December 21 zodiac sign Sagittarius girl. General characteristics of the archer. Health and Disease

Compatibility horoscope: December 21 zodiac sign Sagittarius girl - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Birthday December 21: what is the sign of the zodiac, the nature of children and adults, names

Born December 21: the meaning of the birthday

A contradictory person with a complex character shows the world the last day of the third decade of Sagittarius.

They are quite stubborn in achieving what they want, but at the same time they are extremely unsure of their viability.

In your dreams, you will always be bold, decisive, active and successful, because you were born on December 21, your zodiac sign is Sagittarius, which gives you great ambition and ambition, also delegates all the rights and powers regarding choosing your own path. But you lack the determination to take on that responsibility.

Only by clearing your karma, overcoming your own fears, can you achieve the position you dream of.

Working on your own shortcomings should be your main life task.

It’s most correct to say that those who came to our world on December 21 are harnessed for a long time, but the zodiac sign, as soon as they set a clear goal, helps them achieve it at all costs.

They can focus on what they want and go straight and decisively towards it.

They always look presentable and inspire confidence, they hide their own fears behind unshakable silence and feigned coldness, they can mislead anyone with skillfully rehearsed non-verbal signals.

It takes a long time to decide on something, but then the zodiac sign of people born on December 21 helps not to change their decisions, they sincerely believe in everything they do, and no one can convince them that their undertakings are unsuccessful. At such moments, determination awakens in them.

Do you think the influence of the zodiac sign is noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

December 21: Sagittarius influence

Of great importance in the life of Sagittarians, who were born on December 21, will always be given to their personal space. They prefer not to let anyone into their plans, not to reveal true feelings and, in general, pay as little attention as possible to everything related to their personal life.

It is not in vain that they hide their innermost thoughts, because they have an extraordinary ability to materialize, they know the secret, thanks to which fantasies come true.

Despite their secrecy and detachment, those born on December 21 are fully capable of sincere feelings; for those whom they decide to let into their world, they will not spare any warmth, strength, or material wealth. They are capable of all-consuming and selfless love, especially when it comes to their children.

In general, they do not recognize halftones, for them there cannot be just acquaintances, there are either close friends or fierce ill-wishers.

But it is important to understand that such a position will not lead to good, so you should definitely review it, be less categorical and biased, be able to forgive other people's mistakes and not hide grievances.

  • Horoscope of the zodiac sign Sagittarius »
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Actor Samuel Leroy Jackson was born December 21

On December 21, 1948, the famous and very sought-after film actor, the star of many television series, as well as a successful producer and public figure, Samuel Leroy Jackson, was born. His first notable work was the role in the film Tropical Fever, which was released in 1991, thanks to which, three years later, he received an invitation to the cult film Pulp Fiction. After this film, Samuel got a taste of fame and received critical acclaim.

Sagittarius girl - a characteristic of the sign of the child

A child born under the constellation Sagittarius is distinguished by a keen desire to explore the world and as soon as possible. Preparing for the birth of this sign, you need to be prepared for constant questions from the child and love for speed. The Sagittarius girl will certainly be interested from childhood not in a doll, but in her car, since her love for speed and roads is obvious. The girl’s horoscope speaks of the child’s impulsiveness, this zodiac sign is distinguished by a variety of hobbies, which helps to find an interesting activity from childhood, which in the future can become a favorite profession.

The Sagittarius zodiac sign is a purposeful girl who knows what she wants from life and such a horoscope will be confirmed already from preschool age, when other signs of the zodiac will play in the yard, and the Sagittarius girl will learn and enjoy it. The Sagittarius child is distinguished by a great love for animals and all living things, so you should not be surprised if the little Sagittarius sign stops near every homeless cat and asks to take it with you.

Character and hobbies

The Sagittarius sign is an incorrigible optimist who turns any problem into an interesting adventure that is sure to end happily. This zodiac sign is similar to Gemini in energy and impatience, the Sagittarius girl is also constantly in a hurry somewhere, the child is afraid to miss something and every event is like an amazingly interesting miracle for him. At the stage of education, this factor must be taken into account, and try not to dull the sign, but only to help choose several areas of activity in order to avoid wasting energy and depression. The Sagittarius girl is a traveler, and if not around the world, then in her fantasies, the child seeks to learn new places, understand the history of the creation of something, and this helps a lot in learning.

The horoscope is favorable in terms of creating friendships, the zodiac sign is very sociable and requires it from others, therefore, a child may not get along with introverts from childhood. The zodiac sign Sagittarius does not understand how it is possible to be closed in a society of people, but he knows how to remain calm and keeps his emotions to himself. The Sagittarius child is motivated, but sometimes he can act illogically and to his own detriment, as sometimes he is timid. The horoscope recommends that the zodiac sign always maintain a cheerful spirit, since an excess of energy can lead to apathy when this energy has nowhere to direct.

Characteristics of the sign:

  • the girl is an optimist and rejoices in everything that surrounds her;
  • it is very difficult to knock Sagittarius off the appointed path, which also applies to the wrong path, according to the parents;
  • friendliness not only to the close environment, but also to the whole world;
  • sociability, easy adaptation in a new team under any conditions;
  • sometimes shyness is manifested, which is not a complex, but only has a positive effect on the girl;
  • a child under the zodiac sign Sagittarius will not be serious, but even with irony, he keeps his mind and does not do stupid things.

What is unique about the child of this sign

Little Sagittarians know how to share and do it with great joy, especially when it is accepted as a good gesture and an example of correct behavior. If a child is set as an example to other children, he will feel perfect and will match the image, and this feature often helps parents raise a responsible and kind child.

The sign does not tolerate deception, and if you want to hide something from the Sagittarius girl, she will figure you out, and will remember this for a long time, and it will be quite difficult to regain her trust.

In order for the sign to succeed in school, nothing special needs to be done, as studying will become an interesting activity for him. Of course, some things can distract from school, for example, a strong desire to play, read an interesting book. This should be encouraged, as the child will soon get tired of playing, and he will gladly return for his favorite textbooks. If the girl is forced, she may lose her desire to go to school and then there will be many excuses why she does not want to get up in the morning and get ready for lessons.

