The structure of the circulatory system of the earthworm. Earthworms. earthworm video

After long scientific research and zoological work, an interesting fact was determined: an ordinary earthworm plays a very important role in the decomposition of organic substances that enter the soil, enriching it with humus and other important plant nutrients rising from the deep layers of the root system.

It is these animals occupy a leading position along with the most important helpers of the soil, and a worthy alternative for the earthworm has not yet been found. If there are colonies of these eukaryotes in the soil, fertility indicators will be maximum, since they directly depend on the volume of organic matter that enters the soil.

It is very difficult to overestimate the role of the earthworm for the ecosystem. Such a tiny creature enriches the soil with all useful elements, making it fertile and healthy. Few people know about it, but the life and existence of the human race is strongly connected with the activities of these animals. Their disappearance would have fatal consequences, including mass deaths due to starvation.

Earthworm: main characteristics

An earthworm or earthworm is a segmented worm with a tubular shape. The animal is found on all continents of the globe, in places with an abundant supply of moisture and organic matter. Life expectancy reaches 4-8 years and is determined by the type of specific inhabitants. Some of them are able to live up to ten years. An interesting feature of the structure lies in the digestive system, which runs along the entire length of the body. In this case, the digestion of food is carried out by moving a set of muscles.

small earthworm has a central and peripheral nervous system. He can also breathe through his skin. The body of this creature is filled with slimy fluid and works as a hydrostatic skeleton. Any cartilage and connective tissues are absent. The presence of circular and longitudinal muscles allows the animal to move normally from one place to another.

It is important to note that due to the unique structure of the body, the earthworm is often called the most mysterious creature on the planet. It lacks eyes, ears, and even lungs. But the animal has several hearts. At the same time, the mucous liquid has an unpleasant taste, so predators do not use it as food.

Varieties of earthworm

Group of earthworms consists of many subspecies and families. Currently, more than two thousand species can be distinguished that are found in all regions of our globe. 40 of them live on the European continent. The most popular are two main types: the common earthworm and the dung worm. Consider the detailed characteristics of both varieties.

Earthworms may vary and biological properties such as food type and soil habitat. For this reason, scientists distinguish two main varieties:

  1. worms that live on the surface of the soil;
  2. worms that dig deep holes and make homes inside the soil.

Life cycle of earthworms

If we highlight the main features of the life cycle of an earthworm, they will be divided into four stages:

As mentioned above, the role of worms in nature is colossal. For this reason, these animals are now being bred and popularized to improve the fertility of vegetable gardens. The abundance of such invertebrates in the soil leads to the successful cultivation of various plant crops. Also worms are important for gardeners, which is why they are often called "the first agricultural technicians". And this is explained by a simple fact: the more the worm in the soil, the better garden trees will develop.

But what is the effect of such creatures on the ground? First of all, they solve a lot of problems in loosening the earth, improving its structure and increasing fertility. As a result, the gardener is relieved of a lot of additional worries.

In addition, when moving through the garden, the animals break through deep tunnels that provide a stable passage of air through the seeds and roots of plants. This behavior allows you to call the worms invisible tiny plowmen. It is also important to note that invertebrates protect vegetation from numerous diseases and pests. They produce stable humus by eating organic matter, including rotten leaves, dirt, and grass clippings.

During the digestion of food the worm emits a large amount of organic excrement, which contains elements such as:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • nitrogen;
  • magnesium.

Therefore, if you meet a colony of earthworms in your garden or vegetable garden, the question “is this inhabitant useful for the local ecosystem” should automatically disappear.

Interesting fact: The famous scientist Charles Darwin, who proposed the theory of natural selection, paid great attention to the study of the life cycle of earthworms. Over the course of 40 years of his life, he conducted various experiments and studies with these spineless ones, as a result of which a book was born called "Formation of the vegetative layer of the earth by the activity of earthworms and observations of their lifestyle."

How to increase the content of the earthworm in the garden. home breeding

There are many ways to improve soil fertility in a vegetable garden or garden by promoting invertebrates. Experienced gardeners use various organic substances for this direction. Periodic mulching of the soil also helps. Humus, fallen leaves, manure, compost and other similar materials are laid on the surface layer of the soil.

In addition, many gardeners are breeding a worm at home. It is important to note that such an activity does not require any special efforts or investments. It is enough to provide optimal access to food, proper humidity, darkness and free space. The successful organization of the wormhole can be carried out in the spring or early summer, because during this period the temperature range remains optimal. Worms will have time to multiply and become strong before the onset of winter. So, now directly about breeding worms in the garden.

The worm is a special structure in which representatives of the spineless will live and develop. Absolutely any containers can be used as it - boxes, troughs, an old bathtub, etc. For successful cultivation, it is recommended to carry out the procedure on open compost. But it is important to protect the selected area with a special net to prevent mass eating of worms by birds and other animals.

