Rules for determining the marginal cost of overhaul. The Ministry of Construction has set a single marginal cost for major repairs in the regions. Who raises the tariff and where to find out if it has changed

In Zheleznogorsk, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a plan for the overhaul of 92 residential buildings was on the verge of failure. All tenders for the work ended in nothing, not a single application was received from either local or third-party contractors. The heads of the companies stated that it is unprofitable for them to participate in the auction. "The proposed conditions may lead to losses, because the estimates for 2017 include prices from two years ago," a representative of the administration of Zheleznogorsk explained.

A similar situation is typical for other territories. Due to the low cost of work, they were knocked off their feet in search of contractors, complained the head of the committee on housing and communal services of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexei Kulesh. There are other examples when, in order to win a tender for overhaul work, contractors are cunning by artificially lowering the cost of work. Having won the auction, they try to meet the declared estimate by reducing the quality and using low quality materials. As a result, for example, in the Omsk region, some houses stood without roofs for 5-6 months. And in the house on the street 50 years of Profsoyuzov in Omsk, after an unsuccessful overhaul of the roof, a fungus appeared and the facade of the building began to collapse.

In early October, the Russian Ministry of Construction approved the rules for determining the cost of overhaul, which should remove many problems in the regions. According to the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Mikhail Men, this document will help to avoid distortions in the cost of the same work in different regions. The rules should, in fact, unify the prices of work and materials used in the overhaul. "We analyzed the calculation of marginal prices in the regions, it turned out that the regions form it differently. We gave the territories a uniform methodology for determining the cost," the minister said.

The marginal cost is the maximum possible price of work for each type of overhaul (facade, roof, elevator, foundation, etc.), for which the regional operator can pay the contributions of the owners, the Ministry of Construction told RG. At the same time, the cost of the contract with the overhaul contractor cannot exceed the established maximum bar. The methodology contains recommendations on a "set" of costs that can be included in the estimate during the overhaul, it included, for example, the cost of labor costs of construction workers, the price of materials, products and structures, overhead costs, estimated profit, and even winter appreciation and VAT are taken into account . Moreover, all prices for the marginal cost of work are set by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the ministry said.

Inspectors of "ZhKH Control" called "RG" the regions where the overhaul programs will never be completed

Whether this will change the current situation in the regions with the overhaul is a question. After all, it is known that during the competition, deadlines and low prices are decisive. As a result, repairs are sometimes carried out by unknown companies that do not have their own material and technical base and working capital, and also lack qualified specialists.

"The construction market of the Arkhangelsk region is not able to satisfy the demand for capital repairs in sufficient volume," Alexander Baraev, director of the Arkhangelsk Region Capital Repair Fund, told RG. Most representatives of construction companies in the region say that the real situation at the facility and what is described in the estimates are two different things.

Now municipalities and management companies must prepare acts of readiness for houses, on the basis of which a defective statement is drawn up, according to which the contractor works, - says Alexei Smirnov, director of one of the Arkhangelsk firms. - As a result, going to the object, we see a completely different picture - the design and estimate documentation is made illiterately, building materials are needed, and the house itself is not prepared for work.

One of the most frequent complaints in the Stavropol Territory is that there is not enough money to carry out major repairs due to the fact that residents do not pay dues. For this reason, the overhaul plan last year was practically thwarted. However, as Svetlana Razvorotneva, executive director of ZhKKH Control, told RG, everything is now in order with the collection of payments for overhaul - it exceeds 85 percent. And the problem, in her opinion, is different - that the contributions are set below the cost. “Serious concern is the implementation of the overhaul program in the Krasnodar Territory, where contributions are collected from citizens, but they are not actually spent. The money is dead weight and depreciates,” Svetlana Razvorotneva told RG.

From July 1, 2017, contributions for capital repairs have been increased in Moscow. This news made us understand - what are these contributions, where do they go, who pays them and why? Let's start with the history of the introduction of overhaul contributions. First, on December 25, 2012, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No. 271. This law introduced regional systems for collecting contributions for the overhaul of residential apartment buildings in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF Housing Code). In different regions of the country, contributions were introduced during 2013-2015. In accordance with the law, apartment owners must pay a cash contribution intended for the overhaul of the common property of an apartment building. This contribution is included in the rent and is mandatory.

The owners of apartments in the Russian Federation pay a mandatory contribution directed to the overhaul of common property in an apartment building. The minimum amount of the contribution is determined by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and is set in rubles per square meter of the total area of ​​the premises owned by the owner. In accordance with this, each owner must make a monthly payment in the prescribed amount. In the future, the accumulated savings will be spent on repair work in an apartment building.

The amount of the overhaul fee per square meter of premises may differ depending on regions, as well as the size and type of premises. They are approved by legislative acts of the subjects of the Federation.

In Moscow, from July 1, 2017, a new minimum contribution for major repairs has been established, instead of 15, you will have to pay 17 rubles per square meter.

The increase in the amount of the minimum contribution for overhaul in Moscow was introduced by Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 851-PP dated 12/13/2016.

Who should pay them?

Even at the time of the adoption of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation in 2005, the obligation of owners of premises in apartment buildings to bear the cost of overhauling common property was determined. However, then the decision to introduce a fee for major repairs and its amount was made by the owners of the premises at their general meeting. If such a decision was not made, then the payment for major repairs was not included in the payments of the owners. Therefore, amendments were made to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, obliging the owners of premises to pay monthly contributions for the overhaul of the common property of houses. All owners of residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building are required to pay contributions for overhaul:

  • citizens;
  • legal entities;
  • owners of state and municipal premises.

According to Part 2 of Article 154 of the LC RF, such contributions are included in the structure of payments for utilities and residential premises. Therefore, the owner cannot exclude the payment himself or not pay extra for personal reasons.

It must be remembered that the debt on contributions for the overhaul of common property follows the fate of the premises. This means that the new owner of the premises is obliged to pay off the debt of the previous owner.

Part 1 of Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation provides that only owners of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings are required to pay contributions. Tenants of state (and municipal) apartments do not pay contributions for overhaul, as this is the responsibility of the owners of municipal or state housing stock.

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Who can be exempted from paying fees?

According to Part 2 of Article 169 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, owners of premises can be exempted from paying contributions for capital repairs:

- in apartment buildings that were recognized as emergency and;

Quote from the article -

- in apartment buildings for which there is a decision to withdraw land plots occupied by these houses for municipal or state needs.

Where do the maintenance fees go?

