Valley love is a difficult mental work. Preparation for the exam in the Russian language - a collection of texts. Complex text analysis

The text proposed for analysis raises the problem of true love (1). The author reveals this issue, reflecting on the nature of love (2). In her story about a high feeling, N. Dolinina asks the question: "How can you keep love?" and "How to be as unique as the rose was for the Little Prince?"(3). The reference to the story of Antoine Saint-Exupery is not accidental, because it is in it that the secret of love is revealed, which consists in the fact that there are limits to power, because as the hero of the book, the old king, said: "Power must be reasonable" (4).

The problem of true love has also found its way into fiction (8).

As the first argument, I will cite the novel by A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" (9). The main character of the novel, Masha Mironova, for the sake of Pyotr Grinev, goes to the Empress herself for help for her lover (10). The heroine did a noble deed solely because of her strong love for the hero, and he, of course, did not ask her to intercede for him (11).

As another argument, I will cite the psychological novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" (12). Sonya Marmeladova's love for Raskolnikov made her not only help the hero find a way out of this situation, but even go to hard labor with him to be near and support him (13). Sonya Marmeladova loved Raskolnikov infinitely and tried to do everything in her power, despite the rough treatment of the hero with the heroine (14).

Thus, when love is sincere, then the loving person does not need to be ordered to do anything, because he himself tries to do everything possible for the sake of the beloved (15).

Option 2

What is love? Is love important in everyone's life? These and other questions are asked by Natalya Grigoryevna Dolinina in her books.

The author raises an eternal problem: love in a person's life. In a small but capacious text, Dolinina talks about the secrets and laws of love. "The main and indisputable law of love is its virtue ...", - this is one of the laws of love, according to the author. The author also writes that love is a difficult spiritual work. And not everyone can do this job. "Winning love is not difficult, it is difficult to keep it."

The position of the author is unequivocal and expressed quite clearly. The author claims that in love no one owes anything to anyone. A person should not use his power and give orders to the one he loves. "... I cook soup for you and iron your shirts, because it is a joy for me to serve you" - this is one of the foundations of love.

I fully share the position of the author. Indeed, love is built on trust and voluntariness. And it is important that a loved one is there not only when you are well, but also when you are in pain. I am ready to support my position with evidence from the literature. Firstly, in the work of Prosper Marime "Carmen" this topic is touched upon. José falls in love with Carmen. Carmen reciprocates, but after a while she realizes that she has fallen out of love with Jose. Carmen goes to Escamillo. One day, Jose met with Carmen and told her that he would kill her if she did not return to him again. Carmen refuses to return, arguing that her feelings for Jose have faded once and for all. Jose can't stand it and kills Carmen. Secondly, N. Leskov "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District". In exile, Katerina gives Seryozha her warm stockings. It was Katerina's only warm thing. She does not know that Sergei will give these stockings to another woman - his mistress. Katerina sacrifices everything for Sergei.

In conclusion, I would like to say that love is not decrees and power. Love is the most beautiful feeling on earth. So let's protect this feeling from all the bad things.

Updated: 2017-03-05

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Love is a difficult spiritual work, not everyone can master it. But everyone dreams of her, looking for her. What are we looking for in love? We are looking for in it a way out of loneliness, spiritual support. It is important for us to know that everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us is important and dear to a loving person. And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. And we are looking for someone who will share our lives, with whom we will share not only joys, but also pains and resentments ... But when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives? How to keep yourself, than to keep the one you love, to remain the one and only among all women, as the rose of the Little Prince remained the only one in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses? Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, an elderly woman told me a secret: it is not difficult to win love, it is difficult to keep it. Then I could not understand the worldly wisdom of this secret: I saw something shameful in the word "keep". After all, I read Pushkin: “Who can keep love?” and Blok: “Oh yes, love is free like a bird.” But in fact, there are, there are secrets and laws of love, and Saint-Exupery was one of those who know these secrets. When the Little Prince just started his journey, he visited the planet where the old king lived. Seeing that his guest was tired and therefore yawning, the ruler was not offended, but ordered him to yawn. “Everyone should be asked what he can give. Power must be reasonable,” said the king. In youth, we do not think about the limits of our power over a loved and loving person and very often violate the wise law of the old king: "power must be reasonable." Young wives, yesterday's girls, feeling a ring on their finger - a symbol of absolute power - suddenly begin to demand from their dumbfounded husbands no less than the famous old woman demanded from a goldfish. And in love, no one owes anything to anyone. The main and indisputable law of love is its voluntariness: I am standing here, under your windows, not because you ordered me, but because I cannot do otherwise. And from another point of view: I cook soup for you and iron your shirts, because it is a joy for me to serve you. When you know that you will endure and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then love begins. When you know that your power over him is patient, you will not order him to turn into a sea gull, you will patiently tame him, and he will tame you until you become the only one for each other in the whole world. (According to N. Dolinina)

