What modules to put Churchill 3. Churchill III - Bending or lie? Introduction to the machine

Ladies and gentlemen, the stupid plums of the allies piss me off, but hello. Somehow a lot of deer got divorced in the random house, right? Churchill 3 will do just fine with this, we’ll talk about it today.

A game

In the game, this tank is presented as a premium tank, which means that we will consider the characteristics for premium TTs. And the first reason why the majority of the WoT audience buys such tanks is profitability.


And so, with an ammunition load of 100 AP and 50 sub-calibers, this tank farms perfectly! Let's calculate the farm for 5 battles.

Conditions: 600+ damage and 200+ tanked damage, no PA.
1 fight: 15k dirty.

Conditions: 800+ damage and 500+ tanked, no PA.
2 fight: 25k dirty.

Conditions: 1000+ damage and 700+ tanked, no PA.
3rd fight: 35k dirty.
4 fight: 35k dirty
5 fight: 35k dirty

Total: 135k dirty (raw. And clean ones depend on how much gold shells you shot, but believe me, they are very cheap. Therefore, they can be fired 20 times in a battle and still remain in the black.


Eh, the dynamics for such a tank is quite acceptable.

20-27 km/h on a flat surface; 27-35 km / h from the hill; 5-10 km/h uphill.


We have a gun from level 4, but quite stable. Accurate, penetrating (100+ penetrations with conventional AP), rapid-fire. Now we’ll talk about the rate of fire.

And so the reload time without everything is:

2.5+ seconds. Eh, whether it's a little or a lot, it's up to you.

But with a rammer, 100% crew and ventilation, the cd is a little less than 1.7 seconds. Not bad, right?

But the damage of the gun ... Although, this is 4 lvl, and it doesn’t drop us to 7. And so, the damage is 70 units. And we are thrown only to 6 levels, so we can feel like a fish in water.

And so, the guide is coming to an end and I would like to wish you tolerance on this tank. good luck on the battlefields!

5 years and 10 months ago Comments: 26

This guide is dedicated to heavy tank 5 level Churchill 3. The guide will consist from 7 parts:

  • 1. Introduction to the machine
  • 2. TTX
  • 3. Pros and Cons
  • 4. Use in combat and Tactics
  • 5. Equipment and Crew, Equipment
  • 6. Farm
  • 7. Conclusion

Introduction to the machine

Churchill 3 is a premium heavy tank, having an excellent gun and a good one. This tank has a preferential level of battles, which means that it is not thrown to level 7. Farm on it is stable, easy to use. He gets much more experience than his classmates.

TTX - Tactical and Technical Characteristics

The tank is premium and does not require spending experience to research modules, i.e. it's already top notch. Let's start with the weapon:

As we can see, Churchill's gun is a classic hole puncher with a high rate of fire and low one-time damage. At its level, penetration is enough for almost everyone. Don't let the small one-time damage bother you, because of the high rate of fire we have (damage per minute) 1970 units - this is without modules, with a rammer and ventilation - 2340 units, which allows you to shoot many opponents. The gun does not have time to converge after each shot, since reloading takes 1.9-2 seconds. And it will affect the installed equipment. The weapon is inaccurate, but our element is close combat.


Due to the low engine power and the high mass of the tank, the dynamics are weak, but quite comfortable for a heavy tank.

It should be recalled that 176 mm of armor only in a small plate in the forehead of the tank, everything else is much thinner. When driving out of cover with a diamond, some players start shooting at this particular plate and do not break through it. Knowledgeable players can easily break through our turret, which has only 88 mm of armor, also at a right angle. Tracks often absorb damage from medium guns


Our review is not the best, but 350 m is a good indicator for a British heavy tank at level 5. Strengthen it or not, more on that later.


Due to the low power of the engine and the low speed of rotation of the hull, we are rather clumsy, but we drive confidently in a straight line. It is worth avoiding swamps where we are vulnerable.


