The crooked forest of Western Poland and the forest of Hoya-Bachu - the Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania. Hoya Bachi - the scariest forest in Romania Les Randolph, USA

Forest Hoya-Bachu, located near the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca, rightfully bears the title of one of the most mysterious places in Europe. It is called the "Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania".

This analogy suggests itself: people disappear without a trace here, encounters with UFOs are not uncommon ... Residents of the surrounding villages prefer not to go to Hoya-Bacha, so as not to incur the wrath of powerful forces that, in their opinion, live in the forest.

The forest was changing before our eyes...

The main tourist attraction of Transylvania is Bran Castle, built in the 14th century. It was once owned by the legendary Vlad Tepes, better known to us as Count Dracula.

However, in recent years, more and more tourists tend to visit not only and not so much Dracula's castle, but the Hoya-Bachu forest surrounding it, in which paranormal phenomena have become almost commonplace.

But a little over 100 years ago it was a forest as a forest. Locals hunted there, picked mushrooms and berries. A well-trodden path ran through the forest, along which travelers were not afraid to travel even at night. Now this road is almost overgrown, and only extreme people will risk going to Hoya Bacha at night. Or obsessed paranormal investigators. Which, however, is enough.

At the beginning of the last century, the forest (then it was simply called Hoya) began to change literally before our eyes. The straight trunks of the trees gradually bent at monstrous angles. The ground was overgrown with thick moss. Animals gradually disappeared from the forest, followed by almost all the birds. Local residents whispered that they saw Vlad Tepes in Hoya, who at one time loved to hunt in these places. It was rumored that the devil himself chose the forest thicket.

The Lost Shepherd

The forest of Hoya began to justify its sinister reputation immediately after the end of the First World War. In one of the local villages there lived a shepherd nicknamed Bachu (translated from Romanian - "leader", "leader"). The local residents were engaged in cattle breeding, and therefore Bacha, who raised and sold hundreds of sheep, was respected. One day in June, a shepherd drove a flock of 200 heads to a fair in the town of Cluj-Napoca. His path ran through the forest. Bachu went there early in the morning and ... disappeared without a trace.

When at the appointed time he did not appear at the fair, the merchants, who were waiting for the flock, for which they had already paid a deposit, became alarmed. Residents of the city and surrounding villages (several thousand people participated in the search) literally combed the forest, which covers an area of ​​35 hectares, literally by a meter. But no traces of either the shepherd or the sheep could be found.

There were no robbers in these places for a long time, but even if they appeared from somewhere and killed Bacha, hiding his body, taking away such a large flock so that it would not be noticed in the surrounding villages is an unrealistic task. The respected man and the sheep disappeared without a trace. And the forest has since become known as Hoya-Bachu.

Time loop

The forest, like a predator that tasted the taste of human blood, demanded more and more new victims. Within a few years, several more people disappeared in Hoya Bachu. Their bodies were also not found. But these tragedies can be attributed to an accident, an attack by wild animals, that is, at least somehow explained. Other stories smack of outright devilry.

Here, for example, are two cases that occurred after the Second World War. A young teacher, who did not believe in God or in hell, went to Hoya Bacha for mushrooms. Soon local residents found her sitting on the edge of the forest.

In 1989, the Screaming Forest, located in Kent near the village of Pluckley, got into the Guinness Book of Records. It has the highest number of ghosts in the UK, with at least 12 "apparitions" per year.

The unfortunate woman completely lost her memory - she did not even remember her name. And, of course, she could not answer the question of what happened to her in the forest. Another time, a five-year-old girl, chasing a beautiful butterfly, ran into the forest and disappeared. Searches were organized, but the baby could not be found. Only five years later, the missing girl - in the same clothes and absolutely unchanged in appearance - came out of the forest, holding a caught butterfly by the wings.

The little girl was never able to tell where she disappeared: for her, only a few minutes had passed from the moment she entered the thicket.

