SFW - jokes, humor, girls, accidents, cars, celebrity photos and much more. Self-propelled artillery mount "Carnation": photos and characteristics

The post-war period was characterized by a sharp complication of the tasks of divisional, corps and army artillery. In the context of the possible use of nuclear weapons and taking into account the possibilities of advanced technologies, it was necessary to urgently review the role of self-propelled artillery in the entire weapons system.

The result was the creation in the late 60s - early 70s of a number of heavy artillery systems, such as: 122-mm self-propelled howitzer, 152-mm self-propelled gun 2S5 "Hyacinth-S", self-propelled 203.2mm. A worthy representative of the listed "flower garden" was the divisional self-propelled howitzer 2S3 "Acacia".

Background and history of howitzers

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, self-propelled artillery regiments remained quickly obsolete, although they proved themselves excellently in anti-tank combat and when breaking through fortified areas, self-propelled artillery installations: SU-76, SU-85, SU-100, SU-152 and ISU-152.

But the appearance of ATGMs, on the one hand, and the absence of the need for narrow specialization, on the other, created the prerequisites for the emergence of qualitatively new systems.

The need to develop self-propelled guns for firing from closed firing positions was understood by the military during the war, so their design began already in 1947. However, the voluntaristic decisions of N. S. Khrushchev, who came to power, who fell under the influence of nuclear scientists and rocket developers, forced all work to be curtailed.

Since 1963, after the removal of Khrushchev, the All-Russian Research Institute of Transport Engineering (VNII-100) conducted research in order to form the proposed type of new ACS.

Not only the experience of creating their own self-propelled guns was taken into account. Actively studied appeared in the US Army, and its towed counterpart.

On July 4, 1967, the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 609-201 issued a resolution on the start of full-scale development of heavy self-propelled systems. A special requirement for them is the ability to fire nuclear weapons. Moreover, for the American M109 they created a nuclear projectile M454 (power - 0.1 kilotons).

The choice of tools did not cause controversy -. But with the choice of chassis there was a hitch. Considered "Object 124", the chassis of the anti-aircraft missile system 2K11 "Circle" and "Object 432", the chassis of the new T-64 tank. However, none of them came up.

For self-propelled guns, the main part of the severity of which fell on the turret and gun complex located in the stern, it was decided to use a front-engine chassis layout. This design was developed by engineer G.S. Efimov.

The design had sufficient high-torque power, designed for a V-59U multi-fuel diesel engine located in front of the chassis. The aft part of the chassis was intended to accommodate equipment and ammunition.

The Ural Transport Engineering Plant was appointed the lead developer of the new self-propelled gun.

Numerous tests have led to the abandonment of cap loading, planned for use in the product.

Unburned parts of the fabric cap could ignite the next charge. For this reason, shell-type charges were used to arm the self-propelled guns. This decision greatly simplified the placement, storage and transportation of howitzer ammunition.

The increased gas contamination in the compartment was eliminated by installing a powerful ejector and creating cartridge cases with improved obturation, i.e. more complete locking of the bore when firing.

After the identified shortcomings were eliminated in 1970, the final version of the 2S3 Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer (object 303) was put into production. An interesting detail - the launch of the series began a year before putting it into service.

Design and modifications 2S3

For the manufacture of the hull and turret, rolled armor steel was used. The thickness of the armor protection was 30 mm in the frontal part of the self-propelled unit and 15 mm along the sides. This was enough to protect against bullets and shrapnel.

At the same time, it was supposed to use artillery systems in the rear of active units, without reaching the front line. A rotating turret was used to accommodate artillery pieces.

The engine compartment, covered with armored steel, is located on the right in front of the installation.

The engine is a V-59U multi-fuel diesel engine with a supercharged power of 520 hp.

To the left of the front engine is the driver's seat. For driving, periscope devices are used, at night a night vision device with IR illumination, the headlight for it is located on the SAO tower.

The rest of the free space is given to the placement of the artillery system with equipment and apparatus, ammunition and duplicated control and communication systems.

The turret with the gun is mounted on the ball chase of the hull. To the left in front of the gun is the gunner's seat with the necessary guidance devices - the PG-4 artillery panorama and the OP5-38 sight.

The commander's seat is placed behind the gunner's seat, and the roof is equipped with a rotary commander's cupola with a combined TKN-3A sight and an OU-3GK searchlight. A 7.62 mm PKT machine gun is attached to the turret.

To the right of the gun is a place for the loader. The aft compartment is used for laying charges and shells.

Later modifications are equipped with a single drum mechanized stacking.