In order for the care and maintenance of these little plowmen to be as effective as possible, you need to put compost on the bottom of the future house (the optimal layer is 40 centimeters thick) and carefully process it with warm liquid. After that, it is necessary to equip the straw bedding and wait 5-6 days for full absorption. That's all, the dwelling can be considered ready for occupancy.

Finding earthworms for the upcoming settlement is very simple. To do this, it is enough to dig up a small layer of earth in your own garden or garden. Individuals that appeared on the top layer of soil after heavy rain take root in a special way. Also, worms can be bought at the appropriate store.

The settlement process can be divided into several stages. First you need to dig a small hole in the center of the dwelling and throw a bucket of worms into it. After that, they can be covered on top with straw or burlap. The first results of a successful settlement will be noticeable in seven days. You need to periodically observe the creatures and their behavior in the new environment. If the animals lead a mobile lifestyle, then they have taken root perfectly, and everything is in order with them.

In order for the crumbs to quickly adapt to new conditions, start feeding them only 3-4 weeks after settling. But warm water should be added to the worm at least 2 times a week.

Earthworm Care

Asking the question “how many earthworms live”, it is important to pay attention to the correct care and the conditions created. In order for animals to develop normally and fulfill their reproductive duties, they need to be provided with relative coolness, shade and a balanced food supply. Experienced experts advise adding a small amount of sand or crushed eggshells to compost manure. Once every 14 days, feed must be added to the ground. But in no case should you overfeed animals.

If you are going to breed worms in a domestic environment, you should know that these creatures are able to process almost any organic product. The main thing is that they are crushed, because animals do not have teeth.

It should be noted that before replenishing the worm with fresh food, you must make sure that the previous supply is completely eaten. Otherwise, the spineless will oversaturate and soon die. If organic compounds remain in the compost, acidity levels can skyrocket, creating deadly conditions in the soil. Also, excess feed leads to the reproduction of dangerous pests, including ticks.

Earthworms is a family of large soil oligochaete worms Lumbricida, which phylogenetically belong to the class of oligochaete worms (Oligochete), the subtype of girdle worms (Clitellata), the type of annelids (Annelida) The type of annelids, or annelids, covers a significant number of species (about 9000) of higher worms .

The features of their structure are as follows (Fig. 1): The body of annelids consists of a head lobe, a segmented body and a posterior anal lobe. Most of the sense organs are located on the head lobe.
The musculocutaneous sac is well developed.

The animal has a secondary body cavity, or coelom, with each segment corresponding to a pair of coelomic sacs. The head and anal lobes do not have a coelom.
Rice. 1. Anterior end of the body of an earthworm:
A - right side;
B - ventral side;
1 - head blade;
2 - lateral bristles;
3 - female genital opening;
4 - male genital opening;
5 - vas deferens;
6 - belt;
7 - abdominal setae

The mouth opening is located on the ventral side of the first segment of the trunk. The digestive system, as a rule, consists of the oral cavity, pharynx, middle and hindgut, which opens with an anus at the end of the anal lobe.

Most rings have a well-developed closed circulatory system.
The function of excretion is performed by segmental organs - metanephridia. Usually there is one pair of metanephridia in each segment.

The nervous system consists of a paired brain, a pair of near-pharyngeal nerve trunks that go around the pharynx from the sides and connect the brain with the ventral nerve chain. The latter is a pair of more or less contiguous, and sometimes fused together, longitudinal nerve cords, on which paired ganglia are located in each segment - ganglia (with the exception of the most primitive forms).

The most primitive annelids are dioecious; in some annelids, hermaphroditism is expressed. The oligochaetes also have reduced fingers, parapodia, and gills. They live in fresh water and in soil.

The body of oligochaetes is strongly elongated, more or less cylindrical. The length of small oligochaetes barely reaches 0.5 mm, the largest representatives - up to 3 m. At the front end there is a small mobile head lobe (prostomium), devoid of eyes, antennae and palps. The body segments are outwardly identical, their number is usually large (from 30...40 to 600), in rare cases there are few segments (7...9). Each segment, except for the anterior one, which bears the oral opening, is provided with small setae protruding directly from the body wall. These are the remains of disappeared paralodia, usually arranged in four bundles (a pair of lateral and a pair of abdominal ones).

