Mysterious places in the Caucasus. Did they find a man-made cave in the Caucasus? Watchtowers of the North Caucasus

I received news from Volgograd from Svetozara:




We are at 11:00 am. in Moscow we are getting involved in the work of the M and R station! So , See you on Elbrus. We are leaving on 17.01- Chelyabinsk train. Load up!

Mystical Caucasus

There are many places on the planet that are interesting in every way. One of them is the Caucasus. Everything is different here, and everything is different. Gray mountains and high peaks have preserved the memory of distant events that took place in the past on Earth.

And all because the place is mystical. Numerous legends tell about the giants who once lived in this territory, who have a divine origin, as the Nart legends tell.

Everything that the people's memory has preserved - epic legends and dances, coats of arms of cities and republics, republican flags, names of ancient capitals - everything suggests that this is not an easy place.

It is not in vain that this territory was fought over for many years, and the last Great Patriotic War was no exception. Hitler developed a plan to capture the Caucasus with the beautiful name Edelweiss. Edelweiss is the name of a flower that grows high on the alpine slopes, it is often called noble and white. But Hitler's plans were not such.

According to the Nazi mystics, Valhalla was located in the North Caucasus - the resting place of the souls of the Nordic heroes. The Fuhrer believed that the centers of extinct civilizations have a strong impact on the modern world, and their revival will help him in victory. However, Hitler, according to a number of authors, realized his mistake late - it was not Elbrus that had to be conquered (conquered), but the sacred and mysterious Ossetian mountain Bursamdzel, called Small Elbrus in occult circles. It was here, according to legends, including local ones, that the souls of the saints (according to some legends, Nart heroes) found their resting place. However, time was lost, Germany was retreating on all fronts, and Bursamdzel, no matter how violent the Fuhrer, had to be forgotten.

Not only Hitler was interested in the Caucasus. The Greeks believed that Prometheus was crucified in the Caucasus, in which, by order of Zeus, the eagle ate the liver, and in Blavatsky we find exactly which mountain Prometheus was chained to - this is Mount Kazbek, located on the border of two previously indivisible Republics of North Ossetia and South. Now one in Russia, the other in Georgia, it so happened that they ended up on opposite sides of the border.

The Great GOD is still revered in the Caucasus, not one festival begins without His blessing, although the Christian and Muslim religions are considered the main ones in the Caucasus.

So why did they always strive to ensure that the Caucasus was under the control of certain forces? What is the reason that throughout the history of the planet, they fought for it and tried to conquer it? Doesn't the reason lie in the knowledge, long lost, but preserved at the cellular level, of those who live here.

Return to MOTHER

The greatest discovery of the 21st century will be and will be firmly entrenched in the hearts and minds of most people that humanity has not only a Heavenly Father, but there is and always has been and will be the MOTHER - the ONE GREAT GODDESS. As always in Heaven there were and will be Heavenly MOTHER and FATHER Parents.

“... There is no mystery, no doubt,

The secret is in ourselves, and this secret is

The soul in which, together with the Heavenly FATHER

there is a place for the Great Mother


What is below must be above.

Without MOTHER there is no continuation of life

Not on the planet, not in Heaven


Truth is one, and Truth lives in It.

A FATHER without a MOTHER is not a force,

And the power of the MOTHER is Love,

Which is able to induce it in others.

Only after that it became possible

To revive the Rays and Notes of the mysteries of Heaven,

For notes and rays can compose a song,

Which only Love can unite.

Let with the same force

Your FATHER and MOTHER will protect you,

The sun is the mother, the father is the moon,

So that, going forward, the children do not make mistakes ... "

Myths and legends of many nations mention the GODDESS-MOTHER. How else. Man cannot be born without a woman. Thus, without the Divine MOTHER, the soul of man is not born, and without GOD, the spirit is not born.

In the religious and cult representations of the Caucasus, the world Tree is presented in this way: the crown of the Tree is GOD THE FATHER, depicted as a divine solar rider, and the roots of the Tree were warmed and nourished by MOTHER, the divine Earth. To date, in the Caucasus, all this knowledge about the role of the MOTHER GODDESS has been lost, here, as well as everywhere, there is a cult of the Great, or as they rarely say, the One God. But in deep memory, in the traditions coming from high civilizations, the knowledge about the MOTHER is preserved.

Since ancient times, there has been a custom of blood feud in the Caucasus. But if the persecuted bloodline manages to enter the house of his enemies, falls on his knees and begs for mercy from the eldest woman of the family, and if she allows him to touch her breasts with her lips, all hostility immediately ceases, and the enemies become milk brothers.

On the planet, every woman feeds her child with milk, which contains all the information about Life and the structure of the entire Cosmos. It is possible that this custom came from those times when all mankind knew that Milk Energy is Life itself, and it is given by the One MOTHER for the continuation of the One Life, and no one has the right to deprive another of life.

There is another custom in the Caucasus: if a woman appeared on the battlefield, removed a scarf from her head and threw it between the belligerents, a truce would come. The veil is an accessory of a purely female attire, but rather of a Maternal one. In a broad Esoteric sense, the Veil personifies the Creative Maternal Energy, which is alien to manifestations of hatred, enmity, anger, and destruction. This is the primary energy of pure Maternal Love addressed to children.

The Caucasus is a place where in the depths of their souls people remember the great role of the MOTHER. Some peoples of the Caucasus still have a rule, no matter what decision the men in the family make, on any issue, it is not taken into action until the eldest woman in the house approves it.

Changes in the inclination of the planet's axis, changes on the planet and in each person, in the Cosmos will take place according to the Plan of the Heavenly Parents. The appearance of the planet will change - in some places the continental plates will sink under water, and in other places the rested continents will rise to the surface. . She will always hear them and will not disregard any request. The MOTHER has the greatest power in the Cosmos. This means that there is a way out of any situation if a person keeps the image of the MOTHER in his soul and protects the Beam that connects him with Her.

In the “Book of the Future” by V.V. Kuznetsova, it is said that this is true: “The mountains of the Caucasus will play a big role in the near future. Nine billion years ago, highly developed life first appeared there, coming from Zaraya. Initially, a black ball of the milky energy of the GODDESS was laid in the mountains, which until now fed the planet, and which turned into a black jet. They, like teardrops, came out of the ball and hardened. These are the bitter tears of a MOTHER crying for children who have lost their orientation in space and time.

Why bitter tears MOTHER? Yes, because once on Earth there was the heyday of the Golden Age, there were powerful civilizations, such as: Hyperborea, Atlantis, Lemuria - to which the Caucasus is directly related. In those days, the planet had high dimensions, from 5 to 11. People living in these civilizations possessed high divine qualities, they flew like birds in the sky and swam like fish in water. But the loss of morality, pride and violation of the Divine Laws led to the fact that high dimensions left the planet, and humanity fell into the 3D world.How to revive the people of the Earth the Golden Age and a happy long life, where there is simply no death? It is necessary to return to the high level of spirituality and faith that our ancestors once possessed.The return to the planet of the Golden Age begins with the return of the memory of the ONE MOTHER-GODDESS, Who gives Life from Her Life.

