Products after removal of the gall. Diet after gallbladder surgery: menu, recipes. Menu for every day

After any surgical intervention on the abdominal organs, nutrition correction is required. Removal of the gallbladder is an operation, after which it is necessary not only to slightly change the menu for a while or apply a diet. There is a need to reconsider the very attitude to food, to change the concept of nutrition. This is the case when the well-being of the entire digestive system directly depends on the correct menu and the distribution of portions throughout the day.

Important! It is a well-organized diet in the vast majority of cases that adapts the gastrointestinal tract to work in new conditions, helps to develop new digestive reflexes.

Nutrition Basics

Recovery after gallbladder surgery is based on several fundamental postulates:

  1. Eating mode. From now on, and forever, the number of meals during the day is increasing. Food passes through approximately equal intervals of time 5 - 8 times a day. The purpose of this innovation is to stimulate the excretion of bile into the duodenum, to prevent stagnation in the ducts and their blockage. Each meal reflexively turns on the peristalsis of these pathways, and the flow of nutrient masses into the intestine opens the sphincter at the border of the bile duct and duodenum.
  2. The amount of food. It is very important to eat according to the norm of products for the day, not to exceed it. With frequent meals, the portion size must be reduced. On average, for one meal, the energy value of the absorbed products is 200 - 300 Kcal. Exceeding these figures will inevitably lead to weight gain. This is fraught with an increase in the load on the digestive organs and the cardiovascular system.
  3. Quality composition of food. The diet after removal of the gallbladder provides a menu with a ban or restriction on the intake of certain foods (fatty, salty, spicy, canned, unnatural). The cooking process undergoes great changes: preference is given to boiling and stewing, steaming, and frying and smoking are excluded.

Restrictions in the widest range are shown in the first days after removal of the gallbladder. Over time, the menu expands, the food becomes varied and brings pleasure again.

Stationary rehabilitation period

At this stage, the nutrition of the operated patient is closely monitored by medical workers. Therefore, violations are rare. For the primary healing of internal sutures, minimal activity in the gastrointestinal tract is required, therefore, food is not allowed on the first day. Wetting of the mucous membranes with liquid in the first hours, rinsing the mouth, starting from the 7th hour after removal of the gallbladder, and then drinking (after 12 hours) in small doses is shown.

The diet after the removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy, which is used in most operations, provides for a quick restoration of activity, and hence the need for nutrition.

From the second day on the patient's menu, small portions of mushy food. It can be liquid cereals on water or mashed potatoes without milk and butter, oatmeal or berry jelly (non-acidic), mashed boiled vegetables. The diet in the hospital is strict, it is the basis of successful rehabilitation.

outpatient period

The diet during this period passes under the control of the patient himself. The doctor only gives recommendations on what to eat after removal of the gallbladder at this stage, but cannot monitor the cooking process, quality, or frequency. Meanwhile, the convalescent menu is undergoing changes in the direction of increasing diversity.


At this time, it is already possible to include fermented milk products of low fat content, skimmed milk in the menu. Minced meat (without fat) is gradually introduced. They start with poultry: skin with subcutaneous fat is removed from the carcass of a chicken or turkey, and then their meat becomes dietary. Then veal, lean pork and beef are added.

A very good product for the diet is horse meat - fat, even hidden in it, is practically absent, taste indicators are high. This is an excellent source of complete protein, but is rarely found on the market.

Other types of meat are also acceptable provided that the fatty layers are removed: rabbit, lamb, elk, venison, game after soaking. The use of offal during the diet is limited to the liver (after careful excision of connective tissue and fat). Brains are forbidden to eat because of the high content of lipids.

Fish at the outpatient stage of the diet is allowed low-fat. Cod breeds are preferred: cod, haddock, blue whiting, pollock, pike perch.


The consumption of bread is limited to 100 grams per day. It is recommended to eat dried or in the form of crackers. The composition of the bread should not yet contain bran and yeast.

Vegetables in the outpatient period are consumed well-cooked to avoid a rough effect on the digestive tract.

Sweets on the menu after removal of the gallbladder are limited, but not prohibited: sugar or honey is added to tea. Chocolate is strictly forbidden after the operation, at the outpatient stage of the diet, even black (cocoa).


Lipids should not be completely excluded from the menu: some vitamins simply cannot be absorbed by the body without them. Preference is given to vegetable fats. It is not necessary to use necessarily expensive olive oil - not everyone likes its taste. It is quite possible to use sunflower or any other habitual. The main thing is that the product is of good quality. The use of a small amount of vegetable oil in the diet as a dressing for vegetables after the removal of the gallbladder will only benefit.

The source of animal lipids are dairy products, even those with reduced fat content.

Table 1: Sample Weekly Early Outpatient Diet Menu After Gallbladder Removal Surgery

breakfastoatmeal porridge on the water, tea with one teaspoon of honey, biscuits such as biscuits
snackbaked apple
dinnervegetarian cabbage soup, mashed potatoes, chopped steamed beef cutlet, dried fruit compote
snackfat-free cottage cheese, rosehip broth
dinnerstewed vegetables, boiled chicken meat, kissel
before bedtimenatural yogurt
breakfastprotein omelet from 2 eggs, coffee with skimmed milk, cracker
dinnervermicelli soup on a weak meat broth, meatballs, zucchini puree, compote
snacklow fat cheese sandwich, sweet tea
dinnerboiled cod with vegetables
before bedtimeacidophilus with honey
breakfastbarley porridge with skimmed milk, coffee substitute for chicory with sugar, dry biscuits
snackfruit jelly
dinnerBorscht in a weak broth, stewed beef with cauliflower, compote
snackherbal decoction, croutons
dinnerSteam blue whiting cutlets with mashed potatoes, vegetable juice
before bedtimeCottage cheese with honey, diluted fruit juice
breakfastvermicelli with cheese and carrots, green tea, biscuits
snackbaked fruit platter
dinnercauliflower soup in meat broth, rabbit with buckwheat garnish, compote
snackrosehip broth, cheese sandwich
dinnerSweet pepper stuffed with meat, egg and rice, fruit juice 50%
before bedtimefermented baked milk
breakfastBarley porridge with skimmed milk, black tea with honey
dinnerRice soup with skimmed milk, meatballs with vegetable garnish, compote
snackkefir with honey, biscuits
dinnerCottage cheese casserole, tea
before bedtimeMint decoction, cracker
breakfastBuckwheat porridge with egg, coffee with skimmed milk
snackbaked pear
dinnerSoup in a weak bone broth with vegetables, naval pasta, compote
snackCottage cheese with honey, tea
dinnerBoiled catfish without skin, mashed potatoes, herbal decoction
before bedtimenatural yoghurt with jam
breakfastCheese sandwich, fat-free cottage cheese, black tea with honey
snack50% fruit juice, biscuits
dinnerPumpkin puree with low-fat sour cream, steamed semolina meatballs, compote
snackfruit yogurt
dinnerChopped turkey meat with stewed vegetables, green tea
before bedtimeHerbal decoction, biscuits