Due to the low silhouette, Churchill is good (for a heavy tank) hiding in the bushes, this will be needed when capturing the base on some maps

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Rapid-firing gun with good penetration
  • High DPM (damage per minute)
  • Armor, when (beating off shells)
  • Preferential level of battles
  • Stable experience farm and silver
  • Penetration by sub-calibers 180 mm (gold shells)
  • Rapid turret turn
  • The ability to shoot relatively accurately on the go
  • Crew training from another Soviet heavy. Tank without retraining and penalties
  • Weak dynamics
  • cardboard tower
  • Poor effectiveness of combat at long distances
  • Lack of penetration of some tanks at lvl 6
  • humble review
  • We suffer from art, they can break through with a one-shot

Combat and Tactics

The performance characteristics of our guns say that we should inflict damage in close combat, where we can implement DPM. Our fast reload allows you to feed the enemy with 140 shells. In the top, we are one of the main damage dealers, we simply merge enemy tanks one after another, while not being exposed to a large number of PTs and TTs. With our DPM, the opponent's HP is rapidly decreasing. At the beginning of the battle, you choose a direction and slowly push through it. In the top, Churchill 3 drags, the main thing is not to waste hp in vain.

One of the nice features of the rapid-firing cannon is the "caterpillar landing", i.e. we can keep the tank on the caterpillar (knocking it down) and just not letting it leave, while stuffing shells into it one by one. So you can merge an inaccurately left enemy without losing hit points.

Dangerous enemies at level 5 are KV-1 and AT 2. Both are well armored and have high DPM. The first one breaks into the strip of armor under the turret and into the NLD (lower frontal part). The second into the commander's hatch and into the hole in the gun mantlet. If the KV-1 has tightened the hull, then we pierce only that very strip. Be careful with PTs, breaking through them allows us to confidently damage and our 700 hp will quickly disappear. It is difficult to circle us, the tower turns quickly.

Being at lvl 6, you need to be careful, there are too many dangerous opponents, the same KV-1S destroys us with two shots. At level 6, our armor disappears. We become vulnerable, in which case we must act like this: shoot down tracks, shoot at cardboard targets, use sub-calibers against ricochet opponents. Here we turn into a support tank.

It is worth noting that on maps where ranged combat rules, we are uncomfortable. A vivid example is Nightmare, it’s not very convenient to go to the island, but it’s possible - it all depends on the situation.
Equipment and Crew, Gear

Aiming drives are mandatory, the gun reloads faster than it reduces. The rammer is always useful, don't worry about the "struggle" between aiming and reloading speed, because in close combat you can not completely reduce. If you don't like this "fight" between mixing and reloading, put optics or a stereo tube to enhance your view. Ventilation with a pumped BB (Combat Brotherhood -) allows you to increase all the characteristics of the tank, the gun will shoot more accurately, aim faster, shoot a little more often, and the dynamics will improve slightly, as will the view.

The equipment is standard, there is also a fire extinguisher, although the tank rarely burns, just do not substitute the side and stern. Instead of a fire extinguisher, you can put oil, but if you use a tank for fun and bending, load extra rations. Additional rations + BB + ventilation = 20% to crew skills, which makes the tank even more pleasant and bendy.


  • 1. Commander: Eagle Eye - improves visibility
  • 2. Gunner: Sniper - we shoot often and, coupled with this perk, you can inflict more crits on opponents, an alternative is Smooth turret rotation
  • 3. Mechvodu: Virtuoso or Off-road King - will improve dynamics and agility, alternative - Smooth ride
  • 4. Radio operator: Radio interception - improves visibility
  • 5. Loader: Desperate - increases rate of fire if we have less than 10% hp, which Churchill will definitely need

Farm on Churchill

Churchill fits like an economy class farm tank, according to the shares it can be bought for only 100r with a penny. Without a premium account, when shooting 700-1000 and above, you get pure 20-30k silver.
With a premium account 30-40k silver, and this is an excellent result for a level 5 tank. The tank brings experience simply in huge quantities, as for level 5. Average experience can be kept ~750 units, while not bending in each battle with 2k damage. For pumping crews, that's it.


