households. South Korea plans to meet more than 10% of its energy needs from renewable sources by 2030 to enter the top five countries in the world with "green economy" .

In addition to generating energy from waste, another way to recycle waste is to turn it into compost fertilizer. Composting is a method of neutralizing household, agricultural and some industrial solid waste, based on the decomposition of organic matter by aerobic microorganisms. The resulting compost is similar to humus and is used as fertilizer. This is perhaps the oldest recycling method. The composting process is very simple, done by experienced professionals either in the farmers' own homes or on their lands, or industrially. These fertilizers are considered one of the best fertilizers for agricultural purposes, and can be useful for growing flowers. The result of the presence of magnesium and phosphate in fertilizers will be the formation of alluvium and the rapid absorption of nutrients in the soil. Compost is also considered a natural soil pesticide. Using compost can save up to 70% in the consumption of chemical fertilizers. Every person living in the city discards more than half a kilogram of garbage a day, one third of which is convertible into compost. If we assume a city population of 30 million people, then the city produces 15 million kg of waste daily, 5 million of which can be converted into compost.

Thus, modern man, after the bitter experience of the last century, decided that he should value God's blessings and take care of the environment, since the existence of the future human generation and the world depends precisely on his current efforts.

Receiving energy from living beings evokes primitive associations for many - with a horse carrying a load, or a hamster spinning a small dynamo through its wheel. Someone else will remember the school experience with electrodes stuck into an orange, forming a kind of “living battery” ... However, the work of our much smaller “brothers” - bacteria is much more effective in this regard!

The “garbage problem” on a global scale is much more significant than it might seem to the layman, despite the fact that it is not as obvious as other environmental horrors that people like to talk about in all sorts of “scandals-sensations-investigations”. 26 million tons per year is only Moscow and only household waste! And even if we diligently sort and then process everything, the amount of organic waste will not decrease from this, since they make up about 70% of all rubbish produced by mankind. And the more developed the country's economy, the more organic household waste. This terrifying mass cannot be defeated by any processing. But in addition to household waste, there are huge volumes of industrial waste - sewage, food production waste. They also have a significant amount of organic matter.

A promising direction in the fight against organic waste that fills up the planet is microbiology. What people don't eat up, microbes will eat up The principle itself has been known for a long time. However, today the problem lies in its effective use, and scientists continue to work on it. “Feeding” a half-eaten hamburger to microbes in a jar is easy! But this is not enough. We need a technology that will allow bacteria to quickly and efficiently process thousands and millions of tons of garbage at no extra cost, without expensive structures and catalysts, which, by their cost, nullify the final efficiency of this process. Alas, most of the technologies that use bacteria to process waste today are either unprofitable, or unproductive, or difficult to scale.

For example, one of the well-known and well-established technologies for processing waste with the help of bacteria is a method of biogas production familiar to many foreign farmers. Livestock manure is rotting using microbes that release methane, which is collected in a huge bubble bag. The system works and produces gas suitable for heating the same farm through electricity generated by a gas turbine generator, or directly by combustion. But such a complex cannot be scaled purely technologically. Suitable for a farm or a village, not for a big city. Plus, in urban waste, unlike manure, there are a lot of toxic components. These toxic substances end up in the gas phase in the same way as useful methane, and the final “mix” turns out to be heavily polluted.

However, science does not stand still - one of the most promising technologies that are now of interest to scientists around the world (including, probably, the notorious British ones) is the use of the so-called "electronic bacteria", which are one of the best waste-eaters, simultaneously producing of this process, unpleasant from a human point of view, is electricity. On the surface of the cell membrane of such a bacterium is a cytochrome protein, on which an electric charge is formed. In the process of metabolism, the bacterium "dumps" an electron on the surface of its cell and generates the next one - and so on over and over again. Microorganisms with such properties (for example, geobacter) have been known for a long time, but their electrical abilities have not been used in practice.

What do microbiologists do? Andrey Shestakov, a researcher at the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University and head of the laboratory of microbial biotechnology, told Computerra about this:

“We take an anode electrode, cover its surface with cells of electroforming microorganisms, place instead of hydrogen in a nutrient medium that we need to recycle (garbage, “garbage solution” - we will do without details for simplicity), and during the metabolism of these cells, we from each of they will receive electrons and protons.

Further, everything is the same as in a conventional fuel cell - the cell gives up an electron and a proton, protons are sent through the proton-exchange membrane to the cathode chamber to the second electrode of this battery, adding oxygen from the air “at the exhaust” we get water, and remove electricity to an external circuit. It's called "Microbial Fuel Cell", MFC, Microbial Fuel Cell."

It would not be superfluous to recall how a classic hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell is arranged and functions. Two electrodes, an anode and a cathode (for example, carbon and coated with a catalyst - platinum), are in a certain container, divided into two parts by a proton-exchange membrane. We supply hydrogen to the anode from an external source, which dissociates on platinum and donates electrons and protons. The membrane does not pass electrons, but is able to pass protons that move to another electrode - the cathode. We also supply oxygen (or simply air) from an external source to the cathode, and it produces reaction waste - pure water. Electricity is removed from the cathode and anode and used for its intended purpose. With various variations, this design is also used in electric vehicles, and even in portable gadgets for charging smartphones away from the outlet (such, for example, are produced by the Swedish company Powertrekk).

