Capybara is a water pig. The capybara is the largest rodent. Description, photo South America capybara

Far across the ocean, in hot Venezuela, an amazing animal lives. It swims like an anaconda, toothy like an alligator and a crocodile, with a shiny coat like an otter's. Who can guess what kind of animal it is? Correct answer - capybara, but in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, probably few have heard of such an exotic creation.

The capybara is also called capybara, and what is most interesting, many people settle this rodent at home. Here is such an unusual alternative to praying mantises, hamsters, newts, rats and guinea pigs. True, it will be very problematic to keep such an animal in an apartment, because capybara weight about 65 kg, and the growth of an adult sheep. She simply loves water, and her whole body is covered with a special water-repellent fur. And here are a couple more features of the capybara: long front teeth, similar to rabbits, and the ability to bark like a dog.

Scientists consider the capybara to be the largest of the rodents. Her whole life is closely connected with various reservoirs. The banks of rivers, swamps, lakes - this is her usual habitat. These animals are amazingly dexterous swimmers and love to spend a huge amount of time in the water. Despite the rather large size of a capybara for a pet (body length 1.5 m) and rather big weight, many lovers of unusual animals still dared to settle this rodent. Many find in it a resemblance to a guinea pig thanks to its cute little muzzle, small, neat ears and a movable nose.

"Capybara" is a name coined by the Indians of South America. Translated from their language, it means "master of the grass." But scientists, when they stumbled upon this mammal, could not find a name for it, because they had never seen anyone like it. As a result of much deliberation, the researchers named it capybara and assigned it to the rodent squad.

What does a capybara look like

Everyone who is closely acquainted with the capybara considers it a very pretty animal. Its main advantage is a small tail, because often it is this part of the body that kills all a person’s love for rodents, such as rats and mice. Causes sympathy and thoughtful complacent muzzle of capybara. The body of the animal is dense, well-fed, the head is massive. The hind legs are slightly shorter than the front ones, and it seems as if the capybara is constantly doing squats. There are four fingers on the front paws of the capybara, and only three on the back. Between the fingers there are membranes, thanks to which the animal can swim, and it also has rather sharp claws, so climbing a tree for a capybara is not a problem. The real pride of the capybara is a thick, long brown coat.

The eyes, nose and ears of the capybara are high, and therefore, when it bathes in a pond, the senses are not submerged under water. So the rodent can calmly wait out the heat in comfortable conditions.

What does the capybara eat in nature and how to feed it at home

The main dishes on the capybara menu are algae and grass. This animal never starves and does not fight with others for food, because it is full not only on land, but also under water. This is one of the factors due to which the animals, although they have become much smaller than their ancient ancestors, have nevertheless survived to this day. Capybara is a happy animal, because it has practically no enemies. The main threat to their quiet life on land is jaguars, in the water - caimans and anacondas.

How and where does the capybara live in nature

Capybara is a herd animal. They form groups led by a male and some females. The remaining males and a huge number of cubs are "subordinates". Capybaras are very peaceful animals, so there are practically no quarrels in their family. Rights and responsibilities are clearly defined, so that the situation is most often calm. The whole company of animals roam the banks of reservoirs, from time to time stopping to rest. Capybaras sleep not in burrows, but in the open. During the day they look for water or dense thickets to hide from the sun, but the evening and morning coolness returns energy and activity to rodents.

Capybara cubs

A capybara is born, as a rule, four cubs. From the very beginning, babies are independent, although they continue to be fed with mother's milk for another sixteen weeks. From the moment they are born, capybara cubs already have wool, their eyes see well and they can easily follow the herd. Capybara females are excellent mothers. They are very affectionate not only to their own babies, but to all cubs in the herd.

How long do capybaras live in the wild and at home

The life span of capybaras, like other rodents, is quite long. In their natural habitat, they live for about 10 years, and in artificial conditions - 12. A phlegmatic disposition and a measured life help them to live to such a respectable age. People could learn from them too. Capybara is a peaceful animal, she does not like to fight, and if she notices danger, she immediately runs away and hides. As soon as the danger passes, it grazes calmly again.