One of the best premiums at level 5, if not the best in World of Tanks. An excellent weapon allows you to farm and bend perfectly while in the top. If you don't climb a lot of barrels and save your HP, choose good directions and correctly assess the situation on the map, you will definitely like this car. At the 6th level of fights, we become a support tank, we are not so strong there. The tank is not suitable for "ololo", although it forgives some mistakes. I hope you didn't think I was praising Churchill too much, I really liked him. But we must remember: at the 6th level of battles, we can easily be sent to the hangar, art loves us and sometimes breaks through with full damage. But the disadvantages are covered by the advantages of this "movable hole puncher". Only ardent fans of high one-time damage and completely inexperienced players will not like it. Some understand the charms of this car, having driven 100-150 fights on it, i.e. understand how to use it. I wish you bend and farm.

Good evening friends. Today I will try to make a guide for a Tier V heavy tank of the USSR branch - "Churchill 3" =). Consider its pros and cons, let's talk about consumables and so on. I hope you will enjoy. Go!

TTX of the tank:
Durability - 700 units
Weight (kg) - 39710
Weight limit (kg) - 41950
Engine power (hp) - 374
Specific power (hp / t) - 9.4
Maximum forward speed (km/h) - 28
Maximum reverse speed (km/h) - 14
Turning speed (deg. / sec) - 20
Hull armor. Forehead / sides / stern (mm) - 176/76/50
Tower armor. Forehead / sides / stern (mm) - 88/88/76
UVN - -6...+12
Mixing time (sec) - 2.3
Average damage - 75 (BB), 75 (Gold)
Penetration (mm) - 110 (BB), 180 (Gold)
Average damage per minute - 1969
Dispersion (m/100m) - 0.43
Rate of fire (high / min) - 26.25
Ammunition (pcs.) - 140
Overview (m) - 350
Communication range (m) - 570

What do we have? Slow heavy tank, with excellent rate of fire, poor visibility and mediocre armor + a lot of HP. At first glance, the tank may not like it, because it has more minuses than pluses. But still, old Churchill can still show "Who is the boss in the random house." Let's move on to the pros and cons of the tank.
Tank pros:
one). rapid fire gun
2). Large ammo load
3). Good armor
4). Good accuracy on the move (stabilization)
5). Preferential level of battles (it doesn’t throw us at 7, it throws us at 6, but rarely. Therefore, we are very often in the top)

Those. Churchill's main plus is, of course, his tool. We will analyze it a little later, but for now let's move on to the cons.
Tank cons:
one). Terrible ride quality
2). Weak penetration and small one-time damage
3). The armor is not at the corners (tank is a "box" :))
4). Terrible turret armor
5). Long convergence and large spread
6). The presence of a tower in the center of the hull (sometimes, in order to shoot at the enemy, we have to roll out half, or even more, of the hull)

Yes, we have enough minuses, but still the pluses overlap them :)
I put forward for myself 3 options for using the equipment. Let's get to know them.

Option 1 (or as I call it "assault")
one). Rammer (strengthening our main plus - rate of fire)
2). Aiming actuators (to make it easier to target enemy weak points in the thick of battle, if needed)
3). Fan (we improve everything a little bit)

Here are the consumables:
one). Large repair kit (we fix it faster by 10%. If there is no money, we put a regular repair kit)
2). First-aid kit (several crew members rarely take out at once, so you can put a regular first-aid kit. If you have money, put a Large first-aid kit)
3). In slot 3, I would advise you to put either Oil, or Twisted Regulator, or Extra Rations. It's up to you to decide

Option 2 (or "2 line") is not much different from Option 1
one). Rammer
2). Pickup drives
3). Optics

one). Small repair kit
3). Twisted regulator

Why do we need Oil and Regulator? And then, so that in the event of the destruction of the allies, we could quickly retreat back and take a position for shelling

Option 3 ("rat/sniper" option)
one). pickup drives
2). Net
3). Stereoscopic telescope

one). Small repair kit
2). Twisted regulator (if you need to quickly change position)
3). Additional rations (improve crew skills)
Commander: Lamp, Repair, BB, Eagle Eye
Driver: Repair, Smooth running, BB, Virtuoso
Gunner: Repair, Smooth turret turn, AP, Sniper
Radio Operator: Repair, Radio Intercept, BB, Inventor
Loader: Repair, Desperate, AP, Proximity ammo rack
That's basically all =) Thank you for your attention!

