Frontline mode in World of Tanks. Combat reserves in Fortified areas: "Airstrike" and "Artillery shelling How to call artillery in world of tanks

In Update 9.6, two new buildings can be built in Fortified Areas: an artillery battalion and a bomber regiment. In them, clans will produce special reserves that can be used directly in battle.
Please note that in order to build new buildings, you will need to free up space on existing tracks. Thus, starting from version 9.6, the number of available buildings exceeds the number of construction sites.

At the moment, Combat Reserves are only available for use in battles for Strongholds and are not available in sorties..

Artillery battalion

Produces the Artillery Barrage reserve, when used, the square of the map specified by the commander is covered with dense artillery fire using high-explosive fragmentation shells.
The action of this reserve is similar to the action of self-propelled guns. The shells arrive from their base and fall into the area at an angle of about 50°, inflicting damage identical to the damage from standard ammunition from the SPG arsenal.
The number of projectiles, their strength and the spread of fragments depend on the level of the building in which the reserve was produced.

Bomber Aviation Regiment

Produces the "Air Strike" reserve, which allows the commander to call in an Il-2 attack aircraft, which will strike at the specified area with cumulative anti-tank bombs (PTAB).
The action of the PTAB in this type of reserve is different from the artillery strike. The aircraft, entering the target, drops air bombs at an angle of 90 °, that is, vertically, which ensures that ammunition enters the vulnerabilities of the tanks. In addition, the right angle of entry of the bombs makes it possible to use the reserve against the enemy hidden behind houses and terrain.
The damage dealt by bombs and their amount per sortie depends on the level of the building in which the reserve was produced.

Before the start of the battle, the commander needs to add reserves in the pre-battle room. (The first player who enters the pre-battle room becomes the commander.) The order to use the reserve is also given by the commander.
After the destruction of the commander's tank, it is impossible to use combat reserves!
Below are tables with the values ​​of the strength and cost of combat reserves, depending on the level of the corresponding building.



Other changes

The Stronghold page has been moved to the clan portal, and at the same time new features have been added:

  • View clan statistics in battle mode with detailed information about the number of looted buildings and Command Centers.
  • Information about the time of defense, truce, ceasefire and the clan's game server.
  • Battle calendar, where you can see the planned attacks on the clan, as well as free slots for the attack.
  • Information about directions with buildings on them, attacks assigned to these directions, and outgoing attacks on other clans.

The following information is also available for your own Stronghold:

  • The durability of the Command Center and all buildings.
  • The amount of industrial resource in all buildings of the Stronghold.
  • A list of fighters and the amount of industrial resource they have earned, both in general for the Stronghold, and separately for each building.

Artillery often draws criticism from World of Tanks players. Indeed, she has a special gameplay that is different from other classes. Artillery is capable of throwing over obstacles and shoots in most cases on the entire map. At the same time, it often has a large one-time damage, so even one hit by a high-explosive projectile from artillery means a serious loss of durability and a lot of critical damage. Even one land mine sends weakly armored vehicles to the hangar.

You have to put up with World of Tanks artillery...

Plus and minus...

These pluses are offset by no less serious minuses. Artillery has low HP, is weakly armored and is vulnerable to light tanks a few ranks lower. The average aiming time takes 5-7 seconds (and this is with poor horizontal aiming angles in most cases), and reloading can last 40 seconds, and all 50. Artillery in general depends most of all on the VBR, which can hardly be called an advantage. You can do everything right (take good positions, choose the right lead, etc.), but miss again and again only because of the unfavorable VBR. This, of course, happens on other classes of equipment, but much less frequently.

The pluses of artillery include a large one-time damage, the minuses are a low margin of safety.

But for a player who receives a high-explosive projectile from artillery for a large part of the safety margin of his own vehicle, this is unlikely to be a consolation. Surprisingly, many tankers still do not know how to effectively counter artillery, for which they often pay with early dispatch to the hangar. The matter, perhaps, is aggravated by the fact that after a serious nerf of artillery in update 8.6, many have ceased to be completely afraid of it. And completely in vain, this class is still capable of inflicting significant damage, although its influence on the outcome of the battle has significantly decreased.

