3 years old child development that should. "I do not want! I won't! No need! I'm on my own!" — Crisis of the age of three: signs of a crisis and how to overcome it. Communication with peers

Your baby is three years old, day after day he imperceptibly grew up and now he is not that little defenseless little man, he is already an independent person with his own character and characteristics. During this year, the baby has grown noticeably, has mastered new skills and abilities, has become dexterous, active and inquisitive.

Your child already knows...


89.5-104 cm.
11.6-18 kg.
48.0-53.5 cm.
48.6-58.2 cm.
87.3-103.8 cm.
12.3-17.7 kg.
47.6-52.7 cm.
48.2-57.6 cm.

Physical development of a child at 3 years old

Your baby is starting to look more like an adult. The formation and growth of the musculoskeletal system is actively underway, fine motor skills of the fingers and mimic muscles are being improved.

At the end of the second year, the rate of weight gain and increase in body length can be assessed.

So the indicator of the required body weight on average is calculated by the formula:

10.5 kg (average body weight of a child at 1 year old) + 2 x N;

where N- the age of the child in years (not the years that have been lived after the first year of life, but the actual age of the child).

Body length up to 4 years on average increases by 8 cm annually.

According to the centile tables of the distribution of weight and body length in children, the averages are:

Average body weight of a 3 year old

  • Boys - 13.6 - 16 kg;
  • Girls - 13.3 - 15.4 kg.

Average body length of a child at 3 years old

  • Boys - 92.0 - 100 cm;
  • Girls - 92.0 - 98.5 cm.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 3 years old

A three-year-old child likes both active games and educational activities. The kid enjoys playing outdoor games, but at the same time, he can fiddle with a toy that attracted his attention, play story games, look at pictures and listen to fairy tales.

Motor development of a child at 3 years old

At three years old, a child is able to master rather complex skills, such as riding a tricycle, swinging, sledding. By the age of three, many kids are no longer afraid to swim. The child is good at jumping over obstacles, walks on an inclined plane, jumps in length from a place on two legs, can jump from a small height. At this age, children can perform two actions at the same time (for example, stomp and clap, jump and raise their arms to the sides).

With ease, the child throws, rolls, catches the ball.

Can perform all familiar movements on command and repeats them after adults.

Cognitive development of a child at 3 years old

  • At three years old, a child should know and name correctly four primary colors and some shades of colors.
  • At this age, the baby is able to collect sequentially (that is, from smallest to largest) caps, a pyramid, molds, a nesting doll of 4-6 components.
  • Able to pick up geometric shapes according to the sample, can also pick up the corresponding shapes according to the shape of the hole in the developmental aid (game). Can name familiar geometric shapes.
  • Collects a pyramid of 10 rings (in size, for example, in descending order, in color, in shape).
  • Distinguishes objects by size - small, medium, large.
  • Can distinguish an object by texture - soft, hard.
  • Drawing skills are improving, so the kid can complete the missing details to the adult’s drawing - for example, a leaf to a branch, a stem to a flower, smoke to a steam locomotive.
  • He tries to paint over, draws ovals, circles, draws lines.
  • While drawing, the baby can imitate the writing of an adult.
  • During modeling, he can pinch off a piece of plasticine, roll it in his palms, and connect the parts. He tries to sculpt simple shapes - sausage, ball, bagel and others.

Social and emotional development of a child at 3 years old

At this age, it is very important for a child to be appreciated and praised. The kid wants to be good, we are waiting for approval and praise from an adult.

Increasingly more self-reliant and independent.

He rejoices if he was able to fulfill his plans, feels a sense of pride for himself, for his parents.

Strive to be the best in everything.

At three years old, babies are very inquisitive and curious.

Improves long-term memory.

Able to show emotional restraint, calmly listens and fulfills the request of an adult.

He may be offended by the punishment, he worries if he is scolded for something.

A three-year-old baby is able to experience feelings of shame, jealousy, and fear.

He can express his feelings not only by speech, but also by facial expressions, tone, gestures, gaze, posture.

The child begins to empathize with the characters, emotionally responsive.

Many kids sing along and dance.

Knows how to distinguish beautiful from ugly, good from bad.

Enjoys socializing with peers. There is an interest in joint games.

Expresses sympathy for some children and adults.

Speech development of a child at 3 years old

By this age, the child is able to build complex sentences. In communication, he uses both simple and more complex formalized phrases. Expresses his feelings, desires, emotions with the help of speech.

At the age of three, some babies begin to change words according to numbers and cases.

Asks a lot of questions. Easily repeats unfamiliar words and phrases after an adult.

He remembers and recites poems and songs well.

Likes to engage in dialogue with both children and adults. Answers the questions.

Can name familiar animals, plants, items of clothing, household items, etc. from the picture. Can tell a familiar fairy tale from the picture.

In the game, he can speak for himself and for a fictional character (doll, bunny, etc.).

Moves to the pronoun "I", stops talking about himself in the third person.