After rehabilitation

Later life will give health and new gastronomic possibilities of the diet. In the first six months, there is an almost complete adaptation of the body to life without a gallbladder. During this time, an algorithm for reflex peristalsis and bile promotion is created. The ducts are formed in the right size and no longer expand.

At the recovery stage, rare exceptions to the rules of the diet are possible - testing the body for the intake of certain products. According to the reaction of the body, the question of introducing a dish to the menu or exclusion is decided.

Important! The first dose of any product is carried out in a minimal amount - literally a teaspoon. Then a violent reaction is unlikely. The increase in portions is carried out slowly.

The most important thing during this period is the observance of the diet. With apparent well-being, long periods of time between meals can result in a gastrointestinal upset, and even an attack of hepatic colic. By this time, fractional nutrition is no longer perceived as an inconvenience or part of the diet - it becomes an element of a lifestyle. The body functions in the established mode, the person feels healthy.

Table 2: Foods for the diet after gallbladder removal, depending on the period after the operation

Product\period1 - 1.5 monthsup to 6 – 12 monthsfrom year
cerealscrushed, crushed, well-boiled in the form of porridges and decoctionsPorridge liquid and viscousPorridges and crumbly side dishes
potatoliquid pureeboiled and mashedboiled and baked
vegetablesthermally processed and mashedStewed finely chopped, occasionally naturalIn any form, except fried (only in exceptional cases)
fruitin the form of puree after bakinggrated naturalIn any form (except for sour varieties - you need to sweeten)
meatlow-fat, chopped, boiled, diluted or secondary brothLow-fat finely chopped boiled or stewedBaked without fat in foil, stewed or boiled in pieces
fishlean varieties, chopped, boiled, broth is prohibited, salted and smoked is prohibitedboiled, stewed, poached in chunks, with brothoccasionally fatty varieties are allowed, freshly salted
dairyNot allowed: butter, sour cream, hard and processed cheeseAllowed: hard cheese with low fat content, cottage cheese, sometimes sour cream as an additive to dishes (low fat content), sour-milk drinks, skimmed milkAll products with a low fat content can be
spices and flavoringsyou can salt in a small amountparsley, dill, mint are allowed as an additive to hot dishes, garlic only in boiled form,
hot peppers and mustard are not recommended
introduced into the diet in minimal amounts
beveragesstill water, fruit juices half diluted with water, teaherbal decoctions, sometimes natural juices, weak coffee with milk (low fat)As an exception - weak alcoholic drinks (rarely and a little)
sweetsallowed: honey and sugar in small doses, dried fruits;

prohibited: sweet pastries, cakes, chocolate, cocoa

Thus, nutrition after removal of the gallbladder becomes the subject of close attention of the person who has undergone surgery. With the correct organization of the diet, a cautious approach and an analysis of the reactions of the body, by the end of the first year, there are few restrictions.

All the restrictions of the first periods bring the body to a state of practical health, become part of the way of life. This is the path to recovery.

Useful video: Dietary nutrition after cholecystectomy

Diet after removal of the gallbladder is an important part of the rehabilitation process, necessary for the adaptation of the digestive system to new functioning conditions. Any surgical intervention is a serious stress for the body. However, removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is not a disaster. After the operation, the patient can lead a long full life, observing a special diet.

Why is a cholecystectomy performed?

The gallbladder is an important organ necessary for normal digestion. It is a kind of reservoir in which bile accumulates (accumulates). Then the bile secretion, as needed, enters the duodenum and participates in the process of digestion of food and the absorption of instant vitamins and fats.

Diseases of the gallbladder (cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholangitis) lead to the fact that the organ gradually loses its functions. poses a serious threat to health, as there is a risk of purulent inflammation and the development of peritonitis. A serious condition requiring immediate surgical intervention also occurs when the bile duct is blocked by a stone.

Removal of the gallbladder helps to avoid serious health consequences. Today, abdominal operations are practically not performed, resorting to the laparoscopy method, when the affected organ is removed through a small puncture in the abdominal cavity. This helps to minimize postoperative complications and significantly shorten the rehabilitation period.

The life of a person with a removed gallbladder is absolutely full and differs from the life of an ordinary person only in that after the operation, you will have to adhere to a certain diet, since the removal of an important organ changes the very scheme of digestion. This means that the diet after cholecystectomy must be strictly observed, without it the patient's remission is impossible. It should become a part of life, but in no case should it be perceived as a kind of sentence or a state of inferiority.

A strict diet must be observed only for a certain period (immediately after the operation). Over time, the functions of the gallbladder are taken over by the common bile duct and intrahepatic ducts, and after about a year a person can switch to a normal diet with few restrictions.

What happens after the operation?

After surgery to remove the gallbladder, the liver continues to produce bile, but the reservoir in which it is stored is gone. Therefore, the load falls on the bile ducts. Of course, they do not perform the functions of a remote organ, but only direct bile from the liver to the digestive system. Since the produced bile has nowhere to accumulate, its concentration decreases and it enters the intestine constantly, in a “diluted” form and in large volume.

Such a change can be fraught with inflammation of the bile ducts and duodenum. In addition, since bile has nowhere to concentrate, the amount of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats is much lower in it. This point must be taken into account by the diet after the operation to remove the gallbladder.