The number of setae in the fascicle varies. At the end of the body there is a small anal lobe (pygidium) with powder (Fig. 2).
Rice. 2. Appearance of the anal lobe (pygidium) of an earthworm:
a, b - Eisenia foetida (respectively, a hybrid and a common dung worm);
c - Lumbricus rubellus

The integumentary epithelium, which forms a thin elastic cuticle on the surface, is rich in mucous glandular cells. Mucous and proteinaceous unicellular glands are especially numerous in the region of the girdle, which is clearly visible during the breeding season of worms. Under the epithelium lie the developed layers of the skin-muscle sac - the outer annular and the more powerful inner longitudinal.

The digestive system consists of the pharynx, esophagus, sometimes goiter, muscular stomach, middle and hindgut (Fig. 3). On the side wall of the esophagus are three pairs of special calcareous glands. They are densely permeated with blood vessels and serve to remove carbopaths that accumulate in the blood.
Rice. 3. Earthworm Anatomy:
1 - prostomium;
2 - cerebral ganglia;
3 - pharynx;
4 - esophagus;
5 - side hearts;
6 - dorsal blood vessel;
7 - seed bags;
8 - testes;
9 - seed funnels;
10 - seed tube;
11 - dissipations;
12 - metanephridium;
13 - dorso-subneural vessels;
14 - middle intestine;
15 - muscular stomach;
16 - goiter;
17 - oviduct;
18 - egg funnels;
19 - ovary;
20 - seed receptacles.
Roman numerals indicate body segments

Excess lime comes from the glands into the esophagus and serves to neutralize the humic acids contained in the rotting leaves eaten by worms. Invagination of the dorsal wall of the intestine into the cavity of the middle intestine (tiflozol) increases the absorption surface of the intestine.

The circulatory system is arranged according to the same type as that of polychaete worms. In addition to the pulsation of the dorsal blood vessel, circulation is maintained by the contractions of certain annular vessels in the anterior part of the body, called the lateral or annular hearts. Since there are no gills and breathing takes place over the entire surface of the body, a dense network of capillary vessels usually develops in the skin.

The excretory organs are represented by numerous segmentally arranged metanephridia. Chlorogenic cells, also involved in excretion, cover the surface of the midgut and many blood vessels.

The decay products of chlorogenous cells often stick together and merge with each other into more or less large "brown bodies", which accumulate in the body cavity, and then are brought out through unpaired dorsal pores, which are present in many oligochaetes.

The nervous system is composed of a pair of supraesophageal ganglia, peripharyngeal connectives, and the ventral nerve cord (see Fig. 3). Only in the most primitive representatives of the ventral nerve trunks are widely spaced.

The sense organs in oligochaetes are extremely poorly developed.

The eyes are almost always absent. Interestingly, earthworms show light sensitivity, despite the fact that they do not have real visual organs - their role is played by individual light-sensitive cells scattered in large numbers in the skin.

The reproductive system of oligochaetes is hermaphroditic, the sex glands - gonads - are localized in a small number of genital segments (Fig. 4). In segments X and XI of the body of the worm, there are two pairs of testes in the seed capsules, which are covered by three pairs of special seed sacs, the latter developing as protrusions of dissipations (see Fig. 1).
Rice. 4. Scheme of the structure of the reproductive system of the earthworm (according to Stephenson):
1- nervous system;
2 - testes;
3 - seminal receptacles;
4 - front and rear seed funnels;
5 - ovary;
6 - egg funnel;
7 - oviduct;
5 - seed tube;
IX... XIV - segments

Sex cells enter the seminal sacs from the seminal capsules after separation from the testes. In the seed sacs, the gums mature, and the mature spermatozoa return to the seed capsules. Special ducts serve for the withdrawal of livestock, namely: against each testicle there is a ciliated funnel, from which the excretory channel departs. Both canals merge into a longitudinal vas deferens opening on the ventral side of segment XV.

The female reproductive system is formed by a pair of very small ovaries located in the XIII segment, and a pair of short funneled oviducts in the XIV segment. The posterior dissipation of the female segment forms egg sacs similar to seed sacs. In addition, this system includes two more pairs of deep skin invaginations on the ventral side of segments IX and X. They have no communication with the body cavity and serve as seed receptacles during cross-fertilization.

Finally, indirectly related to the reproductive system are numerous unicellular glands that form an annular thickening on the surface of the body - a girdle. They secrete mucus, which serves to form a facial cocoon and a proteinaceous fluid, which feeds on the developing embryo.

Fertilization of earthworms is cross. Two animals are in close contact with the ventral sides, the heads are turned to each other. The girdles of both worms secrete mucus, which envelops them in the form of two clutches, the girdle of one worm is located against the openings of the seed receptacles of the other. From the male openings of both worms, sperm is released, which, with the contraction of the abdominal muscles, moves along the surface of the body to the girdle, where it enters the mucous membrane. At the same time, the partner's seminal receptors produce, as it were, swallowing movements and accept the seed entering the clutch. Thus, the seminal receptacles of both individuals are filled with someone else's seed. This is how copulation occurs, after which the worms disperse. Egg laying and fertilization occur much later. The worm secretes a mucous membrane around its body in the region of the girdle, in which eggs are laid. The sleeve slides off the worm through its head end. During the passage of the clutch past the IX and X segments, the seminal receptacles squeeze out into it the alien seed that is in them, with which the eggs are fertilized. The ends of the coupling then close, it is compacted and turns into an egg cocoon.

