How to make semi-columns with your own hands. The functional purpose of the columns in the interior of the apartment. How to make decorative columns with your own hands

Arches with columns - characteristic of ancient architecture.

Arches with columns are architectural elements that were used in construction long before our era. The peoples of antiquity used these elements in the construction of temples, palaces, bridges, viaducts. Arches, which are a curvilinear ceiling between supports or a wall opening, were found in the architecture of Ancient Rome and the Ancient East. This element was designed to redistribute the ceiling load (thrust), reducing the vertical reaction of the supports, which exerts pressure on the foundation. The higher the rise of the arch, the smaller its thrust. Consider the use of this element in the architecture of different historical periods. If the architects of Ancient Egypt and Greece created horizontal lintels, then the ancient Romans, who borrowed the arch system from the Etruscans, began to combine arches with columns, creating semicircular lintels. Arched structures combined with columns were a characteristic element of ancient Roman architecture. Arcades became popular: rows of arches that rest on columns. Thus, open galleries, multi-tiered bridges, amphitheaters were built.

Roman arcade.

An example is the Colosseum - a three-tiered arched structure Arched ceiling became the main element of the triumphal Roman arches. Reducing the horizontal thrust was achieved by relying on walls or buttresses. Arched bridges, aqueducts relied on fortified banks. The Romans used mainly semi-circular structures, later architects, creating places of worship and palaces, used new forms of arches: lancet, keeled, multi-layered, horseshoe-shaped and others. Semicircular arches In the semicircular arches used in ancient Rome, the arc is described by a semicircle. The decor of the arch in the photo shows a semicircular design.

Semicircular arches in Roman architecture.

horseshoe arches

Horseshoe arches were depicted in the manuscripts of the "Beatus of Lebana" by Magins, who worked on the construction of the monastery of San Miguel de Escalada, near Leonas. The monastery had elements of the Moorish style and was built by monks who arrived from Cordoba in 913 AD.

Horseshoe-shaped arches symbolized holiness in Islamic culture, such arches were used in the mosque of Cordoba (756-796), from here, according to some researchers, it spread to Spain by architects from Andalusia. This type of arch has an elevated center of construction. The horseshoe arch was used in the railway station in Liverpool and Manchester (designed by John Foster. 1830) This type of arch is present on the front gate of the Cheetham Hill synagogue in Manchester (1870) Elliptical arches The elliptical arch has the shape of an ellipse enclosed between two extreme points this figure. Elliptical ceiling and arch decor in the photo below.

Elliptical arch with decor.

pointed arches

In lancet arches, the pressure is concentrated in a narrow vertical area supported by a buttress. Decreased pressure on the foundation. This feature made it possible to lighten the walls and use arches on different floors. The lancet arch became the main element of the Gothic style. An example of the use of lancet arches is the abbey of Montecassino (1071), the Church of Cluny in 1088, Bolton Abbey (Britain. 12th century). Lancet arches were also used in the architecture of Egypt (the mosque of Ibn-Tulun in Cairo). Lancet masonry and arch decor in the photo below.

Pointed arch.

Multi-bladed arches

The multi-bladed arch appeared on the windows of the al-Mutawakkil mosque (848 - 849 in Samarra), which were connected by five-bladed decorative forms of arches. Such an arch became popular in North Africa and Andalusia. Multi-blade arch from the 10th century. began to be used in Europe. Especially popular was the arch in the form of a shamrock - a symbol of the Trinity in Christianity.

The arch in the form of a trefoil is typical of the Gothic era.

Keeled arches

Late Gothic in the 16th century in the architecture of Venice, England, France, a keeled arch was used - a kind of lancet arch. The keeled arch was often used in the architecture of ancient India. Parabolic arches Parabolic arches have the greatest strength. Parabolic arches transfer the force of thrust to the supporting walls almost completely, and this ensures their strength. An example of a parabolic structure and a Gothic decor of the arch in the photo.

Parabolic arch in a gothic cathedral.

There are "blind" arches, they reinforce the walls.

The blind arch reinforces the wall above the actual arched ceilings.

In modern construction, arches are often not load-bearing elements and play only a decorative role, supporting the style of the facade or interior. Decorative arched structures are created from modern materials that are durable, resistant to moisture, easy to install, such as polyurethane. You can choose decorative arches from the photo in the booklet.

An arch with columns in the interior or in the design of the facade will help to give the building a certain historical look.

Do you want to bring into the interior notes of sublimity, spirituality, aristocracy? Complete the interior decoration with columns. The result will surprise and delight you. Having applied columns at home once, you will never want to part with them again.
What functions does this interior element perform? What styles are used? What is it made from? Is it possible to use columns in small apartments? How can you "hide" a load-bearing column? An ambiguous design element raises many questions.
The attitude to the columns in the interior as to the elements of only the palace style is a thing of the past. Their use in the premises of home, office, public is becoming more widespread. And, not in vain. Columns in the interior are worthy to decorate our lives every day.