How to eat right after surgery?

For people living with a removed gallbladder, two rules in nutrition should become an axiom:

  • you need to eat often and little by little, so that the bile in the intestine does not stagnate, but is immediately consumed;
  • food should not be heavy and fatty, so that a low level of bile concentration is enough for its splitting and assimilation.

As for the power supply scheme itself, it depends on two factors:

  • from the time elapsed since the day of the operation;
  • from the way the cholecystectomy was performed.
Diet after laparoscopy

This method of organ removal is the most modern and least traumatic. The patient, as a rule, is discharged already on the 3rd day after the operation, but the diet after removal of the gallbladder by laparoscopy implies the same restrictions as with conventional surgery.

On the first day after the operation, you can not only eat, but also drink water. You can only moisten your lips with a damp cloth or rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions. Then, gradually, the patient is allowed to drink a little (broth of wild rose, boiled water) and after three days they gradually begin to introduce allowed foods into the diet. Then the patient must follow a strict 5a diet and stick to fractional meals. That is, eat often and little by little (5-6 times a day) at the same hours. The basic principles of the diet after removal of the gallbladder:

  • The most gentle. This means that all dishes are served mashed, boiled, which facilitates the process of digestion.
  • Heat treatment. Dishes are steamed, boiled, stewed or baked. Such a cooking method as frying is completely excluded. All dishes should be subjected to heat treatment, heavy foods, vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber are excluded.

What foods are banned?

Recipes for a diet after removal of the gallbladder are different and varied, a nutritionist will always help develop and select the best menu option for every day. Therefore, you should not get too hung up on the list of dishes, but you need to remember which foods should be permanently excluded from the diet:

  • spices, spices;
  • radish;
  • garlic;
  • radish;
  • mushrooms;
  • fat meat;
  • salo;
  • beef, lamb and duck fats;
  • smoked and semi-smoked sausages:
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • confectionery (cakes, pastries), sweets;
  • sweet pastries;
  • peas, beans;
  • ice cream;
  • aspics, jellied dishes;
  • instant noodles;
  • the whole range of fast food;
  • pickled and canned vegetables;
  • fish caviar;
  • meat of ducks, geese, game and hunting products, for example, meat of elk, bear, etc.;
  • complete ban on alcohol.

As for other restrictions, in addition to the method of processing food, its temperature is also important, it should not be hot or cold, that is, dishes should be served warm.

First week without a gallbladder

The most severe and psychologically difficult moments of dietary and lifestyle restrictions are the diet after gallbladder removal in the first days after surgery. It includes an eight-day adaptation of a person to new processes of physiology:

  • First day. During the day after the completion of the operation, a complete ban on food intake, including drinking. In fact, this is not as scary as it seems, because, most of this time, the patient sleeps.
  • Second day. You can drink warm boiled water, a decoction of wild rose and dried fruits without sugar (no more than 150 ml at a time).
  • Third day. Pumpkin, carrot or beet juice is added, half diluted with water, fat-free kefir, unsweetened and weak tea.
  • Fourth day. You can gradually include in the diet liquid vegetable purees, mashed vegetarian soups. At one time, the amount of food should not be more than 100 grams, and you need to eat 8-10 times a day.
  • Fifth day. Wheat bread of yesterday's baking, biscuits, boiled mashed vegetables, low-fat steam fish are added to the diet.
  • Sixth day. You can enter porridge, oatmeal, millet, buckwheat into the menu. Porridge should be well boiled in water and rubbed.
  • Seventh day. You can start eating all low-fat fermented milk products and fruit and vegetable purees (baby food), minced chicken meat products (steam dumplings, cutlets, soufflés).
  • Eighth day. Portions are gradually increased, but not more than 200 grams per meal, and the number of meals per day is reduced to 6-8.

As a rule, a week after the completion of the operation, a complete examination is carried out, according to the results of which the doctors recommend further nutrition. In health care, since Soviet times, the so-called numbered diet sheets have remained, which fully took into account the specifics of the disease and were intended as a reminder for the patient. The most recommended and universal for patients with removed gallbladder is "Diet No. 5".

Table 5 - diet after gallbladder removal

At first glance, it may seem that diet 5 after gallbladder removal is very strict and meager. However, it is not. If you have the desire and time, you can significantly diversify the menu and discover many healthy and tasty dishes. Here is a sample menu for the week, which you can take into service.


(split into two doses)

Dinnerafternoon tea

(split into two doses)


(split into two doses as desired or as needed)


Piece of steam fish with vegetables

Vegetable salad of steamed vegetables with cheese

Milk cream soup


Biscuits with honey

Cereal casserole
Tuevegetable puree

Steam chicken meatballs

Pureed vegetable soup with fish

Potato fritters

Curds with jam

Dried fruits

Stewed vegetable stew

Steam fish and cheese sandwich

WedProtein omelet or souffléBeetroot diet

Steam meatballs with pumpkin sauce


puffed rice

cottage cheese pudding

fruit soufflé

ThuBoiled vegetable saladFruit soup with chicken

Curds with raisins


Warm sandwiches with cranberries and cheese

Steam zucchini

Warm Brussels Sprouts Salad

Fripumpkin juice

Cheese sandwiches

Potato soup with broccoli

Meatballs or fish meatballs

MousseStewed carrots with chicken

Semolina casserole

Satboiled eggs

Steam vegetables

Cabbage cream soup with minced meat

Boiled or steamed turnips with honey

Buckwheat cakes

Tea with berries

Cottage cheese pudding with banana

curdled milk

SunSteamed carrot and beet patties

Boiled chicken breast

Cereal soup

Braised cabbage with meat

YogurtSour cream

Meatballs or hedgehogs with mashed potatoes

Diet for a week after removal of the gallbladder may well be varied, tasty and inexpensive. At the same time, one should not forget that the size of a single serving should not exceed 250 grams, and food should be taken every 2-3 hours.

If the cholecystectomy was successful, and the recovery process goes without complications, then it is necessary to adhere to a similar diet after removal of the gallbladder and 1 month after the intervention. In the future, after about a year, you can switch to a normal diet, not forgetting only about some restrictions.

