Tea for gastritis: what type is useful, recipes. With low acidity


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What is bartholinitis?

Bartholinitis- This is an inflammation of various etiologies of the Bartholin glands of the vagina. This disease can be independent, but most often it is a manifestation of inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Causes and mechanism of development of bartholinitis

Anatomy of the Bartholin glands

Bartholin's glands are paired glands that border the vestibule of the vagina. They are located in the thickness of the lower third of the labia majora, namely at their base. The labia majora are folds of skin that contain adipose tissue and glands. The size of the Bartholin glands varies from 1 to 2 centimeters, and the size of their ducts is about 2.5 centimeters. The ducts open on the eve of the vagina, between the labia minora and the hymen.

The main function of these glands is to secrete a special mucus that moisturizes the entrance to the vagina during intercourse and dilutes the seminal fluid. Basically, the mucus of the Bartholin glands is secreted during sexual arousal. Thus, with their function, the Bartholin glands provide a favorable sexual intercourse. If the secret is not enough, then sexual intercourse is painful. However, the secret of the Bartholin glands also contributes to the optimal stretching of the muscles of the vagina during childbirth. It has an alkaline reaction, a grayish-transparent color and a viscous consistency. Cooper's glands are analogous to the Bartholin's glands in men.
With age, the function of the Bartholin glands decreases, and, accordingly, the amount of secretion also decreases. This is due to a decrease in the concentration of estrogen, which is observed in women during menopause.

The mechanism of development of bartholinitis

The mechanism of development of bartholinitis is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the mucous membrane of the glands and the development of inflammation in it. Depending on the type of pathogenic microorganisms, inflammation can be serous or purulent. Purulent inflammation is caused by gonococci, serous - Trichomonas. At the beginning of their penetration, microorganisms provoke inflammation only at the level of the ducts with the development of canaliculitis. With canaliculitis, the excretory duct of the glands narrows, but remains free. The pain syndrome at this stage is moderately developed. Further, as the purulent contents accumulate, the duct of the glands begins to clog. Thus, pus accumulates in the gland cavity, but the gland tissue itself is not damaged. This stage of bartholinitis is called a pseudoabscess. Pain at this stage is also moderate. In the third stage of bartholinitis, in which a true abscess is formed, the tissue and structure of the gland is completely destroyed. In place of the gland, a purulent cavity is formed, which provokes severe pain. The pain in the third stage is very strong, pulsating, aggravated by walking and sexual intercourse. Also at this stage, symptoms of general inflammation may join.

Causes of bartholinitis

Inflammation of the Bartholin glands occurs as a result of infection with pathogenic microflora. Infection can be primary (which is extremely rare), when only the Bartholin glands are affected. As a rule, secondary bartholinitis occurs, which develops against the background of already primary inflammation. Most often, bartholinitis develops against the background of vulvitis, vulvovaginitis, cystitis.

Opening of an abscess in acute bartholinitis

An abscess may open on its own. If this happens, then a yellow-green liquid (pus) containing pathogenic microorganisms is released from the gland. At the same time, the woman's condition improves - the temperature decreases, the pain syndrome decreases.

Chronic bartholinitis

Chronic bartholinitis is often the result of a chlamydial or trichomonas infection. It develops in the absence of timely treatment, or if the treatment was undertaken, but the woman abandoned it. The clinical picture of chronic bartholinitis is manifested by periodic exacerbations and remissions. Exacerbations occur against the background of a woman's reduced immunity and proceed with moderate pain, slight itching, and discharge from the genital tract. These symptoms do not last long and are replaced by a relatively normal state of health. At the same time, the Bartholin glands themselves undergo changes in chronic bartholinitis. They are compacted, and their ducts are clogged with the further development of cysts.

Cyst in chronic bartholinitis

A cyst is a common complication of chronic bartholinitis. This complication accounts for 2 to 3 percent of all pathologies of the female genital organs. With a cyst, the outflow of inflammatory fluid from the duct is impaired, as a result of which fluid accumulates in it. The size of the cyst varies depending on the volume of fluid. So, the cyst can be very small, so that a woman may not notice it, or reach the size of a large nut.

The reason for the development of a cyst is a delay in the inflammatory secretion in the ducts of the glands. It is known that any inflammation is accompanied by the production of fluid, an inflammatory nature. This fluid is initially transparent and contains cells of the inflammatory response (leukocytes, macrophages). The longer the inflammatory process, the more fluid is produced. In chronic bartholinitis, this process is delayed. Gradually accumulating in the ducts, the inflammatory fluid leads to their overstretching. As a result, the tubular form of the duct is transformed into a saccular formation containing fluid. The cyst is localized where the gland itself is located - on the border of the lower and middle thirds of the labia. The pain of a cyst depends on its size. Small cysts, a few millimeters in size, can often go unnoticed and be detected during a preventive gynecological examination. If the cyst is medium in size, then it causes discomfort. It is most felt when walking, rubbing the perineum on clothes, or when having sex. Large cysts, larger than a few centimeters in size, cause inconvenience even at rest.

Treatment of cysts with bartholinitis

Treatment of a cyst involves surgery. It can be directed either to remove only the cyst, or to remove the entire gland as a whole. In the first case, the duct of the gland is removed (a process called marsupialization), and the gland itself is left. With this option, the formation of a new excretory duct and its opening occurs within a few months. Marsupialization of the excretory duct of the gland is a less traumatic surgical method of treatment. However, in this case, there is an increased risk of relapse (re-development of bartholinitis). Complete removal of the Bartholin's gland along with the cyst is a more traumatic method of treatment, but the risk of relapse (repeated exacerbation of the disease) in this case is minimal.

Among modern methods of surgical treatment of bartholinitis, the method using a word catheter is especially popular. The word catheter is a silicone tube with an inflatable balloon at the end. Under local anesthesia, the catheter is inserted into the gland in such a way that the ball fills the body of the gland, and the silicone tube forms a new passage. The ball that changes its size prevents the walls of the gland from collapsing, maintaining its structure. The catheter itself forms a new outlet. After 1.5 - 2 months, the catheter is removed. Thus, the gland itself remains intact and continues to function, and the secret necessary for moisturizing (in the common people, lubricant) comes out through a new hole.
Whichever method is used, the responsibility for relapse lies mainly with the woman herself. It is possible to prevent re-inflammation of the gland only by observing the rules of personal hygiene. It is also important to fight chronic infections and boost immunity.

Stages of bartholinitis

During bartholinitis, several stages are distinguished, which differ among themselves in the degree of localization of the infectious process. So, in the Bartholin gland, a duct is distinguished through which the secretion occurs, and the body. In the initial stages, inflammation covers only the duct of the gland (or ducts, if it is bilateral bartholinitis), but then it spreads to her body.

The stages of bartholinitis are:

  • canaliculitis - inflammation of the duct of the Bartholin gland;
  • pseudoabscess, in which pus accumulates in the ducts of the gland;
  • a true abscess, in which the infection spreads to both the duct and the body of the gland.
Stage of canaliculitis
At this stage, the inflammatory process covers only the excretory canals of the Bartholin glands. The mucosa over the glands becomes red and edematous, the pain syndrome is present moderately. A red inflamed roller forms around the external opening of the excretory duct of the gland. When pressing on the opening of the Bartholin gland, pus or mucus is released (depending on the nature of the inflammation). The temperature at the stage of canaliculitis rarely exceeds 37.5 degrees.

Pseudo-abscess stage
At this stage of bartholinitis, a purulent or mucous secret ceases to stand out and begins to accumulate inside the ducts of the glands. As a result, there is a blockage of the glands and the formation of a kind of "bump". This bump is very painful, and the mucous above it is very red. At the same time, the gland itself is greatly stretched and protrudes, but its structure is preserved. A distinctive feature of a pseudo-abscess from a true abscess is that the skin over it, despite swelling, remains mobile. Pain syndrome at the stage of pseudoabscess is aggravated during sexual intercourse or when walking. The pain is localized in the area of ​​the external labia.

True abscess stage
With a true abscess, pus penetrates directly into the gland itself, and is not localized only at the level of the ducts. At this stage, the structure of the gland is completely destroyed, and its tissue is melted. In place of the gland, a cavity containing pus is formed - an abscess. The symptoms of bartholinitis worsen at this time. The temperature rises, the pain intensifies, which begins to throb. A medical examination reveals enlarged inguinal lymph nodes and a painful rounded mass in the lower third of the labia. Small and large labia swell, and the skin over the abscess becomes motionless. Sometimes an abscess may rupture on its own. This is accompanied by an outflow of purulent contents of a yellow-green color.

Treatment of bartholinitis

In the treatment of bartholinitis, medical and surgical methods of treatment are used, as well as treatment with folk remedies. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed only according to the results of microscopic examination, that is, after determining the causative agent of the disease. In the acute period, baths and ultra-high frequency therapy (UHF) are also prescribed.

Medicines for bartholinitis

Drug treatment of bartholinitis is especially important in its acute course. At the same time, not only bartholinitis is subject to medical treatment, but also concomitant sexual infections, against which it developed. Most often it is colpitis, vaginitis, cervicitis.

Antibiotics used in the treatment of bartholinitis


What type of bartholinitis is prescribed?