Bundles of gunpowder are removed into a box on the floor, this is necessary to complete charges for firing at a certain range. Next to the box is a stack for shells. The supply of ammunition from the ground is made possible by two mechanical stowage (for shells and charges) and hatches in the stern. The main weapon of the self-propelled guns is a 152-mm howitzer 2A33.

Ballistics and barrel are unified with the towed version of the D-20 gun. Ammunition is standardized, the howitzer can use the entire range of 152 mm howitzer shells of this caliber produced in the USSR and Russia.

The charges are designed specifically for self-propelled guns, in metal sleeves.

The tool consists of:

  • barrel, according to ballistic characteristics, it repeats the barrel of the D-20, but at the same time it differs in mechanization. The self-propelled guns are equipped with an ejector and a device for blowing the barrel after a shot;
  • shutter, vertical wedge type, with mechanical or electrical control;
  • rammer;
  • systems of recoil devices, the presence of a serviceable, normally functioning hydraulic system is essential for the use of the howitzer in the cramped compartment of the self-propelled guns;
  • cradles, it was this design that made it possible to place the gun;
  • balancing and lifting mechanisms, this device allows you to set the required elevation angles and fix the barrel on them;
  • fencing, it is necessary to protect crew members at the time of the shot.

The presence of a muzzle brake significantly reduces the rollback when firing. The muzzle brake is cast, multi-chamber, reactive type. A semi-automatic wedge gate with automatics operating on the principle of a copier is located on an array of the breech.

Automation opens the lock after the shot, contributes to the correct ejection of the sleeve. Manually open the shutter allows a special handle to the right of the breech.

Near the breech, on the fence, mounted:

  • control parts of the electric trigger and backup mechanics;
  • charge rammer;
  • dimensional scale for controlling the recoil of the gun body;
  • safety mechanism for prohibiting a shot.

The turret has two mounts for AKMS / AKS-74 assault rifles, which, in case of damage to equipment, along with the PKT machine gun and F-1 grenades in the stowage, will serve for crew self-defense.

Vertical aiming is carried out by an electric lift; in case of failure, all electrical equipment is duplicated for mechanical control.

Similarly, the descent is carried out both with the help of an electric trigger and by pressing the lever by hand. To prevent vertical oscillations of the gun, a pneumatic balancing mechanism was created.

The first modernization was carried out after the release of almost two hundred self-propelled guns. By installing one new mechanized stowage, it was possible to add six shots to the portable ammunition and made it possible to mechanically supply ammunition from the ground. The R-123 radio was replaced with the R123M. The modernized machine went into series under the name 2S3M in 1975.

During the modernization of 1987, the GRAU index was replaced by 2S3M1 and the following work was carried out:

  • PG-4 panorama was replaced by 1P5;
  • the internal communication R-124 was changed to a more advanced complex 1B116;
  • outdated radio stations of the R-123M type were replaced with modern ones, equipped with an encryption complex, R-173;
  • 1V519 equipment was installed to receive information from the fire control vehicle.

The next modernization became possible only in 2006. Self-propelled units were adapted for the installation and use of the 1V514-1 "Mekhanizator-M" auto-guidance, adjustment and fire control system complex.

In addition, 82 mm mortars were installed on the armor to provide a 1V519 smoke screen. The gun was replaced with the 2A33M version, with the ability to fire Krasnopol-type active rockets and a slightly modified purge system.

For export deliveries, the 2S3M2-155 variant was created in parallel, in which case the gun and ammunition storage racks were changed to more suitable shells and charges for 155 mm. This complex is intended for countries using NATO standard ammunition.

Characteristics 2S3 "Acacia"

The performance characteristics of self-propelled howitzers of various modifications are presented in the table:

1970 1975 1987 2006 experiencedexperienced
Combat weight, t 27,5 27,5 27,5 27,5 28 28
Gun index2A332A332A332A33M-3852A33M
Gun caliber, mm 152,4 152,4 152,4 152,4 M-385 152,4
Barrel length in calibers 28 28 28 28 39 39
Elevation angles−4…+60 −4…+60 −4…+60 −4…+60 −4…+65 −4…+65
Carried ammunition, rds. 40 46 46 46 45 45

OFS, km
17,4 17,4 17,4 17,4 24 21,4
Maximum firing range
AR OFS, km
20,5 20,5 20,5 20,5 30 25,1
Maximum firing range
UAS, km
20 20 20 20 25 25
panoramic sightPG-4PG-41P51P5- -
radio stationR-123R-123MR-173R-173R-173R-168
Intercom equipmentR-124R-1241B1161B1161B1161B116

Comparison with foreign models and combat use of 2S3 "Acacia"

You can compare the performance characteristics of self-propelled guns in the table below. As you can see, the latest versions of the "Acacia" are quite at the level of Western models, but nevertheless, at present, a number of questions are raised by the caliber used.