The girl's talisman is a horseshoe that brings good luck. The owners of such a talisman simply cannot miss their happiness and are constantly on the wave of good luck. A teenage girl will be interested in special boys, they are very selective in choosing an object of adoration, which almost completely eliminates failure, because a good person cannot but reciprocate such an open and honest girl.

Thursday would be a good day. It is on this day that the fire sign can solve difficult cases, and everything will be easy. This is especially true for making important decisions, studying, because on this day the information will be remembered easily.

Health horoscope and rules for raising a girl

Sagittarius are born large children, develop evenly, but surpass their peers in height and weight, especially girls. The weak point of the sign is the liver, intestines and kidneys, that is, the excretory system requires special attention. The girl needs to be regularly taken to the gynecologist and visit the gastroenterologist in order to monitor the dynamics of development and prevent possible diseases. Children are sensitive to low-quality and high-calorie food, so the girl needs to be fed with natural products and not accustomed to fast food so that this does not become a habit in adulthood.

The girl will certainly be interested in athletics, and even if in the future this is not suitable as a profession, it will be good for health to send the child to sports. For the upbringing of a good person, the atmosphere in the family is important, quarrels greatly depress the sign, and the girl begins to repeat the behavior of her parents. Difficulties with a child arise when you need to make a choice. Sagittarius will never give in if he is confident in his decision and more often parents will have to give in, as the sign gives good arguments against which there is nothing to put up.

Born December 21: zodiac sign, characteristics of men and women

People born on December 21 are distinguished by their impulsiveness and emotionality. They are conflicting personalities with difficult characters. In this article, we will try to answer the question of people born on December 21: “What exactly is the sign of the zodiac that dominates this day of the calendar?”

The Sagittarius zodiac sign belongs to the fiery signs, which are distinguished by folly, volatility and logical thinking.

Representatives of this sign are sociable, cheerful and sociable people. They are always ready to break away from their "familiar place" and go to conquer unknown distances.

Sagittarians have certain character traits: goodwill, cheerfulness, straightforwardness, honesty and sincerity. These people are also distinguished by purposefulness, courage and strong character. Sometimes representatives of this sign can show harshness and tactlessness, but you should not hold a grudge against them, because Sagittarius do this without malicious intentions.

Sagittarians are capable of experiencing strong unrest due to their position in society. They always aim to make only a good impression, endowed with the ability to teach and instruct others.

Representatives of this zodiac sign (Sagittarius) know how to defend their rights and earn respect in society.

Sagittarius Woman

The fair sex, born under the sign of Sagittarius, is endowed with straightforwardness, friendliness and openness. They have an easy and cheerful character, so they never lack communication.

These women are rarely visited by sadness and bad mood, from the outside it may seem that problems always bypass them. Sagittarius women always know what they want from life, thanks to their inexhaustible optimism, they can achieve any goal without much difficulty.

Female representatives born under the sign of Sagittarius can easily convince any interlocutor and impose their opinion on him. They are full of energy, always on the move, trying to help even unfamiliar people. As a result of this behavior, women of this sign may have conflict situations in relationships with loved ones. The social life of Sagittarius women can sometimes come to the fore.

Sagittarius man

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) are usually liked by the fairer sex, and by everyone around them. They are romantic, laid-back and sincere people.

Communicating with these men is quite interesting, they can reveal their own fantasies and ideas, captivate with their philosophical reasoning. Representatives of the Sagittarius sign are distinguished by emotionality, mobility and activity, willingly take on new things.

The passion for adventure and the conquest of the unknown leads to the emergence of various hobbies in the life of Sagittarius men. These representatives of the stronger sex tend to embellish all their activities, this motivates them to actively move forward, towards new life achievements.

December 21 (zodiac sign: characteristic)

On this day of December, strong-willed people are born who are able to direct their energy in the right direction, following towards the realization of their goal. Sagittarians born on this day have an amazing secret to use silence for their own good.

By abruptly ending the conversation at certain points, they are able to achieve a stunning effect on their interlocutors. It sometimes seems to those around them that an incomprehensible force lurks behind their silence, ready to spill out at any moment. In some cases, this perception of people celebrating their birthday on December 21 (the zodiac sign is Sagittarius) can lead to tension in business and personal relationships.

As a result, Sagittarians born on this winter day can follow through life, breaking the hearts of many fans.

Representatives of the male and female who were born on December 21 are distinguished by their physical strength and the ability to perfectly control their bodies. They are especially fond of small children and animals.

Health of Sagittarians born on this day

People born on December 21 are often subject to stress associated with their activities and caustic remarks from others. Often, due to the accumulated negative emotions, they can lose their temper, becoming aggressive personalities.

Sagittarians born on this day are advised to pay close attention to their diet. It should be balanced and contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. To avoid extra pounds, these people should limit the inclusion of foods rich in fats and calories, as well as sweets, in their diet.

Those born on December 21 (the zodiac is preparing to move into the constellation Capricorn on this day) need to keep under strict control the use of alcohol-based drinks and drugs that have a psychotropic effect. They can benefit from sports and moderate physical activity.

Men and women born on December 21 have a real chance to succeed in scientific and any other work. But in order to take place in the profession, these people should choose the field of activity in which work will bring them pleasure.

If Sagittarius, who was born on December 21 (the day when Sagittarius borders on Capricorn), does not like the work, spiritually, despite the material reward, fatigue and dissatisfaction can be their constant companions in life. This circumstance can make these people lazy and inert, and also lead them to degradation. Forced work and only because of earnings is not suitable for individuals born on this winter day.

Affairs on the love front

Love for those individuals who were born on December 21, is a field of endless battle. Only they usually fight for them, and not they themselves. Due to their special attractiveness, these people always have many admirers.

The fact that someone is trying to win their sympathy, needs them and constantly thinks about them helps people who were born on December 21 to increase their self-esteem. When it comes time to make a choice, it sometimes confuses them. It is especially difficult for the representatives of the weaker sex.

Birthday girls of this day tend to rely more on reason than on feelings, and this is not always correct when choosing a soulmate. In each applicant, over time, they can find significant flaws and experience disappointment. Women born on this day should not rush things, and true love will surely come to them.

Distinctive features of birthdays on December 21

The male representatives who were born on this winter day are progressive, decent, easily adapting people. These men can sometimes be persistent and even aggressive, no obstacles on the way to the goal are able to stop them.

