Apple pie tatin recipe. Classic apple tart tatin from France

At a distance of a hundred leagues from Paris there is a small town called Lamotte-Bevron. No one remembers exactly when the Tatin family opened a guest yard in its suburb of Sologne, where you could get not only an overnight stay, but also a meal from the road. However, it is known for certain that in 1888 this motel was run by two sisters. Caroline Taten was in charge of the guest rooms, and her sister Stephanie was in charge of the restaurant. The famous tart appeared a decade later, in 1898, at the height of the hunting season. The restaurant was full of customers, and in her haste Stephanie, out of breath, forgot to put the dough in the bottom of the baking dish. The apples caramelized well in the oven. Realizing her mistake, Stephanie covered the fruit with dough, sent the pie to the oven, and later flipped it over. The visitors of the restaurant liked the non-traditional upside-down cake so much that the cook deliberately decided to repeat the mistake. The culinary masterpiece received the name of its author. Its fame has crossed national borders, and we know it under the name of the French pie "Tarte Tatin" (tarte Tatin).

"The only attraction" of Lamotte-Bevron

Stephanie's invention didn't last long as a local secret. The hotel served travelers traveling to the capital and back, so many tourists tasted and appreciated the apple "pie in reverse" - tart Tatin. Soon the Parisian restaurateur Louis Vodable heard about him. He was inflamed with the desire to get the recipe for tart by all means. But Stephanie Taten was adamant. Then he went on a trick. The chef of the restaurant "Maxim", owned by Vodabl, hired the girls of Tatin as gardeners. He spied Stephanie making her famous pie and later replicated it in his own kitchen. Tarte Tatin with apples is still on the Maxima menu. But the glory of the town of Lamothe-Bevron did not fade from this, but only grew even more. Metropolitan gourmets were not afraid to go a long way to enjoy tarte des demoiselles Tatin - "tart of two young ladies Tatin". Now members of the Brotherhood of Admirers of this masterpiece are in charge of the restored building. Until now, as a museum exhibit, visitors are shown a wood-burning stove with a blue tile finish, in which the first copy of the tart was baked. To attract tourists, local chefs perform real miracles. This is how the largest tart Tatin with apples in history appeared, the diameter of which was two and a half meters. How the cooks turned this creation over remained a mystery.

Tart ingredients

This classic apple pie is baked with an unusual pastry. It seems to be puff, although making it is much easier. But the main highlight of the dessert was not the airy and light dough, but the filling. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to caramel and apples. The first is very capricious, it can burn in a second. Apples are even worse. You never know how they will behave in the oven. They give too much juice - it will wet the dough, the dessert will look like porridge. Too dry won't work either. Sour? Oh no! If you want to bake a classic tarte Tatin with apples, the recipe calls for Ranet apples. But many cooks have nothing against other varieties. The main thing is that they are with dense pulp and sweet. Suitable "Gala Royal", "Golden" and even our "Antonovka". As for caramel, for its manufacture it is necessary to take sugar, cinnamon and vanilla.

Tarte Tatin: puff pastry

Peeled apples are known to quickly blacken in the air. Therefore, we begin to prepare our pie with dough kneading. The classic recipe involves an exclusively puff base and no other. Of course, apples with a biscuit are also very tasty. And using ready-made puff pastry will be quite simple. But this will be a slightly different dish, and not the famous French tart Tatin. For the test, we need 150 grams of butter. It should be very cold, so you need to put the indicated amount in the freezer for a couple of minutes. Sift two hundred and fifty grams of flour on the table through a sieve. Add a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt there, mix. We take out the oil and quickly, until it is heated, cut into small cubes. Start mixing it with flour with your fingers. You should get a mass of small crumbs. Add an egg yolk and one or two tablespoons of ice water. Knead the dough until smooth. We roll up the bun, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. But, honestly, the dessert will not lose anything if you use a layer of ready-made puff pastry.

