Boric acid for acne powder. Boric acid antiseptic - “deadly (!) But effective! how to use boric acid correctly to make friends with it. recipe for a simple acne talker. boric alcohol for otitis. what happens if

For acne, a local antiseptic is required to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. One of these is boric acid for acne. This is a universal remedy that is used in the form of a powder or alcohol in the composition of talkers, masks and therapeutic lotions.

An alcohol solution intended for external use is available in 25 ml bottles. The concentration of boric acid can vary from 0.5% to 3%. In addition to this component, the drug in liquid form includes 70% alcohol.

The powder contains 100% active ingredient and is available in sachets of 2, 10, 20 and 25 g. The second form of release is also exclusively intended for external use.

Action on acne

The antiseptic causes coagulation of microbial cell proteins and disrupts cell permeability, which inevitably leads to the death of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to antibacterial, it has a local astringent and drying effect, contributing to faster healing of damaged tissues during the activity of bacteria.

Boric acid for acne on the face is also used due to its comedolytic effect. This means that the active substance dissolves sebaceous plugs and makes the outflow of sebum more trouble-free. That is why the drug is also used as an effective remedy for black dots.

Acne-causing bacteria do not develop resistance to the active substance, which is the reason for the high effectiveness of the product when used for a long period.

Contraindications for use

Absolute contraindications are pregnancy and severe kidney pathology. It is advisable for lactating women to interrupt breastfeeding during the period of antiseptic use.

Among other contraindications, damage to large areas of the body and hypersensitivity to the active substance should be highlighted.

The tool can not be used by people with dry and sensitive type of dermis.

Precautionary measures

When treating affected areas of the skin, avoid getting the active substance on the mucous membranes. Otherwise, immediate rinsing with large amounts of clean water should be carried out on the affected areas.

Before applying to the face, be sure to test for skin sensitivity to the active substance. A small amount of the drug is applied to a more sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe protective covers (wrist, inner side of the elbow) for a quarter of an hour. If after this period the tissues have not reacted with irritation and redness, then the remedy can be used.

Negative reactions

The use of boric acid for acne on the face can not only bring benefits, but also cause side effects, including:

  • feeling of nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headaches;
  • confusion;
  • liquid stool;
  • peeling of the epidermis.

User reviews also note that in the first week of using the acid, acne becomes larger. Further use of an antiseptic leads to a decrease in the rash and a gradual cleansing of the skin from inflammatory fragments.

Application in its purest form

With extensive and severe rashes, boric alcohol for acne is used in its pure form to wipe the skin. The solution is impregnated with a cotton pad and applied to the affected areas of the body and face. In the first week, the antiseptic is used in the morning and evening. After the number of rashes is significantly reduced, they switch to use once a day, preferably in the evening.

Use with other components

Boric acid against acne is often used as part of masks, talkers and lotions. The combination of an antiseptic with other components enhances its therapeutic effectiveness.


As part of the masks, boric acid powder is most often used because of the ease of use. There are many recipes with this antiseptic that help to cope with the following skin problems:

  • remove increased greasiness;
  • prevent the appearance of black dots;
  • reduce the number of rashes;
  • even out skin tone;
  • get rid of acne scars.

Before using this or that remedy, a sensitivity test to active ingredients is mandatory.

With Trichopolum

From acne, a remedy for which you will need the following ingredients helps very well:

  • powdered boric acid - 0.25 tsp;
  • Trichopol tablets - 2 pcs.;
  • baby powder without fragrances - 0.5 tsp;
  • 2% hydrogen peroxide - 5 ml.

Dry ingredients are mixed, after which hydrogen peroxide is added to them. The mixture can be diluted with a small amount of boiled water. Apply directly to inflamed skin fragments without affecting healthy tissue.

The tool helps to get rid of not only blackheads, blackheads, but also acne spots.

with cucumber

For one medium-sized chopped cucumber, it is enough to use half a teaspoon of an antiseptic in the form of an alcohol 3% solution. You can also take the powder form in the same amount. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. The treatment procedure is carried out for a quarter of an hour. It is not recommended to apply more than once every 4 days.

