A story about winter and love. Frost and sun, a wonderful day: a selection of statuses and quotes about winter. Quotes about the winter of foreign writers

“... A shore with a motionless river
Leveled with a plump veil.
Frost flashed. And we are glad
I’ll prank mother winter ... "
A.S. Pushkin

What a miracle this Russian winter is! In what other European, even northern, country can you find such a variety of winter landscapes that we can observe in the vastness of our vast Motherland.
Winter, as a natural phenomenon, is clearly distinguished by its purity and transparency, novelty and brightness, the bewitching grandeur of the whiteness of the snowy expanses ... Even yesterday, a dull, untidy and bleak landscape of a protracted autumn was visible through the window, and suddenly a frost hit, it started to snow, a little at first, then getting thicker and thicker. And in an instant, everything changed. Where did the bumps and gullies, cluttered ditches, debris from branches and untidy leaves go! Everything is gone.
From edge to edge, the eyes are pleased with the infinity of the snow cover, which hid all the obscenities of autumn flaws from the eyes with a fluffy carpet, unrecognizably transformed the whole world around us and began the countdown of new time in an endless series of natural wonders of life on earth. And it's really wonderful that only in a hard frost you can see amazing patterns on the window glass, which a rare artist could depict.
And how fabulously the falling snowflakes look in a calm, they are so similar to swan fluff, silently descending from heaven to earth and turning into an untouched, primordial blanket that warms the freezing earth.
Only in winter you can enjoy the beauty of a snowstorm, when the elements are unstoppable in their impulses, emit a wolf howl and a robber whistle, spinning snow dust into a huge top, scattering it in different directions. At these moments, the world changes beyond recognition, you lose your sense of reality and clearly perceive the meaning of words : "... not a single thing is visible ...". After such a riot of nature, amazing traces of snow drifts remain, and a nagging feeling of defenselessness and respect for the great power of nature remains in the memory for a long time. I still remember how in our Siberian village during
the times of my childhood were swept under the very roof at home, and in order to be able to go outside in the morning, adults had to dig out for hours helping their neighbors. And we, the kids, were immensely joyful from the opportunity to freely climb onto the roof of the house through the snow and roll head over heels into a snowdrift from there.
And how surprisingly pleasant is the first hard frost at -40 degrees Celsius! The spirit is breathtaking from the ringing silence, broken by incomprehensible rustles and crackling of trees (it’s not for nothing that they say: “... crackling frosts ...”). In such a frost, the sun always shines during the day, and at night the sky is strewn with bright stars and the Milky Way is visible from edge to edge. An iridescent glow appears around the luminary, mystically warning of a further decrease in air temperature. White smoke comes out of the chimneys, rising in a column, the snowflakes around sparkle in a special way, and the snow underfoot begins to crunch like a cabbage leaf. Lapota!!!
You feel a feeling of genuine joy walking along forest paths through the first snow. There, unexpectedly, you can meet incomprehensible, but clear footprints, looking at which you imagine a frightened hare rushing here recently with an arrow or a forest giant with branchy horns, a handsome moose, slowly and majestically passing by. And near the edge, next to the hummocks, a barely noticeable path of small patterned footprints of the vole mouse appeared, which is the main prey for both the cunning fox and the wise owl, loudly hooting in the thicket of the forest at night.
An absolutely stunning winter masterpiece is the appearance of fluffy frost on trees and clear ice on a river or lake. An ordinary-looking birch tree, decorated with a diamond scattering of hoarfrost, overnight turns into an extraordinary beauty, from which you can’t take your eyes off. And you will not immediately understand what is more pleasant for the soul - green leaves or iridescent whiteness of fluffy twigs. And the sonorous ice, like a magnet, attracts the boys and, not paying attention to the warning crackle of the still weak ice cover, they dashingly ride along the slippery smooth surface of the river with whooping and daring. The beauty!!!
Constantly recurring harsh winters in Russia have created at the genetic level a person completely unlike even the closest foreign neighbors, who is always internally ready for any adversity and hardships in his life. He is not afraid of vast distances and half-empty spaces of the uninhabited territory, harsh nature and a long period of cold weather. Few people will survive in such unfavorable conditions for a normal life.
In Russia, winter has always been held in high esteem, it tested the people for strength of spirit, tempered them physically, encouraged them to develop, helped in the fight against uninvited guests ... It was not for nothing that they always called her affectionately and touchingly: winter-winter, winter-beauty, naughty winter, mother winter...