Cooking caramel

In order to bake apple tart tatin, you need to have a frying pan that can be put in the oven. It is also desirable that it be with a non-stick coating. Caramel should be slightly bitter, so it is important not to miss the moment. We take about a kilogram of apples. For the aesthetic appearance of the cake, it is desirable that they be the same size. We clean the apples, remove the core and cut into slices. To keep the flesh from turning brown, sprinkle the fruit with lemon juice. We put a dry frying pan on a strong fire. Pour in five tablespoons of sugar. When it blooms and starts to blow bubbles, add 120 grams of butter, vanilla and cinnamon (a quarter of a teaspoon). Stir thoroughly so that the caramel does not burn. You need to remove it from the stove when the mass becomes pale brown and smells in the air. To stop the heat treatment process, cooks advise putting the pan on a towel moistened with cold water.

Another caramel recipe

You can do it easier. First, melt the butter and add the indicated amount of sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. This will protect your pan from the possible burning of caramel. Cook, stirring, for about five minutes over medium heat, until the mixture is a nice golden brown. There is a very simple recipe where caramelization takes place already in the oven. We take a baking dish, thickly spread it with oil, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and vanilla, spread the apples, cover with a layer of dough. We send the baking sheet to the oven, and turn the finished product over. But it will no longer be Tarte Tatin with apples. The recipe for a classic dish does not allow any deviations from the canon: caramelization of apples must take place on the stove.

Pie stacking

Let's move on to the next step. Now we have a difficult process of caramelization of apples. Remove the pan from the heat and lay out the fruit slices in a circle so that they create the appearance of “scales”. Put the pan back on low heat and sprinkle the apples with a little sugar and cinnamon. Fruit should release juice, which will thin the caramel a little. The liquid should cover the apples so that they soak in the syrup. So we cook, naturally, without stirring, so as not to disturb the pattern, for a quarter of an hour. Turn off the fire on the stove and turn on the oven. Apple tart Tatin will be baked at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Cooking upside-down pie

Once cool, dust a work surface with flour and roll out the dough. It shouldn't be very much. We give the layer a size slightly larger than that of the baking dish. We cover the apples with dough. We turn the protruding edges inward. Poke a few holes with a fork to keep the dough from bubbling in the oven. Bake tart tatin with apples for about forty minutes. Invert the pie onto a hot plate.


It also needs to be served with taste. The classic of the genre prescribes to eat it hot to the accompaniment of cider or light red wine. In no case should you heat the tart tatin with apples in the microwave - this will adversely affect the taste. It is better to just put it in the oven for ten minutes on low heat. Or follow the example of the French. Pour 125 milliliters of calvados into a small jug, heat it a little over the fire, then set it on fire and pour it over the cake. The Tatin sisters served their tart with warm sweet sour cream. Parisian restaurants have moved away from this provincial fashion. It is not uncommon to find a tart framed with whipped cream or even, following the example of a Viennese one, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Sometimes it is flambéed not with Calvados, but with other strong alcohol. But how to serve the famous tart and what to drink is up to you.

  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Butter 82.5% - 45 g
  • Apples - 6-7 pcs
  • Sugar - 40 g
  • Vanilla - 1 pod

Everyone loves an interesting pastry story, right? And stories about mistakes that led to success are even more captivating. Desserts that come about by chance always seem incredibly desirable because we wonder how anyone could not have guessed this a little sooner. The pride of all France, tart tatin ( Tarte Tatin)there is one version that it was the result of an error. It's just that one of the Tatin sisters during the preparation of the pie forgot to make a mold from the dough and laid out the caramelized apples in the mold, and then, in order not to redo it, she simply covered it with dough. I find this story to be the most intriguing.