If the contributions of the owners are transferred to a special regional overhaul fund, then the regional authorities themselves decide which houses to repair at the expense of the collected funds. If, according to the decision of the residents, the funds are transferred to a special bank account, all the money is spent on the maintenance of a particular house. According to the provisions of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the overhaul necessarily includes the repair of:

  • roofs, including refurbishment;
  • facade, including its insulation;
  • foundation;
  • common basements;
  • engineering in-house systems, including the complete replacement of electrical wiring and elevators.

By decision of homeowners or a subject of the federation, this list can be expanded.

What are the sanctions for non-payment of contributions?

As already noted, contributions for capital repairs are established by federal law and are included in payment documents for public utilities. And if so, then the sanctions for non-payment will be the same as for non-payment of utility bills. Debts, including penalties, are collected from non-payers through the courts. Of course, it is impossible to evict the owner from the only housing who has accumulated a large debt, but other sanctions may be applied to him, for example,.

Reportage “Tariffs for overhaul will be indexed in the summer of 2017”

On the pages of the Bulletin of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, the official the text of the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 27, 2015 No. №86-PP"On approval of the size of the marginal cost of work and (or) services for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings in the city of Moscow, which can be paid by the Fund for the capital repairs of apartment buildings in the city of Moscow."

On the basis of this resolution, planning of expenses for the implementation of work (provision of services) for the coming years is carried out in accordance with.

We publish the official text of the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 27, 2015 No. No. 86-PP.


Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 27, 2015 86-PP

In accordance with article 185, part 4 of article 190 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as part 2 of article 7 of the Law of the City of Moscow dated January 27, 2010 No.№ 2 "Fundamentals of housing policy of the city of Moscow"The Moscow government decides:

1. Approve the size of the marginal cost of works and (or) services for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings in the city of Moscow, which can be paid by the Fund for the overhaul of apartment buildings in Moscow (Appendix).

2. Determine that:

2.1. The amount of funds that the Capital Repair Fund for Moscow apartment buildings (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) is entitled to spend annually to finance the regional program for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings in Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the regional program) (the amount of funds provided at the expense of capital funds repair, formed by the owners of premises in apartment buildings, the common property in which is subject to major repairs in the future) is determined by the Department of Capital Repairs of the City of Moscow in the amount of not more than 90 percent of the total amount of contributions for the capital repairs of common property in apartment buildings in the city of Moscow, received by the Fund for the previous calendar year.

2.2. The amount of funds that the Fund is entitled to spend in 2015 and 2016 to finance the regional program is determined by the Department of Capital Repairs of the City of Moscow in the amount of not more than 90 percent of the total amount of contributions for the capital repairs of common property in apartment buildings in the city of Moscow, planned to be received by fund every year.

2.3. The Fund's funds generated from the contributions received by the Fund in the current year for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings in the city of Moscow and not used during this year can be used to carry out major repairs of common property in apartment buildings in Moscow next year. city ​​of Moscow.

3. Control over the implementation of this Resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow for housing and communal services and landscaping Biryukov P.P.

Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin

Sizes of the marginal cost of works and (or) services for the overhaul of common property
in apartment buildings in the city of Moscow, which can be paid by the Capital Capital Fund
repair of apartment buildings in Moscow


Name of works and (or) services

Unit of measurement for determining the cost of works and (or) services

The marginal value,

Facade repair
Repair of facades panel / block non-plastered
Repair of brickwork facades with jointing and lined plinthsq. m of the total area of ​​the facade of the house without deducting openings
Repair of plastered facadessq. m of the total area of ​​the facade of the house without deducting openings
Repair of facades lined with ceramic tilessq. m of the total area of ​​the facade of the house without deducting openings
Repair of balconies or loggiassq. m area of ​​balconies or loggias
Repair or replacement of internal drainage
Roof repair
Repair of pitched roofs (except for roofs with soft deposited coating)
Repair of soft-faced roofssq. m of the total built-up area of ​​the building (according to the external measurements of the walls of the house)
Repair of in-house engineering water supply systems (hot and cold water supply)
Repair of in-house cold water supply systems (risers)sq. m of total floor space
Repair of in-house cold water supply systems (mains)sq. m of the total built-up area of ​​the building (according to the external measurements of the walls of the house)
Repair of in-house hot water systems (risers)sq. m of total floor space
Repair of in-house hot water systems (mains)sq. m of the total built-up area of ​​the building (according to the external measurements of the walls of the house)
Repair of in-house engineering systems of water disposal (sewerage)
Repair of internal sewerage systems (risers)sq. m of total floor space
Repair of internal sewerage systems (mains)sq. m of the total built-up area of ​​the building (according to the external measurements of the walls of the house)
Repair of in-house engineering heating systems
Repair of in-house heating systems (risers)sq. m of total floor space
Repair of in-house heating systems (mains)sq. m of the total built-up area of ​​the building (according to the external measurements of the walls of the house)
Repair of basements belonging to the common property of the owners of the premisessq. m of basement area
Foundation repair

Determined in accordance with the design and estimate documentation

Repair of in-house engineering gas supply systemssq. m of total floor space
Repair of in-house engineering power supply systems
Repair (replacement) of intra-house distributing mains of the power supply system and the general house lighting systemsq. m of total floor space
Repair (replacement) of floor shields of the power supply systemthing
Repair (replacement) of input distribution devices (ASU)thing
Repair of the internal smoke exhaust system and fire-fighting automation, repair of the fire water pipeline
Repair of the smoke exhaust system (in an apartment building
building up to 14 floors)entrance
Repair of the smoke exhaust system (in an apartment building with more than 14 floors)entrance
Fire water pipeline repairsq. m of total floor space
Repair or replacement of the garbage chutefloor (in each entrance)
Repair or replacement of elevator equipment recognized as unsuitable for operation, repair of elevator shafts
Replacement of an elevator installed in a frame-attached shaft in a 6-storey apartment buildingelevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 4-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 5-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 6-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 7-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in an 8-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 9-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 10-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in an 11-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 12-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 13-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 14-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 15-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 16-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 17-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in an 18-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 19-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 21-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 22-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in an apartment building with a 23-storey building (load capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 24-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 25-storey apartment building (capacity 400 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 7-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in an 8-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 9-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 10-storey apartment building (carrying capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in an 11-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 12-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in an apartment building
13 floors (load capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 14-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 15-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 16-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 17-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in an 18-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 19-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 20-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 21-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 22-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 23-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 24-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of a passenger elevator in a 25-storey apartment building (capacity 630 kg)elevator
Replacement of the passenger elevator 22 floors with a high load capacity (capacity 1000 kg)elevator
Replacement of 1 additional elevator stop (capacity 630 kg)stop
Replacement of 1 additional elevator stop (capacity 400 kg)stop
Carrying out an assessment of the compliance of elevators with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "Safety of elevators" (TR TS 011/2011), approved by the decision of the Commission of the Customs Union dated October 18, 2011 No. 824 "On the adoption of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "Safety of elevators"elevator
Development of project documentation

up to 5% of the cost of major repairs of common property in an apartment building