Relations with men born on December 21 are filled with brightness and emotionality, but it is difficult to bind them with any obligations. In love with them, the fair sex, in order to keep the men of their dreams, should be wise and resourceful individuals.

Women born on December 21 are distinguished by their truthfulness, spontaneity and fearlessness. In relations with the opposite sex, they do not tolerate the leading position of men. Charismatic representatives of the stronger sex, who can make a worthy couple for them, can win the heart of such women.

People who celebrate their birthday on December 21 (the sign of Sagittarius gives them special strength) will not hurt to pacify their desire to be leaders in all areas of life, to become more patient with people around them. They need to learn how to deal with their fears and suspiciousness, overcome internal barriers, and then all the dreams of these bright personalities can come true.


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May you be extremely frank

And aim not at the eyebrow, but at the eye,

And you hurt without regret

Accuracy of well-aimed phrases.

But we, communicating with you, know

That you are open and pure in heart.

We accept you as you are

Could the world stand without truth

And your directness, Sagittarius.

But even if you are three times right -

Don't break hearts!

Apostle James the Elder, Ludwig van Beethoven, N. A. Nekrasov, Mark Twain, A. Lunacharsky, Winston Churchill, D. Carnegie, Edith Piaf, Walt Disney, Frank Sinatra, Tina Turner.


Element: Fire.

Sign gender: male.

Psychological personality traits (determinants): ambition, love of freedom, passion for sophistication.

Projection on the organs of the body: lower abdomen, thighs, coccyx, sacrum, buttocks, perineum.

Lucky days: Thursday.

Bad days: Wednesday.

Auspicious numbers: all numbers are multiples of 3.

Favorable colors: all shades of blue, pink, purple.

A characteristic feature of Sagittarius is either very tall and athletic, or below average height and dense physique. Tall Sagittarius are somewhat similar to thoroughbred horses. In childhood and adolescence, many Sagittarians have a naughty lock of dark hair falling on their foreheads, resembling a horse's bangs. And with age, when his hairstyle changes or becomes bald, he may have a habit of shaking his head, as if throwing his hair back, or making involuntary movements with his hand, trying to fix a non-existent curl ..

In Sagittarius, as a rule, the face has an oval shape, the nose is straight, it may have a hump, the eyes are lively, crafty, bright, often with a green tint, the head is large with a high and wide forehead. Facial features are characterized by openness and friendliness, movements are fast, although sometimes devoid of grace. In conversation, Sagittarius can gesticulate heavily. His gait is so swift, from which it seems that he does not touch the ground.


Sagittarius, born in the first decade, are under the influence of Saturn, they are characterized by a tendency to mysticism, they are strong, ardent and do not tolerate any coercion of nature. They are often cruel and ferocious, unbearably arrogant, desperate for power and will never tolerate interference in their affairs. Anyone who encroaches on their property and independence will be immediately destroyed by an accurate hit of an arrow.


Sagittarius, born in the second decade, are under the influence of Jupiter, they are characterized by prudence, logic, and a penchant for exact mathematical sciences. Such Sagittarians vividly feel the continuity of generations and are able to implement the most complex ideas. They are noble, have a developed sense of responsibility, help their peers.

The advantages of this type of zodiac sign are their curiosity, inquisitiveness, the desire to be useful to others, the thirst for research and discovery, the rush to new knowledge. He has such qualities as the ability to rally like-minded people, to captivate subordinates. He will make a capable leader and manager, commander and boss. Among the shortcomings should be noted excessive courtesy and flattery, which bribe the right people. He is unreliable and careless in dealing with people he does not value. It is through his own stupidity that he makes mistakes and mistakes.


Sagittarius, born in the third decade, are under the influence of Mars, which makes them even more powerful, strong and purposeful. They are born commanders and rulers. Sagittarians of the third decade are endowed with the most powerful sexual and energy potential. They firmly believe that they are able to literally turn the whole world upside down. They cannot live without admiring spectators who can be impressed with their courage and breadth of nature. They simply have an insatiable desire to realize all their countless abilities and ambitions, as a result of which they cannot remain idle for a single second.

Sagittarius-girl from the cradle begins to show stubbornness. She achieves the satisfaction of her needs with cries and whims. The Sagittarius girl loves beautiful toys, and is careful in choosing outfits. She strictly follows fashion, prefers bright and extravagant clothes.

The real test for parents is when Sagittarius enters adolescence. They will have to prove their point of view logically and confirm with examples from real life. It is important to find activities for a teenager outside the home. Physically strong, they love sports, sports games and dancing, Sagittarius girls are just as energetic and active as boys. They can manage to do their homework and attend several circles. Being an independent nature, Sagittarius prefers to live alone and shows indifference to family ties. Which is most likely due to an excessive love of travel and a lack of habit of being at home.

The way the Sagittarius girl speaks and how she behaves is not liked by all her friends. If you offend her, she can react very caustically. But, if she sees the effect, she will immediately try to smooth everything out with a funny joke or a kiss. The Sagittarius girl is very trusting at heart, her views are so pure that she can be deceived by anyone. Sagittarius quickly forgets the offense and does not keep evil.

Love affairs, intimate life Adolescent Sagittarius are attracted early. Parents need to make a lot of efforts to restrain their emotions and hobbies, because Sagittarians themselves are able to try to re-educate their parents, skillfully arguing, and logically proving their point of view.

At school, Sagittarians can be inattentive and distracted, which can significantly affect their academic performance. If a child does not study well, then you need to influence his self-esteem. Studying, if it interests them, is relatively easy for Sagittarius, as they have good logical thinking, excellent memory. In the older grades, Sagittarians can get carried away beyond their age by serious literature, as well as show an interest in politics.

Since childhood, Sagittarians are able to choose a profession and a goal in life. They achieve their goal, as a rule, methodically and in stages. They will make good fighters for social justice and independence. At work, Sagittarius prefers to set the schedule and work schedule himself, as he does not tolerate restrictions and instructions. Often changing jobs, Sagittarians choose for themselves what they like best, and having chosen, they stop there. Routine and monotony are contraindicated for them. Sagittarius can be distinguished by industriousness only in the area that interests him, captures him entirely and brings tangible results.