The idea of ​​tarte tatin is that we caramelize our favorite fruits and then bake them covered with dough. Such an upside-down cake turns out to be unusually tender and tasty, and the dough remains quite crispy, since it does not have to bathe in juices. An equally important feature is versatility. After all, you can take any of the hundreds of varieties of apples, the one that we love. And if you don’t like apples, then give your heart to pears, peaches, apricots and so on. Cooking technology is equally suitable for tiny portioned pies the size of one apple or for a huge family dessert for 6-10 people. Someone likes it cold, others deliberately heat it in the oven before serving, serving it with ice cream.

Our today's tart also does not require any special skills. All you need is sugar, butter and a basket of fragrant apples! Yes, yes, only this is enough to prepare the base. The only thing I insist on is to cut the apples as thinly as possible and put them in the correct order. Then we will get not just a delicious apple pie from France. You will have a work of confectionery art. The most delicate stewed apples will melt in your mouth, leaving behind the very caramel aftertaste for which we fell in love with this dessert. A base of any crunchy shortcrust pastry to add texture and charm. And the icing on black tea with vanilla will make your dish just fantastic!

Let's start with one of the most important ingredients - boil the caramel. Here you can cook caramel in any way that seems more convenient to you. In the section "" I already told "". Today I will tell you about the dry caramel method (without water), which works faster.

Take a saucepan with the thickest bottom and walls, this will greatly simplify the cooking process. Pour a little sugar on the bottom of the saucepan, so that it completely covers the bottom with a layer of 1-1.5 mm.

Put the saucepan on the stove and wait for about 70% of the surface of the sugar to melt into a clear syrup. At this point, you can sprinkle sugar on top of these areas of syrup.

We do this endlessly until we use all the sugar according to the recipe (we have 200 g).

You should end up with a smooth, translucent caramel.

Look at the spatula, the caramel is completely homogeneous, glossy, fluid and transparent.

The bottom of the saucepan should be clean when run with a spatula.

Add soft butter (45 g) to the hot caramel and return to the stove. Start stirring the caramel vigorously. You will need a whisk to get a homogeneous mass of caramel.

It will be like a sauce, smooth, fluid and homogeneous.

Pour the caramel onto a silicone mat or good parchment (if in doubt, wipe it with oil). The layer of caramel should be as thin as possible so that it hardens faster.

When the caramel has completely cooled and hardened, break it into pieces and load it in portions into the blender bowl.

We need to get caramel powder.

Now prepare 6-7 large apples of any variety.

Peel off the skin and core.

Grate thin slices or cut with a knife. So that the apples do not darken, I recommend working with one or two apples.

The thickness of the slice should be 1.5-3 mm, no more.

Now the most interesting. Prepare a baking dish. I have this ring, the bottom of which is foil. You can use one-piece forms or detachable. Even ceramic ones. Prepare a bowl of caramel powder. Pour a couple of teaspoons of powder on the bottom and spread.

Put the mold in the oven, preheated to 150-160 degrees. The form must be on the baking sheet, because the juice will soon begin to flow out. If possible, press apples on top, at least for the first 30-40 minutes. I used a saucepan filled with some water. This will help the apples stick together better.

When you see the juice appear on the baking sheet, scoop it up with a spoon and pour over the apples. This process can be repeated every 10-15 minutes.

You will see how the apples become softer and more transparent.

Bake apples for one and a half to three hours. There are no rules here. Everything will depend on the total thickness of the apple layer, the oven, the variety of apples and the thickness of the slices. The workpiece will be ready when the apples are soft. Check it with a thin knife.

Remove from oven, let cool slightly.

At this time, prepare the glaze with tea and vanilla.

To do this, boil dry sugar caramel (40 g) again. At the same time, brew any favorite tea (150 grams of the drink).

Cut the vanilla pod in half and collect all the seeds.

Detailed step-by-step recipes for making Tarte Tatin, a popular French pie

2017-09-26 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

2 gr.

13 gr.


24 gr.

224 kcal.

Option 1: Classic French Tarte Tatin Apple Pie

For the classic Tarte Tatin apple pie, it is better to use sour fruits. In a duet with sugar caramel, they will become an amazing filling. Ground cinnamon is added for flavor, but this is not a required ingredient.