Note. The cost of capital repairs of common property in an apartment building is determined on the basis of the developed design documentation, which uses the basic-index method for determining the cost of works and (or) services by their types based on the territorial estimated standards for the city of Moscow TSN-2001, approved by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 14, 2006 No. 900-PP "On the procedure for the transition to determining the estimated cost of construction of facilities in the city of Moscow using territorial estimated standards in the price level as of January 1, 2000."

Let us ask ourselves a question: to what extent was it possible to solve the second national task in the first year of the implementation of the Law - to stimulate the owners of premises to carry out repairs that change the quality of an apartment building and increase its energy efficiency? We are talking about a comprehensive overhaul using modern efficient building materials and technologies that provide a qualitative improvement in living conditions in apartment buildings and increase their energy efficiency.
The parameter of the regional (and, accordingly, municipal) program designed to provide such incentives is the size of the marginal cost of capital repairs of apartment buildings (per 1 m2 of premises in the house).
According to the methodological recommendations of the Fund, the purpose of the approved size of the marginal cost of capital repairs is not to limit the cost of capital repairs (which is approved by the decision of the general meeting of owners of the premises), but to limit the maximum amount of budget support in the event that the owners of the premises decide on very expensive repairs. In other words, if the actual cost of capital repairs approved by the general meeting is equal to or greater than the amount determined as the product of the total total area of ​​the premises of the owners in an apartment building and the size of the marginal cost of capital repairs approved by the regional program, then the amount of financial support will be determined based on this estimated values, and everything in excess of the “calculated cost”, the owners of the premises must pay themselves (in addition to the share of co-financing of the cost of capital repairs, calculated according to the size of the marginal cost of capital repairs).
Thus, the owners are free to make any decision regarding the cost of major repairs. But, of course, the majority will strive not to go beyond the above

| Overhaul:

“limits” so as not to take on additional financial burdens. Therefore, it is important what size of the marginal cost of capital repairs is approved by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and used by the municipality in the formation of the municipal program.
The Fund's methodological recommendations advise the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to take into account the following when setting this indicator:
To what extent, in the first year of implementation of the Law, was it possible to stimulate the owners of premises to carry out repairs that change the quality of an apartment building?
a complete list of overhaul works, established by Part 3 of Art. 5 of the Law, including measures for energy and resource saving, including the installation of common house metering devices for the consumption of communal resources and heat consumption control systems in an apartment building with the most complex design and technical parameters in this municipality, providing the maximum level of improvement;
data on the average level of market prices prevailing in the municipality for certain types of major repairs using modern efficient building materials and technologies.
Thus, the Fund recommends establishing such an amount of the marginal cost of a major overhaul that would really allow the owners of the premises to make decisions on a comprehensive overhaul, including energy saving measures, and receive budgetary support for such repairs in the amount determined by the share of participation in the costs of the owners themselves (at least 5%).
How much does a comprehensive (that is, including all types of work specified in part 3 of article 15 of the Law) overhaul cost? An examination of various pilot and demonstration projects supported by international sponsors will help answer this question.
For example, within the framework of one such project, project documentation was developed for the complete “refurbishment” of a panel nine-story apartment building in St. Petersburg (total total area of ​​​​apartments - 10,700 m2). If we calculate the cost of all types of work for which budget support can be received in accordance with the Law, then the cost of a major overhaul of a house is 63,130 thousand rubles, or 5,900 rubles. per 1 m2 of the owners' premises (in the first half of 2008). The latter figure can be used as a guide when we talk about the need for funds for the modernization of multi-apartment housing stock and the size of the marginal cost of capital repairs within the framework of the regional (municipal) program.
So, we see that a major overhaul aimed at improving the quality, energy efficiency of an apartment building,

is expensive - the owner of a conditional two-room apartment with an area of ​​​​50 m2 in the St. Petersburg house described above accounts for 295 thousand rubles. (Table 3). Although it is incomparably cheaper than buying an apartment in a new building (in both cases, the owners improve their living conditions), for the majority of the population, the cost of a major home renovation in this amount is completely unbearable. That is why the opportunity for the owner of the premises to pay up to 95% of the cost of repairs at the expense of budget subsidies, namely, this opportunity is provided to him by Federal Law No. 185-FZ, is difficult to overestimate.
In the example under consideration, if the subsidy is 95% of the cost of a major overhaul, then the financial burden on the owner of a conditional two-room apartment will decrease from 295 thousand rubles. up to 14,750 rubles. And although this is also a significant amount for most families, the owners can choose to pay it in such a way that the monthly fee is acceptable. For example, if the payment for a major overhaul will be paid within, say, a year, then the monthly payment will be 1229 rubles.
Therefore, the possibility of obtaining a subsidy can be a good incentive for homeowners not to be afraid to make decisions about expensive complex overhauls. But this incentive works only if the approved size of the marginal cost of capital repairs really allows for a comprehensive overhaul (corresponds to the total real market value of all types of work specified in the Law). If this indicator of the program, approved by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (or tacitly set by the local administration), is low, then in order not to go beyond it, the owners are unlikely to decide on a comprehensive
repair, because they will not be able to receive its corresponding cost
Table 3. Costs for ^ ’ j j j j
capital repairs bridge subsidies. In this case, the marginal cost of capital
common property renovation will play the role of a disincentive.
in an apartment building (on the example of a 9-storey 3-access panel apartment building, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is 10,700 m2)
Subjects of the Russian Federation (or municipalities in the regions where the subject of the Russian Federation did not set the predicted parameters of the future regional program, but only fixed in the program the actual