How the capybara was hunted and then tamed

For many years, only forest and aquatic predators were enemies of capybaras. But with the beginning of the colonization of America, people appreciated the warm fur and tasty meat of animals, and opened a real hunt for them. In addition, for a long time, the capybara was even considered a fish, and the colonists with redoubled zeal destroyed peace-loving animals. Fortunately, people changed their minds in time. It was decided to build special farms and domesticate capybaras.

The capybaras liked the conditions on the farms. Still: there is plenty of food, capacious reservoirs in which you can freely swim and dive, and even the absence of the usual predators. Thanks to these factors, the capybara multiplied rapidly, unaware of the sad fate awaiting them.

Pets - capybaras. Care rules

Many people, having seen a capybara once, or even read about it on the Internet or in a magazine, dream of owning such an animal. And that's a really good idea! Really, capybara can bark like a dog, but does not growl and will never bite your guests. She quickly mastered, and becomes almost a member of the family. This animal shares its calm energy with all the inhabitants of the house, its behavior suppresses aggression, calms nervous nerves and sets only for a good mood. Capybaras can get along well even with dogs and cats.

Putting a capybara in a cage is strictly prohibited. These freedom-loving animals simply cannot survive in it. Yes, and rather big sizes require appropriate space. Capybaras also need a specific climate, because they are used to living in warmth, so something like a greenhouse combined with an indoor pool will do.

Feeding a capybara is not difficult. Vegetables, fruits, fresh hay - this is their favorite diet. The capybara will not refuse canned dog food or pellets for rodents. The place where the feeder is located, the animal will remember very quickly.

Capybara can be walked on a leash like a dog, or you can let it run free. These animals are ideal swimming friends, and even teachers who will demonstrate the correct diving technique by their own example.

And finally, good news for apartment residents who want to have such an exotic pet: there are pygmy capybarus. These animals resemble rabbits in size (photo of rabbits), but they are much more active.

This animal is the largest among rodents. It looks like a guinea pig. At capybara large head, short ears, small eyes. The cheek teeth do not stop growing, and there are 20 teeth in total. The limbs are short. Between the fingers there is a swimming membrane. The tail is present but invisible. They have a long and hard hairline and a brown color. They can hold their breath for 5 minutes.

About 300 years ago, Catholic priests classified capybaras as fish, just because these animals loved water. It is an extremely lazy animal.

Habitat: temperate rainforests of the Americas


Length - 1 - 1.3 meters

Weight - 35 - 65 kilograms

Height - 55 - 65 centimeters


Lives both on land and in water. It can move away from the coast, but not more than 1 kilometer. Most often, the capybara is active during the day, but can switch to a nocturnal lifestyle if there is a threat from predators. Due to the high location of the organs of vision, hearing and smell, when swimming, the capybara can keep them above the water. In the heat, capybaras cover themselves in mud so that their skin does not burn. Can choose to settle near a human to steal crops from the fields. He does not build himself either nests or beds.


1. In the wild, it feeds on algae, fruits, and grass.

2. In zoos, capybaras are fed vitamins, vegetables, and rodent food.

At home, rodents of this species can be given vegetables, grass, hay, fruits, and very rarely "food from the table."

Capybaras for food try to choose plants rich in protein, because. their digestive system assimilates many useful substances.


Usually in a flock of capybaras there are about 10 - 20 individuals. These animals are subject to a strict order. Each group has one main male, several females, their cubs and subordinate males. Only about 7% of these animals (necessarily males) live alone. The size of the territory occupied by one herd can reach 10 hectares. Communication between individuals occurs with the help of a whistle. Each group has its own territory. Often there are fights between capybara leaders.


Capybaras can mate at any time of the year. Reproduction takes place in water. Females go pregnant for about 150 days. Cubs are born on land. Newborns weigh an average of 1.5 kilograms. One female can bring from 2 to 6 cubs into the flock, which do not need care. Many females care not only for their own, but also for other people's "babies". From birth, small capybaras can eat grass and fruits, but the mother feeds them for another 15 to 16 weeks. Animals over 17 months of age are considered adults.


- Enemies of capybaras are: (on land), anacondas and caimans (in water).

If you want a capybara...

