How to dissolve a urinary stone in the pipes. How to effectively remove the "stone" in the toilet. Strong chemistry in the fight against mineral deposits

Plumbing is under attack. This is especially true for the toilet. The appearance of plaque, orange smudges, unpleasant "aromas" are problems that can be encountered if the plumbing is not washed in a timely manner. How to clean the toilet - consider in more detail.

Why does a urinary stone appear?

Such deposits are considered the most stable. Their appearance on the surface of sanitary ware indicates that the drain does not work or the owners forget to flush after themselves after toilet procedures. And water contains many minerals.

During operation, they interact with the urinary stone, forming a strong, hard coating of a gray-orange color. Since it is not possible to clean the toilet bowl mechanically (there is a high risk of splitting plumbing), acid-base solutions are used to wash it.

Why is plaque formation dangerous?

The appearance of a urinary stone on plumbing over time leads to a decrease in the drain hole, which threatens to become completely clogged. Removing such a plaque will already be a whole problem, you will have to change the plumbing. It will cost much less than cleaning in several stages with different means.

You should be aware that if a urinary stone forms quickly enough, this means that the plumbing is outdated and its surface has become rough. Such sanitary ware is changed or washed more often.

Work safety

Since it is possible to clean the toilet from a urinary stone by working with acids, alkalis, protective equipment should be used. In some cases, you can get by with gloves, and when working with especially harmful substances, respirators and goggles are used. This will prevent burning the respiratory tract. Since it is possible to clean the toilet from a urinary stone at home (photo attached) using folk methods, we will start with them.

Baking soda

The powder is poured for 12 hours on the places of pollution (preferably at night). This improves the efficiency of this method. In the morning, clean with a brush and then rinse with water. If the contamination is not completely gone, then you need to repeat the procedure.

As a rule, baking soda is used with other cleaning products such as vinegar, citric acid.


How to clean the toilet from a urinary stone with vinegar? The most effective method would be to use a vinegar solution with baking soda. This method should be applied at night, since with heavy pollution it will take 8 hours to achieve perfect cleanliness.

A glass of vinegar is taken, heated to 40 ° C, 2 teaspoons of baking soda are added, everything is mixed until completely dissolved. The resulting solution must be applied with a brush to problem areas. Wash off with warm water after 12 hours. The greatest effect can be achieved by first pumping out the water completely from the sanitary ware and pouring more solution. Do not forget about the respiratory organs, eyes.

Lemon acid

Many housewives have come across this descaling powder.

And the question immediately arises of how to clean the toilet from urinary stone without boiling water? Everything is simple, sprinkle abundantly on the places of contamination, lower the lid, let stand for 2-4 hours, depending on the degree of contamination. Then rinse with hot water, if necessary, clean with a brush.

For greater effect, pump out water from plumbing, carefully pour boiling water. And 2-3 packets of citric acid are already added to it. Give time for a reaction, wash off in the same way as the first option.

Imported soda

Such drinks contain a large amount of citric acid. For example, Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite. Therefore, many housewives began to use them to clean faience, while showing their children how "useful" soda is. So how to clean the toilet from a urinary stone at home in this way? You will need 2 to 3 liters of soda. It should be poured overnight. In the morning, you will need to walk with a brush through the contaminated areas, rinse with water.

Oxalic acid

Modern housewives are unlikely to have heard of such a substance. In fact, this is one of the most effective ways. If you managed to get it, feel free to use it. How to clean the toilet with this tool?

To do this, you need to apply the granules to the places of contamination with a damp cloth or sponge, leave for 1-2 hours, depending on the degree of neglect. Next, you will need to rub with a brush, rinse with water. In this way, it is easy to restore the whiteness of plumbing.

Hydrochloric, phosphoric acid

This method is not suitable for plumbing with plastic pipes of the drain system, it will corrode. Since you will need to clean the toilet with this method using acid, you should use protective equipment: gloves, a respirator, goggles. The solution is used 33%.

The liquid is applied to the places of contamination. The reaction time is 15 minutes. After that, everything is thoroughly washed off with a brush and water. This method is very effective, but hydrochloric acid should be handled with care. Orthophosphoric acid is used in the same way.

Battery electrolyte

Few have heard that the electrolyte can be used for household chores. For example, it is suitable for solving the question of how to clean the toilet from urinary stone. A folk remedy of such a plan is quite effective. The electrolyte in its composition has hydrochloric acid, distilled water. You can buy it at any automotive store. The agent is poured into the places of contamination. After you need to wait 10-15 minutes and wash off the product with a brush, water.

