Lyosha is a soldier when he is released. Legendary killers Sasha soldier and Lyosha soldier give new testimony on high-profile murders. Eye color: Brown

Alexey Sherstobitov - Lesha the Soldier

The murder of Joseph Glotser

At the beginning of 1997, one of the entrepreneurs, whose company was “protected” by the Pylevs, had a conflict with businessman Iosif Glotser, co-founder of the Rostiks network, founder of the Dolls strip club. Then bodyguards from both sides entered the battle, as a result, the victory remained with Glotser's bodyguards. Angered by the defeat, the businessman rushed to his patrons for retribution, and they decided that the best way out of this situation would be to eliminate the offender.

Joseph spent the last day of his life in the company of his brother Yuri. On January 19, the men took a steam bath in the Sandunovsky baths, dined, after which Yuri went home to watch TV, and Joseph decided to drop by his club.

Arriving at Krasnaya Presnya, where the Dolls are still located, Glotser did not pay attention to the Volkswagen minibus parked not far from the club. And Alexey Sherstobitov was already sitting in it in the company of an Orekhov militant and a driver. It is noteworthy that the liquidator did not plan to deal with Glotser on that very day: he came to study the place, taking with him a small-caliber revolver. The idea to "execute" suddenly came to Lesha Soldat's mind.

There was no opportunity to approach the victim, and Sherstobitov decided to shoot from a distance of 47 meters. Leaning on the back of the front seat and ordering the driver to duck, the killer pulled the trigger. The bullet hit Glotzer in the temple, he died instantly. Sherstobitov and company managed to leave the crime scene unnoticed.

Hunting for "Russian Gold"

In the summer of 1999, the leadership of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovo OPS decided to eliminate the president of the Russian Gold company. What was the reason for the conflict between him and the bandits is not known for certain. Meanwhile, the first attempt on the banker was made back in 1992. Miraculously avoiding death, Tarantsev significantly increased security and acquired an armored car. It was not easy to get close to such a goal, and then Alexey Sherstobitov came up with a “knight’s move”.

The killer remembered how Bruce Willis' character in the Hollywood action movie The Jackal dealt with unwanted people with the help of a crossbow installed in the car, and decided to use this method to eliminate Tarantsev. In ordinary tinted Zhiguli, he installed a Kalashnikov assault rifle, firing on command from the control panel, and a video camera, with the help of which it was possible to observe the course of events from a distant place.

Designed by Sherstobitov "death machine"

The killer followed Tarantsev's movements for several months. Sherstobitov decided: the porch of the building where his company is located would be the best point for the “execution” of a businessman. On June 22, the killer parked a car with a shooting device opposite the entrance to the Russian Gold office, and he himself settled in another car on a nearby street.

As soon as Tarantsev's figure appeared on the monitor, Sherstobitov pressed the button, and... nothing happened. The businessman quietly disappeared behind the front doors, and Lesha Soldier, annoyed by the failure of Lesha, after sitting in the car for some time, went home. The mechanism "woke up" only after a couple of hours. A sudden burst of automatic fire killed a bystander and wounded an office guard.

Traitor from the Kurgan organized crime group

After the failure with Tarantsev, the killer lay low. The operatives all this time doubted the existence of Sherstobitov's figure, believing that they were dealing with a collective image of a killer named "Soldier". The Pylev brothers, the leaders of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group, detained in the first half of the 2000s, said: yes, they say, there was such a killer, but he was killed long ago.

Light on the existence of a mysterious person was shed by a colleague of Sherstobitov - a killer (Baker). In a fit of remorse and hope for a short time, he told the operatives everything he knew about Lesha the Soldier. And although the law enforcement officers, thanks to Gribkov's stories, were convinced that the liquidator exists in a single and living copy, they did not succeed in getting on his trail.

Andrey Koligov is the leader of the Kurgan organized criminal group. It was he who handed over the Soldier to the investigators

And Alexei Sherstobitov was killed by a fatal passion for a woman named Irina. Lesha Soldier, who was already married, literally lost his head from a 17-year-old beauty. Their secret relationship continued until 1995, when the killer decided: to continue meeting means to endanger the life of his beloved. And he simply disappeared.