Dread Duckies Level V: Churchill III

Greetings, dear tankers and tankers! While the experiment called “The First Campaign” is in full swing on the Global Map, and live broadcasts from the WG League are being broadcast on the official website, a new review of Tier 5 premium vehicles has arrived in time for you.

The ugly duckling parade continues, and for the third article, I chose a tank that also has the number "3" in its name. This tank is the most striking example of the "ugly duckling". What kind of humiliation and persecution he has not been subjected to in his gaming history. And in reality, this car also got it from the person himself, after whom it was named. Okay, what am I playing with riddles if the name of the tank is written in the title? Our today's hero is the Churchill III heavy tank.

Tank late for both wars
The history of the Churchill tank begins in 1939. It was assumed that the coming war would be positional, and the future "Churchill" was equipped with thick frontal armor and emphasized the passage of ditches and embankments by the tank.

At first, the prototype did not have a turret, and it was planned to install weapons in sponsons. But soon this idea was abandoned, and the tower was installed in the middle of the hull. The tank went into serial production in 1941 under the name of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
We will not consider in detail the use of the tank by the UK. There are a lot of "Churchills" in World of Tanks, so I would like to save historical facts for upgraded tanks from the British tech tree.

I can only say that it was not without reason that I gave the historical reference the subtitle "The tank that was late for both wars." Its creation took place under the influence of the experience of the First World War, which was distinguished by its positional character. During the First World War, the front line could remain unchanged for months, and the fighting often amounted to continuous shelling of enemy positions. It was for such conditions that Churchill was prepared. He had to accompany the attacking infantry, stay under fire for a long time and overcome trenches and embankments (hence such a bizarre shape of the tank chassis). Such a tank was really needed on the fronts of the First World War. But he was too late for it.
Contrary to the expectations of the new positional meat grinder, World War II turned out to be a war of maneuver and speed, and the “face” of successful tank forces was shown by the Germans when they captured France. The Second World War demanded swiftness and accuracy of impact from the tank, and the Churchill did not fit these requirements in any way. So it turned out that the tank was late for both wars.

Now let's turn to the history of the British tank on the Eastern Front. Like the Matilda, the Churchill tank was included in Lend-Lease deliveries for the USSR. In total, 344 units "sailed" to the Union, but only 253 tanks were able to "sail".
On the Eastern Front, the Churchill faced the typical problem of a foreign tank on Russian soil: nature. The tank had weak heaters, which had to be replaced with domestic ones. There were reports that the tracks broke off just while driving. The skating rinks broke. The driver, who had already seen little in any other tank, in the Churchill had an even more limited view due to the protruding tracks. But the main problem for the Soviet tankers was the tank's cross-country ability: it did not cope well with wooded and swampy terrain.

"Churchill" was used in the battle of Stalingrad, in the battle for Kyiv in 1943, on the Leningrad front and on the Kursk salient. It is noted that the "Churchills" suffered huge losses in the battles. The use of these tanks ended at the end of 1944.
Well, at the end of the historical background, I can’t help but quote from Wikipedia about the attitude of Winston Churchill himself to the tank named after him: “The tank that bears my name has more flaws than myself!”

Sir Winston "Churchill" in virtual conditions
In World of Tanks, the premium Churchill is a modification of a tank with a six-pounder gun called the QF 6-pdr Mk. V. The game history of this tank is almost richer than the real story. Let's start with the fact that Churchill III is, if I'm not mistaken, the first premium heavy tank in the game.