Specialized funds

The household chemicals market offers a wide range of finished products for plumbing.

These reagents in their composition have various types of acids and alkalis. Consider the most popular means:

  • Powders. Abrasives. Such means are used for mechanical action. Apply them with a brush or sponge. May contain chloride compounds. The most famous powders: "Pemolux", "Komet".
  • Liquids. Such products are applied to the places of contamination, they are given time to react, then they are washed off. For example, "Whiteness", "Sanoks".
  • Gels. These tools are more effective due to their ductility. Unlike liquid, they flow down the walls of sanitary ware more slowly, which allows them to corrode plaque as much as possible. Gels are applied under the rim of the toilet bowl. According to the instructions for use, time is given for the reaction. Then, with the help of a brush and water, they are washed off. The most famous: "Domestos", and others.
  • Creams. They are applied to places of contamination, additional use of sponges with abrasive for rubbing and cleaning is possible. Give time to react, wash off. One example is Sif.

What is interesting ready-made funds? Their reaction time with plaque is 30 minutes. Therefore, their popularity is justified. But if the ready-made reagents are over, but you need to urgently clean the plumbing, then folk remedies will come to the rescue.

Either method will be more effective if all the water is removed from the toilet and the products are applied directly to the contamination.

Plaque prevention

Since cleaning the toilet from a urinary stone at home is not an easy task, it is better to carry out prevention in a timely manner. Manufacturers of household chemicals offer a wide range of such products:

  • Pills. Placed in a drain tank. Promptly wash away dirt, including under the rim. They also serve as fragrances.
  • gel blocks. Mounted under the rim of sanitary ware. They also serve to prevent pollution, prevent the formation of bacteria.

You should also periodically wash the plumbing, monitor the serviceability of the drain. Leakage of water will cause the formation of plaque. And the lack of a drain will turn into a disaster for the cleanliness of the toilet.

Every woman dreams of perfect cleanliness in her home. However, the too active pace of life of a modern person does not allow this to be achieved: work, caring for children practically do not leave time for high-quality cleaning. This is especially true for toilet cleaning. If it is not cleaned in time, urinary stone accumulates on it. It is formed from the minerals contained in human urine. The most favorable environment for the formation of a urinary stone is the place of stagnant water and the rim of the toilet bowl. Therefore, the problem of how to clean the toilet from urinary stone is very relevant for modern housewives.

Urinary stone is formed due to the following factors:

  1. Poor and irregular cleaning.
  2. Untimely or insufficient flushing is especially relevant for families with children who rarely remember to always flush after themselves. As a result, minerals gradually eat into the walls of the toilet bowl and form a yellow coating.
  3. Broken tank.
  4. Defects on the surface of plumbing are a favorable environment for the accumulation of bacteria.
  5. Very old plumbing.

If the toilet is not cleaned in a timely manner, stone plaque in the toilet bowl accumulates very quickly, increases in size, and as a result, the outlet is greatly narrowed. If this problem is found, do not delay with its solution - immediately begin the fight against urinary stone. If the plaque has become very dense, it will be very difficult to remove it and no household tools will help you. As a result, only a complete replacement of plumbing will help solve the problem.

Cleaning instructions

If the hostess constantly monitors the cleanliness of the toilet bowl, its condition always remains good. It is necessary not only to follow the operating instructions, but also to use the necessary means for cleaning.

Cleaning the toilet comes down to the use of folk remedies and household chemistry. How to remove urinary stone from the surface of the toilet bowl? Consider the main stages of work:

Remember: the older and thicker the formation, the more aggressive means should be used. It is unlikely that you will be able to remove a thick yellow coating from the first dose. You can bring it out completely gradually. Important! Children should not be around when cleaning plumbing with chemicals, as most cleaning products are very toxic.

Basic Methods

The question of how to clean the toilet from a stone on your own worries many housewives. Consider the most effective means and methods:

"Domestos" and "Whiteness"

The composition of these alkaline agents includes caustic soda, which acts directly on the urinary stone, while dissolving it completely. First, wipe the surface to be treated dry, after removing the water. Apply the selected agent to the affected areas, hold for 30 minutes, rinse with plenty of water. If necessary, repeat the procedure.