How to use?


With trichomonas bartholinitis.

500 milligrams ( one tablet) twice a day for 5 days.


With trichomonas bartholinitis and bartholinitis caused by nonspecific anaerobic flora.

On the first day, the dose of the drug is 2 grams - these are 4 tablets of 500 mg. The remaining 5 days, 1 gram per day, which equals 2 tablets of 500 milligrams.


With trichomonas and gonorrheal bartholinitis.

One tablet twice a day for 10 days. It is recommended to take the tablet 2 hours after a meal.


With gonorrheal bartholinitis.

250 - 500 milligrams intramuscularly once.


With gonorrheal bartholinitis.

400 milligrams once.


With chlamydial bartholinitis.

500 milligrams per day, intravenously for 2 days. Further, the drug is taken in tablet form, 250 milligrams per day for 5 days.


With gonococcal and chlamydial bartholinitis.

500 milligrams 4 times a day ( daily dose 2 grams). The duration of treatment is determined by the severity of the disease.

Surgery for bartholinitis

Surgery is the only optimal treatment option for chronic bartholinitis, especially if it is accompanied by cyst formation. Medical methods of treatment in this case do not give a result. The operation is performed only when all other inflammatory chronic diseases are eliminated. To do this, before the operation, the woman undergoes a gynecological examination, during which a smear and other tests for infections are taken from her. If there are signs of inflammation in the smear or other tests, then the disease that caused it is initially treated. Also, a woman should not have a temperature, urine tests and blood tests should also be without signs of inflammation.

Options for cyst removal are:

  • removal of cysts only;
  • removal of the entire gland;
  • removal of the cyst with restoration of the duct.
Removing only the cyst
This surgical intervention is less traumatic compared to the others. It involves the removal of only the cyst and the preservation of the Bartholin gland itself.

The stages of cyst removal are:

  • the introduction of an anesthetic into the gland itself and the fatty tissue surrounding it for the purpose of pain relief;
  • then an incision is made on the labia minora;
  • the edges of the incision are slightly stretched so that the cyst is better visible;
  • dissecting bundles of connective tissue, the cyst is removed;
  • it is necessary to remove the cyst carefully so that it does not burst and does not pour out onto the surrounding tissues;
  • at the same time they ligate (tie) blood vessels so that they do not bleed;
  • then the place where the cyst was previously located is sutured in layers.
The disadvantage of this operation is that the formation of a new excretory duct for the gland takes a long time and is not always successful.

Removal of the entire gland
Removal of the entire Bartholin's gland is the most radical treatment. It excludes repeated relapses (exacerbations of the disease), but, nevertheless, is a more traumatic method and less physiological.

The stages of the operation to remove the Bartholin's gland include:

  • anesthesia (pain relief);
  • incision of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the region of the labia minora;
  • removal of the cyst and Bartholin's gland;
  • suturing of bleeding vessels;
  • layer-by-layer suturing of the incision and suturing.
The main problem of this method is that the secret necessary to moisturize the vagina ceases to be produced. Therefore, extirpation (complete removal) of the Bartholin gland is rarely used today.

Cyst removal with duct restoration
This method of surgical treatment involves the removal of the cyst and the preservation of the gland itself. However, in order for the secret of the gland to continue to be secreted, the duct of the gland is created anew. To do this, special mechanisms (catheters) are used, which are introduced into the tissue of the labia minora to create a new artificial duct. The most commonly used is a word catheter, which is a small silicone tube with a ball at the end. This device is inserted into the place of the former duct in order to form a new one. The word catheter is placed under local anesthesia, the procedure lasts from 15 to 20 minutes. A catheter is inserted for a period of 1.5 months. During this time, a new excretory duct is formed, through which the liquid will exit. The silicone tube itself prevents the falling of the emerging walls of the duct. This method of treatment of chronic bartholinitis is the most preferable, since it preserves the function of the gland.

Folk remedies for bartholinitis

Preparations made according to folk recipes are used in the chronic course of bartholinitis. Properly performed treatment (in compliance with the terms and dosages) can reduce the symptoms of the disease, speed up recovery and prevent exacerbations.

Folk remedies that will help get rid of bartholinitis are:

  • anti-inflammatory decoctions;
  • antiseptic infusions;
  • regenerative agents;
  • fortifying drugs.

Anti-inflammatory decoctions for bartholinitis

In the treatment of bartholinitis, phytotherapeutic anti-inflammatory drugs play an important role. The effect of such funds is mild, therefore, to achieve the result, they must be taken for a long period - at least a month.
One of the most affordable anti-inflammatory agents is chamomile. The drug from it can be taken both for prevention and at the time of inflammation. The composition of chamomile includes mucus, which removes toxins that accumulate in the body during inflammatory processes. Therefore, the use of chamomile decoction reduces symptoms during an exacerbation and allows the body to more effectively resist infection. Patients who cannot take chamomile internally due to intolerance can use the plant for water procedures (baths and washings).
In addition to chamomile, a number of herbs, fruits and vegetables also have anti-inflammatory effects. Various decoctions are prepared from herbs (a teaspoon of raw materials in a glass of boiling water), and fruits and vegetables are used to make freshly squeezed juices.

Anti-inflammatory foods include:

  • Cornflower blue (flowers). Drink cornflower blue tea in portions (2-3 tablespoons) after meals. The plant has a weak toxic effect, so it is necessary to take breaks during the course of treatment. Cornflower preparations are prohibited for pregnant women.
  • Elecampane. It is taken three times a day in a tablespoon on a full stomach. Elecampane is contraindicated in diseases of the heart, kidneys. You can not take a decoction for gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Oregano. Take 1 - 2 cups a day of decoction in pure or diluted form (boiled water). Pregnant women should not drink the drink.
  • Linden. Linden decoction is taken in a glass every other day, regardless of the meal. Failure to comply with the recommended dosages can provoke heart problems.
  • White cabbage. Juice is drunk once a day, in the amount of 1 glass. With a tendency to gas formation, as well as with increased acidity of the stomach, cabbage juice is contraindicated. It is necessary to refrain from taking such a remedy for those patients who have a history (medical history) of myocardial infarction.
  • Carrot. Taken 1 - 2 glasses a day. For better digestibility, the juice is mixed with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. For stomach problems (ulcers, gastritis), carrot juice is not recommended.
  • Raspberry. It is taken grated with sugar (1-2 tablespoons per day) or fresh. With gastritis, ulcers, gout and urolithiasis, the berries should be discarded.

Antiseptic infusions for bartholinitis

Plants with antiseptic action are used to prepare infusions that are used for water procedures. Medicinal decoctions can stop inflammation, reduce pain and prevent the development of a purulent process.

Plants with antiseptic action are:
For washing, prepare a convenient container and bucket. Make a decoction of 3 tablespoons of raw materials and 3 liters of water. To do this, pour the plant mass with boiling water and leave to brew for 20 - 30 minutes. Filter and cool the herbal infusion to a temperature of 30 - 35 degrees. Pour the broth into a ladle and sit down over the basin. Start pouring liquid from the bucket in a thin stream so that it washes the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation.
Herbal remedies with antiseptic action can also be used for lotions. Moisten a small piece of cotton cloth with the decoction and apply it to the Bartholin's gland. Put on thick underwear on top, covering the gasket with polyethylene. Take a horizontal position for several hours.

Regenerative agents for bartholinitis

The regenerative effect of plants lies in the fact that they contribute to the healing of damaged tissues. Such funds are used during the recovery period after an exacerbation of bartholinitis.
Aloe has a pronounced regenerative effect. For treatment, the leaves of a three-year-old plant are used, from which compresses are made. Cut off the sheet and cut it lengthwise. Scrape the aloe pulp with the tip of a knife and place the mass on a gauze pad. Apply a compress to the site of inflammation and fix it with a band-aid. It is better to do the procedure at night. In a similar way, you can make a compress from fresh leaves and flowers of St. John's wort. Kalanchoe, Japanese Sophora, plantain, sweet clover also have a regenerative effect.

Restorative drugs for bartholinitis

This group of phytopreparations includes funds that are allocated a significant amount of useful elements. Their use strengthens the immune function, restores the physical and energy resources of the body.

Plants with a pronounced strengthening effect are:

  • rowan red;
  • chokeberry;
  • meadow clover.
Rowan red
Red rowan contains impressive amounts of vitamin C, beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A), and potassium. These substances increase the body's stamina and improve its ability to fight bacteria on its own. During periods when there is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic bartholinitis (in autumn, spring), it is recommended to take a mixture of rowan berries and lemon. To prepare this remedy, grind 250 grams of fresh fruits and 2 medium lemons in a meat grinder. Add 50 grams of natural honey. Take the mixture before meals, one teaspoon. You can use it in its pure form or as an additive to tea.