Educated people, like the teacher mentioned above, despise superstition. Therefore, although the majority of local residents avoided hiking in Hoya-Bachu, some still went there for berries and mushrooms. Not all, but some soon fell ill - people complained of skin rashes, migraines, dizziness, unreasonable vomiting. Doctors could not establish the cause of ailments in absolutely healthy people. After some time, the patients recovered, but Hoya-Bacha finally gained a bad reputation.

World fame

In the 1960s, the Romanian biologist Alexander Sift became interested in the Hoya-Bachu phenomenon. He became the first scientist who seriously took up the study of the paranormal zone. For a number of years, Alexander, despite the danger, crossed the forest far and wide, spent the night in the thicket, and held photo shoots there.

Surprisingly, Hoya-Bachu did not cause him any harm. Alexander Sift noted that in the depths of the forest there is a strange round clearing on which there is no vegetation. When comparing soil samples from this clearing and from a regular forest clearing, no difference in composition was found. This means that there are no biological reasons for the disappearance of vegetation within the round meadow.

Alexander Sift noted: UFOs (most often round) can be found anywhere in the forest. But in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "bald" meadow, their activity is greatest. When the films were developed after nightly photo shoots, the researcher drew attention to another strange feature. Many photographs show round luminous objects that are not perceived by the naked eye.

By the way, such balls still often appear in photographs taken with digital cameras. Scientists cannot give a reasonable explanation for this, but the locals have it. In their opinion, the balls are the souls of dead people. The fact is that the lands of Transylvania are abundantly watered with blood - this area constantly changed hands in the Middle Ages. All this, of course, was accompanied by violence. The unfortunate peasants were robbed and mercilessly killed by local princes, and Hungarians, and Romanians, and Turks.

... In 1968, the case of Sift was continued by the Romanian military engineer Emil Barni. Shortly after the observation began, he managed to photograph a UFO above the treetops. Experts have established that we are really talking about some kind of flying object, the nature of which they do not undertake to explain. It is believed that this is the clearest and most reliable picture of a UFO taken in Romania.

Portal to another world?

Nowadays, numerous ufologists from different countries of the world come to Hoya Bacha - Germany, France, Great Britain, Hungary. However, paranormal activity in these places has declined somewhat in recent years. Not all visitors manage to encounter mystical phenomena.

However, many of them observe luminous balls in the forest (most often - near the "bald" clearing in the depths of the forest). Sometimes researchers hear strange sounds or see flickering shadows and lights. In winter, strange footprints often appear in the snow that do not belong to any creature known on Earth.

Photographs still often show strange silhouettes and glowing orbs that are not visible to the naked eye.

Prestigious ufology publications, as well as the BBC channel, call Hoya Bachu one of the most interesting paranormal zones on the planet. Even Nicolas Cage came here, intrigued by the programs about the mysterious forest. The famous Hollywood actor filmed a documentary about Hoya Bachu for several days, which he now shows to his friends at private parties. Cage is sure that the trees in the forest have changed their shape under the influence of the powerful energy inherent in these places. After this statement by the actor, yoga lovers began to come to Hoya Bachu. They meditate in the forest and try to draw energy from a mystical source.

In recent years, the inhabitants of the surrounding villages have found their own explanation for all the devilry that is happening in Hoya-Bachu. They are sure that the “bald” clearing in the thicket is a portal to another world. Disappeared people simply failed there. And luminous balls, strange shadows and UFOs are the inhabitants of a parallel universe who accidentally fell into our world.

But there is another version that explains the mysterious phenomena in Hoya-Bachu. Dracula's castle, which was somehow forgotten among all this hype around the mystical forest, may well influence the territory surrounding it with its negative energy and even be a kind of portal connecting our world with parallel worlds.