Sagittarius-boy has such a basic quality as invincible, ineradicable optimism. Fate too often gives him gifts. Sagittarius has almost no enemies, many friends and acquaintances, which cannot but be reflected in his cheerful and happy nature.

From birth, the Sagittarius child is distinguished by activity, sociability, curiosity. He easily falls asleep to the sound of a tape recorder, TV, or the noise and laughter of guests. When the baby grows up a little, he will cause a lot of trouble to the nannies: he will run away from them on walks, “poke his curious nose” everywhere, resulting in bruises, bumps, and injuries.

In search of truth and meaning in life, you study the world around you and accumulate knowledge hidden in books, not forgetting the rich world of fantasy and imagination. You do not attach yourself to any particular idea or concept, accepting any kind of experience as it is. Attuned to activity and leadership, you have considerable patience and perseverance, unlike the usual Sagittarius. Your goal is to expand your understanding of the world, and therefore you view your existence as an endless, joyful adventure in which there is no need to rush anywhere.

Those born on December 21 should be wary of depression, which occurs when wishes do not come true. Long-held anger and resentment can erupt into sudden outbursts of rage and cruelty. A very important factor for those born on December 21st is sexual expression. In this sense, it is very important for them to find a partner who would give not only warmth and tenderness, but also physical satisfaction. As a result of malnutrition, problems with the skin, teeth and overweight are possible. Those born on December 21 should moderate their passion for sweets, as well as for animal fats and dairy products. The consumption of alcohol and antidepressants should be tightly controlled. Moving physical exercises are recommended - from aerobics to equestrian sports.

December 21, strong personalities are born who know the secret of using silence for their own purposes. Whether they say anything or not, their main weapon is the language of the body and soul, with the help of which they manage to state their demands in such a way that it is impossible to refuse them. It is almost impossible to argue with these people, they are so adamant in achieving their own ideals. Those born on December 21 have a remarkable ability to direct all their energy to the last in order to clear their way to the once intended goal and start one-way traffic along it in the direction they need. And if they managed to get others to do something the way they need, they can completely control the result of this activity.

Zodiac sign December 21 -

Sign Element: . Your zodiac sign is directly related to the signs of the Fire element, which are distinguished by the following qualities: recklessness, logic, inconstancy. Sagittarius is an energetic person, loves animals, has a great thirst for personal freedom.

Planet Ruler: . Gives Sagittarius a passion for everything prestigious, success in learning foreign customs, interest in what is happening far away. The influence of Jupiter is ideal for politicians. The planet in exile is Mercury. Responsible for the lack of objectivity, as well as selective attitude to information.

Those born on December 21st have the secret to using silence to amazing effect. By suddenly falling silent at certain turning points in a conversation or, for example, business negotiations, they achieve a much greater impact on their interlocutors than if they were constantly talking, trying to prove something, or even shouting, expressing their emotions. At the same time, it may seem to others that behind their silence there is some kind of sinister force that is capable of breaking out at any moment, therefore, those who were born on the Day of the Great Mystery are usually treated with caution, as if afraid to provoke a volcanic eruption. Unfortunately, this sense of insecurity that arises when dealing with these people may well spread to their loved ones, friends, acquaintances and colleagues, which contributes to tension in relationships, and sometimes even leads to a complete break. This is why those born on December 21st can often find it difficult to maintain lasting friendships and go through life leaving a trail of broken hearts in their wake.

Those born on this day, as a rule, prefer not to talk about themselves and do not like to answer questions regarding their personal lives. They are extremely secretive about everything that concerns their fantasies and inner life, but nevertheless they are able to persistently and powerfully project their fantasies onto the world around them, thus shaping their environment. Their desire and ability to control people is very great. Most people around them prefer to communicate with them exactly as they wish, mainly in order not to piss them off and not give them a reason to show their nature from the worst side. Despite all this, those born on December 21 are capable of touchingly warm relationships with those they love. Both men and women born on this day usually have great physical strength and have good control over their bodies both in motion and at rest. In addition, they have a fondness for small children and/or animals; this love is sometimes even capable of temporarily overshadowing their adult affairs and interests.

By the way, it is in such relationships that those born on December 21 could find wide scope for expressing their highly developed intuition and ability to non-verbal communication. “Whoever is not with me is against me” - this phrase is too often the principle of action for all those born on December 21st. They should learn to forgive and be more tolerant of others, as well as begin to use their ability to love tenderly in life. For effective spiritual growth, they should get rid of the fear of being rejected, avoid suspiciousness and indecision in actions, and cool their immoderate desire to be the subject of admiration.

Sagittarius man - born on December 21

Men who celebrate their birthday on December 21 can boast the following distinctive features: such a gentleman is philosophical, advanced, honest, adaptable, spiritual. Sagittarius men are assertive, and sometimes even aggressive, nothing can stop them on the way to the goal. Relations with such a man are bright and emotional, but it is almost impossible to keep him in place or bind him with any obligations. Therefore, a woman who decides to make Sagittarius happy will have to use all her wisdom and ingenuity so as not to bore her lover. In addition, Sagittarians value freedom very much and do not allow restrictions on their personal space.

Sagittarius woman - born on December 21st

Women who were born on December 21 are characterized by such facets of temperament: such a lady is honest, caring, natural, courageous. In relationships with men, Sagittarius women do not tolerate patriarchy. They are used to being on equal terms with a partner, they are not afraid to take the initiative and take matters into their own hands. Only bright and charismatic men are capable of conquering such a woman, who are in no way inferior to their beloved and are able to make her a worthy couple.

Birthday 21 December

Sagittarians born on December 21 have an ability that makes them unique among other representatives of this sign - these are people who know how to keep silent correctly, thereby using silence to achieve their goals. A similar skill lies in the fact that such interlocutors can suddenly become silent at the climax of the conversation and thereby achieve a much more significant effect than if the conversation continued.

However, such a quality, born on December 21, the Sagittarius zodiac sign, can also be used against them, because others are not always able to understand what is hidden behind such a behavior, and they may get the impression that such people are not entirely clear, or maybe , and are completely unreliable; hence - caution in communication, tension in relationships and often - a complete break. That is why Sagittarians, whose birthday falls on December 21, almost never have long friendships with anyone.