  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 45 grams of lemon juice;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 800 grams of apples;
  • 250 grams of butter;
  • 5 grams of cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water.

Cooking method

Tart dough is kneaded without sugar. In the classic recipe, it is in butter, that is, shortbread. Chop the butter, but not all, 100 grams is enough, add flour to it and grind everything together into crumbs. Introduce two tablespoons of ice water, knead into a lump. Put in a bag, put in the refrigerator.

We are preparing the stuffing. To do this, put the remaining oil in the pan in which the French pie will be baked, add 50 grams of sugar and put on the stove. Prepare caramel. This will take about five minutes. Sprinkle cinnamon at the end.

Cut apples into neat slices, pour over lemon juice and put beautifully in a frying pan with caramel. Do this carefully, as the mass is hot. Sprinkle the remaining sugar on top and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour, then cool slightly.

Get the previously prepared dough, roll out of it such a cake that will cover the form with apples with a margin. We transfer to the pan, cover, put the edges inward with a spatula to get the sides.

We make several punctures on the cake, send the cake to a preheated oven. French Tatin will be baked for 30 minutes at 190 ° C.

Take the cake out of the oven and let it cool for 15-20 minutes. Then carefully separate the sides of the sand tart from the pan with a spatula, cover with a flat plate and turn over sharply. If some apples have moved, then we correct the filling.

It is undesirable to replace butter in this baking with margarine. If this is not very noticeable in the test, then the filling will hopelessly spoil. It is necessary to take only high-quality oil with a fat content above 70%.

Option 2: French Apple Pie "Tart Tatin" with puff pastry

To prepare such a pie, you can take absolutely any dough. It turns out equally tasty on a yeast and on a regular basis. For flavor, lemon or orange zest is added, which must be finely chopped.


  • 300 grams of dough;
  • 3 large apples;
  • 5 grams of cinnamon;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 3 tsp lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp zest.

Cooking method

Cut peeled apples into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice, set aside.

Combine sugar with two tablespoons of water, put on the stove and heat the caramel until it turns amber. Pour the zest, stir, spread the apple slices. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

Roll out a piece of dough, attach a lid from the pan to it, which is 3-5 centimeters larger than the diameter of the pan. Immediately make a few punctures on a piece. This is essential for steam to come out.

Transfer the base of the pie to the pan, cover the filling, tuck the sides. Bake at 200°C until dough is done.

Cool the puff pastry until lukewarm, then carefully invert. You can garnish with fresh orange or lemon wedges, which go great with apples.

The zest gives an incomparable flavor not only to the filling, but also to the dough. This ingredient can be dried and harvested for future use. Then at hand there will always be a natural and healthy flavoring.

Option 3: Tarte Tatin apple pie with honey and batter

A variant of the French upside-down made from batter. This recipe captivates with its ease of preparation and the divine aroma of honey.


  • 60 grams of honey;
  • 4 apples;
  • 10 grams of ripper;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 150 grams of butter.

Cooking method

Cover the baking dish with a piece of parchment, additionally grease with a drop of oil.

Separately, in a saucepan, melt sugar with half the prescription amount of honey and four tablespoons of water. Boil amber-colored caramel, then remove from heat, immediately pour onto parchment.

Quickly cut the apples into slices, spread them over the caramel in a beautiful pattern, sprinkle with cinnamon if desired.

Melt the butter in a frying pan after caramel, cool.

Beat eggs with honey, add butter, add flour, add prescription amount of baking powder. Beat the dough again, pour apples on top.

Bake the French "Tatin" for 35 minutes at 190°C. Remove from the oven, cool slightly, turn over and carefully remove the piece of parchment.
You can cook the dough without honey, but in this case, to improve the taste and beautiful color, you need to add a little granulated sugar, two tablespoons are enough.