There is no larval stage in the development of oligochaetes. The eggs develop inside the egg cocoon, from which a fully formed worm emerges. In lower oligochaetes, several embryos develop in one cocoon containing an aqueous liquid. Eggs are rich in yolk, crushing occurs in a spiral type.

In higher oligochaetes, the cocoon contains a nutritious protein liquid, and the eggs are poor in yolk. The resulting embryo is called a "hidden" larva.

The earthworm is known to everyone and everyone, probably since childhood. Everyone remembers the pink creatures that appear out of nowhere after the rain. But not everyone knows that the earthworm is a real treasure for the earth, they play a big role in the ecosystem, enrich the earth with nutrients, and are food for many birds and animals. There are many interesting facts that reveal all the secrets of the "extraordinary" inhabitant of the earth's interior, which does not look attractive at all, but is of great importance in nature and human life.

The structure and description of worms

Earthworms are a type of annelids. They live mainly in moist soil rich in humus. Interestingly, the habitat is 5 continents - all except Australia. Features of their appearance are as follows:

And also on each segment there are bristles that help move underground. In the tubular body, bones and cartilage are completely absent, the body cavities are filled with fluid. An earthworm is perhaps the most amazing creature that lives in the soil, it has no eyes, no lungs, no ears. Breathing is done through the skin. The worm has several hearts, the digestive system runs along the entire length of the body.

The mucous glands located between the segments secrete mucus, which protects against overdrying, helps in moving underground, and prevents the earth from sticking to the body. As well as it scares off predators because it tastes very bad.

The average life expectancy is from 4 to 8 years. However, there are cases when the age of the worm reached even 10 years. It is difficult to meet such centenarians in nature, since any bird or rodent and, of course, a person are dangerous for them. The greatest threat currently posed by chemicals - fertilizers, generously added to the soil, most of them are deadly to worms.

Favorite food

The question of what earthworms eat is very interesting. Their "menu" is rather modest, the basis of the diet is fallen rotting leaves, as well as other organic residues - roots, rotten pieces of wood. The teeth of worms are in the stomach. Liquid-like soft food is absorbed through the pharynx, then muscularly pushed further - into the goiter, and then into the stomach, where it is crushed and ground with the help of the so-called teeth - hard growths similar to the incisors we are used to. With the contraction of the gastric muscles, these hard tooth-like processes come into motion. Digestion takes place in the intestines.

Undigested food residues are deposited in the soil. In one day, an adult earthworm is able to process a pound of earth!


As you know, earthworms are underground inhabitants. They spend most of their lives digging underground passages and burrows, the network of such corridors can reach a depth of 2-3 meters. Worms are nocturnal animals by way of life. Their body is not at all protected from ultraviolet radiation, so the peak of activity comes in the evening and at night. As a "home" they prefer moist soil rich in humus. Animals do not like both sandy and too wetlands. It has to do with breathing patterns.

They take in oxygen with their skin, and there is very little air in the excessively moist earth, which causes inconvenience, the animal begins to suffocate. This explains their behavior after the rain. The ground becomes so wet that the worms are forced to crawl to the surface in order not to suffocate.

In dry land, the mucus that covers the skin dries up, making it impossible for the worms to both breathe and move comfortably. With the advent of cold weather, earthworms go into the deep layers of the soil.

Reproduction of worms

A small soil inhabitant has the specifics of the reproduction of offspring. Reproduction of earthworms occurs mainly in the warm season and stops during drought and cold snap, when they go into the deep layers of the soil to winter.

Everyone knows that earthworms are hermaphrodites. In the body of the worm there are both male and female genital organs. However, this is not enough for reproduction. Invertebrates need another individual with which the mating process will take place - the exchange of genetic material. Worms find a partner by smell, as the bodies produce pheromones that other earthworms sense. Reproduction occurs as follows.

They mate on the surface of the earth in wet weather. In the process, the worms are pressed against each other so that the back end of one worm is pressed against the front end of the other, in other words, with a jack. The mucous membrane provides for the exchange of spermatozoa. After separation from each other, each worm retains a part of the shell saturated with spermatozoa, which gradually hardens and thickens and passes to the anterior end of the worm, where fertilization occurs. Then the shell slides off the body and closes, a kind of cocoon is formed, very dense in structure.