The relationship of these personalities with others is also influenced by the fact that the Sagittarius zodiac sign born on December 21 is quite secretive: everything related to their fantasies, inner world and personal life is hidden deep in the soul. Nevertheless, such people have a need for communication, and it is also very specific: they need everyone around to obey their will. And they very often succeed, because others, trying not to wake the volcano, prefer to behave as they want.

One should not, however, consider these Sagittarius, complex in nature, to be such monsters. They are very touching and warm to those they really love. This is especially true for their children, for whose sake they will do anything, sparing no effort, no means, no warmth. Among the striking features inherent in people who celebrate their birthday on December 21, the zodiac sign Sagittarius, their significant physical strength should be noted (this applies to both men and women). Moreover, they skillfully use it, perfectly owning their own body in any position and in any situation.

The sign of Sagittarius, patronizing those born on December 21, makes them extremely purposeful, but only if the goal set is as specific as possible, then no one and nothing can make them turn off the intended path. But even here there are pitfalls: very often the result of such aspirations is the unwillingness of such people to think that their idea is not entirely successful. They are too ambitious and ambitious to admit defeat in something.

But, as you know, there is a way out of any situation. Those born on December 21, the zodiac sign Sagittarius, will somewhat moderate their desire to be the first in everything and become more tolerant of those who are nearby, they will really be able to achieve the heights they aspire to. Being able to forgive, learning to overcome your own fears, becoming less suspicious and more trusting of others, getting rid of internal barriers - perhaps too many conditions, but they really need to be fulfilled in order to fulfill dreams and grow spiritually.

Love and Compatibility

They are overwhelmed by great desires, but at the same time they hide great possibilities of control over others. Many treat those born on this day as they would like to be treated themselves, appeasing them in this way, otherwise who knows how the matter would end. And, despite all this, those born on December 21 know how to be charming, gentle, sensual, affectionate with those they love.

Leo and Aries are the most suitable pair for representatives of the Sagittarius sign. They will be able to coexist on equal terms without suppressing each other's freedom. In such unions there is no place for jealousy, together they make up a strong tandem, inspiring each other to new achievements. With Pisces and Virgo, Sagittarians can show their leadership qualities by playing first fiddle in relationships. Scorpios find it difficult to get along with Sagittarians because of their desire to always be the best in everything. And Libra will not be able to understand Sagittarius' constant desire for change and a craving for adventure, so such a relationship is most likely not to be harmonious.

Work and Career

Those born on December 21 spend all their time in search of the meaning of life and truth. They actively study the world around them, accumulate knowledge and experience. Such people are often avid book readers. From books they draw knowledge about the world. Those born on December 21 are not in a hurry to share their knowledge with others. They give out information in a dosed manner, which spur interest in their personality. Those born on December 21 are active, ambitious, and leadership oriented. They love to be first. Such people are characterized by perseverance, patience. Those born on December 21 almost always achieve their goal.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius 21 December knows how to use silence to his advantage. His main weapon is the language of the soul. He formulates his demands in such a way that no one simply dares to refuse him.

Character features

Person 21 December incredibly strong flair for the moment. In conversation, everything goes smoothly and smoothly, and suddenly he stops. And this pause zodiac sign creates such a stunning effect that he manages to persuade him to his point of view better than if he were proving something. At this time, it seems to outsiders that an extraordinary energy is hiding behind the silence, which is not worth joking with, therefore they prefer to agree and not take risks, and they are wary of the person himself. It is not surprising that such behavior always portends a tense atmosphere, especially since he is not always trusted and cannot be relied upon. Sometimes a partner can't stand it so much that he just leaves. Therefore, it is difficult for him to make friends or a family, and after him only a path of broken hearts remains.

He is secretive and does not reveal details about himself or his private life. No one will know about his fantasies and thoughts, but he knows how to embody them in his projects and even project them onto people. Thus, he forms his environment, carefully choosing candidates. This is an unsurpassed and intimidating leader who knows how to control the crowd. Many adapt to him and try not to provoke a conflict once again, simply because they do not want to see him angry. Oddly enough, but despite such formidability, he gives a lot of warmth and care to those to whom he is attached.

Regardless of gender, he is well developed physically and has excellent command of his gestures, endearing him or, if necessary, intimidating. From the outside, he always looks calm and reserved. She loves babies and animals and puts these quivering feelings even higher than her service. In such communication, he develops his non-verbalism and intuition, as they set up contact without words. In some matters, extremely tough. He believes that those who do not agree with him should become enemies of the people. He is advised to moderate his criticality, be patient and forgive, since no one is perfect. To advance spiritually, you will have to get rid of the fear of being rejected, as well as eradicate suspiciousness and not strive to be an object of worship.

December 21 - Zodiac sign

Sagittarius man - born on December 21st

The guys who appeared on December 21 stand out for their philosophical attitude to life, honesty, adaptability and spirituality. Sagittarius can be overly assertive and even aggressive. If you have outlined something, then you agree to go to the end. Relations with such a person are filled with brightness and emotionality, but it will be difficult to keep him close. This will only be possible for those who show cunning and wisdom. Do not forget that the guy loves freedom and will not allow any restrictions.

Sagittarius woman - born21 December

The girls who appeared on December 21 are characterized by honesty, caring, naturalness and courage. Such a woman will never tolerate manifestations of patriarchy. He gets used to always feeling on the same level with a partner and is not afraid to even act as the head of the family or deal with complex issues. Only a charismatic and memorable partner who is not afraid to be close to a strong woman will be able to win her heart.

Birthday 21 December

Sagittarians, who appeared on December 21, are endowed with an amazing ability that constantly helps out of various troubles. It's about being silent. Surprisingly, it even works in moments of argument or in casual conversation. The zodiac just abruptly falls silent, attracting everyone's attention. However, sometimes this quality negatively affects the zodiac, because excessive silence prevents people from understanding a person. Some believe that such a person is secretive or unreliable, so they keep their distance. Often communication ends in a breakup. Unfortunately, Sagittarius rarely develop strong and lasting friendships.

The zodiac prefers to keep everything to himself, so he does not let outsiders into his fantasy world and personal life. They look at the very essence of communication in a rather specific way: they want everyone around them to obey them. Interestingly, most of the time this works. It is much easier for others to do what is required of them so as not to arouse the wrath of Sagittarius. However, one should not perceive a person born on December 21 as a monster. He is extremely caring and touching in dealing with those whom he sincerely loves. For the sake of such people, I am ready to give all the best and sacrifice my strength and health. These are hardy individuals with an incredible supply of strength, which they skillfully invest in development and advancement.