She herself did not understand how she fell in love with him. Why did this happen right now, when everything seemed to be calm and good in her house. The beloved son was growing up, the husband did not throw tantrums and put up with her absence due to frequent business trips. Apparently, he understood that her contribution to the family budget was also very necessary, especially now, when there were so many expenses: a new car, an unfinished dacha. So this afternoon, as always, he escorted her to the station and put her on the train, however, forgetting to kiss her goodbye on the cheek. And she did not even notice this oversight of his.
And now, and then all her thoughts were about the other person. To the sound of wheels, sitting at the window of the compartment carriage, Svetlana thought about him, about the one whom she loved so much. Michael worked in a neighboring department. For many years she met him in the hallway, casually greeted him, and nothing happened. And here! How could a couple of casually spoken words and just one glance awaken in her heart such a feeling of love and devotion to this married man.
Married ... But employees from his department have long been whispering about his allegedly undeveloped family life, about scandals and strife in relations with his wife. Svetlana recalled what a sad and downcast look Mikhail often had. Of course, now he needs help and support!
The woman looked out the darkening window, and her heart beat tremblingly, she lived in anticipation of a meeting with her beloved. After all, Mikhail is already there, he left two days earlier, and he, of course, knows that she will arrive today. Svetlana took out a small souvenir from her purse, a keychain with Santa Claus. She held it in her palm, as if trying to convey the warmth of her hand to this hard lump. She bought this souvenir as a gift for Mikhail, and how good it is that soon he will take it in his hand and feel her warmth ...
How quickly the days fly by! It's already New Year's Eve. And this New Year's business trip makes her so happy! After all, she doesn't need a better gift. That's only if it snowed. Although on the calendar the twenty-second of December, but there is no snow yet. But it will be, it will definitely be, snow will cover the earth on New Year's Eve - Svetlana believed. And, perhaps, this will happen soon, one of these days, on this business trip!
The woman smiled. She looked at the clock. We're already on our way. Will he meet? Probably not. He knows that Svetlana is not traveling alone, but with Lyudmila Ivanovna. He does not want unnecessary talk at work. But there, in the hotel, she was sure that he would definitely find her, find out the number of her room from the administrator and come!
A young conductor peeked through the open door of the carriage compartment:
- Next stop Berezovka! Here are your tickets! She held out the used ticket vouchers.
Throwing on their coats, adjusting their make-up, the women headed for the exit…
But, how could she not notice the most important thing in the window of the car! Only when she got down from the last step, Svetlana looked into the darkness of the winter evening and almost exclaimed with joy. Snow! First snow! Here he lies on the ground right in front of her eyes! What a blessing that he is falling right now, before meeting him! Svetlana looked at the small white fluffs of the first snow falling from the dark sky to the ground, and in her soul everything rejoiced and sang. She did not even notice how they reached the hotel, how they settled in it. Everything flew by like one moment. And only when she opened the door to her room, the woman felt how strongly her heart was beating, she realized that she was tired, and she needed to lie down for a while to rest.
After unpacking things, washing up and dismantling the bed, Svetlana turned on the electric kettle. She took out the keychain and placed it on the nightstand next to Mauroy's book The Vicissitudes of Love. Why did she take this particular book with her on a business trip? After all, she read it at a young age. But, Svetlana remembered how much this book gave her then. She really wanted to relive those quivering sensations of her youth, and therefore it was this volume that she took out this morning from the bookshelf and put it in her bag.
Svetlana looked at her watch - it's already midnight, it's time to go to bed. Because tomorrow is a hard day. But, the woman's heart does not stop beating rapidly, she is waiting for him and hopes for a quick date. Could not stand it, lay down in bed, turned on the night light, took a book. And her eyes cannot read, all her thoughts are occupied with him, Svetlana is looking forward to her beloved, looking at the door and listening to any knock and rustle in the corridor ...

The day I dreamed of you
I came up with everything myself.
Quietly sank to the ground
Winter, winter, winter.
I didn't pay for you
Light in a lonely window.
What a pity that I dreamed all this.
(song "Winter Dream", Spanish Aslu)

…behind the window of the hotel of a provincial town that was shining alone in the night, snow kept falling and falling, the first snow of the coming winter. By morning, he will cover the earth with a carpet of millions of shiny mother-of-pearl snowflakes. The snow will sparkle and crunch underfoot, and will surely give everyone, everyone, all the people who see it, leaving the house, a feeling of happiness, joy and hope for everything, only good and bright, clean and kind, which will definitely happen in the coming New Year .