Household skills of a child at 3 years old

  • Knows how to independently dress simple things of his wardrobe.
  • Undresses independently, with a little help from an adult. Can fasten several buttons.
  • At three years old, a child can complete an assignment of 2-3 actions.
  • Washes hands with soap, rinses, dries with a towel.
  • Can put clothes in the closet.
  • Knows how to use a handkerchief.
  • Controls their physiological needs.
  • He eats and drinks independently, uses a napkin.
  • Wipes feet before entering.

Three year old child care

The regimen of a child at three years old remains the same - four meals a day, daytime sleep (or rest) for at least 1 hour, night sleep - about 10 hours, regular walks in the fresh air.

Be sure to pay attention to both personal hygiene and cleanliness in the room.

At three years old, the baby tries to brush his teeth on his own, under the supervision of adults. Let him do this, while periodically showing him how to move the brush correctly. Particular attention should be paid to the recesses between the teeth, since it is there that most food particles remain and plaque accumulates.

The child's teeth should be brushed 2 times a day: in the morning - after breakfast and in the evening - after dinner. During for, after each meal (especially sweet), teach your child to rinse his mouth.

At this age, almost all children love to swim. In the warm season, you can bathe the child at least every day. In the cold season at least 1 time per week.

For bathing a child, it is better to use special baby products. While swimming, it is very convenient to check the skin for abrasions, bruises or rashes.

Teach your child to use only their own hygiene items (towel, washcloth, toothbrush, comb, etc.).

Do not forget to trim your child's nails - do this as the nails grow.

Watch the baby's hair, cut it in time, because, for example, a long bang can interfere with the child.

If you decide to take your child to the kindergarten, at least for some time before that, go with him to early development groups - so that parting with you is not so abrupt.

Compliance with the daily routine will help facilitate the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten.

Find out in advance what the daily routine is in kindergarten (which the child will go to) and try to stick to it.

Nutrition for a 3 year old

The nutrition of a child at three years old should be regular, it is better if the main meals every day are at the same time.

The menu of a three-year-old child becomes more diverse and gradually approaches the diet of an adult. But the child, as before, is not recommended to give fatty and spicy foods, as well as various canned food, chips, sweet carbonated drinks.

The child's diet should contain dairy and sour-milk products, fresh fruits, vegetables, products containing animal proteins.

The diet of a child at 3 years old is 3-4 meals a day.

The need for kilocalories is no more than 1600 kcal / day.

Distribution of food throughout the day:

Breakfast - 25%;

Lunch - 35-40%;

Afternoon snack - 10-15%

At three years old, a child can drink almost any drink (except coffee). It can be tea, juices (preferably freshly squeezed), jelly, compotes from fresh fruits and dried fruits, fruit drinks, milk, kefir.

Required examinations at 3 years

At the age of three, the child undergoes an in-depth medical examination, especially if he goes to kindergarten.

The three-year medical examination includes:

  • Examination by a pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, orthopedic surgeon, dermatologist, speech therapist, dentist;
  • Laboratory examination - clinical analysis of blood, urine, coproscopy, examination of scrapings for enterobiasis (or feces for helminth eggs).

If a child is vaccinated according to the national vaccination schedule, then at the age of three, no routine vaccinations are carried out.

What toys are suitable for this age?

At this age, children prefer more complex and functional toys.

Toys for motor development- balls, gymnastic sticks, pull-up toys, a bicycle, a circle for swimming, skittles and others.

To develop design skills- toys consisting of geometric shapes, toys that open and close, cubes, pyramids, Lego with large details, sand molds and others.

Didactic toys- layout books, bingo or dominoes with pictures, books with expressive illustrations, board games with pictures, wall calendars and posters with useful information (animals, plants, numbers, seasons).

Toys for role-playing and story games- sets of a doctor, a fireman, a hairdresser, a builder, a teacher's shop, a set of children's dishes, toy vegetables, fruits, cars, houses, dolls, animals and others.

Creator's Kit - pencils, crayons, plasticine, clay, lacing games, colored paper sets, stickers, watercolors.

Despite the fact that the child is already big, try to give him time. Play and study with him. Praise for efforts more often and then his successes will not keep you waiting.

In this article:

At three years and three months, the development of the child allows him to learn to ride a tricycle without the help of adults. In addition, at this age, children independently know how to ride a swing, slide down a sled from small slides. They show great interest in peers, change toys with pleasure, play joint games.

It is still difficult for babies at three years and three months to perform several activities at the same time. At the same time, children are distinguished by courage and even desperation: almost all three-year-olds are not afraid of water, heights, they are happy to take risks if they feel the support of an adult. Three-year-olds are very energetic, they run a lot, dance, jump, play with the ball with pleasure.

Features of the cognitive development of a three-year-old

At three years and three months, the baby knows several primary colors, and also tries to identify some of the shades. If you ask the baby to find a particular color in the picture, he will do it with enthusiasm.