It reliably stores about 20-25 eggs. This cocoon is able to protect eggs even in drought or extreme cold conditions. However, as a rule, only one worm hatches from one cocoon, the rest die.

Role in nature

Some gardeners mistakenly consider earthworms to be harmful "insects" that eat young shoots and gnaw on the roots of plants. This opinion is absolutely wrong. On the contrary, they play a crucial role in creating fertile soil. Worms are a kind of factory, a system for the production of humus. And also worms dig passages and holes, enriching the soil with oxygen and moisture. They improve fertility, mineral composition and soil structure. This process is gradual and occurs in stages.:

Such is the role of invertebrates in soil formation.

In nature, everything is interconnected, so worms are little helpers not only in agriculture, but also have their own function in the entire ecosystem. They are the cleaners of the earth help in the decomposition of organic remains. And finally, the presence of worms is a good indicator of soil fertility.

Increasing quantity

Undoubtedly, the earthworm is a good friend of the gardener and gardener. Therefore, you should not be too lazy and create favorable conditions for them to live and reproduce, for which useful invertebrates will pay back handsomely. The main factor in their vital activity is moisture (which is why, having lifted an old stump or garden bricks from the ground, one can observe wriggling pink ponytails under them). They do not live in dry land, but go to the depths.

Mulching is the best way to keep the soil moist. This is covering the beds with a small layer of straw, leaves or humus. And also do not be too zealous with chemical fertilizers.


You can breed worms at home to use them for fishing, feeding pets - hedgehogs, bats, birds, as well as to obtain vermicompost - a universal and environmentally friendly fertilizer. Vermicompost is a unique product made from recycled earthworm waste.

Breeding worms is available to everyone, simply and without investment. What for this it is necessary:

These simple rules will allow you to make a home vermifarm. These representatives of the class "girdle worms" are unpretentious in care and nutrition, so it will not be difficult to breed the required number of them. An unusual farm will help show children the life cycle of familiar invertebrates.

The story of Charles Darwin and the earthworm is very instructive. The great scientist is known to everyone since the school bench as the founder of the theory of evolution. But few people know that this researcher was very interested in the study of ordinary worms. He devoted much time to their study, even writing scholarly works on the subject. As an experiment, Darwin placed several individuals in pots of earth and watched them. During the experiments, it turned out that the worms are able to eat even meat. The scientist fixed small pieces of meat on the surface of the pots and after a few days checked - the product was eaten almost completely.

And they could also eat pieces of dead brothers, for which the biologist even called the worms the bloodthirsty nickname "cannibals".

Decaying leaves are used by worms not only for food. They can drag and plug the entrances to their minks with leaves, old grass, tufts of wool. Sometimes you can find a mink clogged with bunches of leaves and grass. Darwin assumed that this was warming before the cold season.

According to the scientist, it is the worms that help in the preservation of historical values ​​and treasures. Over the course of several years, stone tools and gold jewelry are gradually covered with worm excrement, which reliably preserves them from the influence of time.

Currently, 11 species of earthworms are listed in the Red Book.

Invertebrates are 82 percent pure protein, making them a nutritious food for some of the world's populations. It is not uncommon for stranded travelers or military men who find themselves in the jungle to survive by eating worms. In addition, such a diet is good for health! Scientists have found that eating worms lowers cholesterol levels.

The largest earthworm was found in South Africa, its length was 670 cm. This is a real giant!

Many people believe that if a worm is cut or torn in half, both parts can survive. But it's not. Only the front part, the head, survives, since the worm feeds on the front part, and for life it needs to eat, like all living creatures. A new tail will grow at the front, the back, unfortunately, is doomed to death.

The earthworm is a special inhabitant of our planet. It brings her great benefits. Therefore, one should not forget about its significance in the natural system. Surprisingly, Charles Darwin considered earthworms even somewhat similar to humans and suspected the presence of the rudiments of intelligence in them.

In the world of fauna is the earthworm. He can rightfully be called an earthworker, because it is thanks to him that the soil on which we walk is fully saturated with oxygen and other minerals. Passing through various parts of the earth up and down, this worm makes them loose, which then makes it possible to plant cultivated plants there, as well as to engage in gardening.

General characteristics of the species

The earthworm belongs to the kingdom Animals, to the sub-kingdom Multicellular. Its type is characterized as ringed, and the class is called Small-bristle. The organization of annelids is very high compared to other types. They possess a secondary body cavity which has its own digestive, circulatory and nervous systems. They are separated by a dense layer of mesoderm cells, which serve as a kind of airbags for the animal. Also, thanks to them, each individual segment of the worm's body can autonomously exist and progress in development. The habitats of these earthly orderlies are moist soil, salty or fresh waters.