These stories will inform children about such a season as winter, tell about the beauty of this season, about seasonal changes in nature, about the New Year and all winter holidays.

A story about winter "The Book of Winter"

Snow covered the whole earth with a white even layer. Fields and forest clearings are now like the smooth blank pages of some gigantic book. And whoever passes through them, everyone will sign: "There was such and such."

It snows during the day. When it's over, the pages are clean. You will come in the morning - the white pages are covered with many mysterious icons, dashes, dots, commas. So, at night there were different forest inhabitants here, walking, jumping, doing something.

Who was? What have you been doing?

We must quickly make out the incomprehensible signs, read the mysterious letters. It will snow again, and then, as if someone had turned the page, again there is only clean, smooth white paper in front of my eyes.

A story about winter "New galoshes"

The real winter has come. The road stretched across the ice across the river. Frost drew whatever he wanted on the panes. And the streets were covered in deep snow.

“Tanyushka, dress properly,” Grandma said, “it’s not summer now.”

And she brought her a winter coat with a fur collar and a knitted woolen scarf from the closet. A few days later, Tanya's mother brought galoshes from the city for felt boots. The galoshes were new and shiny. If you run your finger over them, they will creak and sing! And when Tanya went out into the street, her footprints were printed in the snow, like gingerbread. Alyonka admired Tanya's galoshes, even touched them with her hand.

— What new! - she said.

Tanya looked at Alyonka, thought.

- Well, you want, let's share? - she said. - One galosh for you and one for me...

Alyona laughed.

- Lets do it!

But she looked at her boots and said:

- Yes, it won’t fit me - the boots are very large. Look at their noses!

Girlfriends walked down the street: what to play? Alyonka said:

- Let's go to the pond, let's ride on the ice!

“It’s good on the pond,” Tanya said, “just make a hole there.”

“So what?

“But my grandmother didn’t tell me to go to the ice-hole.”

Alyonka looked back at Tanya's hut:

- Your hut is over there, and the pond is over there. Grandma will see something, right?

Tanya and Alyonka ran to the pond, skated on the ice. And they returned home - they did not say anything to their grandmother.

But the grandmother went to the pond for water, returned and said:

- Tatyanka! And you still ran to the hole again?

Tanya rolled her eyes at her grandmother:

“But how did you see it, grandma?”

“I didn’t see you, but I saw your footprints,” said the grandmother. - Who else has such new galoshes? Oh, you don't listen, Tanya, to your grandmother!

Tanya lowered her eyes, paused, thought, and then said:

“Grandma, I won’t disobey any more!”

A story about winter "Forest in winter".

Can frost kill a tree?

Of course it can.

If the tree freezes through and through, to the very core, it will die. In especially severe winters with little snow, many trees perish in our country, mostly young ones. All the trees would have perished if each tree hadn’t cunningly to keep warm in itself, not to allow frost deep inside itself.

Feeding, growing, producing offspring - all this requires a large expenditure of strength, energy, a large expenditure of one's heat. And now the trees, having gathered strength over the summer, refuse to eat by winter, stop eating, stop growing, do not spend energy on reproduction. They become inactive, fall into a deep sleep.

The leaves exhale a lot of heat, down with the leaves for the winter! Trees throw them off themselves, refuse them in order to keep the warmth necessary for life. And by the way, the leaves thrown from the branches, rotting on the ground, themselves give warmth and protect the delicate roots of trees from freezing.

Little of! Each tree has a shell that protects the living flesh of the plant from frost. All summer, every year, trees lay porous cork tissue under the skin of their trunk and branches - a dead layer. The cork does not let water or air through. The air stagnates in its pores and does not allow heat to radiate from the living body of the tree. The older the tree, the thicker the cork layer in it, which is why old, thick trees tolerate cold better than young trees with thin stems and branches.

Little and cork shell. If the severe frost manages to break through under it, it will meet reliable chemical defenses in the living body of the plant. By winter, various salts and starch, converted into sugar, are deposited in the sap of trees. A solution of salts and sugar is very cold-resistant.