Natalya Grigorievna Dolinina (1928, Leningrad - 1979, ibid.) - Soviet philologist, teacher, writer and playwright. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR. Daughter of literary critic G. A. Gukovsky. In 1963, she defended the poet Joseph Brodsky, who was unjustly accused of parasitism. In 1975, in the popular book Dear Parents! touched, in particular, on the topic of the importance of sexual education of adolescents - four years before the appearance of the innovative work of I.S. Kohn "Psychology of adolescence".

Jealousy is a natural feeling. Everyone experiences it in one way or another. And I'm not even sure that it would be good if jealousy completely disappeared: I'm afraid that this would impoverish love. The trouble is not that one is not jealous, and the other is jealous. The trouble is that the selfishness inherent in love becomes immeasurable if we do not control it, do not restrain ourselves and do not try to "rule ourselves", as Pushkin said. After all, in essence, jealousy is disbelief in oneself. This is a constantly gnawing suspicion that you are not worthy of the love of your chosen one or your chosen one, that there is or may be someone more worthy. All bitter reproaches about how it was possible to prefer someone else to ME have in their subtext a doubt in their right to love. And, on the other hand, it is distrust of the one you love. So, you admit the possibility that the other may become closer and dearer to your beloved, that you are not the only one in the world for her. In fact, we know (from the fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince") that among five thousand roses there is always ONE, and it depends only on ourselves whether we find the strength and patience in ourselves to enjoy it. And jealousy poisons our joy, we suffer ourselves and even torment the one we love. I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, How, God forbid, you be loved to be different - in these Pushkin lines there is no worst of human vices - complacency, but there is dignity, there is confidence in the strength and value of your love, there is care for your beloved. When love is born, like a newborn baby, it is helpless. But then she gets stronger, gets to her feet, walks. She grows - the first scratches, scars, sometimes wounds appear on her tender, clean body. Everyone learns to cure them himself. But the common thing for all people, probably, is one thing: as we feel sorry for a hit child, so we must feel sorry for our love and our beloved. The collapse of love begins from the moment when one of the two begins to feel sorry for himself, to justify himself, to think about himself. In love there is no one suffering heart: all feelings are divided by two, and thinking about the second person is an indispensable law. Love gives strength to self-denial, rejection of selfishness, overcoming jealousy. Indeed, in true love, everyone crosses over himself for the sake of the other. And this does not mean to destroy one's "I", it means to find oneself in the most significant of the feelings that are bestowed on a person. According to N. Dolinina

Grade 10.

Lesson topic: Preparation for writing an essay in the USE format in the Russian language.

Lesson Objectives:


    to continue work on the development of the language competence of students;

    learn to analyze the content of the source text;

    learn to work on creating an essay-reasoning based on the text read.


1) develop intellectual skills: highlight the main thing, establish the cause-

investigative connections, critically analyze information, argue their own position;

2) to develop the speech skills of students, their creative abilities, intelligence.


1) the formation of a civic position on socially important problems of our time; fostering a sense of belonging and responsibility for the world around us;

2) to form a careful and conscious attitude to the language.


1) the text for work in the lesson with the task and reference materials;

2) presentation for the lesson, multimedia projector, computer.

During the classes

1. Introductory speech of the teacher. Activity motivation . Calling Interest

Guys, do you like to travel? So I love traveling, especially virtual ones. You learn so many interesting things in one “trip” to the page of the forum dedicated to passing the exam.

“Who passed the exam in Russian in past years, share the cheat sheets for the essay. This is a creative work, the highest scores are given for it.