After the Second World War, Western countries switched to the 155 mm caliber, it provides more opportunities for modernization than the 152 mm caliber that is familiar to us. 3 mm difference is not much, but the difference in the weight of explosives and the total mass of the projectile increases significantly due to these 3 mm. In addition, it should be noted the long barrel length of foreign howitzers.

First of all, this is due to economical and technological methods of metal processing, it is worth noting that howitzers with a longer barrel length are currently in service in the Russian Federation. "Acacia" was taken into service with the possibility of transportation by air and rail, which imposed certain restrictions on its overall dimensions.

Currently, methods are being sought to improve the firing range and combat load of shells of this caliber, this is due both to the impossibility of modernizing production lines for the production of shells and charges for them, and the search for new technologies and solutions in barrel processing.

the USSR
Type 75
Type 83 ChinaM109A6 US2S3M1 RF
Start of mass production1971 1973 1975 1984 1991 1987
Combat weight, t27,5 24,07 25,3 30 28,9 27,5
Crew, pers.4 6 6 5 6 4
Gun caliber, mm152,4 155 155 152,4 155 152,4
Barrel length, klb. 28 39 30 28 39 28
Angles VN, deg−4…+60 −3…+75 −5…+65 −4…+65 −3…+75 −4…+60
Carried ammunition, rounds
40 28 28 30 39 46
Maximum firing range
OFS, km
17,4 18,1 15 17,23 22 17,4
Maximum firing range
AR OFS, km
20,5 23,5 19 21,88 30 20,5
Weight OFS, kg43,56 43,88
43,88 Up to 443,88
Combat rate of fire, rds / min1,9-3,5 1-4 Until 6Up to 41-4 1,9-3,5
Maximum speed on the highway, km/h60 61 47 55 61 60
Range on the highway, km 500 299 300 450 299 500

Purpose of the howitzer:

  • destruction of concentrations of military units and armored personnel carriers;
  • counter-battery firing, with the adjustment of firing by the Zoo complex or the like;
  • destruction of rocket launchers;
  • destruction of heavy armored vehicles in marching columns or in crowded places;
  • destruction of strongholds;
  • destruction of DOS and DZOS.

For more than 40 years, it has been successfully used in many conflicts. She passed her first combat test in Afghanistan. Having become the main self-propelled unit of the 40th Army, in the amount of 50 pieces, the Akatsiya accompanied the columns and participated in the assaults on fortified areas.

It is known the use of "Acacia" during the cleaning of villages on direct fire. It is worth noting that in this case, this decision of the command was justified by the absence of heavy anti-tank weapons in the arsenal of the Mujahideen. Otherwise, the self-propelled guns would have been destroyed in firing positions.

2S3 also participated in the following hostilities:

  • conflicts in Africa, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Congo;
  • fighting in the Middle East;
  • the war in Afghanistan;
  • Chechen wars.

To date, self-propelled howitzers 2S3 "Acacia" are in more than twenty-five countries around the world.

Having earned positive reviews, being easy to operate and reliable in battle, the Akatsiya will serve for a long time not only in the Russian army, but also in the armies of other states. And the use of the latest guided munitions allows it to match the most modern artillery models.


Tactical and technical characteristics

Calculation, person


Weight, kg

Dimensions: length X lat. X height, m

7.3 x 2.85 x 2.4

Power point

8-cyl. YAME-23N

Engine power, l/s

Maximum travel speed, km/h

Power reserve, km

Slope climbing angle, degrees

Height to overcome obstacles, m

Width of the overcome ditch, m

In the period after the end of World War II, the Soviet Union paid special attention to the development of towed artillery, while NATO countries developed mainly self-propelled artillery. Although its creation and operation is quite expensive, it has a number of advantages over towed artillery, mobility on rough terrain, full armor protection for crew and ammunition, the ability to install a PX6 protection system, and the ability to quickly deploy in position. The Soviet Union continued to design specialized anti-tank guns, until in 1974 a 122-mm self-propelled howitzer was demonstrated for the first time at a parade in Poland, which had been in service with the USSR and Poland since 1972. In the NATO classification, it received the designation M1974, and in the Soviet Union - "Carnation" index 2C1. This artillery system was used in Algeria, Angola, Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, East Germany and other countries. The howitzer was produced under license in Bulgaria and Poland. It is in service in the former Soviet republics. In the Soviet Army "Carnation" were in service in the amount of 36 howitzers in each motorized rifle and 72 howitzers in each tank division.