indicators) approached the establishment of the marginal cost of capital repairs in very different ways. Few have set this indicator at the level of 3-4 thousand rubles, that is, at least close to the real cost of a comprehensive overhaul. The majority took a different position: we need everyone to receive assistance, so that at least one type of work is done in the maximum number of apartment buildings, and they chose a low value for the marginal cost of capital repairs, no more than 1 thousand rubles. As a result, the owners of the premises (or those who made decisions for them) voted for carrying out 1-2 types of work and for inexpensive repairs. Thus, according to the figurative expression of the head of one of the regions, "budget money was smeared in a thin layer over a large territory."
On the Fund's website, which contains information about approved applications for financial support for the implementation of regional programs for major repairs, there is no information about the amount of indicators of the marginal cost of major repairs approved by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but according to data available for analysis, it is possible to calculate such an integrating indicator, as “the average actual cost of capital repairs of apartment buildings under the regional program” (hereinafter referred to as the average actual cost of capital repairs), dividing the total cost of capital repairs by the total area of ​​premises of apartment buildings included in the regional program.
As of October 6, 2008, 67 constituent entities of the Russian Federation received funds from the Fund to finance programs for major repairs, of which 19 regions for two programs and Tula Region for three programs. Only in 15 regions the average actual cost of a major overhaul exceeded 1,000 rubles. per square meter, of which only in 7 regions the cost of capital repairs is higher than 1400 rubles/m2 (Table 4).

The subject of the Russian Federation
Table 4. Maximum average actual cost of capital repairs of apartment buildings in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Average actual cost of overhaul, rub./m2

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Republic of Bashkortostan Republic of Altai Amur Region Republic of Mordovia Samara Region Kurgan Region Tyumen Region Ryazan Region Jewish Autonomous Region:
first program
second program Republic of Khakassia Penza region:
first program
second program Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Republic of Dagestan Stavropol Territory

In 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the average actual cost of a major overhaul was 500-900 rubles/m2, and in approximately 20 regions it is less than 400 rubles/m2. The lowest indicators of the cost of repairs in the nine regions indicated in Table. 5.

Table 5. Minimum average actual cost of capital repairs of apartment buildings in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Subject of the Russian Federation Average actual cost of capital
repair, rub./m2

Saratov region:
first program 256,03
second program 148,77
Yaroslavl region 192,19
Altai region 221,78
Chelyabinsk region:
first program 234,54
second program 243,61
Vladimir region:
first program 234,40
second program 524,31
Leningrad region 250,85
Kirov region:
first program 254,07
second program 332,82
Novgorod region 264,33
Kostroma region:
first program 660,94
second program 299,16

Is it possible to seriously talk about improving the living conditions of citizens in apartment buildings, if the cost of the repair was 149-250 rubles/m2? Even if it was only a roof repair, it is very doubtful that modern roofing materials with a long service life were used. This means that the repairs carried out are nothing more than appearances, and in a couple of years the owners of the premises will have to solve the problems of their home again, but, probably, completely at their own expense.
And these are not isolated cases: in the Saratov region, the regional program with an average actual repair cost of 149 rubles/m2 included 1,451 apartment buildings with a total number of residents of 241.67 thousand people; in the Chelyabinsk region, two regional programs with an average actual repair cost of 234.54 and 243.61 rubles/m2 included a total of 2,107 apartment buildings in which 394,400 people live. Will all these people say thank you for such a renovation of their homes?

| Overhaul:

to order
Ministry of Construction and
housing and communal services
Russian Federation
dated 07.09.2017 No. 1202/pr

Guidelines for determining the size of the marginal cost of services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in multi-apartment buildings, including those that are objects of cultural heritage

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Guidelines for determining the size of the marginal cost of services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings, including those that are objects of cultural heritage (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines), determine the recommended general procedure for determining the size of the marginal cost of services and (or) overhaul of common property in multi-apartment buildings (hereinafter - MKD), which can be paid by the regional operator at the expense of the capital repair fund, formed on the basis of the minimum contribution for the overhaul of common property in MKD.

1.2. Methodological recommendations were developed in order to unify and optimize the activities of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in planning the implementation of a regional program for the overhaul of the common property of MKD, including those that are objects of cultural heritage, for established periods, as well as in the preparation of regulatory legal acts in accordance with part 4 article 190 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

1.3. The amount of the marginal cost of services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in an MKD, including those that are objects of cultural heritage (hereinafter referred to as the Marginal Cost Amount), established by a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for a specific calendar year, may be taken into account:

When determining the minimum contribution for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building for the corresponding year;

When drafting a short-term plan for the implementation of the regional program for the overhaul of common property in MKD for the corresponding year.

1.4. When determining the size of the marginal cost, it is recommended to take into account the estimated standards included in the federal register of estimated standards, including the methods necessary to determine the estimated cost, methods for applying estimated norms, state elemental estimated norms established by the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of regulation and pricing in design and construction.

1.5. The sizes of marginal costs by types of work are recommended to be developed on the basis of the principles of unification of the accepted nomenclature of capital construction objects, structural elements of buildings and structures and complexes of work performed, accepted units of measurement, taking into account three main factors:

An unchanging, normative list and norms and standards for the consumption of resources in construction, established by SNiP 82-01-95 “Development and application of norms and standards for the consumption of material resources in construction. Basic Provisions” in natural units of measurement for the performance of each component from the scope of work, the summation of which gives the resource consumption for the performance of one type of work;

Relative, time-varying cost indicator in the current and forecast price levels (taking into account the forecast deflator index) for each type of resource, which is determined according to the initial data specified in Section 3 of these Methodological Recommendations;

Practical, based on the practice of performing similar types of services and works on similar (by types) MKD for the previous one to three years, taking into account the indices of changes in the cost of services and works in construction, and in their absence, consumer price indices.

The scope of work for each type and the requirements for resource consumption are recommended to be used to determine the work production technology that ensures the proper level of quality of work on the overhaul of common property in the MKD.

1.6. The sizes of marginal costs by types of work are recommended to be developed using the Guidelines for the formation of the scope of work for the overhaul of the common property of MKD financed from the funds of capital repairs, approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in sphere of housing and communal services.