“Still would not put! You sit at home working on an essay for a week, but here you need to do tests in 3.55 hours, and even have time to draw something intelligible in C! What kind of creativity is there if sometimes such a text comes across that it is impossible to understand what to write about!

“Six months are left before the exam, and I’m like Pavlov’s dog - I understand the text, but I can’t write an essay on it!”

These are the problems that worry your peers and, probably, you too. Yes guys, part C is the hardest part. It tests the skills of thoughtful, meaningful reading, the maturity of your judgments in interpreting the text. Essay writing remains a challenge for most graduates. Let this lesson be another important step towards mastering the technology for completing the task of part C.

2. Preparing students for the perception of new educational material, updating knowledge. Determining the topic of the lesson .

“When a person does not know which pier he is on his way to, not a single wind will be favorable for him,” the Roman philosopher Seneca once said. Therefore, I would like to know, but “do you know where you are going? Let's remember the task of part C?

slide 1 Pay attention to the first phrase: “Write based on the text you read” and to the subsequent “Work written without relying on the text read is not evaluated”. It follows that the most important condition for successful writing of an essay is the correct understanding of the source text. If you understand the text correctly, this is already 50% success in the exam. And to understand the text correctly is not an easy task. So one of the chat users writes “from the mere thought that I need to analyze the text, I get scabies.” So, so that you do not scratch yourself nervously during the exam, let's try to learn how to understand the source text today in the lesson.

Write down the theme of the lesson Preparation for writing an essay in the format of the exam. Let's take a look at the evaluation criteria.Learning to understand source text».

3. Formulating the purpose of the lesson . The topic of the lesson is indicated and I would like you to formulate its goal yourself. (The purpose of the lesson is to learn how to correctly understand the source text, to learn how to “read” the information necessary for composing.)

4. Preparation for the perception of the original text.

Let's first listen to the "Parable of Love" ( Appendix 1). In the meantime, I introduce you to the parable, continue the phrase “Love is ...” by writing only one word that you think is associated with this concept. (After reading the text, collect small hearts with students' associations and fix them on the board)

I hope you already guessed what the lesson will be about?

About what love is, what feeling it is associated with, about its nature, I want to talk with you today in preparation for an essay-reasoning.

Your taskprepare working materials for writing an essay- reasoning. I remind you that it must be built in accordance with the assessment criteria of part C. (criteria are given to each student) slide 2

5. Reading text ( Appendix 2)

For analysis, I offer you the text of Natalia Dolinina, which is on your table.

Dolinina Natalya Grigorievna (1928 - 1979) - prose writer, literary critic, playwright, author of books about works of Russian literature. The author explains the nature of such feelings as love and jealousy in the text in his own way.

6. Working with text. Development of skills and abilities to work with the source text. Assimilation of methods of activity by reproducing information and performing exercises.

1. Repetition of theoretical knowledge about the text

Before understanding what you read, I would like to remind you of the main features of the text

Note that one of the important features of the text is informative. Any text contains information: 1) some fact, event, person; 2) the purpose of its creation; 3) about the author (his attitude to the issues raised) If you can learn to “read” this information, then you will correctly understand the text.

Let's go back to the text. So, is the viewed fragment an illustration of the reasoning, 1 paragraph. What words are key? Key words are the most common expressions in a given author or in a particular text that carry significant information.

In the "Stylistic Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by M. N. Kozhina, the following definition is given: "Key words are words that express the main idea of ​​a whole artistic text."


3 paragraph

What is this text about?

2. Formulating the problem slide 3

At the first stage of working with the text, it is very important to highlight the problem and correlate it with the position of the author. In essence, their relationship is the relationship of question and answer. Where is the question... (problem) And the answer is…. (author's position).

So, we have determined the topic of the text and highlighted the most significant information for understanding the text. Now we need to select the information necessary for writing an essay and our first step is "Formulation of one of the problems posed by the author of the text." And again a cry of despair from the chat: “Who knows what problem is considered in the test. The author will often disguise it like this!”

And now, guys, we start analyzing the text and filling in the worksheets.

(worksheets are given to each. Annex 3). Criterion 1 requires problem definition.

State the problem of the text. What is a problem?