He showed up, tired of fighting with his feelings, two years later. Then, after the murder of Glotser, Sherstobitov planned to go on a trip abroad and decided to take Irina with him. What was his amazement when he found out that his beloved had gathered down the aisle, and even with one of the leaders of the warring with the Orekhovskys. True, the wedding never took place: Sherstobitov eventually took the girl with a fake passport to the Canary Islands. Enraged, Koligov vowed revenge by killing both. But he didn’t have time - during the grandiose cleansing of the Kurgan people, he thundered into prison.

Eight years have passed since then. Returning from a trip, Alexei and Irina began to live in a civil marriage, they had a daughter. Irina got a job at a modeling agency and once even got on the cover of a fashion magazine. This magazine, by the will of fate, ended up in the hands of an abandoned fiance who spends his days in the zone.

The happy look of the traitor again awakened in him a thirst for revenge, and he, knowing that there was a hunt for the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskys, told the operatives about the identity of his rival on the love front. What happened next was a matter of technique: law enforcement officers found Irina, who did not know what her cohabitant was doing, and, having received all the necessary information, began to prepare for the arrest.

23 years for 12 murders

Lyosha Soldat ended up in the hands of operatives in early 2006. On this day, he came to visit his father, who ended up in the Botkin hospital. When he closed the car and saw policemen running towards him from different sides, he immediately understood: this time there was no chance to escape. During interrogations, Aleksey Sherstobitov did not deny involvement in the liquidation case and told everything as it is: yes, he killed, but under duress, and had long since retired. He lived a peaceful life and even found himself in the plaster craft.

The investigation managed to prove Sherstobitov's involvement in 12 contract killings and assassination attempts. On February 22, 2008, he was sentenced to 13 years in prison, and in September the term was increased to 23 years. It is noteworthy that all the titles and awards received by the killer in his past, pre-criminal life, were left to him. Ironically, the Order of Courage remained with Alexei, which he received back in 1990 for his help in catching a particularly dangerous criminal.

Sherstobitov was sent to serve his term in a strict regime colony located in the Lipetsk region. They nevertheless broke up with Irina, and a 31-year-old native of St. Petersburg named Marina became the new chosen one of Alexei. Lesha Soldier married her on June 9, 2016. Now Sherstobitov is trying his hand at writing: several books have come out from under his pen.

1 comment

  1. I have repeatedly refuted the PR articles about this swindler and liar! I knew Lesha Shersobitov from the moment he appeared in the group and I will say right away that this character is not who he claims to be. This is an image artificially created by TV and the press of the people’s patient who was allegedly forced and forced to kill, but in reality all this is an excuse for the cops to give them a jury trial in order to avoid life imprisonment, which he is proud of that he charmed the jury grannies - housewives, and even the victim Glotser from whom he killed brother. Half of what he writes is pure lies. The episode of the assassination attempt on Berezovsky was invented by him from beginning to end in order to give weight to his person and avoid reprisals in the pre-trial detention center. Even the court did not consider this episode seriously. The girl he killed during the attempt on painting was not an accidental victim, and this murder was deliberate, since Lesha was lit up and these girls became unwitting witnesses to the assassination attempt, Lesha, without regret, detonated an explosive device. The fact that no one knew him and did not see him in person is also a lie, the Internet is full of videos with chaps and photos at all sorts of picnics and other events. During the attempt on Otari, he knew perfectly well who he was attempting, and now he disowns this, fearing that a “torpedo” will fly in for the murder of Otari and he will not live. This is an excuse for those who do not bother with the facts, because the killer is charged to the fullest for such serious persons and there should not be a miss, otherwise the object of the assassination will take countermeasures, hide himself and return will fly in response. Lesha gave himself away when describing this attempt on Otari, it turns out that he knew Mikhail's bodyguard a hundred, but Otari himself, whom he shot first and into whose body he fired three bullets, he did not know! But who can believe in this nonsense? As for the conspiracy, I would not say with such confidence as the press writes, Lesha burned down three apartments with weapons, so moreover, there were also hostages on one, and this is his conspiracy ?! Another myth and excuse for the court is that Lesha lived in the peaceful profession of a plasterer and tied up with the past. This is not so - he was taken red-handed, so to speak, while working off another object to eliminate the director and founder of a secret research institute on Varshavskoe highway in Moscow. Then in 2006, A. Trushkin ordered the capture group to detain him when there was a danger of eliminating the object of the attempt. The result of all this lies is that Sherstobitov was believed by everyone except the COURT itself, which did not even take into account his fake award and his repentance, and if it weren’t for the jury and the victim Glotser’s speech asking for leniency, then this swindler would have rotted for life! Here is such a “Legendary” and elusive Indian “Lesha the Soldier”.