The Gvozdika self-propelled gun is structurally similar to the M109 self-propelled howitzer, which was in service with the United States. The engine, transmission and driver's seat are at the front of the hull, while the fully enclosed turret is at the rear. The machine has an adjustable suspension, consisting of seven road wheels, located in front of the drive wheel and located behind the idler wheel, support wheels are not installed on the machine. When driving in snowy or swampy terrain, the standard 400 mm wide tracks can be replaced with 670 mm wide tracks to reduce machine pressure on the ground. The standard equipment of the vehicle includes the PX6 protection system, as well as a full set of night vision devices for the commander and driver. Self-propelled howitzer "Gvozdika" is an amphibious vehicle, the speed of movement in water is 4.5 km/h.

An upgraded version of the standard 122-mm D-30 towed howitzer is installed in the Gvozdika self-propelled gun turret. The vertical guidance angle of the gun is +70°, the declination is -3°, the turret travels 360° horizontally. The turret and gun have electric drives with manual control. The gun is equipped with a two-chamber muzzle brake, a bore purging system and a semi-automatic vertical slide breech, the gun mounting bar in the stowed position is located on the body.

The howitzer can fire using a high-explosive projectile weighing 21.72 kg at a distance of 15300 m, it is also possible to use chemical, lighting, smoke and cumulative projectiles. The latter hit tanks, burning through tank armor to a depth of 460 mm at 0° deflection at a distance of 1,000 m. At ranges of up to 21,900 m, high-explosive APC shells can be used. 2S1 "Carnation" can also use laser-guided artillery ammunition "Kitolov-2" at a distance of 12,000 m. The usual ammunition load consists of 40 shells: 32 high-explosive, six smoke and two cumulative. It is believed that the gun piercer provides an increased rate of fire (5 rounds per minute), and also allows you to load the gun at any angle of vertical guidance. The 2S1 Gvozdika howitzer chassis is similar to the MT-L6 chassis and is used for a large number of command and control and reconnaissance vehicles, chemical reconnaissance and minelayers.

Of the most powerful self-propelled mortars in the world 2S4 "Tulip" caliber 240 mm. The exercises took place at night. The fighters, raised on a training alert, advanced with equipment to the designated area and repelled the attack of a mock enemy sabotage group.

"Tulip" is an older weapon, but still retaining combat power, allowing the use of this mortar in cases where artillery mounts of more modest calibers are powerless. It is indispensable in the destruction of strong fortifications, easily copes with armored vehicles. Due to the high power of the warhead, it is capable of incapacitating large formations of manpower. For special cases, a nuclear charge with a capacity of 2 kilotons is provided. Of course, in the Primorsky Territory, such shells were not removed from the warehouse.

"Tulip", put into service in 1972, was developed at the Ural Transport Engineering Plant in Yekaterinburg (then - Sverdlovsk). The Ural designers, who succeeded in creating a number of self-propelled artillery mounts, managed to do what the Japanese and Americans had repeatedly approached. In 1943, Japanese designers hoisted a 273 mm mortar on a tracked chassis, calling this structure Type 4 "Ha-To". The caliber seemed too small for them, and it was increased to 300 mm, having made 4 prototypes. The mortar fired for 3 kilometers, but after 10 shots the chassis fell apart.

In the mid-40s, the Americans began to make a self-propelled mortar of 250 mm caliber. A layout was made. However, development stalled and its funding was cut.

In the Urals, the case was brought to a victorious end. As a result, the mortar had an excellent range, reaching 20 kilometers. And a full range of ammunition: high-explosive, incendiary, cluster, nuclear. The maximum explosive mass is close to 50 kg. Among them there is a guided mine "Smelchak-M", which has laser guidance on the target. Crew - 5 people.

The name "Tulip" involuntarily recalls the slogan Chairman Mao: "Let a hundred flowers bloom." In the domestic artillery, of course, there are fewer colors. But from them it is quite possible to make an impressive bouquet. Since the designers of Soviet and Russian self-propelled guns, when naming their products, demonstrate an increased interest in the names of colors.