The mask allows you to normalize the production of sebum, brighten the integument and relieve redness. With regular use, the dermis is completely cleansed and acquires a healthy appearance.

With soda and oatmeal

This mask recipe will require the following ingredients to prepare:

  • powder antiseptic - 0.5 sachet;
  • crushed hercules - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soda - 0.25 tsp;
  • kefir - 1 tbsp. l.

All products are mixed until a mushy, homogeneous consistency is obtained. The resulting mixture is applied to the face in an even layer, avoiding the area near the eyes. Usage time - 15 minutes. You can do it no more than twice a week.

This mask has a good cleansing and whitening effect.

With cottage cheese

Cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat is mixed with carrot juice in equal proportions. A sachet of boric acid is added to the ingredients and everything is thoroughly mixed again. Distribute evenly over the skin of the face, leaving for 20 minutes. Apply at least once a week.

The tool allows you to quickly get rid of inflammatory fragments on the face and normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, preventing the appearance of increased oiliness of the covers.

with tomato

A mask based on the following ingredients has a gentle peeling property:

  • medium-sized tomato fruit;
  • potato starch - 1 tsp;
  • a sachet of boric acid - 2 gr.

The tomato is crushed to the state of gruel, pouring the rest of the active substances into it. The resulting composition smears the skin, distributing evenly over the entire face. A 15-minute use once a week is enough for healthy and well-groomed skin.

with carrots

To effectively relieve inflammation in the skin, a remedy will help, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • boric acid - 1 sachet.

The root crop is pre-crushed with a fine grater, and then mixed with other products. After applying it to the face, the mixture is left for a quarter of an hour, allowing the ingredients to show their healing activity.


Most often, a liquid antiseptic is used to prepare such an effective acne remedy as a talker. With this composition, you can wipe your face or cauterize individual inflamed fragments on the skin.

Treatment with medicinal solutions of this type gives a quick positive effect. However, before using the talker, a test for the tolerance of the active ingredients is carried out.

With chloramphenicol

Another lotion recipe is made with boric alcohol and water. The first two ingredients are taken in a volume of 25 ml and diluted with water in an amount of 50 ml. Use in the same way as the lotion described above.

A similar lotion can be prepared by replacing the calendula tincture with. The principle of preparation and proportions remain the same.

The advantage of lotions over talkers is the absence of antibiotics in their composition, to which pathogenic bacteria are able to develop resistance. That is why they can be used for a longer period. At the same time, lotions are significantly inferior to talkers in terms of strength of action, and in severe forms of acne (, acne conglobata) may not give a positive result.

Boric acid easily copes with acne, if the cause of the rash lies on the surface. Due to its antiseptic properties, the drug eliminates infections and disinfects the skin. The concentration of acid for different skin types is different. There are contraindications and side effects. We will analyze the details in the article.

Is it possible to cauterize acne with boric acid

Boric acid, the second name - orthoboric, used to treat wounds, eczema, skin irritations. The drug eliminates acne, pimples, black spots, excessive greasiness of the face. The powder is considered safe. The concentration of acid in the preparation varies from 3 to 10%.
Boric acid is harmless enough - it rarely causes irritation. The tool is allowed to be used for any type of skin, if there are no allergic reactions. The powder is prescribed for long-term use. You need to understand that you can’t get rid of acne in a couple of days.

The drug is produced in three types:

  • powdery substance;
  • alcohol solution with an acid concentration of 3%;
  • solution in glycerin with an acid concentration of 10%.
Acne treatment is carried out with a liquid remedy. The powder does not break down well in water, so it is diluted in alcohol. Despite the harmlessness, the orthoboric substance should be used with caution. Problematic and sensitive skin needs gentle treatment. For example, a 1% acid solution is obtained by combining one liter of purified water with 10 grams of powder.

We combine medical and boric alcohol 50 ml each. Add 5 grams of salicylic acid and levomycetin powder. The components are thoroughly mixed in a glass bottle. Shake the contents before applying.