2. Terms and definitions

When using these Guidelines, it is recommended to be guided by the following provisions:

representative object - a capital construction object that most accurately reflects the technological specifics of a major overhaul, characteristic of this type of objects, and selected from among similar objects on the principle of the most complete compliance with the technical characteristics and conditions of its territorial location;

technical condition - a set of properties of an object subject to change in the process of production or operation, characterized at a certain point in time by the signs established by the technical documentation for this object;

overhaul - replacement and (or) restoration of building structures of capital construction objects or elements of such structures, including load-bearing building structures, replacement and (or) restoration of engineering and technical support systems and networks of engineering and technical support of capital construction objects or their elements, as well as the replacement of individual elements of load-bearing building structures with similar or other elements that improve the performance of such structures and (or) the restoration of these elements;

energy efficiency - characteristics that reflect the ratio of the beneficial effect from the use of energy resources to the costs of energy resources made in order to obtain such an effect, in relation to products, technological processes;

the composition of the cost of overhaul - the cost of overhaul of the common property of MKD, grouped by elements and articles. Cost elements are understood as costs that are homogeneous in their economic content, and articles are costs that include one or more cost elements;

types of work - types of services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in an MKD, provided for by Part 1 of Article 166 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as types of services and (or) work established by a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation additionally (hereinafter - Types works);

scope of work - a list of services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in the MKD, constituting the Type of work;

component - an element that is part of the work, adopted in accordance with the current norms and regulations for overhaul and state elemental estimated standards (hereinafter - GESN);

resource method for determining the cost of a major overhaul - calculation in current (projected) prices and tariffs of resources (cost elements) necessary for the implementation of a major overhaul, based on the need for materials, products and structures expressed in natural meters, the operating time of machines and their composition, costs workers' labor;

resource-technological model (RTM) - a unified and aggregated set of labor, technical and material resources, formed on the basis of the data of the estimate documentation for representative objects. The specified set of resources is subject to adjustment in case of changes in the estimated and regulatory framework, sanitary and epidemiological requirements, fire safety standards, design standards and other mandatory requirements for this type of buildings and structures.

Other terms and definitions used in these Guidelines are recommended to be used in the meaning determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Determination of the size of the marginal cost

3.1. Initial data used in determining the size of the marginal cost of work

3.1.1. The following can be used as initial data when determining the marginal cost of work:

Typology of MKDs located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

The list of types of services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in the MKD, established by the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the list of services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in the MKD, as defined by Article 166 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - types works);

Technical policy in relation to the overhaul of common property in MKD, adopted by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

The list of services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in the MKD, constituting the types of work, established by the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing and implementing state policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of housing and communal services economy.

Sources of information on the representative object can be the technical passport of the MKD, the results of monitoring the technical condition of the MKZh, the procedure for which is approved by the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 1 of Article 167 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, project documentation for the MKD and others.

The typology can be based on the period of construction, structural scheme, wall material, roof structure and covering, type of foundation, facade finish, degree of engineering equipment, number of storeys of buildings, or other criteria or combinations thereof that are characteristic of housing stock objects of a particular subject of the Russian Federation.

It is recommended to include visual information in the description of each of the representative objects, which can be easily obtained and analyzed during field surveys of the object.

3.1.2 For MFBs that are objects of cultural heritage, it is recommended to use a separate typology of MFBs, which is recommended to be agreed with the regional authority for the protection of cultural heritage objects.

1) MKDs used as residential multi-apartment buildings built before the middle of the 19th century. Each object corresponding to this category is recommended to be considered individually;

2) MABs built on an individual project from the middle of the 19th century, characterized by the presence of a complex decor made using a large list of materials and technologies, the presence of capital structures made of wood, erected without the use of industrial construction methods;

3) MKD built on an individual project from the end of the 19th century, characterized by the presence of complex decor, made using a large list of materials and technologies, erected without the use of industrial construction methods. This category is recommended to include buildings built in the style of "neo-Russian style", "modern", "eclectic";

4) MKD, built according to an individual or standard project from the second third of the 20th century, characterized by the presence of a complex decor, built using industrial construction methods. This category is recommended to include buildings built in the style of "Stalin's Empire";

5) MKD, built according to an individual or standard project from the first third of the 20th century, characterized by the absence of complex decor, built using industrial construction methods. It is recommended to include buildings built in the style of "constructivism" into this category.

An example of the selection of representative objects located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is given in Appendix 1 to these Guidelines.

When determining the Marginal Cost, if a difference in values ​​of less than 10 percent is found for different types of MKD, it is recommended to determine one type for these houses and set the marginal value at the maximum value.

3.2. List of costs taken into account when determining the size of the marginal cost by type of work

3.2.1. The estimated cost of capital repairs of MKD, carried out in whole or in part at the expense of the regional operator, a homeowners association, a housing, housing and construction cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative, or the funds of owners of premises in MKD, is recommended to be determined with the obligatory application of the estimated standards entered in the federal register estimated standards, and estimated prices of building resources in accordance with Article 8.3 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

3.2.2. The marginal cost for each type of work and for each representative object is recommended to be calculated taking into account the scope of work as a set of Components forming the scope of work in value terms based on estimated standards, information about which is included in the federal register of estimated standards.

3.2.3. The cost of a Component may consist of the following cost elements:

The estimated cost of direct costs, including the estimated cost of materials, products, structures (hereinafter referred to as material resources), the estimated cost of labor resources, the estimated cost of operating machines and mechanisms (hereinafter referred to as technical resources);


Estimated profit;

Estimated cost of engineering equipment;

Other and limited costs necessary to include in the estimated cost of repair and construction works of capital construction facilities;

Value Added Tax (VAT).

Overhead costs take into account the costs of contractors associated with the creation of production conditions, the organization and management of repair and construction work.

Estimated profit is a normative part of the cost of construction products and is intended to cover individual (general) expenses of contractors for the development of production, the social sphere and material incentives and not attributable to the cost of work.

Costs for the construction of temporary buildings and structures in the course of repair and construction works;

Additional costs in the production of repair and construction work in the winter;

Costs associated with paying for the services of organizations engaged in the collection, accumulation, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization and disposal of production and consumption waste (construction waste and materials from the dismantling of buildings, structures unsuitable for further use);

Costs of transportation by road of employees of contractors to the facility;

Costs associated with sending workers to perform repair and construction work;

Costs for commissioning;

Costs for the preparation of design or other technical documentation, including cost estimates;

Expenses for the examination of project (including estimate) documentation;

Construction control costs;

Other other costs, including payment for connection (technological connection) to utility networks;

Unforeseen work and expenses.

It is recommended to determine the estimated cost of repair and construction works of the Component using the State elemental estimated norms (hereinafter - GESN) and the estimated prices of building resources posted in the federal state information system for pricing in construction (hereinafter - FSIS CA).

Prior to the placement in the FSIS CA of the estimated prices of construction resources determined in accordance with Part 5 of Article 8.3 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, it is recommended to determine the estimated cost of repair and construction work of the Component using federal unit prices (FER-2001), the Federal Collection of Estimated Prices for Materials , products and structures used in construction (FSTS-2001), Federal estimated prices for the operation of construction machines and vehicles (FSEM-2001) and Federal estimated prices for the transportation of goods for construction (FSTSpg-2001).