The external structure of the earthworm

The body of the worm is round. The length of representatives of this species can be up to 30 centimeters, which can include from 100 to 180 segments. The front part of the body of the worm has a slight thickening, in which the so-called genitals are concentrated. Local cells are activated during the breeding season and perform the function of laying eggs. The lateral outer parts of the body of the worm are equipped with short setae, completely invisible to the human eye. They allow the animal to move in space and touch the ground. It is also worth noting that the tummy of the earthworm is always painted in a lighter tone than its back, which has a maroon, almost brown color.

What is it like from the inside

From all other relatives, the structure of the earthworm is distinguished by the presence of real tissues that form its body. The outer part is covered with ectoderm, which is rich in mucous cells containing iron. This layer is followed by muscles, which fall into two categories: annular and longitudinal. The former are located closer to the surface of the body and are more mobile. The latter are used as auxiliary during movement, and also allow the internal organs to work more fully. The muscles of each individual segment of the worm's body can function autonomously. When moving, the earthworm alternately compresses each annular muscle group, as a result of which its body either stretches or becomes shorter. This allows him to break through new tunnels and fully loosen the earth.

Digestive system

The structure of the worm is extremely simple and clear. It originates from the mouth opening. Through it, food enters the pharynx and then passes through the esophagus. In this segment, products are cleaned from acids released by decay products. Then the food passes through the crop and enters the stomach, which contains many small muscles. Here, the products are literally ground and then enter the intestines. The worm has one middle intestine, which passes into the rear opening. In its cavity, all useful substances from food are absorbed into the walls, after which the waste leaves the body through the anus. It is important to know that earthworm excrement is saturated with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. They perfectly nourish the earth and saturate it with minerals.

circulatory system

The circulatory system that the earthworm possesses can be divided into three segments: the abdominal vessel, the dorsal vessel and the annular vessel, which combines the two previous ones. The blood flow in the body is closed, or annular. The annular vessel, which has the shape of a spiral, combines two arteries vital for the worm in each segment. It also branches off capillaries that come close to the outer surface of the body. The walls of the entire annular vessel and its capillaries pulsate and contract, due to which the blood is distilled from the abdominal artery to the spinal one. It is noteworthy that earthworms, like humans, have red blood. This is due to the presence of hemoglobin, which is regularly distributed throughout the body.

Breathing and nervous system

The process of breathing in an earthworm is carried out through the skin. Each cell of the outer surface is very sensitive to moisture, which is absorbed and processed. It is for this reason that worms do not live in dry sandy areas, but live where the soil is always filled with water or in the reservoirs themselves. The nervous system of this animal is much more interesting. The main "lump", in which all the neurons are concentrated in large numbers, is located in the anterior segment of the body, however, its analogues, smaller in size, are in each of them. Therefore, each segment of the worm's body can exist autonomously.


We note right away that all earthworms are hermaphrodites, and in each organism the testes are located in front of the ovaries. These seals are in the front of the body, and during the mating period (and they have a cross), the testes of one of the worms pass into the ovaries of the other. During the mating period, the worm secretes mucus, which is necessary for the formation of a cocoon, as well as a protein substance that the embryo will feed on. As a result of these processes, a mucous membrane is formed in which the embryos develop. After they leave her rear end forward and crawl into the ground to continue their race.

Who hasn't seen earthworms? Yes, probably everything. However, many do not even realize what benefits they have brought and are bringing to us, it is very difficult to overestimate it. This voluminous article is devoted to earthworms. The reader for himself can learn about the structure, types, lifestyle of worms underground. If you do not know anything about these animals, then after reading the article, your attitude towards them will radically change. At the end of the publication, several videos will be shown for review. The text will be accompanied by pictures and photos.

- These are rather large invertebrates, having a size of up to 3 meters in length. Green worms that live in Russia belong to the Haplotaxida order (representatives of this order live throughout the Earth, with the exception of Antarctica) and to the Lumbricidae family, which includes about 200 species. About 97 representatives of this family live in Russia. The importance of earthworms for the earth's biosphere is very difficult to overestimate. They eat dead plant tissues and animal waste products, then they digest it all and mix the resulting mass with the soil. People have learned to use this feature for their own purposes to obtain the most valuable fertilizer - biohumus or vermicompost.

These protozoa got their name because when it rains, they crawl out of their burrows and stay on the surface of the soil. This happens because rainwater fills their holes and they have nothing to breathe and, in order to save themselves, they get out.

Biohumus is a hydrophilic structure that has the ability to accumulate moisture. That is, when there is not enough water in the soil, humus releases moisture, and when it is in excess, it accumulates. The phenomenon of humus excretion by worms is explained by studying their structure. The fact is that in the intestines of worms, after the breakdown of organic compounds, molecules of humic acids are formed, and they, in turn, come into contact with various mineral compounds.