Aleksey Lvovich Sherstobitov ("Lyosha Soldier") - a hereditary officer, holder of the Order "For Personal Courage", created a conspiratorial group of specialists from the GRU, KGB, Ministry of Internal Affairs as part of an organized crime group, designed to collect, process and use information, as well as to physically eliminate a special difficulties. A member of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya criminal gang, known as Lesha the Soldier. On account of his 12 proven murders and attempts.


1989 - After graduating from the Higher Military School, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant.

1990 - Awarded the Order "For Personal Courage" No. 5596.

Early 1992 - forced demobilization Art. lieutenant.

1992-93 - bodyguard, head of security at the Central Children's Hospital, etc.

1993 - the beginning of the story in crime.

1993 - the first work to eliminate (murder) - the crime boss "Filin" - using an RPG grenade launcher - 18 "Fly".

The loudest of the murders committed by Sherstobitov, which appeared in court, was the removal of the head of the Sportsmen's Social Security Fund, Otari Kvantrishvili. He was shot dead on April 5, 1994 near the Krasnopresnensky baths in Moscow. The perpetrator fired three bullets at the victim from an Anschutz carbine with a telescopic sight.

The murder caused a great public outcry in Russia. Otari Kvantrishvili was a very prominent person in the country at that time. In addition to the Foundation, he also headed the Athletes' Party, which advocated "the restoration of the rule of law in the country." As follows from the case file, shortly before the murder, Sergei Timofeev "had his eye" on the Tuapse oil refinery. However, Otari Kvantrishvili, who had his own interests there, prevented Sylvester from taking control of the enterprise. They could not agree peacefully, then Timofeev gave the order to eliminate the head of the Fund.

Already at the trial, Alexei Sherstobitov told how events developed further. Sylvester instructed the authority of Grigory Gusyatinsky to deal with Kvantrishvili, and he handed over the “order” to Lesha Soldat. Moreover, the killer was only informed that it was necessary to eliminate a man named Otari, who "mortally threatens" Sylvester's interests. Members of the organized crime group handed him an Anschutz carbine with an optical sight, from which he sawed off the butt. The killer shot the weapon in one of the forests near Moscow.

On the appointed day, Sherstobitov arrived at the Kranopresnensky baths, where influential members of the group Sergey Ananyevsky (Kultik) and Sergey Butorin (Osya) were already waiting for him.

They prudently rented an apartment on the 7th floor, from where the exit from the baths was visible, but Sherstobitov did not fire from this position. There was only one way out of the house where the apartment was located, and he was afraid that after fulfilling the "order" he himself would be killed. The killer took up a position in the attic of a house in Stolyarny Lane. There he scattered cigarette butts, picked up at the station, in order to set the policemen on the wrong track. Half an hour later, when Kvantrishvili was in his field of vision, Sherstobitov fired three shots at the victim - in the heart, neck and head.

It is noteworthy that no separate payments for the work performed were provided for Sherstobitov in the group. He had a monthly salary of $ 2.5 thousand, sometimes he was also given bonuses. For the murder of Kvantrishvili, Lesha the Soldier was awarded the VAZ 2107. Sherstobitov received money only from the hands of Gusyatinsky, while the rest of the group, with the exception of a few more of its leaders, did not know his real name and did not see his face (Sherstobitov came to general meetings in makeup, a wig and with a false mustache). Sylvester himself met with Lesha the Soldier only once, after another crime.