You need to take 1 cup of ordinary vinegar, pour it into a bowl and heat it up a little on the fire. Then add soda (3 tsp) and mix well. With the resulting solution, treat the surface of the toilet bowl and leave to act overnight. Then rinse off the remaining product with water.

Lemon acid

The easiest and cheapest way. It is enough to pour 4-5 sachets of the product onto the walls of the toilet bowl and leave for 2-3 hours. You can use lemon essence. After that, also use a brush and rinse with water. This method will not completely remove the stone, but it can easily cope with a small plaque.


With this tool, you can not only remove the urinary stone, but also destroy microbes. In addition, chlorine is an excellent whitening agent. It is necessary to treat the walls of the toilet bowl with bleach and leave for 12 hours. For the best effect, use a special brush. Important! Although effective, chlorine has a negative effect on health.

Carbonated drinks

Coca Cola, Sprite, and other high gas drinks are very effective in removing urinary stones. To clean the toilet, pour 2-3 bottles of the drink and leave for 12 hours. Due to the high content of citric acid contained in carbonated drinks, the urinary stone quickly dissolves and the surface becomes dazzling white.

Oxalic acid

Experienced housewives recommend cleaning the toilet from stone with oxalic acid. It can be purchased at any economic department, especially since it is inexpensive. Acid should be poured into the toilet and left for about 8 hours (with the lid closed). Then treat with a brush and water.

Caustic soda

This is a very popular tool that can clean pipes of almost any blockage. In addition to urinary stone, caustic soda cleans the surface of fat. Be sure to wear a protective mask and gloves before working.

Orthophosphoric acid

To clean the stone, you need to make a cleaning solution: dilute 150 g of acid in 1 liter of water, apply it to the contaminated surface and leave it to act for half an hour. Then carefully treat the surface with a brush and be sure to rinse with plenty of water.

Hydrochloric acid

With the help of 33% hydrochloric acid solution, a urinary stone can be removed very quickly. However, you need to use the tool very carefully, using all protective equipment. Pour 1 cup of acid down the toilet, rub it in with a special brush, and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Then use your usual cleanser and rinse with water. Remember that this method is not recommended if you have plastic sewer pipes in your house.

Battery electrolyte

This is a very strong tool for combating almost any deposits, thanks to its sulfuric acid. It is necessary to treat the contaminated surface with liquid electrolyte and leave for just a few minutes. Battery electrolyte is sold in any department of automotive chemistry.


An excellent tool that can remove any kind of pollution. It is necessary to pour one package of the product into the toilet and leave it to act for 12 hours. After that, you will see that the plaque fell off on its own. The remaining dirt on the walls of the toilet should be removed with a stiff brush, then rinsed with water.

Special funds

Today, hardware stores offer a huge range of products designed specifically for removing urinary stones: gels, solutions and creams. All of them have a very fast action - about half an hour. During this time, the entire plaque is completely dissolved. Liquid products should be applied to the rim of the toilet bowl, and after treatment, cleaned with a brush. Unlike abrasive powders, they do not leave scratches on the earthenware surface.


Ordinary pumice stone in this case will not be very convenient, it is better to purchase a special pumice stone on a stick.


There are times when a person cannot use household chemicals for cleaning, for example, due to allergies. An excellent solution is to use ordinary soda: pour 1 cup of the product onto a dry surface and brush it thoroughly.


To avoid the formation of dense plaque, there is no need to regularly use potent agents. It is enough to follow a few simple recommendations:

Remember that it is better to prevent any contamination than to clean it up afterwards.

Whether you moved to an apartment where the previous owners were sluts, whether you rented a room in a hostel - this piquant problem will be relevant for you.

So - how to clean the toilet from urinary stone?

Reasons for the appearance

Before deciding how to remove a urinary stone in the toilet, let's analyze the reasons for its appearance.

Contrary to the name, the stone is not traces of visiting the toilet dried on the walls. Rather, it consists not only of them.

First of all, these are lime deposits, inevitable where water is taken from artesian wells or from river intakes. That is, in fact, everywhere. Dried, sorry, urine serves only as a spicy seasoning for lime.

So why does a urinary stone begin to grow?

Why do we have to look for how to clean the toilet from the stone?

  • A fixed volume of water contains a very specific amount of dissolved minerals.. The more water passes through the toilet, the more lime settles on its walls.
    And often most of the water flows through the toilet not during the inevitable visits, but due to an unregulated tank. The water in it goes for free, and the contents of the toilet are constantly updated.
  • Accelerates the formation of deposits porous or rough surface of the toilet bowl. The smaller the bumps, the less dirt collects on the surface.
    This applies to rust, and to limescale, and to urinary stone.