Chokeberry (chokeberry)
Chokeberry (chokeberry) is rich in such vitamins as A, C, E, PP. Also, rowan fruits contain many minerals. Thanks to this composition, preparations from chokeberry strengthen the immune system and inhibit the activity of certain pathogenic bacteria. Also, chokeberry removes intoxication products from the body that accumulate during the inflammatory process.
It is necessary to take aronia for at least 1.5 months. 100 grams of fresh or grated berries with honey are consumed one and a half hours before meals. Also, compotes, jams and other canned products can be prepared from chokeberry.

red clover
Clover is distinguished by a balanced composition of elements that the body needs in order to be normal. Taking decoctions from this plant improves physical fitness and strengthens protective functions. Also, clover is able to reduce the temperature and reduce pain, so it can be taken during exacerbations of bartholinitis.
For treatment, freshly squeezed juice from all parts of the plant (fresh) except the root is used. Juice is taken at 50 - 60 milliliters per day for 3 - 4 weeks. In the absence of fresh raw materials, a decoction can be prepared from dry clover. A tablespoon of the product is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 50 - 60 minutes. The entire volume of infusion should be drunk during the day, dividing it into 3-4 servings.

Treatment of bartholinitis at home

Treatment of bartholinitis at home is carried out in the initial or chronic form of the disease. The goal of home therapy is to reduce inflammation and accelerate the regeneration (repair) of damaged tissues. Some funds are used in the development of a purulent process for a faster opening of a purulent capsule. In addition, self-treatment involves measures to strengthen immunity.

In the treatment of bartholinitis at home, the following are used:

  • baths;
  • compresses;
  • lotions;
  • strengthening tinctures.

Chamomile and other baths used for bartholinitis

At the stage of healing of bartholinitis, it is recommended to carry out sitz baths with various antiseptic infusions. Such procedures improve blood circulation and nutrition of tissues in the area of ​​inflammation. This contributes to the rapid healing of those areas that were affected by the inflammatory process. Antiseptics stop the activity of pathogenic (harmful) microorganisms and prevent recurrence (repeated exacerbation) of the disease.
For the procedure, you need to prepare a basin with low sides. The liquid with the solution is poured up to half the container. The water temperature should not be too high - from 33 to 37 degrees. During the procedure (15 minutes) it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the water. To do this, every 5 - 7 minutes, the liquid in the pelvis must be diluted with boiling water.
Having prepared a container with a solution, take a comfortable position above the pelvis and immerse the perineal area in water. In order not to chill the genitals, wrap yourself in a blanket or towel. After the procedure is completed, the area of ​​​​inflammation is recommended to be treated with sea buckthorn oil. It is best to take baths at night, as this way hypothermia can be avoided. Procedures are done for 7 - 10 days without a break.

Antiseptic solutions for baths
An alcohol tincture of calendula can be used as an antiseptic solution. Calendula effectively fights inflammation and accelerates tissue regeneration. This plant also prevents the formation of cysts in bartholinitis, as it has a resolving effect. To prepare a bath solution, 2 tablespoons of tincture are used for 5 liters of water.
You can buy tincture in a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To prepare this remedy at home, pour a glass of dried flowers with a glass of alcohol with a strength of 40 degrees. The remedy is infused for a week, after which it is filtered and used for treatment.
Another remedy for holding baths with bartholinitis is potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Potassium permanganate has a disinfecting effect and fights inflammation. For the procedure, a weak pink solution is used, which is prepared from 1.5 teaspoons of potassium permanganate and 10 liters of water.

Compresses for bartholinitis

For compresses, special medicines in the form of ointments are used. Such procedures are done in the presence of a "ripening" abscess. The drugs have the ability to "pull" the pus outward, as a result of which the abscess opens faster. Also, these drugs reduce pain and prevent the development of infection.
To make a compress, apply the ointment in a thick layer on a gauze bandage folded in several layers. Apply a swab to the site of inflammation, covering it with plastic wrap on top. Put on thick underwear and leave the compress on for 1 to 2 hours. To better hold the application, take a horizontal position during the procedure.

Means for compresses with bartholinitis are:

  • levomekol (effective after the purulent capsule has opened).

Lotions for bartholinitis

Applications of bandages impregnated with drugs remove fluid from the tissues, thereby reducing swelling. At the initial stage of inflammation, lotions contribute to the resorption of the focus of infection. Also, such procedures can be carried out after the abscess has broken through or has been surgically opened. In this case, applications lead to rapid healing of the wound.

Solutions for lotions are:

  • hypertonic solution;
Hypertonic saline
A hypertonic solution is prepared from table salt (20 grams per glass of warm water). Treatment is effective in the early stages of the development of the inflammatory process. For lotion, you need to prepare a piece of soft cotton fabric. Gauze dressings for such procedures are ineffective, as they do not retain fluid well. Soak a cloth pad in saline solution and apply to the area of ​​​​inflammation. Put a plastic film on top and put on thick underwear. It is recommended to wear lotion for 5-6 hours. In this case, it is necessary to replace the old gaskets with new ones, also moistened in hypertonic solution, every 1 - 2 hours. Duration of treatment - from 3 to 5 days.

This tool effectively fights a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms. By acting on the membrane (shell) of pathogenic bacteria, the drug prevents the growth of new and the destruction of existing microbes. At the initial stage of the disease, lotions prevent the development of a purulent process. If you do the procedure after opening the purulent capsule, healing will be faster.
The drug is available in the form of a liquid, which must be moistened with a cloth and applied to the inflamed Bartholin's gland. The duration of the application is no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the drug may cause burns. Make lotions should be 2 - 3 times a day. If itching or severe burning occurs, treatment should be discontinued.

This drug changes the structure of pathogens, causing them to die. Lotions with chlorhexidine are carried out at any stage of exacerbation of bartholinitis. For the procedure, moisten a cloth bandage with liquid and apply to the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation for 5 minutes. During the day, the lotion is done 2 - 3 times. Do not use soap or alkaline hygiene products between treatments.
During pregnancy, chlorhexidine is not used.

Strengthening tinctures
The initial form of bartholinitis and exacerbation of the chronic stage of the disease often occur against the background of reduced immunity. Therefore, in the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to take drugs that strengthen the immune system. The best option is alcohol tinctures based on various medicinal plants. Such drugs have a minimum number of contraindications, and their use is rarely accompanied by side effects. Before taking (three times a day), half a teaspoon of tincture should be mixed with water and drunk before meals. It is necessary to take the drug daily for 25 to 30 days.

Drugs to improve immune function are:

  • Echinacea tincture. Effectively strengthens the protective function and protects the body from the action of free radicals. Echinacea is not recommended during pregnancy.
  • Ginseng tincture. It has a strong general strengthening effect. Do not use during an exacerbation of the disease. Not recommended for sleep problems, liver disease and increased excitability. When pregnant or breastfeeding, ginseng tincture should be discarded.
  • Rosehip tincture. Contains a large amount of vitamin C, which increases the body's resistance to infectious agents. It is not recommended for diseases of the stomach and a tendency to thrombosis. After taking the oral cavity should be rinsed with water, as rose hips have a negative effect on tooth enamel.

Prevention of bartholinitis

Prevention of inflammation of the Bartholin gland is aimed at protecting against infectious diseases, since they are the most common cause of the development of this pathology. Also, the complex of preventive measures includes observing the rules of personal hygiene and strengthening the immune function.

Bartholinitis prevention measures are:

  • regular visits to the gynecologist;
  • use of contraception;
  • timely treatment of foci of infection;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • full night's rest;
  • balanced diet .

Regular visits to the gynecologist

Regardless of the state of health and existing symptoms, a woman is recommended to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist twice a year. The need for systematic visits to the doctor increases with a history of abortion. Sexually transmitted infections often contribute to the development of bartholinitis. Therefore, the prevention of this disease involves maintaining an orderly sexual life and the mandatory use of contraception. The most effective in protecting against sexually transmitted diseases are barrier contraceptives.
According to the principle of action, mechanical and chemical barrier means of protection against sexually transmitted diseases are distinguished. Mechanical contraception that effectively protects against infections includes condoms. All other means (diaphragms, cervical caps, contraceptive sponges) do not suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Chemical contraceptives include various candles, gels, tablets, which have not only contraceptive, but also antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

Timely treatment of foci of infection

In addition to diseases of the genitourinary system, any focus of chronic infection can become the cause of inflammation of the Bartholin gland. Pathogenic organisms can enter the tissues of the vulva through the blood or lymph, and even caries can provoke bartholinitis. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to promptly identify and treat existing foci of infection.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene

In the prevention of bartholinitis, a woman's observance of intimate hygiene is of great importance. Lack of proper care of the external genital organs can cause infection and the development of the inflammatory process.

The rules of feminine personal hygiene are:

  • Mode. It is necessary to wash the genitals twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. In the absence of time in the morning, washing can be replaced by wiping the genitals with a damp towel. In the evenings, water treatments are a must.
  • Water. Genitals should be washed with warm water, the jet of which should be directed from the pubis to the anus. Using cold water can cause hypothermia, so warm water should be used even in summer. The jet of water should not penetrate deep into the vagina, but only wash the labia, pubis, clitoris, anus.
  • Accessories. For washing, it is not recommended to use washcloths or sponges, as they can scratch the vaginal mucosa. Towel for intimate hygiene should be made from natural fabrics and used only for its intended purpose.
  • Detergents. For water procedures, it is necessary to use special detergents for intimate hygiene. Using ordinary soap (bar or liquid) can disrupt the healthy composition of the vaginal microflora. In the absence of special means, the toilet of the genital organs is recommended to be carried out with boiled water.
  • Linen. Tight tight panties made of synthetic materials can cause infection. Such underwear prevents the free circulation of air, which is a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Complete night's rest

Both primary bartholinitis and exacerbation of its chronic form often occur against the background of physical or mental exhaustion. In such situations, immunity weakens, and the body becomes more susceptible to infections. Therefore, an important preventive measure against bartholinitis is the organization of proper night rest. Quality sleep will allow the body to recover from the loads transferred during the day.