The market value of one individual can range from 100 to 120 thousand. Keep in mind that if you are going to start a capybara, then your home will be the best solution. These animals need space and a large enough pool to dive and swim in plenty.

capybaras They are pretty cute animals. They can make friends with the rest of the inhabitants of the house and do not show excessive aggression. But you need to know that the first signs of anger are barking, similar to a dog. In captivity, capybaras live for about 12 years.

Video about Capybara at home

Capybara (lat. Hydrochoerus capybara) is a semi-aquatic mammal, the largest of modern rodents. It is the only representative of the capybara family (lat. Hydrochoeridae). There is a dwarf variety Hydrochoerus isthmius, sometimes it is considered as a separate species (small capybara).


The capybara looks like a large guinea pig. The body length of an adult can reach 1.0-1.35 m. The height at the withers is 0.5-0.6 m. The weight of males ranges from 34 to 63 kg. Females are slightly larger, can weigh up to 65.5 kg.

This outwardly phlegmatic herbivorous rodent of heavy constitution. At capybaras broad, blunt muzzle. The head is large with short rounded ears. The high-set eyes are relatively small in size. There are 20 teeth, and the cheek teeth grow throughout life. The capybara has rather short limbs. There are four fingers on the forelimbs, three on the hind limbs. There is practically no tail. On the body - long coarse hair without undercoat.

The capybara lives in Central and South America, meeting off the coast of warm water bodies of Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, French Guiana. The factors limiting the distribution of this rodent include the temperature of water and air.

The capybara prefers low-lying areas near rivers, lakes, swamps. Often chooses a cultivated area, having the habit of eating cereals, melons, sugar cane. It also feeds on coastal and aquatic plants, tree bark, and wild grasses.

A semi-aquatic animal spends most of its time on land, and in case of danger it always tries to hide in the water. Hidden among aquatic plants, capybara leaves only the nostrils visible above the surface of the water. More than 500-1000 meters from the reservoir does not depart.

It is active in the morning and evening, sleeps at night, and rests from the heat during the day. In the area where people can disturb the capybara with their activities, it begins to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. When laying, capybaras settle down directly on the ground; they do not equip burrows and nests.

These mammals live mainly in groups of 10 to 20 individuals. The group consists of a dominant male, several males, females and cubs. But about 5-10 percent of individuals (mostly males) live alone. This happens when a dominant male drives a competitor out of the herd. A group of animals can occupy an area of ​​up to 10 hectares, capybaras mark their sites, and a conflict may arise between a group of its permanent inhabitants and newcomers.

Communication occurs with the help of whistles, clicking sounds and sounds similar to barking. The smells of the secretion of the olfactory gland are also used. In males, it is located on the muzzle. During the mating season, males mark plants with secretion and attract females. The mating season usually occurs at the beginning of the rainy season in spring and autumn.

Although capybaras can bring offspring throughout the year. Pregnancy lasts approximately 150 days. From 2 to 8 cubs are born. Newborn animals have hair, teeth, eyes are open, weight is about 1.5 kg. Milk feeding occurs 3-4 months. Each female can bring a litter from one to three times a year. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 15-18 months.

The life span of animals is 9-10 years, in captivity they can live up to 12 years. Capybaras have long been domesticated, and some families keep them as pets. In Venezuela, animals are bred on farms, fed for meat. Capybara meat vaguely resembles pork.


The name of the animal originates from the word ka"apiaara, which in the dead Tupi language (a relative language of the Guarani Indians) literally means "eater of thin grass" ( kaa(grass) + pii(thin) + ú (have) + ara(suffix similar to the Russian suffix -tel)) . In the closest form to the original capivara it entered the Portuguese language and is widely used in Brazil. Already in shape capibara through Spanish, the word entered English, Russian, Japanese and a number of other languages. In the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America, other names derived from the languages ​​of local Indians are also in use: carpincho(Argentina, Peru, etc.), chiguiiro(Venezuela, Colombia), jochi(Bolivia), ñeque(Columbia), etc.