Andrey Leshukonsky

The Crooked Forest, where all the trees are uniformly deformed, looks like a fabulous place, as if a magic spell of a strong wizard had worked here. Old pine trees, planted almost a hundred years ago, grow in the most unthinkable way. About 400 trees were planted in 1930, but when the seedlings grew, the trunks of all the trees leaned towards the north.

An area of ​​bizarrely curved pines is located near Griffin in western Poland and is called the Crooked Forest. All the trees in the warped area have a mysterious 90-degree bend towards the north at the base. The reason why the trees took such an unusual shape is still unknown. This unique or magical forest is still a great mystery, showing off a landscape of warped space.

The twisted trees are surrounded by a large forest of straight growing pines, with only 400 trees having an unnatural curve. It is estimated that the trees should have grown normally for 7-10 years, but apparently the intervention of an unidentified force caused the curvature. Excluding the bend, the trees can be said to have grown tall and intact.

The small town where the trees were planted was completely destroyed during World War II and was only rebuilt after the 1970s. Perhaps for this reason, no one knows the truth about the Crooked Forest, there was no one to clarify the mystery of the enchanted place.

Probably the trees were bent using some kind of tools or technique, trying to solve the riddle of the anomaly different versions. However, the cause and technology are still unknown.

It is said that a group of farmers planted the trees and gave them such an exotic shape to create natural warped wood. The goal was to later use the trees as a building material in furniture or shipbuilding. During World War II, the invasion of Poland interrupted the work of the people, and they left these peculiar trees as we see them today.

Some say that a strong snow storm could knock the young trees down, giving them a rare shape. Other theorists point to a different vector of gravitational attraction in this area, considering it to be the cause of the anomalous phenomenon.

A closer reason for the appearance of the "magic forest" is the invasion of Poland by German tanks. The iron cars raced through the young forest, flattening the trees, causing them to grow twisted.

At the same time, all the reasons given are our imagination and theories, there is no witness who could explain the story. The reason for the appearance of the Crooked Forest is still a mystery, also related to the anomalous zone of the Crooked Forest Hoya-Bachu, whose history is overshadowed by frightening events.


Transylvania, nestled in central Romania, is famous for its terrible legends of Dracula's villainy and castles with grandiose history. Until now, many people do not believe that this land even exists. Surrounded by mountainous borders, Transylvania is rightly called "the land beyond the forests." The area of ​​legends and vampires shelters the most frightening forest in the world - the forest of Hoya-Bachu.

Hoya Bachu Enchanted Forest - Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania

The forest of Hoya-Bachu, located outside the city of Cluj-Napoca, is known as the "Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania". It's all about the mysterious incidents of the most real paranormal activity. Ghostly sightings, mysterious sounds, inexplicable hallucinations, flying lights, the appearance of geometric shapes, twisting trees - these are the smallest impressions of visitors to the Hoya-Bachu forest.

There are also stories of travelers disappearing suddenly and without a sound. Some of those who disappeared after a while reappeared, and, according to them, did not disappear at all. Others have disappeared, perhaps forever. It is assumed that the enchanted forest transferred hundreds of people to another space.

The forest of Hoya-Bachu got its name and became famous from an incomprehensible incident. Once a local shepherd Bachu disappeared in the forest, and a large flock of 200 sheep also disappeared. Early in the morning he drove the sheep to the market, intending to follow the path of the forest...they were never seen again. The missing man was searched for a long time, but no traces were found.


With regard to the forest, people believe that anyone who enters it runs the risk of never returning home. According to superstitious opinion, the spirits of peasants who were brutally killed in the forest live here. Their spirits were locked inside the forest, and now they often punish those who enter here.

Still others sin at all on Vlad Tepes, who made this place his patrimony for entertainment. The infamous figure used to hunt in these places when he was resting from his gloomy deeds. Or maybe the forest thicket was chosen by the devil himself.