Sagittarius can be 100% focused if they have a clear goal in front of them. Then no one will be able to lead him astray or distract him. But even here, not everything is smooth, because the zodiac gets so hung up that it does not always see the futility of the chosen idea. Ambition and ambition make it difficult to admit it. The sign must learn to control their temperament and become more tolerant of those who are nearby. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve a breakthrough. Learn to forgive and constantly overcome your fears and doubts. Spiritual growth will allow you to say goodbye to internal barriers.

Love and Compatibility

Sagittarius obeys a huge number of internal desires and at the same time tries to spend energy on controlling other people. Many people try to appease Sagittarius so as not to fall under his hot hand. But still, the zodiac can charm, make you fall in love with yourself and treat your soulmate with incredible tenderness.

It is best to build your life with Leo or Aries. They adhere to equality and do not try to suppress the freedom of a partner. Such a family is not doomed to jealousy, but there is a place for support and mutual inspiration. The leader of Sagittarius will have to be paired with Virgo or Pisces. Scorpio will not fit, because he will strive to prove his superiority. Libra is not the best candidate, as he will not be able to realize Sagittarius' attempt to change everything and constantly embark on adventures. Such a relationship is devoid of harmony.

Work and career

We see a strong and original person with whom it is not always easy to establish communication. It is much more convenient for him to function detached from the team. It can prove itself in any field. The greatest successes come in scientific disciplines, research and teaching activities. They are excellent analysts, but few have an interest in the exact sciences, design, or engineering.

Health and disease

All illnesses arise from unrealized ideas leading to a depressive state. This is the main enemy of Sagittarius. It will not be possible to cope with the problem alone, and then the condition runs the risk of dragging on for a dangerously long period. At such moments, the zodiac is not able to develop, which depresses even more. Only the help of a specialist will break out of the vicious circle.

fate and luck

December 21 gives the Universe romantic, indecisive, sensual and insecure personalities. They get used to delving into their own souls and often activate a depressive state. They suffer from low self-esteem and are forced to work off karmic debts. It is important to instill in yourself stamina, confidence and determination. Spiritual development will allow you to come to harmony and find your place in life.

Silence allows Sagittarius to implement the most complex ideas. Feel free to use this method, because in today's world, almost no one follows this advice.

Famous personalities

Congratulations today to Samuel Jackson, Julie Delpy (actors), Joseph Stalin (politician) and Vladimir Gutsev (football coach).

What will fate bring

He was lucky, because initially they promise success in any field where he wishes to prove himself. He somehow naturally breaks out into guides, as if this was agreed in advance. Complements his track record organizational skill. It allows you to assemble a powerful team literally from scratch or to establish the process of functioning of a shattered team. In a political party, he is able to reach the very top and take a strong position. And he will try to impose maximum power and take everything into his own hands. He believes in the power of the printed word, so he uses it as a profession or to maintain his image.

Those born on December 21 are true explorers. In search of truth and meaning in life, you study the world around you and accumulate knowledge hidden in books, not forgetting the rich world of fantasy and imagination. You do not attach yourself to any particular idea or concept, accepting any kind of experience as it is. Attuned to activity and leadership, you have considerable patience and perseverance, unlike the usual Sagittarius. Your goal is to expand your understanding of the world, and therefore you view your existence as an endless, joyful adventure in which there is no need to rush anywhere.

Life, from the point of view of those born on December 21, is not always happy and carefree. In dreams, you can be carried away into space, but at the same time you sincerely strive to make the world around you better both for yourself and for others. In business and finance, you are lucky and know how to sell yourself and your ideas. Despite your elevated spirit, you are well versed in the practical realities of everyday life. You treat your affairs responsibly and perform them beyond praise. You are aiming for the very top, and perhaps you will get there by relying on a combination of idealism, self-confidence, and practical common sense.

In close relationships, you show passion and are not averse to flirting, but at the same time, you are open in your feelings and devoted to those you love. You can procrastinate with serious intentions, but always keep your promises.

People born on December 21 are powerful and energetic individuals who know how to use silence to their advantage. They are able to direct all their energy into a single channel, thus, the problem they are solving acquires the possibility of a single solution. But those born on this day can force others to act as they need, gaining control over the situation. They don't like to answer personal questions. Closed in their fantasies and concentrated on their inner world, but they have the power to project their inner fantasies onto the world around them, changing the latter so that they begin to like it.


They are overwhelmed by great desires, but at the same time they hide great possibilities of control over others. Many treat those born on this day as they would like to be treated themselves, appeasing them in this way, otherwise who knows how the matter would end. And, despite all this, those born on December 21 know how to be charming, gentle, sensual, affectionate with those they love.


Both women and men born on this day need to learn how to make concessions, otherwise, over time, they risk making ill-wishers for themselves, both among leaders and among colleagues.


Stubbornness, energy, passion.


Closeness, insensitivity, vulnerability.


On this day, sensual, romantic, indecisive, insecure people are born. They tend to self-digging, sometimes they bring themselves to depression, condemning and blaming themselves. They have low self-esteem. These people work out karmic tasks. They need to learn confidence, perseverance, determination. Having embarked on the path of evolutionary development, developing spirituality, they will be able to find their place in life, become happy and prosperous.

Birthday Mystery

December 21 people are born who know the secret of using silence for their own purposes. Whether they say anything or not, their main weapon is the language of the body and soul, with the help of which they manage to state their demands in such a way that it is impossible to refuse them. It is almost impossible to argue with these people, they are so adamant in achieving their own ideals. Those born on December 21 have a remarkable ability to direct all their energy to the last in order to clear their way to the once intended goal and start one-way traffic along it in the direction they need. And if they managed to get others to do something the way they need, they can completely control the result of this activity. As stated earlier, those born on December 21st have the secret to using silence with astonishing effectiveness.