Chatterbox with erythromycin

Mix boric and salicylic acid in 50 ml. Supplement the solution with zinc ointment and erythromycin powder, 4 grams each. Shake the product and let it brew for several hours.

Chatterbox with salicylic acid

We combine sparing solutions of orthoboric and. We equip the product with precipitated sulfur and streptocide powder, 7 grams each. Mix and send to storage in a glass dish.

Chatterbox dries out the skin. Apply the product once a day to areas of acne accumulation. The procedure is carried out mainly in the evening on a clean face. After drying, moisturize the skin. Normal will do.

Rashes on the face against the background of a strong separation of fat are treated with masks based on an orthoboric substance. The drug is used only for oily skin.

Mask with pure boric acid

Dip a sponge or swab in an orthoboric solution (3%). Before going to bed, apply on acne blemishes. We wash ourselves in the morning. The mask helps to relieve inflammation and remove excess fat.

Whitening mask

The tool is used in the fight against pigmentation on oily skin. Combine half a teaspoon of boron powder with freshly grated cucumber. It turns out a mushy mass. Apply the mixture evenly on the surface of the epithelium for 15 minutes. We wash and moisturize.

Peeling mask

The solution helps to eliminate acne, keratinized particles and fine wrinkles. In a glass of water, send a teaspoon of orthoboric powder (5%) and peroxide (3%). The resulting liquid is combined with a bag. Keep the mask applied to the face for no more than 10 minutes. Wash your face and apply baby cream. Do not be afraid of redness of the skin. It's all over in a few hours.

Antibacterial mask with oatmeal

The tool allows you to eliminate the dead layer of the epidermis, get rid of acne and accumulation of bacteria, relieve inflammation and skin irritation. Hercules is ground into powder and combined with boric alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1. Usually take a glass. Dilute one tablespoon of the thick mixture with water and apply on the face. Wash off after 10 minutes. Unused drug is stored in the refrigerator.

Kefir mask

The solution is used in the fight against acne, comedones and pigmented formations. In 1 st. l. oatmeal, mix in 1 gram of orthoboric powder. Dilute the mixture with low-fat kefir. The mask is applied to all affected areas, the area around the eyes is not affected. After 15 minutes, wash your face thoroughly.


It is used for the purpose of daily cleansing of pores on the face. Helps eliminate acne, pimples and wrinkles. Mix 0.5 tsp. boric acid, 100 ml of boiled water, 2 tbsp. l. vodka, peroxide and glycerin 1 tsp each. Apply to the surface of the epidermis in the morning and evening hours. The solution does not need to be rinsed off.

Peeling mask

The tool promotes effective renewal of the epithelium. Eliminates all types of acne, tightens the skin. We combine 50 ml of boric and medical alcohol. Apply to the face, avoiding the eye area. Wash off after 5-7 minutes, after scraping off the dead particles.

Ointment for acne with glycerin

We combine glycerin with water in equal proportions. Add 0.5 tsp. boric acid until a paste is obtained. We apply the drug to the surface of the skin of the face, back, chest. Let's wait for it to dry. As soon as the product begins to crumble, remove the ointment with a terry towel.

The procedure is carried out in a supine position so that the drug is well saturated with the skin. The ointment effectively eliminates complex acne and helps to tighten the scars left after acne.

Efficiency and frequency of use

Preparations based on an orthoboric substance help to eliminate skin rashes after prolonged use. The first results appear in a couple of weeks. It is important to choose the right remedy for yourself. Obtaining the expected effect is possible with systematic treatment.

Chatterbox with boric acid is applied at bedtime. Treatment is combined with dietary nutrition. You will have to give up heavy and spicy food for a while. The recovery course lasts up to two months, depending on the severity of acne. Chatterbox, in addition to the therapeutic effect, will become an alternative to cosmetic tonics.

If acne spreads all over the body, it is better to use an ointment. The drug is allowed to be applied immediately to the whole body. The period of use is from one month to complete recovery.

Masks with an orthoboric substance are used for oily skin no more than twice a week. A visible effect is observed already in the first seven days. The procedure is performed in the evening. We wash ourselves with water at room temperature.