Life without a gallbladder

In addition to such an aspect as nutrition, the patient, after removal of the organ, must balance physical activity with his condition and diet. That is, if a person leads an active lifestyle, moves a lot, then more attention should be paid to meat and poultry dishes in his diet, that is, increase the amount of protein in the diet.

If the patient does not experience physical exertion, but at the same time carries intellectual loads, for example, writes articles or works as a teacher, then the emphasis in his menu should be on fish, honey, cereals.

In the case when the operation was performed on an elderly person, nutrition should be as simple and easy to digest as possible, that is, the main emphasis should be on light food - fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products.

In addition, after the operation of cholecystectomy, one should be extremely careful about catering establishments. As a rule, chefs in restaurants focus on the taste of the dish, so even creamy vegetable soup with cheese rarely does without pre-sauteed carrots and onions, various additives and spices. And the use of such a dish is unacceptable in the absence of a gallbladder. Therefore, the choice of ready-made dishes should be treated very carefully. You should also carefully study the composition of the products that you purchase in the store, especially the percentage of fat in dairy products and the acid content in ready-made fruit desserts.

The diet for a week after removal of the gallbladder should be carefully thought out before it becomes a stable habit, and as for cooking for any date or holiday, the oven will always come to the rescue, food from which is absolutely not forbidden after cholecystectomy.

The gallbladder is important, but without it you can perfectly exist. With the right approach, life will continue to please with new colors. And the diet after the removal of the gallbladder will help in the full existence of the diet. What is the essence of such nutrition?

Why is a special diet needed?

Bile is responsible for the digestion of food. The heavier, fatter, calorie-rich it is, the more bile is required. It also participates in the formation of enzymes of various groups. In its natural form, it is stored in a special tank, also known as a bubble. If it is not present, the timely release of bile is disturbed, the work of the gastrointestinal tract becomes more complicated.

What helps the diet after (laparoscopy):

  • normalizes digestion;
  • eliminates nausea;
  • relieves heartburn, unpleasant belching;
  • prevents indigestion, bloating and other symptoms of indigestion;
  • prevents the development of related diseases.

A diet after gallbladder removal helps the body recover faster, without wasting energy reserves on digesting complex foods. Also, a special nutrition system makes it possible to quickly adapt to new living conditions, to avoid unpleasant complications. This is a necessary element of nutrition of a sick person, which requires a detailed study.

Important! An indication for a diet is the presence of stones, sand in the gallbladder, even without its removal. The sooner a person normalizes nutrition, the better for his condition.

Products prohibited by the medical diet

You can not eat fast food, dishes of dubious origin, cooked with a lot of fat, various spices. Regardless of the method of removing the gallbladder, the diet involves the rejection of pickles, smoked meats, and any industrial semi-finished products. Self-cooking from quality products will significantly speed up recovery and help avoid complications.

What can not be on a diet with a removed gallbladder:

  • onions of all kinds, radishes, cabbage, other fermenting cruciferous plants, garlic;
  • fatty meat, poultry with skin, layers of fat;
  • pastries, desserts with cream;
  • peas, beans, other legumes, corn;
  • fresh, salted, baked mushrooms;
  • eggs boiled, fried;
  • berries and fruits, sour vegetables.

Immediately banned on the diet are carbonated drinks, industrial juices, cocktails, any spicy, hot, sour spices. You should not get acquainted with new products during the recovery period after surgery. You can not drink coffee, as well as strong black tea. Reception of herbal decoctions, infusions requires consultation with a doctor.

On a note! If you want tea with lemon, then during the diet you can add zest to a cup. It does not increase the acidity of the whole drink, but gives a bright and rich aroma.

From the first month depends not only recovery, life-long work of the digestive tract. This does not mean that the menu is built from monotonous dishes. The list of allowed food on this diet is extensive, which makes it possible to eat well.

What foods are allowed by the diet after cholecystectomy or surgery:

  • all sweet fruits, vegetables with a slight acidity without coarse fiber;
  • dairy products of all kinds, but low fat content;
  • unsalted cheese up to 2 slices per day;
  • crackers, biscuit cookies (up to 100 g per day), stale bread;
  • cereals of all kinds, barley and millet only after 4 weeks;
  • pasta;
  • low-fat meats;
  • offal (liver, hearts);
  • white fish, seafood;
  • omelets;
  • jam and similar home-made preparations, honey;
  • granulated sugar.

After 1-2 months of following a diet to remove the gallbladder, you can diversify the types of pastries, gradually introduce fresh cabbage. A boiled vegetable is allowed by the fourth week (end of the month).

Important! If a person is overweight, then crackers, stale bread, cereals during the diet should be excluded from the diet.

Other rules

On a diet after removal (laparoscopy) of the gallbladder, it is necessary to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract as much as possible. The easiest way to remove excess fat. Eliminate pork to a minimum, remove all traces of fat, skin, fatty layers from other meat, use clean fillets.

Other Diet Rules:

  • Salt on the diet is limited to 6 g per day, the maximum possible amount is 8 g. It is contained in some products.
  • Water at room temperature. The average daily amount is 1-1.5 liters.
  • The amount of nutrition is important. Bile should be evenly distributed, up to 8 snacks are allowed.
  • Avoid chocolate. It negatively affects the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, provokes irritation, disrupts the synthesis of enzymes.
  • The maximum amount of tea is two cups, only soft drinks are used. Rosehip is not allowed, as it contains a lot of acid. Chicory is possible.
  • Vegetables, fruits are consumed cooked for 3-4 weeks. The exception is bananas, they can be consumed immediately.

Regardless of the type of dish, it should be at room temperature or slightly warmer. Also, do not prescribe vitamins, dietary supplements or digestive enzymes on your own. All supplements must meet the needs of the body, must be selected together with the attending physician.

What mineral water can be drunk during a diet?

Carbonated drinks create an additional burden on the digestive tract, which is unacceptable when dieting. After the operation, you can use any medical table water, but without gases. It is better to give preference to other drinks, homemade compotes, jelly has a positive effect on the digestive tract. But it is important to use sweet berries and fruits during the diet.

Can I drink alcohol, smoke?