Support or decorative element

The ancient architects were extraordinarily skillful in the use of columns. They created magnificent grandiose colonnades of temples, public buildings, houses of the nobility, royal apartments.
Perhaps that is why for several millennia the history of architecture considered columns as interior and exterior elements of luxury and power.

Here lies not only the status rank, but also the meaning of self-awareness, self-esteem of the owner of the house. Try to stand next to some grandiose column, for example, the Winter Palace, or walk along the colonnade of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

The classical column consists of three main parts - the base, the body and the capital. The base is the base of the column, when used as a support, the base carries a significant load. The body is a pillar that connects the top and bottom. The capital is the upper part, richly decorated in the classic version.

Richly decorated columns look best in rooms with a high ceiling height - from 290 cm and above.

With the advent of lightweight polyurethane foam products, the use of columns as decorative design details has become possible in high-rise buildings, small apartments. Any column, even standing alone, "crushes" the surrounding space. With compositions of two or three columns, it is convenient to delimit the room, highlighting individual parts, while maintaining a sense of integrity.

Colonnades with a large number of elements are almost never used by modern architects, unless the design of the entire building requires it. Comfort, a high level of quality of life requires the laying of a large number of communications going through all floors of buildings. Hiding cables, pipes inside the column is an original, sometimes the only acceptable design solution.

Considering the columns as a decorative detail, it is worth including here the semi-columns. Semi-columns do not carry a support load. They are attached to the wall, performing decorating and zoning functions, while retaining all the aesthetic decorativeness inherent in entire columns.
Low columns from 80cm and above complement the interior in an original way. They are used as tables, stands for vases, sculptures, bowls.

Epoch? Style? Direction?

Noble classic

The classical interior with antique columns was based on Greek samples - Doric, Ionic, Corinthian styles. The decoration of the base, body, capitals not only has not changed, moreover, good taste requires exact adherence to Greek ideals.

mysterious east

Impressive colonnades connected by arches are an integral element of oriental architecture. In contrast to classical restraint, the body of the eastern column is richly decorated with mosaics, ornaments, and bright colors.

Modern interior trends

Minimalist style, hi-tech, loft - did not bypass the columns. These styles involve a large free space, a significant height. The columns here act as floor supports. Most often, these are simple poles, finished in accordance with the style of the room - metal (like silver, nickel, chrome, copper), clinker "like aged brick", concrete with traces of formwork.
The latest trend is the use of backlighting in glass columns with bubbles.

rustic styles

In the good old Provence, Russian rustic style, and other ethnic styles, wood and rough natural stone are preferred for finishing columns.
The columns can be completely wooden, and the “stone” finish on various bases (concrete, polyurethane foam, drywall, false column) is made with materials imitating stone.

Using semi-columns, columns, decorate them based on the style of the entire room, and any, even the simplest stand, will become a “highlight”.

Suitable ... materials for the manufacture of columns

Traditionally, the elements of the column were cut out of stone - marble, granite, travertine. Local stone was used, from nearby deposits, because heavy stone blocks are difficult to transport over long distances. The body of the column was assembled from several parts, the seams between them were tightly rubbed, the column looked monolithic.

How to hide a column that is not needed

The design features of some buildings suggest a large floor area with a small number of partitions and load-bearing walls. It is difficult to do without a support such as a massive column in the middle of the room under such conditions. If the column does not correspond to the general style of the room, it makes sense to decorate it.

Unusually advantageous compositions of semi-columns combined with photo wallpapers. By choosing a drawing of a suitable style, you can transform any, even the tiniest room, for example, a hallway. A small street, a piece of a garden or the canals of Venice will harmoniously enlarge and refresh the space, thanks to the framing with semi-columns.

Having comprehended the ideas of ancient architects, having selected the appropriate modern technological materials, it is possible to turn a gray concrete and glass building into a luxurious palace, an oriental harem, a brutal loft or ... a beautiful garden.

So what is the secret of using columns in the interior? They give volume, turn a flat image into 3D, create a stereo effect, set the rhythm of space, and therefore make the interior alive, real.

Welcome to my audience! Today we will talk about how to give personality to your house or apartment. After all, even owners of spacious housing often cannot create a unique interior. The result is surprisingly faceless, like a picture from a glossy magazine. Elements such as decorative columns will help add originality. You can even make them with your own hands from drywall! Depending on the style of your apartment, the columns are very simple or intricate, with many decorations. If you learn how to work with this element correctly, then there will be no problems (of course, not counting the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing - you can’t put columns in Khrushchev).

Tools and materials for decorative columns

This list, which is given below, can vary greatly depending on what you need to get, but the main components will be needed in any case.

  • Laser level. You can use the usual one, but with the laser the process will go much faster;
  • Screwdriver, needed for fastening profiles;
  • Metal profiles that make up the frame of the entire structure;
  • Drywall;
  • Fasteners and screws for metal.
  • Drill;
  • Marking tools: ruler, compasses, pencil, etc.;
  • Metal shears or grinder.

Marking for a decorative column

The most important stage in the construction of many structures is marking. A decorative column is no exception here, although it is small in size, it still requires careful marking of the space. Start from the ceiling. Depending on what shape the decorative column will be, you need to draw its borders on the surface. That is, if it is round, then you will need to use a compass. It will be easier with a square-shaped column, but not everyone likes this shape, it all depends on your choice.