A peeling mask will help get rid of dead skin residues. We use it twice a week until recovery. For preventive purposes, once every two weeks is enough.

Daily cleansing is done with a lotion with boric acid. The tool is recommended for systematic use, if there are no contraindications.

Regardless of the type of boron preparation, an increase in acne is observed in the first days of treatment. The active substance pushes acne from the root to the surface. After a two-week period, the skin dries up and gradually gets rid of the problem.

Contraindications and side effects

Boric acid tends to accumulate in the body, which adversely affects health. It is not recommended to use an orthoboric agent in the following cases:
  • treatment of young children;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • old age (from 60 years old) with problems of the endocrine system;
  • individual intolerance.
Side effects occur against the background of an overdose. The patient has nausea, vomiting, dizziness. An excess amount of the substance causes allergic reactions in the form of redness and excessive peeling.

If you have one of the symptoms, you should immediately consult a specialist.

The duration of treatment will depend on the individual characteristics of the skin. Before starting the procedures, visit a cosmetologist and dermatologist. Boric acid is best combined with other ingredients to avoid overdrying and irritation of the skin. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use a lotion based on boric acid.

Next article.

Some medicines used decades ago have “survived” to this day, therefore they are effectively used by modern people. One of these drugs is boric alcohol, with the help of which even our grandmothers cleansed their faces. The solution is excellent for any inflammation on the skin, including on the face.

Boric alcohol for acne really has an antiseptic effect, thanks to which they quickly disappear. But how safe is this remedy? What side effects can be expected for people who have used it to fix an unaesthetic problem?


Boric alcohol is a disinfectant that relieves redness, inflammation and itching. It has a pronounced drying effect, achieved due to the alcohol included in its composition. It quickly penetrates the body, accumulates in tissues and internal organs. The tool is not recommended to be used constantly, since its components are excreted from the body for a long time. In addition, alcohol is toxic.

An alcoholic solution of boric acid is sold in various concentrations - from 0.5 to 3%, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before use. Also, boric alcohol is able to lower the level of sebum, and this is important in the treatment of problem skin. The average cost of a bottle is from 7 to 35 rubles - the drug belongs to the category of economical medicines.


Boric alcohol for acne is used not only to combat unaesthetic abscesses. It is used for:

  • acne;
  • dermatitis;
  • as part of various talkers in the treatment of skin diseases.

In all cases, it is important to observe the main rule - boric alcohol is used at a time when a pimple or other problems have already arisen. For prevention, the product is not suitable, as it has a strong drying property, so there is a risk of harming the skin.

How to use boric alcohol? This tool does not have special instructions from manufacturers. Doctors recommend using it in various ways depending on the disease.

For acne and acne, in the mornings and evenings, wipe the previously cleansed skin with a cotton pad soaked in boric alcohol. Due to this, the skin dries up, and the inflammatory areas return to a normal, healthy state. Application term - no more than a month. Particular care must be taken by people who have dry and overly sensitive skin. The first results are noticeable after 5-7 days. As soon as the acne disappears, you should stop using the drug.

When the skin is clean, but several pronounced pimples with pustules have appeared, boric alcohol is used as a cauterization:

  • First, the skin is cleansed, then the product is applied to a cotton pad, then applied to the pimple.
  • It is necessary to hold the cotton wool for at least 5-10 minutes, while slightly pressing down the inflamed area with a fingertip.
  • Light tingling is possible, but it is they that indicate the penetration of the alcohol solution into the pimple.

As soon as the pimples disappear, you should wipe the places where they were for a few more days so that their occurrence does not recur.

For adolescents who are prone to frequent acne due to hormonal changes in the body, doctors recommend daily wiping with boric alcohol, taking breaks. For example, wipe your face in the morning and evening for 3 days, then take a break for the same number of days. Thus, it is possible to reduce or completely avoid the occurrence of acne on the face, which causes complexes in adolescents.