Artillery can be effectively counteracted

Defense strategies

There are three main strategies for defending against artillery: constantly maneuvering, taking good cover, and playing against camouflage. With the latter, everything is simple and clear: if the enemy does not see you, then he will not shoot you. The exception is rare blind shots, but artillery now takes so long to reload that few people risk firing with a very low chance to hit.

To protect against artillery, tanks need to constantly maneuver

A slightly different situation is when you shoot from one position, light up and drive off behind cover. And then shoot again from the same position where they shone a minute ago. In such cases, the artillery can be expected to fire blindly, or at least to be brought to a given point. So it is better to change positions more often.

With the first defense strategy, namely constant maneuvering, everything is also quite simple. Artillery is now being reduced for a long time, and the spread even from a small movement of the barrel or, moreover, the hull is very significant, so it is difficult to hit a car moving at a speed of already 40 km / h. But - it is possible, so when moving you need to dodge and constantly change direction.

On slow and clumsy cars, of course, it is difficult to avoid getting hit in this way, you simply cannot accelerate to sufficient speed. But even minimal movements back and forth, fidgeting in one place, seriously reduce the likelihood of a direct hit, the splash does not cause any significant damage. Here it is worth remembering the “rule of three seconds”. The principle here is as follows: if the artillery is reduced to the square where you are, and you light up, then it takes about three seconds for the enemy to accurately aim and shoot.

This can be used in the following way: after the light, you start, for example, moving forward, after three seconds you stop and back out. The enemy on artillery takes the lead when you drive forward, shoots, but misses, as you suddenly began to back up. This is not to say that this technique always works, but it does significantly reduce the damage received.

It is important to pay attention to the location of enemy artillery and, if necessary, choose suitable shelters.

There remains the last strategy, namely the occupation of high cover, through which the artillery shell cannot be thrown. Here you need to remember that the trajectory of different machines is very different. For example, Ob. 261, it is extremely flat, so you can hide from this artillery even not behind very high cover, but the British vehicles have a very steep trajectory, which allows them to throw shells even behind fairly high cover.

"Illuminate" the artillery

But even more attention should be paid to where the enemy artillery is, otherwise all your attempts to hide from it behind cover will be simply meaningless. In most battles, artillery is highlighted only towards the end of the battle, but this does not mean that until this moment it is impossible to understand exactly where it is located. First, when hitting you, the direction from which the shot was fired is displayed. Secondly, there are standard positions for artillery, and they need to be known.

Constantly maneuver and use cover to defend against artillery

Often she stands in general near the base, almost in a circle. Usually inexperienced players do this, but most of them do. So the arrival of a powerful high-explosive projectile is most likely to be expected from the side of the enemy base. There are also standard positions far from the base (often in the corners of the map), where artillery often gets up. The situation becomes much more complicated when there are three or more vehicles of this class in the enemy team, most likely they will stand up so that they can shoot through almost any position, so it will be extremely difficult to hide from a powerful high-explosive projectile.

More precisely, you can stand behind cover somewhere near your own base without fear of getting a similar landmine, but a little more active actions will already be punished. It's hard to do something here. On city maps, this problem is solved as if by itself, there are many tall buildings, through which high-explosive shells can sometimes be thrown only by British artillery.

But you should not relax. Long straight streets are dangerous, artillery can work along them. It is especially worth paying attention when artillery is targeting you, this happens quite often: as soon as you leave the shelter, a high-explosive shell immediately arrives, although you have been waiting, say, for a minute, and there are allies nearby in the chamber.

Negative statements by World of Tanks players about artillery are constantly heard. However, learning to resist it is not difficult.

Of course, such situations are unpleasant, but you should find a positive side in everything. Firstly, your allies will be able to act more actively, and you just need to play more carefully. Secondly, this situation may simply mean that you are better off changing flank and disappearing from the spotlight for a while. Use the time that has appeared, for example, to analyze the situation using the minimap and look for weaknesses in the enemy's defense.