But the best protection against frost is a fluffy snow blanket. It is known that caring gardeners deliberately bend chilly young fruit trees to the ground and throw snow at them: this way they are warmer. In snowy winters, snow, like a duvet, covers the forest, and even then the forest is not afraid of any cold.

No, no matter how severe the frost, it will not kill our northern forest!

Our Prince Bova will stand against all storms and snowstorms.

A story about winter "Winter night".

Night has come in the forest.

Frost taps on the trunks and branches of thick trees, light silver hoarfrost falls in flakes. In the dark high sky, bright winter stars visibly scattered.

Quietly, silently in the winter forest and in the forest snowy glades.

But even on frosty winter nights, the hidden life in the forest continues. Here a frozen branch crunched and broke - it ran under the trees, gently bouncing, a white hare. Then something hooted and suddenly terribly laughed: somewhere an owl screamed. The wolves howled and fell silent.

On the diamond tablecloth of snow, leaving patterns of traces, light caresses run, ferrets hunt mice, owls silently fly over snowdrifts.

Andrey Simankov (34) and Maria Doronina (27)

Masha:“On New Year's Eve, I, a novice secular chronicler, was offered to do a report from the Miss Russia contest. I had no special plans, and I agreed. It was only at the event itself that I realized my mistake. The photographer quickly snapped off what was supposed to be and ran away, it was boring to enjoy the joys of the festive buffet alone, and indeed everyone has a New Year, and I work! In general, an hour before midnight, I went to friends on the outskirts of Moscow. But the path turned out to be thorny. While walking up the escalator, the heel of my party shoes got stuck between the steps and broke. Trying to remove it, I dropped the phone, it, of course, crashed. “I’ve had enough adventures,” I decided, went to the minibus and suddenly realized that I didn’t remember the number of the house I needed. In line in front of me was a young man in a ridiculous bomber jacket and a strange hat. Suspicious in general. But I needed to know the address, so I asked him for a phone number to call my friend.

Another minibus came up, and the guy in the hat ran out of empty seats. “Just great! - flashed through my head. “Fifteen minutes to New Years and I’m here with no friends and not even with Brad Pitt.” I started running along the road, hailing a taxi. Only the driver of the broken “penny” responded to my calls, who, in honor of the holiday, asked for a quarter of my salary for the trip. I was already completely desperate, but then again a young man appeared from the queue. He heard how I bargained and offered to chip in: it turned out that we were going to the same house. Almost under the chiming clock, we got into the car, and then it snowed. The winter was warm and gray, so we drove in complete silence and only admired how everything around was changing. When we arrived at the place, I (in a slight shock from the evening rich in experiences) asked my fellow traveler what he was doing. “Medicine,” he replied. I thought that such an acquaintance would be useful to me, and offered to exchange phone numbers.

Andrei showed up five days later and invited me to a cafe. He was late for half an hour, presented a bouquet of flowers with which he came, an hour after the meeting, and then completely called to his home - for Olivier. Three days later, Andrei called me and asked me to look out the window. In front of the entrance, I saw two yellow taxis, he stood next to the cars and said on his mobile that I should pack my things and move to him. And contrary to common sense and all my principles, I agreed! But I have never regretted it in the 9 years spent together. ”

got engaged

Vladimir Farnosov (25) and Irina Kucherova (22)

Ira:“I was fond of the work of one musical group and once, at a meeting of like-minded people, I got into a conversation with a handsome young man. We exchanged contacts and then corresponded for a long time on the Web. Every day I wanted more and more to see him again, but face-to-face. And when Volodya invited me on a date, I immediately agreed. This time, the spark between us turned into fireworks. We both plunged headlong into relationships: we tried to spend every free minute together, forgot about friends and the world around us in general. My conservative parents were very worried.

The New Year was approaching, and we didn’t even have a question where and how to celebrate it: we both believe that this is a family holiday. December 31 came to my parents, and then the unexpected happened. Vova called dad for a serious conversation. I don’t know exactly what they were talking about, but the bottom line is that my beloved asked my father for my hand. And when Volodya got down on one knee in front of all my relatives and took out a box with a ring, I couldn’t even say anything out of excitement, I just threw myself into his arms. With this act, Vova finally melted my heart and conquered my loved ones once and for all. Now many young people decide everything together and put their parents before the fact. And I am happy that my beloved showed such respect for my family. Needless to say, on New Year's Eve we talked about this event and made plans together?