The boundaries drawn on the ceiling must be exactly transferred to the floor. To do this, you can use a plumb line, but it is also possible to carry out this action with a laser level. Moreover, not yielding in accuracy to the plumb line. After that, you should have outlines of the future plasterboard column on the ceiling and floor.

The erection of the frame of a decorative column

We need a metal profile, on one of the faces of which it is necessary to draw lines at a distance of 8 centimeters from each other. Along these lines, it will be necessary to make cuts in such a way as to preserve the whole second side. From such incised profiles we construct a circle, which we fasten on the ceiling and floor, in the marked areas. Fastening is carried out using a puncher and dowels or ordinary self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, but only if the base is wooden.

An optional, but very necessary step will be to strengthen these circles with the help of additional profile pieces.

Now, we take metal guides 60x27 mm, from which we will make the main part of the frame. Again, depending on the shape of the column, you need to install these guides. If the decorative column is round, then they must be inserted into each groove of the circles from the profile. If it is square, then you can install 4 main columns at the corners and several additional ones every 35-40 centimeters.

It is necessary to strengthen the frame with small pieces of the profile. To do this, we insert them perpendicular to the guides, the step should be around 30 cm. In the same way, we reinforce the round column, only it is necessary to bend it in the same way as the floor and ceiling profiles that reinforce the rails.

Here, in this way, a frame for a plasterboard column is created. You can do whatever you want with it, even leave it that way if you like. But, nevertheless, he was conceived in order to sheathe it with drywall, which will create an attractive look for the future column. The cladding process is described below, but it’s worth saying right away that making a cladding of a decorative column in a square shape is much easier than the so popular round one.

Plasterboard sheathing

A triangular or square column can simply be lined with drywall sheets, without additional preparation. But when working with a round or semicircular object, you need several additional measures that will allow you to change the shape of the drywall sheet.

The easiest way to bend a sheet of this material is to make several cuts on it and bend the sheet along them. The distance between the cuts should be no more than five centimeters. They need to be done so that the second side of the sheet remains intact. It is worth noting that the number of folds must be exactly the number of guides in the frame, since each face of the KGL sheet is connected to the guide post.

You can use another method - wet. It lies in the fact that when wet, the gypsum becomes pliable. You can implement it as follows:

  1. Take a spiked roller and run it over the drywall sheet a few times. This is necessary in order to allow water to seep deep into the sheet;
  2. Soak the sheet with a wet rag or sponge, but keep in mind that if it is too wet, it may fall apart;
  3. While the material is not dry, begin to give it a curved shape;
  4. Attach to frame.

The advantage of this method is that it is somewhat faster. Also, if you use this method when covering decorative columns with drywall, unlike the first, they will not have corners, but only smooth transitions. But with all the advantages, this method can be used with sufficiently large bending radii.

How to sheathe the frame of the column with drywall

Video about the bending of drywall:

The first and second methods can be combined. A perforated sheet of drywall, with ready-made folds, can be slightly wetted, which will give it better pliability and make it easier to work with.

There are some points that should be considered before sheathing the frame. If you create a column with your own hands, then it will be a pity for you to disassemble it in order to run the wires for the fixtures that you planned to install in it. Or pipes that come from the second floor, you wanted to hide. And when the sheathing stage has come, you notice that they are leaking a little, but the metal frame prevents them from being repaired, and you did not buy moisture-resistant drywall.

Such moments should be considered in advance, and if you feel sorry for the work of your hands, then you will plan the process of work in detail, and do not disregard any trifle that may bother you.

When the decorative column is sheathed with plasterboard sheets, it needs to be processed. If you want it to be perfectly round, then process the corners (if any) with large emery. The final stage will be the puttying of the object, which will make the column even and give the necessary texture. Also, you can decorate it to your taste. After puttying with it, you can do whatever you want. Nearby, you can place structures made of plasterboard or add additional drywall elements to the product itself.

How to make a decorative column with your own hands (video)

In the modern interior of our home, a wide variety of decorative elements are increasingly appearing. Their classic manifestation is a decorative plasterboard column. This material is very plastic (with the use of certain technologies), which makes it possible to successfully sheathe the most incredible designs with it.

The presence of decorative columns in the room will help:

  • visually delimit the space;
  • bring liveliness and novelty to the interior of the room;
  • create a chic and unique design;
  • get an additional point of support;
  • create an original TV stand;
  • change the geometry of the room;
  • create additional shelves;
  • mask unnecessary elements: pipes, communications, etc.

Decorative columns in the interior

Drywall columns can be made very quickly and easily, even with your own hands.

Varieties of decorative plasterboard columns

In modern design, there are two main options for drywall columns in the cross section of the structure:

  • round. This design often acts only as a decoration or to mask pipes and other unwanted elements of the room. A round decorative column would be appropriate in modern designs;
  • rectangular. This decorative design allows you to place several shelves in it. Therefore, the frame of this product is always made more durable than that of round columns.