Scientific name (both generic and specific epithets) Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris translated as "water pig" (other Greek. ὕδωρ - water + χοῖρος - pig), tracing paper from which served as the basis for both the alternative Russian name for this animal - capybara, and its names in Chinese (水豚), Hungarian ( Vizidiszno), Icelandic ( Flóðsvin) and some other languages, as well as variants used in Argentina ( chancho de agua and puerco de agua).


The body length of an adult capybara reaches 1-1.35 m, the height at the withers is 50-60 cm. Males weigh 34-63 kg, and females 36-65.5 kg (measurements were made in Venezuelan llanos). Females are usually larger than males.

Body is heavy. Outwardly, the capybara resembles a giant large-headed guinea pig. The head is large, massive with a wide, blunt muzzle. The upper lip is thick. Ears are short and rounded. The nostrils are widely spaced. The eyes are small, set high on the head and set somewhat back. The tail is rudimentary. The limbs are rather short; front - 4-fingered (there were six fingers) [ clarify], rear - 3-fingered. The fingers are connected by small swimming membranes and are equipped with short strong claws. The body is covered with long (30-120 mm) and coarse hair; undercoat is absent. The color of the upper side of the body is from reddish-brown to grayish, the ventral side, as a rule, is yellowish-brown. Juveniles are lighter colored. Mature males have a patch of skin with numerous large sebaceous glands on the upper part of the muzzle. Females have 6 pairs of abdominal nipples.

The skull is massive, with wide and strong zygomatic arches. Teeth 20. Cheek teeth without roots, grow throughout the life of the animal. The incisors are wide, have a longitudinal groove on the outer surface. The small and large tibia are partially fused together. There is no collarbone. There are 66 chromosomes in the diploid set.

Recorded in the following countries: Argentina , Bolivia , Brazil , Venezuela , Guyana , Colombia , Paraguay , Peru , Uruguay , French Guiana . The distribution area includes the Orinoco, Amazon and La Plata river basins. The main factors limiting the spread are air and water temperature. In the mountains, capybaras are found up to an altitude of 1300 m above sea level.

Lifestyle and nutrition

Leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle; rarely more than 500-1000 m away from water. Its distribution is associated with seasonal fluctuations in the water level - during the rainy season, capybaras disperse throughout the territory, in the dry season they accumulate along the banks of large rivers and other permanent reservoirs and often travel long distances in search of water and food.

These rodents are usually active during the day, but if they are often disturbed by people and predators, they switch to a nocturnal lifestyle.

population status

The capybara is not a protected species. Agricultural development of land and the creation of grazing lands often benefit capybaras, providing them with food and water during droughts. As a consequence, the number of capybaras in the pasture area may be higher than in undeveloped areas. The highest population density is estimated at 2-3.5 individuals/ha.

Currently, semi-wild capybaras are bred on special farms (Venezuela) for meat and leather products; are also used as a source of fat for pharmaceutical purposes. Capybara meat tastes and looks like

The capybara animal, or as this animal is also called, the capybara, is a herbivorous mammal that leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Outwardly, capybaras resemble guinea pigs, but they are much larger in size.


The capybara is the largest rodent living on the planet today. An adult beast reaches the size of a large dog. The capybara reaches 60 cm at the withers, and its body can be from 100 to 135 cm in length. The weight of adult males ranges from 30 to 63 kg, while that of females ranges from 36 to 67 kg. The largest capybara weighed 70 kg.

Animals are large, look well-fed. Outwardly, they resemble a guinea pig. The head is massive, ears and eyes are small. The legs are short, while the front legs are longer than the hind legs. On the front paws there are four fingers with swimming membranes, on the hind legs - 3.

The wool of the capybara is hard, a bit like the skin of a beaver. The hairs are brown, 3 to 12 cm long. The tail is short. Capybaras were also described by Gerald Durrell, who pointed out that the animals are phlegmatic and good-natured.


The capybara lives in the tropical and temperate forests of Central and South America. This cute animal is called capybara for a reason. For normal life, they simply need water bodies. Animals settle along the banks of rivers, lakes, ponds. They can be found in the Amazon, Orinoco and La Plata basins.


Capybaras cannot live far from water. During the drought period, they flock to the shores of large reservoirs in hundreds, during the rainy season they disperse over the area. In search of food and water, animals can travel considerable distances.