Simultaneously with estimated norms, estimated prices and unit rates, when determining the estimated cost, indicators can be used that reflect industry average, technologically and economically justified costs, taken into account as part of the estimated cost of a Component overhaul. These indicators are recommended to be given in relative terms in the form of percentages and coefficients:

Procurement and storage costs;


Estimated profit;

Estimated cost rates for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures;

Estimated rates of additional costs in the production of work in the winter;

Certain types of other work and costs;

Coefficients taking into account the conditions for the production of work;

Coefficients that take into account complicating factors;

Coefficients used in calculating the scope of work;

Coefficients that take into account the conditions for the application of individual estimated rates (overhead costs, estimated profit, estimated cost rates for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, estimated rates of additional costs when performing work in winter, etc.).

The structure and composition of the collections of estimated norms and unit rates are given in the relevant methodological documents, information about which is contained in the federal register of estimated standards.

3.2.4. To check and refine the calculations, the average actual cost of work for a similar type of work of a similar object of a representative can be used.

, where

The average actual cost of work for a similar type of work of a similar representative object;

The actual cost of the work of the first similar type of a similar representative object;

The actual cost of works of the second similar type of a similar representative object;

The actual cost of work of the next similar type of a similar representative object;

E - unit of measurement by type of work;

K - the number of analogues;

I - the index of changes in the cost of services and works in construction, and in their absence - consumer price indices.

3.3. Methodology for calculating one Component used in determining the Marginal Value

3.3.1. The methodology for calculating one Component of the Marginal Cost Size can be based on the principle of unifying the calculation of the cost of capital repairs by the resource method in order to be able to manage this cost depending on the actual state of the capital repair object, the quality of repair work, and cost indicators.

The basis for the calculation is the formation of resource-technological models (hereinafter - RTM) for each of the Components included in the Type of work for each of the representative objects.

RTM can be the most unified set of labor, technical and material resources necessary to perform a set of works on the overhaul of an MKD structural element, according to the accepted technology for the production of works, reduced to one unit of measurement.

3.3.2. In accordance with the current norms and rules of pricing in construction, when using the resource method, it is possible to use a local estimate calculation.

First of all, the type of work is determined in accordance with the collection of GESN based on the scope of work.

3.3.3. An example of the formation of a local cost estimate when determining the marginal cost of an individual structural element is given in Appendix 2 to these Guidelines. When forming each Component according to GESN (GESNr) or other current state elemental estimated standards, it is recommended to determine:

Scope of work corresponding to the approved technological model of the overhaul (design solution);

The normative consumption of all resources, the consumption of material resources in the corresponding natural indicators and units of measurement. It is recommended to provide all resources with codes according to the current coding system. In the absence of assigned codes to material resources, it is recommended to indicate the "Price List" and the name of the supplier of the material resource in the justification.

3.3.4. Since the tables of the HPES contain a list of materials and consumption rates per unit amount of work taken into account in the norms, it is recommended that the amount of work for the formation of the Component be taken according to the project or according to the list of works with the calculation of the amount of work attached.

3.4. Formation and updating of the cost block for the calculation of one element of the size of the marginal cost of capital repairs

3.4.1. After determining the list of quantitative values ​​of the need for material, technical and labor resources, it is recommended to determine their cost in current prices (current cost), and then in forecast prices by applying the deflator index for the corresponding period of time.

It is recommended to determine the Marginal Cost by the resource method for determining the cost of a major overhaul in the manner specified in paragraph 3.2 of these Guidelines.

3.4.2. To determine the current cost, it is recommended to perform the calculation separately for each cost element:

The cost of labor costs of construction workers (if necessary, taking into account complicating factors affecting the conditions for the production of work);

The cost of operating machines (if necessary, taking into account complicating factors affecting the conditions of work);

The cost of materials, products and structures.

The cost of all the above resources can be determined by multiplying the volume of the resource (the amount of labor costs of construction workers, the amount of time the machines are in operation, the amount of materials, products, structures) by its price. It is recommended to use sources for obtaining initial data on the price of resources for the calculations specified in paragraph 3.2.3 of these Guidelines. The resulting cost of resources is recommended to be added to the sum of direct costs of repair work.

3.4.3. It is recommended to accrue the estimated standards listed in clause 3.2.3 of these Guidelines (overhead costs, estimated profit, limited costs (including winter appreciation, temporary buildings and structures, unforeseen expenses) to the amount of direct costs.

3.4.4. Since the Marginal Cost Amount is set for a period of at least one calendar year, when determining it, it is recommended to take into account the level of inflation (price changes, as a rule, in the direction of appreciation) in relation to the conditions prevailing in a particular subject of the Russian Federation.

In this regard, the result of the calculations specified in paragraph 3.4.3 of these Guidelines is recommended to be multiplied by the forecast deflator index approved by the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of analysis and forecasting of socio-economic development, in the "construction" sector in accordance with the forecast of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. When choosing the size of the forecast deflator index, it is recommended to take into account two parameters: the month in which the Marginal Cost is determined and the month in which the work is supposed to be completed (December of the calendar year for which the Marginal Cost is determined is taken).

3.5. Choice of indicators of indicators of the size of the marginal cost (one type of work of one representative object)

3.5.1. For the corresponding representative object, in accordance with the type, scope of work and scope adopted according to the design documentation or the work schedule, it is recommended to form a local resource estimate for the selected capital repair object. In the case of calculating the cost of work for several objects, it is recommended to choose the maximum value for each type of work from the received data.

3.5.2. When determining the size of the marginal cost depending on the type of work, in order to increase the accuracy of such a determination, it is recommended to determine the following principle as a priority:

when determining the marginal cost of repairing in-house engineering systems of water supply, sanitation, central heating, it is recommended to divide the estimated cost of repair work in rubles by the length (in running meters) of the pipeline to be replaced (it is advisable to divide the basement / attic (mains) and risers);

when determining the marginal cost of repairing in-house engineering power supply systems, the resulting estimated cost of repair work in rubles is recommended to be divided by the harvested area of ​​​​common areas;

when determining the marginal cost of repairing basements, the resulting estimated cost of repair work in rubles is recommended to be divided by the basement area;

when determining the marginal cost of repairing the foundation, it is recommended to divide the estimated cost of repair work in rubles by the unit of measurement of the main indicator (wells, etc.);

when determining the marginal cost of repairing the facade, it is recommended to divide the estimated cost of repair work in rubles by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade;

when determining the marginal cost of other individual structural elements and engineering equipment, the resulting estimated cost of repair work in rubles is recommended to be divided by the unit of the main measured indicator in the price;

when determining the marginal cost of roof repair, it is recommended to divide the estimated cost of repair work in rubles by the total roofing area in this MKD;

when determining the marginal cost of repairing or replacing elevator equipment, local resource estimates are recommended to be formed for one elevator and grouped depending on the number of stops. In addition, additional detailing of the size of the marginal cost is possible, depending on the type of elevator shaft.