Earthworms are very important in the formation of fertile soil, this fact was noticed by Charles Darwin. They dig holes for themselves with a depth of 60-80 centimeters, thereby loosening the soil.

To date, worms are very widely used by people for their own purposes. First of all, to obtain vermicompost. Worms are actively used in poultry and livestock for feeding. Worms are also widely used by amateur anglers as a good bait.

The structure of earthworms

The structure of earthworms simple enough. The length of individuals that are common in Russia varies from 2 to 30 centimeters. The whole body is divided into segments, they can be from 80 to 300. The earthworm moves with the help of very small setae, which are located on each segment of the body, with the exception of the very first. Setae on one segment can be from 8 to 20.

Picture: the structure of the earthworm

In the attached picture you can visually observe the structure of the worm. You can determine the front of the worm, where the mouth is, the back, where the anus is located. You can also see segments.

They are characterized by a closed circulatory system, which is quite well developed. It contains one artery and one vein. The worm breathes thanks to very sensitive skin cells. The skin contains protective mucus, it contains a large number of antiseptic enzymes. The brain is poorly developed. It consists of only two nerve nodes. It is very characteristic of worms to show the possibility of regeneration. For example, if you cut off his tail, then after a while it will grow back.

Earthworms are hermaphrodites, each having both male and female reproductive organs. Reproduction occurs due to the mating of two individuals. The genital organ of worms is a girdle, in size it occupies several anterior segments. The genital girdle stands out well on the body of the worm, it looks like a thickening. In this organ, a cocoon matures from which, after 2-3 weeks, small worms hatch.

Types of earthworms

Earthworms that live in our country can be divided into two types, which differ in biological characteristics. The first species includes those worms that feed on the surface of the soil (litter), and the second one includes those that live and feed in the soil layers (burrows). The first species lives constantly on the soil surface, its representatives do not descend into soil layers that are below 10-20 centimeters.

Representatives of worms that belong to the second species deploy their activities exclusively at a depth of 1 or more meters. If necessary, they stick out of the ground only the front part of the body.

The second species, in turn, can be divided into burrowing and burrowing worms. Burrowers live in deep layers of soil, but do not have permanent burrows. And burrow worms constantly live in the same minks.

Earthworms of litter and burrowing species live exclusively in moist soils, for example, in places near water bodies. Burrowing worms can live in drier soils.

Lifestyle of worms underground

Worms are nocturnal. At this time of the day, you can observe their most active activity. At night they eat most of the food. Many crawl out to consume food, but rarely get out of their holes completely - the tails always remain underground. During the day, the worms plug their burrows with various objects, such as tree leaves. They can drag small particles of food into their holes.

For reference. The body of the worms is very much stretched, thanks to the numerous segments. In addition, worms have very tenacious bristles. In this regard, forcibly pulling him out of the mink is a rather difficult undertaking.

They are omnivorous. They have a very distinctive diet. First, they swallow a large amount of soil, and then they absorb only useful organic substances from it.

Worms are able to digest animal feed, such as meat, even in small quantities.

Eating food takes place in burrows. First, the worm outside gropes for a tidbit and drags it into its hole, where the meal takes place. In order to capture the food object, the worm clings to it very strongly, then pulls back with all its might.

Moreover, the worms make a supply of food for themselves. They fold it very neatly into their burrows. Worms can also purposely dig another hole just to store food. They clog such a mink with moist earth and open it only if necessary.

Occurs in the following order. First, the soil is swallowed, then the organic matter is digested inside the worm. After that, the worm crawls out and excretes excrement. Moreover, he puts the products of vital activity in one specific place. Thus, before entering the hole, a kind of pile of worm excrement is formed.

Worms life

Life of earthworms has a very long history. They played a huge role in soil formation. It is thanks to them that we see the land as it is today.

Worms are constantly engaged in burrowing activities, as a result of which the earth layer is always in motion. Worms have a very large appetite. In just one day, he can eat a volume of food that is comparable to him in weight, that is, 3-5 grams.

As a result of their activity, the worms contribute to the best growth of plants. Let's not even take into account the fertilizer they produce. Worms loosen the soil and contribute to a better ingress of oxygen and water into it. The roots of plants grow much better along the holes of worms.

As a result of the constant loosening of the soil, large objects gradually sink into the depths of the earth. Small foreign particles are gradually rubbed by the stomachs of worms and turn into sand.

Unfortunately, the number of earthworms in our country is declining. This is facilitated by the irrational use of chemicals to "fertilize" the soil. To date, 11 species of earthworms have already been included in the Red Book of Russia. Why use chemicals to fertilize the soil when there is such a miracle of nature as vermicompost?!