Toddlers at three years and three months demonstrate active cognitive development. They play with in-ear toys, putting the smaller ones into the larger ones,
they play with the pyramid, collecting it in the right order - by the colors of the rings or by size.

At this age, the development of a child can be accelerated by selecting games for him based on flat geometric shapes, such as a trapezoid, circle, square, triangle. Children at the age of three years and three months already know how to distinguish them from each other, moreover, they will be able to navigate in the configuration of three-dimensional figures, choosing, for example, suitable holes for them.

How else is the cognitive development of the child expressed after three years? Here are his main skills in this area:

  • the child is able, while playing, to identify geometric shapes by touch and name them;
  • collects a pyramid of more than 10 rings;
  • folds a mosaic according to a drawing or diagram;
  • knows how to name large, small objects, giving a name to what is between them - “medium”;
  • puts together simple puzzles from several parts;
  • remembers the place where there was a toy hidden by adults, and points to it;
  • imitates writing and reading adults;
  • draws the missing details in the drawings;
  • draws geometric shapes;
  • draws author's pictures, explaining what is depicted on them;
  • sculpts simple figures;
  • makes simple applications according to templates.

After three years, children show a keen interest in role-playing, enjoying playing the roles of adults, such as mom, dad or caregiver. During the game, kids fantasize, come up with rules, actively use objects and substitute toys.

Features of the social and emotional development of the baby

At three years and three months, the social and emotional development of the child moves to a new level. For the baby during this period it is very important to feel the support and approval of adults. Children try to be more independent and independent, they are not afraid to take the initiative,
they are sincerely upset when things don't work out as planned, and are proud when everything goes according to plan.

A feeling of dominance over peers is especially pronounced at this age. It is very important for kids after three years to prove to themselves and adults that they are the best, regardless of whether it will be a rivalry in a race with the same kids or climbing a gymnastic ladder.

A three-year-old kid is curious and shows interest in everything that surrounds him. Interestingly, the long-term memory of the crumbs is based on experienced impressions, the shelf life of which can exceed a year or a half.

One of the achievements of a child of the fourth year of life is the control of emotions. In crowded places, the child already knows how to restrain screams and tantrums, tries to follow the rules of behavior, listens to the requests of adults and tries to fulfill them.

The baby shows disobedience in case of intentional restriction of his desires, as well as a lack of understanding by adults of what he wants to convey to them. The child insists on his own and is genuinely upset if he is punished or scolded.

Acting, in his opinion, badly, the child is tormented by shame and remorse. He knows that he did something wrong, and already foresees the negative reaction of adults to his act. Also, kids are able to evaluate the actions and behavior of other children, condemning them or encouraging them.

At this age, it is normal for babies to display a variety of emotions, ranging from jealousy to anger or joy. The kid already knows how to apply in practice
non-verbal ways of communication, uses facial expressions, gestures, postures and expressive movements.

It is also noteworthy that at three years and three months, the baby understands humor perfectly, listens with pleasure to fairy tales, songs, stories, experiences the emotions of the main characters, showing a desire to discuss their actions with adults.

At three years and three months, babies are especially emotionally responsive, responding positively to singing and music, trying to dance, observing the rhythm, clapping their hands to the beat of the music and stamping their feet. Children give preference to cheerful music, bright pictures. Kids show interest in drawing and modeling, they just love outdoor games.

How does speech develop in a child?

At three years and three months, babies already speak confidently enough, in their active vocabulary there are a lot of new words that they use when communicating, as well as for expressing feelings, desires, impressions.

The speech of a three-year-old child is dominated by simple, grammatically correct sentences. In some cases subordinate clauses begin to appear in it. Very often the child comments on his own actions.

At three years and three months, the child's speech development is accompanied by the improvement of his oral literacy. The baby already changes words by cases and numbers, knows interrogative words, replenishes the stock of adjectives and adverbs, uses prepositions. The child listens to adults, memorizes and repeats whole phrases from songs, fairy tales and poems, tries to pronounce sounds and words as correctly as possible.

At the same age, children have a desire to rhyme. They are happy to invent rhymes, invent their own children's words, incomprehensible to adults, and follow the reaction of others around them. Toddlers willingly enter into a dialogue with both adults and children, name animals, insects, objects and phenomena in the pictures, give them simple descriptions.

Very often, it is at the age of three that parents decide to send their kids to kindergartens, believing that they are strong enough and their psycho-emotional development allows them to communicate with peers and caregivers without the presence of parents. Nevertheless, not all children, even at the age of three years and three months, are ready to enter kindergarten. The development of each baby is individual, therefore, before making such a decision, it does not hurt to consult with a pediatrician.

After three years, the active physical development of the child continues, which is expressed in a change in the proportions of his body, an improvement in physical qualities. The baby is stretched in growth, becomes more coordinated, fast and hardy. He does a lot, and most importantly, he practically does not get tired, trying to be constantly on the move.

In order for the development of the crumbs to proceed correctly, parents should take care of organizing the correct daily routine for him, preferably with daytime sleep or at least rest.