Capybaras don't just live on the banks. They do well in a river or lake and are excellent swimmers. Their eyes and nostrils are positioned so that liquid does not enter them. And if the capybara notices danger, it can simply dive and hide in the water. The animal does not hold its breath, its nostrils remain on the surface.

The capybara can also defend itself from predators with the help of its powerful large incisors. Capybaras are hunted by both aquatic and terrestrial predators - jaguars, ocelots, anacondas, caimans, crocodiles. Small pigs should also be wary of large birds of prey.


What does a capybara eat? The mammal is a herbivore and eats a variety of plant foods. Animals scour the shallow water, looking for delicious herbs growing on the shore. Since the ears, nostrils and eyes are located at the top of the head, the capybara can wander through shallow water, almost completely submerged. It is almost impossible to notice a group of grazing animals from the shore because of the low grass.

The capybara is a mainly diurnal rodent. Animals feed in the morning, evening or at night. On a hot afternoon they rest. However, if the animals are often disturbed by people and terrorized by predators, they can switch to a nocturnal lifestyle completely.

The capybara animal feeds on grass, aquatic plants, tubers, vegetables and various fruits. The rodent cuts plants with its incisors, and chews with the help of molars. Capybara teeth are large and yellow. They grow throughout their lives.

Social connections

Capybaras live in large families of 10-20 adults. During a drought, they can gather on the banks of large water bodies in large groups of more than a hundred individuals. A capybara family is headed by a dominant male and several females, as well as cubs and subordinate males. It happens that a high-ranking male expels male competitors, and they are forced to live alone. Capybaras actively communicate with each other using various sounds reminiscent of barking, clicking, whistling.


The capybara animal becomes sexually mature at 15-18 months. Mammals can mate throughout the year, but the breeding season usually occurs at the beginning of the rainy season. Pregnancy of the female proceeds quickly. Babies are born after 150 days. The female can give birth to up to 8 cubs.

Babies weigh about 1.5 kg. They are born independent, covered with wool. Their eyes are already open, teeth erupted. Small capybaras feed on mother's milk for another 3-4 months, after which they begin to feed on their own. Usually the female brings one litter, but in good conditions she can give birth 2-3 times a year.


The capybara animal is bred on farms in Venezuela. Their meat is used as food and tastes like pork. The application is also found in the skin of animals, and their subcutaneous fat is used in pharmaceuticals.

Since capybaras live in wetlands, their breeding is seasonal. In the rainy season, they diverge over a vast territory and breed, and in the dry season they gather in a limited area, where part of the herd is selected for slaughter.

Recently, such an animal as the capybara has become popular. Photos of these cute animals are spreading across the network. Many dream of having such a charming pet. And this is quite possible if you live in a tropical climate.

Capybara, whose photo cannot leave you indifferent, can really become an excellent companion. The animals are completely non-aggressive, affectionate, trusting, quickly become attached to a person and are capable of learning. Some gifted individuals can be taught various tricks and commands.

Capybaras are clean. They can be walked on a leash like dogs. In captivity, animals can live up to 12 years. Capybaras need a large enclosure with a pond. A shade is required in which the animal can hide from the sun. Capybaras are fed with pellets for rodents, hay, aquatic plants, grass, vegetables. They also need branches of shrubs and trees on which to grind their teeth.

Here are some interesting facts about capybara.

  1. The capybara is the only species in the Hydrochoeridae family. However, some scientists distinguish a separate dwarf species of mammals, significantly inferior to ordinary capybaras in size.
  2. The capybara is recognized as the largest living rodent in the world at the moment. But the distant ancestors of rodents were the size of a modern bear.
  3. In the language of the Guarani Indians, the animals are called capiuwa, which means "master of herbs."
  4. During the time of the conquistadors, the Pope declared that capybaras are fish, as they spend most of their time in the water. This decree allowed the consumption of rodent meat even during fasting.
  5. In many countries, capybaras are hunted as they are considered to be harmful to agriculture. In fact, rodents feed mainly on aquatic and marsh plants.

Capybaras are peaceful and friendly mammals with good looks and interesting behavior. Thanks to sociability and good nature, they can become pets.

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