When choosing a design option, you should be guided by the size of the room. In a small space, a mini-column would be appropriate. While in large areas you can create a whole decorative ensemble of columns.

How to make a decorative plasterboard column

After the type of construction has been chosen, you should figure out how to make a drywall column. To do this, you first need to mark the place of the future construction of the column.

First you need to determine the installation location and markup. Marking is done on the ceiling and on the floor. It has the appearance of either a circle or a rectangle (depending on the type of design chosen).

Do-it-yourself marking involves the following steps:

  • first draw the markup on the ceiling;
  • using a laser level or a plumb line, we transfer the markings to the floor.

Note! The section of the structure can be chosen absolutely any. The main thing is that the column is stable and performs the functions assigned to it.

The beauty of the design directly depends on the accuracy of the manipulations performed.

How to make decorative columns: installation

Installation work on the installation of the frame involves:

  • we prepare the base for the column with our own hands. To do this, either install the profile guides in the shape of a rectangle, or make an incision with metal scissors and bend the guides in a circle. The circle will turn out when cutting the guide profile every 5 cm. If necessary, a larger section, the distance can be increased;
  • We fix the base with dowels on the ceiling and floor. The fastening should be as strong as possible to prevent movement of the product;
  • in places of subsequent installation of drywall shelves, transverse guides should be made around the entire perimeter of the frame.

Do not forget to check the level when attaching the main and side profile guides. Otherwise, frame distortions are possible, which will later affect the appearance of the column.

As a result, we get a frame on which drywall sheets can be mounted.

Plasterboard sheathing

Fastening drywall sheets is as follows:

  • we cut pieces of the required sizes from the plates;
  • we carry out the fastening of drywall with our own hands on the side faces where built-in niches are supposed. Sheets need to sheathe the entire internal space of the niches;
  • after the niches have been sheathed, you can proceed with the installation of drywall pieces along the entire length of the frame;
  • after attaching the last sheet, all joints and places for screwing in self-tapping screws must be puttied and cleaned.

Very often, raster lamps are mounted in decorative columns with niches. In this case, before attaching the sheets in the place of the future niche, it is necessary to lay the wires in advance. You should also make holes in the drywall of the required size, fix the lamps in them, and only after that proceed with the installation.

Note! It is necessary to carry out the wiring, if it is planned, until the frame is completely sewn up with drywall.

If the column will carry a certain load - there will be a TV or heavy decorative elements on it, then the frame should be initially strengthened.

Strengthening of the structure is carried out in the following way:

  • profile guides are cut into pieces of the desired size;
  • for one reinforcement, four rack-mounted double beams are needed. They are obtained as a result of a fixed simultaneous combination of two profiles;
  • in addition, it is necessary to increase the number of transverse fasteners.

After all the do-it-yourself installation work, you will get a perfectly even round or rectangular column.

The final chord in the creation of columnar structures made of plasterboard is their finishing.

Finishing a decorative column: adaptation to the interior

When the column is completely ready, it only needs to be finished to give it the necessary appearance. Most often, painting in contrasting colors is used for this, which help to highlight this element of decor.

Also, the column can be trimmed with artificial stone, decorative or tile.

You can create decorative plasterboard columns at home on your own. The main thing is to apply the markup correctly and follow the installation rules, and your apartment will become unique and inimitable original.

Making repairs in his apartment, each of us probably solved the issue of masking communications. All kinds of pipes during construction, as if on purpose, are arranged so that they can be seen directly from the threshold of the room, and they do not paint its appearance at all. Residents of monolithic-frame houses are even worse: the supporting pillars in them are often located in the most inconvenient place for the owners. And during redevelopment, if you got permission to remove part of the load-bearing wall, you were obliged to replace it with equivalent supports, which, to put it mildly, do not look very cool. The issue of masking such “decorations” is most successfully solved by plasterboard columns. And this option is resorted to by the majority of owners who have annoyed their eyes about the ridiculously protruding pipes and supports.

Decorative column: why drywall

Of course, the decorative column can be made of other materials. However, not everyone can afford marble, wood, malachite or granite. And in most interiors, they will look out of place - unless you finished other elements of the decor with this material. At the same time, building materials so popular today provide a lot of advantages.

  1. Drywall is inexpensive and available to everyone.
  2. The material is light and practically does not change the load on the floor slab, which is especially important for high-rise buildings.
  3. A column of drywall sheets can be made by hand, quite easily and without any special specialized knowledge.
  4. Any decor and shape of such columns are acceptable, due to which they easily fit into any interior.

And when you consider how quickly and cleanly a gypsum column is erected in comparison with other materials, it becomes clear that this is the ideal solution.

Due to the “compliance” of the material, it is possible to make a sheathing of communications of any appearance from it. However, for the most part, saving usable space in the apartment, people resort to two options for how to make a column with their own hands:

  1. rectangular (special case - square) section. Such structures often have built-in niches and shelves in order to diversify the interior and increase the usefulness of the constructed column;
  2. radius structures, most often having a circle or its segment in the section. Such columns look softer, and in the corner version they take up less space.

