How is the root. Research work on the topic: "Extracting square roots from large numbers without a calculator"

Students always ask: “Why can't I use a calculator on a math exam? How to extract the square root of a number without a calculator? Let's try to answer this question.

How to extract the square root of a number without the help of a calculator?

Action square root extraction the opposite of squaring.

√81= 9 9 2 =81

If we take the square root of a positive number and square the result, we get the same number.

From not big numbers, which are exact squares of natural numbers, for example 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ..., 100 square roots can be extracted orally. Usually at school they teach a table of squares of natural numbers up to twenty. Knowing this table, it is easy to extract the square roots from the numbers 121,144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400. From numbers greater than 400, you can extract using the selection method using some tips. Let's try an example to consider this method.

Example: Extract the root of the number 676.

We notice that 20 2 \u003d 400, and 30 2 \u003d 900, which means 20< √676 < 900.

Exact squares of natural numbers end in 0; one; 4; 5; 6; nine.
The number 6 is given by 4 2 and 6 2 .
So, if the root is taken from 676, then it is either 24 or 26.

It remains to check: 24 2 = 576, 26 2 = 676.

Answer: √676 = 26 .

More example: √6889 .

Since 80 2 \u003d 6400, and 90 2 \u003d 8100, then 80< √6889 < 90.
The number 9 is given by 3 2 and 7 2, then √6889 is either 83 or 87.

Check: 83 2 = 6889.

Answer: √6889 = 83 .

If you find it difficult to solve by the selection method, then you can factorize the root expression.

For example, find √893025.

Let's factorize the number 893025, remember, you did it in the sixth grade.

We get: √893025 = √3 6 ∙5 2 ∙7 2 = 3 3 ∙5 ∙7 = 945.

More example: √20736. Let's factorize the number 20736:

We get √20736 = √2 8 ∙3 4 = 2 4 ∙3 2 = 144.

Of course, factoring requires knowledge of divisibility criteria and factoring skills.

And finally, there is square root rule. Let's look at this rule with an example.

Calculate √279841.

To extract the root of a multi-digit integer, we split it from right to left into faces containing 2 digits each (there may be one digit in the left extreme face). Write like this 27'98'41

To get the first digit of the root (5), we extract the square root of the largest exact square contained in the first left face (27).
Then the square of the first digit of the root (25) is subtracted from the first face and the next face (98) is attributed (demolished) to the difference.
To the left of the received number 298, they write the double digit of the root (10), divide by it the number of all tens of the previously obtained number (29/2 ≈ 2), experience the quotient (102 ∙ 2 = 204 should be no more than 298) and write (2) after the first digit of the root.
Then the resulting quotient 204 is subtracted from 298, and the next facet (41) is attributed (demolished) to the difference (94).
To the left of the resulting number 9441, they write the double product of the digits of the root (52 ∙ 2 = 104), divide by this product the number of all tens of the number 9441 (944/104 ≈ 9), experience the quotient (1049 ∙ 9 = 9441) should be 9441 and write it down (9) after the second digit of the root.

We got the answer √279841 = 529.

Similarly extract roots of decimals. Only the radical number must be divided into faces so that the comma is between the faces.

Example. Find the value √0.00956484.

Just remember that if the decimal fraction has not even number decimal places, the exact square root is not extracted from it.

So, now you have seen three ways to extract the root. Choose the one that suits you best and practice. To learn how to solve problems, you need to solve them. And if you have any questions, ., with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

It's time to disassemble root extraction methods. They are based on the properties of roots, in particular, on equality, which is valid for any non negative number b.

Below we will consider in turn the main methods of extracting roots.

Let's start with the simplest case - extracting roots from natural numbers using a table of squares, a table of cubes, etc.

If the tables of squares, cubes, etc. is not at hand, it is logical to use the method of extracting the root, which involves decomposing the root number into simple factors.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on, which is possible for roots with odd exponents.

Finally, consider a method that allows you to sequentially find the digits of the value of the root.

Let's get started.

Using a table of squares, a table of cubes, etc.