Please note: Glazed sanitary ware toilets have a smoother surface and require less cleaning.

The ideal option is porcelain, it is even smoother. But this is already a slightly different price category.

Stone Prevention Methods

Are there any preventive measures? How to prevent the formation of plaque with an unpleasant odor?

What to do in order not to look for how to dissolve thick deposits?

  • Eliminate . Often just adjusting the float is enough to keep the toilet from overflowing. Less commonly, it may be necessary to repair the armature or even replace it completely.
  • Purchase cistern tablets. They prevent the formation of deposits and, albeit slowly, but help to dissolve existing ones. In addition, they give the water a pleasant color and smell.
  • Remember to clean your toilet at least once a week. Apply any cleanser and wash off after half an hour easily.
    Looking for how to remove a stone in the toilet if it has been accumulating for years is tiring. No tool will remove a centimeter-thick stone in five minutes.

Getting rid of existing deposits

Let's go to the store

How to remove a urinary stone in the toilet if it has already grown over several years of use?

What can modern household chemicals offer us?

  1. Abrasive scouring powders. For example, Pemolux. The principle is clear: we put on gloves, scoop out all the water from the toilet, pour the product and three rags until a snow-white surface appears from under the layer of dirt.
    Extremely tiring; unpleasant; in addition, the inner surface of the toilet bowl will become rough after cleaning. The abrasive will leave micro-scratches on the glaze or earthenware surface. If so, it will collect pollution faster.
  2. Alkaline cleaners. From imported - "Domestos", from domestic - "Belizna". As a rule, the basis of the product is a solution of caustic soda.
    It dissolves the urinary stone, after which the remaining deposits are washed off with a brush and water.
    How to clean the toilet from stone with alkali? Again, scoop out the water and apply it to the pollution. Wash off after half an hour, repeat several times if necessary. “Whiteness”, however, can be simply poured instead of water - its cost is ridiculously small.

Tip: if the tank goes through even a little - before cleaning, turn off the water on the tank, rinse and let the remaining water drain.

Otherwise, the alkali will be quickly washed away, not having time to dissolve at least part of the deposits.

  1. Acidic cleaners. For example, "Sillit". The principle of operation of such is the same as that of alkalis, it is applied in exactly the same way.
    However, acids are noticeably more effective in dissolving stone and other deposits.

Folk remedies

Something tells us that grandmothers and mothers had to deal with long before imported household chemicals appeared in stores. How to clean the toilet from a urinary stone if the store with cleaning products is far away?

Let's think: what acts on the urinary stone in the most effective preparations? Acid, right?

Once we understand this, we just need to find in any accessible place a sufficiently concentrated solution of any acid.

  • Dry oxalic acid is used in the chemical industry to etch surfaces before applying enamels.
    If you have some of this white matter, you will need it.
    How to remove a urinary stone in the toilet with dry oxalic acid? Either apply it to a damp cloth and wipe off the dirt, or dissolve a fair amount of it right in the toilet bowl.
    After application, rinse it off and clean the surface with a brush. Don't forget the gloves.

If yours is for sale, you can buy it. This package will last for several years.
  • Battery electrolyte is also an acid. Apply and wash off after 15 minutes, repeat if necessary.
  • In almost any refrigerator there are vinegar essence or bags of citric acid. In this case, of course, the toilet will have to be drained. Do not forget about the pungent smell of vinegar, do not inhale its fumes.
  • Another folk recipe was born recently. A bottle is simply poured into the toilet - another Coca-Cola or Sprite.
    Citric acid in them quickly corrodes deposits. Which, by the way, makes you think - is it worth drinking these drinks without worrying about your teeth.


As you can see, there are a lot of ways, and you will find some means to fight the stone at home. Good luck cleaning!

The appearance of urinary stone and limescale is not a one-day process. It is unlikely to harm health, but it is quite likely to harm sanitary ceramics. In addition, the sight of a dirty toilet or sink can spoil the whole picture of your immaculate bathroom. Today we will tell you how to deal with the worst enemies of sanitary ware and earthenware in ordinary, home conditions.

Causes of deposits

In order to choose an effective way to deal with deposits on sanitary ceramics (faience), you first need to find out the reasons for their appearance, composition, etc. The proverb “You need to know the enemy by sight” is also relevant in our difficult task.