In this article, we will look at how to make a rounded plasterboard column, since a rectangular one is no different from building a niche, a box, or any other similar structure.

Stages of installation of a decorative column

The key to a successful, even and reliable drywall column, installed by hand, is a correctly calculated and constructed frame. In the case of its curvilinear section, fans of the wooden crate will have to abandon it: it is much easier to make the base from a metal profile, and the result will be more geometrically correct.

  1. The installation of the frame begins with horizontal planes. A circle (or its segment) of the desired diameter is drawn on the floor. Using plumb lines, the sketch is transferred to the ceiling exactly above the floor.
  • 2 segments are cut from the guide profile, corresponding to the length of the arc.
  • The outer sides of the bent piece are cut every 5 centimeters, and the segments are bent in accordance with the pattern.
  • The profile is attached to the ceiling and floor; fasteners must be between each adjacent notches.
  • Racks are mounted. They are installed more often than with a rectilinear section of the structure. Their frequency depends on how narrow the column is: the smaller its radius, the closer the posts are.

That's all wisdom! The crate is ready, now it remains to decide how you will veneer it with your own hands.

Plasterboard column cladding

There are 2 ways to suggest here. Each of them has its own advantages, but also its own difficulties in execution, so decide which one you like best.

Dry casing of the column

  1. A piece is cut off from a sheet of drywall, equal in length to the height of your room, and in width to the length of the arc.
  2. GCR is laid on a flat hard floor so that it has free access.
  3. From the front side, the surface is incised from top to bottom by about 2/3 of the sheet thickness. The distance between the cuts depends on the steepness of the bend of the gypsum column. If its radius is not too small, it is convenient to use a section of the UD-27 profile and draw a knife from 2 sides of it, then marking the sheet will not be required (there will be exactly 3 cm between cuts along the entire length). With a large column diameter, the distance can be increased to 5 cm. You should not make too large indents, because you get an angular surface that will not hide even under a thick layer of plaster.
  4. We carefully wrap the workpiece around the frame, breaking along the knife lines.
  5. GKL is fixed on the frame with self-tapping screws in increments of 20-25 cm.

In order for the gypsum column to acquire the planned rounded shapes, the cuts are carefully putty with the starting composition, and then the entire surface is smoothed out in several layers with a finishing putty and polished.

The disadvantage of this method is that with an awkward movement you can either make a through cut or break the sheet completely along it.

Wet Bending Drywall

The principle is based on the permeability of drywall.

  1. The outer surface of the sheet cut to size is rolled with a needle roller - this will contribute to the penetration of moisture.
  2. They pass along the pattern with a wet sponge or cover it with a well-moistened rag for about half an hour.
  3. A drywall sheet is wrapped around the frame and, as it dries, is attached to the racks with self-tapping screws.

The result is an ideal surface that does not require multi-layer puttying. The disadvantages of the method:

  1. With an excess of water, the sheet may simply fall apart.
  2. During fastening, due to the moisture content of the gypsum board, the screws are often too deeply recessed into the material. Therefore, experienced drywall workers advise to temporarily fix the sheathing with wide tapes around the base and wait until it dries out a little.

Well, how and with what to finish a decorative column of plasterboard sheets with your own hands depends on the general design of the room and its purpose. Everything is suitable - from painting and wallpaper to tiles and Venetian plaster.

Decorative columns in the interior (photo)

Columns in the interior of the apartment are considered an element of luxury and emphasize the status and taste of the owners of the house. However, in this topic we will focus on plasterboard columns, which are increasingly finding their way into modern design and fit perfectly into a classic and austere style, in Baroque and Provence finishes.

Types of plasterboard columns in the interior of the apartment

Drywall columns are divided into two main types:

  • round;
  • square.

Round columns are usually installed in rooms with a Provence finish, can be installed in plasterboard arches and complemented with marbled figured stucco or simply painted to match the general tone of the room. Decorative plasterboard columns not only emphasize the style of the arches, but also create the effect of more space. Square columns are used in high-tech and modern rooms. The steel column structure can be finished in wood or used as a niche.

The result is a false column, which, at first glance, is difficult to distinguish from a wooden one, but it is much cheaper in cost and not inferior in appearance.

Purpose of decorative columns

One of the main purposes of the plasterboard column is to decorate the interior and zoning the space. Columns help distribute usable space in trendy studio layouts. Columns can serve as a useful structure for hiding pipes and other communications and electrical wiring. Some columnar designs include built-in internal drywall shelves, which can provide additional storage space.

Necessary tools and materials: how to make a column

Drywall tools:

  1. Screwdriver - for screwing screws and self-tapping screws into hl and a metal profile.
  2. Perforator - a tool for drilling holes of different diameters in concrete floors.
  3. Shears for metal - used for cutting a metal profile.
  4. Laser level - allows you to make markings for mounting the frame. Can be replaced with a hydraulic level with a paint cord.
  5. Building level - used for smooth installation, both horizontal and vertical parts.
  6. Drywall cutter - helps to quickly and accurately cut sheets. Alternatively, you can use a paint knife and a ruler.
  7. Edge planer - chamfers the transverse edges of drywall, useful for square columns. Can be replaced with a paint knife.
  8. Roulette - for cutting the structure.
  9. Hammer - for driving dowel nails and fitting the profile.
  10. A set of crowns in case of need for holes of large diameter, for example, for sockets.
  11. Spatulas of several sizes - for finishing columns.