In a small container in a nutrient medium is an anode with microbes. It is separated from the cathode by a proton-exchange membrane made of Nafion - under such a brand name, this material is produced by BASF, not so long ago known to everyone for its audio cassettes. Here it is - electricity, actually created by living microbes! In the laboratory prototype, a single LED lights up from it through a pulse converter, because the LED requires 2-3 volts for ignition - less than the MFC gives out. Although it takes quite a long time to get to the laboratory of microbial biotechnology of Moscow State University in a deep basement through dusty and wild corridors, it is not at all a receptacle for antediluvian Soviet scientific equipment, as is the case with the vast majority of Russian science today, but is well equipped with modern imported equipment.

Like any fuel or galvanic cell, the MFC produces a small voltage - about one volt. The current directly depends on its dimensions - the larger, the higher. Therefore, on an industrial scale, rather large-sized installations connected in series into batteries are assumed.

According to Shestakov, developments in this area began about half a century ago:

“Microbial generators” began to be seriously studied at NASA in the sixties, not so much as a technology for generating energy, but as an effective principle for processing waste products in the confined space of a spacecraft (even then, as far as possible, they tried to protect space from debris, shamelessly continuing to pollute the Earth ...!) But the technology was born and after that, in fact, for many years it was in a coma, few people needed it in reality. However, 4-5 years ago, it received a second wind - since there was a significant need for it in the light of the millions of tons of garbage that fill up our planet, as well as in the light of the development of various related technologies, supposedly making it possible to make microbial fuel cells not laboratory exotic "desktop format", but real industrial systems that allow processing significant volumes of organic waste.

Today, Russian developments in the field of MFC are the result of joint efforts of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University and M-Power World, a Skolkovo resident company, which received a grant for such research and outsourced microbiological developments to specialized specialists, that is, to us. Our system is already functioning and producing real current - the task of current research is to select the most effective combination of bacteria and conditions in which MTC could be successfully scaled up in industrial conditions and begin to be applied in the waste processing and recycling industry.”

So far, there is no talk of MFC stations being on a par with already proven traditional energy sources. Now scientists in the first place is the task of efficiently processing biowaste, and not getting energy. It just “just so happened” that it is the electroforming bacteria that are the most “gluttonous”, and therefore effective. And the electricity they produce as they work is actually a by-product. It needs to be taken away from bacteria and "burned", doing some useful work in order for the bioprocess to proceed as intensively as possible. According to calculations, it turns out that it will be enough for waste processing plants based on microbial fuel cells to do without external energy sources.

However, in Shestakov's laboratory, not only the "garbage" direction is being pursued, but also another - purely energy. A biogenerator of a slightly different type is called a "bioreactor fuel cell" - it is built on other principles than the MFC, but the general ideology of obtaining current from living organisms, of course, remains. And now it is already aimed primarily at the production of energy, as such.

Interestingly, if many scientists around the world are now working on microbial fuel cells as a means of destroying garbage, then fuel cells are only in Russia. So don't be surprised if someday the wires from your home socket lead not to the usual hydroelectric turbines, but to a garbage bioreactor.

Biogas is the source of vegetable garden fertility. The nitrites and nitrates in manure that poison your crops produce the pure nitrogen that plants need. When processing manure in the plant, weed seeds die, and when fertilizing the garden with methane fluent (manure processed in the plant and organic waste), you will spend much less time on weeding.

Biogas - income from waste. Food waste and manure that accumulate on the farm are free raw materials for the biogas plant. After processing the garbage, you get combustible gas, as well as high-quality fertilizers (humic acids), which are the main components of the black soil.

Biogas is independence. You will not be dependent on coal and gas suppliers. And save money on these types of fuel.

Biogas is a renewable energy source. Methane can be used for the needs of peasants and farms: for cooking; for water heating; for heating dwellings (with sufficient quantities of feedstock - biowaste).

How much gas can be obtained from one kilogram of manure? Based on the fact that 26 liters of gas are consumed to boil one liter of water:

With the help of one kilogram of cattle manure, 7.5-15 liters of water can be boiled;

With the help of one kilogram of pig manure - 19 liters of water;

With the help of one kilogram of bird droppings - 11.5-23 liters of water;

With the help of one kilogram of leguminous straw, 11.5 liters of water can be boiled;

With the help of one kilogram of potato tops - 17 liters of water;

With the help of one kilogram of tomato tops - 27 liters of water.

The undeniable advantage of biogas is in the decentralized production of electricity and heat.