There are quite a few places on Earth that among the locals have a reputation for being “unclean”, “prodigal”, and even damned, demonic.

Now they are usually called "scientifically" - anomalous areas, geoactive or geopathic zones. With a positive impact on a person, these are sacred places, with a negative impact - geopathic zones. But from the scientific nature of the names, they did not become less mysterious.

Breath of the Sleeping Lion

Mount Razvalka, located in the North Caucasus near the city of Zheleznovodsk, can be attributed to a number of sacred ones. Due to its modest height - 720 meters above sea level - it is often referred to simply as a "slide". And for the dissonance of the elevation, for the similarity in configuration with the resting king of beasts, it is sometimes called the Sleeping Lion.

In summer, on the slopes of Razvalka it is pleasant to take a break from stuffiness and heat. Even when the heat reaches over 30 degrees Celsius, the temperature on the mountain surface is measured at 5-6 degrees. The fact is that the depth of the permafrost layer here reaches 9 meters. On a plot of about a hectare, the soil never thaws even in the hottest time.

This is partly due to the cold air that comes from the bowels of the mountain. In severe winter frosts, a wind blows from the cracks, the temperature of which is above zero, about 8 degrees. Therefore, the slope of Razvalka in this place turns green with grass in winter, and some fruits ripen on it, and cherry plum bushes bear fruit.

The researchers tried to find out the reason for this phenomenon. There are many voids in the bowels of Razvalka, and for some reason they are filled with cold air. In summer, it exits through the cracks, and warm air enters in its place. There is a gradual circulation. But until the end, the secret of the Sleeping Lion's breath remains undiscovered. There are similar natural refrigerators, islands of permafrost - in other southern regions: in Romania, in Italian Lombardy, in the Pamirs of Gorno-Badakhshan, in the Chinese province of Liaoning.

There are plenty of remarkable places in the North Caucasus besides Razvalka. But in the last two decades of the 20th century, new messages about mysterious and unknown phenomena often came from here. Not only over the giant Elbrus, but also over the smaller mountains - Beshtau, Mashuk, Razvalka, these UFOs, which seem to have already set their teeth on edge, have become more and more often observed.

Way to base

In February 1989, a large number of people observed many luminous objects of various shapes. Flight routes originated from Elbrus. Although thousands of people have visited the peaks of the two-headed giant over half a century, according to local highlanders, there are still many places on it where no human foot has set foot. “Finding the base of space aliens,” they say, “may not be possible, but you need to look closely ...”

Mount Beshtau looks like a complex of huge pyramids

In August, two identical round flat objects were observed near Mount Beshtau. One of them shone with blue light and appeared from the west, and the second with a green glow - from the south. Both slowly, silently moved towards each other at an altitude of about 4 km. And then something happened...

Both objects, approaching each other at a distance of about five kilometers, stopped. A red ball separated from one and flew towards the second object. But as it approached, less than a quarter of the distance away, a thin white beam was directed at it from this second object. Under the influence of the beam, the ball began to increase in size and change its color - from red to white. Then there was a sound like a slap, and the beam disappeared, and the ball fell not far from the eyewitness. Both objects slowly departed in the same directions they had come from.

On December 16, 2003, a resident of Lermontov, along with friends, rested at a hot hydrogen sulfide spring, not far from the Second Athos Monastery. Suddenly they noticed three figures standing 400 meters higher up the mountainside. The figures were about two meters tall in yellow, silver and blue. They stood motionless, and a barely perceptible radiance emanated from them. Observers at that moment did not experience either surprise or fear. Mysterious creatures looked at people from above, as if watching them. Then they did not leave, did not fly away, but simply disappeared into the air ...

The company has witnessed a phenomenon of obviously extraterrestrial origin, Stanislav Donets, an enthusiast from Pyatigorsk who studies the UFO phenomenon, is sure. Aliens are a reality, they are visiting Earth; and one of the permanent "bases" of space guests in the region of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is Mount Beshtau. And it is no coincidence that aliens appeared near the monastery: these objects were built in places "open to space and saturated with positive energy."

But the abbot of the Second Athos Monastery on Mount Beshtau is of the opposite opinion. In the doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church there is no place for aliens from other galaxies. The head of the Department of Physics of the Pyatigorsk Technological University, Professor Andrey Chernobabov, also approaches the event with doubt. As a scientist, he trusts only the facts established as a result of scientific research. But as a person, as an eyewitness, he suddenly admits that he himself once saw something similar to a UFO in the sky!

Fear and trembling

The list of mysterious anomalous zones and places, by the way, often associated with mountainous regions and individual heights, is extensive. In a section of the Bukantau mountain range in the Central Kyzyl Kum in Uzbekistan, there was a rumor about crashed UFOs. The expedition that left in the late 80s of the last century did not find any traces of the catastrophe.

But in the Sarmysh gorge, ancient rock paintings of people in strange clothes were discovered, which can be interpreted as images of space aliens. Similar rock paintings are known to have been found in caves in Spain, China, France and other places. Some of them were made 10-15 thousand years before our era.

There has long been an unusual rumor about one of the high points of flat Russia in the Volgograd region - Mount Blue. Now she attracted thunderclouds and lightning discharges to herself, then they noticed light phenomena above her. In her zone, the behavior of animals changed. The engines of cars passing nearby were stalling. Helicopters also fell under the anomalous effect.

With a different shade of Krasnoyarsk Red Comb. But he gained fame not for his colors, but for the manifestation of gravitational influences. Here, cases of people being torn off the ground were observed not by somersaulting or falling from a slope, but by rising in the air by the mysterious force of natural levitation.

"Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown" №3 2013

The most mystical sights of the North Caucasus January 18th, 2012

The real story of most ancient monuments, perhaps, could be told by their creators. But they are long gone... And unusual man-made structures still excite people. And around some incredible stories and legends are born. Someone confirms them by their own example, collecting evidence that in certain places or ancient buildings there are mystical riddles, the answers to which can only be found by the most daring and courageous. We made our route through the places of the North Caucasus, which are considered mysterious among the people.

Lake Kazennoy-Am


Kazenoy-Am is located in the zone of mountainous alpine meadows and steppes at an altitude of 1870 m above sea level on the southern slope of the Andi Range, on the border of Chechnya and Dagestan. For its extraordinary attractiveness, locals call it the "Pearl of the Caucasus." Due to its inaccessibility, the reservoir is still little studied.


According to legend, in the place where the water surface now stretches, a long time ago there was a village in which people lived, who forgot what love for their neighbor is and what are the laws of hospitality. One day, an angel, dressed as a beggar, descended to the ground and went to ask the inhabitants of the village for a lodging for the night. However, no one let the ragamuffin into the house. Only a poor widow, whose dwelling was located on the very edge of the village, took pity on the cold beggar. The next morning, he advised her to urgently leave the village in order to save her family from misfortune. The woman obeyed the guest, quickly gathered the children and went away from the village. As soon as she left the aul, an earthquake began, the aul fell into the ground and the waters of the lake closed over it. This legend has been passed down for many centuries, reminding the inhabitants of the surrounding lands of the importance of the laws of hospitality and human virtue.

