Flora and fauna of mixed forests presentation. Presentation - mixed forests. Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

Presentation on the topic: "Animal world of mixed forest" The presentation was prepared by:
8th class student
Koval Tatiana

What is a mixed forest?

Mixed forest -
conifers and
tree species.

Mixed forest climate.

In places
mixed forests,
usually warm
summer and relatively
cold and medium
winter. Annual amount
rainfall in this area
up to 600-700 mm.

Amazing birds of the mixed forest.




Listed in the Red Book.

Bison - the heaviest and largest
land mammal in Europe.
This is the last wild bull of the Old
Sveta. Bison hair at birth
has a reddish tint, but with
becomes dark brown with age.
Mink is a carnivorous mammal
from the weasel family, long
time was an object
trade for valuable fur. AT
its current population
shrinking across the board due to
displacement by mink

Why is a mixed forest very diverse in wildlife?

vegetation in this area.
due to differences
climate: temperature,
rainfall and
their dropout mode, and
also they are different
resistant to negative
environmental impacts
environment, mosaic
buildings. mixed forests
have a well-marked
layering.1) The lynx is quite interesting
to a person, she can easily break
his neck, but at the same time, avoids people and
does not attack them;
2) Lynx never attacks from above,
hiding on the branches of trees or on
the slopes of the rocks they track down their
prey or rest;
3) Wolves distinguish about 200 million
shades of smell, people are only 5 million.

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Have you been in the forest? How do you understand what a forest is? What trees grow in the forest? Plants and animals of the forest.

The forest is a vast area covered with trees and shrubs.

What groups can these trees be divided into?

Coniferous trees. Deciduous trees.

needles leaves Coniferous trees have needles instead of leaves, which are replaced gradually over several years and therefore the trees are always green, and deciduous trees have leaves that the trees shed in autumn.

What is the name of the forests in which only deciduous trees grow? Deciduous forests.

What is the name of the forests in which only coniferous trees grow? Coniferous forests.

What is the name of the forests in which coniferous and deciduous trees grow? Mixed forests.

What other plants grow in the forest you will answer by guessing riddles. Touch like fire. You better not touch her. Burns hands, feet - Be careful with her on the road. We smell the freshness of the forest Brings in late spring. The flower is fragrant, delicate From a snow-white brush. lily of the valley nettle

Soft, not fluffy; Green, not grass. In the summer I am glad for the fresh Bearberry; And dried in reserve From a cold treats us. moss raspberry

I'm a drop of summer On a thin leg. Weave for me Kuzovki and bast baskets. Whoever loves me, He is glad to bow. And the name was given to me by my native land. What kind of bead is hanging on the stem here? You look - saliva will flow, And you will bite - sour. strawberry lingonberry

Consider carefully the plants that grow in the forest, except for trees. What groups can they be divided into?

Herbaceous plants. Shrubs and mosses. shrubs.

What plants grow in the forest? trees shrubs herbaceous plants mosses

Tiers of the forest. All plants that form the forest are located in the forest in steps, or tiers. Some forests even have more than five tiers. The first tier is trees. Its height reaches thirty or more meters. The second tier is shrubs. The third tier is shrubs (for example, lingonberries). The fourth tier is herbaceous plants. The fifth tier is mosses and lichens.

Medicinal plants. fern male nettle blueberry henbane black celandine large dandelion centaury medicinal tansy

Learn and name the inhabitants of the forest. owl boar fox sable cuckoo elk hare woodpecker hedgehog bear squirrel

Solve the crossword. 1. The animal is the national pride of Russia. 2 4 3 5 6 7 9 8 1 10

2. Plants of the lower tier. l o b o s 4 3 5 6 7 9 8 10 2

3. Plants of the middle tier. l lo b o s y m x 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 3

4.Long ear, a ball of fluff. Jumps deftly, gnaws carrots. l l b o s y m h k k u n s t a 5 6 7 9 8 10 o r 4