Many people walking along the edge of the forest experienced the disturbed feeling of an invisible observer. Others heard strange laughter and indistinct voices from behind the trees, or even saw strange faces without bodies, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Also, fireballs fly out from behind the trees. People who ventured into the anomalous area of ​​the forest often came out with unexplained rashes, scratches, and burns. Some suffered severe headaches, nosebleeds and nausea.

Between the twisted and crooked trees of the Hoya-Bachu forest, there is a special circular area where there are no trees at all. Paranormal experts believe that the activity of otherworldly activity is at its peak here.


There are often reports of UFOs flying over the forest. The reason for the disappearance of people is also associated with alien abductions. True, those who believe in magic and sorcerers are sure: evil spirits are holding a conference!

Hoya-Bachu forest first became famous for its UFO sightings in 1968. Biologist Alexander Sift, having become interested in the mystery of the forest full of anomalous phenomena, visited an amazing place. He was even lucky enough to capture an unidentified object flying over the trees in the frame.

Then that same year, on August 18, military technician Emil Barney collected sharper photographs of similar objects. Then a UFO was captured in 2002 from the top floor of an apartment building in the nearby city of Cluj.

Two local residents recorded a 27-second video of a bright, cigar-shaped object flying over a forest that disappeared as it dived into the sky. The last UFO sighting was in 2016, although we can talk about it conditionally - these are not “usual” flying saucers, but flattened spheres surrounded by fiery light.


An interesting hypothesis sees a passage to another dimension in the fantastic area of ​​the forest, considering the "enchanted place" the boundary between ours and the other world. Many visitors have reported that even time disappears in the forest.

One of the recent cases is the disappearance of a five-year-old girl. She entered the forest and got lost. Search parties searched for the child for a long time, but did not find any traces of the missing. Five years after this incident, local residents discovered that the girl was crying near the forest. The child looked like she was five years old, and her clothes also corresponded to the time of disappearance. She did not remember anything about those five years when she was considered missing.

Many researchers have visited and studied the Hoya-Bachu forest, concluding that the forest is indeed a haven for paranormal phenomena and UFOs. One of the proposed theories even concerned the influence of supersonic waves. The supposedly anomalous region can be the source of such waves that cannot be heard by the human ear.

Such waves can create sharp physical effects from their vibrations. They can cause audio and visual hallucinations. They are likely to be the cause of the physical inconvenience that visitors to the forest face. On the other hand, how, then, to explain the disappearance of people?

Stories of UFO sightings, paranormal activity, vegetation dead zone, lack of time in Hoya Bachu can be exaggerated. However, many are still sure that something unnatural is really happening in the forest.

In many anomalous zones, a certain force is visible that goes beyond our imagination and violates the logic of our world. Let's wait and see if someone in the future can solve the mystery of the twisted trees anomalies.

The Hoya Bachu forest in Romania is one of the creepiest places on planet Earth. UFOs are often seen here, people disappear, they see ghostly figures, etc. Along with Draucula's castle, this place is one of the most favorite places for paranormal investigators to visit in Transylvania.


Deep in Romania lies the city of Cluj-Napoca, the second most populous city in the country. Surrounded by forests and meadows, it is considered the capital of the historical province of Transylvania.

Locals love to walk in the picturesque surroundings around the city, with the exception of the Hoya-Bachu forest.

From the very first chronicles it is known that the locals are afraid of this forest, believing that this is the gate to another world. Mystical lights are visible at night among the trees, to which there is a lot of evidence from people watching this outside the forest.

Another phenomenon in the forest is the "Time Loop". To many people who entered the forest, it seemed that very little time had passed, but upon leaving the forest they encountered search parties that had been raised in search of them. It seemed to the missing people that they had spent only a few hours in the forest, when in fact they could not be found for several days.

One five-year-old girl ran after a butterfly and did not notice how she ran into the forest. She disappeared without a trace. Five years later, the girl, in the same clothes and completely unchanged, came out of the forest, holding a caught butterfly in her hands. It seemed to her that only a few minutes had passed.

