Mushroom places in Pereslavl Zalessky. We're going for white mushrooms. Video from mushroom forest

The head of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Property and Land Relations, Nikolai Nikolaev, together with a group of deputies, is developing a bill that proposes to determine the features of the collection and use of wild plants - berries, mushrooms, nuts and plants. This initiative is planned to be introduced in March this year.

“We are currently finalizing a bill that will determine the specifics of the collection and use of wild plants. This is a huge market, which we have for three quarters of the shadow and not because people do not want to work "in the white", but because so far the legislation in this area does not provide for such an opportunity. Today, citizens who pick mushrooms or berries can freely take the gifts of the forest only for their own consumption. Or, if they want to be able to sell what they harvest to processors, they need, as entrepreneurs, to rent a forest plot for 10 years. There is no other way ... - said Nikolai Nikolaev. — I hope that in this spring session, perhaps in March, my colleagues and I will submit this large and capacious bill to the State Duma. We need to solve this problem. Wild plants are one of the most renewable resources we have, and the volume of demand for them - mushrooms, nuts, berries - is enormous ...

This information is now being actively discussed in social networks throughout Russia, Pereslavl is no exception. We put it on our pages on the Internet to find out the opinion of the townspeople and villagers. I must say that social media users were not shy in their expressions. Here are some statements:

“After the March elections, they will also introduce a tax on air, as one of the most demanded resources. The amount of the tax will depend on the lung capacity of the potential payer.”

“People in the countryside are surviving. Those unfortunate pennies for the gifts of the forest, people earn by breaking their backs and legs, and trying to solve their material problems themselves, and do not beg from the state ... ".

“First, let people be paid interest on the sale of oil, gas and timber, and then they will impose taxes on berries and mushrooms.”

“The deputies would be better off legalizing their salaries to the living wage, then they would issue laws for people, and not how to line their own pockets.”

“The goal is not to impose a tribute on those who go mushrooming, but to rent a land plot for free and what can happen to it after that is unknown. The state farm land has ended, the shares have been distributed, now the forests need to be divided somehow.

Alexander Devyatkin, deputy of the Assembly of Representatives of the Pereslavl District, also expressed his opinion: “Nikolaev is the head of the United Russia working group Living Forest, director of the ONF center for monitoring the execution of the May decrees of the president. It is clear what goals he pursues, and why he has become detached from the real life of ordinary citizens living outside the Moscow Ring Road. Offering people to rent a forest plot for 10 years, he cannot but know that this is no longer possible, since almost all the best (available) territories are leased for 49 years. I assume that these tenants are the lobbyists for this bill. He will give them the right to enrich themselves at the expense of the people who enter their forest, regardless of the purpose of the visit.

Good day, dear mushroom pickers!

The autumn summer of 2017 has come to an end and a real legal autumn has come. Online will wait, it's time to take baskets and go to the forest for mushrooms. Of course edible. In the past 2016, there were at least oblique mows. Not scored only lazy. Some have not yet used up their reserves.

What about this year? Did the mushrooms go? It seems that the forest is resting and nothing should be. But no. The collection is in full swing. The indicator of the beginning of the season is the sale of mushrooms in local markets.

So on Sunday morning we decided to walk through our mushroom places, of which there are a dozen or two in the stash. Many lovers of quiet hunting often face the question of where to go in order to collect full baskets, and even for sure? Good mushroom places are reluctant to rent, more and more they try to keep it secret. So where to go for mushrooms in the vicinity of Yaroslavl?

In this post I will share my places. So let's go.

The first scene of action is the Yaroslavl region, the Nekrasovsky district, the vicinity of the village of Zabolotye. This forest, in principle, is known to many, but not to everyone. In the season there are more than enough people there. So a couple of extra mushroom pickers will not make the weather.

Read what's new on the site - Mushroom campaign: July 2019, the first mushrooms

How to get to the mushroom place?

The route is simple, you can go without a navigator even for the first time. From Yaroslavl there are two ways:

  • The first lies through the village of Krasny Profintern. The distance from the Zavolzhsky district to the place is 43 km. The key points are - Krasny Profintern - turn right to the village of Zabolotye - village of Zabolotye - village of Voroksa - village of Markishevo.
  • The second one runs along the Lyubimskaya road past the village of Vyatskoye. The distance is somewhat longer, about 53 km. The key points that are different from the first route are - turn right to Krasny Profintern - turn left to Zabolotye.