Well, then - directly "Game of Thrones". Love, hatred, envy, greed and nobility are mixed here. Jokes aside, but many remember those days when, at the beginning of the battle, the allies shouted something like “Churchill is to defeat!” and they themselves shot the poor fellow at the base.
Then "Churchill III" was constantly scolded for weak performance characteristics. We will turn to them.
What always sticks best in memory? That's right - flaws! Churchill III has plenty of them. Let's start with the explicit ones:

  • Low speed, sluggishness. Churchill III doesn't like to drive. And he doesn't like turning either. The situation can be saved a little by the skills of the driver "King of the off-road" and "Virtuoso".
  • Low alpha. The average damage of the gun is only 75 units.
  • Very long body. Getting into the Church is not an easy thing, but a very simple one.
  • Tower location. The tower is located in the center of the body. Urban skirmishes in the "swing" style for "Churchill" - a deadly number. You can easily be put "on the harp", and at the same time you will not be able to shoot at the enemy. This also includes the terrible vertical aiming angles. Shooting from a slope with this tank is no fun.
In addition to these obvious shortcomings, there are also not noticeable at first glance. For example, the performance characteristics do not indicate that the Churchill has unforgivably thin horizontal armor with a large area. I will say for myself: I am not an ardent hater of artillery, but when playing the Churchill III, I swear at artillery like a shoemaker. Because of its slowness, this tank is already loved by enemy gunners, and because of the thin roof, full damage often “flies” into the vehicle with all the accompanying crew and module crits.

Another disadvantage also concerns armor. When buying a tank, the number 176mm fascinates, which means the thickness of the front plate. But in the performance characteristics it is not written that such a thickness of armor is only in a small rectangle where the machine gun is located. In other places, the reservation is much thinner. And the angles of inclination complete the picture, but there are almost none. The armor is located vertically, and therefore easily breaks through.

Thus, the armor can protect the "Churchill III" from any "little thing", but against another heavy tank of the 5th level in terms of armor, it will not particularly compete.
But it is not all that bad! Sir Winston "Churchill" has a couple of aces up his sleeve.

  • Tool. The gun's rate of fire is off scale. With the rammer and improved ventilation, my Churchill reloads in 1.93 seconds. Thus, it is possible to create a real flurry of fire, which is especially effective against medium and light tanks.
  • Penetration. It at the gun is 110mm armor-piercing projectile and 180mm sub-caliber. Armor-piercing projectile is enough against most targets. The main problem for us is the KV-1, which is easier to penetrate in the forehead than in the side, where the damage is absorbed by the "magic caterpillars".
  • Stabilization. "Churchill" shoots well on the go. A particularly useful advantage when facing medium tanks. Moving, we live longer under artillery, but at the same time we destroy enemy equipment.
  • Strength. At Churchill, its stock is slightly increased. The tank has 700 HP, and they often save the day.
  • Large ammo supply. Personally, I, without regret, shoot at the enemy at any opportunity. There are enough shells "with a head." In total, you can take 140 pieces with you.
Slightly spoils the impression of the gun, its aiming speed - 2.3 seconds. For other tanks, this would be acceptable, but with the Churchill, reloading occurs before aiming down. Considering the already low accuracy (0.43m), already at a medium distance there is a risk that some of the shells will go “into milk” or into impenetrable areas of the enemy’s armor.

Let's go to battle
The first thing to remember in battle on the Churchill: artillery. In our battles, it will most often consist of SU-5 and SU-26, and this is a big nuisance. The steep trajectory of the projectiles of this artillery makes many of the “hooks” unsafe, and our roof, as I said, is thin and delicate.

If you hit the top, then you can work on pushing the direction. In this case, you need to use your rate of fire. Here is my set of equipment for maximum tank efficiency.