In the simplest cases, tables of squares, cubes, etc. allow extracting roots. What are these tables?

The table of squares of integers from 0 to 99 inclusive (shown below) consists of two zones. The first zone of the table is located on a gray background; by selecting a certain row and a certain column, it allows you to make a number from 0 to 99. For example, let's select a row of 8 tens and a column of 3 units, with this we fixed the number 83. The second zone occupies the rest of the table. Each of its cells is located at the intersection of a certain row and a certain column, and contains the square of the corresponding number from 0 to 99 . At the intersection of our chosen row of 8 tens and column 3 of one, there is a cell with the number 6889, which is the square of the number 83.

Tables of cubes, tables of fourth powers of numbers from 0 to 99 and so on are similar to the table of squares, only they contain cubes, fourth powers, etc. in the second zone. corresponding numbers.

Tables of squares, cubes, fourth powers, etc. allow you to extract square roots, cube roots, fourth roots, etc. respectively from the numbers in these tables. Let us explain the principle of their application in extracting roots.

Let's say we need to extract the root of the nth degree from the number a, while the number a is contained in the table of nth degrees. According to this table, we find the number b such that a=b n . Then , therefore, the number b will be the desired root of the nth degree.

As an example, let's show how the cube root of 19683 is extracted using the cube table. We find the number 19 683 in the table of cubes, from it we find that this number is a cube of the number 27, therefore, .

It is clear that tables of n-th degrees are very convenient when extracting roots. However, they are often not at hand, and their compilation requires a certain amount of time. Moreover, it is often necessary to extract roots from numbers that are not contained in the corresponding tables. In these cases, one has to resort to other methods of extracting the roots.

Decomposition of the root number into prime factors

A fairly convenient way to extract the root from a natural number (if, of course, the root is extracted) is to decompose the root number into prime factors. His the essence is as follows: after it is quite easy to represent it as a degree with the desired indicator, which allows you to get the value of the root. Let's explain this point.

Let the root of the nth degree be extracted from a natural number a, and its value is equal to b. In this case, the equality a=b n is true. The number b as any natural number can be represented as a product of all its prime factors p 1 , p 2 , …, p m in the form p 1 p 2 p m , and the root number a in this case is represented as (p 1 p 2 ... p m) n . Since the decomposition of the number into prime factors is unique, the decomposition of the root number a into prime factors will look like (p 1 ·p 2 ·…·p m) n , which makes it possible to calculate the value of the root as .

Note that if the factorization of the root number a cannot be represented in the form (p 1 ·p 2 ·…·p m) n , then the root of the nth degree from such a number a is not completely extracted.

Let's deal with this when solving examples.


Take the square root of 144 .


If we turn to the table of squares given in the previous paragraph, it is clearly seen that 144=12 2 , from which it is clear that the square root of 144 is 12 .

But in the light of this point, we are interested in how the root is extracted by decomposing the root number 144 into prime factors. Let's take a look at this solution.

Let's decompose 144 to prime factors:

That is, 144=2 2 2 2 3 3 . Based on the resulting decomposition, the following transformations can be carried out: 144=2 2 2 2 3 3=(2 2) 2 3 2 =(2 2 3) 2 =12 2. Hence, .

Using the properties of the degree and properties of the roots, the solution could be formulated a little differently: .


To consolidate the material, consider the solutions of two more examples.


Calculate the root value.


The prime factorization of the root number 243 is 243=3 5 . Thus, .



Is the value of the root an integer?


To answer this question, let's decompose the root number into prime factors and see if it can be represented as a cube of an integer.

We have 285 768=2 3 3 6 7 2 . The resulting decomposition is not represented as a cube of an integer, since the degree prime factor 7 is not a multiple of three. Therefore, the cube root of 285,768 is not taken completely.



Extracting roots from fractional numbers

It's time to figure out how the root is extracted from a fractional number. Let the fractional root number be written as p/q . According to the property of the root of the quotient, the following equality is true. From this equality it follows fraction root rule: The root of a fraction is equal to the quotient of dividing the root of the numerator by the root of the denominator.