In 1994, Timofeev had a conflict with thief in law Andrei Isaev, known by the nickname Painted. Shortly before this, Sylvester organized an explosion at the LogoVAZ office, during which Boris Berezovsky received minor injuries. The oligarch and the authority had a long-standing dispute over the amount of 100 million rubles received from several transactions. The effect that the explosion produced was liked by Sylvester, and he ordered to deal with Isaev in the same way.

Lyosha Soldat set up a car filled with explosives near Painted's house on Osenny Boulevard. When he left, the killer pressed the remote control button. Isaev himself was injured, but survived. The explosion killed a little girl. Despite the unsuccessful attempt, Sylvester was satisfied with the operation, he personally rewarded the Soldier with a TT pistol. And soon Timofeev himself was killed.

After the execution of Kvantrishvili, Sherstobitov and Gusyatinsky left for Ukraine, where Lesha the Soldier was found by the Pylev brothers. They offered him to destroy Gusyatinsky, because they wanted to single-handedly rule in the Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group. Lesha Soldat, as he admitted during interrogations, was delighted with such an “order” - Gusyatinsky was the only person in the group who knew everything about him: places of residence, relatives, real name, etc. The killer shot his boss in Kyiv from a sniper rifle, when he went to the window of the hotel room.

After that, the Pylevs raised Sherstobitov's salary to $5,000 and sent him to sit in Greece. Again, the services of Lesha Soldat were needed only two years later - in January 1997. Then the Medvedkovo-Orekhovskaya organized crime group had a conflict with the owner of the Dolls club, Joseph Glotser. Sherstobitov went on reconnaissance to a nightclub located on Krasnaya Presnya Street. Suddenly, he saw Glotzer leave the building and get into his car. The killer had a small-caliber (5.6mm (.22LR) Ruger) revolver with him, and he decided to take a chance and fired through the half-open window from a distance of 50 meters. The bullet hit Glozer in the temple.

In 1998, the Pylevs, on the basis of the distribution of business income, had a conflict with the president of the Russian Gold company, Alexander Tarantsev. And again, Sherstobitov was involved to solve the problem. He followed the businessman for almost four months and realized that he, having very professional security, was practically not vulnerable to killers. Tarantsev could only hit the scope window when he was walking down the steps of the office in Moscow.

Lesha Soldat built a remote-controlled device with a Kalashnikov assault rifle in the VAZ 2104. The car was installed right at the exit from the Russian Gold office. Lesha the Soldier saw Tarantsev descending the stairs on a special display. He aimed at the businessman's head and pressed a button on the remote. But for some reason, the complex device did not work. An automatic burst was heard only a day later, a Russian Gold guard died from it, and two bystanders were injured.

Also work on 'Aksen' - Sergey Aksyonov, leader of the Izmailovsky group, 'Luchka Podolsky' - Sergey Lalakin - one of the leaders of the Podolskaya group, 'Mikhas' - Mikhailov Sergey - leader of the Solntsevskaya group, 'BABU' - Boris Berezovsky, Umar Dzhabrailov successfully completing the tasks.

Operational support and information training of the joint group for the murder (elimination) of "Solonika" - the Russian killer "number one". In the early 2000s, MUR officers detained almost all the surviving members and leaders of the Orekhovo-Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group. Ordinary militants spoke during interrogations about a certain Lesha Soldat, but no one knew either his last name or what he looked like. The Pylev brothers said that they had heard of such a person for the first time. Then the investigators decided that Lesha the Soldier was some kind of mythical collective image.

2001 - exit from the organized crime group.

In 2005, one of the members of the Kurgan organized criminal group (she was connected with the Orekhovskaya), who was serving a long term, unexpectedly called the investigators to him and stated that a certain killer had once recaptured his girlfriend. Through her, the detectives went to Sherstobitov, who was detained in early 2006, when he came to the Botkin hospital to visit his father.