What to do?

It is unlikely that the number of negative comments about artillery will ever seriously decrease. Still, this is a class with a special gameplay, and they don’t like something that stands out, especially since a hit by a powerful high-explosive projectile can spoil the battle at the very beginning even for a heavy tank. Nevertheless, artillery will definitely not be removed from the game, and its characteristics should not be expected to change, the developers have repeatedly stated that the situation with this class as a whole suits them. Therefore, artillery should be treated as a given and learn to counteract it. It will not be possible to completely avoid damage from it, but anyone can seriously reduce it.

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Reserves are various bonuses (to experience, to credits, to crew experience, etc.) that the Stronghold brings. These bonuses apply to all clan members above the rank of reservist in all battles without exception, whether it be random or team battles or battles on the Global Map.

Thanks to the reserves, you can receive bonuses without investing money, similar to those provided during promotions or a premium account.

Reserves are produced in buildings and are valid for a certain time after activation.

What are the reserves?

There are eight types of reserves available in the Stronghold mode, which are divided into two groups:

  1. Long-term reserves (valid for 2 hours).
  2. Reserves for battles.

How to prepare a reserve?

In order for clan fighters to be able to use the bonus from the reserve, this reserve should be prepared. Reserves are prepared in buildings. Each type of reserve has its own training cost, expressed in Industrial Resource. To prepare the reserve, the warehouse of the building must have the required amount of industrial resource. To prepare a reserve:

To find out how much time is left before the end of preparation, click on the building in which the reserve is being prepared.

How to increase the reserve level?

Reserve type The bonus it gives Where is it produced
Battle payouts Increase in the number of credits that clan members receive at the end of any battle Financial part
tactical training Increased combat experience that clan members receive at the end of any battle Tankodrome
Military training Increase in free experience that clan members receive at the end of any battle military school
Additional briefing Increasing the crew experience that clan members receive at the end of any battle Educational part
heavy transport Additional industrial resource received for battles in Sorties and Advances Motor transport part
Requisition Additional industrial resource received for the result of the Offensive Trophy brigade
airstrike Additional industrial resource when calling an airstrike. A bomber will fly into the indicated zone and bombard enemy vehicles. The resource is available in the "Sally" and "Offensive" modes Bomber Aviation Regiment
Shelling Additional industrial resource when calling for shelling. The artillery battery will cover the specified area of ​​the map with a salvo of high-explosive fragmentation shells. The resource is available in the "Sally" and "Offensive" modes Artillery battalion

Each reserve has levels from I to XII. They are determined by the level of the building where the reserve is produced (with the exception of level XI and XII reserves). Thus, you can increase the level of the reserve by improving the corresponding structure. At the same time, the parameters of the reserve are changed, such as the validity period, the size of the bonus, the period and cost of production.

On July 28, a new game event "Steel Fury" was launched. Its distinguishing features are the struggle for

On July 28, a new game event "Steel Fury" was launched. Its distinguishing features are the struggle for resource points and the ability to use the combat reserves Artostrel and Airstrike. Fights will take place between two teams on four maps. Depending on the map, each team will have 10 or 15 players. The standard battle time is 15 minutes.

The main task is to score more victory points than rivals. If one of the teams scores a certain number of points before the end of the battle, then the victory is counted ahead of schedule. The number of points required for an early victory depends on the number of players in the teams: 250 victory points for the 10x10 format and 400 victory points for the 15x15 battles.

Battles will take place on the following maps:

Features of the game event

Victory points. Victory points are awarded for destroying enemies, dealing damage, and capturing resource points.

Resource Points

Combat operations in the new game format are conducted for control over resource points. There are three such points on each map. The points are neutral and can be captured by players from both teams. To capture a point, the player needs to drive into it, after which its resource will gradually go into the team's "piggy bank", bringing victory points. If the tank capturing the point takes damage, progress is paused for a few seconds, but not reset. The capture also stops if vehicles from different teams are at the resource point at the same time.