Mysterious, in addition to the beauty of the reservoir, are many of its special characteristics. Thus, the lake does not communicate with other water bodies, due to which, for centuries, the biodiversity of Kazenoy-Am was isolated and not exposed to external factors. The exact depth of the lake has not been established, its bottom soil, flora, fauna have not been studied, the processes of water exchange, etc. have not been studied. According to scientists, there should be caves under the water column, the study of which could shed light on many open scientific questions. However, the main problem requiring an immediate solution is the conservation of a narrow-range endemic - the Eizenam trout, listed in the Red Book of Russia. This rare species of fish, which is found only in Kazenoy-Am, is on the verge of extinction.

Location: Chechen Republic, Vedeno district, s. Vedeno.

Elsa's cottage


It was built at the beginning of the 20th century in pseudo-Romanesque style and resembled a medieval castle used as a hotel for vacationers. Its owner Elizaveta Gukasova, daughter of a German merchant and wife of the famous confectioner Alexander Gukasov, rented out furnished rooms on Brat'ev Bernadazzi Street, and her husband opened a restaurant and a coffee shop there. The couple was doing well, but the building had to be rented. Therefore, in 1903 they bought a plot on the outskirts of Pyatigorsk and built a luxurious cottage with a large number of rooms. The country hotel was given the romantic name "Elza". Comfortable rooms in it opened two years later. After the revolution, the building was nationalized and a sanatorium building was opened in it.


Now the building of Dacha Elsa is in a deplorable state. According to one of the popular versions, the ghost of Elizaveta Gukasova herself lives in the mansion, whom the Bolsheviks allegedly shot and walled up in the walls of the building. And now the rebellious spirit of the unfortunate Elsa, who, by the way, divorced her husband even before the revolution, wanders through the dilapidated rooms. Some visitors to the dacha are sure that the ghost of the lady is not at all kind, but with a heavy, evil character. She does not like to be disturbed out of curiosity, but if she feels that talent has come to her, she helps to open up, however, with an ominous, mystical tinge.

Location: Pyatigorsk, Lermontov St., 15, towards the Academic Gallery.

Rome Mountain


It is located near Kislovodsk in the valley of the Podkumok River. Archaeologists have found more than 150 catacomb burials near the slope of Rim-Mountain with numerous household items, jewelry, and weapons. It is believed that the catacombs belonged to the Romans. The locals called the mountain Rim-kale, that is, the fortress of the Rums, or Eastern Romans. It is believed that an ancient trade route ran here. And according to one of the legends, a detachment of Roman soldiers hid in the fortress, who died in battle with the locals. Later, archaeologists partly confirmed the assumptions. They established that in the 10th-12th centuries there was a trading town with an impregnable fortress in the Podkumka valley. And in the catacombs, where the Romans buried their own, scientists found arrows, spears, jewelry, dishes.


You can look at the archaeological values ​​​​in the Kislovodsk museum-fortress. They say that if you are lucky, during the tour you can find a fragment of ancient ceramics or the remains of weapons.

Location: 18 km west of Kislovodsk.

Second entrance to Shambhala


Speleologists told us about an interesting cave. On the plates that crowned it, they found a German swastika.

The entrance to the underground mine is carefully laid out from huge side slabs. It continues to a depth of several tens of meters and is lined with massive blocks. This is a shaft about 80 meters long, made up of several sections with transition chambers from one to another. The first of them, going outside, is two solid stone slabs, set in parallel, with sides laid with neat small stones measuring 134 by 43 cm, so that not everyone can squeeze through.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the mine is partly man-made. Researchers continue to study it. It is quite possible that, having passed through another narrow passage, they will stumble upon a large cave with interesting artifacts, and maybe the entrance to a parallel world.


According to esotericists, the entrance to the other world, where you can acquire the properties of a superman, is located in Tibet. But there are others.

For example, not far from Elbrus - the sacred mountain of the Aryans. In the Northern Elbrus region there is a plateau, which is popularly called the "German airfield". Some researchers believe that the Germans found on Elbrus a mysterious mystical place with high energy, prayed from ancient times, and set up an occult laboratory there. Tibetan lamas were brought there for meditation in order to comprehend, and possibly change the future.

Apparently, the North Caucasus was perceived by Hitler as a graphic and mystical point, which unites the beginning and end of modern humanity. The meeting place of positive and negative forces, the axis of the world. It is quite obvious that Hitler imagined reaching the top of Elbrus as a harbinger of the last battle between the forces of good and evil.

Location: Baksansky district of Kabardino-Balkaria.

City of dead


One of the most mysterious archaeological sites, which is located in North Ossetia near the village of Dargavs, in the valley of the Midagrabindon River. The burial complex consists of 99 above-ground crypts.

Scientists attribute it to the XIV - XVIII centuries. It was then that family tombs for collective burials were built in North Ossetia. The tradition of burial in such structures among the Ossetians was associated with the cult of ancestors, who were buried in full attire, with small household items. The deceased were laid on special wooden beds or in wooden boats. Scientists are still arguing where such a tradition came from in the mountains. From Mount Rabinyrag, where the City of the Dead is located, you can admire the peaks around. The monument is located in a very beautiful place.


Ossetians are sure that the souls of their ancestors are immortal and there is a constant connection with the dead. Visiting a mystical place affects everyone differently. Someone says that there you can see a ghost dressed as a prince. Someone after visiting sees prophetic dreams. The main thing is to come to the tombs with pure thoughts and behave calmly and judiciously.

Location: in the Prigorodny district of North Oestia - Alanya, not far from the village of Dargavs.

Anomalous and mysterious places in Kabardino-Balkaria

In the North Caucasus, a female yeti molested men

A sensational incident occurred in the Chegem Gorge in the North Caucasus - researchers have found unexpected evidence of the existence of a "snowman" there. Local residents admitted that the female Yeti - here such wild creatures are called Almasty - not only went out to people, but also tried to have sexual contact.

In the vicinity of the village of Elbrus, according to local residents, this autumn and winter, they met such mysterious creatures more than once. “There are a lot of abandoned sheds there,” says Adelgery Tilov, “there are boulders and a forest around. - Most often Almasty is seen there. From there they come to the village.In Elbrus, surrounded on all sides by mountains and forests, Bigfoot was seen at least once by each of the local residents. Moreover, local women under great secrecy give the names of men who communicate with Almasty. More precisely, with their females.

Of course, in her real appearance, a wild woman looks more like a big monkey, but she can seduce a man, - says one of the old-timers Kazi Khadzhiev. - Almasty know how to bring confusion to a person.