If you plan to register a child in a kindergarten, then you need to try to bring the home regime of the day as close as possible to the garden one. The baby will need to be awakened no later than eight in the morning, fed breakfast no later than nine, go for walks with him twice a day, be sure to teach him to be independent in respect of hygiene, if adults have been responsible for this so far.

It would be useful to take a walk with the baby near the kindergarten where it will be decorated, get to know the teacher, the children. Such simple actions will help the child prepare for admission to kindergarten, and his subsequent adaptation will be quick and painless.

3 years is an important date in the life of a child and his parents, and many child psychologists and pediatricians consider this age to be a transition between infancy and childhood. Indeed, at the age of 3, the baby is already quite independent - he knows how to talk, is oriented in everyday life, he can eat food on his own, wash himself and find something to do. Most parents of three-year-olds do not quite clearly imagine what a child should be able to do at 3 years old, because some children at this age already read, while others still speak with difficulty. Of course, there is not and cannot be an absolute norm of development, but there is a certain minimum of knowledge and skills that every 3-year-old child should have.

Physical development of a child at 3 years old

The height and weight of a child at 3 years old depends not only on the pace of his development and the health of the baby, but also on racial and hereditary predisposition. Boys at 3 years old weigh from 13.5 to 17 kg, and girls - from 13 to 16 kg. The growth of children is considered normal if it is in the range of 86 - 100 cm.

At the age of 3, the child's day regimen should not change dramatically, he still needs 10-11 hours of sleep at night and 1-1.5 hours of rest during the day. But observing the sleep and rest regimen, making three-year-olds sleep, with tears and a scandal, is also not worth it - such a dream instead of rest will become a real punishment for the baby, if the child categorically does not want to sleep, it is enough to put him to lie down calmly after dinner or read with him at this time books.

At 3 years old, the child is already confidently in control of his body, he can run, jump, step over obstacles, climb vertical stairs, climb low hills, change direction on the go and can quickly turn around, bend over and squat. Many children at this age can already ride a tricycle, stand and jump on one leg, and jump over a rope.

The skills of neatness and self-care, which a child has at the age of 3, are considered very important. At this age, he should be able to ask for a potty or sit on it on his own (it is considered acceptable if the baby sometimes does not have time to wake up at night and very rarely “flirts” during the day). Children at the age of 3 must follow certain rules of behavior, and, unlike many other skills and abilities, these depend only on the upbringing and manners of the adults around the child. At this age, kids are already well aware of what behavior disapproves of adults, and can follow their own appearance. Many girls at the age of 3 already choose their own clothes, get very upset if it gets dirty, ask their mothers to do their hair every day and put on beads, hairpins and rings on their own.

In addition to neatness skills, a three-year-old the child should be able to eat with a spoon and begin to use a fork, drink without spilling from a cup and know how to take groceries out of the refrigerator or cupboard yourself.

Many parents do not allow their children to do anything in the kitchen, believing that three-year-olds will dirty and spoil more, but this is fundamentally wrong - you need to teach your child to be independent at this age. A three-year-old baby may well help his mother by taking food out of cabinets or cutting cheese with a special children's knife. Such tasks help children feel involved in the "adult" life of the family and at the same time teach them how and what to do for cooking.

At 3 years old, children can wash themselves, brush their teeth under the supervision of their parents, take off their clothes, and many even try to dress themselves, although they do not always cope with buttons, laces and ties.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 3 years old

At the age of 3, a child not only grows and develops, he literally “absorbs” information, like a sponge and experienced psychologists and teachers advise not to miss this time in any case. It is after 3 years that you can start regular classes to prepare the child for school, get acquainted with the outside world, study foreign languages ​​or music. Many parents make a big mistake, believing that if they sent the baby to kindergarten, then they don’t need to take care of his development anymore. Unfortunately, as practice shows, most public and private kindergartens cannot fully engage in the development of each child, so additional classes are indispensable.

At this age, the child should be fluent in speech, and speak in short sentences, and not in separate words. Kids at 3 years old can already memorize a poem of 2-4 lines, know by the names of all close relatives, speak about themselves in the 1st person and give not only the names of objects, but also give them a brief description, and can also say why this or that object is needed or what it does.

It is very important that a child at 3 years old be able to fully concentrate on one subject for 3-5 minutes, be able to find a solution to the problem himself, and not immediately turn to an adult for help.

Children at 3 years old should confidently hold a pencil in their hand, draw straight lines and circles with it., be able to paint pictures, draw with paints, cut paper along the line, make simple applications (with parents), sculpt from plasticine and other materials.

The thinking of a child at the age of 3 also changes a lot - now he is already drawing conclusions from what he has seen and heard, looking for connections between objects and phenomena and is ready to endlessly pester his parents with questions “why”, “how” and “why”, sometimes asking about the same thing many times in a row. At this age, children should collect pictures from 2-3 parts, generalize objects into groups, find similarities and differences, as well as inconsistencies in the pictures (of course, in the simplest versions).