2S1 "Carnation"- self-propelled howitzer caliber 122 mm, developed at the Kharkov Tractor Plant. S. Ordzhonikidze. Since 1971, it has been in service with the Soviet, and now the Russian army. Self-propelled guns "Gvozdika" for a long time was the main artillery weapon of motorized rifle regiments. More than 10 thousand of these efficient and unpretentious howitzers were produced.

Despite the fact that the production of "Carnations" was discontinued in 1991, they were not sent for indefinite storage. In 2003, a modernization program was launched, as a result, the 2S1M1 modification received an automated control and gun guidance system. The firing range for conventional shells is 15 km, for active-reactive shells - 22 km. The ammunition also includes armor-piercing guided projectiles "Kitolov".

2S2 "Violet"— self-propelled airborne howitzer caliber 122 mm. It was developed at the Volgograd Tractor Plant in the late 60s. However, the project was closed due to the inability to meet the requirements of the terms of reference. And they were extremely tough: to land a howitzer from an An-12 aircraft, its weight should not exceed 10 tons. The designers coped with the weight problems. But at the same time, the design of the chassis turned out to be not very reliable: the recoil of the 122-mm gun was excessive for him.

With this problem, but already within the framework of another, “not a flower”, ROC coped in Klimovsk near Moscow, where TsNIItochmash is located. A self-propelled gun 2S9 "Nona-S" of 120 mm caliber was developed, adopted by the Airborne Forces in 1980. The howitzer, whose weight does not exceed 8 tons, is perfectly parachuted and has no problems with the reliability of all its systems.

2S3 "Acacia"- divisional self-propelled howitzer of solid caliber 152 mm. Developed at the Ural Transport Engineering Plant. Operated since 1971. This self-propelled howitzer became the first domestic self-propelled howitzer of such a large caliber. In subsequent years, it was repeatedly modernized. 2S3M2 is already a Russian model, produced since 2006. It uses a modern fire control system and increased crew security, as well as new ammunition. The firing range for high-explosive fragmentation shells has been increased to 19.2 km, for active-reactive shells - up to 25 km. Ammunition increased to 46 shots. At the moment, the next modification of the "Acacia" is being prepared - 2S3M3.

2S5 "Hyacinth-S"— self-propelled gun caliber 152 mm. Developed at the Ural Transport Engineering Plant. The gun was created in SKB-172 (Motovilikhinskiye Zavody). Operated since 1976.

With the same caliber as the "Acacia", it has significant differences, predetermined by the difference between the gun and the howitzer. The howitzer fires on a hinged trajectory, hitting covered targets, while the cannon fires on a flat one, and therefore has a significantly lower barrel elevation angle. The muzzle velocity of the cannon projectile is higher due to the longer barrel length and more gunpowder used in the shot. Therefore, the firing range of the gun is greater. But at the same time, the gun is much heavier, since it has not only a longer barrel compared to a howitzer, but also its walls are thicker in order to withstand greater pressure of powder gases.

The maximum firing range of the Hyacinth-S is 37 km. Among its ammunition there are Krasnopol guided missiles. And also a lovely wild flower " Chamomile”, which in fact turns out to be a projectile with a nuclear charge.

2S7 "Peony"— self-propelled gun caliber 203 mm. It was created in Leningrad at the Putilov plant in the mid-70s. It is distinguished by increased firepower and serves to suppress the rear, destroy especially important objects and means of nuclear attack in tactical depth at a distance of up to 47 kilometers. The weight of 45 tons testifies to the solidity of this weapon. The crew includes 7 people. The length of the rifled barrel is 11 meters. The mass of shells is 110 kilograms. The ammunition includes high-explosive fragmentation, concrete-piercing, cluster, active-rocket projectiles. There are also nuclear ones - "Kleshchevina", "Sapling", "Perforator". More than 500 "Peonies" were produced, both in the basic modification and modified self-propelled guns 2S7M.

2S8 "Astra"— self-propelled experimental battalion mortar caliber 120 mm. It was created in the late 70s at the Burevestnik Central Research Institute on the chassis of the Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer. The breech-loading mortar was equipped with a device that automates the reloading of the gun. In this connection, "Astra" had an increased rate of fire. The gun had the usual firing range for mortars - 7.1 km. But active-reactive mines were able to fly away for 9 km.

However, the project was closed due to the fact that the idea of ​​​​creating the most versatile self-propelled gun 2S17-2 "Nona-SV" appeared, which is a cannon, howitzer and mortar "in one bottle". It did not have significant advantages in terms of range and accuracy of fire, but it had a greater destructive ability due to the use of special projectiles with threaded hulls. The projectile scattered into more fragments, which had a greater speed - 1850 m / s versus 1300 m / s. However, howitzer and cannon (only 12 km) characteristics were extremely unconvincing. Therefore, this project was closed.