Let's look at an example of extracting a root from a fraction.


What is the square root of common fraction 25/169 .


According to the table of squares, we find that the square root of the numerator of the original fraction is 5, and the square root of the denominator is 13. Then . This completes the extraction of the root from an ordinary fraction 25/169.


The root of a decimal fraction or a mixed number is extracted after replacing the root numbers with ordinary fractions.


Take the cube root of the decimal 474.552.


Let's represent the original decimal as a common fraction: 474.552=474552/1000 . Then . It remains to extract the cube roots that are in the numerator and denominator of the resulting fraction. As 474 552=2 2 2 3 3 3 13 13 13=(2 3 13) 3 =78 3 and 1 000=10 3 , then and . It remains only to complete the calculations .



Extracting the root of a negative number

Separately, it is worth dwelling on extracting roots from negative numbers. When studying roots, we said that when the exponent of the root is an odd number, then a negative number can be under the sign of the root. We gave such notations the following meaning: for a negative number −a and an odd exponent of the root 2 n−1, we have . This equality gives rule for extracting odd roots from negative numbers: to extract the root from a negative number, you need to extract the root from the opposite positive number, and put a minus sign in front of the result.

Let's consider an example solution.


Find the root value.


Let's transform the original expression so that a positive number appears under the root sign: . Now we replace the mixed number with an ordinary fraction: . We apply the rule of extracting the root from an ordinary fraction: . It remains to calculate the roots in the numerator and denominator of the resulting fraction: .

Here is a summary of the solution: .



Bitwise Finding the Root Value

In the general case, under the root there is a number that, using the techniques discussed above, cannot be represented as the nth power of any number. But at the same time, there is a need to know the value of a given root, at least up to a certain sign. In this case, to extract the root, you can use an algorithm that allows you to consistently obtain a sufficient number of values ​​​​of the digits of the desired number.

The first step of this algorithm is to find out what is the most significant bit of the root value. To do this, the numbers 0, 10, 100, ... are successively raised to the power n until a number exceeding the root number is obtained. Then the number that we raised to the power of n in the previous step will indicate the corresponding high order.

For example, consider this step of the algorithm when extracting the square root of five. We take the numbers 0, 10, 100, ... and square them until we get a number greater than 5 . We have 0 2 =0<5 , 10 2 =100>5 , which means that the most significant digit will be the units digit. The value of this bit, as well as lower ones, will be found in the next steps of the root extraction algorithm.

All the following steps of the algorithm are aimed at successive refinement of the value of the root due to the fact that the values ​​of the next digits of the desired value of the root are found, starting from the highest and moving to the lowest. For example, the value of the root in the first step is 2 , in the second - 2.2 , in the third - 2.23 , and so on 2.236067977 ... . Let us describe how the values ​​of the bits are found.

Finding the digits is carried out by enumerating them possible values 0, 1, 2, ..., 9 . In this case, the nth powers of the corresponding numbers are calculated in parallel, and they are compared with the root number. If at some stage the value of the degree exceeds the radical number, then the value of the digit corresponding to the previous value is considered found, and the transition to the next step of the root extraction algorithm is made, if this does not happen, then the value of this digit is 9 .

Let us explain all these points using the same example of extracting the square root of five.

First, find the value of the units digit. We will iterate over the values ​​0, 1, 2, …, 9 , calculating respectively 0 2 , 1 2 , …, 9 2 until we get a value greater than the radical number 5 . All these calculations are conveniently presented in the form of a table:

So the value of the units digit is 2 (because 2 2<5 , а 2 3 >5 ). Let's move on to finding the value of the tenth place. In this case, we will square the numbers 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, ..., 2.9, comparing the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bwith the root number 5:

Since 2.2 2<5 , а 2,3 2 >5 , then the value of the tenth place is 2 . You can proceed to finding the value of the hundredths place:

So the next value of the root of five is found, it is equal to 2.23. And so you can continue to find values ​​further: 2,236, 2,2360, 2,23606, 2,236067, … .