They say that a man who is seduced by a wild woman does not see her, but the one he wants to see. It turns out something like hypnosis ... Wherever the forest comes close to a human dwelling, no one is safe from meeting with a "snow woman". Therefore, the Balkars “sacredly” observe the tradition of their ancestors. Every evening, after dinner, some food and drink is taken from the master's table to the backyard.

This is a treat for Almaty. - A wild man is also a man, so we try to be friends with him, - says Adilgery Tilov. - According to the stories of my grandfather, I know that Almasty always lived here. But there were especially many of them when, after the eviction of the Balkars, our villages were empty. At that time they felt themselves full-fledged masters here.

Perhaps that is why people began to show themselves more often.

A few months ago, the pensioner was personally convinced of the proximity of Almasta. FireFrom the stories of his grandfather, Adilgery knows that wild people are very drawn to fire. And most of the contact with them takes place at the fire. So it happened with him. - In the summer I went to a neighboring village to water the garden. And I had to spend the night there. I settled down in an abandoned barn on the outskirts. He lit a fire next to him and went to bed. In the morning I open my eyes and see, a meter away from me She sits by the fire. And looks at the fire somehow thoughtfully. A little over a meter tall. Black, shaggy.

Only the hair on the face is shorter than on the body. And hair hair to hair lies, as if combed. Of course I got scared. I'm waiting to see what will happen. She sat for another ten minutes. Then she went towards the forest. I immediately jumped out. And a minute has not passed, and she seemed to have fallen into the ground ...

None of the local residents ever look for a special meeting with Almasty. Everyone knows it's not safe. - A wild man does not like to be disturbed. And if someone happens to offend Almasty, even by accident, expect trouble, - says Kazi Khadzhiev, one of the old residents of the Tegenekli village. -

Once in our village children were playing in the street. And it so happened that a wild woman was sitting and basking in the sun nearby. One of the boys played out, ran up to her and pulled her long hair. She didn't even flinch, she just glared at him. A few days later, this boy died of an incomprehensible illness.

The ability of Bigfoot to influence people without words and become invisible to our eyes, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University Valentin Sapunov explains the psychic abilities of a creature that he calls a troglodyte ("caveman").

Being next to us, he manages not only to remain invisible, but is also able to somehow cause primal fear in everyone around him - even without seeing him, people who are nearby experience panic horror, says Valentin Borisovich. - I myself experienced it when I was literally three steps away from it ...

Scientists have registered cases of diseases that developed after a meeting with a troglodyte. And the troglodyte very well “reads” our thoughts, feeling the aggression directed against it.Almost every generation of residents of the Elbrus region replenishes the treasury of legends associated with the permanent neighborhood of Almasta with their own experience. Nafisat Etezova-Bozieva is one of those affected by the wild man's curse.

I knew this story since childhood, but I could not even think that it would turn out to be true, - says the pensioner. - They say it started before the revolution. One of the ancestors of the Boziev family met a wild woman in the forest and a friendship began between them. Then he even brought her to the village as his wife. For people, of course, it was a shock. Many women openly laughed at this savage. And one day she cursed them. Among the offenders of Almasta were women from the Boziev family. And since then, in the family of my husband, as if, loneliness is inherited by women. Many never managed to start their own family. The rest either marry very late or are unhappy in marriage. Nafisat herself has five adult daughters.

Three of them are still unable to start a family.

But there are other stories in Kabardino-Balkaria: - My brother Abil was a man of few words, all the more, he did not tell anyone from outsiders about this. Although, why was it necessary to speak, if everyone saw and knew it. Abil met a wild woman in Kazakhstan.Our family lived there during the deportation.

There was a mill in our village. And the man who worked there warned everyone that Almasty comes there at night. Therefore, after dark, people tried to stay away from this place. And my brother once had to come there in the evening. While he was doing business, his horse left. Abil began to look for her. He entered the dark shed and immediately felt something warm and hairy.

According to his brother, the creature laughed and spoke to him "without a voice." Her words reached Abil as thoughts. Then the young veterinarian repeatedly admitted to his relatives that if he was alone in the yard or on the street at dusk, a wild woman would definitely come out to meet him and talk to him. But the most amazing thing happened when the Khadzhiev family was finally able to return to their native Caucasus. Riddle Abil Khadzhiev managed to build a house in his native Tegenekli.

Married and had children. But one evening in the courtyard of his house I saw the same wild woman with whom I spoke in Kazakhstan. - How could she find him after so many years? How she overcame such a distance, only Allah knows, - says Kazi Khadzhiev. “She must have had a strong love for my brother. Another meeting with Almasty completely turned Abil's life upside down. He soon became a widow and lost his only son. The daughters got married and he was left completely alone in the house.

But the whole village noticed that the veterinarian began to behave strangely. - He often began to go into the forest at night. And could not return home for several days. And he always went to haymaking alone, but at the same time he always took pitchforks for two with him. People said it was all because of the wild woman. But Abil did not discuss Almasty with anyone.

And in 1982, he once again went into the forest and disappeared. He was only 63 years old and he did not complain about his health. A few days later he was found dead in the forest. But they couldn’t understand why he died. According to scientists, from the point of view of physiology, sexual contacts between the Bigfoot and Homo sapiens are possible. To attract male Yetties, the researchers used rags with female menstrual blood - and successfully.However, similar excretions of monkeys are just as attractive to them. ("Life").

Anomalous zone in Kabardino-Balkaria

Anomalous zone Alpha - a high-mountainous region near the Chegen River in the Chegen Gorge and the Lateral Range in Kabardino-Balkaria, where there is a large activity of UFO flights. The anomalous zone is located in a volcanic massif composed of granites, mostly strongly weathered. Absolute heights: 3500-3600 m.

On the border of the anomalous zone Alpha is a large crater of an ancient volcano, in which there are 2 small lakes. The area is covered with numerous small glaciers and snowfields, which persist even in summer. Vegetation - stunted, single plants of the upper alpine zone. Typical representatives are saxifrage, mosses, lichens. With regard to the appearances of UFOs, for example, we can list several observations made by qualified specialists:

On September 9, 1988, between 20:00 and 21:00, employees of the SevKavgidromet glaciological expedition observed 5 luminous balls, stretched out in a chain, near the volcanic massif. The distances between the balls were the same. The diameter of each is 2-3 meters.On September 9, 1988, at about 24:00, several vacationers of a high-mountainous camp site saw 5 balls above the volcanic massif, built in two rows - 3 in the upper, 2 in the lower.

On September 6, 1989 from 20.25 to 20.34 in the area of ​​the volcanic massif, an expeditionary group of glaciologists observed and photographed a white luminous ball.On March 27, 1990, at about 24:00, an airship-shaped UFO was observed over the volcanic massif, glowing with a yellow-orange light. The UFO shot down a thin blue beam, then disappeared behind a ridge.