Plaque not only spoils the appearance, but also destroys the enamel of the plumbing device

Limescale is a deposition of minerals, which are found in excess in tap water, on the surface of ceramic and chrome products. Basically, pollution is formed in the places of flushing in the form of yellow-orange smudges. Moreover, the more often the water in the toilet is flushed, the faster the plaque forms.

Important! If plaque is not removed from the water supply nozzles in time, deposits can cause them to become clogged. Keep track of the status of each of your "home assistants".

A urinary stone is a deposit of minerals found in the human body. They are excreted along with the urine and settle on the walls of the ceramic product. Combining with the minerals contained in the water, they form a dense and very unaesthetic layer of gray-yellow color. Irregularities in the ceramic coating exacerbate and accelerate this process.

If ceramics are initially of poor quality, then plaque forms on it faster due to the porosity of the material

When choosing sanitary ceramics, check the smoothness of the inside surface of the bowl. The ideal option is to purchase a product made of sanitary porcelain, unlike cheaper faience, it has a dense structure. This is achieved due to the elevated temperature at which the product is fired. And it is the density that makes porcelain toilet bowls smoother, and plaque and stone do not so quickly eat into the structure of porcelain, so it is much easier to clean it with your hands.

It should be understood that sanitary china is a material for the manufacture of elite sanitary ware, therefore its price is much higher than that of faience models. Whether to attribute this feature to the minuses is up to each user to decide independently.

Porcelain product

The main reason for the appearance of deposits of any kind is the neglect of preventive methods for cleaning ceramics. It should be remembered that the more often the scheduled cleaning of the toilet room and the cleaning of plumbing is carried out, the longer the toilet remains in its original form.

Cleaning with improvised and folk remedies

To clean the toilet, sink or shower tray from plaque, it is not necessary to run to the store and spend money on expensive chemicals. In addition, effective substances are expensive, and you don’t want to spend money on ineffective ones. In order to save yourself from unnecessary waste, and the toilet from limescale and urinary stone, you can use improvised means that any housewife always has in her arsenal. So, several ways to clean plumbing, borrowed from the people.

Lemon acid

The main enemy of lime deposits is citric acid. It very effectively fights deposits that have not reached their critical point.

Citric acid is an excellent plaque remover

For this you need:

  • purchase 3-4 sachets of the substance;
  • apply to contaminated places;
  • close the toilet lid;
  • wait 4-5 hours (better until morning);
  • rinse off the water, carefully treating with a brush.

For greater efficiency, you can repeat the procedure several times.

Acetic acid

Works the same way as lemon. But for its use, vinegar essence must be prepared:

  • measure 250 g of vinegar essence or food vinegar 9%;
  • heat the liquid to 45-50 ° C (be sure to cover the container with a lid to avoid a pungent vinegar smell);
  • pour warm vinegar into the toilet;

When working with acetic acid, do not forget to protect the airways with a bandage.

  • for efficiency, you can add a little baking soda (2-3 tsp);
  • be sure to close the toilet bowl with a lid;
  • leave for 2-3 hours or overnight.

In the morning, rinse the bowl thoroughly with water and rub it with a brush or other brush.

Oxalic acid

This tool is now receding into the background and comes across on store shelves less and less. But if you met it on the modern market, feel free to buy it, because it is a cheap and effective way to restore the original whiteness of your ceramics. It is necessary to apply the product on a slightly damp soft cloth or sprinkle on the places where the urinary stone and plaque are deposited. Feel sorry for the substance is not worth it. After treating mineral accumulations, clean with a brush and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Oxalic acid will clean the surface of the toilet in a short time

Baking soda

This drug is in the kitchen of everyone. With the help of soda, you can enhance the effect of acid, acetic or citric. Soda that has fallen on contaminated areas destroys the structure of minerals and completely removes plaque from the surface of ceramic products. To clean the toilet, you will need at least 200 g (1 pack). For greater effectiveness, it is better to leave the drug to work all night. In the morning, all that remains is to brush the bowl with a brush, cleaning off the remnants of mineral deposits.

Coca Cola

No matter how strange it may sound, but this wonderful drink can not only quench your thirst, but also remove old limescale. To do this, pour 1-2 liters of liquid into the bowl and leave overnight. How the cleaning properties of Cola were revealed is unknown, we can only assume that the drink was poured into the toilet by a caring mother, who later discovered that he "ate" all the deposits.