Balanced diet

Together with food, a person must receive vitamins and other necessary substances for the healthy functioning of the body. The diet should be balanced and include a certain proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A woman's daily menu should consist of 90-100 grams of protein, the same amount of fat and 400 grams of carbohydrates. At the same time, it is recommended that two-thirds of the total volume of proteins and fats be of plant origin, and up to 80 percent of carbohydrates are complex (slow). Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Any form of this disease requires careful treatment, because an incompletely cured disease is dangerous with emerging complications. Treatment of bartholinitis is divided into conservative and surgical.

What is dangerous inflammation of the Bartholin's gland?

With symptoms of inflammation of the Bartholin gland, a visit to a doctor is necessary - suppuration that occurs on the eve of the vagina can spread throughout the mucous membrane of the female genital organs and cause a number of other infectious diseases.

Some patients abscesses open on their own after which patients feel better.

But there is a danger that the opening of bartholinitis will not occur outside, but inside - then the purulent process will affect the internal tissues!

This process is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman. In this case, in addition to infecting the woman herself, the child may also suffer.

In particular:

  • A pregnant woman who falls ill a few weeks before giving birth can give birth prematurely. In this case, the baby is often born infected.
  • Sometimes a child becomes infected from the mother's infectious bartholinitis at the moment when he passes through the birth canal. In this case, the umbilical ring, lungs and eyes of the child are infected.
  • For a woman who falls ill between the time of conception and the twenty-second week, pregnancy may end in a miscarriage of an infected fetus.

Conservative treatment of acute bartholinitis without surgery

Acute bartholinitis requires inpatient treatment . If the disease is mild enough, then you can be treated at home - but you should carefully follow all medical recommendations.

All treatments are aimed at:

  • Reducing pain symptoms.
  • Reducing swelling at the site of inflammation.
  • Decreased total body toxicity.

The result of the medical measures taken should be the prevention :

  • The occurrence of a true abscess.
  • Bartholin gland cyst formation.

Treatment without surgery of the disease includes:

  • local treatment.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Treatment with antibiotics.

As a local treatment use:

  1. Ice pack. It is applied to the inflamed area for about 40 minutes, wrapped in a towel or diaper. Then you should take a break for 15 or 20 minutes and again apply cold to the sore spot. You can repeat the procedure for several hours.
  2. Levomikol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment. Any of the ointments is applied to gauze, folded in several layers. A swab soaked in ointment is applied to the abscess and fixed with a bandage or plaster. You can alternate both ointments.
  3. disinfectant solutions. Solutions that cannot cause mucosal burns should be used. These include drugs Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Chlorophyllipt and some others.
  4. Hypertonic saline solution. Three tablespoons of salt are thoroughly mixed in one liter of warm water. It turns out 8-10 percent saline solution. It has the ability to absorb liquid without destroying body tissues. I apply a gauze swab moistened in the solution to the sore spot for half an hour. It is recommended to repeat the procedure three to six times a day.

When the Bartholin gland becomes acutely inflamed, treatment with physiotherapy is recommended in the form of:

  • Magnetotherapy.
  • infrared laser.
  • Ozokerite.

Physiotherapy treatment can be applied three or four days after the onset of an acute illness, when the patient has passed the chills, the body temperature returns to normal, the general condition of the patient improves!

With the disease under consideration, antibiotic treatment takes time seven to ten days . Before starting a course of antibiotics, a bacteriological analysis is taken.

Depending on its results, drugs are prescribed that effectively affect the pathogens that caused the inflammatory process.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics can also be used in the treatment.

In parallel with them, the patient is assigned:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Analgesics.


Surgical treatment is used if there is purulent focus of the Bartholin gland.

This operation consists of the following steps:

  • Opening of an abscess.
  • Cleansing of purulent exudate.
  • Treatment of the cleaned cavity of the abscess with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Placement in the drainage cavity for further outflow of pus residues.
  • Removal of the drainage tube after five days.

In the surgical treatment of the disease after opening the abscess, it is recommended to connect:

  • Treatment with antibiotics.
  • Applying bandages with medicated ointments.
  • Compresses with hypertonic solution.

It is important to observe strict bed rest when treating acute bartholinitis and undergoing surgery to open an abscess!

In addition, it should be excluded during this period:

  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Sexual contacts.

Modern methods of conservative treatment

The course of chronic bartholinitis is divided into:

  • Disease without cyst formation.
  • Bartholinitis, proceeding with the formation of a cyst of the Bartholin gland.

Treatment of the chronic form of Bartholin's gland disease can be performed:

  • Operationally.
  • conservative methods.

Chronic bartholinitis is treated in a conservative way for a long time and is difficult! All measures should be taken in time to prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form!

This is due to the fact that the large Bartholin gland, located in vestibule of the vagina, very hard capsule . Drugs, including antibiotics, hardly penetrate through its walls.

The main goal of conservative treatment is to achieve a state of remission of the disease. When there is a decline in the exacerbation of the inflammatory process, it is possible to use surgical intervention.

Treatment of the chronic form of bartholinitis differs in phases:

  • The period of exacerbation, when therapeutic measures are prescribed, similar to the treatment of the acute form of the disease.
  • The period of attenuation of exacerbation.

During the period of attenuation of acute symptoms should be prescribed:

  • Baths with herbs or potassium permanganate. Chamomile, sage, calendula, oak bark are used as medicinal herbs.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Vitamin preparations to strengthen the immune system of a woman's body.

Indications for the removal of the Bartholin's gland

In most cases, it can be cured with conservative methods. However, there are a number of indications for surgery.

The operation for the chronic form of bartholinitis is carried out at the stage of disease remission .

Surgery can be of two types:

  • Marsupialization.
  • Extirpation.

Marsupialization means creation of an artificial duct of the Bartholin gland. Such a need arises because when the tissues are dissected, their adhesion very quickly occurs again, which leads to the closure of the existing natural duct of the large gland.

Indications for the operation of marsupialization are:

  • Frequent exacerbations of the disease.
  • The presence of a large cyst, which is a hindrance both during sexual intercourse and in everyday life.
  • The need to improve the appearance of the female genital organs.

The operation is carried out in stages:

  • Anesthesia is administered.
  • A small incision up to five millimeters in size is made in the abscess or cystic formation.
  • The cavity of the abscess is thoroughly washed.
  • Then a catheter is inserted into the cavity, at the end of which there is a ball.
  • The ball is inflated, which ensures that the catheter is stable in the cavity of the cyst or abscess.
  • Within 1.5 months, while the catheter is in the cavity, a new excretory duct is formed.
  • The catheter is then removed.

Most often, after the completion of these manipulations, rehabilitation treatment is not required.

There is a risk of a recurrence of the disease in case of secondary infection or spontaneous exit of the catheter! At the time of its installation, all necessary precautions must be observed!

Extirpation is an operation removal of bartholin's gland and is carried out according to the following indications:

  • A very common relapsing disease.
  • Repeatedly failed marsupialization.

Removal of the Bartholin's gland consists of the following steps:

  • The use of anesthesia.
  • Incision with a scalpel on the inside of the labia minora of the patient.
  • Careful stepwise extraction of the Bartholin's gland.
  • Its complete removal.
  • Suturing the incision site with catgut.

Extirpation is a rather complicated operation! During surgery, there is a lot of blood loss because the upper end of the Bartholin's gland is attached to a large cluster of veins!

In addition, the consequences of removing a large gland are what happens violation of the physiological hydration of the vaginal mucosa.

After this operation, treatment is required for recovery period:

  • Applications with therapeutic ointments.
  • Magnetotherapy.

The rehabilitation period in this case lasts about ten days.(No ratings yet)

Bartholinitis in women is an inflammatory disease of the Bartholin gland, a paired organ located on the eve of the vagina in the lower part of the labia majora. Its size is 1 - 2.5 cm, and the main function is to secrete through narrow ducts to moisturize and soften the mucous membrane during intercourse. Symptoms and treatment of inflammation should be determined by the doctor after examination. According to the international classification of the ICD pathology, the code N75.0 - N75.9 was assigned (diseases of the Bartholin gland - cyst, abscess, of unknown origin).

Development mechanism

With bartholinitis, various pathogenic microflora can serve as the cause of the disease: staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, enterococci. Often the causative agent of the inflammatory process is a source of diseases that are sexually transmitted (gonococci, chlamydia, Trichomonas, etc.). A similar lesion of the Bartholin gland occurs in women of reproductive age after the onset of menstruation. In girls, the disease does not occur, since this organ is in an immature state and develops when the hormonal background changes.

The Bartholin gland begins to function under the influence of strong sexual arousal. A thick secret of a grayish color, which is odorless, is secreted into the lumen of the vagina. The duct is considered the narrowest point of the organ. Therefore, when it is blocked as a result of a bacterial process, the secret remains inside and begins to accumulate. This is how bartholinitis occurs.