The composition of the group: Alexey Sherstobitov (Soldier) - Art. lieutenant in the Ministry of Defense;

Chaplygin Sergei (Chip) - captain of the GRU MO;

Pogorelov Alexander (Sanchez) - captain of the GRU MO;

Vilkov Sergey - Captain VV.
Arrest and trial

February 2, 2006 - arrest, then 4 years in SIZO 99/1. First trial Jury verdict of February 22, 2008 "Guilty, not worthy of leniency." The verdict of the Moscow City Court of March 3, 2008 - 13 years of strict regime, Judge Zubarev A.I. The second court of November 24, 2008 The jury's verdict of September 24, 2008 - "Guilty, worthy of indulgence" The verdict of the Moscow City Court of September 29, 2008 - 23 years of strict regime . Judge Shtunder P.E. Term by adding sentences - 23 years l / s in a strict regime colony with the retention of the title and awards. He was accused of committing 12 murders and attempted murders and more than 10 articles of the Criminal Code related to his activities.
Interesting Facts

He went against the interests of the criminal community and its leaders, refusing and delaying the elimination of persons objectionable to them: V. Demenkov, G. Sotnikova, A. Polunin, T. Trifonov, including did not initiate an explosive device at the Vvedensky cemetery in Moscow, during time of the anniversary of the death of Mr. Shukhat, which is confirmed by the materials of the criminal case (decision on the refusal to initiate a criminal case dated 06/25/2007.
An interview with Sherstobitov in the program "Man and the Law" stirred up the public and had a great rating.
On some life facts and a romantic story taken from the fate of Alexei, the film “Slove. Right in the heart"
In 2011, the series "Gangs" was released, based on an interview recorded in SIZO 99/1, but with a large share of fiction.
The book "Anabasis to repentance" has been written and prepared for publication, revealing the world of organized crime of the 90s from the inside, through the eyes of a participant standing at the very top of its hierarchy.
At the trial, Sherstobitov declared that he fully admitted his guilt, but asked for leniency. In particular, he cited the following arguments in his defense: he refused to blow up 30 members of the Izmaylovo group, saved the life of one entrepreneur without eliminating her, and, having left the criminal community, was engaged in a peaceful craft - he worked as a plasterer. “I could not refuse to kill, I saved my life so much,” Sherstobitov said at the trial.

How the brilliant military dynasty of the Sherstobitovs continued

Although the word "killer" comes from the English killer, that is, the killer, its sound quite recently fascinated many, it exuded some kind of gloomy romance. In fact, there was nothing romantic in the killers of the 90s. Take at least Alexey Sherstobitov nicknamed Lesha Soldier- the killer of the Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group.

Carier start

Alexei was born into a family of hereditary military men - his great-grandfathers served in the tsarist army, his grandfather participated in the defense of Sevastopol, his father was a Soviet career officer. He himself graduated from a military school, rose to the rank of lieutenant - and in 1991 he was laid off, like many in those years. I had to somehow support my wife and infant.

Sherstobitov tried to shuttle, trade - but he did not succeed with commerce. Much better things went in the gym. It was there, pulling "pieces of iron", that Alexey met a former KGB officer Grigory Gusyatinsky - Griney, one of the leaders of the Medvedkovskaya organized crime group, who first offered him to work as a security guard for trade tents, and then, like a well-aimed shooter, hired him to be a killer: first set him up, and then threatened that he would harm Alexei's family, and forced him to work.

So Lesha the Soldier was born.

Robot in a wig

Alexey Sherstobitov

During the first six months of the new "work" Sherstobitov killed three. For what these people were sentenced to death, no one explained to him - they did not consider it necessary. Soon his work was approved by himself Sylvester- one of the most powerful leaders of the then criminal world of the capital, who also oversaw Medvedkov's.

Medvedkovskaya met at a dacha in the Vladimir region. Sherstobitov did not like these gatherings, but was forced to attend. True, he appeared on them with a changed appearance - in a false mustache and beard, in a wig. Few people inside the gang knew what he looked like in real life.

He himself admitted that a good weapon as such delighted him, and was proud of his ability to wait - one of the main killer's craft. Aleksey, one might say, approached his tasks creatively - he chose his own weapons, and the point of observation of the object, and the passport number, and even appearance.

He received for his daily readiness to go on business two thousand dollars a month. Then two and a half. Sometimes there was an award for a specific case from Gusyatinsky himself - but this was not every time.

Side effects

When attempting to painted- thief in law by name Andrey Isaev Two little girls were hurt. When a car filled with explosives exploded, one of them died, and the other was injured and left disabled. Painted, however, managed to survive and not even suffer much - the doctors saved him.