PROBLEM (from the Greek. problema - task), in a broad sense - a complex theoretical or practical issue that requires study, resolution; in science - a contradictory situation, acting in the form of opposite positions in the explanation of any phenomena, objects, processes and requiring an adequate theory to resolve it.

First, let's remember what is a problem?

More often than not, several issues are raised in the text. To identify them, ask yourself the question: what questions is the author thinking about? Let's go back to the text, shall we? Reread the last paragraph. What is the main question posed by the author of the text?

Formulate the problem using one of the suggested options. Write your answer on your worksheet. So we took another step towards success - we formulated the problem and earned 1 point for K1.

3. Compiling a comment on the problem. Slides 4,5,6,7,8,9

- "Comment on the problem ... Retell part of the text in your own words - and that's it!" - again a remark from the chat. If you follow this advice, you will get 0 points for K2. Let's remember what a comment is?

What does it mean to comment on a problem?

Determine the lexical meaning of the word "comment". (Working with an explanatory dictionary: “comment” - explain, explain; toa commentary on the problem is reasoning, explanatory remarks about the problem tex ta)

The comment must be based on the text. To comment on the problem, you need to answer a number of questions.

Is this problem relevant today? What makes it relevant? (Relevant, because lately it has been one of the central problems, it is increasingly making itself felt in the media and television)

Who is particularly interested in this problem?

Why is he doing this? (To say that he knows about this problem firsthand, but this problem touched him personally)

All! We commented on the problem in sufficient detail and can get a

K2 - 3 points! And we take the next step.

« It's good when the author explains his position in a sentence! And then it will twist so that you won’t find it! ” (Reply from the chat) Another problem, which, as you can see, is difficult to deal with. Let's remember what is the position of the author?

What methods are used in our text? (rhetorical questions, evaluative vocabulary)

So, we have fulfilled one more requirement for the essay - we have formulated the author's position. And expressed their opinion on the problem? And we get K3-1 points

5. Argumentation of one's own opinion. . slide 13

“No, how do you like it: not only do you need to express your own opinion, you also need to give arguments based on life or reader experience !!! How much life experience do we have there! Conscious life is only 10 years old.” (Angry remark from chat)

This is indeed the most difficult part of the job. At this stage of writing an essay, your task is as follows: to approve the position of the author, express solidarity, understanding, acceptance of the position and formulate your own position, choosing 2 arguments that prove the validity of the author’s opinion and your opinion.

Let's remember what arguments are, which arguments can be considered life experience, and which ones are reader's?

What arguments can you use to support the author's position? (real facts).

Formulate your position and write it down.

7. Behavior of the total lesson

Here we have finished the work on the essay.

Can these blanks be called an essay? And why?


Here, each of you will work on this material at home and hand over the finished essay-reflection by the next lesson.


Approximate range of problems






to the problem


into the reader's


on your own

experience and observations

Appendix 1

Parable about love.

Once upon a time, there was an island on Earth where all the Spiritual Values ​​lived. But one day they noticed that the island began to go under water. All the Values ​​boarded their ships and sailed away. Only Love remained on the island. She waited until the last moment, but when there was nothing left to wait, she also wanted to sail away from the island. Then she asked for a ship to Wealth, but it replied: “There is a lot of gold and jewelry on the ship - there is no place.” When the ship of Sadness sailed by, she asked her, but Sadness answered: “Sorry Love, I am so sad that I need always be alone." Then Love asked for a ship to Pride, but she said that Love would break the harmony on her ship. Joy floated nearby, but she was so busy with fun that she did not hear the call of Love. Then Love completely despaired, but then she heard someone's voice: "Let's go, Love, I'll take you with me." She turned around and saw an old man. He brought her to land and sailed away. And Love remembered that she had not asked the elder for his name. Then she turned to Knowledge: "Tell me, Knowledge, who saved me?"

It was Time-I-I!

Time? Love asked. "But why did it save me?"

Cognition once again looked at Love, then into the distance, where the old man sailed and said: “Because only Time knows how important Love is in life!”

Application2Unified State Examination (Russian language) Bank of open tasks Source text

Write an essay based on the text you read. Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid over-quoting). Formulate position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words. A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write the essay neatly, in legible handwriting.