Tried to bloom in the domestic defense industry and another flower - tank guided missile "Lotos". Its development in the 60s was carried out by the Tula Instrument Design Bureau (KB-14). The projectile was aimed at the target using a laser beam. The complex was supposed to be installed on a new heavy tank, which was developed at ChTZ. However, the creation of the tank was curtailed. Nevertheless, the Lotos complex was tested in 1964 at the Gorohovets test site, making a favorable impression on the commission. But the project was soon closed.

The 122-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S1 "Gvozdika" is designed to destroy open and covered manpower, weapons and military equipment of the enemy. The development of the 2S1 "Carnation" self-propelled guns was started by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 609-201 of July 4, 1967. The self-propelled artillery unit was created in OKB-9 (-Uralmash-) on the basis of the 122-mm D-30 towed howitzer and retained that the same internal structure of the barrel, ballistics and ammunition. New half-chip howitzer factory index D-32 and index GRAU 2A31. Chassis of self-propelled guns 2S1 was developed by specialists of the Kharkiv Tractor Plant software on the basis of the MT-PB multi-purpose armored tractor. The first four prototypes of the 2S1 Gvozdika were handed over for field tests in August 1969. The 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled gun was put into service in 1971, and in 1972 its mass production began.

The body of the machine is welded from steel plates, the maximum thickness of which reaches 20 mm. Such armor provides protection against fire from small arms and small-caliber shell fragments and mines. The control compartment and the engine compartment are located in the front of the hull, and the fighting compartment is in the middle and aft parts of the hull, as well as in the turret. Three crew members are accommodated in the turret: in front of the left is the gunner, behind him is the installation commander, and to the right of the gun is the loader. Ammunition is stored in the rear of the body of the self-propelled gun. The armor of the self-propelled guns is bulletproof and provides protection against being hit by armor-piercing bullets of 7.62 mm caliber at a distance of 300 m.

The main armament of the self-propelled guns 2S1 "Gvozdika" is a 122-mm D-32 howitzer, located in a circular rotation tower, which is installed in the rear of the vehicle. The howitzer barrel consists of a monoblock tube, a breech, a coupling, an ejection device and a two-chamber muzzle brake. The shutter is vertical wedge with semi-automatic mechanical (copy) type. The lifting mechanism is sectorial with a manual drive. Guidance of the gun in the vertical plane is carried out in the range of angles from -3° to +70°. Rollback brake hydraulic spindle type, knurler pneumatic. The recoil brake and knurler cylinders are fixed in the breech and roll back along with the barrel. The barrel is balanced by a push-type pneumatic balancing mechanism. The ramming mechanism is of an electromechanical type, designed for separate ramming of the projectile and the loaded cartridge case into the barrel chamber after placing them on the rammer tray.

The self-propelled howitzer 2S1 "Gvozdika" is equipped with a PG-2 periscope sight (index 10P40), designed both for firing from closed positions and for direct fire. 37, parallelogram drive and electric unit.

The portable ammunition load of the self-propelled guns 2S1 "Gvozdika" usually consists of 35 high-explosive fragmentation and 5 cumulative shells. The self-propelled howitzer can fire all types of ammunition from the D-30 towed howitzer. Shooting with a cumulative rotating projectile BP-1 is carried out with a special charge Zh-8 weighing 3.1 kg; initial speed 740 m/s; range tabular 2000 m. Normal armor penetration is 180 mm, at an angle of 60 ° - 150 mm, at an angle of 30 ° - 80 mm; armor penetration does not depend on distance. When firing a high-explosive projectile, the maximum range is 15,300 m. When using an active-rocket projectile, this figure increases to 21,900 m. Also, a laser-guided projectile "Kitolov-2" was developed for it. This projectile can hit stationary and moving targets with a high degree of probability.

The self-propelled gun is equipped with a 210-kilowatt YaMZ-238 diesel engine, which allows the vehicle to reach a maximum speed of 60 km / h on the highway. A mechanical transmission is interlocked with the engine. The undercarriage of the 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer consists, in relation to one side, of seven road wheels, a front drive wheel and a rear guide wheel, there are no supporting rollers. The track rollers are made of aluminum alloy. Two disks are welded between the hub and the outer ring with a rubber bandage of each roller, forming an internal air chamber, which increases the buoyancy of the machine. The drive wheels, located in the front of the housing, have removable gear rims, which facilitates their replacement in case of excessive wear. The track tension mechanism is located inside the body. The track tension is also adjusted from inside the machine. Tracks with rubber-metal joints are 400 mm wide, but can be replaced with wider ones (670 mm) for increased flotation in snow and wetlands.