Option 4: Tarte Tatin apple pie with cottage cheese

Apple and cottage cheese version of the pie, which is also made from purchased puff pastry. But if desired, you can knead the sand base.


  • 250 grams of dough;
  • 600 grams of apples;
  • 400 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 3 art. l. water;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 70 grams of butter.

Cooking method

We spread the oil in a frying pan, add granulated sugar, pour water and cook the usual caramel until a characteristic color and pleasant aroma appear.

Cut apples, put in syrup, sprinkle with cinnamon on top and simmer in your own juice with caramel for 10 minutes. Cool down a bit.

Grind cottage cheese, you do not need to add anything to it

Roll out the dough, cut off the corners to make a cake, make a few punctures.

Put a thin layer of grated cottage cheese on the apples, cover the pie filling with a prepared layer of dough, wrap the edges inside.

Bake "Tatin" at 200 ° C for 20-25 minutes, navigate by the readiness of the dough.

On the basis of the Tarte Tatin apple pie, you can cook pastries with other fillings. Especially in France, options with pears and plums are popular. Berries and soft fruits are used very rarely, as they dilute the caramel layer.

Hello, I am again ready to present you a good dessert, which won special respect in my heart. Its main feature is caramel-covered apples baked in the oven. In some ways, it resembles the famous charlotte, but the number of apples included in its composition just rolls over.

For everyone to see, I present the recipe for caramel tart tatin with apples in the oven. Try to cook and then taste this delicacy, I promise, it will be impossible to break away.

The only thing to remember before starting cooking is that apples should be hard varieties, preferably Antonovka or Bogatyr. The composition of the dessert includes caramel, which is abundantly covered with tart tatin, giving a sweet taste. These varieties of apples will dilute the taste of the dessert with a pleasant sourness.


1. Apples - 800 gr.

2. Sugar - 120 gr.

3. Flour - 200 gr.

4. Oil - 150 gr.

5. Salt pinch

Cooking method:

1. As mentioned above, we take hard apples. We clean them from the peel, cut into 4 equal parts, remove the core. As a result, we should get fresh pulp. If the apple is large, you can cut it into several pieces.

2. Take a free frying pan, melt 50 grams of butter on it.

3. Pour the sugar directly on top of the melted butter. Spread the sugar evenly with a spatula.

4. Bring the sugar to a brown state. To prevent it from burning, stir occasionally. The end result should be caramel.

5. If you start to notice that the sugar is burning a little, make the fire a little quieter.

6. Take a free baking dish. Pour the caramel into it while it's hot, it's pretty easy to do. I do not advise you to be distracted by trifles when cooking.

Place apples on top of caramel. Try to lay them out so that, firstly, they fit, and secondly, they fit snugly against each other and the area covered with caramel is as small as possible. The recipe for this is also on the blog.

We preheat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees, put the apples with caramel to bake, for 14-16 minutes.

7. While the apples are baked in caramel, we will prepare the dough. In a free cup, mix and a whisper of salt. 100 grams of butter, I rub on a coarse grater in the same bowl.
I advise rubbing the butter, because it will be easier to mix it with flour.

If you melt the butter, you will not get the desired result when kneading the dough. If anyone has their own version of the development of events, please state. Personally, I have always done this and I advise you not to deviate from the recipe.

8. We knead, after pouring a little water into the dough. (6 tbsp.) You don’t need to knead the dough for too long, the main thing is to mix the main ingredients into a single mass.

9. Roll out the dough under the form. I have it round, so I roll it to a round layer. If the shape is rectangular, respectively, and the dough should match. Always roll out the dough a little more than the shape.

Let's start assembling the pie:

10. 16 minutes have passed, I take the form out of the oven and do not wait until it cools down, but immediately start laying the dough in this way. The classic French dessert tart tatin is prepared this way.

11. I fold the edges of the dough under the filling. We leave the oven at the same temperature, only now we put the dessert for 25 minutes.