  1. Drywall - can be used both wall and ceiling. It all depends on the location of the column and the mechanical impact on it.
  2. Metal profile - you can use wall and ceiling, it all depends on the diameter of the structure and the complexity of the design.
  3. Connectors between profiles - mainly used for non-standard ceiling heights.
  4. Screws for metal.
  5. Dowel nails or anchor wedges.
  6. Serpyanka tape - for sealing joints between drywall.
  7. Primer.
  8. Putty for finishing the column.
  9. Acrylic water-based paint for drywall or other decorative material for finishing the column.

How to make a round or square decorative column

Do-it-yourself installation of a drywall column can be divided into stages, and in particular:

  • preparatory work;
  • design and layout;
  • assembly and installation of a frame from a profile;
  • plasterboard sheathing;
  • decorative finish.

Each of the above examples of work should be done on two types of columns, these are round and square. The principle of installation of both varieties is quite similar, however, each type of design should be considered separately.

Do-it-yourself installation of a square column

First of all, you should prepare all the necessary materials and tools. You need to have a clear idea of ​​​​the appearance of the structure, its location. Video review of the process of installing a square drywall column.

How to mark up a decorative column

The layout of the future structure begins from the ceiling, where the base of the column should be marked. Two parallel strips should be drawn between the walls. The width of future columns will depend on the distance between parallel lines.

Marking each of the structures with lines that will connect parallel strips, you need to make sure that the angles correspond to 90 degrees.

Further, with the help of a laser level, the markings are transferred to the floor. As an alternative to the laser level, you can use a plumb line fixed at the corners of the marking. Important! The future appearance of the structure depends on the correctness of the drawing and marking! Marking should be treated with particular care.

Assembly and installation of a frame from a profile for a column

Then you can start installing the frame. Based on the drawings on the ceiling and floor, the profile is cut out and installed using dowels of nails.

A vertical profile is attached to the resulting frame base using metal screws. Their number depends on the location of the column and its width. If it is installed at a certain distance from the wall with a width from corner to corner of 50-55 cm, then at least eight such parts will be needed. . The vertical parts of the frame are necessarily reinforced with horizontal profiles with an approximate step of 50 cm.

During the installation of the frame, you must constantly monitor the evenness of the vertical. You can use a plumb line or a simple building level. In some types of frame, additional metal profile inserts can be used, where sockets or side lights will be installed later. All the subtleties of the future design of the column should be calculated at the stage of installing the frame, including the conduct of all communications.

Sheathing of decorative columns with plasterboard

Before facing the frame, the GKL sheets must be cut with a pencil or marker. Cutting is made according to the size of the frame. Drywall is cut into the desired lengths with a paint knife or cutter. The prepared parts are fastened butt-to-butt with metal screws. If necessary, holes are cut out on the sheathed column using a drill with a nozzle.

Decorative finish of the column

A column sheathed with plasterboard should be prepared for decorative finishing. To do this, the entire surface of the drywall must be treated with a primer. Glue a sickle on the horizontal seams, and install metal corners on the vertical ones. Apply an initial layer of putty on the seams and places where screws are screwed in. After that, you need to apply a general layer of putty throughout the column. After the first layer has dried, a finishing putty is applied.

Decorative cladding of columns is completely dependent on design ideas. They can be finished with decorative plaster, wallpapered or simply painted with water-based paints. It all depends on the budget, as the price of finishing material varies significantly.

Installation of a round decorative column

A round column, unlike a square one, has no corners, so it is easier to mark up the structure. First of all, you need to find a point that will serve as the center of the column. Next, you need to use a compass, which you can make yourself from a rail, a nail and a pencil. With the help of a compass, a circle is drawn from the center point.

And in order to duplicate the size on the floor, a plumb line is used and again a compass.

To make the frame round, you should cut several pieces of the profile, leaving one section intact. Fasten to the ceiling and floor along the contour of the mark, bending the profile. It should be noted that the distance between the segments should not exceed 5 cm. After installing the frame base, vertical racks are inserted into it, preferably thick-walled ones and fastened with self-tapping screws.

GKL columns are not only an elegant decor, but also a useful component designed to eliminate a number of significant problems.

In ancient times, columns acted as a support for all kinds of structures. Today, these drywall elements have practically lost their original function. However, they are still an integral part of a noble interior. Modern technological methods of construction allow you to look at drywall columns from a different angle.