The rammer will increase the rate of fire. Improved ventilation will give an increase to all indicators of the tank. Well, reinforced aiming drives on the Churchill are simply necessary in order to have time to realize their rate of fire.
From my experience, I would recommend avoiding head-on firefights with other heavy tanks. Although the Churchill has an excellent rate of fire, without full information it often does not penetrate the enemy, and most likely the duel will end in your defeat.
My favorite directions are those where exactly the medium tanks of the enemy are expected. Their armor is much easier for the Churchill to deal with, and a wave of ST-shek can crash against this heavy tank.
I highly recommend playing with a platoon on two or even three Churchills. They create such continuous fire that enemies often miss simply due to the fact that projectiles are constantly flying at them, and the aim is lost.
The main thing that can spoil your fun is getting into battles with a lot of Tier 6 tanks on the Church. Still, he is not quite suitable for such fights. The collision with the KV-1S ends especially sadly, which takes off more than half of the tank's HP in 1 shot.
As for the crew, it should be noted that the crew with the IS-4 plus a radio operator is placed in the Churchill. My radio operator is a veteran with the KV-5, and the full crew looks like this:

If you have your own crew, then the first thing I would recommend is learning Brotherhood of Arms and Repair from him. I did not notice any particular benefit from the "Sixth Sense" specifically on this tank. Well, if you went to an open place, you will still get from art, whether you have a “light bulb” or not. To the detriment of the “repair”, you can study the “Virtuoso” or “King of the Off-Road” to the detriment of the “repair” - to your taste.

Money-money, rubbish
The cost of "Churchill" is 1500 gold coins. The tank is often on discounts up to 50%.
And here is a traditional screenshot with the economic indicators of the tank.

A series of fights turned out to be very unsuccessful. A couple of “turbo drains”, one compensation for a teamkill (sinful, but the killed ally didn’t let me pass on purpose). But at the end of the series, when I remembered the capabilities of the tank, better results appeared. As you can see, on average, it turned out to bring 15,000 credits per battle. However, with great luck, this bar will rise to 20-25,000.

In conclusion, I will say that, despite a whole mountain of shortcomings, the Churchill III fights well thanks to its rapid-fire gun and good stabilization on the move. This tank goes very well with the cunning and sophisticated mind of the owner. It is in this form that the car turns from a “dull box” into a “bending stick”.
That's all for me. I wish you short rains, an even tan, and if you are still at work, then a speedy vacation!

Tank Churchill 3 in world of tanks is a Soviet heavy tank with British roots. The vehicles were supplied to the Soviet Union under Lend-Lease, so in the game the “British” is in the USSR development tree, comfortably located at the 5th level. The car is quite peculiar, but in capable hands it is able to reveal its considerable potential.

Invite Churchill 3

Everyone already knows about the joint cooperation between Rostelecom and Wargaming, where you can get it in your personal account, and the validity of invite codes is until December 23, 2019. It is very convenient if, of course, you are a Rostelecom subscriber, or at least your friends have the opportunity to help you get an invite code for Churchill 3 2017. According to our information, as of April 2017, the issuance of invite codes for Churchill 3 in Rostelecom's personal account has been suspended, technical support argues that issued all the invites they have. Yes, and we have them in very limited quantities. If it is possible to purchase, we recommend using the services of ours.

Churchill 3 guide

So let's get started. For its level, the heavy tank Churchill 3 has quite a decent margin of safety in 700 units. The viewing radius of the tank is 350 meters, the indicator is very mediocre, but for a strand this is far from the main parameter. It should be noted that Churchill 3 has a preferential level of battles, so in a random house the tank will only meet classmates and opponents of the 6th level. Terrible sevens do not threaten us. Churchill costs 3 1500 units of game gold.
Given this feature, the armor of the "British" looks quite decent, however, the tank cannot be called mega-protected. In particular, in the frontal projection of the hull one can observe 176 mm armor, so when deployed as a diamond, heavy can confidently tank against classmates and even some representatives of the 6th level. However, weakly armored hatches and VLDs are located here, which can easily be penetrated even by fours. Boards are protected 76 mm armor plates and reinforced with screens. Therefore, with the correct rotation of the hull, the "British" can confidently tank sideways against the sixes. However, you should not get carried away with this, experienced players break through the Churchill 3 placed with a rhombus through the rink.
With the reservation of the tower, things are deplorable: in total 88 mm armor at right angles. Accordingly, everyone who is not lazy will penetrate into the heavy tower, while not even bothering to target vulnerable areas.
The “British” cannot boast of dynamics either. A rather long 40-ton carcass hardly accelerates to 28 km/h, chassis turning speed 23.7 deg/sec. Therefore, the language does not turn around to call "Churchill" 3 smart and maneuverable.
In terms of armament, the car looks spectacular and defiant. The Churchill 3 gun has a rather modest alpha ( 56 damage for BB), but with an incredible rate of fire. As a result, the DPM of the "British" varies within 2,000 units, which is quite good even for high-level technology. Armor penetration also looks good: the 57-millimeter gun surely penetrates 110 mm armor with an armor-piercing projectile. This is quite enough to confidently distribute damage to classmates and sixes.
However, this is where the advantages of the Churchill 3 WoT armament end. The gun has a large dispersion, mediocre accuracy and weak stabilization. In addition, players are dissatisfied with the speed of aiming: the rate of fire of the gun does not allow to be reduced to the end even with installed modules and upgraded perks.