12. 25 minutes passed, I turned off the oven, took out the cake and left it to stand for 30 minutes. During this time, he cooled down a bit, became pliable and smelled very fragrant. On top, I put a plate of the required shape and rescued the cake from steel captivity. It turned out just a feast for the eyes, a bit similar to, but only with a lot of apples.

Additional Information:

I want to give you some of my recommendations for the future: tarte tatin can be cooked not only with apples, but also with plums, pears, bananas, oranges, and of course with pumpkin. All of the above fruits and vegetables go well with caramel, so the taste of the cake will not be spoiled.

Thank you all for drying me up, I hope pleasant reviews will fall, until new culinary masterpieces!

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Tarte tatin with apples is a recipe for a very unusual pie from France. And it is unusual because it is a turnaround pie - when it is preparing the filling at the bottom, and the dough at the top. It's just a magic cake, like many French dishes. If you like an abundance of soaked fillings and tender dough that melts in your mouth, then this is your recipe, feel free to cook it.

Ingredients for tarte tatin with apples (for a 28 cm pan)

For filling

  • Sweet and sour apples, small - 1.5 kg
  • Butter - 100 gr
  • Sugar - 1 cup

For the test

  • Or store-bought puff pastry

How to cook tart tatin with apples - step by step photo recipe

  1. Prepare the dough. Ideally, this pie is made on homemade shortcrust pastry. While you prepare the filling, the dough will just have time to rest in the refrigerator. But you can also use store-bought puff - then just defrost it. We use homemade shortcrust pastry - it's much tastier this way.
  2. Peel apples. Cut in half and remove core. The number of apples will largely depend on the diameter of the apples themselves - the larger they are, the more you need by weight. So stock up.

  3. Check if you have enough apples - to do this, put the peeled and cut apples in your pan as shown in the photo below. Take them out after that. We need an empty frying pan.

  4. Put the oven to warm up to 180 gr.
  5. Caramel must be made from sugar and butter. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom.

  6. Place the saucepan over high heat. Do not stir the sugar until it starts to melt and bubble.
  7. As soon as the sugar has melted, stir it and keep it on fire until a homogeneous mass without grains is formed.

  8. Add butter to sugar - it can sizzle a little until it melts.

  9. Mix them well to a uniform consistency.

  10. Caramel is ready. It must be poured into the bottom of the pan.

  11. And then put the apples in caramel as in the photo below and as you have already trained.

  12. Send the pan with apples to the oven to bake for 30 minutes.
  13. After 15 minutes, it is necessary to prepare the dough so that it is ready by the time the apples are baked. To do this, roll out the dough with a thickness of 0.5 cm.

  14. Using the lid of your frying pan, cut out a circle with a diameter quite a bit large so that you can then bend the sides.

  15. Once the apples have baked for 30 minutes (they should be fully cooked), remove the pan from the oven.

  16. Cover the apples on top with a circle of pastry.

  17. We cut out a circle a little larger in diameter, the sides must be wrapped inward with a spatula (preferably silicone).

  18. Pierce the dough in several places with a fork. Place the cake in the oven for another 30 minutes until the pastry is done.
  19. As soon as the dough is ready - it will have a ruddy color, the cake can be removed from the oven.

  20. Tarte tatin with apples must be allowed to cool directly in the pan in which it was baked.
  21. Once the cake has completely cooled down, you can take it out. But you remember that the apples languished in caramel, and the caramel is now at the bottom of the pan, most likely stuck.
  22. In order for the tart tatin to turn over successfully and part of the filling does not remain stuck to the bottom of the pan, you need to put the pan on a strong fire for 20-30 seconds. You will hear the crackle of melted caramel.

  23. Immediately turn off the heat, cover the pan with a plate or dish large in diameter.

  24. Flip the cake quickly. All actions must be done quickly, so prepare in advance.

  25. Voila, your tart tatin is now ready!
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