June 3, 1990 at 23.53 above the mountain volcanic massif noticed a dome-shaped glow. The color is bright yellow, with a red border around the edge. The duration of the phenomenon is about 30 minutes.Based on these and other observations, it was decided to conduct a reconnaissance expedition to the alleged anomalous zone. Expedition of the Rostov section for the study of AE of 7 people, including E. Podmogilny, took place in August 1990, the base camp was at an altitude of 3600 m, 4 km from the helicopter landing site of the detachment. In the lines from Podmogilny's report:

At the beginning of the work it was cloudy, windy, then it cleared up. Bright stars shone above the camp. Look closely, with surprise they saw a giant cap above them, similar to a crystal sphere, gleaming from the twinkling of stars. Its dimensions are 0.8-1 km in diameter and about 300 m in height. After 30 minutes, luminous pillars appeared in the area of ​​the crater, reaching for the stars.

Color - silver-blue. In the direction of the crater, a dim silver-flickering glow was observed several times. Attempts to use dowsing in order to identify anomalous zones yielded nothing. The frame rotated in the hands of the operator at a constant speed, without highlighting individual objects. At 03:00, two hundred meters from the tents along the bottom of the valley, lights began to light up: greenish-emerald, sparkling balls with a diameter of no more than 20-30 cm.

Flashed through equal distance: 8-10 m and equal time: 3-5 seconds. When a garland of 20-22 lights lit up, after 15 seconds everything instantly disappeared. Over the next 2 days, the surrounding mountains and spurs were examined, descended into the crater, which in appearance did not look like a volcanic one. Lake water samples were taken.

On the 3rd day, on a wide terrace, located on a ridge strewn with fragments of granite and partly covered with turf, several rounded spots with a diameter of about 5-7 m were found, in which all vegetation died. From one of these spots, 3 dark stripes 70-100 m long and 3-3.5 m wide diverge like a fan. The light granite on these strips was covered with a dark brown coating. These bands did not resemble streams in any way, even temporary ones.Small stones were completely covered with plaque, large ones only from above, the lower part was ordinary light granite. The radiation of burnt granite is 18 microns, light (ordinary) 12 microns.

The expedition ended there. After returning, it turned out that both clean and exposed films that had been in the anomalous zones were partially illuminated. On the unexposed after development, dotted traces of white and black are visible. On another film, in the first frame, taken 1.5 km below the anomalous zone, a white ball is visible, which was not observed visually...

Stony samples taken from the site of the alleged UFO landing in this anomalous zone were presented for research in order to establish the chemical composition of the surface plaque of a black substance on rock samples. The study was carried out by the head of the department of the CSC NILSE, candidate of chemical sciences Bessonov V.V., who has special training in forensic research of materials, substances by a complex of instrumental methods, experience of expert work over 16 years. Research has found...

1) The samples are fragments of irregularly shaped minerals, on a break of yellowish color with shiny inclusions, on the surface they have stratifications of a black substance; the samples taken from the surface were studied in comparison with the samples taken in the mass of the sample (the rock itself).

2) The method of emission spectral analysis shows that the elemental chemical composition of samples with deposits of a black substance is characterized by a pronounced high content of the manganese element.

3) The increased content of manganese on the surface of the rocks may be due to the ingress on them from the outside, the decomposition of various manganese-containing compounds. Many manganese compounds have the properties of oxidizing agents: potassium permanganate; manganese oxides. Of these, two are strong - on contact with them, combustible substances ignite.The mystery of the Alpha zone on the Kumtyube plateau attracted many specialists, however, for financial reasons, many of the planned experiments in this place did not take place. ("UFO Mysteries").

Residents of Kabardino-Balkaria know the secrets of longevity

Living water, secrets of the magnetic field or a unique climate? What saves from diseases and what is a person who has lived for more than a hundred years afraid of?

In the south-west of Kabardino-Balkaria, the village of Eltyubyu knows the secrets of longevity.Her morning starts with a bean divination. Predicts sadness or cheerfulness. Rarely does Zukhra Mirzoyeva go out to neighbors' yards. After the death of her husband, Khamzat died at the age of 116, neither the air nor the mountains of her native Eltyubyu please her. And only great-grandchildren are a joy. They are preparing for the 105th birthday of grandmother Zukhra. And they themselves bring water from the spring, as if from a fairy tale - living and miraculous, the secret of the longevity of the Upper Chegemians.

Zukhra Mirzoyeva says: "This water is gold, it comes from the mountains."Four children, years of eviction and work as a milkmaid from the age of 13. Today, at 105, grandmother Zuhra recalls her youth. And she herself does not believe that she lived to deep gray hair, while maintaining health and strength. She gave birth to the last, youngest son at almost 69 years old.

There was a rumor about the power of an almost mystical place - Upper Chegem. And the truth is, whether from conviction, or from the magic of climate, miracles began: the water did not freeze in the cold, and could stand in the dishes for years without losing its pure spring taste. The professors of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism nevertheless gave a scientific justification for the secrets of these places. The village stands on the site of a natural pyramid of magnetic waves, hence the miracles. 98-year-old Sakinat Teberdiyeva believes in science, but more in the sign of the Almighty.

Sakinat Teberdiyeva says: “I eat bread, I eat cheese. As a child, I got sick 5 times, and that's it. I have never taken a pill in my life. I'm afraid for what? That I will live the same longer. ”Here people believe in the magic of the climate, and scientists of the world defend entire dissertations on the miracle of the Upper Chegem, the object of which is longevity, which has settled in the houses of Eltyubyu. ("S-Kavkaz").

Ancient underground city discovered in Kabardino-Balkaria

We used to think that the main megaliths of the planet are concentrated in Egypt, South America, China. Our dolmens, which are conditionally classified as megalithic structures, look like dwarfs against the backdrop of pyramids and "great walls".But quite recently, a system of mysterious underground structures was discovered in the North Caucasus.

So, in Kabardino-Balkaria, near the village of Zayukovo, mysterious multi-kilometer tunnels were discovered. Researchers suggest that they connected the ancient settlements that existed on our planet thousands of years ago. It is curious that all the tunnels are concentrated around a huge underground structure in the form of an overturned pyramid...

“For many years we have been searching, going to the places of alleged dungeons, listening to the old-timers,” says Vadim Chernobrov, head of the All-Russian public research association Kosmopoisk. - And in the fall of last year, they moved to the place where, according to the stories of the elders, the Old City is located. This is not an allegory, but a literal translation from the local dialect. Old-timers say that it was built by people who lived here before them. Who lived here, what kind of people, no one knows for sure.

The object is located at an altitude of about a kilometer above sea level. The locals showed the researchers one small hole in the mountain. The entrance is very narrow - about 30 centimeters in diameter. The guide told that the local population has a legend: if you climb there, you will find yourself in a huge city where there are squares, streets and houses, but there are no people. Indeed, the search engines got into a vast dungeon, which, gradually expanding, stretches deep into tens, and possibly hundreds of meters.