Perks and equipment for Churchill 3

The heavy tank "Churchill"3, whose crew consists of 5 people, will ensure the pumping of tankers of almost the entire branch of Soviet TTs. Considering that the car is premium, it is possible to train and transfer the crew without fines. Given this feature, players usually do not pump out the crew specifically for the Churchill 3, preferring to roll a hodgepodge from different tanks on it. However, if anyone cares about this issue, we advise you to consider this option:

The choice of perks is focused on a dynamic game, from vision and DPM. Therefore, the choice looks quite reasonable: we shoot on the move, highlight from the bushes, and quickly repair the modules damaged by the enemy.
What equipment to put on the "Churchill"? In principle, the tank is quite comfortable in the game, even in the basic configuration. However, in order to fully unleash its potential, we advise you to stop at this choice:

How to play Churchill 3

How to play Churchill 3? There is no uniquely proven tactic here, a lot depends on the decision of the balancer, and, accordingly, the location of the tank in the team list. Therefore, there are two types of combat tactics on this desperate "British". Let's consider both.

Hit the top:
We choose in advance the direction that we will confidently and methodically push through. Given the dynamics of the vehicle, it will no longer be possible to change the attack vector, so we are moving towards the heavy tanks of the enemy. The armor penetration indicators are enough to fill any oncoming tank with lead.
A situation familiar to many: turbo drain. By the time the weight had crawled to the desired position, the more nimble allies had already gone to the hangar. Do not despair. We save ourselves from artillery and begin to implement a frightening DPM, minus the trunks and, first of all, shooting potentially dangerous opponents.
passive light. The installed optics, coupled with the "Combat Brotherhood" skill, provides us with as much as 415 meters of visibility. Therefore, you can quite confidently shine through the green, earning pleasant bonuses for the damage inflicted by allies.

Thrown to the sixth levels:
Here, it makes sense to enter into an open confrontation with high-level heavies if at least one allied tank of the 6th level has chosen this direction to attack. In this case, the role of a support tank is suitable for Churchill 3: we use the rate of fire and keep the enemy on the harp while the teammates deal with the adversary. Do not forget to send shot enemies to the hangar.
You can push through a secondary direction where there are no heavily armored enemies. Due to the high rate of fire, we will be able to confidently deal with light and medium tanks, the main thing is not to let ourselves be spun.
Protection. You can keep the direction from the advancing enemies. However, don't try to damage well-protected targets. It will be much more effective to shoot down enemy tracks, simultaneously highlighting them for allied artillery and anti-tank guns.
passive light. If enemy fireflies have already gone to the hangar, you can try to highlight a convenient direction from the bushes. For such a tactic, it is imperative to have the Sixth Sense perk pumped out: if you catch a light bulb, you immediately change your position. Given the armor of the "British", a direct hit by enemy artillery is guaranteed to send us to the hangar.
In general, it is necessary to respond in a timely manner to the changing environment and take reciprocal steps. "Churchill" 3 feels confident on city maps, but it can also be used in open areas.

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