It is advisable to take natural indicators for the object on the basis of the technical passport of the house or according to actual measurements.

If it is impossible to carry out calculations according to the above principle, when determining the marginal cost of overhaul of in-house engineering systems, repair of basements, repair of the foundation, repair of the facade, the estimated cost of repair work in rubles can be calculated by dividing by the total area of ​​this MKD, determined on the basis of technical passport of the house.

It is recommended to determine the size of the marginal cost of the types of services and (or) works established by the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in addition to the list of types of services and (or) works determined by Part 1 of Article 166 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the assessment of the feasibility of reducing the cost to one square meter of the total area of ​​this MKD.

The cost of replacement and (or) restoration of load-bearing building structures of an apartment building and (or) engineering networks of MKD is recommended to be determined in accordance with the developed project documentation.

m, rm. m, km,

pcs, 10 pcs, 100 pcs,

other meters that most fully reflect the specifics of a particular type of work.

3.6. Formation of a pivot table of the size of the marginal cost

3.6.1. Calculations of the elements of the Marginal Cost in the manner specified in paragraph 3.4 of these Guidelines are recommended for all types of services and (or) work on the overhaul of common property in an MKD, provided for by Part 1 of Article 166 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, as well as types of services and (or) works established by a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in addition to the list of types of services and (or) major repairs provided for by Part 1 of Article 166 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, for each type of MKD adopted by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

3.6.2. The results of the calculations of all elements of the Marginal Cost Size are recommended to be formed in tabular form. The names of the columns of the table may contain the names of representative objects, the names of the rows of the table correspond to the names of the types of work specified in clause 3.6.1 of these Guidelines. Additionally, in the table, detailing on subtypes of work can be entered. For example, repair and (or) replacement of elevator equipment, depending on the number of stops and the carrying capacity of the elevator, facade repair, depending on the type of facade decoration, and others.

3.6.3. The results of the calculations of all elements of the Marginal Cost for MKD, which are objects of cultural heritage, are recommended to be generated in tabular form in a separate section or application. If there are MKD objects of cultural heritage on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which differ significantly in the complexity of the architectural decoration, it is recommended to enter the detailing of work depending on the categories of complexity of the facades for facade repair work. Approximate typology of MKDs, which are objects of cultural heritage, depending on the category of complexity of objects, is determined by Appendix 1 to these Guidelines.

Attachment 1
to the Guidelines
by sizing
marginal cost of services and
(or) capital works
repair of common property
in apartment buildings,
including those who are
cultural heritage sites

An example of selecting representative objects located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

No. p / p Name of the type of apartment buildings Main characteristics of apartment buildings
1 2 3
1 Apartment buildings of the types "pre-revolutionary construction, not overhauled" and "pre-revolutionary construction, overhauled" Foundations - strip rubble on a complex or cement mortar; walls - especially capital, stone (brick with a thickness of 3.5-4.5 bricks) and large-block on a complex or cement mortar; 3-7 floors; partitions - cinder-concrete, concrete, brick plastered, wooden plastered; floors - reinforced concrete prefabricated and monolithic, with brick vaults and concrete filling on metal beams, wooden on metal beams; roofs - wooden rafters and lathing, insulating layers of combined non-attic ventilated (non-ventilated) roofs made of expanded clay or slag; roof coverings (roofing) - from galvanized (non-galvanized, painted) steel; exterior finishing of facades - plastering on brick with a complex solution, painting on plaster (on concrete) with lime compositions, covering belts, sandriks and window sills from galvanized roofing steel, facing with natural stone, cement moldings; cold water, hot water, sewerage, power supply systems - centralized, distribution network, risers, intra-apartment wiring, stop valves
2 Apartment buildings of the types "constructivism" built in 1918-1930, "Stalinist" buildings in 1931-1956, "German" buildings in 1945-1948 and "wooden houses" Foundations - strip rubble on a complex or cement mortar; walls - especially capital, stone (brick with a thickness of 3.5-4.5 bricks) and large-block on a complex or cement mortar; 4-7 floors; partitions - cinder-concrete, concrete, plastered brick, wooden; prefabricated and monolithic reinforced concrete floors, with brick vaults and concrete filling along metal beams; roofs - wooden rafters and lathing, insulating layers of attic roofs ventilated from expanded clay or slag; roof coverings (roofing) - from galvanized steel; exterior finishing of facades - plastering on brick with a complex solution, painting on plaster (on concrete) with lime compositions, covering belts, sandriks and window sills from galvanized roofing steel, facing with natural stone, cement moldings; cold water, hot water, sewerage, power supply systems - centralized, distribution network, risers, intra-apartment wiring, stop valves
3 Apartment buildings of the "Khrushchev" type, brick buildings, 1957-1970." Foundations - tape concrete and reinforced concrete; walls - ordinary stone (brick with a thickness of 2.5-3.5 bricks); 3-5 floors; partitions - gypsum, gypsum fiber; floors - reinforced concrete prefabricated and monolithic, with concrete filling; roof - wooden rafters and lathing, roof coverings (roofing) - from galvanized steel; exterior finish, including facades - a brick facade, painting on brick with lime compositions, covering belts, sandriks and window sills from galvanized roofing steel; cold water, hot water, sewerage, power supply systems - centralized, distribution network, risers, intra-apartment wiring, stop valves
4 Multi-apartment buildings of the "Khrushchev" type, panel buildings, 1957-1970." Foundations - tape concrete and reinforced concrete; walls - large-panel single-layer lightweight concrete; 5 floors; partitions - gypsum, gypsum fiber; floors - reinforced concrete prefabricated and monolithic, with concrete filling; roof - rafters and lathing from prefabricated reinforced concrete flooring, roof coverings (roofing) - from rolled materials (in 3-4 layers); exterior finish, including facades - painting on the textured layer, lining with carpet tiles, sealed joints - panels of external walls with hardening mastics, covering belts, sandriks and window sills from galvanized roofing steel; cold water, hot water, sewerage, power supply systems - centralized, distribution network, risers, intra-apartment wiring, stop valves
5 Apartment buildings of the type "brick buildings 1970-1980" Foundations - tape concrete and reinforced concrete; walls - ordinary stone (brick with a thickness of 2.5-3.5 bricks); 7-12 floors; slag-concrete, concrete, plastered brick partitions; floors - reinforced concrete prefabricated and monolithic, with concrete filling; roof - rafters and lathing from prefabricated reinforced concrete flooring, roof coverings (roofing) - from rolled materials (in 3-4 layers); exterior finish, including facades - a brick facade, painting on brick with lime compositions, covering belts, sandriks and window sills from galvanized roofing steel; cold water, hot water, sewerage, power supply systems - centralized, distribution network, risers, intra-apartment wiring, stop valves
6 Apartment buildings of the type "panel buildings 1970-1980" Foundations - tape concrete and reinforced concrete; walls - large-panel single-layer lightweight concrete; 9-12-16 floors; partitions - cinder-concrete, concrete, brick plastered; floors - reinforced concrete prefabricated and monolithic, with concrete filling; roof - rafters and lathing from prefabricated reinforced concrete flooring, roof coverings (roofing) - from rolled materials (in 3-4 layers); exterior finish, including facades - painting on the textured layer, lining with carpet tiles, sealed joints - panels of external walls with hardening mastics, covering belts, sandriks and window sills from galvanized roofing steel; cold water, hot water, sewerage, power supply systems - centralized, distribution network, risers, intra-apartment wiring, stop valves
7 Apartment buildings of the type "brick" new construction "built after 1980" Foundations - tape concrete and reinforced concrete, pile; walls - ordinary stone (brick with a thickness of 2.5-3.5 bricks); 9-12-16 and above floors; partitions - gypsum, gypsum fiber, cinder-concrete, concrete, brick plastered; floors - reinforced concrete prefabricated and monolithic, with concrete filling; roof - rafters and lathing from prefabricated reinforced concrete flooring, roof coverings (roofing) - from rolled materials (in 3-4 layers); exterior finish, including facades - a brick facade, painting on brick with lime compositions, covering belts, sandriks and window sills from galvanized roofing steel; cold water, hot water, sewerage, power supply systems - centralized, distributing network, risers, intra-apartment wiring, stop valves. 4.8. "Apartment buildings built after 1980 of the category "New construction, panel"
8 Multi-apartment buildings of the "panel "new construction" type built after 1980" Foundations - tape concrete and reinforced concrete; walls - large-panel single-layer lightweight concrete; 9-12-16 and above floors; partitions - cinder-concrete, concrete, brick plastered; floors - reinforced concrete prefabricated and monolithic, with concrete filling; roof - rafters and lathing from prefabricated reinforced concrete flooring, roof coverings (roofing) - from rolled materials (in 3-4 layers); exterior finish, including facades - painting on the textured layer, lining with carpet tiles, sealed joints - panels of external walls with hardening mastics, covering belts, sandriks and window sills from galvanized roofing steel; cold water, hot water, sewerage, power supply systems - centralized, distribution network, risers, intra-apartment wiring, stop valves