Alcoholic beverages are not allowed according to the rules. Smoking is also prohibited. Nicotine affects the composition of bile, it does not cope with the breakdown of fats. In any case, they enter the body even with dietary products. This complicates the work of other internal organs.

How to prepare food for a diet?

Since the first 3-4 weeks of the diet menu consists of processed foods, it is important to learn how to cook them correctly. All types of frying fall under the ban, even in a dry frying pan or grill you can’t cook food.

The main methods of heat treatment:

  • Boiling in water. To improve the taste of dishes, you can introduce vegetables (onions, carrots, parsley root). But not everything can be consumed while on a diet.
  • Steam cooking. The best way to diet. Allows you to get juicy and tasty products with maximum preservation of nutrients.
  • Extinguishing. Allowed on a diet, but without prior frying. You should also pay attention to sauces. It is impossible tomato because of the high acidity, light broths based on vegetables, lean meat are allowed.
  • Cooking in the oven. At the beginning of the diet, it is advisable to cook under foil, in a bag. It is undesirable that the products are covered with a dense crust. Mo remove the browned layer.
  • Cooking in a multicooker. This method combines several types. The device can cook not only in water, but also in steam. It is allowed to stew in a slow cooker, but not to bake. The appliance fries from below, this cannot be done.

The diet after removal of the gallbladder after 1 month can be slightly diversified, for example, grease the product with butter or sour cream, bake until lightly crusted in the oven. You still can't fry. If the dish is burnt, then you need to cut off all the excess.

How long will you have to follow the diet?

No, you don't have to follow a strict diet for the rest of your life. But you will need to accustom your organs to work in full mode. On average, the restoration of internal systems takes a year. With each subsequent month, the diet after removal of the gallbladder (laparoscopy) will be easier to tolerate, nutrition will become a habit.

Closer to the year, prohibited foods are gradually introduced, some new dishes. Naturally, under strict control. It is still impossible to eat a portion of pilaf with lamb, drink lemonade and eat cake. But you can try one dish.

Diet after gallbladder removal: menu for every day

Here is an approximate diet according to the general rules. It is suitable for the first month after surgery. The diet menu after removal of the gallbladder laparoscopy by day does not indicate the size of servings, but for adults the volume should not exceed 300 ml. Six meals a day are given, if desired, you can add 1-2 more snacks, observing breaks between meals for 1.5-2.5 hours.

BreakfastSteam omeletteRice porrigeWheat porridgeOmelette for a coupleBuckwheatPumpkin porridge with semolinaOatmeal
LunchBaked applebaked pearpumpkin pureeSquash caviarBaked applefruit pureeApplesauce
DinnerChicken soup with potatoes, carrotsFish ear with vegetablesSoup-puree from vegetables, a piece of meat or poultryPumpkin soup (recipe below)Buckwheat soup with vegetablesRice soup with meatSoup puree from zucchini and meat
afternoon teaTea, 2 slices of cheeseKissel, biscuit cookiesTea or chicory, toasted bread, a slice of cheeseDried fruit compote, cracker, zucchini caviarCurd casserole, compoteTea, 2 slices of cheese, biscuitsApple compote, a piece of dry biscuit
DinnerSteamed fish cakes, buckwheat porridgeMacaroni with grated cheeseBoiled carrot salad, boiled fishBuckwheat with stewed chicken (recipe below)Macaroni, lean meat cutletPotato stew with beefSpaghetti with seafood and cheese (recipe below)
Second dinnerCurd with jamKefirRyazhenkaA glass of milkA couple of slices of cheese, teaCurd with jamKefir

In the diet after removal of the gallbladder (laparoscopy), bread is not indicated by day, which can be eaten at lunch. Also, this meal consists of one first course, as a fractional system is used. But if you wish, you can add a little porridge to the diet menu, additionally introduce meat or fish.

Diet menu recipes

Dozens of interesting dishes can be prepared from each product. Therefore, you should not worry about restrictions, it is better to take this time with culinary creativity. The menu for a week for a diet after gallbladder removal has different dishes, here are the recipes.

Braised chicken in a jar

A very simple and quick way to cook poultry in your juice. He captivates with the fact that you do not need to follow the process. Nothing burns, does not run away, the dish can be served with any side dishes.


  • chicken;
  • 2-3 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt.

Meal preparation:

  1. Garlic and onions should not be consumed. Therefore, you need to chop large, so that you can easily remove it later.
  2. Cut the bird into portions, remove the skin.
  3. Put the chicken and vegetables in a glass jar, lightly salt the layers. Throw a metal seaming lid on top, but remove the rubber ring (seal).
  4. Put a jar of chicken in a cold oven, turn on 180, simmer for two hours.

In this way, you can cook rabbit, beef, any other (allowed) types of meat. If desired, layer with potatoes, slices of zucchini or pumpkin.

Spaghetti with seafood and cheese

This dish is suitable not only for a diet after removal (laparoscopy) of the gallbladder, but also for the daily table of other family members. Chic and very fast option even for a gala dinner. Spaghetti of any kind, cook according to instructions.


  • 300 g of seafood;
  • 130 ml low-fat cream or milk;
  • 30 g of cheese;
  • salt, dill;
  • 1 tsp flour;
  • spaghetti.

Meal preparation:

  1. If seafood is frozen, then you need to let them thaw. What you need to clean up. Remove the shells, cut the products if necessary.
  2. Put the cream in a saucepan on the stove. Bring to a boil, lower the seafood, boil for two minutes.
  3. Mix flour and 30 ml of water, add to the dish, add a pinch of salt, stir and cook for another minute. It's important not to overdo it.
  4. Remove from heat, add dill. When serving, put spaghetti on a flat dish, pour sauce with seafood, sprinkle with grated cheese.

According to this recipe, you can cook only shrimp or squid, similar dishes with mussels are excellent, but they need to be cooked even less in time.

Pumpkin soup

The first dishes are very tasty and bright, here is an example of this. An amazing pumpkin soup that is quick and easy to cook in half an hour.


  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt;
  • some sour cream and cheese.