5. What is the name of the forest in which oak, birch, maple, linden grow? l o b o s i a r h k c y z k u in s ta 6 7 9 8 10 5 m

6. Plants of the upper tier. l o b o s y m n a r h e c t y a s k u in s t y l s y n t v 7 9 8 10 6 a

7. What is the name of the forest in which spruce and pine grow? b o b o s i m i n a r h e k t y a z k u in s t a v e i l i s n t v der 9 8 10 7

8. What bird is called a forest doctor? b o b o s i m i n a n a r h e c t y a z k u i N s t a v e l i s n o n t h o y n d r ch v 9 10 8

9. What is the name of the forest in which deciduous and coniferous trees grow? b o b o s i m i n a n a r h e k t y a z k u i N st a v e i l i n s y n t v o y y n d e r e l h y t 10 d 9

10. Get into the habit of a poultry house - expect trouble. A red tail sweeps up traces. b o b o s i m i n a n a r h e k t y a z k u i N st a v e i l i n t v o y y n d e r e l h v w m i t y n a i d s 10

Solve the crossword. l o b o S im i n a r h e k t y a z k u in s t a v e l i s n t v o y y n d e r s e l h v w s m d y t n n a l i y

Forest protection. The significance of the forest in our life is great. The forest gives wood. Game animals and birds live in the forests, mushrooms, berries and wild fruit trees grow. The soil covered with forests retains moisture well. Forests support the full flow of rivers, protect the soil from destruction, and prevent landslides in the mountains. Forests protect fields from dry winds and dust storms. Forests beautify the earth and purify the air. Therefore, forests must be protected and protected from fires and deforestation. Create reserves for rare plant species. Folk wisdom says: "A person has not lived his life in vain if he has grown at least one tree."

Homework. 1. Draw a poster on the topic "Protect the forest!"

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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"Natural zone Tundra" - What do you think is the reason for the strong vulnerability of the northern treeless zones? But the average July temperature is +5…+10?С. What are the patterns in the placement of natural areas? Large areas are occupied by swamps. Lesson plan: Relationships in the natural complex of the tundra. In places of deeper thawing, shallow basins filled with water appear.

"Savannas and woodlands" - Plant world. Savannahs and light forests are located on all continents except Antarctica. Each continent has its own plant world of savannahs and light forests. Savannahs and woodlands. Formed during the rainy season: the soil is washed out. America. Soils. Wet. Africa. South America. Natural zone of savannah and woodlands.

"Tundra and forest tundra" - Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Subpolar Urals. What is the difference between tundra and forest tundra landscapes? Describe the GP of the tundra (2) and forest-tundra (3) zones. Describe the climatic conditions in the tundra and forest-tundra zone. 1. What are the names of tundra soils, what are the features of soils in the tundra zone? Crowberry (black shiksha, crowberry). 3. Cotton grass.

"Broad-leaved forests" - Climate. Reserves have been created to preserve flora and fauna. taiga on the Russian Plain, absent in inland. Geographical position: The forests are characterized by a tiered distribution of animals. areas and reappears in the southern part of the Far East. Fauna: The climate is warmer than in the taiga, the vegetation is more diverse.

"Geography Grade 6 Glaciers" - Which lake is the largest in area? The boundary dividing the river basins? Hubbard Glacier (Alaska). What types of lake basins do you know? How is ground water formed? Icebergs. The village of Nizhny Karmadon was completely destroyed. Monument to those who died as a result of the collapse of the Kolka glacier. How is water in a solid state?

slide 2

There is just a temple, There is a temple of science, And there is also a temple of nature With forests stretching their arms Towards the sun and winds. He is holy at any time of the day, Open for us in the heat and cold, Come in here, be a sensitive heart Do not desecrate his shrines.

slide 3

Mixed and broad-leaved forests grow in the central regions of the European part of our country, in the southern regions of Siberia and in the Far East. Mixed forests consist of coniferous and small-leaved species (spruce, pine, birch, aspen). Broad-leaved forests consist of oak, linden, maple, elm, ash, beech.

slide 4

These forests are multi-tiered: -1 tier - coniferous, oak, ash, linden. -2 tier - less tall trees (apple trees, mountain ash) -3-4 tier - undergrowth of shrubs, bird cherry, hazel, euonymus. -5 tier - herbs (lungwort, hoof), mushrooms.