When the researchers began to examine the area around the manhole, they discovered a wide crevice. Maybe this is the main entrance to the dungeon, because if we assume the very fact of the existence of an underground settlement, it is unlikely that its inhabitants made their way through a narrow gap. Perhaps, going down the manhole, it will be possible to get to the "main street".

Last year, due to the weather, this was not possible, the researchers postponed the descent to the next summer. However, there was a second discovery - not far from the Old City, another manhole was found. Local historians Maria and Viktor Kotlyarov were brought here by climber and speleologist Arthur Zhemukhov, who trained in the mountains and drew attention to a strange depression.

An ancient underground city was discovered in the North Caucasus (Kabardino-Balkaria). Stones are piled on top, bushes grow, and in appearance it is an ordinary hole, which is apparently invisible in the ground. But Arthur noticed that there was a lot of seepage from the hole. This means that there is a large cavity in the ground. He began to expand the hole and got into a huge shaft, which led somewhere into the darkness. One did not dare to climb there, he called a detachment of speleologists. They descended into the mine and realized that there was no end in sight to the dungeon.

“The first thing that caught their eye was that the main walls in the mine are clearly artificial,” says Vadim Chernobrov. - They are made of even stone blocks of approximately the same size as in the Egyptian pyramids, and stacked using similar technologies - one on top of the other. Each weighing 50-100 tons, well processed, although over time chips and cracks appeared.What is this mysterious masonry? There are no traces of concrete or other mortar, as in the Egyptian pyramids. It is not clear how the ancient builders fastened the blocks together, but it is clear that they have been standing for more than one thousand years and even a needle cannot penetrate into the seam.

When the speleologists went deeper into the cave, they found a strange column. It seems to be hanging in the air, but at the same time it is tightly attached to the wall. Apparently, the dungeon has a colossal size, and people managed to explore only a small part of it. Deep they moved 100 meters. And ran into narrow passages.

The fact that the dungeon is not intended for human habitation became obvious to the search engines when they explored the entire accessible part of the cave. It turned out that it is crammed with narrow passages where even a child cannot squeeze through, and tiny holes where a human hand can hardly get through. Each such mini-cavity goes far inland: the light from the flashlights does not reach the bottom. What is this building?

The researchers got the impression that the underground pyramid has a technological, and not a sacred purpose. It looks like some kind of machine, an engineering structure of unknown purpose.“It looks like some kind of resonator, a device for seismological research, exploration, mining, or an energy generator,” says Chernobrov. “It’s impossible to say for sure yet – no analogues have been found in the world.”

Many people think of the analogy with the mysterious cavities inside the Egyptian pyramids, also not intended for the movement of people. In principle, a person cannot get there, but the ancient builders made them to last. These narrow manholes also lead tens of meters deep, but for what and where is a big question. Sometimes they end in rows of doors with handles, behind which are rooms of unknown purpose.

There are plenty of versions about the purpose of the underground passages: a “refrigerator” for storing food, the dwelling of the ancient Aryans, a giant air conditioner, and an air duct. Or, for example, a giant power generator ...There is evidence that during the Second World War, researchers from the SS organization "Ahnenerbe" were seen in these places, which, as you know, were looking for an entrance to Shambhala. It is said that Hitler considered the Caucasus, along with Tibet, "the place of concentration of Power" and "the center of control of the World." And allegedly rushed to the Caucasus just for this reason.

Researchers, of course, pay attention to the fact that the same Old City is located next to the pyramid. And they assume that these two objects are somehow connected.After all, for example, in Turkey, near the village of Derinkuyu, an 8-story city was found underground, designed for permanent and comfortable living of 40-50 thousand people. There are houses, outbuildings, bazaars, shops, water sources, wells and ventilation hatches. In a word, a miracle of engineering technology, which is at least 4 thousand years old.

An ancient underground city has been discovered in the North Caucasus (Kabardino-Balkaria) Now about a dozen underground cities have been excavated in the world, three of them have become tourist sites. At the same time, it is known that some cities have underground communication with each other. These are huge distances - hundreds of kilometers. According to some scientists, the strange hum that scientists have recorded in different parts of the planet is nothing more than air draft in a system of man-made underground utilities located in the depths of the earth.

If this summer it turns out that there really was an underground city under the village of Zayukovo, then the pyramid can be considered a kind of technical installation that ensures its vital activity. And then the "Zayukov miracle" will be the largest man-made prehistoric structure on the territory of modern Russia. ("Hidden").

Cave with swastika found in Kabardino-Balkaria

Local historians discovered in the mountains of the Baksan region a mysterious mine 80 meters deep with many passages. Scholars have differed about its origins. Some believe that the cave is man-made, others believe that it is the result of natural processes. Images of swastikas found in the mine add even more mystery to the find.

In the autumn mist, finding the way to the cave was not easy. Even the pioneers who discovered these mysterious voids and accompanied journalists to an unusual find had to stray. Standing nearby, without a hint, you will not find a fault in the rock.Clearly outlined, as if from under a stone cutter, the entrance, strictly vertical walls. At regular intervals, vertical moves replace horizontal ones. The descent is only for professionals. The pictures show nothing more than a man-made mine, claims its pioneer Artur Zhemukhov.

“There are no analogues to this mine, there is no water in it, the humidity appeared when I opened the shutter stone…” he says.According to Arthur, strange signs indicated the way to this find. They were found on massive boulders clearly oriented to the cardinal points. The fascist swastika was supplemented with a calendar date. The location of the stones raised many questions from local historians and local historians.

“When we drew parallels with Elbrus, we found seven more such signs, the last one in Tyzyl. These crosses were supposed to mean something,” says researcher Viktor Kotlyarov.The historian Kotlyarov claims that in the mountains of Kabardino-Balkaria, where in the autumn of 1942 the Nazis broke through the front, advancing on Nalchik, traces of a special Nazi unit were found. Perhaps the purpose of his search could be a strange cave. However, geologists do not consider an open cavity in the mountains unusual.

“Most likely, this is a natural phenomenon. In these rocks of volcanic origin, so-called rocky and horizontal separations are quite common,” explains Albert Emkuzhev, head of the subsoil use department for the KBR.

“The find in the Baksan Gorge is interesting,” says Emkuzhev, looking at photographs from the site. “It is possible that the natural cavity was used by ancient people.” For a substantive conversation, there is still frankly little information from the site, geologists say.The discoverers of the cave this year, before the onset of cold weather, intend to conduct more thorough research here - that is, we are talking about a serious expedition of specialists. Negotiations on this topic are already underway.

According to the researchers, the found cave has no analogues among such complexes - apparently, it is man-made. The shaft leading to the top of the mountain is two solid stone slabs, set in parallel, with sidewalls laid with neat small stones. Then there are several more shafts leading to a huge 36-meter underground hall. One of its walls and vault are carefully polished.