After the resource of the point has been exhausted, it goes on cooldown and becomes available again after 100 seconds.

combat reserves

Combat reserves can be used in battle: "Artillery"; "Airstrike".

Combat reserves become available directly in battle, as a reward for active actions: inflicting damage and destroying opponents. To use the reserve, you must press the key 7 or 8 and select the area of ​​application. At the same time, for the "Airstrike" you also need to specify the direction with the mouse.

Respawn in battle

Combat vehicles are credited for free at the start of the game event. To start the battle, you need to prepare all these tanks and press the "Battle!" button. It will also be possible to install equipment, equipment and transfer the crew already in the Garage, retraining them for in-game credits or gold.

Five tanks are available for participation in the game event: Bat.-Châtillon 25 t (P), IS-7 (P), Leopard 1 (P), T57 Heavy (P), "Object 268 (P)". The tactical and technical characteristics of these machines are completely the same as the analogues existing in the game.

After the destruction, the player can choose the next tank, on which he will return to battle. At the same time, you cannot select a tank that was previously destroyed in this battle.

Important! In the Dominance: Fury of Steel game event, the number of respawns is limited - one for each tank.

Commemorative award "Excellent Victory". One-time issued to all players of the winning team.

In Update 9.6, two new buildings can be built in Fortified Areas: an artillery battalion and a bomber regiment. In them, clans will produce special reserves that can be used directly in battle.

Please note that in order to build new buildings, you will need to free up space on existing tracks. Thus, starting from version 9.6, the number of available buildings exceeds the number of construction sites.

At the moment, Combat Reserves are available for use only in battles for Strongholds and are not available in sorties.

Artillery battalion

Produces the Artillery Barrage reserve, when used, the square of the map specified by the commander is covered with dense artillery fire using high-explosive fragmentation shells.

The action of this reserve is similar to the action of self-propelled guns. The shells arrive from their base and fall into the area at an angle of about 50°, inflicting damage identical to the damage from standard ammunition from the SPG arsenal.

The number of projectiles, their strength and the spread of fragments depend on the level of the building in which the reserve was produced.

Bomber Aviation Regiment

Produces the "Air Strike" reserve, which allows the commander to call in an Il-2 attack aircraft, which will strike at the specified area with cumulative anti-tank bombs (PTAB).

The action of the PTAB in this type of reserve is different from the artillery strike. The aircraft, approaching the target, drops air bombs at an angle of 90 °, that is, vertically, which ensures that ammunition enters the vulnerabilities of the tanks. In addition, the right angle of entry of the bombs makes it possible to use the reserve against the enemy hidden behind houses and terrain.

The damage dealt by bombs and their amount per sortie depends on the level of the building in which the reserve was produced.

Each of these reserves can be used once during the battle.

Before the start of the battle, the commander needs to add reserves in the pre-battle room. (The first player who enters the pre-battle room becomes the commander.) The order to use the reserve is also given by the commander.

After the destruction of the commander's tank, it is impossible to use combat reserves!

Below are tables with the values ​​of the strength and cost of combat reserves, depending on the level of the corresponding building.



The preparation time for each of the combat reserves in buildings is 5 minutes at any level.

Other changes

The Fortified area page has been moved to , at the same time new features have been added:

  • View clan statistics in battle mode with detailed information about the number of looted buildings and Command Centers.
  • Information about the time of defense, truce, ceasefire and the clan's game server.
  • Battle calendar, where you can see the planned attacks on the clan, as well as free slots for the attack.
  • Information about directions with buildings on them, attacks assigned to these directions, and outgoing attacks on other clans.
The following information is also available for your own Stronghold:
  • The durability of the Command Center and all buildings.
  • The amount of industrial resource in all buildings of the Stronghold.
  • A list of fighters and the amount of industrial resource they have earned, both in general for the Stronghold, and separately for each building.
You can go to the updated Stronghold page from the clan profile by selecting the appropriate item in the menu on the right. You can discuss the new page at
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