The developing inflammatory reaction can affect not only the gland. Over time, it begins to spread to the tissues of the labia majora and the lower vagina, sometimes the pathology captures a nearby lymph node. Bartholinitis is especially dangerous for pregnant women. In the first trimester, intrauterine infection of the fetus and subsequent miscarriage are possible, and at a later date there is a high risk of infection of the umbilical cord, organs of vision, hearing and breathing of the child during childbirth. The risk of infection increases if the purulent abscess of the gland erupted.

In most cases, bartholinitis is a unilateral process. Only with gonorrheal infection is a bilateral lesion. It is important to start treatment in a timely manner, since the disease tends to quickly become chronic. Constant recurrences of symptoms of bartholinitis serve as an indication for surgical removal of the organ.

Etiological factors

The main causes of inflammation of the secretion glands is the penetration of bacterial microflora through the ducts into the organ. The risk of developing pathology increases if a woman leads a promiscuous sex life. Unprotected sex increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Also, the causes of bartholinitis are:

  • lack of intimate hygiene, especially during menstruation;
  • touching the genitals with dirty hands or objects;
  • infection during surgery, diagnostic procedures;
  • wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • vulvovaginitis (infectious inflammation of the vagina and mucous membrane of the labia);
  • urethritis.

The risk of bartholinitis increases when the immune system is impaired. The weakening of the body's defenses may be the result of prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, cytostatics, glucocorticoids. Immunity suffers from chronic diseases, hypothermia, deficiency in the diet of vitamins and minerals. In this case, the infection can enter the gland with blood flow from other foci of bacterial inflammation.

Depending on the clinical picture, acute (with pronounced symptoms), subacute (with blurred manifestations), recurrent (returning from time to time) and chronic bartholinitis are distinguished. There is also a classification system for inflammation of the gland, based on the localization of the pathological process. If it affects the excretory duct, they speak of canaliculitis (or false abscess). The formation of a focus of inflammation inside the organ indicates right-sided or left-sided purulent bartholinitis (it is also called a true abscess). Sometimes cavities filled with exudate (cysts) form in the Bartholin's gland.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of bartholinitis develop gradually. The inflammatory process begins in the duct, and then, if untreated, spreads further. However, it is quite difficult to notice the pathology at the initial stage. There is redness in the place where the excretory duct of the Bartholin gland is located, intensifying with the release of a secret.

Women's diseases. Inflammation of the Bartholin's glands

Bartholinitis: treatment at home

Bartholin gland cyst and bartholinitis

Bartholinitis symptoms

During intercourse, itching and burning may be felt at the entrance to the vagina. When pressing on the gland, purulent discharge appears. In the subsequent stages of bartholinitis, the inflammatory process spreads deep into the organ with the formation of an abscess or cyst. This is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lower genital area, aggravated by walking, defecation, exercise, sex, palpation;
  • an increase in the size of the Bartholin gland, sometimes it looks like a chicken egg and blocks the entrance to the vagina (a photo of inflammation can be found on the Internet);
  • a sharp increase in temperature to 38 - 38.5 °;
  • the appearance of signs of general intoxication (weakness, feelings of weakness, decreased performance, drowsiness);
  • inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes;
  • swelling of the large and small labia;
  • possible concomitant signs of a sexually transmitted disease or vulvovaginitis (itching, burning, fetid mucopurulent discharge from the vagina).

Symptoms of chronic bartholinitis are unexpressed. The temperature can be kept at the subfebrile level (lower than 37.5 °), the gland is palpated as a small ball. The pain appears only with strong pressure. In some cases, a gland abscess erupts on its own. When it burst, the appearance of purulent discharge is noted, which is replaced by sanious with an admixture of blood. The condition improves dramatically, signs of inflammation disappear, but immediate hospitalization is required to prevent the spread of a bacterial infection and the development of sepsis. With bartholinitis, this is a common complication.

Detection methods

What is bartholinitis can be seen at the first examination of a woman on a gynecological chair. The doctor notes reddening of the gland duct area, sharp pain when pressed. With a severe course of the inflammatory process, the organ is enlarged in size, which can be seen with the naked eye. Further examination is aimed at identifying the cause of bartholinitis.

The gynecologist takes a smear from the vaginal mucosa and sends it for bakposev with the determination of sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. You should donate blood for analysis by PCR to identify pathogens of sexually transmitted infections. At the initial stage, when the duct of the gland is not clogged, the diagnosis of bartholinitis is carried out by examining its purulent discharge.

The results obtained are enough to prescribe treatment. However, the doctor needs to make sure that the inflammation has not affected other organs of the woman's reproductive system. In this case, in the process of diagnosing bartholinitis, an ultrasound is done to assess the condition of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. After carrying out all the procedures, the gynecologist can determine the scheme for the use of medicines in a hospital or on an outpatient basis.

Methods of local therapy

Treatment of bartholinitis with vaginal suppositories and ointments provides faster delivery of the active components of the drug to the gland than when taking tablets. The drugs used have a wide spectrum of activity. They have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. Assign such funds:

  • Terzhinan medicine. These suppositories with bartholinitis have an antibacterial and fungicidal effect due to the presence of antibiotics and nystatin in their composition. And prednisolone has an anti-inflammatory effect. Candles must be inserted deep into the vagina in the supine position at night.
  • Eplan has a wound healing, antimicrobial and regenerating effect. The product is available in the form of a cream or solution. To dissolve the abscess, you should smear the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inflamed Bartholin's gland several times a day.
  • Vishnevsky's ointment contains natural ingredients (tar, xeroform, castor oil, aerosil) and is used in the form of lotions. To do this, it is applied to a small piece of gauze and applied for 30-40 minutes. Ichthyol ointment is also used.
  • Ichthyol ointment is an effective anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent for the treatment of bartholinitis. The method of its application is the same as that of the Vishnevsky liniment.
  • Metrogil (Metronidazole, Klion, Trichopolum) is available in the form of a vaginal gel and suppositories. It acts against trichomoniasis pathogens and is applied one suppository (or an applicator with ointment) 1-2 times a day.
  • Has activity against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms Levomekol. An ointment is also prescribed for bartholinitis in the form of applications.
  • Hydrocortisone 1% ointment contains glucocorticosteroid and is an effective remedy for fighting inflammation.
  • In addition to hydrocortisone, hyoxysone ointment contains the antibiotic oxytetracycline and has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Miramistin solution is active against most pathogens of infectious diseases of the genital organs. For the treatment of bartholinitis, lotions from a cloth soaked in medicine are used.

Such drugs are effective at the initial stage of the inflammatory process. After the formation of an abscess in the gland, they may not bring the desired result. They are also prescribed after a rupture or surgical incision of the focus of inflammation. This is necessary to prevent complications.

The use of antibacterial agents

In most cases, local therapy in the form of a bandage with Vishnevsky ointment or other creams may not be enough. With bartholinitis, the best treatment is antibiotics. Ideally, they should be prescribed after receiving the results of bakposev. But in severe cases, when a woman's temperature rises and there is too much pain, drugs with a wide spectrum of activity are prescribed:

  • Amoxiclav with bartholinitis affects strains of staphylococci, streptococci and other bacteria that are resistant to many antibiotics. Its "advantages" include the possibility of use during pregnancy (even in the first weeks) and when breastfeeding is practiced. Drink it should be 625 mg three times a day (every 8 hours).
  • Doxycycline is used to destroy resistant strains of staphylococci, and it is also active against other representatives of pathogenic microflora. Assign 100 - 20 mg per day.
  • Flemoxin Solutab contains amoxicillin and, like Amoxiclav, belongs to the group of penicillin antibiotics. The drug is available in the form of tablets that can be taken whole or dissolved in water to form a suspension or syrup. The dosage for adult women is 500 - 750 mg twice a day.
  • Azithromycin (Sumamed, Hemomycin, Azitrox) is a fairly strong antibiotic. With bartholinitis in women, special treatment is required if it is associated with sexually transmitted diseases (in particular, with gonorrhea). This is where the drug Azithromycin comes to the rescue, but it is undesirable to use it during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Assign 500 mg 1 time per day.
  • Ofloxacin has a wide spectrum of activity. It is used to treat concomitant inflammation of the gland of chlamydia or gonorrhea. The dosage of the drug is from 400 to 1600 mg per day, divided into two doses.
  • Ciprolet (Ciprofloxacin) is an antibiotic of the cephalosporin group, widely used to treat bartholinitis and other genital infections. Assign 500 mg twice a day.

It should be noted that with sexually transmitted diseases, it is necessary to drink a course of antibiotics and men. If this is not done, when having sex, re-infection and recurrence of inflammation of the Bartholin gland will occur. The duration of antibiotic use ranges from 5 days to 2 weeks. Depending on the severity of the process, it is possible to prescribe drugs in the form of injections in a hospital in the first 2 to 3 days.

Concomitant Therapy

In addition to antibiotics, ointments and suppositories, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) help to cure bartholinitis. They have a complex effect: antipyretic and analgesic. They can be used in the form of tablets or rectal suppositories. Doctors recommend medications such as Nimesulide (100-200 mg twice a day), Ketoprofen or Ketonal in the same dosage as Ibuprofen.