They perform several important tasks, the main of which are:

  • Zoning of premises. Columns are the best option for delimiting space without disturbing the spacious atmosphere in the house. With their help, you can separate the bedroom from the living room or the kitchen from the dining room. In the children's room, using a plasterboard column, it is convenient to visually distinguish between a place to relax and a play area.
  • Concealment of engineering communications. Columns allow you to successfully hide ventilation and fire extinguishing systems, electric cables, water and sewer pipes (this is especially true for multi-storey cottages). After completion of the installation work, the structure can be painted, wallpapered, lined with natural stone or tiles.
  • Visual increase in ceiling height. A similar effect will not be achieved in small rooms, but in a spacious room the ceiling will appear much higher due to the installation of a drywall structure.
  • Favorable "arrangement" of accents. Lamps built into special column niches, as well as fashionable accessories, will help emphasize the sophistication of the design and harmoniously complement the stylistic direction.


Depending on the section of the structure, the columns are divided into:

  • rectangular;
  • round.

The first will look appropriate in the interior, which is dominated by hi-tech motifs.

Round analogues are predominantly an attribute of the classics. Rectangular columns are often installed in order to use the voids as decorative shelves, where, for example, you can arrange a miniature photo gallery and place souvenirs. Reinforced design will help to securely fix the position of household appliances. In large apartments, plasterboard false columns are usually erected near arched openings, stairs and fireplaces.

For small spaces, mini-structures are suitable, which will successfully play the role of coasters.

GKL columns are ideally combined with multi-level ceilings. Round structures are often decorated with stucco or relief plaster. A popular design technique is the construction of paired columns; in large-sized rooms there can be two or even three such duets.

Tools and materials

For the construction of a column of plasterboard, you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Metallic profile
  2. Construction plumb line or laser level
  3. Metal shears
  4. Fasteners
  5. Drill
  6. Ruler
  7. Compass
  8. construction knife
  9. Pencil
  10. Screwdriver
  11. Roulette
  12. Ladder
  13. Plasterboard sheets

The process begins with the installation of a frame, the configuration of which determines the shape of the future column.

Do-it-yourself technologies for erecting a rectangular and round structure have their own characteristics.


  • First you need to clearly define the parameters of the column and the coordinates of its placement in the room.
  • Next, you need to mark the base on the ceiling. To do this, two lines are drawn parallel to each other (connecting a pair of opposite walls).
  • The width of the edges of the future design will be equal to the distance between two non-intersecting straight lines. The angle forming the sides of the resulting figure should be equal to 90 degrees.
  • A plumb line or a laser level will help transfer the drawing to the floor. It should be noted: clear markings and correct calculations are a guarantee that the design will look even and beautiful.
  • At the next stage, using scissors for metal, a profile is cut out in accordance with the pattern and fixed on the floor and ceiling. Vertical racks need to be cut, focusing on the height of the future column. If the column is adjacent to the wall, it will be necessary to prepare two sections from the profile, but if it is supposed to be placed in the middle of the room, then, accordingly, four parts will be needed.
  • In order to strengthen the frame, you can use auxiliary elements by attaching them to the rails with an interval of 55 cm. First of all, a pair of profiles is installed in one of the corners of the rectangle, followed by screwing with screws. Their verticality must be checked with a level, and then fastened to the corners of the ceiling structure. Then it is necessary to install horizontal jumpers located at a distance of about 50 cm from each other.
  • Sheathing of the frame is made after its completion and the supply of all communications. With the help of a pencil and a ruler, all dimensions are transferred to drywall sheets, after which the components of the future column are cut out with a construction knife.
  • The sheathed frame needs a puttying and leveling procedure.
  • At the final stage, you can start decorating the finished structure with your own hands.

  • If the room has a concrete ceiling and floor, then you need to attach the profile to them with dowels.
  • If you plan to install raster fixtures in a niche, then you will need to pre-form holes in the internal plasterboard fragments.
  • The preparation of drywall for a rectangular structure is recommended to be carried out by the “dry” bending method. To do this, vertical notches are made along the entire perimeter, not reaching the end of the sheet.
  • If the installation of the column with your own hands is carried out in order to mask the pipes of the water supply or sewerage, it is advisable to use soundproof materials.

Curvilinear decorative plasterboard column (video)

Installation of a round column

  • Marking a round column is much easier to do compared to a rectangular counterpart. On the ceiling, one point should be noted, which will become the center of the future structure.
  • The next step is to use a compass. It will need to be made independently, since the diameter of the column will be quite large. To do this, a self-tapping screw is fixed at the end of any rail or rope, from which a simple pencil is fixed at the required distance. With the help of this device, a circle is drawn on the ceiling. By means of a plumb line, the circle is “duplicated” on the floor.
  • In order for the guide profile on the ceiling and floor to be smooth roundings according to the applied pattern, it should be cut in such a way that one of its faces remains intact. The interval between cuts should be 7-10 cm.
  • Next, the profile must be bent and fixed with screws.
  • After that, you can start preparing the racks, which are made from 60x27mm guides. They will need to be inserted at a distance between the floor and ceiling base.
  • Then, you can start the plating process. The "dry" method of bending drywall will be convenient if the diameter of the column is not very large. If it is large, then it is better to use the "wet" method. To do this, you need a studded roller or bar. With its help, punctures are made in the sheet ½ thickness deep and at a distance of 10-15 mm from each other. The perforated side is wetted with water. Then the sheet must be bent in accordance with the required radius and clamped in this position.