To consolidate the material, we will analyze the extraction of the root with an accuracy of hundredths using the considered algorithm.

First, we define the senior digit. To do this, we cube the numbers 0, 10, 100, etc. until we get a number greater than 2,151.186 . We have 0 3 =0<2 151,186 , 10 3 =1 000<2151,186 , 100 3 =1 000 000>2 151.186 , so the most significant digit is the tens digit.

Let's define its value.

Since 10 3<2 151,186 , а 20 3 >2,151.186 , then the value of the tens digit is 1 . Let's move on to units.

Thus, the value of the ones place is 2 . Let's move on to ten.

Since even 12.9 3 is less than the radical number 2 151.186 , the value of the tenth place is 9 . It remains to perform the last step of the algorithm, it will give us the value of the root with the required accuracy.

At this stage, the value of the root is found up to hundredths: .

In conclusion of this article, I would like to say that there are many other ways to extract roots. But for most tasks, those that we studied above are sufficient.


  • Makarychev Yu.N., Mindyuk N.G., Neshkov K.I., Suvorova S.B. Algebra: textbook for 8 cells. educational institutions.
  • Kolmogorov A.N., Abramov A.M., Dudnitsyn Yu.P. and others. Algebra and the Beginnings of Analysis: A Textbook for Grades 10-11 of General Educational Institutions.
  • Gusev V.A., Mordkovich A.G. Mathematics (a manual for applicants to technical schools).

Mathematics was born when a person became aware of himself and began to position himself as an autonomous unit of the world. The desire to measure, compare, calculate what surrounds you - this is what underlay one of the fundamental sciences of our days. At first, these were particles of elementary mathematics, which made it possible to connect numbers with their physical expressions, later the conclusions began to be presented only theoretically (because of their abstractness), but after a while, as one scientist put it, "mathematics reached the ceiling of complexity when all numbers." The concept of "square root" appeared at a time when it could be easily supported by empirical data, going beyond the plane of calculations.

How it all began

The first mention of the root, which is currently denoted as √, was recorded in the writings of the Babylonian mathematicians, who laid the foundation for modern arithmetic. Of course, they looked a little like the current form - the scientists of those years first used bulky tablets. But in the second millennium BC. e. they came up with an approximate calculation formula that showed how to take the square root. The photo below shows a stone on which Babylonian scientists carved the output process √2, and it turned out to be so correct that the discrepancy in the answer was found only in the tenth decimal place.

In addition, the root was used if it was necessary to find the side of a triangle, provided that the other two were known. Well, when solving quadratic equations, there is no escape from extracting the root.

Along with the Babylonian works, the object of the article was also studied in the Chinese work "Mathematics in Nine Books", and the ancient Greeks came to the conclusion that any number from which the root is not extracted without a remainder gives an irrational result.

The origin of this term is associated with the Arabic representation of the number: ancient scientists believed that the square of an arbitrary number grows from the root, like a plant. In Latin, this word sounds like radix (one can trace a pattern - everything that has a "root" semantic load is consonant, be it radish or sciatica).

Scientists of subsequent generations picked up this idea, designating it as Rx. For example, in the 15th century, in order to indicate that the square root is taken from an arbitrary number a, they wrote R 2 a. The “tick” √, familiar to the modern look, appeared only in the 17th century thanks to Rene Descartes.

Our days

Mathematically, the square root of y is the number z whose square is y. In other words, z 2 =y is equivalent to √y=z. However, this definition is relevant only for the arithmetic root, since it implies a non-negative value of the expression. In other words, √y=z, where z is greater than or equal to 0.

In general, which is valid for determining an algebraic root, the value of an expression can be either positive or negative. Thus, due to the fact that z 2 =y and (-z) 2 =y, we have: √y=±z or √y=|z|.