The process of bioconversion, in addition to energy, allows us to solve two more problems. Firstly, fermented manure, compared with conventional use, increases crop yields by 10-20%. This is explained by the fact that mineralization and nitrogen fixation occur during anaerobic processing. With traditional methods of preparing organic fertilizers (by composting), nitrogen losses are up to 30-40%. Anaerobic processing of manure increases the ammonium nitrogen content by four times - in comparison with unfermented manure (20-40% of nitrogen is converted into ammonium form). The content of assimilable phosphorus doubles and makes up 50% of total phosphorus.

In addition, during fermentation, weed seeds, which are always contained in manure, are completely killed, microbial associations, helminth eggs are destroyed, an unpleasant odor is neutralized, i.e. the environmental effect that is relevant today is achieved.

3. Energy use of waste water treatment in conjunction with fossil fuels.

For more than 20 years, Western European countries have been actively involved in the practical solution of the problem of waste disposal from wastewater treatment plants.

One of the common waste disposal technologies is their use in agriculture as fertilizers. Its share in the total amount of WWS ranges from 10% in Greece to 58% in France, averaging 36.5%. Despite the popularization of this type of waste disposal (for example, within the framework of EU regulation 86/278/EC), it is losing its appeal, as farmers fear the accumulation of harmful substances in the fields. Currently, in a number of countries the use of waste in agriculture is prohibited, for example, in the Netherlands since 1995.

Incineration of waste water treatment ranks third in terms of waste disposal (10.8%). In accordance with the forecast in the future, its share will increase to 40%, despite the relative high cost of this method. Incineration of sludge in boilers will solve the environmental problem associated with its storage, obtain additional energy during its combustion, and, consequently, reduce the need for fuel and energy resources and investments. It is advisable to use semi-liquid waste to generate energy at thermal power plants as an additive to fossil fuels, such as coal.

There are two most common Western technologies for incineration of waste water treatment:

Separate combustion (combustion in a liquid fluidized bed (LFB) and multi-stage furnaces);

Co-firing (in existing coal-fired CHP plants or cement and asphalt plants) .

Among the methods of separate combustion, the use of liquid layer technology is popular; furnaces with LCS are most successfully operated. Such technologies make it possible to ensure stable combustion of fuels with a high content of mineral components, as well as to reduce the content of sulfur oxides in flue gases by binding them to limestone or alkaline earth metals contained in the fuel ash during combustion.

We have studied seven alternative options for the disposal of sewage sludge, based both on new non-traditional technologies developed on the basis of Russian or European experience and not having practical use, and on completed turnkey technologies:

1. Incineration in a cyclone furnace based on existing but not used drum drying furnaces of treatment facilities (Russian technology - Tehenergokhimprom, Berdsk);

2. Incineration in a cyclone furnace based on existing but not used drum boilers of treatment facilities (Russian technology - Sibtekhenergo, Novosibirsk and Biyskenergomash, Barnaul);

3. Separate combustion in a new type of multi-stage furnace (western technology - NESA, Belgium);

4. Separate combustion in a new type of fluidized bed furnace (western technology - "Segher" (Belgium);

5. Separate combustion in a new cyclone furnace (western technology - Steinmuller (Germany);

6. Co-firing in an existing coal-fired CHP plant; storage of dried waste in storage.

Option 7 assumes that, after drying to 10% moisture content and heat treatment, 130,000 tons of wastewater treatment waste per year is biologically safe and will be stored in areas adjacent to the treatment plant. This took into account the creation of a closed water treatment system at the water treatment plant with the possibility of expanding it with an increase in the volume of processed waste, as well as the need to build a waste supply system. The costs of this option are comparable to the waste incineration options.


One of the main tasks of developed countries is the rational and economical use of energy. This is especially true of our state, where there is a difficult situation with fuel and energy resources. Due to high prices and limited reserves of oil, gas and coal, the problem of finding additional energy resources arises.

One of the most effective ways to generate energy in the future may be the use of municipal solid waste as fuel. The use of heat obtained from the combustion of municipal solid waste is provided for the generation of electricity.

Among renewable energy sources based on agricultural waste, biomass is one of the promising and environmentally friendly substitutes for mineral fuels in energy production. The biogas obtained as a result of the anaerobic processing of manure and waste in biogas plants can be used to heat livestock buildings, residential buildings, greenhouses, to obtain energy for cooking, drying agricultural products with hot air, heating water, and generating electricity using gas generators. The total energy potential of using livestock waste based on biogas production is very high and allows meeting the annual need of agriculture for thermal energy.

It is expedient to use semi-liquid waste of water treatment for energy generation at thermal power plants as an additive to fossil fuels, such as coal.


1. Bobovich B.B., Ryvkin M.D. Biogas technology for processing animal waste / Bulletin of the Moscow State Industrial University. No. 1, 1999.

2. Shen M. Compogas - a method of biowaste fermentation / “Metronom”, No. 1-2, 1994, p.41.

3. Assessment of the energy potential of waste management in the Novosibirsk region: Energy Efficiency Institute. -

4. Fedorov L., Mayakin A. Thermal power plant on household waste / "New Technologies", No. 6 (70), June 2006

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