By suddenly falling silent at certain turning points in a conversation or, for example, business negotiations, they achieve a much greater impact on their interlocutors than if they were constantly talking, trying to prove something, or even shouting, expressing their emotions. At the same time, it may seem to others that behind their silence there is some kind of sinister force that is capable of breaking out at any moment, therefore, those who were born on the Day of the Great Mystery are usually treated with caution, as if afraid to provoke a volcanic eruption. Unfortunately, this sense of insecurity that arises when dealing with these people may well spread to their loved ones, friends, acquaintances and colleagues, which contributes to tension in relationships, and sometimes even leads to a complete break. This is why those born on December 21st can often find it difficult to maintain lasting friendships and go through life leaving a trail of broken hearts in their wake.

Those born on this day, as a rule, prefer not to talk about themselves and do not like to answer questions regarding their personal lives. They are extremely secretive about everything that concerns their fantasies and inner life, but nevertheless they are able to persistently and powerfully project their fantasies onto the world around them, thus shaping their environment. Their desire and ability to control people is very great. Most people around them prefer to communicate with them exactly as they wish, mainly in order not to piss them off and not give them a reason to show their nature from the worst side. Despite all this, those born on December 21 are capable of touchingly warm relationships with those they love.

Both men and women born on this day usually have great physical strength and have good control over their bodies both in motion and at rest. In addition, they have a fondness for small children and/or animals; this love is sometimes even capable of temporarily overshadowing their adult affairs and interests. By the way, it is in such relationships that those born on December 21 could find wide scope for expressing their highly developed intuition and ability to non-verbal communication.

“Whoever is not with me is against me” - this phrase is too often the principle of action for all those born on December 21st. They should learn to forgive and be more tolerant of others, as well as begin to use their ability to love tenderly in life. For effective spiritual growth, they should get rid of the fear of being rejected, avoid suspiciousness and indecision in actions, and cool their immoderate desire to be the subject of admiration.


Those born on December 21 should be wary of depression, which occurs when wishes do not come true. Long-held anger and resentment can erupt into sudden outbursts of rage and cruelty. A very important factor for those born on December 21st is sexual expression. In this sense, it is very important for them to find a partner who would give not only warmth and tenderness, but also physical satisfaction. As a result of malnutrition, problems with the skin, teeth and overweight are possible. Those born on December 21 should moderate their passion for sweets, as well as for animal fats and dairy products. The consumption of alcohol and antidepressants should be tightly controlled. Moving physical exercises are recommended - from aerobics to equestrian sports.

Learn to be more open - less secrets! Trust others. Don't build internal barriers. Your fantasies can be dangerous. Don't be overly demanding of others.

Fate: To people born on this day, the planets give a lot of talents, determination and a strong character. They are endowed with determination and ambition. These individuals differ from others in their firm and peremptory views on life. Some dominance and despotism in relation to others allows them to manifest themselves in the most unexpected situations, when urgent and decisive measures are needed. People born on December 18 are able to overcome any obstacles to fulfill their plans and usually achieve a high financial and social position. They make famous scientists and talented politicians.

Birthday Mystery: People born on December 18 are individuals with a special worldview. They are endowed with a solid and rational character, strong morally and physically, ready to take risks and win. They are very indifferent to material well-being and money, actively help everyone in trouble, donate large sums to various institutions, and if there is no money, they help with their work and advice.

These natures often develop grandiose plans, make bold decisions. They know how to control the situation and in the implementation of projects they never miss even the smallest details. People born on December 18 are bright personalities who amaze others with their achievements and global scale. They are not stopped by failures, they consider them as a useful experience and purposefully move forward. Personalities born on December 18 never stop halfway, they do not have unfinished or abandoned work, processes and other undertakings. Failure to fulfill their promises, they consider dishonorable and shameful. In matters of love and family, natures born on this date are also responsible and principled. Their approach to personal relationships is often one-sided and often leads to a break.

In the family, such personalities often dominate and suppress their marriage partner. Often focusing only on their problems, they do not see what is happening in the souls of relatives and friends. Their own world and head are filled mainly with colossal ideas and options for solving them. They strive for freedom and direct all their powerful energy to the implementation of plans. People born on December 18 are good parents. However, they must understand that children should not only be educated, but also given a little independence.

Sometimes, among people born on this date, there are those who do not have sufficient knowledge to solve their large-scale plans, but pride does not allow them to understand this. They need to compare their strengths and direct their energy towards achieving more achievable goals, to determine the area in which the potential given by nature will manifest itself more clearly. Obviously, all those born on this date of the month, in order to carry out their projects and achieve success, need an incentive: a faithful, loving and understanding partner. These people are in dire need of warmth, sensitivity and participation.

Health: People born on December 18 should avoid exorbitant physical labor and nervous tension. They must understand that constant rush at work, domestic scandals, lack of fresh air, lack of sleep can lead them to a nervous breakdown and other diseases of the body. People born on December 18 are most prone to mental and emotional exhaustion. To avoid such health problems, you should clearly plan your daily routine and set more accurate priorities. In the lives of individuals associated with this date of birth, close relationships with family and faithful helpers will become important points. They need to periodically undergo medical diagnostics of organs, visit a psychotherapist or psychologist in time during periods of emotional fatigue. Periodically good rest, proper nutrition and daily exercise can relieve any tension and stress.

Advice: Relax more often with nice people and friends. Remove the mask of arrogance and be simpler. Be more attentive to your loved ones and relatives.

December 19th

Fate: For natures born on this day, fate provides the opportunity to create their own life. Endowed with a strong, courageous and sincere character, they are extremely fond of freedom, hate lies, look at everything with optimism. They form their own views, they are used to trusting people, but they intuitively feel the slightest dirty tricks. Naturally intelligent, but sometimes extremely impatient and restless, these people can lose control of themselves if the result of their work does not live up to expectations. Often the inconsistency of character distances them from success, which is what less talented partners use. People born on December 19 should cultivate patience and willpower in themselves, because without these qualities they will not be able to achieve success in life. Using their talents and mental abilities, they always know how to make money.

Birthday Mystery: People born on December 19 differ from other individuals in their active life position, which is expressed in ideological adherence to principles and upholding their opinions, the inseparability of words and deeds. Often entering into a discussion, they argue heatedly and do not find a common language with opponents. People born on this day do not know how to put on a mask of pretense and hypocrisy, they are principled in any situation. They masterfully overcome any difficulties, which cause genuine admiration of others. These individuals radiate optimism in any situation, hope always lives in their souls. The ability to remain "oneself", to have their own criteria and value system, makes people born on December 19, extraordinary personalities in society. Their generosity is manifested to others in everything: in thoughts, in actions, in time.