One story claims the opposite phenomenon of "time". One girl went into the forest, spent only a few hours there, but when she left it, she added several years to her age.

In August 1968, one of the most famous events took place in the forest. The 45-year-old military technician ignored the warnings of the locals and went into the woods to spend the weekend with his girlfriend and friends.

In the afternoon, he was collecting firewood in order to kindle a fire at night, but he heard the cries of his friends. He returned to them and saw a low-flying, bright object moving silently through the air just above the trees.

The object then made several quick maneuvers before shooting like an arrow into the sky and out of sight.

This was neither the first nor the last UFO sighting in this forest, and throughout the 1970s, Hoya Bachu became a destination for many UFO researchers. One known photograph of an unidentified object hovering above the trees was taken here.

Various sources claim that the photo was taken by either Emil Barnia or Alexandru Sift. However, most sources say that this photo was taken by Sift.

At present, in connection with all these legends, the forest began to attract a huge number of researchers of the paranormal, and other people who are attracted by everything unknown. Although the locals warn them not to venture into the forest, entire research teams head into it, hoping to stumble upon something interesting or experience the forest's influence for themselves.

Although many have felt unwell in the forest and found themselves burned, in general their experience is slightly different from that of the locals.

Be careful if you happen to get into this forest, do not leave the beaten paths. You can see humanoid shadows in the branches of trees, hear disembodied voices, some rustling and the most terrible thing is girlish laughter. For some reason, local residents did not report such incidents.

Perhaps this happens because the intentions of the explorers are different from the intentions of the locals, who are eager to leave the forest as soon as possible, and the forest itself and its inhabitants understand this. Perhaps this is due to the researchers themselves, who seek to establish contact with the other world and even use electronic equipment for this.

Paranormal activity intensifies as the area known as "The Circle" approaches. Here, deep inside Hoya-Bachu, there is a place, in the form of a circle, where no trees grow. Locals believe that spirits live here. It is believed that once upon a time there was a peasant settlement in this clearing, but, according to legend, it was destroyed when enemies came here and staged a real massacre.

There is a version that it is the ghosts of the destroyed settlement that now live in Hoya-Bachu, and it is in this “circle” that researchers encounter the most unusual anomalies. Basically, these are attacks by invisible entities.

As a portal for ghosts and spirits, as well as a UFO visitation site, Hoya Bachu is a dream come true for paranormal investigators. Perhaps someone lives in the forest or there is something that causes all these phenomena. Or maybe all these oddities are caused by some one phenomenon that is not yet known to science. Who knows?

The sights of Europe are the center of attraction for tourists and travelers from all over the world. In the heart of Eastern Europe, in Romania, there is one unusual place - the mysterious forest of Hoya Bachu, infamous for numerous UFO visits, screams coming from the thicket and strange burns that appear on people who visit this ominous place.

Mysterious Hoya Bachu forest in Romania

In Romania, a country known for its creepy stories and dark stone castles, there is a forest that holds terrible secrets. Hoya Bachu Forest can be found in the heart of Transylvania, near the ancient city of Cluj-Napoca. Often referred to as Romania's "Bermuda Triangle", the densely wooded area is famous for its paranormal activity, including UFOs, strange sounds and camera-captured spectral entities.

The locals are convinced that the devil himself roams the forest. Those who visit Hoya Bacha experience feelings of anxiety, as well as bouts of nausea or migraines. Often people have unexplained rashes, scratches and burns on the skin. However, the mysterious nature of the forest does not end with its harmful effects on humans. Some deformed trees grow in an interesting way, and in place of some of them, for some unknown reason, charred trunks can be seen. Despite the terrible stories and stories, this kind continues to attract the attention of tourists, especially fans of everything supernatural and mysterious.