An example of the formation of a local estimate calculation

Overhaul of common areas Replacement of windows in prices of the 4th quarter of 2016 plastic Unit of measurement: 100 sq. m of window frames
Scope of work: 1. Removal of glazed window sashes 2. Dismantling of window frames 3. Installation of window blocks with sashes
No. pp Rationale Name Unit rev. Qty. Estimated cost in current T/C main slave. T / z fur.
per unit Total per unit general Including
Main Z. Ek. Ma. C/nMe. Mat.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Section 1. Openings
1 GESNr56-2-2 Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated 30.01.14 No. 31 /pr Removing glazed window frames 100 m2 Window frames 0,01 0,634/03,4 4881,3 48,81 46,86 1,95 1,13 0,46 0,01
2 GESNr56-1-1 Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated 30.01.14 No. 31 / pr Dismantling of window frames in stone walls with plastering in slopes 100 boxes 0,0,03943 0,26/03,4 14091 55,56 52,56 3 1,03 0,51 0,01
3 GESN 10-01027-03 Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated 12.11.14 No. 703 / pr Installation in residential and public buildings of window blocks with bindings: separate (separate-paired) in stone walls with an opening area of ​​up to 2 100 m2 openings 0,004282 0,2716/63,4 26DS05 1117,2 109,97 21,65 3,83 985,57 0,98 0,03
4 GESN 10-01-027-04 Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated 12.11.14 No. 703 / pr Installation in residential and public buildings of window blocks with separate (separate-paired) bindings in stone walls with a heating area of ​​more than 2 100 m2 openings 0,005718 0,3625/63,4 280398 1603,3 99,02 22,6 3,63 1481,7 0,88 0,03
5 GESN 10-01-034-01 Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated 12.11.14 No. 703 / pr Installation in residential and public buildings of window blocks made of blind PVC profiles with an opening area of ​​up to 2 100 m2 openings 0,0003 0,019/53,4 56429 16,93 5,69 0,83 0,05 10,41 0,05
6 SCM-101-0901 Hardware for window blocks with separate double sashes of double-leaf residential buildings (regardless of height) set, 0,157729 10/63,4 62,09 9,79 9,79
Estimated total direct costs at current prices 2851,6 314,1 50,03 9,68 2487,5 2,88 0,08
Total direct costs according to the estimate, taking into account the coefficients to the results 2955,7 395,68 72,58 13,44 2487,5 3,6 0,11
Overheads 347,9
Estimated profit 183,03
Estimated results:
Contingency 2% 69,73
Total with contingencies 3556,4
VAT 18% 640,15
TOTAL according to the estimate 4196,5 3,6 0,11

Document overview

A recommended general procedure has been established for determining the size of the marginal cost of services and / or works for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings (including those that are objects of cultural heritage), which can be paid by the regional operator at the expense of the overhaul fund, formed on the basis of the minimum contribution for overhaul.

The marginal cost is established by the regulatory legal act of the region for a specific calendar year. The recommendations were developed to unify and optimize the work of regional government agencies.

The initial data used, the costs taken into account are listed. The rules for the formation and updating of the cost block for the calculation of one element of the size of the marginal cost of overhaul, the procedure for the formation of a summary table of the sizes of the marginal cost are established.

Examples of the choice of objects of representatives located on the territory of the region and the formation of a local estimate calculation are given.

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