During the assassination attempt on the head of Russian Gold Alexandra Tarantseva a failure occurred: a remote-controlled device with a Kalashnikov assault rifle did not work on time. As a result, a guard was killed and two passers-by were injured - but Tarantsev survived.

But the murder of a businessman Otari Kvantrishvili, one of the main antagonists of Sylvester, went like clockwork - and became the loudest case of Lesha the Soldier. He fired three bullets from an Anschutz carbine with a telescopic sight into the victim - and later received a VAZ-2107 car for this.

Changed the machine gun to a pen

After Sylvester himself was killed in September 1994, Sherstobitov, together with Gusyatinsky, leaves for Ukraine - for security purposes. There, he pretty soon kills the hated chief - wounds him with a sniper rifle; he lies in a coma for several days, after which he is disconnected from life support devices.

In 2003, the leaders of the Orekhovskys fell into the hands of law enforcement agencies, after which the Ministry of Internal Affairs learned about the existence of the killer Lesha Soldat. However, it was possible to detain him only in 2006. By this time, Sherstobitov had long since departed from killer cases - however, 12 murders and one attempt were proven. Alexei was sentenced to 23 years in prison.

In places not so remote, the former Lyosha Soldier discovered a gift for writing in himself; among other things, he wrote an autobiographical book, The Liquidator. Now he is serving time in a colony in the Lipetsk region. In 2016 he got married.

Maybe not everyone knows:
Alexey Sherstobitov was born in 1967. He gained fame as a member of the Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group, known under the nickname Lyosha the Soldier. Alexey Sherstobitov is behind a series of high-profile contract killings that have made him one of the most famous Russian killers.
In 2008, at the trial, Sherstobitov pleaded guilty to 12 murders and attempted murders. He also asked for leniency, because, according to him, only the execution of tasks allowed him to save his own life. As a result, the court recognized Sherstobitov as deserving of leniency and sentenced him first to 13 and then to 23 years in prison.

They will tell me, what are you, in fact, indignant at? He is a professional in his "business" - everyone recognized this, the journalist asked for an authoritative opinion. It is attractive. it is read with interest and reposted:

Is the opinion of the captured "beast" so authoritative? And anyway, how can the killer's opinion be attractive? Much more weighty is the opinion of the one who caught Lesha the Soldier. And the name of that truly authoritative pro, many do not know, our journalists are not interested in this. Well, who will be interested, no blood to you, no gangster romance, so the police routine. And you think about what qualities you need to have in order to "drive the beast" into a "cage"? Where is his opinion? Why are they not relying on him to professionally and authentically understand the situation.
Because you need a rating for which they will pay, and not the truth. And do not care that other people may die because of this, they will arrange a Maidan in Moscow to this tune, and then what? Where is the professional duty of a journalist, I would like to ask the author of this article Dmitry Evstifeev?
The opinion of Lesha the Soldier, if you really want to figure it out, you can not take into account. It would be interesting to hear from professional investigators, but their names are not well known, and while the investigation is ongoing, they are unlikely to announce anything.
And the situation is developing rapidly, approaches are being tried to destabilize the country from different sides.
"Kasparov at a hearing in the US Senate compared Putin to a cancerous tumor that needs to be cut out"
A major event is being prepared for April 16, in continuation of the Spring Anti-Crisis March.
The US Treasury Department expanded the so-called "Magnitsky list" by adding four more Russian citizens to it.

In general, I think everyone sees that they are trying to shake the situation. And everyone needs to understand who, for what purpose, in what way. What for? Then, in order not to lose orientation and not get lost in the informational chaos.

All the same, what Lesha the Soldier said:

"The shooter didn't think like a person doing eliminations on a regular basis, at least not on a serious level."
"- A professional with a lot of experience always has a choice of weapons. In this case, it is obvious that there was no choice."
"- A confident shooter who held a weapon on duty, using it often, is unlikely to shoot so much."
"- Such people are always with someone, whether it be a "team", a politician, a high-ranking official, a party or a big businessman."
"- The chosen point for the assassination is one of the most unfortunate. If you mean a demonstrative execution, then, probably, in public, that is, in the restaurant itself, it would look worse."
"I'm sorry, but there was nothing difficult about killing this man. After all, he did not hide, did not use security services, as I understand it, completely realizing that nothing threatened him.
"- This world is so informative that customers are just thinking, and those who need it already know how it will end.