(1) Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can master it. (2) But everyone dreams of her, looking for her. (3) What are we looking for in love? (4) We are looking for in her a way out of loneliness, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us is important and dear to a loving person. (6) And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. (7) Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. (8) And we are looking for someone who will share our life, with whom we will have in common not only joys, but also pains and insults ...

(9) But when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives? (10) How to keep yourself, than to keep the one you love, in order to remain the one and only among all women, like the rose of the Little Prince remained the only one in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses?

(11) Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, a middle-aged woman revealed a secret to me: it is not difficult to win love, it is difficult to keep it. (12) Then I could not understand the worldly wisdom of this secret: I saw something shameful in the word "keep". (13) I read Pushkin: “Who
able to hold on to love? and Blok: “Oh yes, love is free like a bird.”

(14) But in fact there are, there are secrets and laws of love,
and Saint-Exupery was one of those who know these secrets.

(15) When the Little Prince just started his journey, he visited the planet where the old king lived. (16) Seeing that his guest was tired and therefore yawning, the ruler was not offended, but ordered him to yawn.
“(17) Everyone should be asked what he can give. (18) Power must be reasonable,” said the king.

(19) In youth, we do not think about the limits of our power over a loved and loving person, and very often we violate the wise law of the old king: "power must be reasonable." (20) Young wives, yesterday's girls, feeling a ring on their finger - a symbol of absolute power - suddenly begin to demand from dumbfounded husbands no less than the famous old woman demanded from a goldfish.

(21) And in love, no one owes anything to anyone. (22) The main and indisputable law of love is its voluntariness: I am standing here, under your windows, not because you ordered me, but because I cannot do otherwise.
(23) And from a different position: I cook soup for you and iron your shirts, because it is a joy for me to serve you.

(24) When you know that you will endure and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then love begins. (25) When you know that your power over him is patient, you will not order him to turn into a sea gull, you will patiently tame him, and he will tame you until you become the only one for each other in the whole world. (According to N. Dolinina * )* Natalya G. Dolinina (1928–1979) – philologist, teacher, writer

Complex text analysis

Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify answer numbers.

1) Not everyone needs the love of another person.

2) Love is not for everyone.

3) Power over a loving person has its limits.

4) Antoine de Saint-Exupery was a professional aviator.

5) A loving person is able to fulfill any order of a loved one.

Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Sentences 1-4 present the narrative.

2) Sentences 9–10 provide a description.

3) Proposition 13 clarifies the content of Proposition 12.

4) Propositions 17–18 explain the content of Proposition 16.

5) Sentences 21–23 contain reasoning.

From sentences 11-12 write out synonyms (synonymous pair).

Among the proposals 1420 find one that is related to the previous one
using a possessive pronoun and contextual synonyms. Write the number of this offer.

“In the course of her reflections on the problem that concerns her, N. Dolinina seeks not only to rely on the statements of literary characters, using the technique (A)__________ (sentences 13, 1718), but also to make their readers think, using for this purpose a syntactic means(B)__________ (sentences 9, 10). Another Syntax(B) __________ (in sentences 4, 5, 6, 8), as well as tropes(D) __________ (“how the Little Prince’s rose was the only one left in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses” in sentence 10) help create an idea of ​​what people expect from love.”

List of terms:

1) parceling 2) dialog

3) exclamatory sentences 4) phraseological unit

5) interrogative sentences 6) citation

7) comparison 8) synonyms 9) rows of homogeneous sentence members

Annex 3

Text Information

Approximate range of problems

    The problem of finding love (Why does every person seek to find love?)

    People strive to find love in order to get away from loneliness and get spiritual support, to share their life with a person: to make common not only joys, but also insults and sorrows.

    The problem of love. (How should one feel about newfound love?)

2. Found love must be preserved, cherished and carefully cultivated, and not destroyed, thoughtlessly using power over a loved one.

    The problem of the essence of love.

(What is love? When does love begin?)

3. Love is a difficult mental work that not everyone can do. Love begins when people understand that they will endure everything and endure everything for the sake of their loved ones.

    The problem of maintaining love. (Should love be held back? How can one use the power people have over those who love them?)

4. In the advice to keep love lies worldly wisdom. To keep love, you need to reasonably use the power that a person has over the one who loves him, and not demand the impossible from the lover, but gradually tame him and allow him to tame himself.