At the age of 3 years, there is a second "splash" of children's independence- now the baby wants to do everything himself and is very angry if you do not let him dress on his own or correct the result of his work. Experienced parents advise not to try to "overstubborn" the child, unless, of course, in the future you want to face the problems of spinelessness and lack of independence in a teenager, but to allocate time in advance for his attempts to do everything himself. Yes, in conditions of constant lack of time, it is very difficult to do this, but such behavior can help you maintain mutual understanding with the child, develop success and independence in him, and also save your nerve cells. Getting up half an hour earlier in the morning, mentally increasing the time for all things by 15-20 minutes and an agreement with the child: “we go to the kindergarten quickly and I dress you myself, but back - you are all on your own”, will help to avoid a lot of problems.

The social development of a child at the age of 3 also makes a big leap, now the baby agrees to “let in” strangers into his world, constant contact with his mother and other relatives is no longer so important for him, and games with peers seem much more attractive than games with adults. Children at the age of 3 willingly observe and interact with other people, they already lack the company of their mother and relatives. At this age, they just need to communicate with other kids, since only in the society of their peers will they be able to learn the rules of communication, the ability to resolve conflicts and defend their opinion.

A child of 3 years old - is there any reason for concern?

It is always difficult to assess the development of your child in a healthy way, but parents of three-year-olds should pay attention to their baby if he:

  • unsteadily walks, runs, climbs stairs;
  • cannot play ball, swing or ride a tricycle;
  • still does not speak or speaks very slurredly;
  • talks about himself only in the 3rd person;
  • does not navigate in his house, on the playground, in the yard;
  • does not control his physiological needs during the day;
  • cannot remain alone, without adults, even for the shortest time;
  • does not know how to find something to do on his own, even 5 minutes cannot concentrate on one thing;
  • does not play or is not interested in other children;
  • does not know the names of surrounding objects, animals, toys, and so on.

Girls and boys at 3 years old

A big difference between boys and girls at 3 years old can be seen in their speech development, as well as in how they perceive the speech of others.

It has long been statistically confirmed that girls begin to speak earlier than boys, and at the age of 3 their active vocabulary can be 2 times greater than that of their peers of the opposite sex. This difference in speech development is due to the fact that girls perceive information through feelings and their expression - words, while boys prefer something more "concrete" - the behavior, gestures and movements of others. That is why it seems to parents of three-year-olds that it is much easier to negotiate with girls - they listen and “hear” exactly the words of their parents, while boys pay more attention to how adults behave. So don’t be surprised if it’s enough for a girl to say that it’s dangerous to switch to a red light, then you will have to demonstrate the correct behavior for the boy, the only way he can learn this lesson.

The body changes its size and proportions, the child no longer looks like a chubby baby. Gross and fine motor skills are intensively developed, motor activity reaches a maximum.

The rapid development of the brain leads to the expansion of the intellectual capabilities of the child. There is a transition from visual-effective thinking to figurative, speech is enriched, memory and imagination develop.

In a fairly short time, the personality of the child changes completely. These changes affect his character, his main activities and relationships with other people - adults and peers. It is at the age of three that the foundations of the image of his “I” are formed and the attitude to the world around him is determined.

In connection with such a global "restructuring" of the inner world, the child quite often becomes capricious and difficult.


Compared to the younger age, there are no special changes in the diet and daily routine (unless you enroll the baby in kindergarten). Long night sleep, one daytime sleep, four meals a day. On the third birthday, you can introduce the child to the sweet.


A child of this age is characterized by an extremely high need for movement.Three-year-olds are constantly improving their motor skills. Development comes first gross motor skills- the ability to perform movements that require the participation of the whole body (running, jumping, squatting, turning).

Three year old child:

Moves quite smoothly and dexterously, maintains balance well.

Easily changes direction and stops on the go.

Able to walk on toes, stand on one leg.

Confidently jumps, including over small obstacles.

Catches and kicks the ball.

Goes up and down the stairs, holding on to the railing and even without support.

Riding a tricycle.

During this period, improvements fine motor skills although the child still has difficulty making precise movements.

However, a three-year-old child is able to:

Putting on and taking off simple clothes, unfastening buttons and handling large zippers, taking off Velcro shoes.

Use cutlery correctly, eat and drink carefully.

Hold the pencil with your index finger and thumb, make balls and rollers out of plasticine, cut the paper with scissors.

Can draw a circle, horizontal and vertical lines, the first little men appear.

Thus, the child becomes more and more independent in carrying out daily activities.

How speech develops

By the age of three, the child's speech activity increases many times over. The baby's vocabulary is approximately 1000-1500 words, he uses almost all parts of speech, speaks in sentences of 3-6 words and generally learns the grammatical structure of the language.

In general, by the end of the third year of life, the child's social circle expands significantly: he talks a lot both with close adults and with strangers, with peers.

The child's speech often accompanies his independent activity, the baby comments on his actions with objects (“threw the ball”) and turns to toys (“eat, doll”).