More about the road to Zabolotye and beyond

Route one. After the Red Profintern, after 1.5 km we turn right. Then 9 km of very uneven road. Although it is asphalt, it is like a washboard. We drive to the very village of Zabolotye. We've arrived. We turn right and drive straight past the grocery store (there is another road to the right - don't go there!). We drive through the village of Markishevo to the end. There will be a fork, to our left (the old house is on the right). The place is 1.5 - 2 km away. The road is sandy. In rainy times, large puddles form with ruts up to 50-70 cm. When it is more or less dry, you can also drive a car (puzoterka).

Route two. From Yaroslavl to Vyatka the road is smooth and in good condition. After turning to the Red Profintern, its quality deteriorates, in places to the washboard. There are few flat and smooth areas.

Map of mushroom places and routes

Both routes are marked on this map. The first is highlighted in red, the second in blue. Mushroom places are marked with brown marks.

What kind of forest is in Zabolotye?

Mostly there are fields overgrown with young birches. There is also a large forest. But where mushrooms are absolutely found, it is in small birch copses.

What mushrooms?

You can collect all the main edible mushrooms. The most common are boletus, then boletus and, to a lesser extent, noble white. There is corned beef.

It so happened that we went on Sunday. The weather was favorable. It was warm and sunny. It had rained the day before. Naturally we were not alone. There were mass festivities in the forest and a whole car park.

Despite the high density of mushroom pickers, we still collected mushrooms. Basket per brother. True, only boletus. But I think the result is good. Thus, the mushroom season 2017 is open for itself. Below is a small photo essay.

These forest brothers were found during a quiet hunt.

The photo also includes such specimens.

There were also single characters.

Wild boars are also hunted in these places. As proof of this, wooden hunting towers. And if you drive along the road to the end, then the Kostroma spills will be nearby. And this is fishing.

Second place located in the same area. This is a spruce forest on the road to Zabolotye in front of the village of Voroksa. The coordinates for the navigator are: 57.764388, 40.464972.

The spruce forest itself is small, 1.3 km long and 0.3 km wide. Whites are collected here and oiled.


These mushroom forests are near Yaroslavl. In the future, I will tell you about my other places. And if you haven’t gone for mushrooms yet, then it’s time to go out of town. After all, a walk through the forest is a great way to relax in nature, and even with benefit.

That's all. And we go home, prepare prey. Delicious food awaits ahead. We wish everyone full baskets of mushrooms!

Latest news from the fields

Just recently returned from the forest. On July 18, I went to my places. About which he made a short video.

If you still haven’t gone for mushrooms, then it’s time to go on a quiet hunt. Mushroom season 2019 is in full swing. The first wave of whites has already covered the forest edges. Aspen mushrooms are not far behind either. Lots of both.

In the Yaroslavl region, the mushroom season is in full swing ..

An experienced mushroom picker tells about where it is better to look for mushrooms. “When the summer is wet, mushrooms should be looked for in dry places, in sunny clearings, away from trees,” says mushroom picker Margarita Gurieva. “In hot, dry times, they, on the contrary, grow in the shade of trees, in thick grass.”

Noble white mushrooms grow in pine forests, but they can also be found in birch forests. White mushrooms grow all summer, until mid-September.

A novice mushroom picker should familiarize himself with the simple rules before going into the forest.

  1. Before going out into the forest, warn your relatives, let them know where you are going. Remember, you should not go into the forest alone.
  2. It is recommended to have a charged mobile phone, an analogue wrist watch, a navigator (compass), matches, a knife, a flashlight, drinking water, and food with you.
  3. Dress brightly - in camouflage you may not be found even from three meters, preferably red, red, yellow, white jackets, it is good to stick reflective strips or drawings.

Where not to collect mushrooms:
- near cemeteries, warehouses of chemical fertilizers, along the edges of plantings of agricultural fields.

“If you are in doubt whether you found an edible mushroom, don’t take it,” warns Margarita Guryeva. - Do not take worm mushrooms, they can become poisonous. If a poisonous mushroom accidentally gets into the basket, you will have to throw away the entire harvest.