    The problem of the existence of the laws of love. (Are there laws of love?)

5. Love has its own laws, and its main and indisputable law is voluntariness: people do something good for their loved ones, because they themselves receive joy from it, they cannot live otherwise.

(1) Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can master it. (2) But everyone dreams of her, looking for her. (3) What are we looking for in love? (4) We are looking for in her a way out of loneliness, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us is important and dear to a loving person. (6) And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. (7) Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. (8) And we are looking for someone who will share our life, with whom we will have in common not only joys, but also pains and insults ...

(9) But when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives? (10) How to keep yourself, than to keep the one you love, in order to remain the one and only among all women, like the rose of the Little Prince remained the only one in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses?

(11) Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, a middle-aged woman revealed a secret to me: it is not difficult to win love, it is difficult to keep it. (12) Then I could not understand the worldly wisdom of this secret: I saw something shameful in the word "keep". (13) After all, I read Pushkin: “Who is able to keep love?” and Blok: “Oh yes, love is free like a bird.”

(14) But in fact, there are secrets and laws of love, and Saint-Exupery was one of those who know these secrets.

(15) When the Little Prince just started his journey, he visited the planet where the old king lived. (16) Seeing that his guest was tired and therefore yawning, the ruler was not offended, but ordered him to yawn. “(17) Everyone should be asked what he can give. (18) Power must be reasonable,” said the king.

(19) In youth, we do not think about the limits of our power over a loved and loving person, and very often we violate the wise law of the old king: "power must be reasonable." (20) Young wives, yesterday's girls, feeling a ring on their finger - a symbol of absolute power - suddenly begin to demand from dumbfounded husbands no less than the famous old woman demanded from a goldfish.

(21) And in love, no one owes anything to anyone. (22) The main and indisputable law of love is its voluntariness: I am standing here, under your windows, not because you ordered me, but because I cannot do otherwise. (23) And from a different position: I cook soup for you and iron your shirts, because it is a joy for me to serve you.

(24) When you know that you will endure and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then love begins. (25) When you know that your power over him is patient, you will not order him to turn into a sea gull, you will patiently tame him, and he will tame you until you become the only one for each other in the whole world.

(According to N. Dolinina*)

* Natalya Grigoryevna Dolinina (1928-1979) - philologist, teacher, writer.

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Natalya Grigorievna Dolinina invites the reader to think about the problem of abuse of power in love. Is there a line beyond which love and power cease to be inseparable companions, and the exorbitant demands of the one who is loved contribute to the extinction of a wonderful feeling in the soul of the one who loves?

Arguing, the author says that love has its secrets and laws by which it develops. Since love is a "difficult mental work", in order to perform it conscientiously and with pleasure, it is worth comprehending these laws. The one who is loved should begin by determining the limits of his power over the one who loves, although this power may at first seem limitless. The author proposes to turn to an episode from the work "The Little Prince", in which Saint-Exupery named the basic law of power: "Everyone must be asked what he can give." Since power is inseparable from love, this rule should be taken into account by people who love each other and want to keep this feeling.

Natalya Grigorievna Dolinina believes that "in love, no one owes anything to anyone", love is always voluntary, therefore a wise person, being able to demand from the one who loves him, won't ask for much. The position of the author seems correct to me. I think once the demands are greater than the possibilities, fulfilling them becomes torture and violence,


  • 1 of 1 K1 Statement of source text problems
  • 3 of 3 K2

Option number 6.

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a number (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers). Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1) Based on the analysis of empirical and experimental data, scientists have made convincing conclusions that the perception of a person whose main source of information is the Internet changes significantly. (2) Researchers have found obvious changes in the ability to concentrate and remember information: this ability tends to decrease. (3) "Nature" reading<…>changed: the attention of the reading person became superficial, "fluttering".

1) Scientists have found that a person who receives information mainly from the Internet has a change in perception: the ability to concentrate attention and memorize information decreases, and the “nature” of reading changes.

2) Researchers have found a clear increase in the ability to concentrate and remember information in a person for whom the Internet becomes the only source of information.

3) In people whose main source of information is the Internet, scientists have identified obvious changes in the "nature" of reading texts, in the ability to concentrate and remember information, a significant change in perception.