Meal preparation:

  1. Cut the vegetables, put them in a saucepan and add enough water to cover the food by 3 cm.
  2. Put on fire, boil vegetables until soft. If time is short, you can pour boiling water over the products. Salt the dish at the end.
  3. Blend vegetables until creamy.
  4. When serving a diet dish, season with low-fat sour cream, you can sprinkle with grated unsalted cheese.

Other mashed diet soups are prepared in a similar way. Often, in addition to vegetables, chicken broth is based along with pieces of poultry. If you grind them, you get a hearty dish.

Holiday menu

Based on the general diet when removing the gallbladder, you can make a menu for any holiday. There are dishes that will take their rightful place on the festive table. No one will guess that they are prepared in a special way. Here are recipes for the main course, meat appetizers and dessert. In the daily menu, they may also be present.

Roast in pots

A variant of a very simple, but tasty and spectacular dish. On the festive table, the roast is served directly in portioned pots. The number of products is arbitrary.


  • beef or other meat;
  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • carrot;
  • sour cream;
  • salt.

Meal preparation:

  1. Cut the beef into cubes of 2 cm, add salt and add a little sour cream, stir. Leave to marinate for two hours.
  2. Clean all vegetables. You can use only potatoes and carrots, exclude the rest of the ingredients. Cut into cubes smaller than meat.
  3. Combine vegetables with meat, salt, stir and arrange in pots, fill almost to the top.
  4. Add 50 ml of water to each serving pot. Top with 0.5 tablespoons of sour cream.
  5. Close, put in a cold oven, turn on the heat to 180 degrees. Forget about the dish for 1.5 hours.

You can open the roast at the end, sprinkle with cheese, let it melt and lightly brown. You will get a truly festive dish.

jellied tongue

An excellent dish for a dietary table. It looks nice, you can interestingly decompose products. It is allowed to add boiled chicken, quail eggs, but a person cannot eat them after removal of the gallbladder.


  • 1 beef tongue;
  • 1 st. l. gelatin;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt, herbs.

Meal preparation:

  1. Soak your tongue. Rinse, place in a saucepan, add onion, carrot and just cook until soft. Take out the carrots as soon as they are cooked. Strain the broth several times, pour 0.5 liters.
  2. Add gelatin to the cooled broth, leave for half an hour.
  3. Cut the peeled tongue into slices, carrots in any pieces, arrange them beautifully in a dish. You can add sprigs of any greens, eggs.
  4. Heat the broth until the gelatin dissolves, salt to taste. Remember that salt is limited on a diet. Strain again to get rid of occasional gelatin clots.
  5. Pour the tongue with warm liquid, put it in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

In a similar way, you can make aspic from fish, chicken or other poultry, meat, rabbit.

Baked apples

A recipe for a healthy and permitted dessert that can be consumed after gallbladder removal. It is easy to prepare for any holiday, not necessarily during a diet. It is advisable to choose small apples with a dense skin, autumn and winter varieties are great.


  • 5 apples;
  • 130 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 pinch of vanilla.

Meal preparation:

  1. Grind honey with cottage cheese and vanilla. You can use sugar, which the diet allows.
  2. Cut off the “lids” of the apples, remove the cores, make neat holes. Do not pierce the opposite side, there should be a bottom.
  3. Fill apples with cottage cheese filling with honey, cover with cut parts.
  4. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. The exact time depends on the size of the apples. Serve chilled.

Yes, but with cinnamon. Apples go great with it.

Important! The article is for informational purposes only. Before following the diet, you should consult with your doctor.

Normally, bile is produced in the liver, enters the gallbladder, accumulates there, becoming more concentrated, and is thrown into the duodenum when eating. After the operation, bile is sent to the intestines directly from the liver, so its concentration is lower - it is only sufficient to digest small portions of food. If a person eats a lot, there is heaviness in the abdomen, nausea.

In addition, the removal of the gallbladder leads to a decrease in the activity of digestive enzymes.

How to avoid?

Save . In the first months after the operation, choose boiled and steamed dishes, preferably pureed. Everything fried, fatty, spicy, salty will have to be temporarily banned, as well as alcohol. This will allow the digestive system to adapt to new conditions. Six months later, the diet can be expanded to include fresh fruits and vegetables (except onions, garlic, radishes, lemons), fish and meat in the menu. After a year and a half - return to the usual diet. But it is better to abstain from hard-melting fats (for example, lamb or lard) and overly spicy dishes all your life.

Chew slowly. The gradual flow of food into the stomach allows you to “wake up” the enzymes and gives the liver time to start working.

Take enzymes. After that, people often need drugs to replace some of the missing enzymes. Contact a specialist and select the right tool.

Danger: new stones

The absence of a gallbladder does not guarantee that a person will never have gallstones again. Either changes in the composition of bile or its stagnation (at) lead to their formation. Alas, the operation does not change the composition of bile. And stagnation can occur again, only now in the bile ducts.

How to avoid?

Eat little and often. Each meal stimulates the secretion of bile, and the more often this happens, the less likely stagnation is. The ideal option is 5-7 times a day. But if a person sits down at the table only 2-3 times a day and his meals are plentiful, bile retention is very likely.

Reduce your cholesterol intake. It is from it that stones are formed. Eat less fatty meat, butter (about 20 g per day is possible), choose low-fat dairy products.

Move. 1.5-2 months after the operation, it is advisable to start walking - daily for 30-40 minutes. Walking prevents stagnation of bile. Swimming works in a similar way: water provides a gentle massage of the abdominal cavity. You can sign up for the pool six months to a year after the removal of the gallbladder. Morning exercises are also useful - you can start it at the same time as you go for walks. But you can strain your abdominal muscles no earlier than a year later.

Danger: gut riot

In some cases, after removal of the gallbladder, people complain of flatulence, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea. The reason for this is the syndrome of excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine.

Concentrated bile from the gallbladder not only promotes better digestion, but also destroys some of the harmful microbes that live in the duodenum. The bactericidal effect of bile from the liver is much weaker. Therefore, microbes do not die and multiply, leading to an imbalance in the microflora.

How to avoid?

Change your diet. Sweets contribute to the development of microbes. Replace them with berries: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries or chokeberries. They have a bactericidal effect - this will maintain the normal state of the microflora. Cinnamon and cloves have the same effect - try to add them in moderation to dishes.