Suspension 2C1 "Carnation" consists of fourteen torsion shafts located across the machine. For this reason, the road wheels on the starboard side are slightly forward in relation to the left side rollers. Hydraulic shock absorbers of an automobile type interact with the balancers of the first and last road wheels. The vertical travel of these road wheels is additionally regulated by spring buffers.

SAU 2S1 "Gvozdika" has a hermetic hull and overcomes water obstacles by swimming. Movement afloat is carried out by rewinding the tracks, while the machine develops a speed of 4.5 km / h. However, there are a number of limitations here. So the speed of the water flow should not exceed 0.6 m / s, and the height of the waves should not be higher than 150 mm. In addition, when overcoming water obstacles, there should not be more than 30 shots on board the installation.

The combat weight of the 2S1 Gvozdika does not exceed 16 tons, which allows it to be transported by military transport aircraft. A machine of this type is in service with the ground forces of Algeria, Angola, Bulgaria, and Hungary. Iraq. Yemen, Libya. Poland. Russia, Syria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ethiopia and the former Yugoslavia.

The performance characteristics of the 122-mm self-propelled guns 2S1 "Gvozdika"
Combat weight, t 15.7
Crew, pers. 4
Overall dimensions, mm"
length with cannon forward 7265
case length 7265
width 2850
height 2285
clearance, mm 400
Reservation, mm: 20, all-round protection against armor-piercing bullet B-32 from a distance of 300 m
Armament 122-mm howitzer D-32
Ammunition 40 rounds
Rate of fire, rds / min 4-5
YaMZ-23a engine, V-shaped, 4-stroke liquid-cooled engine, power 210 kW
Specific engine power, kW/t 13.4
Specific ground pressure. MPa 0.047
Maximum speed, km/h:
on Highway 60
afloat 4.5
Range on the highway, km 500
Fuel reserve, l 550
Overcome obstacles:
wall height, m ​​0.70
ditch width. m 2.75
fording depth, m floats

On July 4, 1967, the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 609-201 set the start of the development of the 122-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S1 Gvozdika. The Kharkiv Tractor Plant named after S. Ordzhonikidze was appointed as the head enterprise. The same plant previously developed the MT-LB artillery tractor, which was used as a base. However, due to insufficient stability, as well as increased loads, an additional road wheel was added to the undercarriage of the chassis.

From 1967 to 1972, OKB-9 manufactured and tested two experimental howitzers D-11 and D-12 of 122-mm caliber. Based on the test results, the D-12 variant was chosen, which, after modifications, was assigned the internal factory index D-32 (GRAU Index - 2A31).

Since August 1967, an experimental batch of four 2S1 self-propelled howitzers entered the field tests. At the stage of state tests, a serious defect was revealed: when firing, a strong gas contamination of the fighting compartment arose. In order to eliminate the remark, about 10 possible solutions to this problem were worked out.
On December 11, 1967, by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense Industry, the development of modified howitzers for 2S1 and 2S3 began to reduce gas pollution. On the basis of the D-32 howitzer, the D-16 howitzer with a semi-automatic shutter with a lamellar obturator was developed. However, due to the low efficiency of such a solution in 1972, work on the D-16 project was discontinued. The problem was solved by using a more powerful ejector and sleeves with improved obturation.
After the completion of all types of tests and the elimination of comments on September 14, 1970, by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 770-249, the 2S1 self-propelled howitzer was put into service.

The SAU 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer was intended to replace the D-30 towed howitzer in artillery battalions of motorized rifle regiments. Being the lightest model of all, it was supposed to have mobility comparable to tanks and infantry fighting vehicles and provide constant fire support for advancing motorized rifle and tank units. The 122-mm self-propelled artillery howitzer is designed to destroy and suppress manpower and infantry firepower, destroy field fortifications, make passages in minefields and wire fences, as well as to fight enemy artillery, mortars and armored vehicles.