By the way, I met Volodya's parents the next New Year. She was so worried that she did not tell them even a hundredth of what she wanted. However, I worried in vain: his family received me as warmly as mine, Volodya. Now we are preparing for the wedding: before that we saved up money to organize a luxurious and memorable holiday. And we will celebrate, of course, in the circle of relatives and friends - we both sacredly honor family traditions.

got married

Vsevolod Saykovsky (30) and Alina Saykovskaya (24)

Alina:“Seva and I found each other through a social network. He left a comment on my page, and I wondered who he was. We began to correspond, and soon Seva invited me on a date. It was winter, we decided to meet at the rink. I fell in love at first sight! It was easy to communicate with Seva, he constantly joked and skated superbly. Having had enough fun, we went to a fast food restaurant, where Seva, finishing his hamburger, said: “Will you marry me?” Not very romantic, right? We both laughed at this proposal and from the next date plunged into romance. Soon I moved to Seva, but we did not return to the question asked at the first meeting - it remained a joke. Happy two years have flown by. And in the fall, we both caught a bad cold and spent two weeks at home, in isolation from the outside world. But when they recovered, they realized that they did not get bored with each other at all. On the contrary, the two of us were interesting and comfortable. It was then that we decided that we were ready to legitimize the relationship. The choice of date was approached with irony. Let's get married on December 31, period! When we applied to the registry office, the registrars did their best to dissuade us. Friends and family were also perplexed. Before the New Year, there is already a lot of trouble: searching for gifts, cooking, cleaning, and then there's the wedding! I did not want to cause inconvenience to loved ones. We refused the dress code, asked not to spend money on wedding presents, did not order a limousine and a restaurant, realizing that we did not need it. Having signed and sent the guests home, my husband and I went for a walk around New Year's Moscow. Dress warmly so as not to freeze: the outfits of the bride and groom were supplemented with a snow-white hat with earflaps for Seva and red felt boots and a warm painted scarf in the Russian style for me. It was a wonderful winter day, it was snowing. The bonus was the smiles and surprised looks of passers-by, who, having specified whether we were actors, wished us happiness. It is impossible to describe how pleased we were with ourselves - it was truly our day and our holiday. We celebrated the New Year with our parents and friends. And in the morning they flew off on their honeymoon trip.

Recorded by Daria Tregubova

We would like to thank Flat-Interiors Salon for their help in shooting.