4) Scientists have found that children who receive basic information from the Web change their perception, and teachers were the first to talk about changes in the ability to remember

5) Based on the analysis of experimental data, scientists concluded that a person whose main source of information is the Internet develops a syndrome of "acquired attention deficit".

Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).



Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word NATURE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used
in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

NATURE, -s, w.

Everything that exists in the Universe, organic and inorganic world. Dead item (inorganic world: not plants, not animals). Living item (organic world).

The whole inorganic and organic world in its opposition to man. Protection of Nature. The relationship between man and nature.

Places outside cities (fields, forests, mountains, bodies of water). Enjoy nature. In the bosom of nature. Go out into nature (simple).

trans., what. Main property, essence (book). P. social relations. Viral p. disease.

Answer: ___________________________.

4. One of the following words has an accent error: WRONG the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted. Write out this word.

will make it easier

for a long time

Answer: ___________________________.

5. One of the suggestions below WRONG highlighted word is used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

RESPONSE from critics who evaluated this novel were extremely negative.

For Russian tennis players, the outcome of the match was SUCCESSFUL.

Ilya Repin created EFFECTIVE multi-figure portraits "Slavic Composers".

In terms of the depth of emotions, flight is an incomparable feeling.

The body's RESISTANCE decreases when it is weakened.

Answer: ___________________________.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake spell the word correctly.

at their sister

drink from a SAUCER



THREE friends

Answer: ___________________________.

7. Match the grammatical errors and

sentences in which they are allowed: to each position of the first

column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

B) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

C) a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

E) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover


1) Those who have been to Yalta could not help but admire the beauty of the embankment.

2) Having finished the preparations, he had to check everything again.

3) The student who did not have time to prepare an answer said sadly that he would need a little more time.

4) Thanks to the efforts of an experienced doctor, the patient quickly recovered.

5) Tatyana loved fortune-telling and ancient legends.

6) In the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" A.S. Pushkin makes extensive use of folklore motifs.

7) The longest escalator in the world is installed at the Admiralteyskaya station of the St. Petersburg metro.

8) The globalization of the modern world, contrary to expectations and forecasts, has aggravated social and political contradictions in the world.

9 ) After receiving copies of the invoices, Alexei asked for the names of the couriers who delivered the orders.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.






Answer: ___________________________.

9 . Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

and .. ruled, ra .. divided

pr .. raised, pr .. pricked

on .. built, on .. point

under..took, n..ruled


Answer: ___________________________.

10. And.




Answer: ___________________________.

11. Write down the word in which the letter is written in the place of the gap I.

floor..shaya (garden)

view..schey (through)

(geese) nibble..t (grass)

rejoicing .. rejoicing (to the guest)

number..schey (subject)

Answer: ___________________________.

12 . Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word ONE.

Open the brackets and write out this word.

The lilac bush under the window is (NOT) LESS than ten years old.

The air, still (NOT) BECOME sultry, pleasantly refreshes.

(NOT) SULI a crane in the sky, give a titmouse in your hands.

(NOT) CORRECT, but pleasant facial features gave Nastya a resemblance
with Mother.

Ambition is a (NOT) DESIRE to be honest, but a thirst for power.

Answer: ___________________________.

13. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are written

ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

The poet's vocation is to create for eternity, (FOR) THIS is why he is "his own highest court", (FOR) AS only a few can appreciate his creations.

I want to talk to you (ON) ABOUT the apartment, (IN) CONNECTION with which I ask you to pay me a little attention.

(B) IN SIGHT of the imminent end of the voyage, the mood of the team improved, SO (THAT) the last days of the trip flew by unnoticed.

Napoleon, from his long experience of the war, knew well what a battle was not won (B) CONTINUATION of eight hours, (B) THIS
no doubt about the outcome of the case.

It is not easy (ON) HOUR to explain how EVERYTHING (TAKI) real verses differ from rhymed lines.

Answer: ___________________________.

14. spelled N.

On a yacht-firm(1) stamp "K. Faberge ", and on the silver (2) rim, put on crystal, engraving (3) about hername "Vera".

Answer: ___________________________.

15. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you want to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

16 . Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in place of which

After a little thought (1), Ostap put on the parapet (2) protecting the highway from the ebullient abyss of the Terek (3) the stocks of sausage bought in Vladikavkaz (4) and began to climb the rock.