A three-year-old listens with pleasure to audio recordings, fairy tales and poems performed by an adult, easily memorizes them and reproduces them almost verbatim. In addition, he actively “plays” with the language, experiments with rhymes, and invents non-existent words.

If the child is already three years old, but he does not speak in phrases or is completely silent, then consultation of specialists is necessary - a speech therapist, neuropathologist, psychologist.

How to play

At this age, the type of play activity of the child also changes dramatically. Previously, the game was like a disparate set of activities with toys. For example, an adult showed how to feed and put the doll to bed, the child simply repeated after him. Such games were reduced to a simple manipulation of objects (the kid loads the cubes into the machine and immediately pours out).

Now the child is emotionally involved in the game, its duration and variability increase. A plot appears in the game, all actions become logically connected and consistent. The child takes bricks to the construction site, builds a house there and inhabits it, sets up a garden nearby and feeds vegetables to the new settlers.

But the most important thing is that substitutions appear in the child's play.Most three-year-olds easily “turn” one object into another and give them the appropriate names. A bucket becomes a hat, a felt-tip pen becomes a thermometer, balls become apples. The appearance of such symbols in the game indicates that the child is now able to go beyond the specific situation using his own imagination.

Now the game is the most important part of a child's life, the activity in which his emotional and intellectual development takes place.

Psychological features

At the age of three, the desire for separation from the adult sharply increases in the child. The kid increasingly says: “I myself”, “I want”, “I won’t”, and demonstrates his independence fromloved ones. This period is called the "crisis of three years."

The child acts contrary to any suggestions of an adult, becomes stubborn and throws tantrums “from scratch”. He strives to do everything the other way around, opposes the will of the elders;rejects what he used to do daily. At the same time, ohHe tries to independently do something for which he is objectively not yet ready.

Not all children have a crisis manifested in such acute negative forms. Someone reacts not so violently or very briefly in time. However, relationships with close adults and with oneself undergo significant changes in any case. There is a formation of own "I" of the child.

As the crisis emerges, the child ceases to oppose himself so desperately to the adult. He has a different way of self-affirmation: now he strives to achieve a result in his activity, and having achieved the desired one, he tries to demonstrate his successes to an adult and get his approval.

The child does not just put a cube on a cube - it is important for him to build the highest possible tower and hear praise from the parent: “What a tall tower! You did great!" Now the child looks at himself through the eyes of an adult, he becomes extremely sensitive to how others evaluate his achievements. This is how self-esteem and self-respect begin to form.

Tips for parents of a three-year-old

« » –test for the whole family. It is very important to go through it “correctly”, because the future of the child depends on how the parent-child relationship develops during this period.

There is no single recipe for how to respond to the tantrums of a three-year-old. The main thing is to make him understand that conflicts can be resolved in different ways.

The parent categorically prohibits some things, and the child will have to put up with it. You can’t run away from your mother near the roadway, it’s life-threatening, and there can be no way to show independence. A toddler may violently protest against the restriction of his freedom - scream and break out, however, in matters of health and safety, the reaction of an adult should be unequivocal.

If we are talking about less serious disagreements, then you can use different tactics of behavior.

Sometimes it is necessary to distract the child - by talking or playing, to arrange a competition. For example, to offer a stubborn three-year-old to play "who will put on the jacket faster." In a playful way, you can collect toys at speed or brush your teeth with the doll.

Sometimes you can give in to the child, because he also has the right to his opinion and personal preferences. Doesn't want to eat semolina? Offer a choice of buckwheat or rice. Refusing to go to bed now? Read the book for another fifteen minutes. We are not talking about indulging the slightest whims, but sometimes it is worthwhile to meet halfway, showing respect for the desires and needs of the child.

In some situations, the baby needs to be given the opportunity to throw out his emotions, relieve stress and accept the situation as it is. If you decide not to buy a tenth car for your son, and he throws a scandal in the store, then there is nothing left but to wait out the storm. The demands to "shut your mouth" and "calm down now" will have the exact opposite effect. You just need to be there, hug, wipe your tears. You can even say nothing, much more important - tactile contact and attention.

In such situations, the adult himself must remain calm and try not to look at others, because most often the parents yell at the child, because they are “ashamed in front of people”.

When the child has cried and calmed down, you need to tell how to behave, explain why you did it this way and not otherwise. Educational conversations will be effective only if they take place in an atmosphere of calm and trust.

Important! It is at the age of three that the child realizes that his desires do not always coincide with the desire of others. If you do not extinguish every conflict situation with screams and, moreover, slaps, then the child masters different strategies of behavior and learns to reckon with the will of other people.

The crisis of three years will end sooner or later, but what the child learns as a result will remain with him for many years.

The three-year-old kid has successfully passed the toddler age and is now a junior preschooler. This is a completely independent little person who has a bright personality, has his own opinion about many things and can show real quick wit and perseverance in implementing his ideas. This is the time when parents no longer need to be around every minute to control their son or daughter. You just need to know what to do with a child at 3 years old at home, and create the appropriate conditions for him. At this age, he may well occupy himself while his mother is busy with her own business.