Support microflora. You need probiotics with bifidus and prebiotics - preparations containing dietary fiber, which serves as food for beneficial microflora.

Contact your doctor. To date, there are effective schemes for getting rid of bacterial overgrowth syndrome. They include antibacterial drugs or intestinal antiseptics, which act directly on the microbes inside the gut and are hardly absorbed into the bloodstream. Of course, only a gastroenterologist can choose such funds correctly.

Removal of the gallbladder is prescribed when complications and pathologies appear. Nutrition before and after removal of the gallbladder is the most important condition for the best course of the operation and recovery after it.

Preparing for gallbladder surgery

Gallbladder surgery involves maintaining a diet to reduce liver congestion.

The following adjustments should be made to the daily menu:

  1. Refrain from fried, fatty, spicy foods, marinade and pickles, mushrooms.
  2. Eliminate the use of alcohol.
  3. Separate and multiple meals, at least 5 times a day.
  4. For 2-3 days before the operation, it is recommended to refrain from products that increase gas formation (black bread, legumes, kvass).
  5. On the night before the operation, do not eat or drink anything.

When the operation is over

After the operation, it is required to strictly adhere to the appointments of specialists and adhere to the treatment menu. Violation of prescriptions can cost the patient his life.

Nutrition after surgery, in the first days, is built as follows:

  • The first 4-6 hours liquid is forbidden. It is allowed to wet the lips with water.
  • After 5-6 hours, you can rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions.
  • After 12 hours, it is allowed to drink water without gas in a sip for 15-20 minutes. But a maximum of 500 ml.
  • On the second day, after the operation, fat-free kefir, unsweetened tea, jelly are added. It is allowed to drink no more than half a glass, once every 3 hours.
  • Food is allowed only 3 or 4 days after removal. For those who have had their gallbladder removed, it is allowed to eat liquid grated potatoes, grated soup, egg white scrambled eggs, fruit jelly, a teaspoon of sour cream, grated boiled fish. The serving size is 150-200 gr., You should eat 8 times in 24 hours. Sweet tea juices are allowed.
  • On day 5, it is possible to add biscuits and a maximum of 100 gr. dried bread.
  • On the 6th day, grated oatmeal with buckwheat, chopped and boiled fish and meat, low-fat pasty cottage cheese, vegetable puree, and sour-milk products are added.
  • After 7 days, diet No5 is prescribed. Assessing the indicators, varieties are written out: 5a, 5, 5p, sometimes 5 shch. With the development of extensive inflammation, for 3-4 days the doctor may prescribe a “table” 5c.

The specifics of the diet after removal of the gallbladder

The prescribed regimen is complete, focused on lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood and stabilizing the reproduction of bile. Separate and multiple food is issued.

To reduce bile, add salads with vegetables flavored with oil. In addition, steam dishes are included: meatballs, fish, vegetables, etc. The presence of fat should tend to be reduced.

In order to avoid negative complications, a light diet is observed for a month and a half, then it is replaced by a general one, with a more extensive diet.

Allowed in the diet of the patient

When recovering, you should consume:

  • cereal porridge;
  • boiled, steamed meat. Fish is allowed to be consumed;
  • vegetable, dairy first;
  • with the smallest value, seafood is allowed to be consumed;
  • yesterday's bread;
  • biscuits;
  • boiled, stewed vegetables, in addition to legumes;
  • yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream;
  • tea, jelly, fees, juices.

It is forbidden to use the following

Consumption prohibited:

  • muffins;
  • non-vegetarian soup;
  • fatty meat, smoked meats, pickles;
  • cream, fermented baked milk, fatty cottage cheese;
  • legumes;
  • fried and boiled eggs with yolk;
  • radishes, garlic, radishes, green onions, mushrooms;
  • sour berries and citrus fruits;
  • ice cream;
  • soda, cocoa, coffee, alcohol.

Diet menu after gallbladder surgery

After the operation, you should carefully choose the ingredients. By compiling the menu by week, it will be easier to maintain prescriptions.

Approximate version:

Breakfast: muesli, cheesecake, tea;
Lunch: fat-free cottage cheese, crackers, wild rose collection;
Lunch: beetroot, meat soufflé, compote;
Afternoon snack: fruit jelly;
Dinner: rice porridge, scrambled eggs, sweetened tea.
Kefir for the night.

Breakfast: carrot-apple salad, beef stroganoff, tea;
Lunch: pomegranate;
Lunch: mashed potato soup, stewed cabbage with cod, jelly;
Afternoon snack: biscuits, collection of wild rose;
Dinner: mashed rice, mineral water.

Breakfast: cottage cheese, grated buckwheat, tea;
Lunch: carrot curds with honey, tea;
Lunch: soup, vegetable pudding with chicken;
Afternoon snack: dumplings;
Dinner: tuna with vegetables, grated potatoes, tea;

Breakfast: protein omelette, 2-3 biscuits, tea with milk;
Lunch: baked pumpkin;
Lunch: noodles, cabbage rolls, jelly;
Afternoon snack: berry mousse;
Dinner: pasta, cheese, mineral water.
acidophilus milk.

Breakfast: semi-viscous buckwheat, cottage cheese, tea;
Lunch: carrot puree;
Lunch: pumpkin soup, kissel;
Afternoon snack: pear;
Dinner: pureed rice porridge, tea;

Breakfast: pasta with meat, butter, tea with milk;
Lunch: baked fruit;
Lunch: pea soup, chicken pilaf, rose hips;
Afternoon snack: juice;
Dinner: grated potatoes with boiled pollock, compote;

Breakfast: potatoes with meatballs, tea;
Lunch: carrot puree;
Lunch: milk soup, cottage cheese pudding, compote;
Afternoon snack: jelly;
Dinner: semolina, mineral water;

Diet food can be varied and tasty. Thanks to the knowledge of the list of permitted and prohibited foods, the planned menu, it is quite easy to choose the appropriate recipes. The main thing is to adhere to manufacturing technology.

Pros and cons of the diet

Dieting has its pros and cons.