Side effects

The drug has no pronounced contraindications and negative consequences. The most common side effect, caused mainly by overuse, is dryness and flaking of the epidermis. In rare cases, allergic reactions and dizziness are possible - with these symptoms, you should immediately stop using the product.

In order to prevent peeling and redness, it is recommended to follow the recommendations above and not to abuse the alcohol solution.

The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as small children. Patients with renal insufficiency, those suffering from herpes and having unhealed injuries should use the solution with caution, or find a replacement for it. You can check the body's reaction to boric alcohol using a special sensitivity test - first wipe the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow joint with a raster. If no reactions occur, you can safely start using.

Also, you can not apply the solution to large areas of the body - only to problematic ones. And, of course, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and unpredictable reactions, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. In general, boric alcohol does not belong to aggressive drugs. It can be found in many cosmetics, creams and tonics. There are also a huge number of recipes for making cosmetics at home, and the tool is used in almost every one of them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Summing up, it is obvious that boric alcohol is used for acne both in advanced situations and in the initial stages. Benefits of the tool:

  • Unlike the crazy assortment of cosmetics, the cost of which, at times, surprises and frightens, boric alcohol costs less than 50 rubles. All segments of the population will be able to afford its purchase.
  • Ease of use - the product can be used at home, and both a teenager and an elderly person can handle the application procedure.
  • The high efficiency of the drug allows you to deal with several skin problems at once, eliminating greasiness, inflammation and acne.

The disadvantages also need to be known, but they come down to one thing - too frequent use of boric acid can lead to dry skin.


Boric alcohol for face acne is an excellent tool - it perfectly relieves inflammation associated with clogging of pores, increased greasiness. However, in cases where acne appears as a result of malnutrition, menopause, slagging of the body, boric alcohol will not have the expected effect. In these cases, it is recommended to carry out treatment of a different format, and use the remedy in combination to eliminate the consequences.

Levomethicin tablets, which have antibacterial and antiseptic properties, will help increase the effectiveness of the medication. For 4 st. spoons of boric alcohol, 5 crushed tablets of Levomethicin are taken, the components are shaken in a container, and then used until the acne disappears.

Boric alcohol is a solution of boric acid in ethyl alcohol.

Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties determine its successful use not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

Still, because boric alcohol is a simple and affordable remedy that helps to effectively cope with acne.

Today the Pantry of Beauty talks about it.

Boric alcohol for acne. Advantages.

Boric alcohol is an inexpensive and affordable remedy. Sold in any pharmacy, this bottle will never be superfluous in your first aid kit. After all, it acts not only effectively, but also carefully.

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You should not expect instant results from the use of boric alcohol, but after 10-14 days you will notice a qualitative cleansing of the skin.

Boric alcohol for acne. Application.

In order to feel only the beneficial effects of this remedy, not to dry out the skin and not provoke allergic reactions, boric alcohol should not be abused. It is enough to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol twice a day - in the morning and in the evening (for oily, combination skin).

If your skin is prone to dry type, but at the same time, it may be enough for you to use boric alcohol for acne once a day.

Do not be discouraged if even a week after regular use, you will not notice a 100% result. Boric alcohol works slowly but surely. It is worth prolonging the procedures (10-30 days), and then there is hardly any doubt about the effectiveness of this product.

According to many who have tried boric alcohol for acne on their own experience, its systematic use allows you to cope with a mild form of acne, teenage acne, and inflammatory skin rashes.

For more advanced cases, dermatologists recommend a mask containing boric acid, levomecithin powder (1-2 tablets) and (1-2 drops per teaspoon of alcohol.)

Boric alcohol for acne. Precautionary measures.

Boric alcohol, like any medication, can cause hypersensitivity or allergies.

Sometimes boric alcohol provokes peeling of the skin, in which case the Pantry of Beauty recommends reducing the frequency and intensity of use of the drug. For example, it is not at all necessary - it is quite advisable in this case, the targeted use of the tool.

The prophylactic use of boric alcohol allows you to have a healing effect on the skin, preventing the formation of new acne. Therefore, if boric alcohol helped you get rid of acne, after 2-3 months you can repeat the course of its application (7-30 days).

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