The main feature of a three-year-old baby is his ever-increasing independence, but this should not frighten parents. If earlier he needed the help of adults, at the age of three the child tries to do everything himself, and he should not be prevented from doing this. If you start to patronize a son or daughter, most likely, they will grow up as weak and insecure people. Therefore, as far as possible, it is necessary to encourage such a desire for self-expression, and not to crush the authority of the elder.

In addition, you can look at it with different eyes - occasionally checking what the precious child is doing, dad and mom can afford to relax or go about their business. The main thing is to direct the baby in the right direction, to captivate him with something interesting.

The life of a three-year-old baby still goes according to a certain regime, and it must be so that he feels comfortable. Based on the fact that it takes about four hours to walk, the child spends most of the day at home, where his main occupation is games, through which he continues his cognitive activity.

Despite the fact that the three-year-old already confidently walks and even runs, he spends most of his time on the floor, where he can play role-playing games, cars or be creative. This is quite normal, and it is not at all necessary to forcibly seat him at a table or on a sofa in order for him to do his business there. It is important that he feels free, both physically and mentally.

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And his hobbies will have to be taken more carefully in order to offer something new and useful. It does not hurt to consider all types of games that can have a beneficial effect not only on the versatile development of the child, but also on his personality traits.

According to the experience of parents, the most exciting activities for three-year-old children are:

  • drawing;
  • modeling;
  • applications;
  • assembly of the designer, puzzles and mosaics;
  • story games against the backdrop of homemade scenery.

By giving the baby a room, some things can help the child create his own fairy-tale world, make him experience new unfamiliar feelings, develop his imagination and logic.

Of course, many adults are interested in what activities a child needs at three years old, and what games he can play on his own. After all, the kid is already starting to observe his peers, learning to play by the rules, and role-playing games are becoming more and more part of his life, at the same time he is also interested in building his city from the details of the designer or creating picturesque canvases on paper.

Educational games at home: video

Playing with a 3 year old at home

First of all, parents need to understand that the game is necessary for the child - in this way, he learns and involuntarily models real events, and independent play is needed to learn to cope with the difficulties that, of course, will be in the future life, and you need to be able to cope with them. . At the same time, games should be appropriate for the age of the baby. What can be offered to a child in three years?

Below we will consider options for what you can do with a three-year-old baby at home.

home theater

All children love fairy tales and very often play whole performances with pleasure, using various toys and even household items. You can support this theme and create your own home theater. You can also make characters with your own hands together with the child - sew dolls from colored patches, cut them out of cardboard and color them. Or opt for finger heroes by sewing small figures that can be put on your finger. It will also be interesting for the baby to make cardboard dolls on their own and dress them up in paper clothes (see how to make paper dolls with clothes + cutting templates).

In order for everything to look like on a real stage, you have to make a curtain. For the plot, you can choose your child's favorite fairy tale or come up with something yourself. Two or three characters will be enough to start. The prepared presentation is shown to the household or dad.

Fashion show

Girls - future fashionistas can be invited to play a fashion show. To do this, mom will have to get a lot of different things - it is better to choose simpler ones, such as skirts, capes, interesting hats - the daughter will definitely find a use for them, and can flaunt them in front of the mirror for quite some time. Some children flirt to such an extent that they are even ready to create their own unique outfits, and here you have to look around so that scissors do not come into play.

Role-playing games

To entertain a three-year-old kid, sometimes it is enough to offer him one of the role-playing games that he likes most of all, because children so often imitate adults. The girl can choose traditional daughter-mothers, playing Doctor, Hairdresser or Salesman. The boy, for sure, wants to become an Astronaut, a Builder or a Superhero. Of course, this requires suitable props, and this should be taken care of in advance, knowing the inclinations of the crumbs.


An excellent option is a children's disco. Good, rhythmic music will help the baby to dance from the heart and have plenty of fun. Well, if other children come to visit. In the same way, you can organize a karaoke or even a music competition in which adults and children will participate. Be sure to consider special rewards for the kids - small toy souvenirs or sweets are fine.

Modeling from plasticine

For little sculptors, the joint modeling. You need to buy a quality set of good plasticine with a lot of colors. You can show the child how to sculpt a simple figurine, a cat or a bunny, they usually start with the simplest figures - let the son or daughter make a round ball, a pancake out of it, several lessons will surely end with the creation of a children's masterpiece, which must be put in the most prominent place.

Kinetic Sand Games

Games with kinetic sand (how to make it yourself, we wrote in) can captivate the baby for a long time while he builds sand castles, watches him pour from pen to pen (see even more ideas for educational games with kinetic sand).

colored paper application

Kids at 3 years old are very interested in creating crafts with their own hands. For example, you can create beautiful applications from colored paper and cardboard together. On our website you can see examples with step-by-step photo instructions:,.