These natures are enterprising, and having failed, they take up business with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. In any case, they show maximum energy and never waste time. They do not tolerate coercion and power over themselves. Defeat may bring them suffering, but it will never break their morale. The positive thinking of these people helps them not only to win, but to move towards success, which, as it seems to everyone around, is predetermined for these individuals by fate itself. However, in the life of individuals born on December 16, the greatest battle takes place in their soul with their inner voice. Some people born on this day may experience bouts of depression, apathy due to emotional or physical stress. This depletes their body and energy, suppresses spiritual forces. Other individuals, on the contrary, show excessive emotionality and aggression, impulsiveness and lack of adequate action. Such negative manifestations in behavior are a sign that speaks of complexes buried deep in their subconscious.

Spilling out your negative emotions on relatives and others causes protest, resentment and resistance from people. Often, relatives and friends of natures who were born on a given date are annoyed and indignant at their lack of concentration and absent-mindedness. However, the originality of these individuals, their strong natural aspirations, attract different categories of people to them, including young people who consider relationships with such persons extremely interesting, romantic or prestigious for themselves. People born on December 19 are very fond of the company of people with whom you can easily communicate. The high communicative qualities of these individuals allow them to carry on a conversation on any topic. In communication, they usually occupy a dominant position. In the event of a quarrel, these people never hold a grudge for long. Sometimes in a relationship with them, irony and ridicule slip through. A distinctive feature of these people is the expression of complete seriousness on the face, even at the moments of jokes. They love to be liked by others and put a lot of effort into this.

Health: People born on December 19 are often accompanied by periodic nervous breakdowns due to psychological problems associated with restlessness and impatience of character and behavior. Loss of strength and depressive states often haunt less strong natures. Decisive and strong people who have an active life position are usually not threatened. Personalities born on December 19 should avoid the practice of self-medication, as such an approach to health can only increase depression. Only competent help and support from doctors will save these individuals from illness and disease. It is very important for these people to abstain from alcohol and drugs throughout their lives, as they have a great opportunity to become addicted to these addictions. To maintain their nervous system in a healthy tone, natures born on this date should have more and full rest, walk and breathe fresh air, do physical education, sports, yoga and monitor their diet. For them, a very important factor in well-being will be a harmonious relationship with their marriage partner, friendship with true friends.

Advice: Be patient and don't get discouraged by failures. Cultivate willpower in yourself. Hang out with nice people more and don't lock yourself up. Be more communicative and collected. Look for compromises. Smile and laugh more!

December 20

21 December

Fate: Those born on December 21 are very expansive, romantic, but unsure of their abilities and themselves. Excessive suspiciousness and obsession with their shortcomings sometimes provoke depression and self-pity in them. Underestimation of one's self-esteem, as a rule, gives rise in the soul to the fear of making a mistake, indecision and inability to quickly respond to the situation. They need to be able to define realistic goals for themselves and strive to achieve them, no matter what. Only confidence and determination help to overcome difficulties. In order to become steadfast and prosperous, they should look at the difficulties that arise as small exercises and trials for training their strength.

Birthday Mystery: People born on December 21 are endowed with a unique ability and ability to use their power of silence for the right purposes. The silence that they show in some situations serves as a powerful communication tool for others. The ability to remain silent when required is a whole art and a rare character trait. With the help of their self-control, people born on December 21 can achieve greater results in negotiations and dialogues than emotional speakers. With these personalities, disputes and bickering are useless. It often seems to others that behind the silence of people born on this day, an invisible and unpredictable force is hiding, which can break out at any moment and crush everything in its path. Therefore, they are treated with great delicacy, for fear of provoking sudden aggression in these individuals.

Silent people born on December 21, therefore, often achieve their goals and calmly control the process of bringing them to life. Unfortunately, lack of communication skills, insecurity of personalities that appeared on this day can cause problems when communicating not only with colleagues, friends, but also with people close to them. The "closed" soul of these individuals often contributes to the appearance of omissions, which in turn causes feelings of distrust, hostility and suspicion towards them. That is why people born on December 21 are often left alone. These natures do not like to devote anyone to their personal lives. As a rule, the inner world, their innermost thoughts and fantasies are inaccessible, but they actively form the outer side of their life, making a selection of friends based on their personal sympathies and criteria.

They are eager to control people. However, personalities born on December 21 are extremely romantic natures, they are capable of very strong and deep feelings, touching and tender relationships with loved ones. These natures usually by nature have good physical strength, have strong energy. They love to mess with small children, they love animals. Individuals born on December 21 are able, through non-verbal communication with people, and thanks to their developed intuition, to create an impression of themselves as a strong and confident person. They are often guided in life by the principle: "He who is not with me is against me!" People born on this date need to learn to forgive their offenders, try to be tolerant of others. To achieve spiritual growth, they should realize their ability to love wholeheartedly, without fear of being rejected; become more confident and resolute, clearer and more “transparent”. People born on this date need to remember that their excessive desire to be the best can lead to feelings of envy, aggression and hostility that can destroy and destroy them.

Health: People born on December 21 often struggle with stress, which is directly related to their activities and frequent sharp statements about them. Sometimes, with unfulfilled desires, they may be visited by depression or melancholy. Often, because of the accumulated resentment and anger, they have outbreaks of aggression and anger. This category of people needs sexual self-expression, admiration for them. They should choose a partner who could give them not only their care and love, but also complete physiological satisfaction. The diet for people born on December 21 should be gentle and perfectly balanced. Lack of vitamins and minerals causes problems with the skin, hair and teeth. To avoid being overweight, they should reduce their intake of all sweets, especially pastries, and also limit fatty and high-calorie foods in their diet. It is also necessary to strictly control the use of alcoholic beverages and psychotropic medications. Physical education or sports will help strengthen the whole body, help to cope with any emotional or stressful situations. Classes are especially useful to them: running, swimming, aerobics, yoga, or equestrian sports.

Advice: You should learn to be more diplomatic in relationships. Learn to be more confident in your actions. Cast aside doubts and trust people more often. Do not lock yourself in your world, communicate more and enjoy life. Do not try to be better in everything: this can only harm you and revive envy. Don't ask too much of people.

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