The main armament of the self-propelled artillery mount is a 122-mm D-32 (2A31) howitzer, installed in the rear of the vehicle. The howitzer barrel consists of a monoblock tube, a breech, a clutch, an ejection device and a two-chamber muzzle brake. The shutter is vertical wedge semi-automatic. The lifting mechanism is sectorial with a manual drive. Guidance of the gun in the vertical plane is carried out in the range of angles from -3° to +70°. Rollback brake hydraulic spindle type, knurler pneumatic. The recoil brake and knurler cylinders are fixed in the breech and roll back along with the barrel. The barrel is balanced by a push-type pneumatic balancing mechanism. The ramming mechanism is of an electromechanical type, designed for separate ramming of the projectile and the loaded cartridge case into the barrel chamber after placing them on the rammer tray.

The 2S1 Gvozdika is equipped with a PG-2 periscope sight, which provides firing both from closed positions and direct fire. PG-2 consists of a panorama, a mechanical sight with a matching unit, a direct-fire optical sight OP5-37, a parallelogram drive and an electric unit.
The portable ammunition load of the self-propelled guns 2S1 is 35 high-explosive fragmentation and 5 cumulative shells. Ammunition for separate loading - a projectile and a cartridge case with a charge. Lighting, propaganda, electronic countermeasures, chemical, smoke, with special arrow-shaped projectiles can also be used.

Firing with a high-explosive fragmentation projectile can be carried out at a maximum range of up to 15300 m. When using an active-rocket projectile, the range increases to 21900 m. For firing a cumulative rotating projectile BP-1, a special Zh-8 charge weighing 3.1 kg is used, which gives the projectile initial speed 740 m/s. Firing range - up to 2000 m. Armor penetration at a right angle is 180 mm, at an angle of 60 ° - 150 mm, at an angle of 30 ° - 80 mm. Armor penetration parameters do not depend on distance.
The rate of fire when firing shells of airborne ammunition is 1-2 rounds per minute. "From the ground" - 4-5, while their supply inside the fighting compartment is carried out using a transport device through a door in the aft part of the ACS hull.
The undercarriage of each side consists of seven road wheels, a driving front wheel and a rear guide. The caterpillar does not have supporting rollers. The track tension mechanism is located inside the body. The track tension is also adjusted from inside the machine. Tracks with rubber-metal joints have a width of 400 mm, can be replaced by wider ones (670 mm) to increase flotation in snow and wetlands. The mechanical transmission is interlocked with the engine. The track rollers are made of aluminum alloy. Two disks are welded between the hub and the outer ring with a rubber bandage of each roller, forming an internal air chamber, which increases the buoyancy of the machine. The drive wheels, located in the front of the housing, have removable gear rims, which facilitates their replacement in case of excessive wear.

As a power plant, a YaMZ-238 diesel engine with a power of 300 hp is used, which allows the car to reach a maximum speed of 60 km / h on the highway. 2C1 "Carnation" - floating. The speed of movement afloat is 4.5 km / h. With a wave height of up to 150 mm and a current speed of not more than 0.6 m / s, the machine is able to overcome water barriers 300 m wide. Movement through the water is carried out by rewinding the tracks.
The body of the machine is welded from steel plates, the maximum thickness of which reaches 20 mm. Such armor provides protection against small-caliber small-arms fire and shell fragments and small-caliber mines. The control compartment and the engine compartment are located in the front of the hull, and the fighting compartment is in the middle and aft parts of the hull, as well as in the turret. Three crew members are accommodated in the turret: in front of the left is the gunner, behind him is the installation commander, and to the right of the gun is the loader. Ammunition is stored in the rear of the body of the self-propelled gun. The armor of the self-propelled guns is bulletproof and provides protection against being hit by armor-piercing bullets of 7.62 mm caliber at a distance of 300 m.

Crew - 4 people.

The 122-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S1 "Gvozdika" is in service with the ground forces of the CIS countries and the former Warsaw Pact, Algeria, Angola, Yemen, Libya, Syria and Ethiopia. After the reunification of Germany, 374 installations were transferred to the Bundeswehr. In addition to the USSR, the howitzer was produced under license in Bulgaria and Poland.

In 2001, a deep modernization of the 2C1 Gvozdika was carried out, which received the M index. The 2AZ1 gun was replaced by a semi-automatic 122 mm 2A80 gun with a barrel cooling system. The use of unitary shots and automatic recovery of aiming increased the aimed rate of fire to 7-9 rds / min, and the introduction of more powerful ammunition from the new gun into the ammunition load increased the efficiency of hitting targets. Recently, in order to improve the installation, a laser-guided projectile, Kitolov-2, was developed for it. This sleep-row can hit stationary and moving targets with a high degree of probability. According to the leading specialists of OAO Motovilikhinskiye Zavody, after modernization, the effectiveness of combat use SAU 2S1M "Carnation" increases by at least 3 times.

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