As part of the complex treatment of both acute and chronic bartholinitis in gynecology, immunostimulants are widely used. Patients with complaints of symptoms of inflammation of the Bartholin gland leave good reviews on numerous forums about Genferon rectal suppositories and Longidase vaginal suppositories. In addition to stimulating the body's defenses, they relieve inflammation, have antimicrobial activity and accelerate tissue regeneration. They should be used once a day at night. When introducing the drug into the rectum, it is recommended to pre-make an enema.

Methods of surgical intervention

If conservative treatment of bartholinitis has not brought the expected effect, an operation is indicated to open a purulent abscess or cyst. Previously, such a manipulation was quite simple: they cut the skin over the gland, cleaned and washed with antiseptic solutions, and then the wound was sutured. However, this technique of surgery for bartholinitis has a significant drawback. In the process of healing, the duct of the gland can overgrow, so the disease returns after a short period of time.

In some patients, the opening of bartholinitis and the removal of the cyst were performed up to ten times. As a result, the woman was offered a radical operation, during which the gland is simply removed. On the one hand, it forever eliminates such a female disease. On the other hand, it brings some discomfort.

In addition, the organ is associated with large venous vessels. Its resection is associated with a risk of complications and a long recovery period. Therefore, a surgical technique was developed, called marsupialization. It is as follows:

  • a small incision is made under local anesthesia;
  • a catheter made of non-toxic material is installed in the duct of the gland, at its end there is a small ball that is filled with air to prevent it from falling out;
  • leave it in the vaginal cavity for 7 to 8 weeks, then remove it.

Thus, a new duct of the gland is formed, which will no longer grow after it has been opened. A similar operation is also used to cure chronic bartholinitis. A video with a detailed description of the manipulation can be found on the Internet. The procedure itself takes a relatively short time, and the recovery period for patients takes from three days to a week. To prevent bacterial complications, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, the wound is sprinkled with streptocide.

Alternative Medicine Methods

Treatment of bartholinitis at home should be carried out only after consulting a doctor in parallel with the main, conservative therapy. To avoid surgery, you need to make applications of a bandage or gauze pad soaked in a hypertonic saline solution, prepared at the rate of 3 tablespoons of salt per liter of water. Baths with a decoction of a mixture of chamomile flowers, calendula and oak bark, taken in equal proportions, a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 liters of water), and soda are also effective. For the treatment of chronic bartholinitis and resorption of the cyst, compresses from undiluted aloe juice (or Kalanchoe) are used.

Many doctors advise such a recipe for lotions: 100 ml of furacilin, 1 ml of dimexide and dexamethasone, and 10 ml of dioxidine. All these drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy. Mix the components, then soak the tampon with the solution and insert it into the vagina, changing to a new one every 2.5 - 3 hours. One of the methods of treating bartholinitis with folk remedies is wiping the inflamed area after washing with a decoction of such plants:

  • calendula flowers, chamomile;
  • celandine grass and succession;
  • nettle leaves.

Take the listed ingredients in equal amounts, and then pour 5 g of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Treatment at home can also be done with swabs soaked in a mixture of propolis and honey. To relieve inflammation and remove the cyst, a compress from baked and mashed onions, cabbage leaves scalded with boiling water will help. Homeopathy will help to avoid surgery in the chronic form of inflammation. The doctor selects the necessary funds, and healing granules are sold in a specialized pharmacy.

St. John's wort ointment has a good effect in the treatment of bartholinitis at home. A tablespoon of the plant should be ground in a coffee grinder or in a blender, then mixed with 5 g of natural beeswax and 20 g of any animal fat (hare, goose or badger). Melt in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Apply to the area of ​​​​inflammation with a gauze swab for the whole night.

Recently, hirudotherapy is gaining popularity. For the procedure, medical leeches grown in a clean environment are used. With this pathology, they are placed on the perineum and other reflex points. At the same time, they secrete about 30 biologically active substances that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunostimulating effects.

How to prevent the development of the disease. Complications

Prevention of bartholinitis consists in observing the rules of intimate hygiene. It is recommended to wash yourself twice a day, change pads and tampons in a timely manner during menstruation, use protective equipment during intercourse with an unfamiliar partner. Preference should be given to loose linen made from natural materials. Of great importance is the timely detection and treatment of infections of the vagina and mucous membrane of the labia.

If symptoms of the disease bartholinitis appear, a sensation of a bump or seal at the entrance to the vagina when washing away, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist. In the process of treatment, you need to observe bed rest and refrain from sexual contact. The consequences of this pathology include the transition of the disease to a chronic form, the formation of fistulas, the spread of infection further along the genitals (vulvitis, colpitis, adnexitis begins). If you do not follow the recommendations on how to properly treat bartholinitis, the pathogenic flora enters the urethra, causing the disease urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis.

The most interesting on the topic

Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the Bartholin gland, a painful disease for a woman and very difficult to treat. Fortunately, many will never know that this is even possible, but once they get sick, women quickly realize that the treatment of bartholinitis is a big problem, and the disease itself can cause a lot of suffering.

What is Bartholin's gland

The Bartholin gland is a rather large paired secretory organ located in the vestibule of the vagina. The glands were first discovered in Denmark by the scientist Kaspar Bartholin back in the middle of the 17th century. A similar organ in animals plays the role of a source of pheromones to attract a male; in humans, the viscous thick mucus of these glands is secreted during intimate relationships to lubricate the entrance to the vagina.

In a healthy state, these glands are not defined, they cannot be felt or seen. Thin ducts open at the base of the labia minora, and the glands themselves are hidden deep in the subcutaneous fatty tissue.


Bartholinitis is a purulent-inflammatory disease that is caused by microorganisms, very different, from gonococcal flora to the most banal one that lives on the skin of any healthy person (staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia and others).

Inflammation is a manifestation of the conflict between the two sides, the woman's body and microorganisms. If the immune system is strong, then the infection is killed at the very beginning and we do not get sick, if health is weakened, an inflammatory process develops. That is why the causes of bartholinitis, and especially its exacerbations, are often associated by women with general hypothermia, colds and other stressful conditions for the body.

It will be extremely difficult to treat the disease if you rely only on local effects, operations, dressings and antibiotics, success will come if you strengthen your general health.


The disease can occur in acute and chronic form. No matter how it develops, it all starts with canaliculitis - inflammation of the duct of the Bartholin gland. The narrow convoluted duct easily becomes inflamed and swells, while becoming even narrower, and then the thick mucous contents of the gland cannot flow freely. A Bartholin's gland cyst is formed.

As long as there is no inflammation in it, a woman finds it as a painless ball, a seal in the labia, usually its size does not exceed 3-5 cm. It can exist for a long time, for many days and even months.

In other cases, microorganisms quickly penetrate the contents of the cyst and suppuration occurs - an abscess of the Bartholin gland is formed. It is accompanied by severe pain in the perineal region, fever, chills, weakness, sweating, deterioration in general well-being. Severe edema and swelling appear in the area of ​​the labia, the cyst increases in size, sometimes reaching the size of a chicken egg. Due to severe pain, it is difficult to sit and walk.

Within a few days, the abscess matures, swelling, redness and pain increase, and if nothing is done, the abscess opens itself, pus flows out. It would seem that the abscess emptied, the wound healed and everything is fine. But it was not there. The main reason has not gone away - the duct of the Bartholin gland, even after a single inflammation, remains too narrow, and the accumulation of mucus in the gland and repeated inflammations can periodically occur again. Until the normal function of the release of the Bartholin gland from the secret is restored, the woman is doomed to repeated inflammatory processes, autopsies, operations ...

Bartholinitis acquires a chronic course and recurs with any weakening of the immune system or violations of hygiene. Each time an exacerbation of bartholinitis is accompanied by the same symptoms as acute bartholinitis. This causes a phobia, a fear of provoking a disease, now a woman is even afraid to swim or get caught in the rain, avoids intimate relationships so as not to get sick again, but this, unfortunately, does not help ...

Bartholinitis, home treatment

The disease occurs so often that before going to the doctor we manage to get a lot of extremely negative information, which completely discourages the desire to seek help from the hospital. Making an incision that won't heal? Then suffer from repeated abscesses? And why not try to heal yourself, many women argue that way.

Information about self-treatment is reviews of articles and what you can read by visiting forums on the net. In most cases, having suspected bartholinitis, home treatment is started with the help of medications, often very serious ones. A variety of antibiotics are used, from amoxicillin to sumamed, lotions - pads with hypertonic solution, Vishnevsky ointment, ichthyol ointment, Levomikol, iodine and other medicines, which, in general, only a doctor has the right to prescribe.

Let's go through the most common methods by which treatment is carried out at home.

salt treatment

Edible salt, sodium chloride, is in every kitchen. In medicine, physiological and hypertonic solutions of sodium chloride are used. In the first case, its concentration is only 0.9%, and in terms of its osmolar properties, such a solution is close to blood plasma. Saline solution is used primarily for intravenous administration and dilution of drugs before injection.