Positive points:

  • simple, inexpensive edibles;
  • balance;
  • stabilization of the formation and secretion of bile.

Negative points:

  • duration;
  • the presence of culinary skills;
  • individual cooking.

After a month and a half, the diet increases, so some patients begin to deviate from the diet, which leads to disastrous consequences. You should know that the diet in the first 3 months is required, as there is a change in the functioning of the organs.

Video reviews and reviews

Diet in the treatment of the gallbladder during the chronic course of the disease and exacerbations

Nutrition system in the treatment of the gallbladder - this is one of the forms of non-drug therapy, which shows its viability and effectiveness. Dieting brings people relief, as the overall burden on the gallbladder is reduced, and certain foods speed up the excretion of stagnant bile.

For gallbladder disease there are various pathologies associated with a violation of the process of bile production: chronic and acute cholecystitis - an inflammatory process of various pathogenesis; biliary dyskinesia - a violation of the formation and excretion of bile, its stagnation; gallstone disease - an inflammatory process as a result of blockage of the ducts by stones.

Along with medicinal treatment, specially formulated menu helps to relieve exacerbation and creates favorable conditions for the success of therapeutic therapy.

Even Soviet doctors and nutritionists proved, on the basis of numerous clinical studies, that a correctly composed for kids and adults, a therapeutic diet during the period of illness is half the success in the fight against any ailment, at any age.

Gastronomic causes of gallbladder disease

The whole life of a person, his health, mood, performance depend on nutrition. Many diseases are caused by a diet that is unhealthy or frankly harmful to human health.

Of course, we must not forget about heredity and genetic predisposition as possible causes for problems with gallbladder , but, as the modern picture of this disease shows, often the person himself provokes the appearance of the first symptoms and rooting them into a chronic form.

Frequent consumption of fried, fatty, smoked, salty, spicy foods that are heavy for the body makes the gallbladder work hard and release an excessive amount of bile for the digestion process.

If you ate fried potatoes with fried sausage, filling this miracle with ketchup - nothing will happen if this happens occasionally. Such a table every day or several times a week will lead to problems.

Diet table for exacerbation of the gallbladder

For such problems food person is greatly improved. Many products and ready meals fall out of his usual diet.

For a person, the disease itself is a difficult test and the fact of its sudden appearance in life is not immediately accepted by the psyche, but the most difficult thing is to switch to a completely different form of nutrition.

The pleasure of food is a drug that very few people do not depend on. Delicious food makes everyone happy, and especially this happiness becomes tangible when it is no more.

Many chroniclers passed into the acute phase of the disease precisely because they could not follow a diet and provoked acute attacks with heavy food, the way out of which is often an operation to remove the gallbladder.

For example, stones acquire a size that does not allow them to pass painlessly through the ducts into the duodenum - they increase, and the attacks become more severe and dangerous.

At the very peak of the attack, it is better to refrain from eating altogether and consult a doctor about heating pads and water. Do not put down a heating pad and do not take decoctions from the Internet unless your doctor has prescribed such therapy for you. for pain!

Do not drink water with lemon - citrus fruits are prohibited for gallstone disease. If such relapses happen regularly, you need to clearly know the sequence of your actions.

With an exacerbation of the gallbladder , dietary nutrition becomes even more limited and rigid. In the first days after an attack, only mashed, soft consistency or liquid food is recommended. Pureed vegetable soups, grated low-fat diluted cottage cheese, herbal teas, vegetable juices diluted with water.

Juices from the store are not juices, so it is better not to use them during an exacerbation. Vegetable or apple puree diluted with water. Food temperatures are semi-warm, moderate portions - 200-300 g.

All that is possible in the first days - it's all liquid, unsalted, tasteless. No raw vegetables and fruits - everything must be heat-treated. This is unloading for the gall and freeing it from work - if in a simple way.

Only after a few days, when the attack and its consequences will pass, you can start eating cereals and everything else. It is the doctor who must determine the period when it is time for the patient to switch to a special, but complete and balanced diet.

Healthy diet for gallbladder prevention

For liver diseases and for all types of pathologies of the gallbladder and biliary tract, table No. 5 according to Pevzner is recommended. This diet is used both in specialized institutions and at home.

This diet is built on strict eating principles, but table setting is a personal matter, so recipes you can choose yourself.

There are a lot of cooking options in books about steamed food or about a vegetarian diet - they can come in handy in creating a healing menu.

Soups: vegetable and vegetarian; dairy with vermicelli diluted with water. Soup dressing is not fried - that's what what is can. It is impossible: broths, cabbage soup, okroshka. Rich vegetable broth.

Kashi: semolina porridge in milk diluted with water 1:1, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal porridge in water. It is impossible: millet, barley, barley, crumbly cereals.

Meat and fish dishes only boiled or steamed. Minced meat can be finely chopped. Chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean beef, lean fish. It is impossible: goose, duck, pork, barbecue, smoked meats, salted fish, caviar, canned food.

Bread: wheat dried or yesterday's. It is impossible: fresh wheat and rye bread, muffins, sweets from puff pastry, choux pastry.

Dairy products: milk, low-fat kefir, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, snowball. Creative casseroles. It is impossible: cream, confectionery cream, cheese.

Vegetables: potatoes, zucchini, carrots, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumbers. It is impossible: mushrooms, cabbage, sauerkraut, salted and pickled, garlic, onion, sorrel, radish, radish, legumes.

Fruits and berries: sweet and soft, dried fruits. It is impossible: hard and sour berries.

Drinks: tea, compote, decoctions, herbal teas, rose hips. It is impossible: coffee, cocoa, jelly on starch, soda.

Eggs: boiled without yolk or scrambled. Restrict admission.

The food is undersalted, with a minimum amount of butter and refined sunflower oil.

Desserts: jelly, pudding, mousse, compote, marmalade, meringue, biscuits, biscuits, jam, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, caramel. It is impossible: cake, chocolate, cakes, sweets, desserts, ice cream - everything sweet that stores offer.

For a child the nutrition system for problems with bile is determined by the form of dyskinesia. The menu is compiled depending on whether you need to increase the outflow of bile or slow down. But, as for adults, table number 5 is prescribed for babies for 3-6 months.

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