Important! Although improvised means do not have a high concentration of acids or alkalis, it is necessary to work with them with gloves. And when using vinegar, you need to take care of the respiratory tract.

Some housewives even use Cola to remove plaque.

Chemistry on guard of purity

Improvised substances can clean non-critical pollution. When lime deposits look more like a toilet bowl coating, and the formation of a urinary stone has acquired a dark brown hue, folk remedies are useless. Only heavy artillery in the form of powerful chemical cleaners can cope here.

Very important! With caustic chemicals it is necessary to work only with rubber gloves! Do not neglect safety when using!

It is best to use specialized detergents that are designed only for toilets. Be sure to read the product label before use.

After keeping the product, be sure to brush the bullshit

With critical and extremely abundant growths of mineral deposits, you can use a liquid electrolyte, which is used in car batteries. Use it only as a last resort, when other means have not brought results. It contains sulfuric acid in its composition, so do not forget to take care of your own safety.

Preventive control measures

Everyone knows that it is much easier to prevent the appearance of pollution than to look for means to combat it. In order to prevent the spread of deposits of lime and urinary stone, you need to use a few tips:

If the toilet is kept clean, there will be no need to use caustic chemicals. With proper care, your ceramics will shine clean for a long time.

How to wash the toilet from plaque and rust: video

How to remove plaque: photo

The condition of the toilet depends entirely on the features of its operation. Any plumbing product needs proper care. And in order not to look for an answer to the question: how to remove a urinary stone from the toilet bowl, it is necessary to properly operate this product.

Two troubles of toilets: limescale and urinary stone do not appear within one day. These defects occur due to improper operation over a long period.

In the photo - the toilet before and after cleaning.

But if the case is already running, then you should know how to remove a urinary stone from the toilet and what to do in order to prevent its occurrence in the future.

How is a urinary stone formed?

Infrequent hygienic cleaning of this sanitary ware causes plaque to form on the drain and rim. This plaque is called urinary stone. Also, the cause of its formation may be an irregular pressing of the drain button.

Often this problem occurs in families with small children. The point is untimely and irregular flushing of urine, which leads to the fact that mineral deposits form on the walls of the drain hole. Subsequently, with an increase in its density, a urinary stone is formed. And you won’t be able to clean it with a brush, as well as household products for cleaning sanitary ware.

In addition to such deposits, lime deposits can form under the rim. The reason for its formation is the hardness of water and its chemical composition. Regular hygienic cleaning of plumbing allows you to prevent the appearance of lime deposits.

To effectively combat the formation of limescale, products that are designed to soften water can be used.

How to do a simple cleanup

Now consider how to remove a urinary stone from the toilet, if the situation is not too advanced. To eliminate it, as well as to eliminate limescale, the same methods can be used. In the event that we are talking about non-stagnant plaque, then relatively simple cleaning measures can be dispensed with.

The instruction involves several steps:

  1. First you need to remove the water from the toilet. You can do this with your own hands, using a plunger or a glass with a handle.
  2. Now you can use any products designed for washing the toilet. They are distinguished by their low price and availability. The product must be applied to the walls, leaving at least an hour. In the event that the plaque has not been removed, you can repeat this procedure several times, especially if you have chosen a liquid remedy.

  1. Now plaque can be wiped off with a brush.

Cardinal stone removal methods

The above method is only suitable for removing thin deposits. But how to clean serious deposits on the walls of the toilet? The following table will help you with this.

Removal of moderate plaque

Now consider how to remove a urinary stone from the toilet in more detail.

With sufficiently large deposits, you need to prepare the following:

  • Gloves.
  • Any hard brush (not metal).
  • White.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Vinegar.
  • Baking soda.

In order to remove a urinary stone with the help of these means, there are several ways:

  1. We use vinegar. To do this, use 9% vinegar. We heat a glass of vinegar to 40 degrees.

When heated, vinegar emits a very pungent odor, so it is advisable to cover it with a lid.

Pour baking soda into the heated vinegar, then a small amount of iodine. Pour this composition into the toilet and leave it here all night so that the vinegar has time to dissolve.

  1. With whiteness. To do this, remove the water from the toilet. Then pour a bottle of the product into it, leaving it overnight. If the result is unsatisfactory, it is necessary to rinse the plumbing fixture with warm water.

  1. using citric acid. To do this, prepare a couple of bags of acid. We put them on the toilet and close the lid. Plaque dissolves within three hours. This procedure can be repeated until the product is completely cleaned.
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