The role of earthworms in nature very large and hardly something overestimated. A huge role in the decomposition of organic matter belongs to worms. enrich the soil the most valuable fertilizer - humus. They can serve as an indicator: if there are a lot of them in the soil, then the land is fertile.

A complete understanding of the role of earthworms came to man relatively recently. Up to this point, they mainly resorted to the use of chemical mineral fertilizers, which destroyed the soil and all life in it. Unfortunately, many modern farmers are also in this delusion. Biohumus or vermicompost is a real magic wand for the soil. It contains a very large amount of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen - substances that are primarily necessary for plant growth.

We've gone off topic a bit. In wildlife, worms keep to places where there is a large amount of organic waste. A good example is the forest. When the foliage falls in the fall, it will need to be put somewhere. Soil bacteria and, of course, earthworms will come to the rescue here. Immediately after the leaves fall, soil bacteria will take over and decompose it to the compost stage. Then the worms will take over the work and process the compost to the stage of vermicompost and introduce this most valuable fertilizer into the soil. Basically, this is how soil formation works.

The benefits of earthworms

During the Soviet Union, chemical mineral fertilizers began to be actively used in the Russian expanses, which eventually destroy entire layers of soil. Today we have just come to the moment when the soil begins to rapidly collapse. Chernozem soils no longer give such good results as before. Unscrupulous farmers who think only about their income use fertilizers that are dangerous for the soil on their plots of land, thereby destroying it. But the restoration of the soil takes a very long period of time, about 1 centimeter in 100 years.

The benefits of earthworms is to quickly restore the earth from chemical burns and other adverse effects. restore the very structure of the soil due to the introduction and distribution of vermicompost in it. Even if the land does not need to be restored, adding vermicompost to it will in any case be beneficial. It is impossible to pollute or burn with humus, unlike any other fertilizer. And this is due to the fact that vermicompost has a very similar structure to black soil. You can even say that humus is concentrated black soil.

With the help of worms, you can bring a very great benefit to your garden, garden or small household plot. To do this, you just need to learn how to breed worms yourself, and this is very simple to do. It is enough to dig a hole in the garden and put all the organic waste there. Over time, the worms will appear there themselves. There is another option - to buy worms. You can also breed worms in separate boxes. As organic waste is eaten, the resulting vermicompost must be collected and scattered around the site.

Worms significantly improve the structure of the soil, improve water and air exchange and water exchange in it. In the garden or garden, it is necessary to create all conditions for the development of worms. It would be most rational to build a special box in which in the summer you can put all the weeds and other organic waste. The next year, with a large number of worms, you can already get ready-made fertilizer from this box, which can be used in different ways (see photo below). Some advise to simply scatter it around the site, while others bury it, and the third generally prepare liquid top dressing based on it. In general, there are a lot of ways to use it.

Earthworms - Vermiculture

A sufficiently large number of farmers and ordinary people who have their own household plots are engaged in breeding earthworms in order to obtain biohumus. And this trend cannot but rejoice. Vermiculture may soon replace harmful chemical fertilizers.

Breeding worms can also be considered as a good business idea. At minimal cost, you can get the most valuable fertilizer and sell it for good money. It is especially beneficial to engage in this business, who has a livestock of poultry or farm animals and does not know where to put their waste products. Farm animal droppings are excellent food for worms that turn into vermicompost.

In this part of the article, one cannot fail to say about the type of worms that is the most productive - the Californian. California worms were bred in 1959 in the USA. These earthworms are most often used in this area due to their enormous productivity. The California worm eats as much as the usual one, but its reproduction rate is 100 times higher, and its lifespan is 4 times longer. However, they will have to provide certain conditions of detention.

Before launching worms into the substrate, it must be prepared. It needs to be turned into compost. It is most convenient to use ordinary metal barrels with a volume of 200 liters.

At home, you can breed worms in various containers. A wooden box with small holes at the bottom to drain excess water is best suited for these purposes, a substrate is laid there and worms are launched. In one summer, a box of organic waste can be turned into vermicompost. See photo:

Compost is laid here, and non-composted organic waste can be placed on top

You can use boxes of a different design, such as plastic, in which fruits and vegetables are transported:

The disadvantage of a plastic box is that the holes at the bottom are too large, through which the worm can escape from it.

earthworm video

“The appetizing fruits and vegetables that you see are not fake. These beautiful fruits are real, and most importantly - environmentally friendly. And all this is due to the fact that they were obtained with the help of an amazing fertilizer - biohumus. In this video, we will talk about earthworms of the prospector breed. The video is very helpful and educational.

This video was shown on television, this is the Galileo program. The report was prepared about earthworms.

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