The opinion of Lesha the Soldier can be contrasted with a serious and professional analysis of specialists in such schemes, for example, this one and, as they say, feel the difference:

Truth is the most valuable, it is necessary to break through to it, only it can lead out of the trap.

How the brilliant military dynasty of the Sherstobitovs continued

Although the word "killer" comes from the English killer, that is, the killer, its sound quite recently fascinated many, it exuded some kind of gloomy romance. In fact, there was nothing romantic in the killers of the 90s. Take at least Alexey Sherstobitov nicknamed Lesha Soldier- the killer of the Medvedkovskaya organized criminal group.

Carier start

Alexei was born into a family of hereditary military men - his great-grandfathers served in the tsarist army, his grandfather participated in the defense of Sevastopol, his father was a Soviet career officer. He himself graduated from a military school, rose to the rank of lieutenant - and in 1991 he was laid off, like many in those years. I had to somehow support my wife and infant.

Sherstobitov tried to shuttle, trade - but he did not succeed with commerce. Much better things went in the gym. It was there, pulling "pieces of iron", that Alexey met a former KGB officer Grigory Gusyatinsky - Griney, one of the leaders of the Medvedkovskaya organized crime group, who first offered him to work as a security guard for trade tents, and then, like a well-aimed shooter, hired him to be a killer: first set him up, and then threatened that he would harm Alexei's family, and forced him to work.

So Lesha the Soldier was born.

Robot in a wig

Alexey Sherstobitov

During the first six months of the new "work" Sherstobitov killed three. For what these people were sentenced to death, no one explained to him - they did not consider it necessary. Soon, his work was approved by himself - one of the most powerful leaders of the then criminal world of the capital, who also oversaw Medvedkov's.

Medvedkovskaya met at a dacha in the Vladimir region. Sherstobitov did not like these gatherings, but was forced to attend. True, he appeared on them with a changed appearance - in a false mustache and beard, in a wig. Few people inside the gang knew what he looked like in real life.

He himself admitted that a good weapon as such delighted him, and was proud of his ability to wait - one of the main killer's craft. Aleksey, one might say, approached his tasks creatively - he chose his own weapons, and the point of observation of the object, and the passport number, and even appearance.

He received for his daily readiness to go on business two thousand dollars a month. Then two and a half. Sometimes there was an award for a specific case from Gusyatinsky himself - but this was not every time.

Side effects

When attempting to painted- thief in law by name Andrey Isaev Two little girls were hurt. When a car filled with explosives exploded, one of them died, and the other was injured and left disabled. Painted, however, managed to survive and not even suffer much - the doctors saved him.

During the assassination attempt on the head of Russian Gold Alexandra Tarantseva a failure occurred: a remote-controlled device with a Kalashnikov assault rifle did not work on time. As a result, a guard was killed and two passers-by were injured - but Tarantsev survived.

But the murder of a businessman Otari Kvantrishvili, one of the main antagonists of Sylvester, went like clockwork - and became the loudest case of Lesha the Soldier. He fired three bullets from an Anschutz carbine with a telescopic sight into the victim - and later received a VAZ-2107 car for this.

Changed the machine gun to a pen

After Sylvester himself was killed in September 1994, Sherstobitov, together with Gusyatinsky, leaves for Ukraine - for security purposes. There, he pretty soon kills the hated chief - wounds him with a sniper rifle; he lies in a coma for several days, after which he is disconnected from life support devices.

In 2003, the leaders of the Orekhovskys fell into the hands of law enforcement agencies, after which the Ministry of Internal Affairs learned about the existence of the killer Lesha Soldat. However, it was possible to detain him only in 2006. By this time, Sherstobitov had long since departed from killer cases - however, 12 murders and one attempt were proven. Alexei was sentenced to 23 years in prison.

In places not so remote, the former Lyosha Soldier discovered a gift for writing in himself; among other things, he wrote an autobiographical book, The Liquidator. Now he is serving time in a colony in the Lipetsk region. In 2016 he got married.

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