Everything is possible...
Vika was going home from the institute, it was a difficult day, the couples were boring, the time dragged on for a long time, and the exams were coming soon. In short, the day was not successful, “but nevertheless it ended,” Vika thought and smiled
grandmothers sitting near the entrance “like a night watch” flashed through her head, the girl smiled again and entered the entrance.
“it’s cool today,” Andrey thought as he left the institute, the couples took a drag today, so he was clearly late for dinner, “I’ll have to go to the store, it seems there was one nearby for 24 hours ...” “hmm ... it started to snow.”
None of them knew that this first snow would be their beginning...
Having warmed up after a warm bath, Vika settled down in an easy chair and took a laptop “I haven’t visited my page for a long time, I wonder if anyone wrote to me?” while she was thinking, the computer turned on, the girl entered only two letters VK into the search line, the search results immediately appeared. Vika went to her page “hmm .... messages 2, groups 0, applications 93, friends 24, I wonder who it is?” mostly classmates from the institute and friends from the club were added as friends. Scrolling through the entire list and adding everyone who is needed and who is not needed, she noticed another application “who is this?” she went to Andrey’s page, that was the name of this young man “hmm .... it turns out that we are from one institute, only he turns out from the third year, but a year older, so let's see the information: hometown Krasnodar, date of birth January 27, 1992, well, yes a year older, dachshund, and now let's see the photo, but the boy is so cute," the girl said with a smile and clicked on my page while she climbed on his page, the number of messages increased, "let's get started." Vika opened all the dialogues, the first message was from Andrey “hello))) I already thought that you wouldn’t want to come here at all, the notes came in)” she was clearly surprised but gathered herself and answered “hello) yes, it just takes a lot of time to study and to social. There is almost no network, that's why I rarely go ... ".
“What difference does it make to him if I come in or not?! And in general, how does he know me? ... "but then the girl's thoughts were interrupted by soft, sneaking steps, at first Vika was frightened, as she was sitting in a dark room completely alone, but after listening more carefully, she realized who her night guest was" Marquis, kitty-kitty-kitty " she called her kitten, the steps accelerated, “well, you scared me,” a dark fluffy lump approached the chair and jumped into the hands of the hostess. Returning from the kitchen with hot tea and treats for the Marquis, Vika again sat down at the laptop with one new message “how is your day?)” Without hesitation, she answered “to be honest, not very much, but how are you?”
SMS with the answer came literally in half a minute “how can you write so quickly from the phone?” flashed through my head “why not really? I’m fine, only the last lecture dragged on, but I’m just going home here, the snow is falling so beautifully, and I don’t feel like going home at all) ”“ Snow? Not really, because the day dragged on too long.” “Yes, snow, for the first time this year, but with such large flakes)))” “You know, my mood has risen sharply)))”
“I love it when it snows, it becomes so beautiful) I am now sitting on the windowsill and looking, honestly, even my heart beats faster)))”
“So you are our Snow Maiden) and where do you live?”)
"near the park, why?"
“well, I’m just in the park now, can you get out? You don’t want to go home anyway, and you love this kind of weather.”
“a tempting offer) but I can see the snow tomorrow)”
"What if he doesn't wake up tomorrow?"
"Maybe I'm scared"
" what?"
“Firstly: I don’t know you, what if you are some kind of villain, who knows you? Second: it's already night"
“hmm… reasonable, but I really invite you to just take a walk, will you come?”
"You're talking to the park"
" yes"
"Well, well persuaded) where shall we meet?")
"I'll be waiting for you at the tree"
"Okay, I'll be there soon"
" I am waiting)"
Vika turned off the computer and began to get ready to put on a jinzi sweater and jacket, “why am I doing this?” she herself did not understand why she was going there, meeting with a completely unfamiliar guy. But in the end, she found an excuse for her act “I just haven’t seen snow for a long time, but I’m definitely going there to take a walk under the snow,” but still she had a good feeling about this walk.
After 20 minutes, the girl came to the meeting point, went around the Christmas tree several times and frowned, “well, where is he?”
"Are you looking for me?" came a voice from behind.
Vika jumped in fright, but turning around she calmed down when she saw Andrei holding two glasses of hot coffee in his hands.
"yes to you" - the girl smiled
“I just thought that it’s cold here and it wouldn’t be bad to warm up, here on,” with these words, he handed her a glass of hot drink
“Thank you,” the girl said in surprise.
“Well, do I still seem like a maniac to you?” Andrey asked with a smile.
“Actually, I went to look at the snow,” Vika answered, blushing.
"well, let's look at the snow"
they silently stood and looked at the flakes of snow falling on the tree decorated before the holidays. About half an hour passed, that's how much time they stood and smiled at the snow, but then the girl turned and looked at her companion and immediately burst out laughing
“What are you doing?” the young man asked, surprised by such an unexpected laugh.
“You have such a funny cap on your head,” the girl said through laughter.
Andrei touched his head and realized that because of the falling snow, a pile of snow had formed on his head, similar to a gnome's hat.
“There’s nothing funny, it’s quite natural that we stood for half an hour without moving,” Andrey said, suddenly blushing, but instead of stopping laughing, Vika took out a camera from her pocket and photographed it until he understood something.
"Did you take a picture of me?"
"yes" the girl replied, still smiling
"well, you asked for it"
" for what?" but then she saw how Andrei takes the snow in his hands and makes a snowball out of it
“So only without stupidity,” Vika said, trying to save her skin, but it was too late, since the first snowball was already flying in her direction
" Ah well?!"
"Yes," the guy replied with a smile.
"Well, now I'm serious"
"and what?"
“But that’s what,” with these words, the girl threw a snowball at the guy and didn’t miss, which is why after that she had to run away from him for a long time.
They walked for about an hour, after which Andrey saw Vika home and went to his own home.
The next day, when they saw each other at the institute, they could not help laughing
“Well, shall we repeat our walk somehow?” Andrey asked smiling
“Only under one condition,” Vika answered smiling
"Which one?" asked the boy in surprise.
"if it snows"...
Friends, I am writing for the first time, so I will be glad to all comments and criticism;)

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