Hypertonic saline has a concentration of 10%, and was widely used earlier in surgical practice. Such a solution is able to "pull" fluid from the tissues and thereby reduce swelling. Treatment of bartholinitis with a hypertonic saline solution involves applying such a solution, prepared at home, to a sore spot for several days. It is recommended to dilute 2 dessert spoons of coarse salt (about 20 grams per 200 ml of water) in a glass of water, moisten a cotton fabric pad made of soft, washed fabric many times in this solution, and wear this pad around the clock, periodically changing.

Treatment of bartholinitis with saline can be really effective at an early stage, when there is no suppuration yet. Salt relieves swelling of the duct of the gland and the outflow of mucus is restored, along with this, the risk of suppuration disappears at the same time.

With an existing abscess, when there are sharp pains, fever, real purulent bartholinitis, salt treatment is absolutely useless. Unfortunately, if a woman falls ill with this disease for the first time, she cannot even guess what is happening to her until it is too late - suppuration occurs.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky's ointment is dearly loved by the people, although for some reason no one wants to get a grasp of the composition of this healing agent. The basis of this ointment is ... birch tar. Due to its irritating effect, it greatly increases blood circulation and thereby stimulates the rapid development of inflammation.

Birch tar does not kill microbes and does not fight infection, it only accelerates the “ripening” of the abscess, and makes the development of an abscess guaranteed. Treatment of bartholinitis with Vishnevsky's ointment only means that you will get an abscess with a 100% guarantee, which will either break through on its own, or it will need to be opened.

It is especially sad when a woman who has barely started bartholinitis resorts to this remedy, treatment with Vishnevsky's ointment is a guarantee that it will not be possible to do without an incision.

If a woman has already started bartholinitis, a doctor can prescribe treatment with Vishnevsky ointment to speed up the development of events. But can you independently determine whether this ointment will harm you at the current stage of the disease or help?

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol ointment contains ichthyol, a substance that is extracted from the resin of trees. In fact, like Vishnevsky's ointment, ichthyolka is not some kind of antibacterial drug, but is a natural product that acts similarly to Vishnevsky's liniment - it increases blood circulation and "pulls out" pus. This action is slightly softer than its predecessor. Treatment of bartholinitis with ichthyol ointment is not desirable on its own - at an early stage, using ichthyol means it is imperative to provoke suppuration.


Levomikol is one of the widely used ointments by surgeons, containing an antibiotic and having a decongestant effect. It contributes well to wound healing, but its effectiveness with an unopened abscess is doubtful. If we are dealing with a non-festering cyst, the ointment is completely useless. In almost all cases when a woman develops purulent bartholinitis, treatment will include levomikol after opening the abscess during dressings.

With bartholinitis, local treatment at home often includes washing with potassium permanganate, inserting various suppositories into the vagina, and some who are desperately afraid of a visit to the doctor are even thinking of “piercing” the cyst with something on their own. This is probably the most dangerous type of self-torture out of fear, consult a gynecologist!


Reading the forums, you can find whole calculations of which antibiotics to drink and in what order, each one is like a professor who knows everything. And the treatment of bartholinitis at home always implies uncertainty about the microflora. Given that the causative agent can be gonococcus, which is simply driven inside by taking antibiotics not according to the scheme, it becomes clear that with bartholinitis, antibiotic treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Bartholinitis, treatment with folk remedies

Fear of the gynecologist makes you treat bartholinitis at home. At home, if the methods described above, taken from traditional medicine, are not applied, treatment with folk methods is often practiced. I must say that this disease causes such pronounced discomfort to a woman that she is ready to do anything to get rid of it, and the fact that it can recur for years has forced healers to hide effective recipes and apply them only for a high fee, sometimes surrounding them with an aura of mystery.

Women usually turn to healers and herbalists after several relapses of the disease, and unfortunately, very often, by doing so, they only provide an opportunity to earn money from their suffering. In addition to herbs, treatment with leeches is also used, which is also a relatively honest way of taking money from the population (often practiced even under the guise of "official medicine"), homeopathic remedies, etc.

Let's not say that it is absolutely ineffective. Considering that bartholinitis can be defeated only by putting your own immunity in order, perhaps many herbs and other methods of treatment are worthy of attention, but not as an independent therapy, but as an addition to traditional treatment.

Traditional treatment of bartholinitis

An acute abscess can only be opened and nothing else. After emptying the abscess, the wound heals quite quickly, and in the future there may be relapses - repeated suppuration. Then a diagnosis of chronic bartholinitis is made.

I must say that among gynecologists working in antenatal clinics, there is an attitude towards bartholinitis almost like a runny nose, and often it is not even explained that the disease can be eliminated forever by performing a radical operation. Despite all the suffering, women are in no hurry to return for planned surgical treatment - and in vain.

The complete removal of the Bartholin's gland is a rather traumatic and bloody operation, it has already been abandoned in serious clinics. Surgical interventions have been developed to restore the normal emptying of the Bartholin gland without its removal. If your doctor offers you surgery, do not refuse, it can really help you forget about the disease forever.

Inflammation of the Bartholin's gland is one of the most unpleasant diseases in women, as the disease can significantly affect both sexual activity and the overall quality of everyday life.

Bartholin's glands are paired glands located under the large labia near the vagina. Their main function is to produce a mucous fluid used to lubricate and moisturize the vulva.

In the normal state, the size of the glandular bodies does not exceed 1 cm. The channels that carry the produced fluid are about 2.5 cm long, the outlets through which the secretion occurs are 0.5 cm in diameter. When inflammatory reactions occur, the Bartholin glands are felt convex, in any other cases, they are not felt in any way.

The essence of pathology

The Bartholin gland (an inflammation called bartholinitis) when dysfunctional causes a disease that is most common among women. Bartholin gland problems occur when the outlet of one or both ducts is blocked, preventing the fluid produced from being expelled.

Bartholinitis occurs in adult women of all ages, but most often in young and sexually active girls. Usually infectious formations are formed only on one side. The bilateral type is most often characteristic of gonorrhea.

With bartholinitis, the area of ​​​​inflammation of the labia swells, a characteristic redness appears. Severe swelling is characterized by the closure of the produced channel of the Bartholin gland, which is the reason for the accumulation of pus and leads to the development of an abscess.


Bartholin's gland (inflammation is most often manifested against the background of symptoms of an acute infectious formation in the vulva) has several causes of inflammation. The disease is accompanied by deformation of the mechanisms of the main and local immune defense.

The main cause of the disease is a bacterial infection of the vaginal entrance. When the ducts of the Bartholin glands are infected, they begin to become inflamed and stick together, there is no possibility of fluid secretion. The infection is also able to spread further down the channel into the glandular body.

Bacteria that cause bartholinitis:

  • Group A streptococci: can cause inflammation of purulent tissues, which leads to bartholinitis.
  • Chlamydia: cause inflammation of the cervix, urethra, or fallopian tubes. Transmission is usually through sexual contact.
  • Escherichia coli.
  • Staphylococci: deposited on the skin and mucous membranes.

Due to inflammatory swelling and adhesion of the duct walls, the omentum is not able to perform its function effectively. Inflammation leads to the closure of the entrance of the Bartholin's gland, the fluid accumulates and provides the bacteria with an ideal breeding ground, which is often the reason for the formation of a cyst.

There are a number of secondary factors that significantly increase the risk of inflammation of the female genital organs:

  • Neglect of personal intimate hygiene.
  • All types of microtraumas: scratches, friction, bruises, abrasions and others.
  • Operations related to the genitourinary system - non-compliance with medical standards during their implementation or violation of norms in the postoperative period.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners without the use of protective equipment.
  • Compressive underwear.
  • General decrease in the immune system.
  • Metabolic diseases: diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency diseases.

Excessive hygiene procedures also often lead to inflammation. Prolonged use of non-pH neutral care and beauty products destroys the acidic environment of the vagina.

Symptoms of bartholinitis in a woman

The inflammatory process begins with infiltration of the duct of the Bartholin gland, where the contents of the glandular membrane accumulate on the walls of the gland itself, which leads to its swelling. On the labia, covered by a zone of hyperemic process and edema, a round protrusion appears.

The Bartholin's gland (inflammation usually causes no acute symptoms) as it enlarges due to accumulation of fluid, causes irritating and painful symptoms.

Typical signs include:

  • edema;
  • redness;
  • heating of damaged areas;
  • fatigue;
  • loss of appetite.

After some time, the channels become clogged, as a result of which the infection passes directly to the glands.

The result is a painful abscess, also known as a Bartholin's abscess. The cyst develops slowly and has enough time to expand internally so that fluid can accumulate without the person noticing. What is more noticeable is the growth of the cyst itself - it can grow to the size of a tennis ball.

Disease classification

The clinical picture of bartholinitis depends on which part of the gland is in the center of infectious inflammation. Often this depends on the spread of the inflammatory reaction and characterizes the successive stages of the development of the infection.

The main signs of inflammation of the Bartholin gland.

Depending on the infectious manifestations, the following forms of inflammation are distinguished:

  • acute bartholinitis;
  • initial stage (canaliculitis);
  • chronic form of bartholinitis;
  • true abscess.

The acute type of the disease has all the symptoms of an acute infection, making it easy to diagnose. The initial stage most often takes the form of canaliculitis. Due to inflammatory processes, the walls of the gland thicken and the channel narrows. On palpation of the painful area, a small amount of pus appears.