Ideal place for a UFO landing

The forest was named after a shepherd who disappeared into the area with a flock of two hundred sheep. Most of the people who live nearby are afraid to go there because of the many scary stories and legends that have been passed down through the years by word of mouth. They believe that those who go far into the sinister forest will never return home. Fairy tales are fairy tales, but how to explain the fact that some electronic devices fail in the forest? Investigators of the paranormal attribute such problems to the supernatural activity of this place.

Deep in the forest there is an almost perfect circular clearing devoid of plants and trees, it is likely that this place serves as a landing strip for alien spaceships. Numerous photographs taken of these locations show strange disc-shaped lights hovering above the treetops. Rumors of time travel and doors to other dimensions are certainly exaggerated, however, it is clear that there is something in this forest that makes you shudder at the slightest creak, especially in the evening.

Holidays in Europe can become unforgettable for those who have planned their trip to Romania, the land of vampires and ghosts, where the spirit of mysticism hovers everywhere. In the vicinity of the city of Cluj-Napoca, there is the most mystical and strange forest, legends and myths about which have been passed down from generation to generation for a long time. The proof that this is not another terrible fable about Dracula is that signs of magnetic anomalies, electromagnetic and unusual infrasonic vibrations were indeed recorded in the forest.

Romania is a country that has long been famous for mysterious and terrifying legends passed from mouth to mouth. The most popular attraction is considered to be the mysterious Bran Castle, which was built in the 14th century and belonged to the notorious mystical character in all respects - Vlad the Impaler, known as Count Dracula.

However, recently, not the mysterious castle, but the nearby Hoya-Bachu forest, in which completely inexplicable events began to take place relatively recently, has become much more popular among tourists.

Just some 100 years ago, this forest was a cozy green corner where locals happily spent their weekends picking berries and mushrooms. A busy road ran through the forest, used daily by dozens of people. Today, this road is barely noticeable because of the thickets that completely covered the once well-trodden path. Local residents prefer not to go into the forest once again, which in a matter of days turned into a abode of the paranormal and struck terror into the hearts of people.

The beginning of unusual events

The mysterious history of Hoya-Bachu began with the fact that at the beginning of the 20th century the forest, for no apparent reason, began to change its appearance. Once straight trees began to bend in different directions at very strange and unusual angles. Animals and birds began to gradually disappear, and then completely disappeared. The locals began to talk about the fact that Satan himself became interested in the forest.

The Lost Shepherd

Stories of mysterious disappearances began shortly after the First World War. The main occupation of the locals was cattle breeding and raising sheep for sale. Once a shepherd named Bachu with a flock of 200 sheep went to the market through the forest. He entered Hoya early in the morning and disappeared forever. Shortly after the mysterious disappearance of Bachu, they began to search and combed the entire forest. Unfortunately, traces of the shepherd and 200 sheep were never found.

Another dimension

The story of a shepherd named Bachu was far from the last case of people disappearing. But any disappearance can still be tried to be explained by logical things: a person could be killed by a beast or a robber. But Hoya-Bachu is famous for even more mysterious cases than disappearances in its depths.
One day, a young teacher at a local school decided to go mushroom picking in the forest. She did not believe in the mysterious and sinister stories that were actively discussed by the locals. The teacher was absent for a long time and people went to look for her. They found her sitting alone in the middle of the forest. The girl could not remember her name, nor how she ended up in the forest.
Another time, a little girl ran into the forest to get a butterfly and disappeared. The girl's parents launched a large-scale search, but it was not possible to find the child. Five years later, this same girl came out of the forest at the same age and appearance as five years ago. She was fully convinced that only five minutes had passed and did not understand what had happened.

UFO-related cases have been repeatedly recorded in Hoya Bachu, and mysterious shimmering balls and mysterious silhouettes are practically the norm for this place. Recognized world ufologists consider the mysterious forest one of the most interesting anomalous zones in the whole world. They believe that Hoya-Bachu may well be a temporary portal, where the heroes of numerous cases that occur in this ominous forest fall.

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