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Deciduous and coniferous trees (spruce, pine) grow in mixed forests.

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Ash is a beautiful tree that grows in broad-leaved forests, forming the top layer together with other tall trees.

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Maple, like ash, belongs to broad-leaved trees and makes up the first, upper tier.

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Birch is a beautiful tree that grows in mixed forests. Birch can be recognized by its very beautiful white-black bark. And its leaves look like a heart.

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The lowest tier is made up of various herbs: goutweed, lungwort, zelenchuk, hoof, as well as mushrooms: chanterelles, honey mushrooms, fly agaric, pigs. fly agaric soap dish red

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Mixed forests are characterized by warm summers and relatively cold and long winters. Deciduous trees shed their leaves for the winter.

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The fauna of mixed and broad-leaved forests is rich and varied. These are hare, elk, squirrel, capercaillie, deer, wild boar, roe deer, cuckoo, black polecat, mink, weasel, red deer. weasel squirrel

Slide 14

During the winter, some animals hibernate. Many burrows are filled with food collected during the summer, but sometimes animals have enough subcutaneous fat accumulated during the warm season, which allows them to survive the long winter. Other animals seek food in dense thickets, where there is less snow. roe

slide 15

In our time, the fauna of broad-leaved forests has undergone great changes under the influence of human activity. The number of many animals has decreased, some of them have almost disappeared, others, on the contrary, have become more numerous. In our country, work is underway to restore and protect natural resources. This also applies to the zone of mixed and broad-leaved forests. lynx

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If you watch our forest for a long, long time, Behind your beloved old forest, You will see a lot here, How fish frolic in the water, A chilly breeze flutters, Like insects and snails They live in a friendly family.

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"Animals of the Arctic" - Animals of the Arctic. We are again going with you to where the kingdom of cold, snow and ice! Walruses. An animal that appears in the northern seas in summer. Conclusion 2: the sea feeds the animals. Whale. Bears rub their backs - the Earth is spinning. The Arctic is located ... But even in summer the sun's rays are only ... The polar bear lives in the snow, in the ice, therefore ...

"Deserts and semi-deserts" - In rare places in deserts, where underground waters come close to the surface, oases form. Desert animals live in burrows or burrow into the sand. Oases. Other animals, such as the camel, can go without water for a long time. Animals. Desert types. Content. Plants. Desert dwellers.

"Palearctic region" - Deciduous forests Animals. Coniferous forests Plants. The flora is represented by undersized vegetation: mosses, lichens, sedges, stunted shrubs. Tundra Animals. The fauna is represented by: Lynxes, wolverines, moose. Tundra Plants. Of the plants, mainly beech, oak, hornbeam, linden. Steppe Animals. Hardwood forests Animals.

"Forest resources of the world" - Plant resources of the world. The value of forest resources. Heavily wooded. Quantification of the forest resources of the world. Rational use of forest resources. Slightly leafy. 10 - 50%. The total forest area in the world is 4 billion hectares. Medium forested. Less than 10%. Guiana (fr) Suriname Mozambique Japan Ecuador Congo Myanmar.

"Steppes and forest-steppes" - Xerophytes - drought-resistant plants. Forest-steppes and steppes. Thyme. Ephemeroids are perennial herbaceous plants. Wormwood mullein. Sage veronica. Tasks: Irises. Landscapes of the past. Ephemera are annual, small herbaceous plants. Animals of forest-steppes and steppes. New concepts: Plants. Adonis. Ermalaeva M.N.

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