Answer: ___________________________.

17. Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in place of which

The sentence must contain commas.

Some contemporaries were outraged by the use of A.S. Pushkinvernacular words in contexts where (1) according to critics (2)it was necessary to use the words "high". However (3) Pushkin resolutely rejected the concept of "low matter".

Answer: ___________________________.

18. Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in place of which

The sentence must contain commas.

The psychological portrait of the hero of a literary work (1) an example (2) of which is (3) the description of Masha Mironova in A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" (4) is intended to reveal the inner world of the hero through his appearance.

Answer: ___________________________.

19. Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in place of which

in The sentence must contain commas.

The moose became so attached to the boy (1) that (2) when he went somewhere (3)the beast anxiously sniffed the air (4) and refused to eat.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can master it. (2) But everyone dreams of her, looking for her. (3) What are we looking for in love? (4) We are looking for in her a way out of loneliness, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us is important and dear to a loving person. (6) And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. (7) Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. (8) And we are looking for someone who will share our life, with whom we will have in common not only joys, but also pains and insults ...

(9) But when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives? (10) How to keep yourself, than to keep the one you love, in order to remain the one and only among all women, like the rose of the Little Prince remained the only one in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses?

(11) Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, a middle-aged woman revealed a secret to me: it is not difficult to win love, it is difficult to keep it. (12) Then I could not understand the worldly wisdom of this secret: I saw something shameful in the word "keep". (13) After all, I read Pushkin: “Who is able to keep love?” and Blok: “Oh yes, love is free like a bird.”

(14) But in fact, there are secrets and laws of love, and Saint-Exupery was one of those who know these secrets.

(15) When the Little Prince just started his journey, he visited the planet where the old king lived. (16) Seeing that his guest was tired and therefore yawning, the ruler was not offended, but ordered him to yawn.
“(17) Everyone should be asked what he can give. (18) Power must be reasonable,” said the king.

(19) In youth, we do not think about the limits of our power over a loved and loving person, and very often we violate the wise law of the old king: "power must be reasonable." (20) Young wives, yesterday's girls, feeling a ring on their finger - a symbol of absolute power - suddenly begin to demand from dumbfounded husbands no less than the famous old woman demanded from a goldfish.

(21) And in love, no one owes anything to anyone. (22) The main and indisputable law of love is its voluntariness: I am standing here, under your windows, not because you ordered me, but because I cannot do otherwise.
(23) And from a different position: I cook soup for you and iron your shirts, because it is a joy for me to serve you.

(24) When you know that you will endure and endure everything for the sake of the one you love, then love begins. (25) When you know that your power over him is patient, you will not order him to turn into a sea gull, you will patiently tame him, and he will tame you until you become the only one for each other in the whole world.

(According to N. Dolinina*)

* Natalya G. Dolinina(1928-1979) - philologist, teacher, writer.

20 . Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

Answer: ___________________________.

Form start

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

21. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

Answer: ___________________________.

22. From sentences 11-12 write out synonyms (synonymous pair).

Answer: ___________________________.

23. Among sentences 14-20, find one that is related to the previous one.
using a possessive pronoun and contextual synonyms. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while doing tasks 20-23.

This fragment examines the language features of the text.

Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the numbers of the terms from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number.

Write the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “In the course of her reflections on the problem that concerns her, N. Dolinina seeks not only to rely on the statements of literary characters, using the technique - (A)__________ (sentences 13, 17-18), but also to make their readers think, using for this purpose a syntactic means-(B)__________ (sentences 9, 10). Another Syntax-(B) __________ (in sentences 4, 5, 6, 8), as well as tropes- (D) __________ ("like the rose of the Little Prince remained the only one in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses" in sentence 10) - help create an idea of ​​what people expect from love.”

List of terms:


exclamatory sentences

phraseological unit

interrogative sentences




rows of homogeneous sentence members

Do not forget to transfer all answers to the answer sheet No. 1 in accordance with the instructions for doing the work. End of form

Part 2

Use the ANSWER FORM #2 to answer this question.

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

State one of the problems delivered the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two illustration examples from the read text that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid over-quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.




built subparagraph




secret secret

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