GKL columns in the interior are an ideal solution for those who want to make their home unique and cozy with their own hands. With their help, you can realize the most unexpected and bold ideas in the field of design. Plasterboard columns will advantageously complement a restrained and austere environment, giving the room an exquisite flavor.

Do-it-yourself arch with plaster columns (video)

Stucco is considered an antique architectural tradition that gained popularity in ancient Greece. Despite the variety of existing styles for interior decoration, the desire to equip their own home with such decor has not disappeared from its modern residents.

Let's talk about how to decorate a wall surface with stucco with your own hands, using inexpensive materials.

What is stucco made from?

Once upon a time, the drawing on the wall surface was created by hand. A specially prepared solution was applied by specialists to the plaster and transformed into original patterns, hence the name - stucco molding. When molding was invented in production, stucco molding became an affordable method of decorating walls.

Metal forms allow you to create a variety of ornamental elements without auxiliary finishing. Without loss of high quality, all molds withstand at least 2000 excellent fills.

In the process of creating stucco, a positive result depends on the quality of the materials used, which include:


Ecological, maximally resistant to temperature extremes. During hardening, the mass of gypsum becomes larger, has the ability to even penetrate into small cracks. The plasticity of this material facilitates the workflow associated with gypsum decoration.

Gypsum is not difficult to process, it is for this reason that it is not difficult to give the finished product the required size. When working with stucco molding from this material, it is possible to mask surface defects, as well as various damage to elements that often appear during transportation.

When creating gypsum stucco moldings in a home workshop, it is important to shake the mold that is filled with mass to eliminate air bubbles.

Gypsum cladding also has its drawbacks: considerable weight, which negatively affects the durability of the finish. Also, gypsum does not repel moisture, but attracts it, which leads to the formation of fungus on the relief.

You can get rid of such a disadvantage if you apply a special protective agent to the stucco molding.


This type of stucco molding in the interior is distinguished by an acceptable cost, but cannot boast of exclusivity. The decoration is very fragile, requires careful handling, for this reason it is mainly used for finishing the ceiling surface and the upper part of the wall.

The production of polystyrene is carried out automatically. High quality elements are obtained by extrusion from a pre-melted composition.

Their texture does not have the granules with a pronounced contour found in the foam, which is produced by foaming. Because of this grain, the stucco loses the clarity of the ornament.

Certain molds produce extruded foam, which has a high degree of density, the durability of which is comparable to polyurethane and solid.


Obtained by combining the necessary components to obtain a gas formation reaction, resulting in foamed plastic. This material has a high degree of resistance to temperature extremes.

Stucco made of polyurethane is durable, lightweight, easy to paint, moisture resistant, has a huge assortment range, does not absorb specific aromas.

It is similar in texture and density to a natural array, but unlike it, it does not change shape and does not crack even after a long period of time.

Varieties of stucco elements

From the materials discussed above, a wide variety of products are created, as in the photo of stucco moldings on wall surfaces in the presented catalog.

Festoons and medallions

Scallops or garlands imitate the original floral decor and are arranged in the upper part of the wall surface. Medallions are panels with a pattern of color.

Niches. Mounted to wall surfaces, niche frames can be purchased separately. Often, the bottom of the overhead niches is made of frosted snow-white organic glass, which makes it possible to organize high-quality lighting.

For this purpose, a dim lighting device is installed under the glass surface, which, effectively illuminating the details arranged in a niche, emphasizes their incredible attractiveness, giving the palette an exclusive look.

Pilasters and columns

Includes several parts. The trunks are decorated with grooves to add elegance to the elements. Stucco columns are created in various styles. As a rule, columns made of polyurethane are designed exclusively for the successful design of walls, without bearing any load.

However, if necessary, hollow elements can be arranged for load-bearing. For this purpose, a metal rack is placed in the cavity of such a column, which will carry the load.

Gypsum columns must be reinforced in such cases. Stucco columns often hide various risers located along the walls in a conspicuous place in the apartment.

Brackets, pedestals

As for the first elements, they are reliable supports for shelves with books, window sills. It can be equipped at the junctions of wall and ceiling surfaces in the form of corner pieces.

Pedestals are considered supports for decorative accessories. Such stucco can withstand a load of no more than 50 kilograms. Ordinary details placed on a pedestal look exclusive and significant.

Both pedestals and brackets give the style of the room a certain zest, solemnity, ennoble the architecture, and also successfully divide the area into a functional space.

In the process of installing such parts, it is important not to forget about their proportionality in relation to the size of the room. Massive stucco molding on the wall surface will visually narrow the room, and vice versa - a small stucco molding can easily get lost in a large space.


They are used as ceiling decor in the Empire style. You can create a painting on the dome by hanging a chandelier inside, which will be a rather original solution.

Remember, well-chosen decor will transform any room. And if you decorate an ordinary wall surface with stucco, you can get cozy, extravagant apartments, where a lot of emotions reign - from austerity to solemn splendor.

Photo of stucco on the walls

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