Educational book lessons

Classes in developing books with interesting tasks. There are many such books on sale now, but we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the books of the “Schools of 7 Dwarfs” series, the annual course of which can be downloaded for free for review. Choose the age of your baby and develop daily.


Activities with a child can be not only entertaining, but also useful, and drawing is one of the favorite hobbies of three-year-olds. There are several types of drawing that are suitable for a son or daughter at this age:

  • prints of legs, pens and fingers evoke positive emotions in all kids, without exception ( do-it-yourself finger paints are suitable for this);
  • drawing details to my mother's drawings: to a vase - flowers, to a basket - fruits, to a house - pipes and much more;
  • coloring of special books with plots of cartoons or fairy tales.

New Year crafts

If the time is approaching the New Year, and parents don’t know what to do with a child for 3 years at home, then you can’t better figure out how to jointly decorate an apartment with homemade garlands (read about how to make paper garlands). Making such an ornament is not particularly difficult, but the baby will get real pleasure by participating in this important and exciting process. Adults will need to cut multi-colored strips in advance, and then connect them together with the baby, gluing them into rings. Some children by this age are already very good with safe children's scissors and can help mom and dad with this.

Also in the winter season, you can do together, or.

What to do with a child at 3 years old at home while mom is busy: independent games for kids

Of course, we are not talking about getting rid of the child so that adults can rest. The question is somewhat different. If a three-year-old kid is so independent, why sometimes he does not want to play by himself, without adult guidance. Probably, this, too, will have to be taught to him first, and so that he does not have the thought that he is a burden.

Considering that during this life period he intensively forms an idea of ​​the real world, in addition, he experiences an irresistible craving for any creative activity and his vocabulary is sufficiently expanded, a variety of games and activities will suit the child. At the age of three, children are often enrolled in various developmental groups, foreign language lessons, sports clubs and dances. At home, they can also be successfully dealt with in a playful way, and the most attractive activity for them can absorb them entirely, forcing them to be assiduous and attentive.

Of course, first of all, these are various board (floor) games:


Constructors are one of the most favorite toys for kids of any age, and three-year-olds are no exception. Having instilled the baby's love for this useful entertainment, fathers and mothers can be calm for the mental development of their children and for their leisure even without their own presence. In the first place, of course, is Lego, this game has no analogues, and even some adults are fond of it.

For three-year-old girls, series such as Princess junior, Lego Friends are suitable, for boys - Ninjago, Magformers magnetic constructor, City. Domestic similar game - City of Masters, is no worse than the famous Lego, and is also designed for boys and girls. There are other interesting games in this category - Mega Bloks, Meccano or Connoisseur, which introduces young technicians to the basics of electronics.


No less exciting for three-year-old children are puzzles, for example, “My farm”, “Who lives where” - 3D puzzles, “Ludattika City”, “Larsen dragons”, “Larsen dinosaurs of the Jurassic period”.


Mosaics are also indispensable in their benefits, as they contribute to the development of fine motor skills, artistic taste and perseverance. All sorts of collages and applications can be included in the same category. In addition, the mosaic is not necessarily laid out according to the model, and the child can create a new pattern himself, feeling like a real creator. For three years, they use ordinary games with a field on legs, magnetic boards or a plane with holes for inserting chips.

Judging by the feedback from parents, these educational games are so loved by children that they can really leave their parents unattended at least for a while.

Learn letters

Of course, you can take the baby with something else. Many boys and girls at the age of three are already keenly interested in letters and numbers (see how to learn letters with a three-year-old child while playing), so they can choose educational games with a mathematical bias, or buy a special musical alphabet, according to which the baby will learn during the game . Accordingly, children who are fond of music acquire musical instruments or even CDs with musical works for listening; regular playing with a metallophone can develop hearing.

How to teach a 3 year old to play independently

But the question remains open, what is needed for a child to play independently? It turns out that the answer is rather prosaic. There are some requirements, observing which parents will quickly teach their baby this:

  • so that the child does not cling to his mother's skirt every five minutes, and does not run to his father with every question, parents should give him enough of their time, care, and a real manifestation of affection and love, which even an older baby desperately needs;
  • before expecting concentrated play and attention from a child, parents should make sure that he understands the rules and knows how to play;
  • if necessary, an adult should have the opportunity to contact the baby, because he may need help;
  • Mom and dad need to encourage the child's desire to play on their own, and this, above all, is praise.

We must not forget that the playing space of the son and daughter should be comfortable and specially equipped, in addition, children should feel, on the one hand, protected, on the other, absolutely free.

The skills of independent pastime are very important; in the future, such a model of behavior will make the child self-sufficient and ready for any life collisions. The main thing is that all family members act according to these rules, and then the baby will not only learn to manage his desires, actions and time, but will sincerely please his loved ones with success and achievements.

3 more ideas on what to do with a three-year-old child: video

Understanding what to do with a child for 3 years at home, the father and mother give the baby the opportunity to overcome the necessary obstacles on his own, manage his emotions, correctly build his actions in any, sometimes difficult, life situations.

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