The initial type is characterized by slight discomfort in the area of ​​inflammation, as well as slight pain during palpation. The inflammatory process of the chronic type manifests itself without obvious symptoms and is limited to malaise, compaction of the infected area and discomfort.

If left untreated, fluid content accumulates in the glandular cavity, which often leads to the formation of a cyst. A true abscess is characterized by infection with pathogenic microorganisms of the tissue structures of the gland. Along with this, a capsule filled with purulent contents is often detected.

The clinical picture of a true abscess corresponds to the general symptoms of purulent inflammation: severe fever, deterioration in health, throbbing pain. Examination reveals swollen and reddened labia. An abscess manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory tumor, which most often resembles a chicken egg. Any contact with inflammatory tissues causes pronounced pain.

Features of the disease during pregnancy

Inflammation of the gland during pregnancy has a negative effect on the development of the fetus, and therefore requires mandatory treatment. Internal defense mechanisms are not able to eliminate the risk of transmission of infection to the fetus through the blood vessels.

If the causes of inflammation include Trichomonas or gonococcus bacteria, the effect of an infectious disease on the fetus can cause deviations in the development of the structure of the organs and systems of the fetus. With the manifestation of inflammatory processes in the period from conception to the 22nd week of pregnancy, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage or fetal death increases.


An abscess in the genital area can be a serious complication of bartholinitis. An abscess is a confined space filled with purulent secretion (a mixture of bacteria, inflammatory cells, and tissue fluid). Due to the surrounding capsule, antibiotics are not able to have a therapeutic effect on the focus of inflammation.

In addition, an abscess can gain access to the bloodstream, which can spread inflammation to other parts of the body.

An abscess almost always needs to be removed surgically. The development of the inflammatory process with the formation of a purulent mass in the genital area is often characterized by a noticeable swelling, redness and severe pain. At the same time, fever and general malaise, as well as swollen lymph nodes, often occur.

Bartholinitis also leads to the following complications:

  • sepsis;
  • frequent relapses of inflammation;
  • inflammation of colpitis, urethra.

Serious complications arise in the context of direct gonorrhea. For example, if it occurs as a result of chronic inflammation, which leads to infertility.


The characteristic topography of the Bartholin's gland makes the diagnosis of the disease very easy, and greatly limits the differential diagnosis. A simple gynecological examination is sufficient for diagnosis.

However, the following pathologies may mimic a diagnosis of glandular inflammation:

  • Pilonidal cyst: This is a cyst that forms around the hair follicles. Usually the disease is asymptomatic in the initial stage, but the infection can develop and cause symptoms similar to those of bartholinitis.
  • Inflammatory flat cyst: this is a cystic formation of the labia majora or minora, which can cause inflammatory symptoms similar to those of bartholinitis. The cystic mass in this case is usually superficial.
  • Bartholin's cyst: In this case, the topography of the lesion is similar to the topography of bartholinitis, but the symptoms are completely different (no inflammatory component).

If it is suspected that other diseases may be hiding behind the complaints of bartholinitis, an additional examination is prescribed. In this case, a bacteriological sample of the pus contained in the abscess is taken.

How to relieve pain

The inflammatory process of the Bartholin gland, accompanied by pain, can be removed quickly and easily with ice.

To carry out such therapy, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • freeze water in a small vessel;
  • ice, without removing it from the vessel, wrap in a clean cloth;
  • apply to the focus of inflammation for at least 30 minutes until the pain disappears.

To avoid thermal complications, the intervals between applications should be no more than 15 minutes. It is advisable to ensure that the ice does not melt. You should also prepare several new vessels with ice in advance.

With mild forms of bartholinitis, it is possible to do without the use of antibiotics and visits to the gynecologist. If complications such as empyema or abscess appear during inflammation, then an urgent visit to the gynecologist should be made, as the abscess can gain access to the bloodstream and aggravate the general health of the patient.

Early stage home remedies can be used to treat inflammation effectively. This is the case when the symptoms are limited to mild pain in the vagina, slight redness and slight swelling in the area of ​​​​inflammation.

Treatment of bartholinitis with baths

Using warm sitz baths for mild bartholinitis can help reduce inflammation. They can be enriched with sea salt (about 200 g per bath) or chamomile, so the disinfecting effect is enhanced.

The following disinfectants may also be used:

  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow;
  • calendula;
  • celandine.

To use the bath properly, the herbs must first be brewed. To do this, for every 3 liters of boiling water, you need to take 10 tbsp. l. dried herbs, which should be infused from 1 hour. Then 1.5 liters of the finished infusion should be poured into a large bowl, adding 3 liters of water. The bath should be taken for 20-30 minutes.

A bath with potassium permanganate also has an effective anti-inflammatory agent. To prepare the solution, dilute 2 g of potassium permanganate in 1.5 liters of hot water. Then prepare the tincture by adding 2 tbsp. l. in a glass and let it brew for 40 minutes. in a boiling state. Mix both infusions and apply for sitz baths.

If inflammation is advanced, or if an abscess (encapsulated inflammatory edema) has already formed, sitz baths may be able to support faster drainage of pus.

It may also be helpful to apply a vegetable oil containing moringa seed olive oil to the inflamed area. This procedure should have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The oil also has an antibiotic effect.


Antibiotics are the main therapeutic type of non-surgical treatment of acute bartholinitis. Their use must be taken into account with the sensitivity of the pathogens that cause the disease, so an additional examination is often prescribed.

If, with severe complications, it is not always possible to wait for the results of a bacteriological study, broad-spectrum antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, and others are prescribed.

Antibiotic therapy includes the following drugs:

  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • doxycycline;
  • Azithromycin.

Antibiotic treatment should be limited to women at high risk of complications from the infection, such as:

  • relapse;
  • pregnancy;
  • immunosuppression;
  • widespread surrounding cellulitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydial infection.

Local anesthetics such as Lidocaine and Bupivacaine are also used to treat abscesses. Patients who are against the use of antibiotics or other anti-inflammatory ointments and solutions can use homeopathic anti-inflammatory drugs without fear of negative consequences.

Typical active ingredients used in homeopathy are Hepar Sulphur and Pyrogenium in the acute type of inflammation. For chronic bartholinitis, homeopathic remedies such as Conium and Staphisagria may be useful.

Compresses and ointments

In the early stages of bartholinitis without excretion of purulent secretions, in addition to good hygiene and cotton baths, compresses of antibiotic or anti-inflammatory ointments have a healing effect.

For the treatment of inflammation, the following ointments are most often prescribed:

  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Levomikol;
  • Ichthyol ointment.

The following procedures should be performed in the presence of a purulent structure, since the main action of ointments is to "squeeze" unwanted pus outward, resulting in a rapid closure of the abscess. In addition, these agents have anti-infective and anti-inflammatory effects.

Salt has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect, thanks to which saline compresses will help to relieve swelling and remove purulent structures from the inflamed gland. For prevention, compresses should be kept on the problem area for at least 30 minutes. Repeating this 3-4 times a day.

Decoctions and teas

Bartholin's gland (inflammation causes discomfort to a woman) is treated with traditional medicine. Herbal decoctions, including black and green tea with lemon, are an excellent soothing and strengthening way to eliminate the negative symptoms of inflammation.

The necessary properties for a suitable treatment are:

  • ginger;
  • lemongrass;
  • gentian;
  • dandelion.

Suitable medicinal products also include:

  • aloe vera;
  • papaya;
  • guava;
  • garlic and onions;
  • broccoli;
  • sour fruits.

To make tea, brew 1 tbsp. l of medicinal herbs in 1.5 cups of water and for 5 minutes. let it brew. Drinking the next decoction is best on an empty stomach. Grated ginger and added to tea has a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.


Due to their immune-strengthening effect, vitamins and various trace elements are an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

With bartholinitis, the balance of the following vitamins is especially important:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12);
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K.

Vitamins also help protect and restore the body at the cellular level. Their deficiency leads to a long course of bartholinitis and frequent relapses. For the right balance, it is not necessary to buy vitamin complexes. A balanced and proper diet, which contains the necessary amount of vitamins, will be sufficient.

So, to restore the natural microflora of the vagina, the complex use of fermented milk products, such as:

  • fermented baked milk;
  • sour cream;
  • serum;
  • kefir.

The listed products are rich in lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which contribute to the synthesis and proper absorption of the main vitamin structures. They also reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

In addition to consuming foods rich in vitamins, the following beneficial structures, such as zinc, magnesium and calcium, should be included in the diet. The inclusion of fiber-rich foods in the diet should be mandatory.

With a properly constructed vitamin diet, it is necessary to exclude spicy, sweet and salty foods, as well as alcoholic beverages and flour products. The use of these products causes the growth of bacteria, fungal structure, cause irritation of the mucosa.

Inflammation of the Bartholin's gland, although it is one of the most common infectious diseases, by performing all the necessary preventive and therapeutic measures, you can reduce the risk of developing inflammation, as well as reduce the frequency of painful symptoms.

Video about the causes of inflammation of the Bartholin gland and methods of its treatment

A fragment of the program "Live healthy" about the inflammation of the Bartholin's gland:

Causes of inflammation and treatment:

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