You need to know the poisonous twin mushrooms: the porcini mushroom is often confused with the inedible bile and satanic mushrooms. You can distinguish the gall fungus by the color of the cut. In a real porcini mushroom, the cut will be white, and the false bile porcini mushroom will turn pink on the cut.

Autumn honey agaric is often confused with sulfur-yellow and brick-red mushrooms. The “saving” ring on the leg of an edible mushroom helps to distinguish them. Real chanterelles are easy to confuse with false ones, in which white juice stands out from the fractures.

birch blossomed - it's time to go for morels and lines;
bird cherry blossoms - it means that in the forest collect the first boletus;
lilacs are blooming - look at the champignons in the clearings;
spikelets of rye appeared - to white mushrooms.

If you get lost in the forest, use the advice of the Ministry of Emergencies:

  1. If possible, immediately contact the specialists of the Unified Rescue Service by calling 112 or 01 (the call is free).
  2. Do not panic, stop, look around, listen and go out to the sounds and noise: a working tractor (heard from three to four kilometers), a dog barking (two to three kilometers), a passing train (up to ten kilometers). Look around. Bell towers and towers, for example, are visible for 15 kilometers. In the absence of suitable landmarks, it is best to "get out on the water" and move downstream. The stream will definitely lead to the river, the river - to the people. If there are no landmarks, try to climb the highest tree and orient yourself on the ground.
  3. If you know for sure that they will be looking for you, stay where you are, build a fire, call for help - it is easy to find a person by smoke and voice. You can give sound signals by hitting a stick against trees, the sound from them diverges far through the forest.
  4. If you are looking for a road yourself, try not to wind around, navigate by the sun, it’s good if you managed to get to a power line, railway, gas pipeline, river - walking along these objects, you will always go out to people, even if not where you expected.
  5. If you are going to spend the night, make a bed of spruce branches, it is advisable to keep the fire up all night - for this, throw a couple of thick branches there.
  6. If your relative is lost, call rescuers immediately. Often, independent searches lead only to trampling down the traces by which it was possible to find a person.
  7. If you are trying, for example, to shout or “buzz” (car signal) to a lost person, wait for him in one place for a long time. Running out of the forest quickly is quite difficult.

Recipe. Chanterelles baked in the oven with vegetables
Grease a baking sheet with melted butter and spread the ingredients on it in layers. First, put the potatoes, put onions and lightly fried chanterelles on it, then circles of tomatoes. Pour all over with sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. We put spices to taste. The dish is baked in the oven for about 40-45 minutes.

A photo: Natalia Goncharova/Overheard in Rybinsk

The mushrooms are gone! Residents of the Yaroslavl region are actively sharing photos on social networks: they show their boletus and boletus.

I decided to go exploring in the forest. And then many say - no mushrooms. Full! In an hour and a half, I collected a huge package without haste. The main thing is to look better. Good luck to everyone in quiet hunting, - a resident of Rybinsk wrote on VKontakte.

Others do not believe: but where do you only take them?

We went to the "brooks" on the weekend. Barely scored half a basket. The forest is very dry, writes Irina Chipilinda-Tsvetkova.

mushrooms like apple trees

Is it really time to take a basket and run into the forest? And if so, where exactly? With all questions, we turned to the chief mushroom picker of the Yaroslavl region - Olga Lazareva. She is a mycologist with many years of experience.

This year is not very productive. After all, the mushroom also needs to rest. In tubular mushrooms - boletus, boletus - it bears fruit, like an apple tree, every two to three years. I suppose that this year there is a lull just for this reason, - says Olga Lazareva.

A photo: Inga Blinnikova/

If next year there are no anomalies: strong heat or, conversely, prolonged rains, mushrooms can be mowed obliquely.

Now is the time for mushrooms. This time will last until the end of September. From the end of July, it was possible to collect white, boletus, boletus. At the end of September, the so-called pickling mushrooms will go: mushrooms, milk mushrooms, - says Olga.


Autumn honey agaric is easy to confuse with pale grebe. Its poison is very dangerous. If you eat a frying pan of such mushrooms, you can get poisoned to death.