The mine found by the Kotlyarovs is considered to be a ventilation shaft - this is evidenced by its narrowness and a constant influx of fresh air. Geologists, including foreign ones, are inclined to the version of its artificial origin - due to the rectangularity of the blocks, the presence of mortar in the joints between them, and the absence of oblique cracks characteristic of tuff.“In this case, thousands of years ago, during the construction of this amazing object, technologies unknown to us were used for processing, delivering and installing stone blocks,” Viktor Kotlyarov believes.

The researchers intend to continue to study the find and hope that the construction of resorts in the region will raise interest in the discovery of both scientists and tourists. According to the project of the North Caucasus Tourism Cluster, in 2011-2020, five new world-class ski resorts are being built in southern Russia, including Elbrus-Bezengi in Kabardino-Balkaria.("News").

"Places of Power": Blue Lakes

There are a lot of stories of the origin of this fantastic lake, and one is more amazing than the other. Here is a huge dragon shot down by archers that broke through the ground, and tears of love that flooded the deepest wells, and much more. But the reliable fact remains that the Blue Lake or Tserik-Kel is one of the deepest lakes in the world, where not only legends and their mystical heroes live, but also divers. You will learn below about why divers from all over the world are so attracted by the waters of the Blue Lake and what Jacques-Yves Cousteau has to do with it.

In fact, here, in the valley of the Cherek-Balkarsky River, 30 km south of Nalchik, there are five karst lakes at once, and this entire ensemble is called the Blue Lakes. For example, to the east of Tserik-Kel is Lake Kel-Ketchkhen, the depth of which(177 meters) is also capable of inspiring fear, but still falls short of the mysterious champion. But the depth of the Upper Blue Lake is exactly ten times less than Lake Tserik-Kel, but let's return to our giant, known far beyond the Caucasus.

If we discard the emotions, legends and fantasies that have enveloped the Blue Lake, this natural monument will not lose its attractiveness at all. The world's second deepest karst spring has the shape of a shaft with sheer walls. On the surface, Blue Lake is 235 meters long and 130 meters wide.

In depth, the Tserik-Kel mine went underground for 258 meters, but its extended upper part has sections with a depth of 0 to 40 meters. The crystal clear water of the lake has a constant year-round temperature of 9 degrees, and the visibility under water reaches 20-40 meters!

The first mention of the lake in the works of scientists appeared in the 19th century, and as for diving, the real discovery of the Blue Lake took place only at the end of the 20th century. Among the pioneers who dared to plunge into the abyss of Tserik-Kel is Muscovite Roman Prokhorov, who, out of sheer enthusiasm, reached a depth of 70 meters here in 1982.

For comparison: they usually cite the story of Cousteau diving into the Vaucluse karst well in France. At the first attempt, the French diver reached only 46 meters, which, apparently, marked the beginning of the legend of how Cousteau could not dive to the bottom of the Blue Lake.One way or another, after a series of successful expeditions by Roman and his partner Igor Galayd and negotiations with the local administration, the Blue Lake research underwater center appeared on the shores of Lake Tserik-Kel.

Today, on the basis of the complex, you can make an introductory dive, take courses and get the appropriate certificate, or explore the depths yourself if you already have the necessary skills and documents confirming them. The modernization of the center is in full swing, and at the moment the complex already has two tiers, equipped with equipment preparation and storage rooms, showers, a pressure chamber, and other elements necessary for diving.

The mystery of the Blue Lake in Kabardino-Balkaria - one of the deepest in Europe - has remained unsolved. Accurate data on the depth of the lake does not exist, and unmanned underwater vehicles were able to descend only to a depth of 365 meters. Scientists understand how it formed and what's down there.The last time Blue Lake was explored was in the 1920s. It is known that its level can change several times a day. For what reason - scientists still do not know. The blue lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria are located in the Cherek Gorge. There are 5 lakes in total. All of them have a karst nature of education.

Lower Blue Lake is the most interesting and unique. It is located at around 809 meters above sea level. It has a total water surface area of ​​just over two hectares, and its depth is 386 meters. But there are suggestions that the depth of the lake is much greater, because no one has yet reached its bottom. In terms of its depth, this lake ranks third in Russia after Teletskoye in Altai and Baikal. The uniqueness of the lake also lies in the fact that not a single river flows into it, and about 70 million liters of water flows out per day.

Tserik-Kel - this is how the locals call this lake, which in translation means like a rotten lake. There is a legend among the local population about the origin of this lake. Once on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria lived the fearless hero Bataraz, who defeated the evil dragon in a duel. And when the dragon collapsed, a hole formed in the mountains, which was filled with water. The dragon to this day lies at the bottom of this lake and sheds tears, thereby filling the lake with water and an unpleasant odor.

Directly from the water's edge, you can see sheer walls that go into the depths, and from what you see, you get the impression that this is a huge well. Depending on the time of day and weather, the shades of water are constantly changing and have different colors. The water temperature in the lake in winter and summer is the same +9.3, so the lake never freezes.Upper Blue Lakes are 2 lakes, Eastern and Western. Also, these lakes are called Communicating. A dam has been built between them, and water from the East Lake flows into the West. The East Lake is larger and deeper than the West. There are fish in these lakes.

The secret lake is located near the Upper Blue Lakes. And it is named so because it is located in a deep karst funnel, overgrown with a dense beech forest.A dry lake, or it is also called the missing one, was formed in a large karst failure with sheer walls reaching a depth of up to 180 meters. Previously, this failure was completely filled with water, but as a result of the shuddering of the mountains, the lake disappeared and remained only at the bottom of the canyon.

There is a version that after the mountains shuddered, a new failure formed below, and the water from this lake flowed into a new lake, which is now called the Lower Blue Lake. There are also suggestions that all the upper lakes have underground connections between them. ("Anomalous news from around the world").

Previously unknown dolmens of Kabardino-Balkaria

Cooperation between the Kabardino-Balkarian State University and the State Hermitage continues. During a meeting with students and university staff, Yulia Marchenko, Assistant Director General of the Hermitage, spoke about the preliminary results of the work of the North Caucasian archaeological expedition, which was attended by museum researchers and students of the Institute of History, Philology and Mass Media of the KBSU (direction "History").

In August-September of this year, the expedition took place within the framework of a cooperation agreement concluded in St. Petersburg in March 2016 by Rector of the KBSU Yuri Altudov and General Director of the State Hermitage Museum Mikhail Piotrovsky. The main goal, which is defined in the document, is the revival of the archaeological school at KBSU, the only Russian university with which such an agreement has been signed.

Yulia Marchenko said that archaeological research was carried out in the village of Lechinkay, Chegemsky district, where a dolmen was discovered - an ancient burial, cult structure built of large stones.

“The uniqueness of this find lies in the fact that no dolmens have been found on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria before,” the Hermitage specialist noted.

Excavations were also carried out in the village of Nizhny Kurkuzhin, Baksansky District, where mounds were discovered that were previously unknown and were not registered with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

- We were pleased to work with the Kabardino-Balkarian State University, - Yu. Marchenko commented. – Many thanks to the students who took part in these excavations. We have done more than we thought, let's hope that next year we will continue our work.