Due to the fact that love for mathematics has only increased with the development of science, there are various manifestations of affection for it, not expressed in dry calculations. For example, along with such interesting events as the day of Pi, the holidays of the square root are also celebrated. They are celebrated nine times in a hundred years, and are determined according to the following principle: the numbers that denote the day and month in order must be the square root of the year. So, next time this holiday will be celebrated on April 4, 2016.

Properties of the square root on the field R

Almost all mathematical expressions have a geometric basis, this fate did not pass and √y, which is defined as the side of a square with area y.

How to find the root of a number?

There are several calculation algorithms. The simplest, but at the same time quite cumbersome, is the usual arithmetic calculation, which is as follows:

1) from the number whose root we need, odd numbers are subtracted in turn - until the remainder of the output is less than the subtracted one or even equals zero. The number of moves will eventually become the desired number. For example, calculating the square root of 25:

The next odd number is 11, the remainder is: 1<11. Количество ходов - 5, так что корень из 25 равен 5. Вроде все легко и просто, но представьте, что придется вычислять из 18769?

For such cases, there is a Taylor series expansion:

√(1+y)=∑((-1) n (2n)!/(1-2n)(n!) 2 (4 n))y n , where n takes values ​​from 0 to

+∞, and |y|≤1.

Graphic representation of the function z=√y

Consider an elementary function z=√y on the field of real numbers R, where y is greater than or equal to zero. Her chart looks like this:

The curve grows from the origin and necessarily crosses the point (1; 1).

Properties of the function z=√y on the field of real numbers R

1. The domain of definition of the considered function is the interval from zero to plus infinity (zero is included).

2. The range of values ​​of the considered function is the interval from zero to plus infinity (zero is again included).

3. The function takes the minimum value (0) only at the point (0; 0). There is no maximum value.

4. The function z=√y is neither even nor odd.

5. The function z=√y is not periodic.

6. There is only one point of intersection of the graph of the function z=√y with the coordinate axes: (0; 0).

7. The intersection point of the graph of the function z=√y is also the zero of this function.

8. The function z=√y is continuously growing.

9. The function z=√y takes only positive values, therefore, its graph occupies the first coordinate angle.

Options for displaying the function z=√y

In mathematics, to facilitate the calculation of complex expressions, sometimes they use the power form of writing the square root: √y=y 1/2. This option is convenient, for example, in raising a function to a power: (√y) 4 =(y 1/2) 4 =y 2 . This method is also a good representation for differentiation with integration, since thanks to it the square root is represented by an ordinary power function.

And in programming, the replacement for the symbol √ is the combination of letters sqrt.

It is worth noting that in this area the square root is in great demand, as it is part of most of the geometric formulas necessary for calculations. The counting algorithm itself is quite complicated and is based on recursion (a function that calls itself).

The square root in the complex field C

By and large, it was the subject of this article that stimulated the discovery of the field of complex numbers C, since mathematicians were haunted by the question of obtaining an even degree root from a negative number. This is how the imaginary unit i appeared, which is characterized by a very interesting property: its square is -1. Thanks to this, quadratic equations and with a negative discriminant got a solution. In C, for the square root, the same properties are relevant as in R, the only thing is that the restrictions on the root expression are removed.

How to extract the root from the number. In this article, we will learn how to take the square root of four and five digit numbers.

Let's take the square root of 1936 as an example.

Hence, .

The last digit in 1936 is 6. The square of 4 and 6 ends at 6. Therefore, 1936 can be the square of 44 or 46. It remains to be verified using multiplication.


Let's extract the square root of the number 15129.

Hence, .

The last digit in 15129 is 9. The 9 ends with the square of 3 and 7. Therefore, 15129 can be the square of 123 or 127. Let's check with multiplication.


How to root - video

And now I suggest you watch the video of Anna Denisova - "How to extract the root ", site author " simple physics", in which she explains how to extract square and cube roots without a calculator.

The video discusses several ways to extract roots:

1. The easiest way to extract the square root.

2. Matching using the square of the sum.

3. Babylonian way.

4. A method of extracting a square root in a column.

5. A quick way to extract the cube root.

6. The method of extracting the cube root in a column.

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