In our area, people are very rarely poisoned by toadstools or other poisonous mushrooms. They are pickled just the opposite, edible, but improperly cooked. It is important to remember that mushrooms cannot be rolled under iron lids. In an anoxic environment, the causative agent of botulism develops. This disease is deadly for humans, - says Olga Lazareva.

How to distinguish a good mushroom from a toadstool

It happens that they confuse white mushroom or boletus with the so-called false mushroom or mustard. If in doubt, look under the hat. In mustard, the tubular layer is pinkish, while in white or boletus it is yellowish. And also look at the leg, there are stripes on a false mushroom, and a mesh on a good one.

But even if it turned out that there is bitter taste in your basket, you will still understand it. The mushroom is not called so by chance, it is very bitter and this taste does not disappear even after heat treatment. It is impossible to eat it, - says Olga Lazareva.

Inexperienced mushroom pickers also confuse different types of edible mushrooms with inedible ones. Here, too, you need to look under the hat: in edible ones it is honey, beige or cream in color, and in poisonous ones it is brown-red or gray-yellow.

mushroom places

Last year, we got a map of mushroom places from avid mushroom pickers. You can watch it. This year, these places were joined by new mycologist Olga Lazareva.

A photo: Marina Marina/Overheard in Rybinsk

Traditionally, people go for mushrooms along the Danilovskaya road, to the Nekrasovsky district, as well as to the Red Profintern. Mushroom pickers say: good harvests are harvested in Podolino, Tutaevsky district.

And this year, a lot of mushrooms are being brought from the Rybinsk region: Okhotino, Prosvet, Glebovo.

Truth . 1-2 km from the railway on both sides. To the east - in the direction of the village of Nazarevo. To the west - towards the village of Stepankovo.

Zelenogradskaya. 2 km west of the platform in the direction of the village of Darino

Sofrino. 3-4 km west of the platform towards the village of Voronino

Ashukinskaya. 4-5 km west of the railway in the direction of the villages of Voronino, Martyankovo.

Kalistovo. 3-4 km west of the platform in the forests near the villages of Golygino, Artemovo. To the east - towards the village of Golygino and along the banks of the Vori River.

Abramtsevo. 4-5 km west of the platform near the villages of Zhuchki, Akhtyrka.

Semkhoz. On both sides of the railroad. To the south - in the direction of the villages of Vysokovo, Morozov, to the west - in the direction of the village of Shapilovo.

The most mushroom route

Deciduous forests spread 43 km to the west from the platform. You can go along the highway or forest paths. Then from the village of Mitropolie along the banks of the river Vyazi. It will lead to the ancient village of Eldigino. Further, the route will lead to the southeast to the villages of Darino and Matyushino. From here, the forest road after 3 km will lead to the Zelenogradskaya platform. The length of the route is about 16 km.

Gorky direction

Here, mushroom routes, compared to other directions, start at a farther distance from Moscow.

Fryazino. 3 km south of the station behind the village of Vsevolodovo.

Platform 61 km. On both sides of the railroad. To the north - 2 km from the platform towards the village of Subbotino. To the south - 5-6 km near the villages of Vlasovo, Semenovo.

Kazan direction

Grigorovo, Gzhel. 4-5 km north of the railway in the vicinity of the villages of Minino and Konyashino.

Platform 64 km. On both sides of the railroad. To the north of the platform - 4-5 km from the village of Kolomino. To the south - 5-6 km from the platform, south of the village of Turygino.

Shevlyagino. To the north of the platform, 2 km towards the villages of Averkovo, Shabanovo.

Platform 73 km., Antsiferovo platform, Platform 82 km. 1-2 km from the railway on the south side in the direction of the villages of Astashkovo, Sobolevo and along the right bank of the Nerskaya River.

Ryazan direction

Bronnitsy. North-east of the station, 5-6 km from the villages of Biserovo, Plaskinino.

Platform 63 km. North-east, 3-4 km from the railway.

Faustovo, Vinogradovo. North of the railway, 3-4 km.

Sands. North-east, 5-6 km from the station near the villages of Berdniki, Novoselki.

Konev Bor. Eastern railway in the direction of the villages of Sheluhino, Klimovka.

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