He expressed his hope for the development of cooperation with the State HermitageY. Altudov. He called the first stage of joint work the beginning of a long journey.

The students asked the leadership of KBSU and a representative of the Hermitage if they could take internships in the Northern capital, to which they received a positive response.“The agreement provides for cooperation in key areas of activity (educational, scientific, outreach), as well as any forms of cooperation and activities that will benefit KBSU and the State Hermitage,” assured Artur Kazharov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KBSU. - In the famous museum complex, it is planned to conduct internships for students, graduate students and teachers of KBSU. (Vladimir Andreev).


The most mystical sights of the North Caucasus

Lake Proval

This natural monument at the foot of Mashuk has long attracted a lot of researchers and ordinary people. The tunnel to the underground lake was laid later. At first they could be admired through the collapsed vaults of the cave. Somewhere far below you could see a spot of a blue-marble hydrogen sulfide lake. Walks to the Proval were a favorite pastime of the first holidaymakers. In “Princess Mary,” Mikhail Lermontov wrote: “In the evening, a large society went on foot to Proval. According to local scientists, this failure is nothing more than an extinct crater; it is located on the slope of Mashuk, a verst from the city. A narrow path between bushes and rocks leads to it.


Among the first inhabitants of these places there were legends that a terrible fire-breathing snake lived in the lake, which flew out at night and ate people. The lake had a bad reputation. It happened that the bodies of the dead were thrown into it from above. Later, scientists proved that the hydrogen sulfide water of Proval is saturated with beneficial bacteria. And therefore, at the end of the 19th century, a small stone font was made here, which was called the Shameless Baths. And now many take them even in winter, because they believe that after several procedures, you can be cured of all diseases.

Location: at the foot of Mount Mashuk. We go by bus number 1 from the railway station of Pyatigorsk to the stop "Proval".

Elsa's cottage

It was built at the beginning of the 20th century in pseudo-Romanesque style and resembled a medieval castle used as a hotel for vacationers. Its owner Elizaveta Gukasova, daughter of a German merchant and wife of the famous confectioner Alexander Gukasov, rented out furnished rooms on Brat'ev Bernadazzi Street, and her husband opened a restaurant and a coffee shop there. The couple was doing well, but the building had to be rented. Therefore, in 1903 they bought a plot on the outskirts of Pyatigorsk and built a luxurious cottage with a large number of rooms. The country hotel was given the romantic name "Elza". Comfortable rooms in it opened two years later. After the revolution, the building was nationalized and a sanatorium building was opened in it.


Now the building of Dacha Elsa is in a deplorable state. According to one of the popular versions, the ghost of Elizaveta Gukasova herself lives in the mansion, whom the Bolsheviks allegedly shot and walled up in the walls of the building. And now the rebellious spirit of the unfortunate Elsa, who, by the way, divorced her husband even before the revolution, wanders through the dilapidated rooms. Some visitors to the dacha are sure that the ghost of the lady is not at all kind, but with a heavy, evil character. She does not like to be disturbed out of curiosity, but if she feels that talent has come to her, she helps to open up, however, with an ominous, mystical tinge.

Location: Pyatigorsk, Lermontov St., 15. We get from the Pyatigorsk railway station to the Flower Garden by trams No. 1, 3, 5 and go towards the Academic Gallery.

Rome Mountain HISTORY

It is located near Kislovodsk in the valley of the Podkumok River. Archaeologists have found more than 150 catacomb burials near the slope of Rim-Mountain with numerous household items, jewelry, and weapons. It is believed that the catacombs belonged to the Romans. The locals called the mountain Rim-kale, that is, the fortress of the Rums, or Eastern Romans. It is believed that an ancient trade route ran here. And according to one of the legends, a detachment of Roman soldiers hid in the fortress, who died in battle with the locals. Later, archaeologists partly confirmed the assumptions. They established that in the 10th-12th centuries there was a trading town with an impregnable fortress in the Podkumka valley. And in the catacombs, where the Romans buried their own, scientists found arrows, spears, jewelry, dishes.


You can look at the archaeological values ​​​​in the Kislovodsk museum-fortress. They say that if you are lucky, during the tour you can find a fragment of ancient ceramics or the remains of weapons.

Location: 18 km west of Kislovodsk. You can get there by car.

Second entrance to Shambhala


Speleologists told the well-known local historian Viktor Kotlyarov about an interesting cave. On the plates that crowned it, they found a German swastika.

The entrance to the underground mine is carefully laid out from huge side slabs. It continues to a depth of several tens of meters and is lined with massive stone blocks, Viktor Kotlyarov told KP. - This is a shaft with a length of about 80 meters from several knees with transition chambers from one to another. The first of them, going outside, is two solid stone slabs, set in parallel, with sides laid with neat small stones measuring 134 by 43 cm, so that not everyone can squeeze through.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the mine is partly man-made. Researchers continue to study it. It is quite possible that, having passed through another narrow passage, they will stumble upon a large cave with interesting artifacts, and maybe the entrance to a parallel world.


According to esotericists, the entrance to the other world, where you can acquire the properties of a superman, is located in Tibet. But there are others.

For example, not far from Elbrus - the sacred mountain of the Aryans. In the Northern Elbrus region there is a plateau, which is popularly called the "German airfield". Some researchers believe that the Germans found on Elbrus a mysterious mystical place with high energy, prayed from ancient times, and set up an occult laboratory there. Tibetan lamas were brought there for meditation in order to comprehend, and possibly change the future.

The North Caucasus is a graphic and mystical point where the beginning and the end of present-day humanity are united. The meeting point of positive and negative forces, the axis of the world, - says Viktor Kotlyarov. - It is quite obvious that Hitler perceived the achievement of the summit of Elbrus as a harbinger of the last battle between the forces of good and evil.

Location: Baksansky district of Kabardino-Balkaria.

City of dead


One of the most mysterious archaeological sites, which is located in North Ossetia near the village of Dargavs, in the valley of the Midagrabindon River. The burial complex consists of 99 above-ground crypts.

Scientists attribute it to the XIV - XVIII centuries. It was then that family tombs for collective burials were built in North Ossetia. The tradition of burial in such structures among the Ossetians was associated with the cult of ancestors, who were buried in full attire, with small household items. The deceased were laid on special wooden beds or in wooden boats. Scientists are still arguing where such a tradition came from in the mountains. From Mount Rabinyrag, where the City of the Dead is located, you can admire the peaks around. The monument is located in a very beautiful place.


Ossetians are sure that the souls of their ancestors are immortal and there is a constant connection with the dead. Visiting a mystical place affects everyone differently. Someone says that there you can see a ghost dressed as a prince. Someone after visiting sees prophetic dreams. The main thing is to come to the tombs with pure thoughts and behave calmly and judiciously.

Location: in the Prigorodny district of North Oestia - Alanya, not far from the village of Dargavs. A bus runs daily to the village from the central station of Vladikavkaz, located near the central market.

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